xQc reacts to Anthony Fantano's review of Kanye's new album, Vultures 1.
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Chat Chat guys guys guys. I Heard this. um chat I heard the the Fantano guy was mobbing about the Albama he he it's unreviewable he said I am writing in this is completely unreviewable trash and here's why: Question what is even the purpose of a music review in the first place. I Can say at least in terms of my own intent that when I do a music review I hope to achieve a couple of things.

One give the viewer pause and cause them to think about why it is they do or don't like the piece of music or art that I'm doing an overview of or two excite people Chat: Are we allowed to do a video review chat? since he's going to do a music review? Chat this at the back over here. this thing. it's laggy. This should not give the music that I'm talking about.

After this many years I' beening videos, this shouldn't be like this problem. Neither of those goals are possible. in any scenario that involves reviewing this album. News Flash: Since 2022 Kanye has made it his mission to go fullon anti-semite spouting insane conspiracy theories talking about how he loves Hitler Well, I thought this was about a music and at some point I think he realized how much he up with all of that.

So now he has to own this total dumpster fire he's created and boast about how people think he's anti-semitic now because yeah they do. Even if he does genuinely apologize. hold on. What is this one? Theos She ride dick like a carniv Okay, let's let's just continue.

Jesus Christ You see, look like a like a cariv stay mad Baldi Kanye The goat Fire fire fire goat goat goat. But why is he so mad? Why is he so mad and change his behavior past this point his Public Image is forever altered by all of this. I mean you platform to booger eating white supremacist and have guys uh, like this repping for you on a highway overpass? This is not a can of worms. A guy like Kanye is capable of closing not without help from someone who is willing to tell him no, but he spent the same period of time pushing away anybody who could possibly do that at this.

Chad Guys guys, if you're going to hold more High Ground on on things people say right, then if this is going to do this, he shouldn't review almost any music. that he does review most of the movie. Most of the music he reviews are for people who talk about drugs and killing and violence and not only do they talk about it, they have done it right. They have actually done harmful things in real life physically to other people and boast about it.

And he reviews this willing F right? And now that it's a guy that that has that has a take that's dog I Understand how bad can be right and how how terrible to but to really say oh no, this is the one that's too far. This is where I Dra the line he said this, he said that comp to people who have killed I mean come on brother, that's that's just that's just weird. That's just a bad take. sorry sir point.

Also, bald guys I got to pause what I'm saying and just pause just to say bald because I think that has validity in what I'm saying. Actually his wife who he has now replaced with somebody who he just like kind of parades around like she's a naked body with no personality, opinion or voice. but she's a person that makes her own choices and she just didn't want to be half naked going around. She wouldn't do it right.
And depending on Kanye for the fact that or yay, the fact that um, his, uh, significant other is going around half naked ising ridiculous. That means that he that also implies that as the guy in the orig you should say yo, you wear this, you wear that but and also it also implies that he's doing it another bad take. also again, bald. something that on some level I think he's weirdly proud of as on the very lyrics to This Record uh he calls her just a reference which is maybe one of the what you say a preference um which is maybe one of the grossest and most dehumanizing things Kanye has said about a woman on disagree, it's being directed at his wife Guys Guys Guys: I never looked too deep into lyrics check Lyrics mean a lot of things.

How Guys: I I'm not even being dumb guys couldn't Couldn't being a reference be a positive thing? Couldn't that be a good thing? Say that somebody's a reference like is that is that. It could be a good thing, not make assumptions. What the I'm not going to go either way, but why go one way? What context? um, being a reference as in uh, let's say style or art or like fashion right? If you've done something, let's say let's say if you've done something in the past, right? That was really good and people use it as a reference. When people act certain way or just certain way, they think of you as a reference.

That could be a good thing. I'm not saying that's what it is right that that's a reference that would that would be in in this scenario. A reference in my Twitter mentions theorizing that I'm a Jew and that's the reason I don't really like his recent music. Two Anonymous nihilistic teenagers that don't really think anything he says or does has any greater consequence in the world and are most likely bored and lonely and will just defend Kanye because watching him unravel is more entertaining than most things.

I Guess bring some kind of meaning to their otherwise meaningless lives and three cultish weirdos who paraso obsess over him and everything he does. And guys, let me be honest with you. You can say you right. You're missing the point.

You're missing the point. missing the point. Um guys, you guys have. You guys have completely went.

You say you saw the point and you run away from it. Guys, that's not. That's not what. I'm That's not what I'm saying.

I'm I'm saying that it's it's um, it's kind of difficult to explain. Look at the things that he was saying at the time and people were like whoa, way too far. and they were right. She was way too far right.
It was absolutely unhinged, right? And now guys, Ironically guys I hate to say it. but I'm I guess I'm I'm going to say it out loud. look at the current state of affairs, right on social media. With said group right, people get away with saying this all the time because now oh we can, we can slip it in and it'll be accepted.

Oh because now now it's more accepted to say it. I'm going to go all say you. You know you know exactly what I'm saying. You know exact.

you look, look everywhere around you. dude, look at social media, look how it is. It's just the way it is. What I think I think it's all wrong I Agreed I think it's all wrong.

I think it's all wrong Exactly You you? You' you, you've found the point. Oh okay, so this guy saying that a Zionist and there two different So what? You're so so what? What you're saying is that yeah, you got to pick and choose gotcha. Dude, How about how about how about don't do it? How about don't don't don't say dog. What? Just don't say dog.

How is it just not be hateful? It's it's not even that hard forehead Guys: Just don't be hateful. Forehead That guys. That's about the story. Chat.

Don't be hateful. All right. let's see. let's it.

Um, I I think I know what that is Jimmy Redzo Okay, I'm going to mute. Just go next. then. Now these three types of people, and there is overlap between them in Cony's fan base about him at all.

ever. they've openly rejected any good faith effort I've made to make them aware of Kanye's downward spiral into Nazi adjacent rhetoric and now IM Iny in the promotion of this record. The point is, there's no hope of having any levelheaded conversation with somebody who is like, deep into the cone fandom at this point. Yeah, but what if you just listen to music right and listen to the noises as a music artist? I don't think your your job is to disintegrate all the things.

oh dude, this and this and this and that brother, brother, brother. you can do both or do one but you got to do something. You can't say. I'm not reviewing this because it possibly will affect the world in a way that I don't agree with because of the singers were said in the past and the connotations of the visuals of the album.

Shut up you Bal D just F the music and say a take ass the is all this guy man what he fell off I fell off too the then people still in my comments y I just want to tell everybody I posted my wife three times on purpose understand what? So what I'm saying is I delivered the album then people still in my comments talk about why you posting your why cuz she make me happy. that's why y'all chat guys I look music chat but guys these grills are fat as guys guys these grills are fat as and it's making them lisp up Guys guys the grills are fat ASU they're so thick guys what album are happy with the music cuz I'm happy you understand so don't never say nothing negative. you don't like my page and don't like what I'm posting Go yourself seriously leave me Le the king the F alone I Don't care bro I'mma post my wife as much as I Want go post your wife on your Instagram y I just want to tell everybody I posted my wife I don't care bro I'mma post my wife as much as I want go post your wife on your people who hold on. What is this? Since we spent all the money on the commercial spot, we actually didn't spend any money on commercial.
But the idea is I want you to go to e. Ye z y That's it literally think anything and everything he does is great and will write off any bit of descent as just being uh, biased and unfair to him as if he's Jesus Christ and can do no wrong. So yeah, there's no convincing them. Which I will say is also the case for people who have left the Kanye reservation over the past several years because there are a fair share of people who are validly pissed off about everything Kanye has been saying and doing recently and feel like it's totally beyond the pale and even if this record was somehow good, what am I supposed to do Tell the Jews in my audience a come on man, he he didn't mean it, it's not so bad, he just a little crazy.

that's all. Especially CH chat chat. When were these efforts chat when he was reviewing theing albums anding things people were saying that rappers that kill people dude, what do you think about the families that have dead people in it right when their guy says yo We blasted that fool in theing head. One tap with the Draco man pull up in that one tap that ass in the head.

What was that? How do you think their familyes feel like about him saying guys, don't worry guys, it's just the one kill guys guys, it's a stra up. It's the one tap my bad guys, it's just War it is what it is. Yeah and War dude you get one tapped like what this argument is. So guys, because if you're going to do it one way, you got to do it both ways.

If you're going to stand tall You Stand Tall across the board you don't say oh you you Oh oh this album though. Oh guys, this guy is liked by the by the public. He's a review. He's a review.

Oh but this guy though. No guys, we must stand against the Shut Up Bom since he's not doing anything to gain forgiveness. He is very apparently not sorry for anything he's been saying or doing. and the apologies he has given aren't worth a lick of because he'll think nothing of saying.

Jesus Christ Hitler Yay sponsor that not too long after. Now there are some people who will say bro, it's not the same as being anetic. That's that's ridiculous. That is ridiculous.

I I Have did you did you just compare a speech to Oh I I I Can't Do it I Can't Do it I'm I'm I'm You're being unfair here. Uh, separate the art from the artist? Come on now. you can't separate this crap from the music because it's in the music. Look at the lyrics.
read these words. they have meaning and they are saying things that are not good or normal. You would have to expect me to separate my brain from my skull if you think I'm just going to ignore it I Think this comment here pretty much sums things up. Uh, we don't care as long as the album is good.

His personality and what he says doesn't matter to me I Only care care about the music. How do you penetrate this level of self-imposed because you people consume music right in different ways, right? Because people like me? okay, don't have the brain capacity and the language to understand the lyrics I Listen to music guys I Listen to I listen to some of these songs right I Don't he said I don't care I don't know what he said it I'll never understand even though I knew what he said I still won't understand what he said I don't care Man: ignorance this person is not listening to Kanye He's not listening to anything I or anyone has to say about Kanye And this comment was posted after the album was released. so he's apparently not even listening to the content of the music that he supposedly cares so much about. So this argument about I only care about the music can't possibly be true, especially since the music too is the song paid because he thinks that all of us dude, sit down, get a song, we go to Lyrical Genius.com or what the and we go.

This person is this and that he might be this. what does that mean? let me put on my glasses and shave my hair. This could mean hatred. This could mean this.

No. I don't even know Man is one of the hilarious tracks I think Kanye has ever put out. it's just a crappier version of fade. Why wouldn't you just listen to fade? You'd have to be Del IAL to think anything else, especially with this trash ass verse from Yay and Ty doll sign on it is just amazing saying that he's just here to get paid.

At least he's honest. Then back to me with that Jay and Silent Bob chorus has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard on any Kanye album ever. I Feel like I'm being punked but beautiful big titty. don't just fly into the sky.

You know? then Hood Rat has maybe one of the most excruciating instrumentals ever. The mix is a mess God those repetitions of her R her R her R her r I mean I guess it kind of drowns out all the other stuff about the track. so that's kind of. guys.

Guys all agree that some of the songs I don't like it right and some of as Del right. but at least he's sing the songs that aren't good or I think aren't good and actually hits on the music. Why does he do that for the whole thing silver L but almost none of that upload a main video about this right? Why not do this for the whole thing? why not just do yeah for other songs matters because there is so little to praise with this record and if Kanye's delusional fans are not hearing that this record is awful on its face as they just kind of listen to it by themselves. uh nothing I'm going to say is going to convince them.
but if you really want a general assessment of this thing, it sounds like a slightly more finished Dawn too. Somehow Jesus is King uh had more songs on it that sounded the album does feel like it's been sing some songs, the album does feel like um some things were like hashed off between the first time it it was going to release and in the actual release it feels like a good chunk on the sides was complet, completely removed. but I don't know more. Oh, there's two parts.

cohesive, well put together. which is saying something because that was previously Kanye's shortest, messiest, mosted and crappy record yet. and somehow this surpassed it and at least in my mind has achieved the status of being Kanye's Worst Album But yeah, that's all I have to say. Thank you Yeah, this is a Smalling K is the only guy to get a 10 and unreviewable Incredible guys I Guys Listen, Listen listen I this every day because I enjoy it And guys this version because I enjoy the um chat.

it's almost like um I like the Oregon in it or whatever I think it has like I think it has a cool visuals I don't know what they're saying in it Dude guys I don't know what they're saying I think goodi it's like like a boss fight. like it's like a vampir. Okay, whatever, man, they bu in whatever I'm done with this whatever took her toari guys I You're addicted to hating. not not as much as Kanye is addicted to putting out mid right now.

Classic kany Kanye drum beat though. oh my. God How dare you? Why is he skipping guys? You: You can't be like grown man. By the way, when we're listening to the album of a guy who's even older than me harassed his ex-wife um, what else do we need to go through the Rrap sheet here by every metric on the planet? This man who you glaze on Twitter Chad You know what? Chad Guys Guys I Guys I Think relationships are extremely complex and have dynamics that we will never understand.

and I especially when this guy's married and has kids. Whatever. there are things that we will never understand that are complet out of our reach and my view on it is irrelevant and my analysis of it is a complete. It's a it's a zero and I'm not I'm not going to out here make I'm do that day in and day out provably act well.

My take about it more immature than I ever have every second of the day and yet you're worried about me being 38. You, oh bro is pushing 40 Kanye is older than 40 and acts like he's four. That was a kind of funny part. Okay guys guys, this is the worst chorus of Kanye's career that's not in true.

Kid me, it's fun. Are you kidding me? You know what. You know what. Okay I get it now.

I Get it. He's mad guys. He's mad because he's old and acts his age and people of his age are crusting. That's right.

I Get it now. and he sees somebody that's older and has the fun that he used to have when he was younger. and he's jelly. that somebody is having the fun of a youngster even though he's older and he's crusting.
I Get it. Beautiful I Can't begin to impersonate this. What? The big, beautiful, bigy but n wom just to follow Sky You know, like what? Not only are the vocals mixed like piss and there's like loads of unneeded distortion on it, but like what, it sounds like, trash, it doesn't even flow. It's only catchy by virtue of it.

being as no, it's not fire. There's nothing fire about this. He literally just lift I Don't know what, bro, just say yo J Meu 2401 He's modded right now. Mod Mod J J Meu 24 One added new mod.

did a line from a movie and is saying it with no regard for the Rhythm or anything whatsoever. Over the beat. it sounds like ass. It's ridiculous.

You may say it's funny. Hold guys guys, is this chat is cooking whatsoever Over the beat. It sounds like it's fun. True true L Take this guy says Sky you know he putos Dan say I love that.

You may say it's funny, but this isn't a no fun allowed. The thing is, if if that's really the only selling point for this verse for you, then this is a comedy record. Kanye's a clown like he's just a I don't know what to tell you. this is like not I mean aren't we all clowns though? His job is to entertain people.

It it's entertainment. Get to entertain people. A clown. A clown sounds like a star and entertaining.

CH Clowns are L some of the top three entertainers out there. So yeah, he is a clown. Not seriously good. There's nothing seriously good about it.

Okay, it's ridiculous. it's preposterous, but this is not good songwriting and and what's funny is like and I'll keep yapping because I'm a yappy boy is Freddy Gibbs Literally flows the same line better than Kanye does on the hook. he actually flows the line in a way where it's like holy okay that actually hit when he said it. but yet Kanye wants to come through here as if this is like oh I can't relate, can't relate to what? this isn't reality.

There's nothing real about this. uh I mean I I I live in the same universe that all of you do where in fact beautiful, big titty butt naked women don't just fall out of the sky unless there's a world that you live in where that happens which if you did, are they injured when it hits the ground like I I that you should put a TR damn chat guys, you really cooked everybody with this one chat, took it literally and took it your literal sense. Oh man guys, checkmates. everybody would go home.

We lost CH guys or at least I lost my arguments fall flat because he presented the the the argument as in a physical form b or some kind soft thing for them to on to I know it's a movie reference bro I know it's a movie reference don't talk to me like I don't know what the it's referencing know listen if if you guys some people in chat I just have to say I I thought you guys like people whose wives left them You guys like this guy, his wife left him and then he harassed her for months for it. So I mean how is that a bad thing when you like this guy, that's something that you like. This guy that happened to this guy and he was cringe and harassed his wife month Was that that funny? CH Guys: his wife left him. how is that a big deal to you when it comes to me? And also you don't know the whole story because I'm not a idiot and I don't put my personal life on the internet every day and and harass people online because I want to sort of like get my little Twitter mob harassing and fighting and uh uh, defaming people who I used to be with or married to or whatever that's psychotic.
Uh, this man does that you you can't hate on me for that. That's your guy. That's your guy. Your guy did that.

That's your guy. So whatever you're saying to me about that, that's like that. That's that's two times true for your man. So if that's a bad thing, then you know guys.

It's like this: Skip the musics, skip the music, skip the Melody skip the analysis, goes to whatever the social problem or whatever Dynamic there is. Go ahead man. skip the music man. Think of it this way.

It's like it's like when you throw out casual fat phobia. He L jumps to the it's like oh man. I wonder if that's what they think about me when when you hate on other divorced men like you're you're hating on your divorced guy over here. What if Kanye saw this chat right now he's like oh man my wife left me and I spent months harassing her and all that happened was she tried to take the kids away.

this is balding I Can't all right guys I can't I I Really cannot like of all the songs on this record that you could hype up. Why is this one a focus for you guys? Like it just again, it just sounds like shitty trap EDM From the early 2000s this happened already again. this happened yo brother, brother chat guys guys ADM was my life back then I I researched it I studied it I did I love it. What is he M where's early 2000s early 2000s again? this happened.

No, it doesn't and when it did happen Kanye was making better music. Not only that, early 2000s EDM was very techish. It was very much the same. It was difficult to get new sounds EDM in was very uh uh, similar.

uh in nature everywhere you went and it does not sound anything like this at all. like how many years has it been since Rich the kid fell off like what is he doing on this album what with this mid ass verse. He sounds awkward as on the beat. his flow is messy and this is just mix like at the time.

Okay listen music at the time was guys I'm I'm old I'm 28 Okay music at the time wasn't really like that. like even though you were young when when music was like if a song was released in like early 2000s and you were growing up you were still listening to these songs like there wasn't that many songs of that genre. Enough hits of the of emerging genres right that that that they were being overtaken. But good songs were staying alive for a long time.
You know that right? Like right now like songs last like two or three years and people just kind of forget about them back in the days. Wasn't like that. We're still listening to the EDM bangers of the early 2000s when it was late 2000s. the Bas is too much.

Those big Grand cor vocals in the background are kind of buried in such a way where they don't sound all that big. Uh, it's just another demo that you're overhyping the out of yo this guy guys guys guys I got guys. We have one more moderator I Got to add today this guy at Zeno this guy's just dancing in chat. Yeah, this guy's modded another mod done.

Like can we talk about how this whole verse is like overcompensating from the Jesus thing to the Taylor Swift thing to the Cosby thing like he's just overcompensating with every word coming out of his mouth. Also, Oh here here's the next amazing part. Get my keys in a F School You made a fake school. They got my kids in a fake school.

You made a fake school, You spent millions of dollars on a fake school and ripped people off that stupidly sent their kids to that school I Don't care I'm s this song, his Ed department and so on and so forth have all come out since that school crumbled and talked about how fake years with the juicer I'm going to say CH you're going to hate me chat I don't care Elsa's School fake which again projecting every single thing about him onto other people because that's what he does. They literally see him, they glaze him and they're like oh well, that's I have I have to copy what my goat does I have to copy what my icon does. Every single terrible thing about him look at his chat when he play the song. nobody says any about the lyrics.

everybody just dancing and bopping. Nobody cares he says oh guys I'm going to defend my guy and and go with his takes. Nobody doing this, they're just bopping it I Accuse other people of you Literally made a fake school, You dumb, You made a fake school. That's what you you cannot accuse other people of still the L hey Felix looking sex making a fake school when you did thaty you made a fake ass school.

There's tons of Articles yeah psychologist about it. There's tons of interviews about it. Go on the internet I beg you I beg you the Kanye reservation and like do a little bit. just a tad bit of research.

Don't get your information from a dumb Anonymous on Twitter with a Kanye Avatar do not that is not a good source of information actually. Go read things. Go read stuff guys Kanye I can't read I can't listen guys B Stay mold. Go go I can't read I can't listen and I I don't thetion span explain it to me either.

Okay, he's not allowed to accuse other people of making a fake school. he that. that's that's what he did. Ride dick like a carnival.
Okay let's let's just Jesus Christ look like a like a carnival all right. he skipped the whole n he's spite guys guys looking kind of fresh baby a good stream out of spite because he knows that his fans are probably like a bunch of like. he probably disagrees so much with um people who like uh PTI he prob he prob hates him so much that out of spite he skips it and he knows they going to m and the chat I predict he not he's not guys I predict he's not going to read the chat a lot. it's edited.

Oh really I mean you didn't say anything about the reverse though. What's next? Beg forgiveness. May maybe this song is about no he did SK Look doesn't he skipped the fake school begging for forgiveness For the fake school, you've gone too far. You've gone too far.

iing called it look I called it. skips the chat I'm telling you dude suffocating secret I Must keep it up. Don't let your moment pass you. Oh my goat I Can't believe my goat put oh man I love my goat.

He put a a DA left over on here. Yes yeah yeah. Shout out to my goat. Oh man.

okay man I feel bad chat that people watching for Musical review He's so he's metad at people's fan bases more than he's mad at the music guys now. I Realized that he's more. He's not mad about the music, He's not mad about the artist. He's mad at the fan base of said music more and it makes him impossible to review the music.

Objectively, that's really lame. That's really lame guys. I I Relate to the opposite. The opposite I Hate people who treat me like dog or whatever right? because they interacted with me and my and my chat said something about them or did something in their chat I Think lame as to draw conclusions about me right and what I do because of the people act around me.

It's it's weak, It's lame, It's spineless and it's unfair. dumbass. Behavior Okay, all right Oh I'm crazy I'm bipolar anti-semite I mean he's telling you himself because I mean Kanye is the one who's told you that he's crazy and bipolar. He's he himself has said that so you you can't take the third thing and be like oh yeah, is that true about me too? Like literally, you told us that you were bipolar on the front cover of your record.

but even that narrative isn't what a moronic Tak What a moronic Taken that is ridiculous, right? Because you've said that it might not be that. or if you have that, it may also be autism which you got from the car crash which is also not how you get autism like make make anything this man says make sense, please please. But yeah, we did make it to the end. We did make it to the end with with and of course we're finishing this.

We're finishing things off with a track that has one of the worst mixes on the record. Wait I thought I thought that Mak sense I thought I thought it meant I thought I meant um, yeah, they Lael me as crazy or whatever right? Which means that everything else goes after that. Isn't that what what that means Like yeah I'm still admitted that I'm kind of crazy, whatever, right? So that means that I'm Whatever. you want me to get this point and you can interpret things however you want because I'm crazy.
Whatever is that what this means I Think that makes sense. It could be about being anything bad. It could be about being being guys. It could be It could be about racism.

It could be about whatever that. I think that's what it means and I with you I think that's correct I think the if you want to talk about the verse and what it means, it's correct. Does nobody know how to mix? Does nobody know how to mix anything? I I feel I feel bad Mike Dean's not there. You know it's it's You can really tell he's not there because this means that if I say guys, I'm bipolar I'm depressed or I'm whatever the right and then I say something and they'll be like something.

That's true. Guys, don't say this guy because he's bipolar. Imagine people did this you all the time, right? and and many people treat you like this all the time. Oh, you said something in chat that make sense.

Well I disagree and to be honest, you're bipolar. So you're wrong by default. by default, you are now wrong because you're bipolar you. Oh, you're saying that I'm wrong right now.

Well I think you might be depressed so you put on medication. You're wrong. Sorry. next opinion.

It's guys. It's diminishing. It's unfair. It's stupid.

Don't talk like that. It's a good verse. Shut up. You can tell he's he's AB You could tell he went out for some smokes and never came back.

Yeah, it's got that bers a mix. At least he's telling you. at least he's telling you he an anti-semite Oh, but he's not. Oh thank.

God I've never I've never wanted silence so badly. I've never wanted silence so bad. it's finally quiet. it's finally quiet.

Interesting. not I'm not defend I'm not defending what what Kan said I'm just saying like yeah, oh, you're so disgusting. Yeah, some somehow somehow more disgusting. Here's priorities: Somehow more disgusting than the the Platinum selling rapper who was like oh, look at me I'm an anti-semite Yeah, more disgusting than that.

Yeah, um, all right. well listen. I I suffered For Your Entertainment uh, hopefully you appreciate that. All right guys.

here's my worst of the: Year Okay, chat guys guys. I guys I I think Chad you know Chad this this Tucker guy from Fox I the guy's a nut job. Okay I think the guy is insane. Okay, but but but I'll draw concl clusions about some sh he says one thing he said last time that I actually agree with is that he just point out the fact that people were like oh uh yay says this well dude, he can't it can't be right because oh dude, he's he's he's crazy bipolar.
just just look what he said we're not going to analy what he said or the meaning. the dude's the dude's crazy. Let's just let's just um, devalidate everything he's saying. It does that make sense? Why? Why is ch say oh7 what did I say that was wrong? Because you can.

you can still an what somebody says regardless of what kind of struggles they're going through and what kind of mental problems they might, they might have people's people's ideas still um, deserve at least uh to be broken down and understood properly. I think that's the best you could do to you and yourself and people around you. Some level thoughts, um probably nothing was learned. Nothing was gained gain through all of this.

but you know it's uh, it is what it is. You know it is what it is. um I I didn't I didn't expect play The Grid and you know we're at where we're at. you know? um I I re I really truly think Kanye at this point uh can do nothing wrong and not all not click.

Many of you guys who are in chat will all right. Well that was interesting BL them no matter all that was the drum of the day chat I other drum was going on we can we can do Dr day today you guys want to do Dr day today.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “This guy is so mad”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @a10_evropa says:

    Anthony Baldano

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Bob62798 says:

    Bro x is lookin like a clown on this one

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MostBasedManAlive says:

    Hair vs no hair

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KanyeWestTheGOAT1 says:

    Ye stays on top, the King of Rap, MJ and Elvis tier👑

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Gumxh says:

    at the end of the day when these rappers say these things it’s mainly about people who also partake in that life what’s different with kanye is he supported a group a people that killed millions for no reason but rappers have someone of a reason only because they are also going against people as shitting and evil as they are

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EmptyFucker says:

    hes got a point though, if you review music you should be reviewing the music not criticizing the artist about political beliefs.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SayItWithASM says:

    His fake laugh and smug face are unbearable

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PiggyGuy100 says:

    this guy is so braindead jesus

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mysteries_bfdi says:

    He reviewed King Von and YMW Melly songs before

    Heck. He reviewed worse artists than Ye. Like Burzum and Such

    If he can't review this. Stop making Kanye videos

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @peterromig9444 says:

    I dont think i heard a single take from fantabo that didnt involve social status or something that doesnt have to do with the music

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nesto_ says:

    I gotta be honest baldie may have some trash takes but that album sounds like shit

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SierraM061 says:

    This whole video is just huge cope. Forget the lyrics, this album is straight trash and is trending based on it being so trash 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tokyo9114 says:

    Idek what this bald guy likes anymore, worthless takes ..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joona1386 says:

    Why he glazin Kanye so bad?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @narutardyish says:

    CQX is actually one of the most unlikable people on the internet. For real/

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