The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is an expanded re-imagining of 2013's The Stanley Parable. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will make a choice, and you will become powerless. You are not here to win. The Stanley Parable is a game that plays you.
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#xQc #TheStanleyParable #Gameplay

Uh zero fov is ninety. No, you guys it'll, look like there. What this is the story of a man named stanley stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee. Number 427.

Employee number 427's job was simple. He sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on the keyboard. Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them and in what order. This is what employee 427 did.

What i did. Every day of every month of every year, and although others might have considered it, soul-reading stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though he had been made exactly for this job and stanley was happy and then one day something very peculiar happened. Something that would forever change stanley, something he would never quite forget. He had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow.

No one had showed up to give him instructions, call a meeting or even say hi, never in all his years at the company had this happened, this complete isolation, something was very clearly wrong. Shocked frozen, solid stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time, but as he came to his wits and regained his senses, he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office. No i'm good um guys. Clearly, the boss will come back and secondly, why would i want to be productive they're like paying me to do nothing? So why do i care? What do i care cupping soda nah? This is the.

Are you cooking in the other games? Yeah, probably i know what time is that, though, but stanley simply couldn't handle the pressure, what if he had to make a decision? What, if a crucial outcome, fell under his responsibility, he had never been trained for that. No, this couldn't go anywhere except badly. The thing to do now, stanley thought to himself is to wait. Nothing will hurt me, nothing will break me in here.

I can be happy forever. I will be happy stanley waited hours passed then days had years gone by. He no longer had the ability to tell, but the one thing he knew for sure beyond any doubt was that if he waited long enough, the answers would come eventually someday. They would arrive soon very soon.

Now this will end he will be spoken to. He will be told what to do now. It's just a little bit closer. Now, it's even closer here it comes.

Oh, the game ended nah. That means that that means that the game is over. We finished the game. Pretty much all of his co-workers were gone.

What could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room? Perhaps he had simply missed a memo? Okay, classic wait! I'm not even here! Oh! Is this a mirror? It's not! Oh, it's not a mirror. I thought it was a mirror that i would be able to see myself, but it's not a mirror. It's a glass. When stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.

Yeah, i'm gon na follow these instructions. Yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief, stanley decided to go up to his boss's office, hoping he might find an answer there. How does all this people co-worker, let it bomb inside you, take it out past the recipient of workers resent co-workers for not supporting you more true. Stanley stepped into the broom closet, but there was nothing here, so he turned around and got back on track.
Okay, it's fantastic running to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office. I have to go pedo um. I have to pee money in the morning monday evening, money for breakfast money crispy. This is the bathroom locked.

I can't i can't even i can't go pee. What if i bait it, i forget it: computer, the beige pages. Okay, wait! That's devil's over there. We could probably come back later right.

This is tough up or down up. Wait. Wait, it's blue! What guys i'm being tricked! I broke it. Okay, now we're going down.

Instead, it, why not uh where's the speaker, there's no speaker to my head. How long? Where are we going dude guys? The music is changing, though it's intended it it's living on a looper. I'm done sorry, i'm not! I can't do it ty. I can't do it dumb, elevator man, stepping into his manager's office stanley, was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life shocked.

Unraveled stanley wondered in disbelief who, orchestrated this, what dark secret was being held from him. What he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk guarded the terrible truth that his boss had been keeping from him, and so the boss had assigned it. An extra secret pin number two, eight four five, but of course, stanley couldn't possibly have known this stanley just sat around twiddling his thumbs, trying to import anything on the device was useless, since he could never possibly know that the combination was 2845. Two eight four five, but it turns out that the panel's emergency override kicked in and the door just opened all by itself and stanley got the hell along with the story.

Well, whoop-dee-doo, fair enough! If you do, if you do it long enough, you win. That is not what i clicked that that is not what i clicked descending deeper into. The building stanley realized he felt a bit peculiar. It was a stirring of emotion in his chest as though he felt more free to think for himself to question the nature of his job.

Why did he feel this now when, for years it had never occurred to him? This question would not go unanswered for long. No guys i did whoops nope, never mind stanley actually got back into the elevator and went back up silly me: why did stanley do that when he knew that it would just lead back to his boss's office? Well, that's a great question. I just can't wait to find out guys. This is a good question here we are stanley, it's your boss's office exactly the way it was before you got onto the elevator.
It's still just exactly what it is. What a decision you've made to come up here and look at the office again. This has fleshed out the plot of the story in new and fascinating ways. I could have never anticipated it's that keen eye for storytelling that you have an incisive, rapid fire of critical plot points, one after the other weaving a rich tapestry of uncompromising narrative, i'm bolted to the edge of my seat whatever so thought it'd be something in there.

Incredible now he's getting back into the elevator and going down again, ladies and gentlemen, how does he keep coming up with all this? Surely this time stanley will walk forward into the spooky corridor? Won't he no shot. Did you think we were going to go forward down the spooky corridor? No, it's time once again to go back up in the elevator. I can't even begin to grapple with what might be up there. Is it the boss's office again or what? If it's the boss's office this time, the suspense is killing me.

Okay, i mean. What's the note it wasn't all i mean, let's see it, oh my god, it's the boss's office. This absolutely changes. Everything for me give me a timeout here for a minute.

While i process this okay, i'm ready and prepared to embrace this stunning revelation and to move forward with no no wait. No, i need more time to process is really punishing me for doing this all right. I have fully come to terms with it. I have made space in my world view for this astonishing new reality as before i turn to your expert eye for gripping narrative master stanley, see, of course, going back.

You just didn't understand the narrative. How did i not anticipate it? I'm ahead of the time sure now it's obvious, but you have to understand that 30 seconds ago this kind of thing had never been attempted before they had no frame of reference to even anticipate it. That's just how revelatory stanley's decision making is a breath of fresh air in a landscape of storytelling that has grown stale and repetitive, hmm. You know what i just thought of something hold on.

Let's stop for a moment, don't you realize it's the anticipation, stanley, you and i we have no way of knowing what will be at the top of this elevator, but the suspense, the agony of waiting and anticipating and having to guess that's the real thrill. Oh, i simply don't want to let that feeling go. It's so precious so fleeting true. Why don't we take this elevator ride, nice, okay, dude there we go.

Isn't this so much more exciting! You know stanley. It seems like nowadays. The only thing that audiences want is to be shocked as loudly and frequently as possible. They want big explosive moments, flung right in their faces from the very moment that things get jokes on here.

That's all the food, some i mean where's the tension, where's the trust in the audience to build a slow and nuanced appreciation for the story, the characters. Why aren't we given time to imagine the surprises to have to think and to anticipate and then to marvel at the eventual reveal? This is storytelling stanley, what you and i are doing right now. This is the most exciting narrative to be developed in years, and it's really all because of you you're the one who took this bold step of revisiting the exact same locations over and over truly i mean it. This is unique and different.
It's not like anything else out there. You see. I want stories that surprise me stanley. I want to have to think i want to be engaged and not pandered to we're being fed such unimaginative drivel all the time, and we all know it, which is why we're so starved for content that makes us feel sharp and vital and alive.

That's why people like you so much stanley, because you're not afraid to spit in the face of tradition, you're, a role model. You know people look up to you, which is why, though i didn't know when to spring this on you, but well, i've gathered a little press conference for you so that you can talk about your work and your storytelling and your life. Yes, i know you're not much for the public eye, but i thought it would especially mean a lot to the people who have been following you from the beginning. They really look up to you it.

I don't know if you realize the impact you have on them. This is the kind of gesture that might leave a tremendous impact on them for the better, oh good, we're here, huh, okay, the rumor, we're holding the press conference should be just around the corner here, somewhere world's healthy human being all tricks revealed how we did the Pyramids live the guy went to mars. All eyes are saying, live on stage. Storyteller we've never seen this before world peace baby.

Ah, yes, here it is just through this door. You know what not really man. I don't think i want to see what happens when you do the the um. I just want to go back down.

Huh they locked it dude choices matter, surely dude just a stage. Are you ready? I've told them you're going to speak a little bit about the nature of surprise in storytelling and what it means to craft a truly unpredictable narrative. Oh, don't worry, you'll do great, just be yourself and speak from the heart. I'm i'm really proud of you, stanley.

Okay, it looks like they're ready, for you go, get them kim four to seven story: stanley me dad h6 thanks for showing break a leg, champ! Okay! What's this little ball here, though? No! This is nothing to me, guys guys. This is like a daily stream. For me, what's hello, what's up man, jesus christ? Oh, so what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room? Perhaps he had simply missed a memo, no matter how hard stanley looked, he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers. No, let's not do that, because i'm sure she has the same thing as the main game right give me the same thing: it's going to be different, we'll do it with it.
After when stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left like well left. I i'm i'm gon na look a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief. Stanley decided to go up to his bosses coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office. I'm about to break i'm good this time.

Stepping into his manager's office stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life. What could it mean stanley wondered aloud to nobody. He began wildly tearing through papers. Stanley was in such a rush to get through the story as quickly as possible.

He didn't even have a single minute to just let the narrator talk that kind of anxiety isn't healthy. So he relaxed for a few moments with some calming new age, music feeling, soothed and rejuvenated stanley calmly walked forward into the opened passageway bald, i'm going too fast, mama's going too slow. Let's just show me if i can do exactly how he wants me to do it: man, whatever okay, then i'll, do i'll. Do it exciting the way he wants me to do it, then this is the sheep play through we're just gon na play the game just play the game.

Npc number one stanley walks straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility. Don't care i'm going through it? The lights rose on an enormous room, packed with television screens. What horrible secret did this place? Hold stanley thought to himself? Did he have the strength to find out? Aha you've made it to the bottom of the mind, control facility. Welcome you see back when the stanley parable first launched in 2013.

Getting to the bottom of the mind. Control facility was a bug that we simply didn't catch during development, and you all sent us lots of photos of it on twitter and active very superior about it. And you're all very, very clever good for you anyway, when it came time to update the game, we knew that we had to do something about this little goof of ours. So here you go new content.

You can call it the bottom of the mind, control room ending if that enhances your perception of the value of these updates. Isn't that what you crave? New content always more content, more content, more more yeah and i'm here to give it to you, yeah, i'm here to make it seem like we really covered every nook and cranny of the game with secrets and easter eggs. How about this? We wrote a new piece of music just for this section. You won't hear it anywhere else in the game.

It's a secret! That's just for you! That's how special you are. You can only get it on this. One boys good job you've made it to the bottom of the mind. Control facility well done good job.

You did it good job. Three. No, i think there's something secret in here. It used to be a bug, but now it's an ending.
Now it's an energy. I believe in you, i believe, in your ability to cross this barrier. There's something here. Chase your dreams, but railings don't mean anything good job.

You did it good job. You did it good job, you did it good job, you did it good job. You did it good job, you did it good job, you did it good job, you did it good job, you did it good job, you did it, that's it all of this. Could i don't even know i'm not gon na get anything stanley decided to go to the meeting room? Perhaps he had simply missed a memo? Okay! Well, that was right.

When stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left. Yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief. Stanley decided to go up to his bosses off coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office. Okay, i think we all know the drill by now blah blah blah dark secrets.

The keypads, oh some buttons. Oh, hey! Look it's a new passageway! It's a wizard! Surprise! Oh it's a surprise! So please, but whatever dude yeah who's avg now who's they the internet, not even even the narrators at the edgy. Now, even him as a even yeah he's he's molding. Not me! Oh wait a minute! What, if i stand here? No, no! I guess i promise any number.

Nope, oh, never mind stanley, you guys! I didn't know, but just go back down dude. Silly me, why did stanley do that when he knew that it would just lead back to his boss's office? I wanted president get back outside question. Maybe you're trying to fade it, wait to find out it's fine. It doesn't do anything because i'm not gon na force.

The same ending wait a minute: here we are stanley, it's your boss's office exactly the way it was before you got onto the elevator. It's still just exactly what it is, what a decision you've made to come up here and look at the office again. This has fleshed out the plot of the story in new and fascinating ways. I could never anticipate crazy think about that keen eye for storytelling that you have an incisive, rapid fire of critical plot points, one after the other weaving a rich tapestry of uncompromising narrative wow.

I'm bolted to the edge of my seat, incredible, i'm not going to. Ladies and gentlemen, how does he keep coming up with all of this that it doesn't affect the continuation if we just go through? I think surely, this time stanley will walk forward into the spooky. Current stanley walked straight ahead through the large door that read mind. Control facility sounds fun.

The lights rose on an enormous room, packed with television screens. What horrible secret did this place? Hold stanley thought to himself: did he have the strength to find out? I guess we'll see now the monitors jumped to life, their true nature revealed each bore the number of an employee in the building. Stanley's co-workers the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and stanley, one of them eternally monitored in this place, where freedom meant nothing. This mind control facility.
It was too horrible to believe it couldn't be true. Had stanley really been under someone's control? All this time was this: the only reason he was happy with his boring job that his emotions had been manipulated to accept it blindly yep. So he refused to believe it. He couldn't accept it his own life in someone else's control.

Never it was unthinkable. Wasn't it was it even possible had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world? The allegory of the caverna, but here was the proof, the heart of the operation, controls labeled with emotions, happy or sad or content, walking, eating working, all of it monitored and commanded from this very place and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in Stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life, for he would dismantle the controls once and for all. Um i'm good wait. A minute is any of this new.

No on or off chat. Oh stab me, you didn't just activate the controls, did you after they kept you enslaved all these years you go and you try to take control of the machine. For yourself. Is that what you wanted? Control? Oh stanley! I help lord your effort.

I really do, but you need to understand, there's only so much that machine can do you were supposed to let it go turn the controls off and leave. If you want to throw my story off track, you're going to have to do much better than that, i'm afraid you don't have nearly the power. You think you do, for example, and i believe you'll find this pertinent stanley suddenly realized. He had just initiated the network's emergency detonation system in the event that this machine is activated without proper dna identification, nuclear detonators are set to explode, eliminating the entire complex.

How long until detonation, then, let's say um two minutes. Ah, now this is making things a little more fun. Isn't it stanley it's your time to shine. You are the star.

It's your story now shape it to your heart's desires. Oh, this is much better than what i had in mind. What a shame we have so little time left to enjoy it mere moments until the bomb goes off, but what precious moments each one of them is more time to talk about you about me where we're going. What all this means i barely know where to start.

What's that you'd like to know where your co-workers are a moment of solace before you're obliterated all right, i'm in a good mood, you're gon na die anyway. I'll tell you exactly what happened to them. I erased them. I turned off the machine.

I set you where's number, four, of course that was merely in this instance of the story. Sometimes, when i tell it, i simply let you sit there in your office forever pushing buttons endlessly. I got it dying other times. I let the office sink into the ground, swallowing everyone inside or i let it burn to a crisp.
There's four to say this, though this version of events has been rather amusing and take back the control rested away from you. It's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go, but i'm sure whatever i come up with on the first power surge, my goodness only 34 seconds. No, but i'm enjoying this so much.

You know what to hell with it. I'm going to put some extra time on the clock. Why not? Oh! Thank you precious additional seconds. 147.

Oh dear me, what's the matter standing one? Is it that you have no idea those false spoilers? I don't know how to do it right so one or did you just assume when you saw that timer that something in this room was capable of turning into maybe maybe uh running one is blue. I i would have blew that into screen clicking on every little thing in this room, these numbered buttons, no, these colored ones, or maybe this big red button or this door. If i have anything something here will save me, why would you think that stanley looks like this? Video game can be beaten, one sold. Do you have any idea what your purpose in this pack of power fighter no you're in for quite a disappointment? Well, here's a spoiler for you have another minute that timer isn't a catalyst to keep the action moving along.

It's just seconds to five: then power you're only still playing instead of watching a cutscene, because i want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless to see you made humble it five and then it's not a challenge. It's a tragedy! Yeah! I wanted to control this world, that's fine, but i'm going to destroy it. First, three, you can't take a look at the clock. Standing that's 30 seconds.

You have left to strike 30 seconds until a big boom and then nothing or will you let it go peacefully. Another choice make it cut, oh don't it's all the same to me all a part of the joke and believe me, i will be laughing at every second of your inevitable life. From the moment we fade in until the moment i say purple blue my man. Why is it so loud so flashy so weird? Why, though, did i it up? Somehow there's got to be a way to win that just a step through this door, stanley thought to himself.

That's all there is to it i'm going back here. I can make it through them all i'm going back. When stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left, i'm going i'm doing it again. Yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief.

Stanley decided to go up to his boss. Coming stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office. Here's the door just go thanks man. What stanley walks straight ahead through the large door, that read mind control facility, miss new condor, and i wouldn't be able to know that unless you told me like a backstreet gamer right and if i don't know what to do in that room.
But i didn't play or do vision horrible secret. Did this place hold stanley thought to himself? Did he have the strength to find out now the monitors jumped to life? Their true nature revealed each bore the number of an employee in the building. Stanley's co-workers the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and stanley, one of them eternally monitored in this place, where freedom meant nothing. This mind control facility.

It was too horrible to believe it couldn't be true. Had stanley really been under someone's control? All this time was this: the only reason he was happy with his boring job that his emotions had been manipulated to accept it blindly. No, he refused to believe it. He couldn't accept it his own life in someone else's control.

Never it was unthinkable. Wasn't it was it even possible had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world? Why isn't there's no way to stop it, just because the other game didn't have it doesn't mean this expansion doesn't happen happy or sad or content, walking eating working? All of it monitored and commanded from this very place and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in stanley, decided that this machinery, that is exactly what somebody that knows i can say after they kept you enslaved all these years. You go and you try to take control of the machine for yourself. Is that what you wanted? Control? Oh stanley! I help lord your effort.

I really do, but you need to understand, there's only so much that machine can do you were supposed to let it go. Turn the controls off and leave. If you want to throw my story off track, you're going to have to do much better than that, i'm afraid you don't have nearly the power. You think you do, for example, and i believe you'll find this pertinent stanley suddenly realized.

He had just initiated the network's emergency detonation system in the event that this machine is activated without proper dna identification, nuclear detonators are set to explode, eliminating the entire complex. How long until detonation, then, let's say um two minutes. Ah, now this is making things a little more fun. Isn't it it's your time to shine? You are the star.

It's your story now shape it to your heart's desires. Oh, this is much better than what i had in mind. Hard-Boiled, shame. We have so little why to enjoy it mere moments until the bomb goes off cure, what precious moments each one of them is more time to talk about you about me.

You can't go down where we're going. What all this means barely know where to start. What's that charge you'd like to know where your co-workers are, why not a moment of solace before you're obliterated all right, i'm in a good mood, five upstairs i'll tell you find the fibers across i raised them. I turned off the machine.

I set you free. Of course, that was merely in this instance of the story. Sometimes when i tell it, i simply let you sit there in your office forever, pushing buttons endlessly and then dying alone. Wait there's only one colored board here i let the office sink into the ground, swallowing everyone inside or i let it burn to a crisp.
I have to say this, though this defense has been rather amusing once you try to make sense of everything and take back the control rested away from you. It's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go. Did i have to do it again, i'm sure whatever? I come up with on the next go around will be even better, my goodness only 34 seconds left, but i'm enjoying this so much.

You know what to hell with it. I'm going to put some extra time on the clock. Why not four yellow these are precious additional seconds? Standing time doesn't see it again in english, so they're do together. Dear me, what's the matter stanley? Is it that you have no idea where you're going or what you're supposed to be doing right now, or did you just assume when you saw that timer that something in this room was capable of turning it off? I mean look at you running from button to button screen to screen clicking on every little thing in this room.

These numbered buttons know these colored ones got. Maybe this big rig or this door everything anything something here will say another one. Why would you think that stanley that this video game can be beaten, one sold? Do you have any idea what your purpose in this place is, but you really believe there's an answer. How many times will you replay this bit looking desperately for a solution? A hundred a thousand i look forward to finding out and to watch another yellow zone of the yellow sun.

You fail just you and me in the wretching explosion of fire and metal over and over and over again, an eternity and stanley died again. Maybe blue first died again and stanley died. No off take a look at the clock. Standing that's 30 seconds.

You have left to struggle 30 seconds until a big boom and then nothing no ending here. Just you being blown to pieces. Will you cling desperately to your frail life or will you let it go peacefully? Another choice make it cut. Oh, don't it's all the same to me all a part of the joke and believe me, i will be laughing at every second of your inevitable life.

From the moment we fade in until we conservatively click it. Let me click it. No! You ass. I had it different noises, there's even noises, though you can definitely break the code there.

Even now, stanley's office was a distant memory. What did it look like? There was a computer perhaps and a painting. Was it a painting or a photo? He could no longer recall stanley went around touching every little thing in the office, but it didn't make a single difference. Nor did it advance the story in any way.

Oh new content. What does that mean new content? When stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left. Yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief. Stanley decided to go up to his bosses.
Coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office. Here's the door just go yeah. Well i'll click off this time so happens guys the buttons give a feedback. There's a click and there's stanley walked straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility.

It's funny, because when i followed in the writer you guys all say sheep, but when the game says oh wow, look through a new door. Televisions me not going into it. I guess it's a fake full secret to this place. That's literally absolute sheep, behavior yeah.

You try to call me out for it, so i don't know what the you're talking about a door made for you to go in. That's really scripted, that's not a shape, but following the narrator to go further, it is cheap of an employee in the building. Stanley's co-workers the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and stanley, one of them eternally monitored in this place, where freedom meant nothing. This mind control facility.

It was too horrible to believe it couldn't be true. Had stanley really been under someone's control? All this time was this: the only reason he was happy with his boring job that his emotions had been manipulated to accept it blindly. I think you could go on the railing, probably jump over there. He refused to believe it.

He couldn't accept it. His own life in someone else's control, never it was unthinkable. Wasn't it was it even possible had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world? But here was the proof: the heart of the operation now with control right off whatever with emotions, happy or sad or content, walking, eating working, all of it monitors and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in stanley, decided that this machinery i got Mcdonald's downstairs, let me pick it up. Blackness and a rising chill of uncertainty was it over.

Yes, he had won. He had defeated the machine unshackled himself from someone else's commands. Yes, i had your voice and yet, even as the immense door slowly opened stanley reflected on how many puzzles still lay uncertain, see told you had his co-workers gone. Can you pick the machine freed from the machine's grass? What other mysteries did this strange building hold? But as sunlight streamed into the chamber, he realized none of this mattered to him, for it was not knowledge or even power that he had been seeking but happiness.

Perhaps his goal had not been to understand, but to let go no longer. Would anyone tell him where to go, what to do or how to feel whatever life he lives? It will be his and that was all he needed to know. It was perhaps the only thing worth knowing that stanley stepped through the open door. I felt like a quote from the the greatest the great dictator breeze upon his skin, the feeling of liberation, the immense possibility of the new path before him.
This was exactly the way right now that things were meant to happen, and stanley was happy. What now without grasping that, what all of his co-workers were gone? What could it mean? Well stanley decided to go to the meeting room. Perhaps he had simply missed a memo. Oh new content, what does that mean new content? Ah come on man.

If you enter the door without pushing it, you can go through here, i'm pretty sure without pushing it. Oh guys, totally, not cheap, gameplay guys. The machine is playing for me, hello and thank you for playing the stanley parable ultra deluxe. As you may know, the stanley parable was a video game released in 2013 on home computers after receiving critical and commercial success.

It was expanded upon in 2022, with the stanley parable ultra deluxe, a reimagining of the game for consoles and home computers. The stanley parable ultra deluxe features exciting new content that broadens and expands the world of the stanley parable delighting audiences, the world over please step inside and see what thrilling new adventures await in the stanley parable ultra deluxe, oh well, this sounds delightful. I'm very excited to see the thrilling new ultra deluxe content. No, no, you can turn here come on.

Man turn whatever new content, it's all locked off so far, it's an elevator, nothing special! Yet, but i'm sure it's just the beginning of a mesmerizing adventure um. Is it broken what's going on here? Should we should we be moving somewhere? Oh there, we go all right. Finally, at long last, it's on to the new content. I've never been more ready.

Let's do it. Hmm, i have to say initial impressions of stanley parable ultra deluxe mythius, it's as if them, oh, okay, let's see the content, give me the content. Stand there, cash grabber all right! All right! Let's see it's jump circle i can jump now. Oh my god! Oh, my god i wasted my jumps.

Dude dude is. Is that it? Surely that's not all the new content. There has to be something else, right goodness another elevator stanley, i have to say initial impressions of this game are not positive. It's just elevators and jumping.

Is this what part is for exciting new content? If this is new content, then i could just read you the whole dictionary there's 20 hours of new content right there hell. I could counter 30 trillion. You could put that on the box. The stanley parable ultra deluxe now with over a thousand hours of new content, and if oh, wait, there's more very good.

Yes, i knew there had to be something else. I can see it, i'm ready for whatever it is. That's it. Oh you've got to be kidding me, you see stanley.

This is what happens when greedy video game developers, with no respect for their fan, base rush a cheap expansion to market for no reason other than to make an easy dollar and don't get me started on the level of craftsmanship. That's gone into it. In fact, i'm looking right now at the game's achievements and it's hard to believe one of them actually says test achievement. Please ignore what quality assurance department signed off on this i'm infuriated and i'm offended, and i i intend to find these people on twitter and hold them personally accountable.
Thank you. It's my fault stanley. I built up too much anticipation around the new content. I'm afraid it could never have lived up to such expectations.

If you're still with me, why don't we just reset the game and we'll try to get back to what the stanley parable is really about? No frills, no gimmicks, just you and me having a great time together. Like always. What do you say friend, i'm good? I mean this is way they're guessing this. Am i crazy? It's moving stanley come over here in the vent.

I want to show you something. Oh, you don't want to see the cool surprise i made for you. Well fine, you're a dork anyway. So who cares? When stanley came to a set of two open doors? He entered the door on his left huh.

Yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief. Stanley decided to go up to his boss coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office, guys what the but stanley just couldn't do it. He considered the possibility of facing his boss admitting he had left his post during work hours. He might be fired for that and in such a competitive economy.

Why had he taken that risk all? Because he believed everyone had vanished his boss would have. If i reset do i go back, do i go back to the event or not, and then something occurred to stanley? Maybe he thought to himself. Maybe i am crazy. All of my co-workers, blinking mysteriously out of existence in a single moment for no reason at all.

None of it made any logical sense and, as stanley pondered this, he began to make other strange observations. For example, why couldn't he see his feet when he looked down? Why did doors close automatically behind him wherever he went, and for that matter these rooms were starting to look pretty familiar? Were they simply repeating no stanley said to himself? This is all too strange just play the game. It's the same thing it came to this. This is the old game i didn't know it would go back to the old game, but i didn't go into the band of all things.

It event really did i'm dreaming. He yelled. This is all a dream. Oh, what a relief stanley felt to have finally found an answer, an explanation.

His co-workers weren't actually gone. He wasn't going to lose his job. He wasn't crazy after all, and he thought to himself, i suppose i'll wake up soon. I'll have to go back to my boring, real-life job where's, the coffee i may as well enjoy this while i'm still lucid, so he imagined himself flying and began to gently float above the ground.
Then he imagined himself soaring through space on a magical starfield and it too appeared it was so much fun and stanley marveled that he had still not woken up. How was he remaining so lucid and then perhaps the strangest question of them all entered stanley's head one? He was amazed he hadn't asked himself sooner. Why is there a voice in my head, dictating everything that i'm doing and thinking now the voice was describing itself being considered by stanley who found it particularly strange. I'm dreaming about a voice describing me thinking about how it's describing my thoughts, he thought and while he thought it all very odd and wondered if this voice spoke to all people in their dreams.

The truth was that, of course, this was not a dream. How could it be? Was stanley simply deceiving himself believing that, if he's asleep, he doesn't have to take responsibility for himself? Stanley is as awake right now, as he's ever been in his life now hearing the voice speak. These words was quite a shock to stanley. After all, he knew for certain beyond a doubt that this was in fact a dream: did the voice not see him flow to make the magical stars just a moment ago? How else would the voice explain all that this voice was a part of himself too? Surely surely, if he could just he would prove it.

He would prove that he was in control that this was a dream. So he closed his eye, where's the car and he invited himself to wake up. Well, we haven't seen the car in a long time now, though, weight of the blanket on his skin the press of the mattress on his back the fresh air of a world outside this one. Let me wake up.

He thought to himself i'm through with this dream. I wish it to be over. Let me go back to my job. Let me continue pushing the buttons please it's all i want.

I want my apartment and my wife and my job. All i want is my life exactly the way it's always been. My life is normal, i am normal. Everything will be fine.

I am okay, see. There's a car stanley began screaming. Please someone wake me up. My name is stanley.

I have a boss, i have an office, i am real, please just someone tell me i am real. I must be real, i must be. Can anyone hear my voice? Who am i, who am i and everything went black? This is the story of a woman named mariela mariella woke up on a day like any other. She arose, got dressed, gathered her belongings and walked to her place of work.

But on this particular day, her walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had stumbled through town talking and screaming to himself and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk. And although she would soon turn to go call for an ambulance for just a few brief moments, she considered the strange man. He was obviously crazy. This much she knew everyone knows what crazy people look like, and in that moment she thought to herself how lucky she was to be normal.
I am saying i am in control of my mind. I know what is real and what isn't it was comforting to think this and in a certain way seeing this man made her feel better. But then she remembered the meeting she had scheduled for that day. The very important people whose impressions of her would affect her career and, by extension, the rest of her life wow.

She had no time for this, so it was only a moment that she stood there staring down at the body and then she turned and ran she killed them. Stanley yeah the family over here in the vent. I want to show you something: okay, you remember how cheap and unsatisfying the new ultra deluxe content turned out to be. Well, it got me thinking about the past and how much better the stanley parable used to be.

So i made something special and tucked it away here, where the game's developers won't find it just our little secret dark souls. I call it the memory zone, it's where i've been storing all my favorite memories, so i can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever i want experiences like the launch of the stanley parable on pc, because this engine is kind of fun though well, let me Go up there this engine, the way this looks. I could play a game like this for sure it you see. Stanley.

Doesn't the memory zone remind you of how wonderful stanley parable was before it was solid, with a chap release? Remember back in october of 2013 the game originally launched back then video games had integrity back then it all meant something. Oh look. Waste is reviews of the stanley parable like this stunning triumph of games. Journalism 10 out of 10 from james stephanie sterling writes, and i quote we're so many games that aspire to be more than games end up less than any form of art.

Stanley parable strives and then succeeds to be every game ever created. Did you hear that stanley every game ever created? That's how grand and all-encompassing the original stanley parable was. It was literally every game ever created. It was skyrim, it was persona 3..

It was all of them, and now it's nothing it's it's at all. It isn't even the stanley parable anymore, it's just a husk, now a lifeless husk with an hour of new elevator content. That's it here's another moving passage this time from The stanley parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable surprising and rewarding choices.

I've ever been confronted with in a game nine out of ten, don't you get it stanley? The game was perfect: it didn't need anything else. It didn't need new content. It just needed to be left alone to spend the rest of time, because it was easy in the hallowed hall of fame and journalists are dogfight. Video games, hey, i have no jumps left.
Oh, these were simpler time stanley, but i wouldn't give to go back to have it all over again. Wait hang on. I don't recall this part of the memory zone before. What's this what's down here? Oh, no! Oh god! No stanley! It's a collection of reviews from steam, the online video game distributor.

I haven't looked at these in years. I can't even imagine what's been collecting down here. Dog shepherd's reviews were glowing as well weren't. They honestly, i could not be bothered to play this game to full completion.

The narrator is obnoxious and unfunny, with his humor and dialogue, proving to be more irritating than entertaining i'm funny. I'm not trying to be funny i'm trying to make a serious work of art. I suppose i could write up a handful of gags to insert into the stanley parable, but the game is already such a densely layered web. A profound philosophical insight that i can't even imagine where i'd have the room to stick them.

I mean she's, not wrong. For sam, i think they should just read the whole thing, but have her as like a dev. Okay, let's consult them stanley, i'm not preachy. Am i you wouldn't tell me if i'm preachy honestly, you can.

Oh goodness, this is actually quite shocking for me, but i always work. To be honest, i had always thought of the game's dialogue as being rather tears. To begin with, you can't know how much fluff i cut from the game to get it to feel as light and airy as it well, i always thought it did, but maybe it wasn't dear what an awful memory to have to hold on to these black marks. On my otherwise unimpeachable track record, i feel like a failure like i let these people down, perhaps the stanley parable isn't quite as sterling as i always remembered.

What's this one got to say, you constantly have to stop doing anything, so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening. I wish there was a skip button, a skip button. Well! Well, yes! Yes, i think we can do that if i'm truly too preachy, then then, maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment. Surely it couldn't hurt not if it means we can strike these negative reviews from the record only positive reviews of the stanley barrel.

That's my motto today and it's always been my motto: i'd do anything for the customer standing, yes, a skip button we shall have, and here it is oh you're back you see. You were only frozen in time for a few minutes, but it was plenty of time for me to deliver a long, rambling monologue. Well, there's sport! You really did catch me, rambling on a bit, didn't you, but that's the power of the button. The minute i start to go off on a thoughtless display of self-absorption.

Okay, welcome back stanley! Now i should say that the amount of time the button has been skipping through is becoming longer and longer that last one was well. I want to say maybe: 30 45 minutes, stanley, stanley stanley - please don't push the button again. It's been 12 hours, you've just been frozen there. I don't know why the skips are getting longer, but there oh stanley, you're back.
Go back! Oh my goodness. I have someone to talk to again stanley. I i think it's been a week for two weeks. Oh hello, it's you you're here again welcome.

I have had time to think about you and about us and about everything. We've been through. I've had so much time. I stopped keeping track after a year.

Have you ever sat down in one place and not moved for one entire year? Let me just the fire alarm or is that another morning i guess we'll never know, but they didn't understand. The game was never meant to be funny, it was meant to have a point. It was meant to speak to the human condition, but where are the jokes? Where are the jokes they've been known? They screamed, they must skip this rant. It's done luck list, unlocked by game reviews.

I don't. I do not care, i buy the games to play them not to hear about the devs opinion about them. The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never. The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never.

The end is skip. Oh wow skip skip, oh hold up, we could get a vine, it's gon na, be the last of us two actual game. Hmm, no! Hmm, no, my button, i've been so used to skipping, i kind of forgot how it is not to skip man now this is boring, and how do i see this part if i create something new, and i don't want it? Oh, what pick up a knot good morning, thank you for contacting the future happiness foundation. We are confirming your shipment of 1 327 cardboard boxes to your place of work.

Can you verify that this is correct, yeah, excellent? Your order will arrive shortly. Thank you again for contacting the future happiness foundation correct. There is that, right, though, correct know what oh new new content. Oh good, you notice my sign.

Yes, i have something very exciting: to show you it's new and new: oh yeah turn them turner. Turn you out. There you see stanley i've been reflecting on the stanley parable and about how roundly disappointing this ultra deluxe version has turned out to be the original stanley. Parable was a landmark and any new content, for it should live up to that legacy.

So forget this ultra deluxe nonsense. I say we take it one step even further, which is why i'm very proud to announce for the first time ever, the stanley parable ii - you know all it needs - is one hero, one game mode, yes superior to a measly re-release with a few minor additions. Think of all the new territory, we'll cover with a fully fledged sequel, an entirely new experience built from the ground up. Why there are so many possibilities, it could go in so many different directions.
This is what fans have truly been asking for, calling it the stanley parable 2 is just so much catchier than ultra deluxe. Don't you think, ultra box? What does it even mean, but the stanley parable 2. Now that's an artistic statement right there. It's future oriented it screams progress and innovation and long-term franchising potential.

Okay enough new content part two, no glitches. I see left brain right brain. How do we clear? Are you loving it right now nailed down what exactly the stanley parable 2 is going to be, but let's take a look at some of the features i've been developing for it. I figure that if i can loosely organize a handful of interesting concepts that surely the game will sort of naturally spring up around them, it'll all work itself out game development is much more of a fuzzy magic than anything, scientific or logical.

Really, oh, really. Thank you. Elementary information, of course, is it most people say right-handed, oh wow, this looks like e3 go on. Try out some of the new features.

Uh features. This is just merch man. This end is never the end. Now this end is never no end again.

The button that says the game of the player that is playing the game not possible guys you guys they're literally copying fifa, i'm thinking it's gon na be a lawsuit for sure st a game with a new number on it, but just learn nothing new. It's kind of a ripoff for the stanley parable 2. I asked myself what do players really want and, of course, the first and most obvious answer is that they want to be individually, recognized and validated as people. So with that in mind, my first addition to the game is this button, which speaks the name of the person playing the game.

Isn't that wonderful? Let me see huh jim sorry. I should have clarified right now. The button only says the name jim, but of course, in the final game, this button will say your name, whatever name that is here. Let's have you role players gym to really simulate the full experience of this feature just play along.

I promise you'll love it. Okay, here we go. Let's take a deep breath clear your mind: it's like our feet, whoever you are and simply become a person named jim. I want you to imagine yourself, liv jim well well hold on.

I wasn't finished, setting up the backstory. If you don't properly roll players gym, then you'll never understand the impact of this button. Otherwise it's just a stupid button that says somebody else's name: okay, we're doing it again and this time. Let me finish.

First now allow yourself to become jim. Imagine yourself driving to work as jim playing freak all right, fine, whatever it's just a meaningless button that says jim. Are you happy now get out of here? I'm done with this button. Why don't you go humiliate me in front of a different feature that i work very hard on see if you'd only played a lot, that would have been your name.
The button said yes, but jim instead jim, i can't even think about it. I'm taking the gym button away. Well, that's not just garbanzo. Literally there is the most kind we've had all the entire game.

This is the most we've had is just jim. I need to take it away funny game. Oh, he doesn't actually see it. I'm doing that.

So chad's eyes become kind of dizzy and annoying and blurry and it become dazed by the flashbang. The viewer now feels a sudden urge to close out, but they want to see what happens next with the plant right here. Oh there's this box, maybe i'll only let people name jim, play the stanley parable too. They would appreciate what i've created here.

An epilogue would be fun, wouldn't it stanley? Yes, yes, it would go at the end of the um. Well, we'll figure that out later, not now, okay he's turning settings a world champion set it. I don't get it. I thought they were hiding in the settings.

You know what let's bring the jump circle back for stanley parable 2 as well. It's oh wait. You already spent all your jumps the first time we saw the jump circle - hmm, oh well! I suppose it can just be a nice decorative piece. Then that's boring new plus easy achievement.

Get yours right now, pull the lover receive achievement. Now, here's something special! You remember that broken test achievement that got left in the game on accident. Well, i'm developing a technology to simply give you the achievement, yeah. Okay, perhaps i should have clarified this is technology that will exist right now.

More achievement is still fully broken to at least satisfy the hordes of ravenous fans all over the world who have been uproariously demanding the future gamers. We hear you and i promise it will happen, a bad game. Well, what about this right here, though? Literally? No new content. What else? What other exhibits haven't we seen yet um? I don't know upstairs left side.

I guess hmm collectibles. This is the exit collect them all. Ah collectibles. Now it's a real video game in the stanley parable 2.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “This was mind bending! – the stanley parable: ultra deluxe”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stabby666 says:

    I remember “playing” the Stanley parable years ago. Worst game ever – literally nothing to do. I quit after about five minutes 😁

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The One Who Asked says:

    This is so nostalgic for me because this game is the first time I saw Xqc play and continued to watch him ever since about 2 to 3 years ago. FeelingStrongMan 😭🤳

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RØNIN 07 says:

    The narrator's voice would be a good tts

    "Surely xqc will finish the game right?"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enigma says:

    Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Metal, Blood, Ice, Mud, Iron, Sulphur, Iodine, Chlorine, Krypton, Jargon, Atom, Molecule, Gold, Platinum, Bronze, Lead, Copper..

    I'm just naming things that I've learned in school.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb NJ4 says:

    Honestly, this is one of my most favorite games, and I'm so happy it finally released, the additional content.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Squilliam says:

    Hold up I remember this, isn't this an old game PewDiePie played at one point

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrNuts70 says:

    Not sure how much of this the juicer will understand hahahaha
    BUT, it will be entertaining to watch listen to all the, I am done and I cant do this! hahaha

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars radikrill says:

    this guy knows how this guy knows how this guy knows how this [LOADING] guy knows how this guy knows

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ひとみゆな (Hitomi Yuna) says:

    Pog is "The Stanley Parable" game now i can add to my playlist for rewatch agane and agane "FeelsStrongMan"

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendeez says:

    This guy.. This guy… knows how.. how.. how to…

    …I can't take it anymore. TrollDespair

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CYBERCREEP says:

    Remember when all the YouTubers we’re playing this? Such an awesome experience I love this game not batchest

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duelou says:

    Wow, xqc was mind bended so much that his brain was enlarged and broken, i hope he recovers 😢

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