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One video. Which is taking over the world. Okay. Oh.

Let's see i mean mean look at this look. At this style. More than triple reddit's monthly user and generating over one and a half billion dollars a year with twitch making the world ever more like the truman show where we watch comment and become attached to that spawning a whole new era of power social relationships simply sporting and loneliness with all of this being for the profit of mr. Bezos.

But twitch isn't like other social media sites because unlike other big tech startups twitch wasn't created by some yappy entrepreneurs or corporate enterprise. Instead twitch started as an artistic experiment by a 23 year old called. Justin cann. Who is considered to be an artist following in the footsteps of andy warhol.

Quite a contrast to the corporate twitch. We see today so then how did twitch go from a 23 year old's artistic experiment to becoming one of the world's biggest websites making billions in revenue. Creating global news events. Simping and shaping our entire society and culture.

In just a span of a few years it all began in 2007. When. Justin canwood. Releases.

Justin tv project justin tv. Was an experimental live streaming project. Broadcasted on the newly founded name. Where justin would stream.

His daily life and all the things he did pioneering a completely new mode of entertainment. Where justin would attach a camera to his hats and broadcast live 24 7. This literally included sleeping shopping. All the mundanities of life.

Although bathroom breaks were omitted you see justin even publicized his phone number with viewers calling into the show. However of course by doing this justin would become one of the first victims of swatting. A practice where people call in phony tips to the police which results in a streamer getting raided. But for justin.

This didn't matter because justin tv. Was becoming a viral hit people loved how raw and human. The experience was the live unedited. Almost amateur nature of the show never failed to entertain as it gave a true window into the life of one man.

An experience truly lacking the world of politicians. Kind of weird tv. Shows. And so this innovative website.

Quickly gained huge amounts of publicity. Attracting attention from the internet and mainstream media alike. But praise also came from very unlikely places. Justin tv.

Was actually held as following on from andy warhol's numerous projects depicting the mundane. People saw. Justin tv as a work of art. Where viewers could find a certain beauty and engagement in the everyday life of justice.

And it was this explosion in popularity that enabled justin and his friends to expand the websites this meant. The site can include lots of different channels and categories. Covering a wide variety of content. Although.

Gaming content was quickly proven as the popular cornerstone of the site. This new site was basically the beta version of twitch. Although having said this it's very unlikely anyone watching at the time or even justin and the founders had any idea of the potential of justin tv. Now in 2007.
Justin tv. Was remarkable for a lot of reasons. Because unlike. Many of its other internet competitors.

Justin tv. Seemed to be undamaged by the 2008 financial crash. It also had insane growth numbers because just after three years of being on the internet. Justin tv.

Had become the 250th. Most visited site globally. But perhaps the greatest part of justin tv was its core grassroots creative origin this open minded artistic philosophy enabled a renaissance in live content with streamers and viewers. Alike flooding into the platform with a made for artist by artist paradigm.

The site was perfectly poised to become the juggernaut that it is today and while everything seemed to be great there was one major problem. How could justin can and his team make any money from this for several years. Justin tv. Had been running on a loss in order to put as many resources as possible into their growth.

Which meant like most silicon valley startups all their monetization relied on venture capitalists. But in the years following. The 2008 crash. Investors.

No longer regarded justin tv's user base as sufficient for funding. Instead. Investors were now looking for much more than a large user base they needed to see that a company could function as a true proper business. That's that's how most things are in tekken show like that there's so many vc and most most sites that look that they're making a lot of money are all up for another loss server prices are through the roof it's absolutely insane to maintain it and sustain it it's just gonna have to prove that justin tv could become profitable or they died trying this situation caused.

Immense dread for justin and his co founders. This had never been a problem before and everything seemed to be going great with the company raising over seven million dollars in investments before 2010. But now with that control over how would i know what i forgot i was in the overwatch league that thing is the most investor field thing on the planet. Okay.

The thing was the thing was genuine revenue jack all okay and the officers were worth like a million apartment. What have you done for 20 million continued growth. Their high running costs were now outpacing their income putting the company into dire. Straits and investors were ready for this challenge.

They would need to clear one million dollars in revenue per month this number would be enough to cover their costs and attract the eyes of investors. Justin was so desperate that he promised the company holiday to hawaii. If they could achieve this goal. But this wasn't an easy goal almost no websites were creating one million dollars in revenue per month.
This was a staggering challenge how could justin and his team achieve this well the fastest and easiest option were ads and so justin tv began to be side ads to the literal point. That there were even adverts on their 404 page. However at the time this was the only way they could keep their investments without this the company would be bankrupt and unfortunately for jason. And his team.

The problems weren't stopped there you see while justin tv's origins were creative and artistic. The business foundations were very weak. Which would become very apparent in 2010. The main issue being international viewership.

If the countries were outside of north america justin tv. Would lose money. It was clear that justin tv. Didn't have a sustainable business model.

At all the only solution they could come up with to this problem was to selectively block international viewers on a random basis. However somehow this approach actually works unlike cutting costs. But still not harming international growth and after a lean six months of cost cutting and penny pinching. The company hit one million dollars per month in revenue doubling their revenue figures.

They had done the impossible. And so justin's promised holiday would happen soon after and the celebrating seemed like it would never end the justin tv team would go out to hawaii. Partying endlessly every night they had reached the golden point getting drunk enjoying themselves making bank revolutionizing. The internet and making the mark on the world.

Anything was possible. But while the team would endlessly party. Big problems were bubbling under the surface. And little did.

The team know the team would now be hit with an even bigger challenge. Oh. The aerons sorry. The chairs had always had a tentative relationship with copyright laws as at the time.

It was very hard to police the thousands of streams running on the platform. The company had reached a deal with fox to implement a primitive form of content id. However this was still not enough for some companies and after all. The partying justin tv.

Would be sued in 2011 by zuffa. A promoter for american sports. They alleged that justin tv had let the streamers broadcast pay per view ufc content on the site. However it became clear that zuffa was just trying to exploit justin tv's unsteady business model.

They knew the team were partying and had no experience in lawsuits. But when the case was brought to the courts. It became clear how out of proportion. The claims were leading to the last year.

Again this is like just a boomer mentality. Maulding the people that watch for free on knockoff garbage that barely cuts any viewership down were never gonna buy their dog review in the first place nobody was gonna buy that bro nobody's gonna buy you your little bro nobody justin tv. You still have to settle for an undisclosed amount in regard to copyright. Because if it wasn't twitch.
Some guy going live for like 10 minutes and getting banned again going together and going through. There. It wasn't that it'd be some old scuffed brazilian website ran from a underground tunnel or some. That's not what it is natalie for the team they had escaped the bullet that almost killed youtube.

It seemed like all the problems had disappeared and the company would keep on growing justin tv. Seemed to be unstoppable. It was becoming one of the biggest rivals to youtube the gaming section in particular had grown exponentially faster passing other categories on the website. And so in response to this justin tv.

Would spawn. A new subsidiary company twitch in 2011. Twitch would be solely focused on esports and gaming channels. And as expected the new website was a hit reaching 3 million unique visitors a month quickly eclipsing both justin tv and its founders expectations twitch had inadvertently become justin's golden egg.

But not just for justin twitch was fulfilling the dreams of gaming enthusiasts around the world with gamers around the world being able to make as much money from their. Passion as they wanted guys. You guys what's the timeline of. Ownertv because i feel like ontv took over at one point right.

Which was the main platform and they they they shot themselves in a foot and in the head at the same time they they everything up with the only bar for entry. Seemingly being the creativity and personality of the streamers these golden years catapulted twitch forward fully realizing johnson's dream of a place for streamers and entertainers free to perfect their craft unimpeded by corporate micromanagement and censorship and this wasn't just justin's dream. This was the internet's truth you're not serious holy these golden years catapulted twitch forward fully realizing justin's dream of a place for streamers and entertainers free to perfect their craft unimpeded by corporate micromanagement and censorship. And this wasn't just justin's dream.

This was the internet stream and so a year later twitter had gone from three million monthly users to 20 million. But even this milestone was later surpassed with the site growing to an absolutely crazy. 55. Million by.

2014 making up 18. Percent of internet traffic and surpassing valve. Facebook. And even amazon to which is rice showed how much people valued creative freedom on the internet.

However this insane growth. Didn't come without its caveats. The twitch team was still relatively small and yet the site was becoming impossible to manage. It was clear they had to sell the company they didn't have a business framework ever since justin tv.

The team was always poorly managed. But with all twitch's growth. It became clear that justin had completed the game so the company was ready to be sold and google was the first suitors. They approached twitch with an offer over the one billion dollar mark justin and his team were over the moon.
They'd achieved the silicon valley dream. They were the new youtube. The new facebook. They would be able to sit back and retire and live a life of luxury.

However just as their dreams were becoming true google had to back out at the last minute due to monopoly worries from the ownership of youtube. Wait wait wait wait wait wabin last minute due to monopoly worried from the ownership of you know youtube videos for one billion dollars. If they have a monopoly. They're going to get striked like a bunch of whatever i don't get it why is youtube worried about having a monopoly.

The laws are going to them over right they have that monopoly youtube. Although luckily for justin and the team google wasn't the only one interested. What's the anti trust law. Anti trust is it is it the bike on papers and them over what are they just laws irrigation that encourage competition and limiting the market power of any particular firm this often involves ensuring the mergers or companies don't overly concentrate to market power.

Yeah debatable who and facebook were also making big offers with one of the twitch co founders being personally. Called by mark zuckerberg. Who offered 50 million dollars in just investments. Because at the time uh youtube.

Didn't put a lot of effort into youtube gaming youtube live and any sort of live platform. So you're saying. It's a monopoly right they didn't really buy a competitor. Because video and live format are different things unless unless they had a bigger plans and it works for so the worries of a overlap are there.

But they're not completely fulfilled. I feel like what is that is that a take it's not saying that as is video formats twitches is live formats. Okay there's no real world monopoly here it's not that crazy their product is it was barely live content. Barely with both facebook and yahoo.

Offering over one billion dollars for twitch. However. Both of these offers were declined due to differences and visions on the future of the platform. Justin and his co founders believed in twitch.

They believed in twitch creating a new free internet. And so staying true to their ideals. They rejected offers from both of these companies because they believed that they would destroy the culture. They had created yahoo for example had offered us some hundreds of millions ahead of amazon.

But the deal fell through because they didn't see gaming as the primary market for twitch. Despite the fact that they could have taken this money and lived a very very lavish lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Instead. The founder's vision for the company was worth much more than that and so in the end.

It was surprisingly amazon that agreed that they wouldn't change the general makeup of the sites. Although if the twitch team had known what amazon would do to twitch in the coming years they might have also reconsidered this offer. But this will become much clearer later on in the meantime. Amazon bought twitch for 970 million dollars in 2014.
A small figure by no means. But still not really what was offered by other companies. But for the founders. This didn't matter the true hidden reasons wait whoa wait wait.

But it depends though right still not really. What was offered the main problem are a server load and like that right that's that that's their their vehicle for their product. The view of the product is servers. If amazon has the servers right they give them less money.

But it's it's it's less to upkeep. So i i would assume that in the price assumes that they will pay for the servers or whatever. And this ends up being a raw win over the yahoo and other things. No this didn't matter.

The true hidden. Reason for twitch being sold was that the founders had gotten tired of running the company they didn't care about setting up better systems of management. They had lost their passion they were exhausted by their dreams. Becoming corporatized because the founders only cared about freedom and creativity.

They didn't care about the corporate management side of business in fact so much so that by the time. The deal actually took place. Justin was nowhere to be seen instead. He was working on an art project for a music festival far away from the increasingly stressful world of business.

It was clear that his heart lay in the creative grassroots side of the business. He just wanted to take his money get out and start a new life and so the deal went forward and twitch. Once an independent hub of creativity was now just another bazook puppet. After the afternoon.

Justin left the company and began working on funding and running new startups ever since and true to his creative side. He now runs a small youtube channel in addition to his business work with most of the twitch founders going on to follow their creative passions. In fact. Only one of the original twitch founders.

Emma scheer. Still works at the company as the ceo. But despite his efforts to steer the company in the direction. It once took twitch can't help.

But fall victim to the problems that come from big tech holding the reins. Because after the acquisition to which his fate was sealed from banning popular streamers by the truckload or mismanaging copyright and advertising on the platform twitch under amazon has had its fair share of controversies. The first and most pressing of these issues was censorship and now this really isn't a surprise considering all big tech companies eventually adopt a draconian censorship model. But twitch's censorship is noticeably worse than any other big tech giant and the problem lies with twitch's moderation.
You see ever since the platform probably took off there were always too many messages to keep track of let alone moderate. But for advertisers. This wasn't good enough they didn't want to advertise i don't know unquote controversial topics. So amazon tossed up with this issue for years after they acquired twitch trying and failing to suppress his culture of free expression.

And this is why twitch has become very infamous for banning streamers who displeased. The company policy whilst also promoting popular streamers. Hey videos of the terms of service. This issue became particularly noticeable in december 2020.

With the outright banning of words such as virgin insulin simp. But twitter okay that was like a disaster. Which has amended its misinformation standards. Because nobody could ever find a a part where this is a problem nobody no.

But every failed. It's okay to ban certain words from things if you can explain and display. What the the problem is okay. I was not one time told.

How is that a problem that how are these words used in ways that were discriminated to a certain point. I i don't i don't understand it right banning. I still don't words such as virgin insulin simp. But twitch doesn't just ban simple words like this twitch has amended its misinformation standards.

And said that users who repeatedly disseminate misleading material will be banned. According to the new york times twitch will now restrict quotes. Damaging this information the things that say the same thing without. But dude you can be a suck up you can be a white knight.

They give you whatever the these these things are so easy to to to switch from spreaders. You regularly share misinformation on or off twitch with twitch. Noting in a blog post. That quotes everyday people come together on twitch to establish communities that celebrate a range of hobbies passions and abilities.

We're proud of twitch's ability to bring people together. But we don't feel those who exploit internet platforms to propagate false. Damaging information have a place in our community. This okay did this change was not a problem.

There's not i don't know what's going to make a problem about this this is correct. This is fine and this is why in very recent years. We're starting to see the damaging misinformation that's being purposely done maliciously causes. Literal society damage that is stupid as that goes for like insane information.

That that literally is harmful to the public actually immediately harmful. That's banning streamers with even the major twitch stream at dr. Disrespect being permanently banned after just. Mentioning david eichel.

In the stream. Yes. You can't even mention thought criminals on twitch anymore. We don't even know any opinions that might go against twitch's moderation team.
But then who is in control of twitch's moderation team who's setting these terms of service. Which is office walkers you understand twitch's moderation team everything else begins to click yeah yeah this guy's only what the you're talking about yes sirian what the is that man oh. He was better than did that's not what he got banned for nobody. Even knows why together and it starts to make more sense.

Why twitch's censorship has quickly become so extreme even beating youtube. When its draconian levels of censorship for example. The people in charge of twitch ascension teams are people like steph lower a prominent member of twitch's safety advisory council. Her position is very powerful steph has the power to control twitch's terms of service okay permanently banned users.

No that is not how that works this is such a bogus video that okay. The council wasn't made for this and it's not been used for this this has never happened even once. Before death has the power to control twitch's terms of service and permanently banned users from the site now who is staff while staff is a person who believes they are a dear and perform rich oh. My god dear spirits and if that's not weird enough hear me out here.

They also try to achieve quote deargasms with their partner. Okay okay okay stop. This is so dumb. And i'm sure she's the perfect person to impartially decide who can voice their opinions and which voices should be silenced and steph obviously knows how egregious.

This is and openly brags about it laughing about her power and control of twitch claiming quote. Some people should be afraid of me. But if you try to criticize stuff. The media immediately regards this as a hate and harassment campaign.

I know i really wish i was joking and won't twitch's moderation team another major issue that twitch is now dealing with but before we go into that i want to talk to you about today's sponsor. Fabulous. The number one i bought it okay so we've established that since amazon's takeover. Twitch has become a very different place.

But the censorship didn't just stop at banning words. The model of powermod censorship was then trickling down into twitch's streams themselves developing this ridiculous power imbalance between moderators and people in the chat. A streamer's mods have the power to ban unban and censor opinions. They don't like which leads to echo chambers of the highest orders all world twitter's stream culture promotes narcissism prone young influences to gain instant notoriety by generating enough controversy and then to censor any of the backlash that comes with this through moderators censorship and this is especially true for gulf streamers.

Whose chats are full of neck bears and sims of course these specific chats require high amounts of moderation to filter out harassing. Comments and the like. But the mods of these channels. Often see themselves as the protector of the stream bro bro.
Okay. This is the same problem with this video as this tick tock video. This guy is going on a nut job rant for no reason dude do the moderators are just known across the internet in any communities to be a bunch of okay okay i try to the mods are fine. What's your fine okay you're being an idiot okay okay.

It answered anything with it i like but it's not it's not a problem across the board that personal moderators guys guys. It's something to say that personal channel moderators are what ruins the platform overall like what's like these channels. Often see themselves as the protector of the stream. These twitch power mods are chosen for their devotion to being a white knight and their dedication to wasting their lives.

Removing thirsty comments. Which is why it's really no wonder that twitch mods often end up being powerbeats and creeps in their own right in fact. I even made a whole video dedicated to discussing the sorts of people who become moderators in the first place in the video i boiled down the moderators tend to be atomizer oppressed lonely losers who have no meaning purpose or connection in their life jesus christ they don't like and drooling on the e feet of bimbo twitch streamers twitches admins themselves yo yo yo chill. What the impression by censoring information.

They don't like and drooling on the e feet of bimbo twitch streamers milking. Twitch is simply cash cow and i haven't even mentioned twitch's admins themselves. Who rule the site with an iron fist. The admins at twitch are quick to ban any small channel that strays even an inch from the terms of service.

Although they don't even bother to adhere to their own rules. They just make it up as it goes along all the way they protect the most popular streamers. Who have free reigns to do as they please so long as twitch can still take their giants. Absolutely shameless with their comments to these okay okay okay.

This is pepper pains man. What the is that and yeah. This guy's not talkers even poke says it guys hold up guys. I'm gonna get into food a lot double standards.

Which ties directly into the recent movie. Towards. So called hot tub streams. Now as i mentioned before twitch has always struggled to generate revenue.

But under the control of amazon twitch resorted to desperate measures with amazon deciding that the best way for twitch to make money was not just to allow. But to actively promote soft core porn on their platform. Despite twitter's terms of savvy's prohibiting adult content. The site became proliferated with so called hot tub streams to such a degree that twitch later added.

A separate category just for this topic and while this obviously wasn't in keeping with the company's founding principles. It didn't stop amazon milking as much cash as they possibly could from simpson netbeards with amazon profiting from the growing class. I mean why shouldn't they be honest if you're gonna get if you're gonna if you're gonna get berated. All day dude and people being thirsty asshats might as well melt them to a crisp.
I i do not feel any sort of i don't feel any other way okay about shrimps. Okay okay. It want to be a bunch of about a bunch of and be a certain way might as well milk them to the dime dude desperate lonely losers whose only way of addressing their pain of isolation is to spunk their grubby cash onto a virtual ego and while these streams were hugely popular and led to lots of donations and revenue for the platform. It also angered the normal people oh.

My god leading at the time to the relatively obscure word simping to become a mainstay of public discourse. However this ridicule was too much for amazon to handle leading to their insanely idiotic decision to ban the word entirely. But then again i guess. It's not really a surprise considering the people who control the flow of information in terms of service.

Are busy having deergasms. Oh okay okay okay okay okay. The banhammer strikes. Often and with no regard for the terms of service or the livelihood of the creators.

And what's even worse is that whilst the small creators struggle to gain popularity and avoid being banned for the smallest of infractions. The largest streamers that bring in the most revenue for twitch enjoy almost limitless protection bro. This is the real world bro. I get banned for did it i did it did it off dude.

It i get mad at nothing what what protection do i get i get thrown to the bus at any opportunity. I get man what the which makes money and this gets citizen. Not just for the fact that it erodes free speech from the internet. But also because of the way that twitch is hiding sexual assault and harassment allegations against much of twitch's biggest partners protecting profits.

Wow. Allegations were given hey what the what the what the is that what the dude. It okay okay okay this guy is dumb and this guy's dumb as this guy's dumb dude i wasn't even banned on twitch for this ah dude dude dude dude okay okay don't get me wrong i regret what i said there okay let's put that as a blanket looking. But the reality is is that uh the the majority of people okay saw it as a it was a bad thing.

But it wasn't it was not a slur. It wasn't like like one minute approves this point not because dude at the time twitch hated me okay if they want to pay for something okay they're never gonna pay for it okay. This this that i did not say a slur dude. It was not a slur.

It was not a slur people used to say that are 10 times worse on a daily on twitch and i get banned nobody blames an eye at most i'm going to say i'm not going to be like oh my god because they do because i do that i can do that okay. But but what i said okay was we said so it's like like dude off with that and also it's also not a slur. I'm gonna say it dude. I said suck a dick on you how is circadica slurp.
It's not are you okay much of twitch's biggest partners all in the name of protecting profits. The worst defenders in these allegations were given three day bans at most and a tiny little slap on the wrist for such egregious allegations of course all these problems wouldn't have happened in the first place. If the site had stayed true to the founding principles that justin had always championed it was the greed of amazon looking to make a quick buck of lonely horny teenagers that led twitch down this dark path. But then this begs the more important question.

Why are so many people throwing their cash from these power social relationships in the first place. How is amazon ask only fans don't with me. Twitch. A multi billion dollar company just from people donating to these random streamers and why are millions of young people.

Wasting their lives. Watching people talk to a camera for several hours a day is this simply just horny teenagers or is there something else to this well. It's no secret that our neoliberal dystopia indoctrinates. Young people to shun their own authenticity.

Community and family for the replacement of virtual online relationships to provide them an empty sense of community. We live in a society that has normalized and accelerated the evisceration of the family unit. The building blocks of society are crumbling into dust in the words of theodore dalrymple. The vicuity of modern life in the west its lack of transcendence lived as it is increasingly with our religious or political belief.

Without a worthwhile creative culture. Often without deep personal attachments and without even a struggle for survival taking us into a god shaped hole. Which is rushing. The search for central pleasure.

Which however no more than distracts the sensual pleasure he talks about is now seen in the form of egos. Fake parasocial. Relationships and watching a drip trip of meaningless unfulfilling content that leaves you open mouth slouched. On your bed.

And tranquilized into a passive obedient numbness as guy de board said quote in societies where modern conditions. You know. This is true okay mapping. This is a lot of space for don't for those who don't and those who do the right things.

It gives them less competition and they can they can rule harder. It's just kind of how it is like i don't know the production prevailed. All of life presents itself. If everybody's thinking about a bunch of when you're not a you're popping off by the fault.

So it's like spectacles everything that was directly lived has made is that not how you want things to be and twitch is at the forefront of the social phenomena and it's become the lifeblood of twitch's revenue model. The amazon twitch system works by trapping vulnerable people and providing a temporary solution to a permanent problem. If you can't get human contact from your real life twitch gives you this through rough facsimile and this alternative seems to fill a hole making it very hard for the victims of our loneliness epidemic to quit. And the really.
Sad fact is that for these sad individuals to interact with their favorite popular streamers is through their wallets competing with their fellow loners for attention. I mean. It's not like most streamers actually care about their fans in any meaningful way either. Which is why during the peak of our loneliness in 2020.

Twitch's viewership was up 67 percent and has now generated 140 million active monthly users and the sad fact is there's no incentive for these people to break the loop and it's likely that many won't ever they'll never want to give up their parasocial relationships always stuck in this fake self gratification world and twitch doesn't want them to break the stairs just doesn't want you to be connected with your family and neighbors. It doesn't want you to have loving relationships because they profit when you're lonely and miserable. This is their business model after all with twitch taking cuts of every desperate. I mean every social media platform is benefiting off the loneliness and if i can despair.

Everybody. That's how it is though subscription or simpy donation. And this situation isn't healthy for the streamers. Either.

Although ostensibly they're benefiting from these parasocial relationships. The unhealthy dynamic. This creates makes these popular streamers live in this sort of weird trim and show lifestyle. The whole world knowing.

One's innermost life with no reciprocity whatsoever can make havoc on the mental health of streamers by either turning them into egotistical. Narcissistic. Maniacs or depression emotional crybaby jesus so many popular streamers in such a catastrophe. Okay okay this guy's off the rockers on a stack that ass um and this might be one of the worst things about twitch directly profiting and contributing to the loneliness of an entire generation just adding more and more billions to bezos empire.

And the thing is this is leading to even worse consequences. Because when people get so attached to these parasocial relationships. This does foster a lot of emotions and sometimes there's rare breeds of spurge lords who begin to feel anger annoyance and despair of the fact that their relationships are just hollowed out digital distractions and when they feel this pain. They want to get their vengeance.

They want to attack the stream. It was the cause of their problems. Which is leading to one of the biggest problems on twitch swatting is when someone finds a streamer's address and fakes. A police call telling.
The police that this streamer is a serious danger or is it that the police break into the streamer's house to arrest them probably the most famous example of this. However is what ah was often ignored. He was never banned. He was always just given a tiny little slap on the wrist.

Although this all came to a head in 2017 when ice was traveling to a convention by plane. He would broadcast all of the trips to the convention as he did with most of his waking moments. However ice has always encouraged his viewers to swat him and this time. He wasn't doing this at his house.

He was revealing the gate. Number as well as the airport he was flying from this meant that viewers could easily know what plane he would be on and so halfway through his flight his plane was diverted and forced to land because one of his viewers had called in a bomb threat telling. The police the ice planned to hijack the plane so he was quickly escorted off for questioning. But this was a crazy incident that hit the mainstream news and makes ice president infamous twitch had no choice.

But to ban him from the platform for his toxicity and constant swatting incidents. However twitch's giant incentive for stream is to create controversy at all costs and the fact that most dreamers won't ever face criticism due to the mods makes. This source. Oh damn common occurrence.

Oh okay dude for example would always put sweaters on a pedestal. Encouraging spotters for views saying. Things like quotes. What can you possibly do to create a challenge for these loser swatters.

Because these streams would go viral clips of his streams would gain hundreds of thousands of views. Allowing ice president to make bank from people spotting him encouraging swatters all across the platform man. Sending him oh you didn't push the platform to keep wasting police time and putting the lives of creators at risk. But swatters aren't the only ones playing with people again secure platform.

Twitch employees have always warned about the miserable security and the very big potential for twitch to be breached. But of course this advice always fell on deaf ears management has always been horrific even okay. This is a hindsight andy saying. Oh dude.

Security got preached one time guys how to make a video about how they were told. There was going to get breached like right tv days. But of course this would inevitably lead to what happened in october 2021. When a massive 125 gigabyte data breach revealed truckloads of information about twitch's partners and even their payouts from the platform and whilst.

This was horrific for twitch users and being a needed light on how weak twitch's management and security is this breach did also reveal some kind of fascinating insights it showed that some of the highest paid twitch. Streamers people like hassan. Pika a famous internet commie gained almost 15. Million dollars from twitch every year.
And this is just from twitch revenue alone all for him promoting socialism and wanting to eat the rich all while making millions from these people who have no connection in their real world lives was that this leak was done by one single hacker a loan agent who managed to copy the entire website without raising any alarms unveiling the very unsteady foundations. The twitch business model was built on but even with this in mind twitch will still rise in fact twitch is set to grow exponentially in the coming years. With the company projected to grow everything number two is wrong. Okay okay.

Number. Is wrong one it's a conglomerate. Okay. This guy's show is a whole thing.

It's not one guy okay single yeah. Because twitch only grows. When the population becomes more lonely and isolated number one striking data revealing that about 40 percent of generation z suffers from loneliness. Which coincidentally is the same demographic.

That uses twitch the most and when you stop to actually realize that the top streamers make almost all of their money from donations you know from people who are desperate bro. Whoa my donald rabbit was 0003 percent man what it's then not really that hard to understand how twitch has made 23. Billion dollars. Just this year.

And it also makes clear that the original creative free and authentic version of justin tv. Is dead. That's why. The original creator justin now lives a life hidden away from the hell of global big tech hidden from twitch's change.

In direction. A direction of maximizing its profits from simpson loneliness. Rather than creativity. Community and ingenuity well so long as at this size.

The part it's impossible. Though had to say guys i have to say it just the way the world uh the world that works in tech. That's just how it is it's it's you cannot dodge this. But the original creator justin now listen if the site is big.

It requires more people more coordination. More structure. It has higher costs and and you can throw the money at the screen as a company you just can't do it so it's not possible you can't it's not possible. I've hidden away from the hell of global big tech hidden from twitch's change.

In direction. A direction of maximizing its profits from simpson. Loneliness. Rather than creativity.

Community and ingenuity. So long as generation z lists. Their isolated. Sedentary and self destructive lives increasingly devoid of age old sources of happiness.

Like community religion. National identity and family. The more twitch's toxicity will grow resulting in twitch going from a beacon of freedom and artistic passion to becoming a gigantic glossy monument to insipid no liquidity is still there from a lot of people she's gotta go find them so you wanna do is gonna go to twitchtv and boom. If you find it also you have to donate whole paycheck in the whole thing.
I will not accept any donation under your whole entire paycheck um give me.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Twitch is worse than you thought xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars President Xi of the CPC says:

    Moonman Jigachad

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars President Xi of the CPC says:

    This guy is Jigachad hooooooooly

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rose Emp says:

    people saying watching YouTube is better than twitch, or watching twitch content on YouTube is better doesn't make anything better

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DI$TRUCT says:

    it went from 0 to 100 real quick

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spoffee says:

    that video was spitin fax and farming Copium from x lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al-Ashmar says:

    People saying '4chan conservative incel' to his neoliberalism rant when proper, actual marxists (not braindead hasan subs and twitter sjws) say the exact same things he says.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Cram says:

    Hes not wrong… why the fuck would you wanna waste your time parenting a chat for free.. I'd rather freely move from stream to stream and enjoy content…not watch the chat. Seems like work

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuragari says:

    truth = "this guy is off the rockers" LULW

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FeetEnthusiast says:

    "This guy is off his rocker" copege

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaymes lantigo says:

    If Youtube gaming popoff twitch will die immediately since twitch is just a cave for gamers while youtube is exposed around the world probably future steamers on gaming youtube will get more exposure than twitch

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Parker says:

    This guy acting like twitch staff didn't pick the ambassadors for the council lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CenaRoyale says:

    Greek was right Aware

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