xQc reacts to Livestream FAILS!
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#xQc #Fails #Memes

Twitch is the banning shimmers for harmful information. They spread it when they're on twitch. What i thought this was the uh. I thought this is better.

We already knew this holy macaroni 1360 comments, what the what a new rule, but not used, often yeah, because you would rarely see that, because you guys people will warn about this chat. If you spread this information, it's not like uh uh, like uh the end of the world, unless you do it like you, actually do it with the to that's the main goal of it. If you like it, if you do unintentionally, are you something dumb like hey guys, i'm the best game in the world? That's the misinformation! Well, it's not! Okay! That's a bad example, because that that would actually be the truth, though, but you know what i mean, though you know what i mean, though no that would not be misinformation. That is actually correct, though i am the best gamer out there.

That's not harmful. Two years. This guy has been saying for the last two months that every single that is faking live on. Twitch streamers have never visited it.

What they got banned for clueless cherry he's been on stream too, deserve busy running at propaganda. This must be why they banned that loser. Chance, the soda can guy get bozo just check his tweet good, riddance, okay, interesting, okay, well, jesus tyler is leaving the trailer and going to korea. Uh we're gon na be doing um autofill the challenger, except we're going to be doing that in korea.

Oh interesting with tarzan, alongside of us, and that is also going to be late april - that's going to be uh, so we have about two weeks to focus up on. You know: that's kind of cool, actually um cool man, that's kind of cool dream response. Do people bring up his fans that turn on twitter unmuted in the comments? Oh my god no say what's right, oh in the comments - and you have seven followers word on your street, is you have a smelly, saggy, penis lol um? What the am i dude, what the can i just watch life and all that stuff um. I'm just gon na express that if you are a person on twitter and you have seven followers and you get doxxed on twitter um, the odds of you having something happen to you in your life are so astronomically small that it's not even worth worrying about.

Ah, i actually dude. I actually disagree. I i just i deal with it. I don't agree with that at all: it's not even worth it remotely.

I mean everybody that i know that is a creator um has been, has had their address leaked, okay, okay, guys guys. I want to be a listen, snowflake, andy, okay, but the reality is the threat and the risk and the problem with this energy being out there and just knowing that somebody er is being weird about it or whatever is enough that just the fact that it's out There is bad and it's it's worrisome, okay, and that worry is just dude. It removes people from peace of mind. That's that's! That's lame! That is incredibly lame.

Um yeah also exactly if you're, if you're an individual and you're uh somebody who has no followers and you're just an individual and you get doxxed, it seems much more targeted and and and like out. This is at you only if you're, one guy that doesn't have a community or a group of people and you're, just one guy and a dog, comes towards you as a one guy. It feels way more targeted than if it's like some some big entity. Oh we're talking it's i don't know, it seems more talk, it seems even riskier.
Also too i don't know has had their name leaked has had everything leaked about them. Um and it's very rare to have things actually happen, even people with millions and millions of haters and millions and millions of fans and millions millions of things. So i guess this is more of a hey. You know, don't don't worry too much, don't stress um, but you know just if you're at the end of the day, if you're on the internet and you and you have something like that happen to you, try and ignore it, the best you can try and try And uh you know avoid it and you'll be fine.

At the end of the day, you'll be okay. Um again that doesn't mean doctor. Okay, doxxing is horrible; okay, okay, guys guys this dream guy. I think i think he has good and bad takes.

At the same time, which is kind of like weird um yeah, this guy the chat this gives me like tyler. The creator like just turn off the monitor, uh vibes, like oh man, guys you're getting doxxed, do your best to ignore it and downplay it well. I would actually say the opposite, then, if you're somebody who's like alone and you're, coming on on some um something and you kind of and and you get doxxed, i think you should. You should worry about it guys.

This is actually my take okay. I want to be weird about this. This is my take it if you're one guy and you tweet something randomly and you get targeted by a ducks and something people look weird yeah. You should actually spend time uh worrying about it and and doing doing the right things, because that's worrisome, it is very worrisome dude.

That's that's what i think, anyway, um, because that seems like a lot of effort and a lot of things put towards one person who doesn't have anything to fall back on, or it's just kind of like it's it's it's it's far out man, man that hides his Name and face when he is says this is a big deal, the internet, to give your info yeah. This is out there, but as long as they're pluggable deniability, it's not him and his community won't believe it. Okay also now he's talking about astronomically low chances, but when he cheated his speedruns, he kept saying it's impossible, but it's possible that now, when you get doxxed but you're, nobody, you shouldn't care the text. Minecraft people have chopped here: jesus christ, okay, this is okay.

These comments are just like a cook: festa x, actually streams now and he seems pretty cool from the few times that popped in about his stream is league. What i don't play lee at all, i i did. What did you guys? What if i could talk about? X's adventures in minecraft cnners guys what the is x. It's not me.
It's not in me my shimmer is lol. Can i openly farm and helping support psychotic stan culture? Can i be honest, don't you can i be honest of all his bad takes so far dream? One of his good takes that i i genuinely agree with people should stop making a big deal out of replying something on twitter. Like people can people can? If i post something people can reply? Misinformation, dog dogs, garbage ass, crack racism insane things, but if i say if i reply dude, you are wrong: oh my god, your targeted harassment and fostering attacks on this guy out of the blue dude. Are you actually targeting hate on this guy ruining his life like dude off with that? What even, is that, at the end of the day, it's a it's a twitter and using personal accounts, people are doing hey replies and you're replying as a human as a person like unless you're purposely fostering garbage like people post on a public board.

You're gon na get public replies and public response. That's that's. That's that's responsibility. Accountability.

Do you want people to be killed, accountable and responsible for what they do well, take accountability and responsibility for the things that you post on your twitter, whether you have one follower, 100 or 100 million? How about you think you take it? You take a a page out of your own book dumb and you apply your your dog narratives to yourself. Dude um sleeping dream is knowing it. Well, i don't agree, that's just kind of the minecraft seems to be elite. What's going on, they got so big that that they're following is now uh, compromised full of actual morons that speak louder than the normal people and uh.

Now they look like a bunch of dumb because they look like their own, responding full time to literal garbanzo idiot minus one million iq ticks three um. Well, if you want the truth, i haven't seen chance. Since the news dropped. Uh, i've heard a whole bunch of crying coming from his room.

Oh no uh loud, very emo, music playing um. I want to ask him, like you know what he got banned for, how long he got banned, for he actually won't even tell me jesus. He won't. I i have it dude, it's easy.

I hear like you know it's just like that. Deep moaning, like someone died, you know it's crazy, my what three um like this one i haven't seen chance since the news you'll also be either sleeping or so i don't know about this, give me a two and sell it marketplace of ideas with a adult man. I will defend myself and reflect the bad faith back on you. I'm not gon na be like the people you sit with at the cafeteria that go make.

You feel. Why don't you come okay, louisiana one! Your shit's got ta be cogent. If it's gon na work here, the teachers can't tell you what they really think of you, because your ma, you would cry your mom would call the school and they'd be like he's only 17 be nice to him. Once you matriculate, you make it into the real world.
People start being honest to you. This is the vibe you're gon na get when you act like a jesus man anyway. Let me think for a second here, give me a toucan salad. Well, here we go you're in the marketplace of ideas with a adult man.

I will defend myself and reflect the bad faith back on you, i'm not going to be like the people. You sit with. He's very heated. He's very heated.

That's that's! That's a that's! A boiled egg for someone holy at the cafeteria that go hahaha because they don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Okay, your shit's got to be cogent. If it's going to work here, suburban has been banned. That was a thousand comments.

Lore master uh, mostly due to okay um, don't wan na! Try guys you guys, don't try you guys guys so does response to him being banned uh about that. Well guess i got ta, explain. Cuz people think i would truly go the lengths of trying to actually look racist on purpose i'll, try to explain my thought process through this situation. I am edgy, but not this edgy.

In the moment, i noticed hey character, creation with makeup and immediately started making him darker, like mister potato, head cozy looks like him shape wise, but i realized, while coloring him, that i can only color in the face, and so i just said: oh blackface, i mean Idk seemed like a harmless mistake, so i just rolled with it. That's the extent of how far i wanted the joke to go. I guess and then move on so then i added an over exaggerated smile with lipstick. I thought just adding a red smiley to it.

Not realizing it added more racism to the black face, making me unknowingly double down. I didn't notice how that correlated at the time. I was just throwing random makeup on the face. Oh fc, i thought lipstick that makes over exaggerated smile.

My brain isn't really thinking past. That, while streaming, i'm just trying to paint a potato in hindsight, i see how that yay, it's like an extreme black face. I didn't mean for it to get racist sounding looking as it did, but yay. This was just me being naive and not realizing how the mouth correlated with the skin etc, guys guys guys.

I saw the clip because i saw the clip usually a time i tend to say cap to when i hear like uh something that is kind of far-fetched. This is not which i don't know if you like um, also, you guys got the idea. I don't want to go out of my way it because he gets oh, it's my friend, i'm going to defend him away from the screen. Okay, guys i'm going to do.

I'm not waiting and there's something that i don't know about. It seems like a reasonable explanation. It seems legitimately reasonable because the dru guys the crayon size, he didn't even change it. People can say: oh dude, she uh you personally made the the mount look like this.
He's using the same crayon size that other that other crayons used, i'm not i'm, not biased. I know chance, i know he pushed the limits and he would have done that. It's not a bigger deal. Is it people need to understand you guys that when you're, dumb? Okay, you have you guys.

This is interesting if you do something done as a dumb person, you're jiji, because you already passed the first layer of dumbness right. It's what it's why it's white you have. You have to be smarter as a oh, my god is jesus christ, okay, interesting um, yeah, it's not it's, not it, but yeah. You guys guys.

I i want to get too different into this thing as you guys he apologized. It is what it is, what it is yeah. I agree. I agree it's bad.

I agree, it's bad, it's bad and it looks worse in a story. I i didn't round that one yeah it's a bad joke, and on top of that it looks worse. Is it purposely worse? I got ta know i can't tell nobody can tell, but that's how it is. Okay, penguin, oh my god.

I suppose all the time geez i'll be at my grandma's house, and i would always go to this store to buy clothes and um. I would i would never be able to buy them, because i i need, like a have a membership or something like that. But every time that i want my grandma's house, i still went to that store and i put the clothes on whatever and like the little privy thing or something like that. I couldn't buy them, but i i i just kept i i would always go anyway and i could never buy them.

It's kind of weird think about it. Literally literally literally window shopping, in-game. Okay, s fan king le card, the sixth time three crayons one piano. I, i think, is anything else: boys, christ, man.

What is that give me a second you? Okay, there buddy you, okay, then it's a bulldog, remote yeah. I know elsa, i'm good, i'm doing great. Oh, my goodness. What is this interesting? I was just like cleaning up.

My stuff and my uh and like my upstairs yeah, there's like way too much stuff in the podcast room, but uh yeah, i i don't have um. I got you guys. Oh oh otk, clip. Let's see how long it is.

Oh, it's a minute! Long! Okay, do we need contacts? Yes, checks out fat, hello? How are you today this is nice? Well, that's cool! That was chill. What are you looking at? I don't personally watch soda, but the guy has been streaming on the platform for so long. If he is racist, it would have already get known. The guy made an honest mistake.

Racism is bad and will always be, but sometimes we just have to use the brain of ours. Jesus come on man you're, ruining it a lot of error going into this first round, surprisingly type 123 for free boyfriend. Tonight you.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “What are you looking at?”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrownMchunky says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 6consoles says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake B says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry says:


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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NWiersema says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tsdark says:

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  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xiao Woo says:

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  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Boll says:


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