An eccentric FMV murder mystery with a twist: someone has poisoned Uncle Marcus. Uncover the truth in the yearly family quiz and try to save him before it is too late.
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Hi mum, i'm not gon na make the virtual quiz tonight. Yes, i know it's your birthday and we do it every year and i realize that it starts in a couple of seconds. Yes, yes, i'm an adult now and i make my own choices and i shouldn't be petrified telling my mum how i really feel who pressed mute on uncle marcus hi uncle marcus. I didn't expect to hear from you hey kid.

Listen, i'm really sorry that i missed you at the family meeting last week. Work had this big case and i i tried to tell them that it was my last chance to see it's. Okay, it's okay. I understand i know, but i i really wanted to see you before you went back to l.a i've not seen you in so long.

I'm sorry too more than you can possibly believe. What's up did something happen at the meeting i mean other than the we hate marcus club shouting at you about how they could run the business better than you yeah. Something did happen and that's why i needed to talk to you abby. I need your help.

Yeah, of course anything you know that um. What do you want me to do? I need you to investigate a murder. Oh, this is a prank right. I wish murder who's been killed me.

I i don't. I don't understand. I've been poisoned, abby, i'm dying and it was someone at the family meeting family martial. Have you seen it by the way? No, my doctors have confirmed it.

It's the only possible time. It could have happened, someone who is at the family meeting poisoned me. I don't know who - and i don't know how, but they did, but can't they treat you can't they don't know what the poison was they're working on it, but they can't start treating me until they know well, there must be something that they can do. I did a lot of hard living in the 80s kill my body ain't, what it used to be and if they were to treat me with the wrong thing that could kill me sorry kiddo how how long? How long have i got? They say it's hours.

This can't be real. That's why i need your help abby. I need you to find out who did this tonight hours? No, i got icon, i mean how the quiz everyone's gon na, be there abby. You need to question them find out who, in the family, wants me dead? What if what if they find out, what i'm doing, what what will they think abby, i'm dying? Who cares what they think? Let me ask you a question kid: why are you working in law because for the money, his mom, the family, they decided that that's what i should do exactly and if you weren't part of this up family and you weren't still looking for their approval.

What would you be doing? You know why i know what i just want you to say it again to make sure you haven't forgotten. I want to design games, so you need to shake them off abby this whole rotten family, like i did dinner's on there. Well, you didn't shake them off too. Well, one of them's trying to kill you.

Okay, you got a point there. Kiddo, oh mom's, calling me don't answer it come on abby ignore her! Please she knows how to leave a message. Sorry, man, oh sorry, hi mom, any particular reason you're making me wait on my birthday. Sorry mum, i'm i'm just getting ready.
I don't ask for much chappie, but i do ask that you respect the family family. Is everything to me as your grandfather? God rest his soul used to say: there's me and there's you and the family is the glue. Oh you remember it. Well, i suggest you start acting like it.

It's her. Did you? Yes, mum, hurry up, wow, you're right. You really needed to answer that. Well, i should really get to the quiz before mom kills me that wasn't going to be a joke.

I know you can do this. I believe in you abby, you know them. You know what makes them tick right. Use that to your advantage.

What if i screw it up? Well, i'm betting, my life on that not happening okay, i'll, try i'll be here, listen i'll help as much as i can remember. Abby find the poison find the proof find the killer kind of poison, but i thought he already ate it. I just don't understand why there always has to be this big song and dance about flick's birthday. What it's a zoo meeting, not me june.

It's about us! The family spending quality time together and i'm sorry we don't do the same thing on your birthday. What the anyone really remembers when it is hi, oh abby, is that the big entrance you made us sit around for sorry mum right now, we're all here together. Is there something everyone would like to say to me considering what day it is well we're all here, aren't we? What more do you want a bloody parade? I want me to pull some fireworks out of my i thought you'd be thanking me june. Perfect excuse for a drink.

What's your reason! Every other day of the week you girls are as bad as each other. Pull your camera down down. Yeah nick merks, andy that better perfect mummy. I think we should all sing mom happy birthday.

Oh lottie don't be sad. Where is that bird is so bloody depressing? I don't even like the phrase. Do you know what they say in the basque region? Zorianak zuri! Isn't that delightful, but wait a minute. I can't see it before great now.

Listen. I actually think that birthdays are a really good time to do a little bit of a privilege audit. You know really take a look and that's why they invented the mute button, so where's bradley the bedroom boy bradley her royal highness auntie felicity requests your presence. So do you want to get your palette features in front of a webcam most of you to dress up for the occasion bradley? So don't you want to wish your auntie sorry? What is that? I don't know what that is, but i mean if this is about your birthday, if you say one syllable about birthdays just being a day closer to death, i will mute.

You, like, i muted your brother yeah, but that's what birthdays are, though signposts pointing towards the grave. You know. Let's stop talking a quiz before i mute you all hasn't anyone got something nice to say, uh, happy birthday, mum. What oh abby completely forgotten.
You were there anyway now down to the first order of business, whose turn is it to ask the first round of questions? Well, fine! Well, we'll have to pick someone who hasn't done one recently me not you abby come talk to me a second how's this guy. In the call boy, they can't even pretend to like each other for five minutes. Can they? I really don't think i could do this. Look.

It's only asking questions. You know them. You just need to figure out how to get them talking and start simple. Just go back in there and see if you can figure out whose round is first, it's just like gathering evidence what just give it a shot.

Okay, look! I'm sorry! Okay, this part of east africa. It's amazing but 4g isn't a strong point, but all i'm saying is, i might cut in and out. Well i'm not going first, it's my birthday, your mom's on the warpath. I would just leave her alone for now.

I think your best chance of success is probably speaking with lottie toby, if you're feeling brave enough auntie june mama uh, maybe because it's your birthday, that's why you should go first, no well how about nobody goes first, and then we can all just off she's gon Na you know you know: she's, not hi babe, you, okay, yeah uh, fine thanks babe! So did you go to the meeting? What the uh the meeting, the one that was at auntie jean's house? Oh, the family business thing yeah. I went to that. Oh my god. So much drama really what happened? Mum is raging about it before you came on.

She said she didn't want to talk about it, and then she went off on uncle marcus for like a solid five minutes. Honestly, if this quiz doesn't go smoothly, i think she's going to actually have a meltdown like she's, so embarrassing when she's like that, i'm like come on, keep your wig on. So why was mum so upset? What actually happened at the meeting? Oh babe too much you had to be there well. Can you tell me what i missed? You know what i think.

I'm just gon na tell mom i'm gon na go first. If she has to wait any longer for this quiz to start. I think she might actually have like a genuine full-on breakdown, see you back in there babe team chat. Well, that was something.

Ah, that was really bad. Wasn't it yeah that wasn't so good, maybe try something different next time, but that's okay! You learn from it right. What's come on, hey come on, the quiz is about to start. Here we go.

What even is the quiz? Yes, but lottie. This is my birthday yeah and the questions are for you they're. Just about me. I want to play an actual quiz.

Lottie not spend my evening blowing smoke up your ass it'll, be so good. I promise. Okay, everyone pick your team, please toby! Do you want to team up with me? Ah did someone just say my name yeah? I was asking if you wanted sorry gon na have to speak up signal's breaking up. Do you want to team up with me still can't hear anything? Do you want? Oh toby, just stop pricking about and team up with your brother, fine who's.
Next teams yeah! I i i just need to go to the loo. What the hell is, this quiz chaos, you play the whole thing in teams sort of we pick a new team each round. Well, that doesn't make any sense yeah. I can't remember how it started, probably some doomed attempt to make things fair or avoid another fight.

You know what they're, like, i sure, did the bathroom why they called the lou, though, are you okay? Ah dad i've been better, you better go pick a teammate. Oh, i'm not starting with mummy i'll be through this bottle before the first question. Well, you getting through that bottle has nothing to do with mum. Girls behave yourselves.

What would you expect to say if you saw you like this, why do you have to bring daddy into everything i mean you're talking to us like we wouldn't children, auntie junior started it okay, ready question: one is gon na bad rhyme. Legend capsie recently described my debut track as sick, but what is the track called? Was that too easy? What? No, i think, it's okay, let's start easy and see how we go. Oh, i don't know what is happening. What's the question uh, what is lottie's song called uh songs from a strangulated cat ballad of a teenage narcissist ho? Actually, i do know what it's called she's rammed it down our throats enough times.

It's called vibe in it. What does that even mean? It sounds like a massage chair or a sex toy huh uh. Well, a vibe is like a sort of a feeling. Don't patronize me sorry, i i just asked the question.

My first track is called that in it not a single wrong answer there. Clearly, a lot of fans on the floor tonight. Your sister abigail is an who. Does she get it from what question two caps love my tracks so much.

He had me guessed on his latest song. What's it called that's something foreign? Isn't it asian the words asian just put that down before you run out of time asian, that's good enough! I i'm pretty sure it's arigato! Well, what the hell is that thank you in japanese, that's asian! I said asian japan is asian. Isn't it right? The answer is arigato. I called it right.

Uh just give me a minute. I need to think of question three. What's she heard when, at the meeting just to see the look on your face? I don't know what the is this uncle marcus tell you what he burnt his hand, poor lamb. Well, i burnt his hand accidentally, but i rather wish i'd thought of it.

What what happened? Well, i had a little stumble and i knocked one of my candles which landed on markers and straight away. His jumper just up in flames. Now, quality clothing does not burn like that, so it just goes to show, doesn't matter how much money that man makes he will never not be a cheap skate. Titus anyway, toby claims he was just trying to douse the flames, so he threw his drink right in marcus's face nowhere near the flames.
So then, your mother threw her drink on him as well, which did put out the fire, which is kind of a shame, but marcus started wailing like a girl about his hand. He was in agony with a wet rag and started rubbing it all over his burns. It was hilarious, so then your nana got involved and started bandaging his hand and then bradley came in with some painkillers and the fun was sort of over really then, which was sort of way the wrath. If it had been just me, the rubbing wait a minute.

He did look like you've, been dragged through a hedge backwards and forwards again, it's already rather wonderful question three. According to a recent poll from my fans, what is my greatest strength? Oh right now, so this is the bit when she starts bragging about her singing voice. Isn't it actually, i think, lottie might think greatest strength means something else like what i think she means her eyebrows. I mean.

Why are we even playing along with this? These aren't questions he's losing html, manipulating us into giving her praise and compliments. It is singing voice. Yeah, i forget what i said: let's um, let's go with i'm not thinking it's too obvious. The answer is obviously my eyebrows.

I get messages like every day asking me to do an eyebrow tutorial but like. Why would i give away all my secrets? How am i related to such an issue? Why i failed yeah naughty? Can sometimes i'm talking about lottie, okay, so question four. How many times does dad take me to dubai? Oh christ, never waste of space. Honestly, you should have seen him run for the hills.

The second lot he was born couldn't see him for dust now it's one holiday year and he thinks he's best daddy in the world. Still, i suppose, most affair babies are just forgotten about, aren't they so should give them a tiny bit of credit for that, but you're bloody glad he's. Not your dad. Aren't you.

I guess oh come on long abigail. It is very sad that your daddy died, but it's been years now, but i just had to get over it when my daddy died, no moping about for me, and you know the answer to this or not, i can work it out. Can you know yeah lottie went to dubai for the first time for her sixth birthday. I remember it because um she was really scared.

So i made her this lucky charm necklace to wear on the plane for good luck, cool story, man all right. My point uh is that if she first went to dubai for her sixth birthday, she's been doing the same thing every year since lottie's now 19, with a simple bit of maths, 13. put that down. Well, i was going to say 14., yes, well, you're, not exactly carol, vorderman aye! So just put the answer in i'm sorry, but the answer is definitely 14..

What are you doing? So? The answer is 14 times easy, see that so much yeah, buster well i'd, say well done, but i think we both know. That was more luck than judgment right. That's all the questions. I've got, someone else can go now.
She's only done four questions thanks. I am never teaming up with that freak again. I was only trying to make conversation. Uh.

Have you told mom about your latest purchase? Huh he's bought a gun, mum literally the very gun that was used to murder, that famous astronaut. It's not the exact gun. It's the same: make of gun right, there's a difference. Oh for god's sake, you two.

If i have to listen to you beckering any more, i'm gon na put a gun blow. My own two stars aside. Not him with your auntie june is like trying to charm a rattlesnake, but i think we got some useful stuff. Oh he's dying.

Look at look at his hands. We have some new, oh look at losing that that could really help us. The doctors have managed to narrow the poison down to three possibilities. So let's check out everything that we have so far, uh, nothing.

210. No, so huh evidence review, none yeah, signal's, not great here guys, so i'd rather do my round later. I can give it a go as long as someone explains the rules to me again. Oh no, no look i'll do my round.

Let's try and bring some order and civility back to proceeding, shall we dare i even say a little class polonium, thallium dimethyl mercury. One of the classics, gold, spandau valley, one point to me: no, i mean the true classical true, that's another one, two points to me: i'm talking about mozart, bark, sopa, actual geniuses geniuses, you only cared about spandau ballet and the saxophone plays tight trousers. Well, this may come as a shock to you june, but some people's tastes mature with age, you're right and you have aged what are we playing? I shall perform a recognizable melody and you must simply tell me the name of the piece or to make it easy. I know my the name of the composer, so we're playing name that tune there.

Yes, mother, if you like, actually being with me june, there's nothing i'd like more than to repeatedly explain. What's going on to a slightly senile old woman over a dodgy internet connection, i mean it's one of my favorite things. Well, i might ask a few questions well come along then, let's get it over with lemonade. Is that illness hey bradley? How are you uh who's that, on your t-shirt, you've never heard of keith wilson keys before? Should i yeah he killed six people in one weekend, medford to oregon 1997..

They called him the bv state cleveland killer, yeah, no yeah, yeah yeah. Oh him, he's a he's. A good one i didn't realize that they put cereal killers on t-shirts. No, no, no he's he's not he's not a serial killer, he's a spree killer and uh yeah.

You can get a lot more than this. If you know where to look, everyone be quiet and listen carefully to the first piece. Okay, i mean, i guess, beethoven's pretty safe, because it's i'll go with beethoven, and that was of course, fur elise by the great man himself, mozart. We got it right.
Peace - number: two la la la la la la la la la la la la la la you should tell her i'm not going to tell her mum. I i think you've pressed a voice filter by mistake. There should there should be a button on your screen. Dude yeah, perfect hello.

Well, thanks for that, everyone you're all a great help. I can't even remember what we're supposed to be doing now. Let's chop, did you like music, i mean or mozzarella, classical music or backgrounds that sound sad, yeah me too flick. Are we seriously supposed to just know these i mean give us a clue.

Well, only an idiot would need a clue for these, but i suppose cock-off, here's a clue. The composer was german. Well, that's barely is it fine? The composer's first name is johan. Well, i can think of two composers that are definitely german.

Who back what are you doing? You got to get back to the quiz abby abby. Are you cheating? What? Where did you just go? Were you googling the answers or something the answers? Have you got amnesia? Oh um, another quiz, sorry yeah. What was the question? There wasn't a question. It was oh yeah, yeah yeah losing hbo now uh.

How far did we get? You said you knew two german composers. Yes, i did um. Oh i'm sorry! I just i. I can't remember right now: um bark yeah, oh um, and beethoven, it's back the two bees back you're being so weird! Sorry, yes, says you what let's try bach, i can't believe some of you still got that wrong even with such an easy clue.

Well, the answer is johan sebastian barks minuet in g minor, bach worker, the psychnis unhang 115. snappy title. Why are we trying to make jokes? I don't know you're not funny, i'm not sure what jesus is my next piece. It needs to be something with power.

Yet emotional heft be patient, while i think i'll watch it. I got this, i'm not going to reach out this music, i'm not sure i think she just likes it. I mean she was playing some of these pieces of music at the meeting uh the meeting yeah. It's like she was trying to show everyone.

She was in charge, it wasn't even her house she's just got like a thing about trying to control whatever's happening. You know what was happening a lot. Maybe you should have been there. This next piece is so obvious.

I consider not doing it, but for some reason it's been going round in my head. Perhaps this will get it out of my system, it's funeral march by chopin, it's all my favorites, all right yeah. So it's a good one. That piece was the incredibly moving funeral march by chopin.

I already know what i'm doing for my fourth piece, so be quiet. No, oh! No! No! The humidity's changed. I can't sing in this. I could sprain something.

Let's move on to the next round. I was surprised you weren't at the meeting. Aren't you uncle marcus's biggest cheerleader uh yeah? No, i i really wanted to be there. I was just he's more hp.
Now he should have been there. He needed you. What are you saying? Everybody else hates him. The whole family, apart from you i mean my mom - spends most of her time, thinking about how much she hates him.

So after too many drinks, she starts rambling about and talking about how he's ruined granddad's legacy, how a company should have come to her or your mum at once when it was really bad. She asked me if i knew how to hire a hitman. She thought maybe i'd know something from the black internet. She meant dark web, obviously as to why she wanted to know - and she just said she saw in the film once and uh yeah the last time she mentioned it at least to me bradley.

Do you know? Don't something maybe what evidence found fabulous birthday so far flag? Do you think i mean my mom spends most of her time, thinking about how cam actually going to finish a single round this evening, uncomfortable silence, my favorite urgent dude? Who is this anonymous guy man abby jesus christ, what the hell, so it can't be toby. It can't be bradley because anonymous was talking while i was playing this, i'm afraid it is too late for that. So no, i can't tell you it's abby, no, i'm not built for this. What are they going to do tonight? Abby! Stop it stop marcus! Oh you! Okay, copium, it's getting worse.

Abby. I've got less time. I thought don't give up on me. The only only chance i got.

Please abby, please, okay, okay round to review ali ah so june asked how to get a hitman. Okay, listen up guys uh. My signal seems to have settled down a bit yeah. So let's do my round now, but listen.

I've got a pretty cool new spin on how to everyone get in teams right, yeah, yeah, sure, cool yeah. Let's start there, lottie ew! No, don't let her talk to you like that bradley. Well, you say worse to him. Every day, the other day you called him a slug that was affectionate at least my bradley's, not a brainless stuck-up little like lottie, i'm not stuck up jew.

You ever speak to my daughter like that again and i'll flick. I didn't know: you'd suddenly become interested in your children, stop i'll, like team up with bradley whatever, if it'll save another argument cool. Let's just make this clear. You can team up with me, but that does not mean you can talk to me.

Okay, now we're gon na expand some minds here guys. This is like sideshow: auntie felicity, look just give me a chance, and i might just change your life for the better yeah toby. The only way you can make my life better is, if you never speak to me ever again, i'll play with her again she's cooked up hi and just like that. I've got a headache.

Sorry so we're going to mix things up here and we're going to be doing some of the workshops that i teach in the schools and i'll be awarding points for empathy. Okay, that's not a quiz! No! So much more than that! This is an exercise where we can have fun and learn something just ask a question: toby, like a normal person yeah, it doesn't really work like that. Toby ask a question. This you've never supported me.
Oh god, you know what dude wait there. No, i i knew you'd do this question one. As global temperatures continue to rise, will it lead to an increase or a decrease in precipitation increase rain toby? For christ's sake, just say: rain, just increase his father complete utter embarrassment? Shall we go with increase more ice? Going down more water, more water, more uh clouds, more clouds, more rain. The answer is increase.

Things are only going to get worse unless we act well. What a lucky guess! Congratulations! You have the equivalent brain power of a flipped coin. Thanks traps more of the sun's heat carbon dioxide or water vapor, another 50 50.. It's clearly as much as toby's tiny mind can take.

It just goes to show it can cause permanent carbon and dioxide. Its head permanently stuck up one's own. She has something about. She loves to go with carbon dioxide christmas.

Everyone knows this. The correct answer: water vapor off, see. I told you you'd learned something guys. Have you always been this dim, or am i just noticing it now i mean all that money.

Oh no he's taking the energy to that education, and here you are guessing in a quiz, a quiz made up by toby. It was a tough question question three: as a result of climate change, over 200 species of frog have gone extinct, okay and that's just since the 1970s, but what's the biggest threat that frogs face, i might not have to guess this one. I actually saw a documentary. The other day, oh documentaries, about frogs they're they're losing animals anyway.

I think the answer is disease warmer climates, yes whatever. But if you ask me, the biggest danger frog's face is the french? What put something down abigail before he moves on i'll go with diseases, so the correct answer is disease warmer climates mean diseases can spread very easily, so it's not just us in the firing line, guys well. That was easy. I know question four: what percentage of the world's coral reefs have died over the last a good amount of years? Toby? Any of these questions going to be not depressing, i mean normally, just the sound of your voice is enough.

It doesn't need any more encouragement. Oh sorry, mum what you want me to do more stuff on the fun side of our planet dying. You know what i really tried with this, but i can tell by the answers i'm getting that none of you are taking this seriously. So you know someone else.

Can do around that? I don't care anymore, oh baby, what a waste of time well done, abigail auntie june! I i i need to like something terrible has happened to uncle marcus. No, oh! What else is he coming out with now so you've got aliens coming after him? Is that it what the thing you have to understand, she's about dear uncle marcus? Is it he's a nutter, complete paranoid fantasist? Do you know one year he thought his business partner was trying to kill him yesterday was getting threats, anonymous emails, anonymous he's, probably sending them to himself, so he got shutters put on all the windows surveillance cameras everywhere. Do you know what happened? Nothing? Obviously your uncle marcus lost his marbles a very long time ago. She said: they're, not dangerous, don't trust a word.
He says: unless anonymous is him and he shouldn't kill somebody by pretending, he's being killed kid. We need to talk abby, please she's, please taking this moronna she's anonymous. If we had more time, i could explain. You said this was real.

It is real. How can i trust you? How can i trust anything that you say now? I'm not paranoid. Some guy was making threats. It wasn't in my head, oh okay, so maybe i took the threats a little too seriously, but how was i supposed to know? How was i supposed to know he wasn't gon na follow through? How was i supposed to know that, as far as i was concerned, the guy was nuts and then june got a hold of it.

Abby and the whole thing got twisted, and i i i don't know why i didn't tell you, i don't know i i i didn't want to scare you. So why are you telling me this time this time abby it just doesn't make any sense. You you tell me the story that someone's trying to kill you and now now i find out that you've done this before this is not the same. How abby i'm dying? Oh no! His hp is going down again my bad kind of up look abby! You either trust me or you don't, and if you don't, then this whole thing is done and you're never going to know.

The whole story is that what you want is that what you want abby just know this, i'm the only person in this family that would never lie to you all right. What did i trust him? I believe you, you don't know how much i needed to hear that abby, especially with how i'm feeling right now so listen. I think some of the stuff auntie june told me could really help us. You, okay, no, i just spat out a bunch of maggots.

What there's nothing there everywhere uncle marcus? I i can't see your maggots abby getting up what the is like this thing. There is joking, what there's no snake! It's really not there. Hallucinations have started abby doc says once i start seeing things you can count how long i have left in minutes. Huh i better get back in there.

Then wait. I'm sorry! I don't think i'm gon na be able to help. You much longer should be at the hospital. What is it i'm out of time? They'll use pandering to their egos anymore kid.

I won't be around long enough. If you want to save me, you got to find the truth. Good luck! I guess this. Is it absolutely not i'm telling you i can do it.
This quiz has been enough of a disaster so far. Oh, let your sister have a go, could be chaos. Look at her she's just had a couple of drinks, no harm in that a couple of drinks. She's had a cellophane look, nobody has anything ready, but i do.

I have questions, lots and lots of questions. Can i team up with you mom? Oh, i just know, i'm going to regret this. You are going to play nicely. Aren't you june? Yes, i am.

I always play nice. What's that guys? I think it's my twitch server, i'm gon na switch server dude. This twitch reverse is bad. I think guys.

My twitch service is bad train had the same thing. Oh twitch was not early as well. Okay, so northern california is better than la elixir is lagging apparently i'll switch server uh if it crashes again, you ready guys guys. I didn't get to see the prompt, though ready you can accuse when you have enough evidence ready.

Wait. No was that with a quad bike. No, no! Actually, that's exactly what you tell me everything you remember about the meeting. Oh love! It was a load of fuss about nothing.

I really need to know what happened so gosh now we're missing the quiz. The carjacker was bradley, my son stole my car and everybody said it was my fault, even though i'd only asked him to reverse it into the drive anyway question two: what is the point? Oh no, that's what i want to know. What is the point? Nan is auntie june. Okay, she's got a lot going on.

What's the point of a while, she is, she can be reckless. She doesn't really care about looking after herself or anyone else ever since her dad, you know ever since then she's had an awful temper, a violent temper. She was forever getting into fights at school and after school. I i tried my best but ask more man.

Nan. Do you think auntie june could ever hurt someone. I mean seriously hurt someone now, i'm pleased if there's something that you're not telling me if you saw something at the meeting, i didn't see anything at the meeting, but but what i'm just thinking about your auntie june? Has your mother ever told you about what she did when she was at university? No one day she came home early and overheard the girl she was living with making fun of her in the kitchen that same night june offered to cook them all a meal. She cut up tiny bits of raw chicken and mixed them in well.

She gave them all such bad food poisoning that one girl nearly died when they told june she could have killed someone all she said was yes, that was the point. Thankfully, the girls never pressed charges and the university through juneau, but as far as they were concerned, that was the matter resolved. I know she's my daughter, but it frightens me sometimes what that girl could be capable of well, this is taking ages. So the answer i was looking for is none.

Nothing hang on what was the question abby? I need you, what is it what's the matter time's up doc says: if i take the right antidote now i might just make it. I can't trust my brain right now. Kiddo, i need you to pick one, what it's: okay, abby, whatever happens, what happens? What just? Ah i'm just thinking about your auntie june? Look at the scenery. Has your mother ever told you about what she did when she was at university that same night june offered to cook them all a meal she cut up guys.
I like polonium, whatever the i like, because that's the number two i'm not gon na - reject food poisoning that one girl nearly died when they told june she could have killed someone all she said was yes, that was the point, probably not dimital mercury. That's for sure. It's 50. 50.

thanks kid: okay, bottoms up; okay, ah marcus! No! No! No! No! I'm gon na find out! Who did this? I won't let you down again um! Well, where the hell have you been, which one of you did it abby uk? Who did it? Abby? Explain yourself, she's dead, he's dead, who they're going to wrestle murdered uncle marcus? Who was it? Who? Who did it? Abby? I mean calm down? Technically she didn't no. No, they did they did man, they did it. Abby cut this out now who's the murderer right. That's enough, i warned you once you boston guys he was still alive and then she told me to get the antidote and they went.

I'm sorry, i'm so sorry huh what what you need to shake them off abby this whole rotten family like i did well, you didn't shake them off too well, one of them is dry, don't answer it come on abby ignore her. Please she knows how to leave a message. Howdy skipper see. Was that so hard that felt weird? You know your mom gave the game.

Is it meant to be finished? I want to go. I don't think told me that i should be selling my share to the rest of the family. I told her dad left me the business and they would get my share only when they prided for my cold dead hands. I just kind of thought: they'd wait.

A few years they would they would never. You don't know that abby look. I've been having a lot of research done recently for my autobiography, and this family has got secrets. Believe me, i wouldn't put anything past them.

Well, i should really get to the quiz before mum kills me that wasn't gon na be a joke. I know you can do this. I believe in you abby, you know them. You know what makes them tick right.

Use that to your advantage, what if i screw it up? Well, i am betting, my life on that not happening okay, i'll, try i'll be here listening i'll help as much as i can remember. Can i i just get this baby find the poison. How do you skip this, find the proof find the killer? Mom want the rest of the family to buy uncle marcus out to cam your mom's on the warpath. I would just leave her alone for now.

I think your best chance of success is probably speaking with lottie. Toby laura did that if you're feeling brave enough auntie june but mama uh, maybe because it's your birthday, that's why you should go first, no well how about nobody goes first and then we can all just off to bed. Whoa wait speak to who first, you think, uh, not toby uh. So what do you think we already did? Lodi hi, toby, yeah, you're gon na, have to speak up abs traffic in this war-torn place is gon na, be pretty heavy.
You know me i'll. Do anything for a good cause? Sorry, can you hear me now yeah abs, you're gon na have to repeat that uh? No, i was just. I was just saying talk about the cause. This traffic is crazy.

Who are you helping now toby the people of earth same as always, of course, just doing what i was born to do anything specific yeah, we're looking at areas to build a new school, but the area we're looking at is thick with militia. That's the risk! You take when you're helping people divided by civil war wow. That sounds really scary. Trust me, abs.

You take your life into your own hands coming out here, but it's just something i've got to do. You know what you're so brave did you uh fly out after the meeting the meeting? Oh, he didn't go, yeah good to get away from that that whole scene, the family business, is for the corporate slaves. Like your mom yeah, i've been i'm in a totally different headspace. Now yeah cool bye.

You see what i mean. I can't do this. It's okay, you can learn from this kiddo. Maybe try something different next time time to get back to the quiz jesus christ.

I give up my only birthday every year for this family, and this is how you repay me: don't stress, mama, okay, i'll go first. I haven't thought of anything to do on my round, though so it's gon na have to be questions off the top of my head. Like i don't know like what questions about me, everyone pick your teams, please toby. Do you want to team up with me? Ah, did someone just say my name yeah i was asking you is that sorry i have to speak up signals breaking up.

Do you want to team up with me still can't hear anything, do you want? Oh toby, just stop pricking about, and team up with your brother tab doesn't chat up in the middle who's. Next teams yeah - i i i just need to go to the loo. Oh jesus, christ, what the hell is this quiz chaos. You play the whole thing in teams sort of we pick a new team each round.

Well that doesn't make any sense yeah. I can't remember how it started, probably some doomed attempt to make things fair or not. What are we starting? Is that we're doing the one? The thing that we missed, so we could actually finish the game. Are you? Okay? I've been better, you better go pick a teammate, oh i'm, not starting with mummy i'll be through this bottle.

Before the first question you getting through. That bottle has nothing to do with mum girls before as well. So what would your father say if he saw you like this? Why do you have to bring daddy into everything i mean you're? Talking to us like we were children with your june started it? Oh, so you want to be in a team with me. Well at least you're not june.
Did you like the present? I got. You um remind me the earrings. Oh, yes, that's right! You think they suit me. Do you well.

I just think you look great in anything okay question, one. Whenever i'm in dubai, i go to dmitry's shadows, he does my favorite dish in the world. What is it what a stupid question? How on earth am i supposed to keep track of every culinary fiasco that lottie gets obsessed with, i mean whatever it is, it will be some sort of bizarre vegetation, wouldn't it is it trendy to eat a hedge now? Actually, i think i know the answer is say: keto, ketogenic, hemp and tofu bowl. That's not a meal, it's a collection of noises.

Oh i know, but i'm pretty sure it's what lottie will say there we go if i pretended okay, so the dish is called humility. It's a specially prepared, hemp and tofu bowl served with quinoa ugh honestly changed my life, that's not food, it's just syllables! Well, at least we got a point for it. You bothered to brush your hair today. I think so question two.

I've worked with some of the best cutting edge and underground designers in the world, like johnny, o hieronymus, gosh jesus christ, the dongle brothers, but who is my style icon? Oh hang on. I know this. It's me lottie says it all. The time we met for brunch a few months ago and when i got to the table, she just looked at me and went iconic yeah.

She said that to me a few times too well, you're her style icon, found that hard to believe no um. She said that about you to me. Yes, that makes more sense i'll just answer. The question shall i hang on, though i know lottie wouldn't make this the question.

If she wasn't the answer, yes, let's just say lottie. I bet she says that what so the answer is obviously me so predictable, i'm just like why follow anyone else's vibe, i'm just so unique. Why not channel that into my style? You know become synonymous with up your own ass um. Just talk amongst yourselves guys when i have question three: i will shout sorry: i missed a meeting mum, so you should be.

It was the usual nightmare. Don't see why you should get to escape it. No one consolation! Marcus came off worse. This time i mean, i know, you've hero, worshipped batman ever since your father died, but he really is an awful prick.

What happened? Oh, didn't. Anyone tell you auntie june, knocked one of her foul-smelling candles right onto him. Christ knows what scent it was supposed to be. Cherry and toilet dug it smelled like something evidence and marcus's jumper started to burn instantly, so toby threw his drinks straight in marcus's face said he was trying to put out the flames, wait a minute accidentally, i don't know so.

Then i poured marcus's drink over him to actually put out the flames. Of course, there's a discrepancy here within the two stories about auntie june burning, his hand and lottie came in with an old, wet rack, which she said was cold and started rubbing it on the burn. Then your nan found a first aid box and started trying to dress the wound. Bradley came in with well, there were pills, he said they were painkillers.
Would you trust anything bradley gave you toby? I've got it. Okay. The internet loves me for my eyes and my unique style, but which of my special talents has recently got them obsessed. It was only a matter of time before she brought up singing.

I i think that she might mean something else. She can't do anything else. Well, she posted this video last week of her doing like the survival dance um, it's called the shaker. You basically just shake your your.

You know, i can guess, don't worry, mom loads oats people are doing it. Loads of people dead, shaker abby just pick an answer. Okay, i'll go with the shaker. The answer is singing last week i did this collab on my channel with a girl who plays dubstep on the heart.

What was so epic sorry mum? Well, it's hard when there's more than one talent to choose from wouldn't have that problem with you. Would we abby slim pickings there question four, how many dance championships did i win as a kid? She loves herself baffles me where she gets it from dance championships. I can work this out, lottie only danced between 10 and 14 and there was a dance competition every year. What was it every four months now? Lottie would never if she'd ever lost a competition so four years a dance competition every four months, 12 months in a year and oh no one in real life does maths without a calculator um.

I've got one on my phone somewhere. Is it four times four? 16? The answer is an unbelievable 12 minutes. My coach begged me to keep dancing he'd, never seen anyone like me, but, like i think i made the right call, leaving to find a new challenge, new challenge. She broke a toe through a massive hissy fit and quit someone else can go now, i'm getting like really low.

On my social battery. Oh thank god. That's over! Oh um mum! I wanted to ask you a question. I thought it was three so it'd be times.

Four, but it's fours it's times three. I am never teaming up with that freak again. I was only trying to make conversation. Uh.

Have you told mom about your latest purchase? Huh he's bought a gun, mum, literally the very gun that was used to murder, that famous astronaut. I wonder if there's a uh, what what is a skip thing, not the exact gun, it's the same makeup gun because i see this, but what's the difference? Oh, for god's sake, you too, if i have to listen to you beckering anymore, i'm going to come up to bradley's room and blow my own brains out what that doesn't. Do anything your mom's pretty tricky to talk about the issue? I always thought i was a little kid. I also have some new news that could really help us.
The doctors have managed to narrow the poison down to three possibilities. So, let's take a look at what we have: okay, it's stallion, what the yeah signal's, not great here guys, so i'd rather do my round later. I can give it a go as long as someone explains the rules to me again. Oh no, no look! I'll! Do my round, let's try and bring some order and civility back to proceeding, shall we dare i even say a bit of class.

I shall perform a piece of music, one of the classics: gold, spandau ballet. One point to me: no, i mean the true classic. No true, that's another one, two points to me: i'm talking about mozart, barks super actor. Oh you can skip her.

How do that? Hey abs, you cool great, i'm going to be leaving a lot of this quiz to you, yeah we're still in transit here. This is vital work. We can't stop we're going to build these schools and we can't risk coming across any of these militias either and they're, not the only danger in a place like this. You know i wish there were more people like utopia.

It was near the table. Me too is everyone listening. I think it's dormant mozart, fifth symphony or some uh. I think it's beethoven can't help me.

Sorry, abs, you got this one yeah look. I don't wan na lose this quiz again, so i'm counting on you wait. Ask les you say la route les, you so la route: everything's, okay, toby, yeah, there's just an old man on the road. He looks in pretty desperate shape.

I'll tell the driver to uh to give him a bottle of water. I tried to think what would happen to these poor people. If i wasn't out here risking my life to help them, you know we should stop the quiz, you should go and help them. I don't need to um sorry.

Can we just pause the quiz for a second toby needs to go and help it's okay. It doesn't take three people to have the guy there's a man in the room felicity, it's all taken care of the driver's gon na abby. What are you doing? You got ta get back to the quiz abby why he hung up before typing that, though, oh he's just trying to show off i'm not showing off. No i'm saving lives.

It's just one old man. I can't leave here: i'm not leaving him thanks abby how long's he going to be abby. I don't know fabulous birthday so far. Flig, do you think we're actually going to finish a single round this evening, uncomfortable silence, my favorite again abby jesus christ? What the hell they're on to me who the killer? I got an email anonymous.

They told me to stop, or or oh my god - i i can't do this - i'm afraid it is too late for that. No, i can't i told you abby, no, i'm not built for this. What are they going to do to me? Abby's done. Stop marcus.

It's getting worse, abby. I've got less time. I thought don't give up on me. The only only chance i got is i did it earlier.
Please abby, please, okay, okay, listen up guys! Wait! I got zero. The signal seems to have settled down a bit yeah. So let's do my round now, but listen. I've got a pretty cool new spin on how to everyone get in teams right, yeah, yeah, sure, cool yeah.

Let's start there, uh lottie ew! No, don't let her talk to you like that bradley! Well, you say worse to him every day, the other day you called him a slug that was affectionate, at least, if you did it again to me ever again, who would it this time, however, my mama i've got a clever one on my team you're, the clever One man don't be daft. Okay, everyone concentrating yeah. This is it's a little bit different to your typical quiz round. I like to call these empathy exercises and you have to wait just like sorry.

Late to that scenario with empathy. Huh sounds simple right. Well, i don't know what he's on about great: let's go now imagine you're very poor, you're, 12 years old and you're getting up before sunrise, because you have to walk eight miles to get to school. What's going on who's walking to school, and and how far did he say eight miles? Why don't they just catch the boss? The school must run one.

I've got no idea. What he's doing sounds like he's going into a bit of a lecture. He loves a sermon. Our toby now this little boy's feet are bleeding swollen.

I can't hear a word he's saying: yep, i muted him you'll have to teach me how to do that. I think it could come in very handy. I'm i'm sorry that i i haven't been around to see you in a while. No don't worry love! I get updates off your mother.

Well, when she can be bothered to check up on you. I was hoping i might see you at the meeting, but i think you made the right choice. Keeping away sounds like i did awful, it was love. I don't know how much you've already heard, but there was trouble all over the shop even toby, mr peace and love.

He lost it. I was getting myself a drink in the kitchen and he burst in in a world of his own furious, with your uncle marcus, saying something about how it left him no choice. What does that mean? He wouldn't tell me: do you think we should switch him back on before he notices, probably and after all, that he's taken kidnapped by a militia? Can you even comprehend what a load of nonsense abby nan? Are you concentrating? I haven't had a single response from you. Yet what do i say love shall i just do a thumbs up.

Well, let's help sorry toby. We don't get it uh. What don't you get that there are other people in the world besides you that some people don't get everything just given to them on a spoon, i meant more, the quiz side of it. Isn't it obvious? No look? Okay, i'm not getting much engagement here is.

Is that how you all feel that you don't get it did i it unbelievable sweetheart you're boring everyone to tears, and i think i speak for everybody here when i say that whatever it is you're trying to teach us, we really do not give a flying. Twirling. Somersaulting you know i should have known that an exercise like this would be a waste of time on this family, no emotional intelligence at all. You should all be ashamed.
Will someone else do their rounds, so toby will shut up? No, that's not fair. I want to do a round. No, but it's my turn, listen! Love! Before i go. There's one thing: i've been meaning to ask you.

Has your mother spoken to you about your uncle marcus lately? No, why the the day of the meeting your mother asked us all to get to the house early before your uncle marcus got there. She told us: how did she put it? She wanted him out of the way she was asking us all there to see if we'd support her in a move to take over the company to take it off marcus, your mum wants to buy him out, but she can't meet his price. I think he's asking for too much just to annoy her and obviously the company means a lot to him because of his dad. I i know you try to stay out of all this financial stuff, but the company is for all of us love.

That's how your grandfather wanted it. I know i think we best get back for the next round. None wait a second! I i need to tell you something. I knew there was something wrong.

What on earth is it? Something really bad has happened to uncle marcus, sad. Well, what do you mean someone's hurt him someone's, oh abby tried to love he's not going on about that again. Is he oh? No that bloke he said was threatening him. What well? It was a few years ago now mark has had a bit of trouble with an old one.

We heard that partner marcus thought he was trying to kill him what you know how right state over it. What said the bloke was threatening him sending in violent emails. Well, because the emails were anonymous, so any bloody one could have been sending them having to share. He didn't leave his house for months.

He was absolutely convinced. Someone was trying to kill him. Oh because we didn't see it, we can't skip it. I get it if you ask me, he made the whole thing up.

He has got a very active imagination. After all, i can't believe he never told you you're, very close yeah. That's you yeah. I wonder why he kept it from you abby.

No, i i'm fine. Honestly, thank thank you for telling me you're going to be all right, love, yeah! I'm fine right then see you for the next round kid. We need to talk abby, please please. If we had more time, i could explain.

You said this was real. It is real. How can i trust you? How can i trust anything that you say? No, no, not trust in that some guy was making threats. It wasn't in my head family.

That would never lie. What do you do this time i'll never chosen her? I just don't know what to believe. Believe me abby, please. I can't abby.

Don't do this. Sorry, abby wait! Oh my god! This is like so sad the tragedy he was so young. I mean he wasn't that young lottie they're, not gon na, show us the body.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Who poisoned my uncle? who pressed mute on uncle marcus?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gyxo says:

    what a terrible game

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars comically large spoon says:

    This guy knows how to hit 2 million subscribers

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lucy says:

    I'm eating Mr cow rn FeelsGoodMan

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars midnights Osu says:

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  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rpngamer says:

    Me: watches X
    X: makes the worst possible decisions

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hi yeaa says:

    wtf is this garbanzoo game

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chef says:

    the graphics are insane

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ratio says:

    How that game looks so realistic

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars h4yd3n -_- says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gunner says:

    i love your videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItsBakeDaddy says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars khUwvDBHVp VMHPu5U4Pi says:

    This guy knows how to draw a perfect circle

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