xQc talks with Destiny about the Russia Ukraine situation.
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#xQc #Russia #Ukraine

Is this man, man? This is actually real. I thought it was happening all day. Is it this? Is this just happening now? What was even happening? Smile bro? I was supposed to order food. I totally forgot goddammit holy.

It's the end of the world and i'm sitting here watching little carton characters ride around a virtual race track gambling on fake internet points. Maybe i can trade some channel points in the nuclear yeah. I think like some of those uh. Some of those posters are not real news.

Some of those are fake news, so i'll it's disney, covering this or not about what's going on, but nonetheless, ghana unreservedly stands by the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, a bonafide member of the united nations, whose membership of this organization provides for her guarantees over her Internationally recognized borders, the same borders with which she joined this organization. We aware that the current developments in the eastern regions of ukraine would not lead to a strategic gain for any party. These guys are going to end it dude. I promise they're going to end the war, both immediately and long-term interests, they're going to end the war bro they're, going to they're going to do it.

That's that's they're! Getting to it. Okay, i'm going to remind all parties to practice. Tolerance is watching. I don't know some stuff happening.

I don't really get into politics unless there's something big is happening because he's spelling about it, but not just about it. Okay, this all right, i'm moving on to american news coverage that this operation is a large one guys we don't know if it's as large as u.s authorities had feared, but it is certainly much larger than just simply entering the donbass from the east. I should mention that we've also learned tonight that civilians, my brother's with the new zealand account, can't buy the game. It's not working out.

Why would it not be working northeastern euclid's in new zealand? It's these areas that they do so at their own risk. We also know that a no-fly gift card is issued for the kharkiv airport. That's the city just to the north of the donbass, where i said they're hearing explosions as well at this hour, as i mentioned the second largest city in ukraine after the ukrainian military reported, russia may target kharkiv in an attack and in fact tonight these explosions would Signal that, but in addressing the ukrainian people, he made it very clear that he was staying put at least for now james longman, our foreign correspondent in moscow listening to vladimir putin uh. These last couple of days has addressed to the russian people, making the case uh for moving in declaring, because i understand that's - two separatists - a television in russia just tonight declaring a special military operation now underway uh and he told ukrainians to lay back.

That's right, david. I think the choreography of this was really rather extraordinary. The timing of this message, and actually i think that the obsession over the breaking news stuff is really really just like. Nothing is going to change whether i watch the news tomorrow or today.
It's not like i'm going to be taking cover, and i think that a lot of the analysis of people doing like breaking events is pretty anyway, like there's just no value. If people are honest that they're just watching it because they want to see people getting blown up or it's like entertaining, then i guess that's cool like otherwise. It absolutely is entertainment. The only reason people are watching this right now for entertainment comment there very similar to that.

I'm sorry! It's just that's just true, because if you go to sleep right now and you wake up in the morning, you just read what happened you're, exactly just as informed as somebody that like stayed awake with their eyes glued to the screen, watching it over yeah baby. You get it earlier, though, who cares? What difference does that make in your life? Is there an election that you're voting on at two a.m? About four: okay? Okay? Well, what arbitrary timeline do you use then uh once the events are over so like right now, it's possible that russia is rolling in armor and to ukraine - maybe maybe not, but if i go to sleep and i wake up i'll read: what's happened and then i'll Be just as informed as anybody that stayed awake all night with their eyes glued to the screen. I'm not saying that it's wrong or bad to watch it for entertainment, but don't lie to yourself and pretend that it's not for entertainment. It's exciting as your, where eyes are glued to the screen.

Waiting for explosions and bombs and to drop and everybody's blood, is running high and like people want to get on twitter and tweet like hot, takes and but like it's entertaining for sure. But that's all. It is it's not it's not information or news or whatever, like nobody knows. If it's a transformer blowing up or if it's a bomb being dropped or nukes are starting right.

It's just for entertainment, you know absolutely full scale. Ah, i would think i would think that people would want to be informed in live what happens and things if things get it get better or worse or they people they want to know, what's happening. You know because yeah but like what's the difference between looking now versus like like, let's say i stay awake until 6am and i watch this for the next six hours. Even if stuff happens, let's say that instead, somebody else goes to sleep and they wake up, and they read like 10 minutes like what happened on the news.

The next day, who's going to be more informed right. They both have the same level independent of annexation right when you know a bit more about the development, though, no because like when you watch this breaking news, like eighty percent of the that gets reported is fake. Anyway, it's people tweeting, like oh, my god, there's tanks in ukraine they're already at donbass, like we saw pictures of troops fleeing. There was already a guy right.
Nobody knows how much of this is true or not like half the, especially in middle eastern stuff, where everybody's just brown people will post like images and videos of from like 20 years ago and be like look. This is isis killing people right now and seriously. No, it's not as turkish troops fighting kurdish people in southeast turkey, like it's, not even remotely related, so i it's you usually just wait. Till the next day read the news.

Articles figure out what really happened, but if you want to watch this, it's cool, but it's just like no, i'm not watching, because about all of it right and i'm only in the politics and like uh. Let's check it's overwhelming that i literally cannot play games about. Mario kart, but the chat saying at world war iii, world war, three or three number: okay, okay, well, we'll look at it! We'll give a couple minutes and chat will calm down but areas. Everybody is now currently aware, but i don't even know how this what stems? How many give me a little bit of history lesson a little bit of a history lesson on um, so ukraine? Well, how far back do you want to go? Well, just don't give me a anthropology tier three, just just so.

Ukraine used to be a really important satellite state of the soviet union. It was a really big part like ukraine was like the number one adversary to the united states. Ukraine was a big deal, they're rich in natural resources. I think a majority or a large part of the soviet union's nuclear arsenal was stored.

There um it was just it was a really important part of the soviet union and there's a lot of history between like um the sir, i guess uh. I think it's serbian people that came people right right there and people that came from that region um. It goes back to like, like over a thousand years between like how these people have kind of associated with each other um. The important stuff, basically, is that ukraine used to be part of the soviet union.

Ukraine broke off from the soviet union after the um, cold war ended and the soviet union dissolved, and now the soviet union and russia have this strange relationship. Oh slavic people, i'm sorry not certain people. Talk about russia and ukraine. Have this weird relationship where the majority of ukraine wants to be kind of like aligned with the west.

They want to be pro european union. They want to be pro like western nato, maybe uh, but russia obviously doesn't want that. Russia wants ukraine to be loyal to the russian empire and loyal to russian interests. Um there was a leader yukanovic.

I don't remember his name um in ukraine, who's famous for being a pretty good morning, and he should be like what i don't know. I'm learning oh yeah. He. Basically there was a president of ukraine.

He asked a big pro eu trade deal and everybody in ukraine got super mad. They tossed the dude out of office. They put in a new leader and he's way more aligned with the west like pro-western um interests. Putin got really ass mad at this.
He came in and he took back crimea standing that like oh well hold on. These are mostly ethnically russian people anyway, and technically. Uh crimea was a gift given by the soviet union to ukraine a long time ago i was like well, we deserve this. Anyway, putin gets really high ratings whenever he with ukraine, when he took back uh when he took back crimea, everybody's really excited for it, anyway, um and now, basically there's this weird like there's this weird conflict right now, where uh ukraine wants to be more aligned with Western interests and russia is uncomfortable having another country on its border.

That's more lined with western interest. Sorry there's like a ton of like random in here, but it makes sense well, but is it? Is it only the president of russia or is it like his party? Is it like how much how much of all this thinking and mindset is only him and uh or his party? And i don't know all this work and people people in russia are ultra-nationalistic the idea of like rebuilding the russian empire. I think, is generally broadly supported by the russian people um when putin rolled in and took back crimea. He had massive support in russia for doing it and he was on a huge high politically from doing it.

Potential scenarios: okay, okay, but it's it see it seems like um um. I don't know just so much. My perspective has an outsider, who doesn't know much about politics. It always seems like russia is like a like stand alone.

Uh, no, we're like this, like against the world type of thing. So the problem is that, like after the code after the cold war, the united states won the cold war right. So you've got nato, which is a whole bunch of countries that basically existed to say russia and then you've got like the european union, which is like this western organization of like european countries and all of the i'll say like most of the world kind of chose And threw their weight behind the united states in opposition to the soviet union, or now russia, and now russia is kind of hanging out. There is like well, we lost the cold war, we lost our satellite states and we're kind of like slowly dwindling away, and we don't really know what we want to do now, because our leader really wants to rebuild the empire and obviously the rest of the world.

Doesn't want to see that what does that mean, though? What does that mean, though, revealing the empire? What kind of vision is that what kind of end game or end goal does that look like the empire um, i don't know, that's a good question. I mean it. Could be reclaiming some of the lost satellite states that are like really rich in resources? Um it could be. Is that something that can happen in in our current modern days that you reclaim land forcefully like that is not like ever like an old concert.
People still do that it's complicated um so, like you, can't cross swords with another nuclear power so like russian troops are never going to be shooting at u.s troops and vice versa, but like as wherever you can edge out territory or edge out victories you're going to Be really invested in maintaining that part of your quote-unquote empire or your alliances so like, for instance, um. The entire west was hoping for assad to fall in syria, the united states, maybe potentially was like even funneling weapons into groups. There saying like. Oh, the the fsa, the free syrian army, these people need to fight for their independence and putin was like after what happened to gaddafi in libya.

I am never letting another ally fall. There were jets. Flying in people from china were going into help. Syria, like there, was no way that he wanted to watch that country that was aligned with him that leader that was living in the fall, and so i think that putin generally looks like that.

He looks to countries around the world that are aligned with you, um that are aligned with russian interests, and he just wants those countries to be strong to have. I guess, what little they can hold on to in terms of like outright invading things. It gets hard like russia's, not just generally going to send troops in, but they'll take advantage of like complicated situations to try to see where they can enter victories so like what happened in georgia was pretty complicated. I think there was a russian ambassador that was killed by um.

I don't know if it was a georgian military member or somebody was like pro georgia and they took advantage of that opportunity like oh, what we're going to go and do that because they aggressed. You know, or with crimea right well, crimea was technically a gift to ukraine and you know they want their independence from us. Well, you know most of the people there are ethically russia. They want to be part of us we're going to go in and free those people first by supporting freedom fighters and then by stepping in and helping those people once we think that they have a right to that region.

You know so they kind of look for these little edge cases to work around. Basically something interesting, okay, and - and why do why do people say if, if most of the time there isn't like a big, i mean there isn't like big wars or anything right and it seems like in our modern days or my perspective, there isn't too many. There are some i get it, but when people are being weird and they're, obviously in the wrong, what does everybody just say? Okay, well we're not going to give you a wood food water in it. People just stop, stop the trade with them and then now they're they're they're kind of they're going to focus.
Well, that's kind of what's going on right now with the united states, so the united states is basically trying to get all of nato together. Maybe the european i don't know if that's, but all they do together. Basically, like hey, well we're going to sanction the out of your country if you are going to do these things, but like there's a lot of countries around the world that you can trade with, it's not like. There's a world alliance of countries that are ready to sanction you, so it might, you know, cost more, but you could ship and stuff.

Why not? Why not? America? Why is there not like a world union of countries? You know what is that? What doesn't everybody everybody agree to at least the social common ground be like? Oh, this guy's being weird? Well everybody! Nobody tried with this guy anymore well, because, because everybody had like tons of people have totally different interests about what they want to see in the world. Not everybody just wants to be like. Oh the u.s said this. So we're going to do this, you know for the international community, it seems to me people say you and u.n, but you want to from my perspective i had a lot of politics classes or whatever, and it seems like u.n is just a bunch of talk.

Talk talk, let's all agree to this everybody. Every uh is all happy with their hands up and when it actually comes down to doing stuff, nobody gives a about it. Everybody just bridges everything that they sign, for i mean like there are enforceable actions that the u.n passes like if you violate some u.n mandates like there will be. You know, sanctions that will come out against you.

It will hurt your economy, but i mean the the u.n is kind of like intentionally designed not to be super heavy-handed, because the u.n is supposed to make the world a more peaceful place. Um, like sometimes people, look at the un and be like there's something on the un called the u.n security council, and you know, i think russia and china are members of the security council. You only need like one vote to shoot down. You know like major action and be like okay.

Well, we can never do anything with all these other countries on the security council. This is so dumb and it's like well, it's supposed to be that way. Yeah, you want to have unanimous approval from people so that the entire world doesn't go haywire. You know with the un, acting as like a war mongering organization or being really aggressive towards certain parties, so it might seem like the u.n is a little bit toothless.

There are like mandates that get enforced and there are sanctions that come from it, but like overall, you don't want it to be a super adversarial body. You want most people to feel kind of bought into it. Okay - and i was watching something and a lot - a lot of african countries were taught were speaking like ghana like gabon. What why i don't know, i couldn't tell you, i don't know anything about they're involved in any of this.
I know i've made fun of like people talking about hearts. Okay, now what what does russia want to achieve here? Uh? Why? Why do you want to reclaim, i don't mean reclaim, how are you beginning or you're, just destroying it? If you, if you, if you if i want to legislate like you're in my house, you're in one of my, i have four houses in one of my houses. Right, hey, that's my house, and then i bombed it right. Well now i don't have a house anymore.

Why would i do that? If i want to reclaim the thing that i just destroyed? Well, because you want the land and the territory strategically, the territory represents something you're getting further and further away from moscow in terms of having land that you own, that other people can't set up. You know attacks against you from um. The area itself is like really rich in industry and resources. So having owning that area, i think there's a lot of iron and other, i think, there's other types of resources that are valuable in eastern ukraine as well, and if you can argue that you have like um, if you can argue, you have like an ethnic majority, There too, which they do because it's been purposely designed that way.

Russia has been shipping russian people into eastern ukraine since the 1800s um. Then, if you can own that land you're, just basically expanding your territory further and further west and then it just yeah, it gives you an advantage today. What's the end goal, it's a question until there's no ukraine, it's all russia and then, and then what and then what and then what another country that nato border doesn't have the same political uh mindset as they have and upset at them. What they're gon na do crush them and push up, and then what all of europe is now or all asia? All europe is all russia.

Now it's not gon na be infinitely pushing it's just gon na be pushing as far as you can, basically because from the um from the russian perspective, what they view is nato is pushing as hard as they can into russian borders. They view russia will say well, the us is an imperialist country, that's expanding its own borders with nato um, i think four or five. There are like five different countries that are bordering russia. Now that used to be part of the soviet union that are now nato.

Member states, if the united states is going to push over and over again, what's their nato, what's nato um, so nato was created in 1949. I think it's, the north atlantic treaty organization, it was created. Basically a bunch of countries came together were like hey um. We don't want the soviet union to take over uh, so we're all going to join kind of like the united states and we're all going to serve as kind of this opposition to communism or the opposition to the soviet union.

Okay, okay, no, i know about it. Okay, what what is the acronym in french for nato? Does anybody know um? Oh tan, ot, oh yeah, it makes sense yeah i i know i know about the the elena, the otan and the uh, oh pepe, because i know all this. I had advanced anthropology. I had a ad uh uh politics hey.
I know my bases, yo, okay, okay, interesting, interesting, yeah, these people, what women um i i wasn't. I was confused because um because i you know at first with all respect other people were like meaning it, but people were saying world war iii, monk, w and then simple said his city's getting shelled or whatever. That's that's true, yeah. We don't really get to like world war.

Three because, like i said like two nuclear powers will never cross arms you're, never going to have russian and u.s troops shooting at each other. This is why you hear the term like proxy war and people are backing different groups in areas. You know we're not going to put troops on the ground u.s boots on the ground, to go and fight with russian troops, because we don't know if that leads to people nuking each other, but we can arm some rebel group um, like we did with the um. The mujahideen, i think in afghanistan, um like we'll arm certain groups to go and fight against russian troops because hey well, it's different.

You know it's not us fighting um, you know one-on-one, so that's kind of how it works a little bit like um, like hunger games like people like they sponsor their fighter type of thing. They give like bonuses and whatnot right and then they're like betting, that their fighters gon na win against the other one right, maybe yeah or maybe like say like. I really hate you, but i don't want to say that i hate you, but let's say that you've got like an orbiter. I might tell one of my orbiters to go with your orbiters and that's my way of like with you, but i'll, never see anything against.

You directly because i don't want to hurt the clout you know interesting. So when does this end, though, like what could have been happening here? Do you think that they're actually going to push through and get a bunch of land and then what right? What putin has done is, and, unfortunately, this propaganda works and it spread a lot on the internet, unfortunately, especially on twitch, but basically putin kind of spreads. This idea that well hey in eastern ukraine, a lot of these areas are really ethnically russian and they want to be independent, and you know what we recognize their independence, their independent states. Well, now, if russia sends troops into these independent states, all they're trying to do is secure the freedom and and safety of people that are trying to declare their independence from the oppressive state of ukraine.

So that's essentially what russia's done now is: they've recognized these regions. These two regions to the east that together form the donbass region. They recognize that as independent so now, they'll send in troops to make sure that those people are quote unquote safe. But the thing that people don't recognize is historically there's always been a deliberate effort by russia to ethnically cleanse and purify eastern ukraine so that they can pretend that they have a stronger claim to that land like in past actions, they've made it illegal to teach ukrainian They've made it so that um, you know there have been famines that have killed millions of of people in ukraine and then they've moved in they've, shipped hundreds of thousands of ethnically russian people into eastern ukraine, and now later they can go.
Well, hey, look like yeah! Oh they're there and these guys are giving the russian and they want this type of thing. That's that's what they're arguing and then there might even be parts of that that are true, because a lot of people there are ethnically russian. I think the majority of people in crimea did support um russia, annexing crimea, uh, but again like yeah, but is that fair to the sovereignty of ukraine that based on past imperial action, it would kind of be like us, like basically saying to native americans? Like hey, sorry, like it's all americans that live here now, we're kicking you the out and then native americans in the united states be like okay well hold on. That's cause.

You killed all of us and then moved in a bunch of like europeans like no there's. None of us left, you know jesus. This guy says um he's delusional. This is such an american bias.

Take. What do you think this guy was said on chat, so the i've already given the what the eastern take, i should say houston, so the russian take is that the united states is continuously antagonizing russia by putting more and more nato aligned countries or involving more countries. As part of the north atlantic treaty organization, nato that are right on the border of russia and russia views that as like hey, like it's, not cool that you are drafting ex-fucking members of the soviet union into nato. And now you use these places to set up.

Like missile platforms and that can be used to shoot down our plane, interesting yeah, so if you go and if you go so, i think like there's like five or six countries now that are bordering russia, that are nato countries, um and and so the soviet. Obviously poote is like this is like. I don't want this right next to my uh, you know right in my right of my front yard and then arguably, ukraine really wants to join nato as well. But, like i said before, ukraine was a really big part of the soviet union.

It was like the most powerful state organization or one of them yeah, but, but wouldn't it be, would be kind of delusional, perhaps to say that that it's um that them doing it. Maliciously like if, if nato it's view as good as a good thing, which one more people will be part of it and they're not doing it maliciously, they just want the good thing to be bigger. Well, i mean we view it as go to the west, but obviously russia uses adversarial because nato basically stands for russia right kind of yeah. But but i mean, if i'm just saying i'm just like i'm saying they're wrong.
I'm just saying, of course, you're going to see it that way if you're you're, if if let's say, you're, wrong right um, you know that that you'll be on your own. If everybody wants to be part of something, why don't they just join, join that, then why don't they all they come together? What are they doing? Nato yeah? Because russia doesn't want that, and i don't know if it's i think there have been different agreements that have been drafted in the past, about what countries nato will draft but like if we were to try to if ukraine were to try to join nato. Russia, like literally, might invade that day like no. This isn't happening like we're going into ukraine they'll stage a false, like whatever they have to do, because having ukraine now be part of um nato.

Like you, you, it's just that's a very frightening prospect for russia to have that country right there um on their doorstep, now being part of nato, because keep in mind that it's kind of like um you've played risk right right. I like risk a lot yeah well in risk as soon as you own, a country right, you get to move all of your troops there and that's the scary thing for russia. Is they don't want there to be nato troops on their doorstep in ukraine right? Whereas, if they, if ukraine is like or at least neutral, then they have belarus, they've got ukraine, they kind of those safe buffer zones. Yes, um yeah yeah, okay, so they want like um like like a cushion in between dem and nato, so that the damage isn't direct or things aren't like immediate right.

They, like a yeah, a buffer zone. What people would call it? It's like a buffer state. Basically, yeah so basically like in risk right. If i, if i have a australia, i have a big ass number, like three troops about a front rush friends right where at least asia right.

I want to have the noob with five or ten troops in between me and the other guy who's trying to get asia. It was like another 40 troops because then, because then the guy can't attack me directly right and there's somebody in the middle. So in the middle, like a noob, i get i get it, i get it, but is that what they have everywhere is other countries that are on the border. All non-nato well, no, not anymore.

So estonia and latvia are bordering russia and i believe both of those are nato um. So why aren't you getting invaded? I'm sorry! I don't know that i want to because they're already they're already in nato once one this is the thing is that, like once, somebody has been turned into a nato player you're never ever touching that country, that's where world war three starts. If russia puts votes on the ground in a nato country because the nato agreement is like, if you with one of us, we are going to bring down the hammer of the united states onto you and destroy whatever it is right. So russia can't set foot into nato countries.
That's why they don't want ukraine to be part of nato, because now they have no leverage there for anything right, they would get destroyed. So what if ukraine was where the science of negan say? Oh we're? Now i don't know, that's, nobody knows what would happen like russia. Very, very, very much does not want that. Ukraine wants to join nato, but, like i don't know, if i don't even know if the united states would want ukraine to join nato as well, because we don't want to be that antagonistic, because that might be the last domino where it's like.

Okay. Well, if ukraine is joining like we're, it's all over like now we're just now we're full on invading like that, might be the the motivation or the instigating act they need to like. You know, go ahead and move in. So what is the opposite, and instead the domino falls backwards instead of forward it's nobody likes to play games when it comes to nuclear weapons.

Okay, oh well, man! This is kind of lame that everybody has as a red button for nuclear weapons. If you will, then it didn't have that it'd be much simpler, um yeah, because then there'd just be armies on the ground, fighting each other again but like yeah. Obviously nuclear weapons makes everything up like it increases the stakes quite a bit. It's like! Oh, oh uh.

If things get wrong, then everybody everybody boom. That's that's that's stupid, but i mean it i mean. Arguably, some people would say that, like nuclear weapons are one of the reasons why we've established so much peace, peace in the modern world, it's because nuclear superpowers will never yeah, because you have it, you have it. It means it's kind like you make like a room where everybody can go and beat the out of each other.

They can punch each other as hard as they want, but, like everybody also has a gun like nobody's, really gon na walk up and start punching. Anybody because if anybody starts losing they're gon na shoot the other dude, so it's like okay! Well, i guess we're all just gon na kind of jerk ourselves off here and not do anything. You know jesus jesus, okay, but i have a better scope about this. Just this is that i was letting it ukraine talk at the at the thing and confirm it.

What is that i'm watching it? They have like a small name. Next interrupt me, please thank you. This guy's mad he's getting out. He says: i'm ukraine, oh i'm not sure i don't know, but anyway yeah.

You declare keep in mind i'll. Just say this because obviously it's assange, there's like there's a lot of really bad propaganda being spread right now that, like russia, has an authentic claim to those eastern territories, or all of this is like made up by the west or whatever. This is not true. Uh, like you, can go through, like even recent history in ukraine, like there's a reason why they tossed their last president out that wanted to make ukraine a puppet state of russia, like the ukrainian people.
Do not want this. Whether or not you want to talk about the us is corrupt or imperialistic, or russia's corrupter, imperialist or whatever, like the ukrainian people themselves, do not want to be another puppet state of of russia and people. Pretending that all of this is manufactured by the united states are absolutely delusional. They have no idea what they're talking about challenge them to watch.

Just like a 10-minute video on the history of ukraine, from like the 1800s to today, like it's just so stupid, there's been so much ethnic cleansing. That's going on in east ukraine deliberately by russia to move people in there than to try to say they're like oh well. They should own the territory now because they're russian anyway, it's like absolutely so delusional. It's insane, but um yeah justice - oh okay, wait! So this! So, even though you're both american units not to hold the same view, but what's happening here, how not who's america wait for what you know, son, don't view this.

The same people have different opinions, so people like hassan will say that, like so hassan, for instance, has said that, like there have been false flag attacks by ukraine, that you there's a bunch of neo-nazis in ukraine and um that all of this is just like. The west, so for a long time, so this is like the major like albert hasan, took recently hassan, was trying to claim recently that, like russia, didn't actually care about eastern ukraine at all, it was all. All of this was just western military contractors trying to stir up so that the u.s would go to war, and that was he took a huge l, because i think yesterday he finally had to admit that he was totally out of his element and completely wrong. And he walked it back completely and i think now he's trying to find uh new hills to die on.

I think his most recent tweet is that russia will not launch an urban counter-insurgency war in a neighboring country with 44 million people whatever, but yeah. Basically, a lot of people were trying to say that, like the west is just making all of this up because we love to go to war and we want to go to war uh. But in reality we don't really like. If you look at our military contractors like lockheed martin boeing raytheon - and you look at like the the size of these companies like we make money on like tech, and we don't make money going to war with random countries like our markets tank, it's not good for The us economy or anybody in the world - so that's just like some games - is this why my bitcoin is tanking.

I have a lot of bitcoin it's going down, i'm losing a lot of money, it's not very nice. What is my bitcoin going down so fast? So fast um, i think all the markets after hours, so the trading hasn't started yet. But i think all the markets are dipping a little bit because typically markets don't like conflict a little bit, but actually quite a bit lost 2k. In the last hour man lost.
I think i played quite yeah. It's gon na go up. It's gon na go back up right, uh! Well, i mean they always do in the long term. Just don't sell it when you're losing russian aggression so shouldn't you buy more than but by the by the dip.

I'd say by the different markets: not in crypto but hey you do what you want to do: okay, hey you're, more of the oh you're, more of an open person when it comes down to your relationships with other people right, yeah, right yeah. Absolutely you have debates with your girlfriends and whatnot. You know everybody's all open. What's the problem, i'm not trying to instigate maybe a little bit, but i'm actually wondering because i like you both and why are you asan so so distinct these days uh i mean i can give you my honest opinion, but it's going to sound, really circle.

Jerky coming for me obviously um. I don't think a son will mess with anybody that he can't gain something from he's like a very big like networking person, um and my platform is not as big as this now. So there's no reason for him to associate with me and then i think that he tries to avoid people with very differing opinions, because he's not usually very well informed on almost anything he talks about politically he just kind of does like. I would call it like pop politics, so he'll, like read a headline, give his take.

He'll watch like a 10 minute video with two people in the background on their phones, he'll stretch it out to two hours and he'll, just kind of like give a bunch of random platitudes about how conservatives are all nazis or the west is evil or america bad And then he just kind of does that. I don't think that he's like very interested in like critically engaging with most of the stuff that he talks about. But i mean obviously that's my point of view right. He'll say that, on my end, i'm just like a massive debate: bro who just like chills for neoliberals uh, who doesn't care about the truth or any of these things i just want to like stir up and i'm a bad faith actor.

So that is what it is. Oh okay, yeah um jesus christ, man, but i don't get it though i don't get it though it don't get what well it's it's content. I don't know what. Why he's doing that, then? He doesn't because he's his platform is big enough that, like once he's gotten what he can from something he'll burn the bridge and then walk away from it like deliberately um.

So, for instance like we used to be close, obviously, and then he grew past me and then he didn't need me anymore, so he moved past it. He used to farm the out of lsf and then he got really big. He doesn't need all stuff anymore, so he told the mod to ban my from there permanently or whatever. I think that, like once it grows past something he'll just burn the bridge and move past it because he doesn't need it anymore for his growth.
Oh, but usually when i'm wrong when i'm wrong right, i have an ego for a minute for for a moment right, but then then that kind of fades, because now i know better right from a certain piece of information. No, i feel, like i, i know more and i've grown. Why don't you guys have a have a debate? What like uh, you show hey man, here's your! Why you're wrong and here's the facts and then he said. Oh, you know what dude i'm gon na.

Have your perspective because now i understand more man and anybody, because that's not his goal, he doesn't care about like what's actually happening. The goal is, is that i know there is aesthetically a political movement that exists online today, that i can milk the out of for money, and i'm just gon na give the takes that they want to hear like you like. I could probably write a script that will generate like every political take that hassan will give in the next like year. Over any event, ever right, it's going to be like anything that american is involved in is probably imperialistic.

There's probably military companies that i think people on chat will even ask me: did you see what assassin said about this or like? Oh, he probably said this. This isn't this and then we'll watch the clip. It's like. Okay, that's exactly it um! It's just gon na! Be like these kind of like boilerplate like america, bad because of this republicans bad because of this democrats, kind of bad, but not as bad, but still pretty bad, and we all need to be socialists and class interests and blah blah.

It's like all like the same boring like you, don't ever learn anything new or get any and get into any like. When is the last time that you read an article on stream instead of just reading a headline or watching like an eight minute video by vox, while he's eating her on his phone, you know, okay, but because you said earlier that he had a tweet, they ended Up being absolutely wrong right, right, well, yeah! So for like 11 days he kept tweeting like, i think he even had a youtube video. He was like day 11 still, no uh still no invasion into ukraine. You guys were all wrong but like he said that over and over and over again and then when it started to happen now he's on stream saying like well, i don't want to debate any debate bros about this, because all they care about is just being right About the issue, they don't even care about the issue, even though he was smug as for the past two weeks, and it was probably like one of the most brutal like walk backs like he was so smug about this.

Even even your fans are probably liking more than me would admit like yeah. He was super smart about this and he was very wrong about it um, but i mean it is what it is okay but then, but then you grow as a person and then you know more and you learn from your mistakes and stop doing it. Listen, i'm not no! No! I like i like uh immediate, you would think i'm evil, but i like mediating it and and before something cool much more than instigating it. What what did you get? What i don't know, why would you guys talk for a minute? Will never talk to me.
He won't talk because there's nothing to gain from him. Oh man, because i've been talking we'll, never talk, he'll, never talk to me, there's nothing to gain from me and anything to lose. Why would he risk it? I remember from his perspective, it makes sense right like if you're growing a platform and you're seen as having some type of political authority, even though you don't have any idea about anything to talk about right. Why would you ever risk engaging with somebody that might make you look wrong on something like he has absolutely nothing to do that? That's what i did with the with the ethan klein when i uh when i was talking about the gambling man and i think another thing to win all tools: yeah but obviously you're, not you! Don't it's not the same for you right, you don't! I.

I don't think that, well maybe you do care about cloud. I don't know maybe, but, like i think hassan is like very obviously like super networking focused and it doesn't seem like you care as much about that. But today, okay, because you know you know i i was there man when, when son had 12 viewers and we were playing and was it black zone - oh blackout, warzone or whatever blackout right wasn't, i called you blackhouse yeah, yeah yeah and we're playing we kept dropping To the manor, we kept going small debates, but not now it's just now. It's just weird man, well yeah, it's not because he had something to gain back then from all of those people right, like dude hassan, was in like a dungeons and dragons campaign, with, like mr mutin and like dan and like that's what he was doing back then, But like once he's like grown past, the platform he's like on to the next thing: he doesn't give a about any of the relationships or friendships he's for like that, doesn't mean anything to him here.

It's just like moving out of it. That's why i like um. I remember something that was irritating me is it i had like. I spent a lot of money to canvas for senate candidates down in georgia for the runoff elections, because i thought it was really important and he was talking one of the candidates um over and over again on twitter.

Until that candidate was like hey we're. Looking for people to play among us with, and then he was trying to suck up to them on twitter, it's like really um. That's just like the way that he works. I guess is kind of like the direction he's taking his stuff jesus, that's kind of what i do when, but i i don't think i have um people know i instigate for content.
I have an absolutely no integrity in that regard. So since i'm more out there, i feel, like it's kind of easier for me, to pass uh like that, like some guys, some people - i'm like. Ah you this guy but they'll, say hey. Let's put some games, i'm like oh yeah for sure right, because i don't give a.

I think it's content right if i think it's going on yeah, but you don't take it personally. I don't think you take it personally right, but it's not taking it very personally. Like this, guy is going through like reddit threats on screen like up voting down voting. Well, he's got 40 000 people watching.

He was in a new threats on public freak out two days ago. Getting people to mass down vote new threads about him so that they wouldn't get popular because he can't handle like the native feedback, i mean like yeah. I don't know what you wan na yeah. You know what you know.

What what? What, if you were to talk to him and and it deals with talking, do you think you would actually have a good dialogue about it or not? I can i'm i'm chill with anybody. I don't give a, but i don't think that he'll ever talk to me again. You can ask who you want but like keep in mind also that, like i, have everything to gain from that conversation and he has nothing to gain from it. So like yeah, but the thing is that the thing is the thing is: that is that you you every time you sit in the game, you gain it when you play a league and you lose all of it plus more so it doesn't really matter now.

Does it yeah, but it does, but to the other person they just, they feel bad right like he doesn't like he doesn't enjoy like imagine. If he talks to me about something and then he's wrong, he's gon na hear about it from my chat he's gon na hear about it from his chat like it's not gon na, be a good feeling for him. It's gon na make him feel like even more like ego like why even risk it there's no point if he wants to. I would obviously i would always do it and he is missing out on content because technically, if he was doing debates with like me or even vosh or whatever he'd, probably double or triple his viewership, because people love to watch that.

But his ego is like way too fragile to handle like actually talking to somebody. This is why i debate animated ethan, because i think i had a point, but i also think he had a point, but i just think it'd be good content yeah for sure, and it is usually it is like. Debates are like the biggest content for like political people like people love to watch each other um scream at each other. You know because these days, when you lose them, it doesn't make you look that bad though it's like you had a belief.

It was wrong or it was whatever and then now you kind of know more, but it's not a big downfall. It's not like. Oh my i'm gon na get cancer. You don't lose that much out of it.
You know i mean yeah, but hassan is really scared of target. You have to understand that he's marketed me as like this insane person, like he's, told his whole family. He calls me racial slurs he's like marks me he's just like crazy conservative blah blah blah over and over again. If we were to have a conversation and people realize like oh, like he doesn't know like what he's talking about hassan.

Doesn't it's gon na look so bad like there was a guy that was blowing up him on twitter, too, mad and hassan avoided talking to this dude just because he was scared that i was going to show up magically on the call. That's how frightened he is of like those types of like challenging conversations. Yes, what do you think about this get to amanda? I don't know anything about it. He shows up in my twitter mention sometimes apparently he's a big boomer.

Apparently jreg was feeding him lines between. I don't know if it was true or not, but yeah i don't know, that's the the night i went. I went to uh to get some ice cream and uh and he showed up out of nowhere. Oh crazy, yeah actually kind of crazy hold on.

Let me, let's see um, he runs like two like huge um meme channels. I think on youtube right: uh yeah yeah, like millions of subs, i think 2 million 5 million on each channel or something like that because i i i feel like good conversations, can't hurt anybody, so i'm hiding it's under the group we'll see how it goes. I'm not laughing dude, i'm just chilling because i i think i'm a good mediator. You know oh yeah, i don't know if he wants to go after him.

You see, because because because now you say you say you you're not big enough right that it makes sense. I feel no, this is not an ego thing, maybe maybe i could be big enough to oh. He left to be um to be the brit yeah, the bridge that just solidifies it like cement, because i feel like your takes. I hear your takes, but i i'm watching his dream about about some of the things and i feel like we could come to a consensus and and um and uh learn more.

We could definitely come out on top of this with this conversation but uh-huh, so he didn't leave the group, but he left the combo, but i'm sure i'm sure yeah sure he'll join right. Absolutely dude, he's probably he's so excited. There's no he's never joining his conversation. It's not going to happen.

Why not it'd be so fun though, but that's not what he wants. He just wants a circle jerk with his audience. He doesn't want like he doesn't. Why would he have a challenging conversation when, instead, he could just like have fun with his audience like that's it um.

I said i i think it'd be good and we can all come out on top russian military russia, yeah, okay, well, hey! Really! It's gon na! Be no match so um if you want like a well, never mind, go ahead. No, what tell me i was gon na say people were linking with, like all the tweets. If you wanted a sample of what i was talking about. Oh, oh, is that is that, where you get proven wrong, no, no! No, it was.
It was about what he was saying before so like it's monday and it seems like russia still hasn't invaded ukraine as all the high-level intelligence suggested. Maybe this week hope not anyways lots to talk about today, listening to npr reporters confused about why the people on the ground in ukraine are calm when a russian invasion is imminent, is hilarious, they're confused why no one's taking money out or leaving the towns? Maybe it's because the ukrainians don't watch american news every day like like these are like the level of tweets that he was doing basically jesus. What if let's say this is kind of a dumb thing. What would it say a bomb was a land on the on a bank and did they get all the money out of it? I don't know the answer to that question.

I'm going to be honest. I don't know how much banks keep in like like physical encouragement. Why not a lot right? I have no idea, i don't know if you bank rob yeah, i'm gon na say i don't know that would be sick. If you go blow up a bank in a country, can you just go? Take all the money i'm not sure, because because i would think that that money is just paper right, couldn't they like it like like well put it online inside and just and reprint it somewhere else and say: oh guys, we went minus ten dollars over here.

Let's just put ten dollars and bring it somewhere else i have. I have no idea, i'm not sure, like i'm sure that there's like some physical currency for every digital currency, but i don't know how much like banks physically hold. We ever heard they don't they don't hold much. I think what what size and and how big your city is, whatever they don't hold a bunch of money.

Yeah, it's called fractional reserve banking. I think you only have to have a percentage before you like loan. It out and stuff um and then even for money, that's in accounts, a lot of that might be digitally allocated and at the end of the day or weeks you might move money around in big transfers. But i don't know if every bank has like every dollar that they say they do like.

In the same way, a lot of people would do like, like bank runs like that right, oh well, if people think a bank round is going to happen, people will like the government usually will limit withdrawals or banks will limit withdrawal, so that doesn't happen. That's kind of weird you know i've noticed, though, how hard spending money is it is. It is incredibly hard to just spend money on venice, just just buying stuff, getting money out getting approval like it's actually hard to spend it better. How how i don't know what you're talking about, if you want to buy you just go and buy it.

What do you mean um, maybe i'm just gon na dumb. I feel like it's not hard to buy. Sometimes what do you like? What is hard to buy anything like? Is it hard for you to buy fast food? No, no! I have a credit card. Okay! Is it hard for you to buy a car, um yeah recently yeah, it's yeah yeah, it's good yeah! So like, if you, if you go to like the car dealership and you're like i want to buy a car and they're like okay, you can't like get a money order or write him a check or yeah yeah.
I'd make a couple. A couple phone calls a couple phone calls well because because all my thing is canadian, you know and i'm in the united states, so things get things kind of weird things. Get things get off, oh, never mind, that's, probably different, and then because it probably sets off. Well, because there's probably like a lot of red flags set off with huge swarms of canadian currencies being converted to u.s currency.

That's probably true: yeah thanksgiving they're! Really it's like uh half the time i the chops they buy anything because it's like! Oh, oh, it's, canadian money or whatever the or whenever you bought it, it turns into the usd and it and it jammed or some i don't know, that's so annoying. I don't even understand. I need some permission. True i mean why not get like um.

Do you have like a u.s bank account or nope hey it's empty i'll, i'll use it to pay taxes. What is even happening? I mean man, that's not enjoying man, that's crazy! That didn't happen. You know boy did. I think that would've been good, though yeah.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Why did russia invade ukraine and what will happen next?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silvin choren says:

    I think people forgot about the cold war, how almost a global nuclear war happend because of Russia having weapons 2 countries away, while now NATO is head on with Russia and it becomes the biggest thing that happened in EU.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars momentary says:

    Does Destiny know that time zones exist? For some people, it's not 2 in the morning so they aren't staying up all night for entertainment. It's just the time those people watch the news. I do not find the destruction of Ukrainian lands and the harming of Ukrainian people entertaining. I watch so I can better judge Biden's policies and response to this situation.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shido_Nibutani says:

    That's what happens when Ukraine says they'll start working on atomic bombs based on papers left from USSR.

    It'll be over soon, nothing to worry about.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SideR says:

    Not gonna look like expert in politics especially in case with Ukraine and Russia, because im actually not, but Im Russian and I know that Russia was provoked by Ukraine for whole this period for about 8 years and Ukraine was shooting Donbass for these 8 years, and imo this Russia's operation is to stop people dying In Donbass because of regular attacks from Ukrainian forces, I think Putin made right decision. Please dont blame me for my opinion, Im strongly against war and I hope this all will end very soon. Please stay peaceful

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Powers says:

    Watching Hassan regarding anything especially Russia is a big L. Moron has been stout saying RUS wont do anything purely because of the fact he hates the US government.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darkness says:

    Whos this guy coming in at like 4 minutes saying its just entertainment? Some people dont wake up tomorrow because of this dud

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peepo Happy says:

    guys this is why history is important, just by understanding simple history of USSR you will know why this is happening

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n1uk says:

    Sadly Russian politics are in quite a precarious position, All throughout history Russia has been getting attack by foreign invaders, So a mentality grew in Russian politics and Militarily as well

    Essentially theres this thing called the Eastern European Plain. It's a very flat section of land that can be invaded really easily. We've seen this throughout history, The Mongols, The German Invasion in World war 2, Napoleons invasion of Russia. But all the times that this has happened Russia has always had land Further west, Example. Russian Empire had Poland, Ukraine, Parts of Romania, Even Finland and Belarus, So eventually when Germany invaded Russia in World war 2, The USSR Lost Poland. Basically closing the Distance to Moscow. But Russia had Belarus And Ukraine. If Russia weren't in control of these Regions we Could've seen a Russian Collapse, That's why you always see Russia so Aggressive towards is Western Neighbors because its afraid of NATO and the EU because those Nations dislike Russia. And we've actually seen a Similar trend to the Cold war except not as Hot, I dislike war but I cannot blame Russian Politicians and the Russian Military wanting to Push west into Ukraine to close the gap between Moscow and the Western World.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dakarin0 says:

    Russian here, some things to note
    1) Russian state propaganda and officials are ultra-nationalist, but the common people are not. 20 years of autocratic regime forced many into not giving a crap about politics, or kinda agreeing with what is said on TV. It's a mistake to think that most people agree with what Putin says
    2) There are ongoing anti-war protests that are being violently dispersed by the police, activists and common people are being detained throughout the country
    3) All independent media, bloggers, actors, etc. are strictly anti-war
    4) Roskomnadzor (internet regulator) announced what is essentially wartime censorship against independent media for posting "fake news" or referring to "unofficial sources"
    5) RUB/USD rate and stocks plummeted, our economy is gonna be ass soon with all the sanctions
    6) Russian state mass media is 100% pro-war propaganda, don't trust anything "official", and stick to independent or western media
    7) Putin is an absolute madman and the intellectual part of our society hates him. Russian parliament is a decoration, and state officials are saying what they're told to say
    8) State-controlled "troll farms" or bots are real and more active than ever, you will likely see pro-war and nationalist comments under political posts/videos, these are likely bots
    Russians DO NOT want a war, no one does, except a few lunatics that happened to be in full control of my country

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jelo says:

    I had a feeling at the end of 2021 that ww3 would happen and I hope that it wont go that far

    im praying for Ukraine

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carduran_11 says:

    Man, them being or feeling ethnically russian doesn't justify what Russia is doing, because bombarding kiev is not protecting those pro-russians. Also, here in Spain, Catalonia wanted the independence. But they did not come to a freaking war. It's so dumb that this is happening as today, february of 2022. We all know how Hitler was, and I'm personally afraid that Putin can become the same type.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andriy Chura says:

    Dude, I'm from Ukraine. We are at war. We are fighting with Russian military Wich is coming from two countries!!! Belarus and Russia. I hope, guys, you will never know what it is feel like to be in facking war on your terreitory. Hope everything will be okey, but it might be my first and last comment. Good luck to all except Russian military.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HolyResolution says:

    Godless media, politicians "elite's" are wanting to bring the world in to chaos
    For you people that understand this and want to know the way in the midst of a maze and to know the truth in the midst of lies and life while everything wil see nothing but death:
    John 14:6
    6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Mark 1:14-15
    14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
    John 14:26-28
    26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    I say as your keeper believe on Him.
    Drop what you think or have been told about Him.
    but know this He is mighty to save and cares for you soul.
    call on Him in your distress and you wil by your own experience know how good He is
    repent of beeing a born sinner an enemy of God know that you need Him and he wil help, guide and imbrace you as His own child (The One that made family's father's sons's mother's daughter's relationschip's and the rivers and waters mountains and seasons how they know how to flow and be) imagen the love and guidence just imagen and call on Him. JESUS
    shalom salem peace.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LižiPičić says:

    The reason why Ukraine wants to associate with the west and join with NATO is because of scenarios like this (Russias interest in the territory since Ukraine doesn't want to be allies with Russia so they are like "screw you then we want whats ours") alone they have no chance against Russia but now they are in conflict with Russia because they are with the west who have dipped out and let them by themselves helping only in some minor ways… it's very paradoxical. But Russians and Ukrainians weren't in good relations even before the Soviet Union broke apart. But don't get fooled into thinking it's even as simple as that to say "bad guy vs good guy", Ukrainians were preparing and asking for a war for a long time, they have even camps for young teens to prepare to hate Russians and fight them and even the president of Ukraine is some Putin type guy.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars elDec0y says:

    From the Russian POV, NATO is trespassing their buffer zone by even considering letting Ukraine join, meaning Western antimissiles/weapons placed at their doorstep. Would the US allow Russia or China to put antimissiles and weapons in Mexico under any circumstance? Some context that I think is necessary with the quality of explanations I’ve seen so far from the media

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Dover says:

    President Potato is doing everything the radical left said Trump would do.

    If the worst does happen they should send all of Brandon's supporters first as a meat shield.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Chapman says:

    Nah I can't defend this. This guy has no clue what is really going on. And there is so much we all don't know. This is a huge mess

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