xQc talks about why he moved to Kick.
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Yeah, people always said people brought the the like the G I think that's kind of. that's kind of stupid U that's not what it was about I'm trying to like trying to actually do something here. okay yeah, maybe G here and there because I like it I mean everybody knows that that I like it but it wasn't part of the plan uh, initially even even even in the in the middle plan, it just wasn't guys guys I haven't added you guys a singular time since I started talking today. okay and that was not in any of the discussions, not even not even a little bit there.

There was no basically the way that I want to do it is um, all in on the project and on um Kick only and is to kick as the massive core and just do it all the way out. and if I want to do um, if I want to do that uh at I can afterwards but it's not like it's not, it's just not a priority. it's just not uh I I wish you understood that because initially chat I was like you I was kind of like ah this that and I get it right. it was kind of um I didn't really see it but now I actually see it.

You get it. That's where we're at right now. Okay, that's all we're at and um is going bad Yeah, because people don't like it, but it's fine. Um yeah I I Don't know why this on screen.

To be honest, that's just speculation about time. Uh, objection. speculation your honor brother man what the what? oh anyway um that's about it. um mods up me on um what was the sun saying yeah chat I think I think speaking and talking about it is one thing I think doing is is a whole chat.

you guys know how it is I I Always believe that like doing things is what matters the most in any of this. in live content in whatever how do I say this Mr Cow this is year anniversary is next month. Don't say anything anything is that means we are getting married? Okay okay okay chat guys guys I want to say guys, what was I what was I saying I was something I say something important I forgot what it was um I for what was saying say it, say it. um what was I saying what he say talking yeah yeah yeah yeah so okay yeah.

like I said I gen to that talking about stuff and saying yo guys things going to be like that is one thing and I this has been like my model for the last like what is it eight years this has always been my model that talking is one thing, doing is another right and something that's super important. Okay is that I can say blah blah blah blah and people say yeah, it's not true it's not true when I actually do it and and we just sit down and and go through it and happens, you're going to see the result and you're going to see what exact everything that I've said. You're going to see what that means in um, in action and that mean that that? That means a lot to me. Okay, and everybody knows that it doesn't matter Like what what I do Okay, when I do something, it's it's all in.

and I wish you guys understood this because people that watch the stream know that at the core, it's always all in right and the daily mindset of waking up and doing good doesn't change. Regardless, that always remains the core fundamental of live content. And I get that if I didn't feel like doing something good, I wouldn't do it if I if I didn't want do something good I just I would have just stopped I I just retired and when I meant when I said earlier that I'm I'm probably biting on more than I can chew on, right? It's like it's not retiring. it's like doubling down I feel like I've in the past like weeks I've seen my life kind of kind of go right and I've kind of like okay, okay, okay and and I've chilling and then things kind of went like back up and now that things on the way up I was, you know what? dude holy from here we go and I'm ready to write that wave um on the web and that's kind of how it is.
Does that make sense or not? um chat I will work with um, the engineers and the people um over I wanted something chat for Subs um I wanted to do something something fun and and for people that um, sub and long followers and whatnot uh I'll probably update on like what what that looks like and I probably get like feedback or whatnot. um fun how? oh just people there like the low people that have like long sub Badges and whatnot like I I I think I think it's important that everybody that like was here since the beginning or at least since like the medium part um I mean most Subs anyway I I think it's I think it's important that they get the same experience overall and they get that transfer or that somehow and I think that I think that's important um whether they want it or not. um I think it's going to be important down the line we could we prob see what what that looks like right? if it, if it's like um, oh yeah, chat like um, chat, input something and or we just pull I I don't I don't know how that's going to look like it, but I'll be working on that. um and you guys can just hold me accountable to that.

You can just go on the Reddit right You? you can go on Reddit and do uh is an extension yeah but I wanted to be like in the system I want to be third party like I really want to be like in the system. We'll see what that looks like though. um yeah, that's about it. Other than that, chat.

Any other questions you have other than the fact that uh, the trailer was made bro the the trailer was made in half a day I don't know how they pull that off I have no idea how they pulled it off I have no idea that is insane. um I thought was pretty cool I enjoyed it. um chat. My idea was was that but like blow like crazy with a lot of like being there physically but we didn't have enough time.

it just kind of got squeezed up. um I don't think ch's mad bro, bro bro bro bro I'm being flooded full a bunch of people dude that are like from like other chats or whatever. please don't don't don't let your opinion sueded by actual actual Rand Rando Andes out of left field schmaling when they have like a three-day follower age out dude, these people are coming out of the woodwork with their pitch Force like who is this guy I don't want I don't want to be I don't even interest like negative endies about that. um but I can tell you chat that one of the one of the big things was the fact that.
um okay I I want to be really transparent about this? Okay, and I'm going to say I'm going to say something okay that that might let me in trouble some somewhere somehow. okay when it comes down to like big creators and Contex overall okay across all services and companies that are in streaming okay, it's been an arduous task to find Um funding for like things like shows and whatnot. okay like activities, shows and and things that take a lot of funding. HEC now um whether there people on YouTube other creators it it's been legitimately difficult to to find ways to fund that because one sponsor is pulled out and to for for people to have um, it's it's been asked in other people's contracts I'm going say who but a bunch of people that I know to to ask Um for funding from the company or from the um the platform to get stuff done and to get stuff on the way.

it's been like a big challenge right? and when I when I said yo um Eddie if I have like an idea and it cost like that much right it's like yeah you don't to think about it, just fing send it and then uh we'll take care of it I was like I was like huh and then the way the discussion went is like at that point it's like we can do quite literally anything and I I genely Hope that people are excited about that and they we could get good ideas and share ideas. um and what that could be and just have like Community um, events? whatever that means. whatever that is. Um, it's like endless and yeah, it's about it.

What else? Um, what else? What else? What else? What else? Uh. first should be today. Um I'm just making sure that the chat is good and anything is good. Uh about breaking bad? stop stop, stop stop.

um um yeah. today. Yeah. I'll probably chat I'll probably do, um, like I a segment over there.

Chad there's a lot of INF chat. Listen, there's a lot of infrastructuring that I have to do like organizing the chat. the panels make my profile. guys.

Basically, it was really hard for me not to leak it. Guys: I didn't I didn't want to leak it. Okay, if I did C if I set up my stream over there okay, people would have known, right? people would have known dude. I I I I I I just couldn't do it.

Okay, so then um, basically, even though it's now right, even though I'll p over today I want to make sure that it's all fully fledged out before I go I I I I Don't want it to be um, you know, kind of crazy or not make sense or not. Yeah, my mods are working on it right now and we're doing right now. Okay chat guys I want to be like a like a like a question segment or whatever cuz I realized that I was just going to say this and just move on. but I realized that like I think people have good questions and um yeah I won't answer them cuz I don't I don't have nothing literally um okay question why I just said that I just said that Why we spent like an hour turn that um she Master Chef uh yeah, perhaps.
um chat doesn't care what you streaming chat is good, the chat is Please clarify I don't think it is. wait is it um y Bo like I said approach the topic. everybody chat I'm pretty sure just approach that topic did I not yeah I said I said that um I'm setting it up I'm we're working on it but at the same time chat I said at the beginning it might be a little bit a little bit Rocky to get feedback um I want to make the experience um the same probably better and people have insights on how to make it even better. Um, we could just do that I know people use chat arino whatnot? um yeah I don't know I I I it could be done better.

What about it guys? I'm not going to look at chat right now because I told you I had to I had to set it up first right and then that that? that'll take a little bit of time. What else? What else? What else? What else? um what else? What else? What else? Yeah. 7 TV is over there. Yeah.

Sub badges? Yep. Uh I think most are already being uploaded. The whole thing is being done already. What else? Um Viewer: Shark Tank See These are all really good ideas dude.

and we can do all of that quite literally. Um, yeah. What else? Um, what else? What else? What else? What else? What else? What else? um pushing when today? how will vs work? they will work? Do a disrespect tweet I don't know what that means guys. What is this? I I don't I don't speak that What is that? I Think people are being shortsighted which is to be expected to be honest.

I think I think there's always could be people that are like, um, chat, people get um right now I'm still on Twitch right now and I'll be on Twitch tomorrow, right? But we'll be a long kick too. I Think I Think people, people don't get it. Like the mindset doesn't change the the the actual thing is a change. not for 30 minutes wait.

Is that wait? Not only will not be for a little bit, it'll be for a lot of time. quite literally. Um, what else? What is the say? Was all right? Train TR Listen. Listen.

listen a minute. I'm not going to flip or change. Stop it. Why can you just say GG and just move trying and call me oh no um where's he at should pick up the phone I got to scold you um what else CH what else yo I just woke up oh no yeah let me make it T real quick What a t Okay I have to make a t Um yeah I I Guys I have quite literally nothing to uh I have nothing set up for like gamble stuff or whatever that I told you guys I wasn't getting it's not, that's not the focus.

um um um um um um yeah I I could sh 100% on Kick yeah I I I I quite literally could there's stop doing that but we're not doing that uh what else I know why people say Kappa what what would be why? what would be the motive not to um okay, what else be SI um what else sir partner on Twitch um yeah Twitch is Twitch is chilling man it's bro bro I talk to Dan yesterday Dan is Happy People T are happy nobody's upset because guys nobody's Ming I I literally spoke to Dan yesterday quite literally and I was like bro, we're chilling I'm not like upset of you guys nobody nobody's Ming I'm just diversifying him and it's just how it's going to be. What else? um and um yeah I'm not leaving Twitch like I don't think you understand it I I Wish you understood this and the best way that I can put it. um yeah. I'm not like leaving.
Nobody's leaving. nobody's leaving I get it. Some people might might sign exclusively and some people might might might go entirely. That is that.

That is not how that's going to be. Um. also also um yeah, the the hours aren't really set. it's just gonna.

It's just going to random I'll going to play about year I mean that? um okay. listen. listen. listen.

listen guys. the reality is okay. The reason why I was nervous about it entirely. Okay, it's not about with the things that you reason why you might might think okay is that I know for a fact there's a lot of people are going to come over on Kick and there's a bunch of big shers um, chat.

there's no limits. Okay, there's no like oh, we're going to get this. It's like everybody's a candidate. Okay, and there are very big signings approaching.

And and the reason why I was nervous is that I'm like I I went kind of full jiga Chad and um, went pretty much like first um through the front door. You know that's kind of the way that I see it okay and I think it's a I think it's a massive like I think it's a big display that uh yeah you say oh yeah it didn't Yeah I get it. some the guys were banned and what not I think there's like a lot a lot to play I I I think voluntarily I was pretty much the first one through the door. Okay, and that I think that speaks volumes and I think that that means a lot.

and I think um I think we might be looking at an actual cultural shift, but it's going to take some some time, some effort, and it's going to take a push and I'm here for it. That's that's where I'm at. Uh, um, yep, yep, that's it. And like I said talk is talk you you go.

But at the end of day, it's actions that matter, it's results that matter and um, that'll uh, it'll speak for itself. Um, what else? What else? Um, the next step is um 100 Mil on a red and if it hits, um, black at that point, Um, yo guys, how about we, uh, diversify a little bit more chat. How about some more diversification? How about that? Sounds fair enough? Anyway, um oh sh yeah. I forgot.

Drake is my colleague? yeah, um yeah. Dake's my best friend anyway. Rip. Oh, as soon as I said that, trick shows up, shows up TR you there.
He's going to be more than your colleague brother. There's going to definitely be some uh, fun collabs and things that the Internet needs to see before we get too old. Yeah, I um all try. Give me your you know what good or bad? Give me your initial thoughts: no I think it's good man.

Like all my talk aside, all of my you know Ming and and my uh SK So ranting aside I think uh I think it's a good thing man I think uh, you know, um, than you know Yeah I think Twitch needs the competition I think Twitch is kind of. you know they're up and I think you know this. This is a statement to that. You know this is a statement to you know, uh, take better care of their creators to not forget where they came from.

and I think that's what you're fighting for I Think that's what this is I Think you know all of us. All of us bigger creators were comfy at the top, but you know everyone else is getting so I think this is a statement to that. This is to the core of streaming and what it used to be. Do you understand like you're fighting for that and sure you're getting a bag? Sure, you're doing your thing because you believe that kick can do it.

but at the same time it is also that it is also that fight. So at the end of the day you know if you don't want you know groups of streamers Mon izing, you know the streaming space and we want it to be for all right, you know, within limits obviously. Um I think this is a big step toward that. y Does that make sense? Oh no, no.

100% Um I it's kind of hard to talk overall about this kind of stuff. I with chat because a lot of people don't. uh Chad this is something that lot of people don't get. um at the at the quotquot top things are a little bit different and contracts are kind of different and um what CH is bringing up I didn't want want to bring it up okay cuz I didn't think it was kind of needed.

You brought it up. whatever I don't care. Um, things are different. um at the top and then a lot of times the things that happen at the bottom are kind of like overshadowed and you kind of forget about them.

Okay and I think that plays that plays a big role and before like before like I think it was like three years ago Chad I wasn't I wasn't secure or safe at that point I just wasn't okay. and then because I had like a contact with them end up being good and being good for me right where things things were better and and and more secure or whatever. but that's not the reality that it is um at the bottom uh of the ladder, it's just not. and I think I think it's got worse for a lot of people.

but I don't want it to be like a yo guys like we're doing that because because T whatever I think um sorry that I I think actually giving it a try. um, going all in on it and going super hard and making it legitimate and making good changes in feedback will play like a massive role. Uh, in legitimizing. um the experience For people at the bottom, that's kind of.
That's a pretty I think that that that'll be like a massive statement on its own. Yeah I think bottom. Middle Top Everywhere you know I think uh I think that's exactly it. I think you hit the nail on its head.

You know I think uh, there needs to be a you know competition. There needs to be a change because Twitch is getting a little too comfortable and you know it's started off as they needed us right? and now they're us and they're dropping the you know they were giving us the opportunity That makes no sense. You know, like you can't change the way went down. So I think this is a good wakeup call for that, you know.

and I think people on Twitch regardless of what they feel for kick, what they feel for you or myself. if they truly want to see Twitch at its best, they should be in support of this because it's a win for for both teams. You understand it's a win for both sides. If Twitch is going to operate at its best, it needs competition without competition goes wild.

You know sh goes bad brother I mean have have you seen my streams quality without competition over the last couple years? I mean let's let's not kid ourselves. um if I I I always need a fire to like burn under me to to wake myself up and do something Okay guys's let's not kill ourselves okay I get it. Last couple years I've been I've had like a lot of like adversity and and things have been kind of Rocky okay I'm not going to Sugar cat at it wasn't just that either. Okay there's a there's a big like, there's generally a a a big lack in in in competition and I feel like I guys I'm something that I haven't said in a long time.

okay and it's it's pretty insane I think this coverability has been suffering and I feel like not having options for people people uh just no competition. It seems like we haven't seen a lot, we haven't seen a lot of people blow up and come out of the woodwork and just just be able to discover uh, themselves and be able to discover them just with just with basic twitch discoverability. and I think it is it is. um that is kind of sad you say Kai yeah that's true K and I think you're kind of oblivious.

you don't think that was that that is massively impacted by the whole ecosystem of like Tik Tok insta YouTube and it kind of. of course. it's always going to be a cross of a cross of growing right but twitch on its own. we hav't SE a lot of people like come out of the work I think in In in like the Golden Era of twitch people were coming out like left and right and like like crazy.

Okay and and I think that opens up massive doors for discoverability. Um oh I I think I almost pulled the plug on my computer. oh my. God I I pulled the plug on my computer really hard and it didn't.

It didn't it didn't pull over. uh, what else? What else? What else right that? I talk about not talk about CU I I I Want to kind of just kind of get it all out of the way. To be honest, you know son is not jelly. Son's being really chill guys guys.
I went to visit a house that I wanted to rent. okay and I uh the house smelled like garbage. um so I went inside the living room and I stopped listening to the lady that worked there. okay because I was like Wow and I sat down um in Liv room couch and I spoke toan for like an hour about and he agreed that like um, competition is super important and I think things being possibly bottlenecked by only having one big player that is always dominating is inherently a problem and I think being able to do both and splitting time, being able to explore all the options and to uh, innovate and give them feedback on the platform.

and Sh like that is huge because that's what was the that was. The problem with Mixer initially is that the feedback was quite a little garbage. The experience for chat was it never got better and had no ways of getting better because there's so many people that are in between the consumer or the streamer and the people at the top. Okay if and like I said and TR I said this before.

okay, when I want something done I send a text that takes that 4 seconds to write down I open my phone up I sent a text and they put it at priority and they they just send it and that's that's how it is. So people say oh dude, this is like this for now. Okay, cool. uh, fix it.

That's I Don't know why the current state of things has to be seen as permanent. That's like really like a loser mindset. Maybe that's a mindset that that kind of gotten Us in in the first place, right? Um, anything else? uh, what else? What else? What else? What else? Um, thanks for Waring I Think uh I Think to all your viewers and to your community, you know, Whatever you guys see that you want done, you know on kick you know just just you know spam it to excc he'll tell me or I'll be watching and you know I'll get done you know I I'll start working on these kind of things so whatever you guys feel like you're missing, we'll get done. So any of those worries you know I know your community xqc and your stream are dependent on things like this.

You know, just like third third party apps, third party emotes. You know all that doctor disrespect meme stuff. You know what I'm saying I think uh what if you guys need you just you know let us know when we get done so no worries on that. Um as far as what else I mean bro I think this is massive.

you know where's chat at uh yeah sorry got I'm trying to pull up the chat cuz I I have to do something I forgot to post on Mountain thing Jesus Christ uh which I I to on M social what should at anything else sh yeah I'm I'm trying to hit all the questions like why I like people like like Pepe laughing this laughing that bro I just want to see like the chat on screen just chat, ask questions so I can answer all them. so I don't have to repeat myself like a billion times um Charlie tweet what do he say new Mo video um yeah am I talking fast I don't give a if you think that's going to change, you're bugging. Um yeah. say B already I'm I'm I'm still going to stream here I mean have you not seen like hi stream or like um or like uh train stream Overall: I mean probably not.
but yeah I'll give it to you I'll give it to you. It's all good. You know it's it's your day today. I'm not gonna, you know I'm gonna you know I'm I'm an older man.

you know it's your day. so whatever you do hey I'll let you do yeah yeah okay. um also champ. Also um so I got TW this up I mean I want to TW this up um yeah.

what was I saying? um yeah. there's a good question in there. Somebody says I was get part of the contract. It's not.

It's not. It wasn't a part of it or any talks of it guys. I'm not getting about this. It is not.

Yes guys. I mean that this is a platform deal. That is it. No, no yeah CH it's not.

There's not even discussions of it either. like I I could I mean I I I Can go and ask and and and do that but I'm not. It's not a focus at all for now. it's just not.

If he wanted to, yeah, it would be a separate thing, but this is platform only. Um I think that's pretty. That's pretty important. People know that.

um what else? What am I buying first I don't know why have to buy anything bro I wish like I for like the money aspect I've always I've always like I've always been able to buy anything that I want. um that hasn't changed in the past. Like whatever amount of bro that's been the same for like the last like three years that never changed. Um what? what? Want me to buy? Are you going to continue watching Hell's Kitchen Please we we Coulda be more adventurous with watching.

Cool? it's you idiot what? Ah yes, this could be us personally. I think I think what you've done in a space that's more restricted right? Like you know the time that you've come up was. you know it was. It was a little during the Wild Wild West Right.

but it was more so in the more restricted times and you still were a star. You dominated right? So I think you know I think starting up on a new platform you can you know reach even greater Heights right? I Think you can do amazing and obviously you and I need to work together. You know leverage. Whatever we can work together and clean up some of the you know and I'll say it.

I'll say it, say we need CLE We got to clean up some of the you know we do. we have to work together. You know, use our leverage, use our power together and clean up some of the because I'm not going to deny there is some and I think you know that's something that we also need to do so I think it's nothing but W I think uh, this is massive I think you're making a huge statement I think uh, you know if anyone has an issue I think once they you know, let the emotions run through and they start thinking objectively, they'll realize this is a win. Not for not just for KI but for the entire streaming space, there needs to be a healthy competition.
Needs to be platforms that challenge each other and bring out the best in each other cuz all we've seen. you know, and I don't want to spend this time, especially during your day to you know, bash twitch. But all we've seen so far are just negative releases, negative updates that screws all of us over. you know, obviously the mid to small size Creator more, but it still screws all of us over.

So I think this is a massive development in the entire streaming industry and it's a massive thing for everyone. Regard their feeling, whatever you're going to I think that's so important to note and that's the way people need to look at it. It's a win for everybody because this will force every streaming platform to be its best. You know, you know J Initially that that was like um that was a big word that I had and it it's kind of.

It's the reason why I was SK about first right because I didn't want to be the first and I've never taken like big risks with my career overall right in the past like what amount of years I've never any risks or anything anything crazy I've never never done anything drastic right and it's almost feel like as soon as I saw like all the signings people that they posibly being looked at smile like I just felt like it's a big statement for me to just to just go all out right? and yeah it it is. It is a massive quotequote risk way to to do massive changes or whatever. right on in on on that on that front. but I think like you I think it's a statement for sure 100% And Also also um listen I think I think we just say straight up earlier about listen about like stuff like like the Aiden situation listen I've Tri to work with Aiden the past like like year and he's a little bit unhinged okay and I think I think I think I should think it's a problem and I think us being blind to it is stupid I think some some of that needs to get 100% um fledged out for things to regain legitimacy and that means that it has to be like I I don't know I'm not I'm not I'm not going to be I'm not going to be that guy I just I just I just hope that um that can work Aiden on on.

think of this we can. we can Aidan understands you know I've talked to him. He understands. you know where he's being toxic and where he's being edgy.

He gets it. You know he wants to move away from that himself. like you know he wants to do the content he does, but he wants to move away from the and I think people like you and I can lead him in that direction. you know as friends but he definitely is aware.

I've hammered into him multiple times and he is trust me like off stream he's a good kid and I think we can you know lead him toward the light instead of you know down thatth people always like people always say like ban this person s this person it takes off the internet I don't I I think I wish people understood like it's it's really not like that um chat a lot of you guys know this. Okay because of my because of my I guess my my development as a as a streamer and as a person overall over the past like eight years I started off really Rocky okay I was the Aden back in the days? okay and it wasn't it wasn't pretty. people will say same game and then ignore Valhalla a um you said I wasn't okay. Listen it it was pretty bad at first.
Okay, it it. I Don't think you guys get it at first it was pretty bad. Okay, it's the same concept you guys understand. it's not about the severity of his actions, it's about doing actions Overall and people were good enough to give me a chance and to give me um temporary bands and slap on the wrist and and nudge me in the right directions and going of ref filter that as a whole to have a overall a better experience at the end.

right? and I think I think giving up on people and like oh just band I think I think it's stupid I don't think it does I don't think it does anything. um of course it doesn't it it only listen. Here's like in my opinion, this is how it should be Okay. Like here are the facts in my opinion.

X right? You can deplatform someone that that's that large, but they're going to have a platform no matter what, they're massive. So one of of two things happens. You either deplatform to appease the people thinking short term, right? and then you alienate the individual with a large platform, send them down the rabbit hole even deeper and create a real problem with no real solution. or you help someone understand right.

You bring them to the light with time and patience, and you help them understand why what they're doing or what they're saying is hateful or wrong. This idea where we just completely cancel out and push him out. That that doesn't solve anything. It's a Band-Aid fix to appease people.

You know it's a Band-Aid solution. It's a short-term fix, you know? And it does nothing. It only alienates and sends people off deeper down the rabbit hole and makes the problem 10 times worse. Just because we can't see it on our platform doesn't mean it's not making it worse elsewhere.

If you truly are a Believer to Bringing good to the world. you want to convert people. Do you understand? You want to help them understand why what they're doing is wrong. No matter how long that takes, this idea where they need to understand that day or they're done.

it only sends them further down the rabbit hole. whether it be for spite Revenge an anger or whatever. So I think our job for our friends right Aiden is A friend is to help him understand and he does understand and I think that's what we need to do this whole cancel culture bro. I'm telling you it's it's It's seems like it's more for clout than it is actual change.
Yeah, I'm listening only my L I'm taking a lot of okay. Listen, the only reason why I'm talking a lot about Aiden okay is that overall Aiden's been a big part of uh kick by in sheer numbers. People will always look at things right and think about who's like the the poster boy who like who runs the game over there right. In terms of sheer size, Aiden is massive over there on on.

Kick So not talking about it is stupid. I'm not I'm not I'm not going to do that I'm not going to I'm not going to ignore what is literally a big portion of the viewers on there. It's stupid. Um, and and a a big a.

Big thing that that's very important for me is that things just don't change things don't change that from what I do. and I think I think that matters a lot and it matters a lot to what people think of kick as a whole. when people see a clip, when people see a kick clip, I don't want them to think automatically. oh, they're going to say some unhen or somebody's going to be naked because that's not what it's about.

It really isn't okay and um, and overall we've We've seen, um, a lot of that, um, in the in the coming in the past uh, weeks, months and I'm telling you it's not only with me, but with other people that make a big push to legitimize it, to make it an actual good competitor with a good product at the end of day, that's the only thing that actually matters is a good product because at people watch and consume things that they enjoy watching and what that is is a good product and a good product isn't bound to to one place or one website or one thing. As long as you're willing to do the changes and work on it and try your best. it's endless. The positives are endless and that's what I'm trying to tell you guys is that that matters to me a lot and it always mattered is the core foundation of life content is that we try our best and we just we.

we all in. Man and people just need and people just need to have patience. realistically right? Like it took Twitch 10 years to figure their out and even now they don't have it figured out right? Like you know, Kick's been around five six months. You know it's going to take time, but I think with people like X myself, you know I think we can guide it in the right direction.

We just need time and patience, right? Everyone wants things done now, right? The platform is brand new, You know? Let me reiterate, you know there's a lot of people who are talking right now who I think are new to Twitch. When I say new I mean two to three years, right? maybe even four years. You know Twitch. You know before you guys were here.

Twitch. Listen, it took them a long time a decade to figure their out. And like I said before, let me reiterate they they still haven't figured it out. So just give us time, you know.
I Think you know with with people like Xqc at the helm I think we're going to lead it in the the direction we need to and have a place where you know it's accepting for all people. so that's kind of the goal. Does that make sense? Um, no. makes sense.

Yeah, it's um I was thinking Dave because I I like dauk a lot I like I Like dauk Guys Guys guys, what is DK has been watching since the beginning of the stream pretty much okay. uh what does Contra want Contra is uh in chat and what does he want? Guys Guys guys I'm not afraid of feedback. you guys. you guys act like like because this is happening that like I become a a drone or something like that.

that's just not how it is like dud dude dude dude I'm going to be live every morning with my coffee. um buy me a house. okay H this guy is stupid bro I I can't I can't oh man I can't read this um I think there's people in in this chat that have like a lot of really good takes and I know from chat. um want his username I'll give me his username uh um P my tuition bra Okay stop.

Okay anyway about chat guys. listen. like I said is I cannot. It doesn't matter how many times I reiterate this: I can tell you guys this all the time you get a cap.

Okay, okay, every day it's just going to be the same same intro Andy H just go live on Twitch Intro Andy um probably going to chill, probably even get into games drama? um I Also want to do more like podcast I'm probably GNA get a room in a nice house and uh, make a podcast room and get people in and then um, just do fun. But on top of that, on top of that, after that, it'll probably just be like swap over um game react Andy probably like movie night I'm I'm thinking probably movie night every day? probably. Um see CH See you guys know the intro for intro right? I I think movie night for outro ofite uh would be Absol Fantastic. Um, so that would be like the outro which if you think about it I I Hate to say CH I Hate to say it.

Okay, but React is pretty low. It's pretty low. It's not high energy content. It doesn't take a lot of energy, right? So adding on to my day, two hours of work when the work is watching a movie is really easy.

Okay, so if you think about oh dude like we're losing all the we're losing all this content and time. whatever. dude I don't understand how easy that is to do um I don't guys understand how it's like you just add on two hours of free content. It's why I said like it's not a retirement.

It's like doubling down right. It's like additive. There's like added on value and that matters a lot. That matters a lot.

and um yeah I hope people are retive enough to to see through. um yep. what else I a fulltime I don't know? probably probably not. um chat because I feel like um, my route and my core and who am as a person uh as a as a Creator at my my inner core is is um is is a big massive part twitch and that'll always remain.
you can't take you, can't take my Inception away um from the current iteration like you can't you can't just say oh this guy I'm not twitch anymore. it's just not possible. um full-time probably not I probably not because I don't know how how things will feel. uh what did Dave say again I I I'll give message you know, no until you try it out and see how you feel exactly.

That's just kind of how it goes. um yeah okay M can DM me I'll help again thewit username chat I will try my best to have um a thing where you can get your your uh usernames. okay guys, no guys I didn't talk to to Edie about that I didn't talk to him about that um alas try is that is that impossible You think people getting their usernames and whatnot or not? uh who I don't know a bunch of people in chat I feel like a bunch of people. a bunch of people literally made accounts and they y each usernames to troll each other and now there a bunch of names that are compl garbage that are taken just on the fact that like this a VIP here or longterm sub I'm going to him over and a B are over.

Listen if you have like longtime moderators VIPs like people that you recognize you know that that have you know been in your community a long time and you know people are grabbing that up to troll you know then yeah you're good. like those names will get situated to those people. Interesting, you're good. Yeah all right um any else what does say says um um if you read anything that I've said my beef know sck yeah yeah it's just a WTF Congrats Sex guys guys guys the minute the minute that I stop looking at feedback and people that are upset and and is the minute that we stop progressing it Okay the whole point is that things are good and things get better across the board.

Okay if people are going have the criticism that Twitch doesn't listen and I sto listening too. that's a that's an instant loss. You guys understand that that is. That is A.

That is a moment where not only are we at the same level, we're stooping under. That's stupid. Um, that will never happen like ever. Um, yeah and that's that's that's like so important guys.

I'm trying to give you guys like some just like like random speeches of things I'm trying to oversell it I'm just talking to chat right now so if you wonder that I'm doing fing nothing that I'm just talking to chat about the move to kick uh in the M that I can so that I be able to get it I think that's I think that's important cuz if the day is going to be like 10 hours 12 hours every day, right? I think taking it Taking It Like an hour, whatever amount of time we've been talking and just just, um, talk I think it's super important. um, it's be fantastic. Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. um as people love.

intro intro Andy and like that and early stream. that's just that that remains on on Twitch Regardless, so that's just whatever. um that's just that's like a no-brainer I don't know why people would be upset about that. that's just yeah.
um maybe it'll be time. I'll one like swap over and yeah uh what else. what else? uh stop. um yeah yeah.

all the stuff chat. all the stuff that people have have feedback on. um Vods logs. whatever it is H What did K say? where is Kai at I don't see Kai Yeah guys, people have been complaining about exclusivity and people thought I would move to be exclusive.

You guys are bugging. How can you call out a platform for something that they that they do and then partake in it and then swap over and then do it again? That seems like so stupid. Um animated Pfp? Is that what people want I wonder K What? Um ah who said who said these numbers? Guys: I'm not pro. Listen Listen guys I Guys I dropped at a high school and I can't read numbers? Okay, yeah, yes I can't read I can't read chat.

Um anyway. um what else Mor Absolutely insane. Listen: Okay This is something that is important to me. Chat: Okay, chat guys I didn't say anything about that.

Okay yet a Okay I hope this doesn't spark any drama. Okay listen I Think something Chad It's not a big deal, but something something that chat has felt over the last couple years. Okay, is watching videos, looking stuff on the internet right? and being afraid to click and pre-at and looking at walking on eggshells all the time and look at? it's really, really unhealthy for like, creative, um uh, just just a mindset. whenever you're thinking about like doing something that is like good or fun and you're having fun having that at the back of your head.

If if if I if I scroll down and I see a portion of something oh my God it's over my life. My career is over. Not having these thoughts is like listen chat I know people, some people might not might not. There's a cap about this that is not cap.

That is been a insane deal for me the past years of like dude I've worked really hard for like seven years. What happens if I scroll down and I see one million to the pixel of a GG it's over. And people and people who say that you're being dramatic, you're not. It happened to you and it happened to you in a way that was wild.

Because it wasn't even that you could see a pixel of nudity, you had to pause it frame by frame de see a pixel and you still caught a ban for that. Like that is wild. So not having to worry about that and be able to produce you know 1,000% you know juicer content is. it's going to be massive for you.

You know it's going to massive for your community. So I think you're you know, absolutely correct on that. Yeah, um yeah and that's that's been like a massive deal. and I think um I think people are pretty, um understanding, uh at kick And it's not that they're not at twitch, just that I understand the the things going on Twitch and why things have to be like that sometimes.
but it creates an environment where everybody is scared and when people are scared, they're not doing what they want to do and then people have less fun. and I think that's like a super important thing is to have fun man. I Bro. Listen all I The internet these days.

just people Ming and not people not having fun. It's just all drama. Whatever. Dude I want to have fun again? and I think I think even though it's a small part of it, it plays a big role.

um if there a big one to it, then uh. and that's just kind of how it is. uh what else? What else? What else says a wait? wait. who said 100 guys who usually said this rumor any anyway I've spoken to nobody about any numbers I don't know who the who my agent did.

Ah, he's watching right now Ryan no he did not. Hey, it's all free advertising at the end of the day so just let it happen. Hold on, let me let me make it this. make this one.

yeah. Ryan um yeah. okay, it wasn't Yeah I wonder how chat knows? Well, it's not nose. It's not.

It's not accurate. but still. um yeah. all I will go ahead and say chat.

It's not accurate. It's not. I'm not saying that it's not accurate. It's it's It's quite literally.

not. Um a I I can say this I can say this I can neither confirm nor deny whether it's accurate. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, um let me see I have to log in.

How do I read this chat? How do I read this? Ah, press escape on refresh. press Escape on refresh. Oh wow this is get wait. um what? R about this? uh ah there you go.

Yeah Ryan talking for me thank you Ryan Anyway, um okay chat, that's about it I think um I think we're ready to move on. Chat guys guys guys chat. listen I love to talk about uh a bliing things. okay but listen I kind of want to play some games and just kind of do a normal day I told you guys I would do a normal day today and we just going to move on on and just do day and all we're done.

Um yep yeah there's couple gam I want to play today so kind of have to go send it okay um yo mod updates on think is looking good over there so we could uh give it a shot and give it a one. um does moderators? no.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Why i moved to kick…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crisvis says:

    Did he move? He's streaming on Twitch as I type this.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grasthard says:

    because you love money and are addicted to gambling

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigageorge says:

    well that aged like fucking milk

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MortenMars says:

    Amazing that an unintelligible, dyslexic, dyscalculic youtube reactor can get that kind of money.
    Never stop never stopping!!!11

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W0LF says:

    If you think I'm gonna watch an hour long video about this you are stupider than I tought

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikolas says:

    Twitch is so ass now

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sailor Moon says:

    My question now is why did he moved to twitch again ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akka Killaz says:

    Donc Stake t'as rendu l'argent que t'avais perdu sur leur site en gros c'est pas un deal c'est un remboursement 🤣

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blindbart says:

    Genius. Time to gamble ! Kick will get the money b in no time !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! staying focused says:

    I'm amazed that people even watch this fruitcake all he is is a professional victim

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominick says:

    "Why I Moved to Kick…" because money and you can't convince me that is not the case

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOfiA y ⚢ says:

    Original vs fake Kick streaming allow NSFW content? Kick's moderation process is fairly lenient, meaning that some sexually themed content may appear on the platform.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scenario says:

    We started at purple now green and maybe later on red

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