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#xQc #Netflix #Streaming

Is this netflix was unstoppable at one point. It was extremely rare to find what what was this that's a netflix subscription and with good. Reason. Netflix was the of the entertainment industry.

It was rare yeah okay let's get this on tv. Creating incredible tv shows like house of cards. Narcos and stranger things. And when looking at netflix's growth on paper.

The company really did seem untouchable everyone everywhere was watching netflix netflix became as common as the tvs. We watched it on but in the last two years netflix's growth now looks like this its stock price looks like this. And the subscriber growth looks. Like this with netflix losing 200 000.

Subscribers in just the last three months and investors predicting netflix will shed 2 million more this next quarter so it's no surprise that netflix's share prices have gone from 690 dollars a share to 180 dollars a share in just six months. Because why okay. This is simple simple content because while companies were working on their own stream products or their own streaming infrastructure. They were letting netflix stream their movies right so i have a wider uh library for the same price.

But now they come up with all their exclusive which is fantastic. It's their product. It's now it's now it's now directly almost instantaneously cutting their market share. It is correct.

It's literally it's instantaneously widening their share that's how it is wiping around 50. Am. I wrong billion dollars of its value. Which has resulted in hundreds of netflix employees being laid off in recent months.

It's very clear that netflix is going through an unprecedented downfall please and his reputation is being destroyed. I'm now around some of the recent controversies surrounding netflix this won't come as a major shock. But how did netflix collapse so dramatically what caused this gigantic downfall of a once unstoppable empire well after you've watched this video you'll understand the year was 1997 and the internet was booming with one site in particular changing. The internet.

Forever amazon amazon was shown to the world. The opportunities emerging from the internet because in one month of jeff bezos's founding amazon amazon was operating in the us and 45 other countries and then just one year after its creation and amazon was gaining i thought for five years straight. When i was when i was young when i was like you uh buying online i thought amazon was a scam like it's an actual scam. Website 157.

Million dollars in revenue three years later and this figure was over one billion dollars. With amazon. Ceo. Jeff bezos's motto being get big fast.

One man in particular was fascinated with jeff bezos his name was reed hastings and he couldn't believe amazon's growth. The sort of growth they were seeing in business was extremely rare. It was clear that amazon was revolutionary. The internet was the new oil and reed wanted a piece of the pie.
So with his partner mark randolph reader. Mark would try to create the new amazon for something other than books because they too wanted to get big fast. But then what website could they create what would make them the new jeff bezos. You see before 1997.

Reid was already working on his first business pure software. A company that produced products to troubleshoot software. Because of this read gained a good understanding of the internet website. Creation and coding.

But he didn't have an understanding of management. So much so that he begged the board of the company to kick him out. But they refused and in a long and excruciating two years at his own company. He finally left and wanted to start anew.

He knew his business would have to be online online business was where the real money was at that was very clear. But where was the gap in the market. Well funnily enough. This question was answered after reid forgot to return a video tape to blockbuster claiming quote.

I had a big late fee for apollo 13. It was six weeks late and i owned the video store forty dollars. I had misplaced the cassette it was all my fault i didn't want to tell my wife about it and i said to myself am. I going to compromise the integrity of my marriage over a late fee later on my way to the gym.

I realized they had a much better business model you could pay 30 or 40 dollars a month and work out as little or as much as you wanted end quotes and so weirdly enough. It was reid's gym membership and the annoying lathey given to him by blockbuster. That was the fire that would change reed's life forever taking him on a life changing job. Interesting.

It was these two factors that led to reed creating a shipping company based around the new technology of dvds. Yeah. I know yeah because it's a segregation market you forget if you get a problem. And you think you will have the problem to get a solution yeah experience with blockbuster.

He would make having no legs. A selling point. We didn't know it yet. But his idea of new age media distribution would lead to the bankruptcy of blockbuster and eventually introduce a service model that would change the entertainment industry forever in a similar way to his gym membership netflix's original business model involved a monthly subscription where users were free to order three movies the subscribers could keep them as long as they wanted and then swap them for others.

Once they were done. Watching. Despite dvds being a brand new medium at the time reed saw the potential of shipping small compact disks rather than the standard vhs boxes. Most people were used to picking up from rental stores the distribution process was streamlined with prepaid netflix envelopes and fast shipping times and this business model eventually started causing rental stores to lose substantial profits netflix was following in the footsteps of amazon.
It was destroying its competition. So much so that jeff bezos himself offered to buy the company for 50 million dollars in 1998. However both netflix founders disagreed on where to go from here mark wanted to sell to jeff bezos. He feared that if they didn't sell amazon would create their own business to compete with netflix.

However reed was adamant on declining this offer because quite simply netflix operations were groundbreaking. They were doing extraordinary work they were doing so they signed the visitors mirrored amazon they had a great website deals with dvd manufacturers. Source. Almost every dvd on the market.

But then again if they took jeff bezos money they would both be set for life and would never have to worry about money ever again. However what fun would that be reid wanted an empire. He wants to be the next amazon make his mark on the world both founders saw the immense potential in netflix. However.

Their difference in opinion about the amazon acquisition would later come to stain the company. They both had very different visions of the future of netflix mark wanted to expand netflix's dvd distribution capabilities while reed wanted to focus on the online side of the business. It was these major differences in the future of netflix that caused the two men to splinter off with both of them focusing more on their respective areas in the company. These differences eventually caused the two men to fall apart with mark eventually leaving netflix.

While giving the ceo position to read and while to some this might have seemed like a machiavelli employed from reid to gain more power this really wasn't the case reid didn't like being ceo as evidenced by his first business and in this time. The challenges facing netflix were mounting up eventually challenges were causing. So much stress to read reid couldn't handle being the ceo anymore he hated management and so he decided to sell the company and be free so in 2000. Reed offered blockbuster the chance to buy netflix for 50 million dollars.

However bear in mind that back in 2000. This was a time when blockbuster was still raking in over 700 million dollars in profit a year at the time blockbuster. Laughed at this offer blinded by their success blockbuster was still dead set on rental stores. And so they turned down his offer.

But reach was so desperate to leave netflix that he even offered to take control of blockbuster's online brand and work on scaling their own business. But even this offer was refused. This is how little blockbuster thought of netflix. But blockbuster wasn't the only one in fact by 2000.

A lot of people were starting to see netflix as a doom business by this point dvds on online shopping were only appealing to a relatively small audience all while blockbuster's business model was making huge profits with a growing customer base this was very worrying for netflix's future wait blockbuster well it's interesting um guys i feel like um with their distribution and how much power they have they could have made such a good product. No problem. I stay at home like a stat home blockbuster that would be insane a giant mega corporation. Surely had a pulse in the future of entertainment.
They must have seen that netflix's future was doomed. Which stressed out they could have both they had both both the bank and the credit card. It even further and reid like in his last business desperately wants an escape route. But then unfortunately for reeds.

The problems for netflix would only get worse since 1994 internet companies had been on a continual rise in the stock market. The rise of the internet sparked a frenzy among investors who rushed to invest in new businesses. Without a business strategy of products or a track record of earnings. And these startups were able to acquire enough money to go public.

However. Most of the companies taking investors money were completely hollow companies barely making any money and running through all their investors cash eventually causing the bubble to burst and a bear market to ensue on the internet resulting in investors selling everything and running away from the online world. The volume is across the board. I mean we're 500 points on the dow jones industrial average biggest decline since september 17th after 9 11.

This dot com bubble. Affected online shipping and telecommunication companies particularly hard with many of these companies being bankrupted and forced to close permanently. Larger. Companies like amazon and kisco were also significantly affected with cisco losing 80 of its stock market value.

Perhaps amazon's success story was all too good to be true maybe. The internet wasn't the new oil maybe jeff bezos wasn't a business genius after all so of course. This was a major blow to netflix as even though the business specialized in tv shipping their entire business model was based on having an online website reed had always insisted on this he was following jeff bezos's blueprint. However by doing this.

The site was left with only 300 000. Subscribers. And to make matters. Even worse for netflix.

A year. Later. Some planes would fly into a couple of towers in new york leading to an even worse. Economic environment and harder financial times for the company leaving netflix with only 80 employees.

All while blockbuster was focusing on a completely offline approach rendering them completely immune to the dot com. Bubble. Making even more profits and putting netflix into the ground reid's vision for netflix was crumbling into dust. He had only one choice to survive he had no choice but to take netflix public creating an ipo of fifteen dollars per share of netflix from the nasdaq however brighter days.
Which how much corner right for how much 2007 was the year netflix became the netflix. We know today it was also the year that the final nail in blockbuster's coffin was placed because since 2004 blockbuster's profits have been continued. But how much do they need to raise though because they make it coming public is that you want some public funding right you want people to buy the share of the company and but then you raise liquidity like cash. No that's not the point of that the main reason behind that 150 million controlled share of dvd distribution.

Along with netflix's online presence and better customer service. Because of this by 2009 blockbuster had lost 90 of its market value and over 500 million dollars in a single year while at the same time blockbuster was in debt to their parent company. And after years of continuing to lose profits. The company eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2010.

After being over one billion dollars in debt netflix's profits were steadily increasing however their streaming service didn't have much of an impact initially since there was only a fraction of content available to watch. And all the best selling movies were still on dvd. It was clear that reed's ambition to scale netflix's online potential was now the way forward and so to reach widespread appeal they needed to secure deals from publishers to stream their content. This was the status quo for a few years as netflix continued signing deals with media networks to gain exclusivity rights for various movies and tv shows.

However things changed in 2010. When netflix eventually hit it big after sony pictures offered them the rights to breaking bad and weirdly enough breaking bad. And netflix's success was intertwined. You see.

Before now yes. Amc was actually considering cancelling. The show after its third season. That was until the fourth season premiered on netflix.

Where breaking bad would gain a massive audience over the remaining course of the show and eventually become renowned as one of the world's best tv shows and it was because of breaking bad success jesus netflix had the most significant rise in subscriptions. They had ever seen before similar to netflix breaking bad was another novel idea. The show's premise was something unheard of at the time. The protagonist was designed to change.

And the show already had an ultimate reception. This contrasted with standard tv programming. Such as the simpsons. Where shows were designed only to have a general blueprint and stay on the air as long as possible the success of breaking bad on netflix permanently changed the potential of tv storytelling and more importantly for netflix.

It proved that the platform was now extremely commercially viable and with all this increased revenue netflix would invest in expanding their services both domestically and abroad launching their websites in canada. Then in south america and eventually in europe by the end of 2011. They then started further expanding internationally building offices in canada europe asia latin america. Japan.
South korea. And the uk greed was seeing so much success now that he even caught the eye of mark zuckerberg landing his sport in facebook's board of directors in 2011. In fact zuckerberg was so impressed with reed's culture of continuous rapid innovation. That he began working with reid to expand both facebook and netflix's socialization features and in addition to the new international streaming locations and the numerous new establishments high end producers like warner bros adult swim cartoon network and nickelodeon were all looking to secure deals with netflix to start streaming their content on the platform compared to other distributors at the time netflix had a different strategy when it came to securing the publishing rights for tv show pitchers netflix would pay more upfront for publishing rights than any other distributor.

The catch being that they would get more of a substantial stake in franchising merchandising and pretty much everything else to do with the intellectual property rights. This strategy worked well initially. But would eventually backfire later down the line once more streaming services were introduced other companies like disney. No they didn't need netflix and they would cut them out of the deal by simply making their own platforms.

However the publishers still needed to wait for the content rights to revert back to them so moshers were able to remain on netflix until around 2018 when they began to get pulled. But by this point netflix was already a giant like what did i tell y'all. Was it earlier dude it narrowed their because they had it on while went on their own thing and then pulled out and there's nothing to do with you you're getting you're getting starved man creating house of cards now revolutionizing the production industry. This was the time before netflix adaptions became a joke in this time netflix was distributing some pretty great shows like narcos bojack horseman daredevil.

And what would eventually become their crown on the jewel. The first season of stranger things by breaking bad stranger things became an instant hit when it was released on netflix. It was their biggest original success by far with the show getting widespread cultural influence and leading to a massive boost in subscriptions. It seemed like everything was set for netflix.

Reed had made it netflix was now the new amazon of the actual batches. Though not just that industry actually every month. They were increasing in subscriptions. They were producing tons of quality content at a fair asking price and many publishers were looking to introduce more shows on the platform and by the end of 2015 netflix expanded to over 100 countries in just five years netflix had grown 575 percent these were the golden years for netflix.
It was the peak of their status. However in 2016. This would all start to change and 2016 also happened to be around the same time that blackrock started investing heavily in netflix. Accumulating over 22 million shares in the company and this was the moment when netflix's story begins to take a much darker turn.

But before i continue i want to shout out today sponsor established titles established titles. I actually bought this and their shares and i bought more movies. I bought everything uh related to this i actually i own the company now. I bought the whole thing.

I need to understand what blackrock actually is now blackrock is a company that most people have never heard of and yet this company quite literally owns the world most us banks are controlled by blackrock blackrock owns all the major pharmaceutical companies blackrock owns. Most of the mainstream media and blackrock oversees roughly 10 of all stocks traded worldwide and this company is now taking over governments. Which has allowed blackrock to amass over 10 trillion dollars. In assets.

Yes. Trillion. Blackrock is worth half of america's total gdp. Which is why both the american and chinese government rely on blackboard to escape recessions.

And that's also why blackboard's founder and ceo sits on the boards of the council on foreign relations. Hey. Is that i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna say it hey hey hey. Wait a minute and there's also why voicebox.

Founder and ceo sits on the boards of the council on foreign relations and the world. Economically. It's him no other company in history has had this much global emphasis and so surprisingly enough. It was this company that corrupted netflix and this was for a reason.

But to understand why blackboard chose to poison netflix. We first need to look at the power of this company because this company is so influential that the federal reserve practically begs blackrock to protect them and with blackrock's founder larry think having personal connections with the former treasury secretary timothy geithner blackrock is in control of multiple major banks with larry fink being largely regarded as the most powerful man in america and quite possibly the world. Which is why blackrock has been fundamentally ingrained in every aspect of the western financial system. In the words of bloomberg blackrock is effectively quote a fourth branch of government.

But what does any of this have to do with netflix and their content well for several years now larry think has been obsessed with a company rating system that acts as a proxy work score called an esg rating. And this is a very important point to understand this esg rating is the key explanation for netflix's downfall here's why what an esg rating. According to blackrock measures. The company's exposure to long term environmental and governance risks these risks include issues like energy efficiency worker safety and board independence all of which will cause companies to have significant financial consequences if they're not followed properly and to be honest if it just stopped there.
There would be no issues here at all as this is a very good way to rank a company's ability to be a viable long term investment. However. The issue comes from the social and political rankings. This entails this came to the surface in 2018.

When the blackrock ceo wrote. A letter about esg scores titled contribute to society or risk. Losing our support in the letter. He stated society is demanding that companies both public and private serve.

A social purpose. Which is quite an ironic statement coming from a company with strong financial titles. Party. But i've already spoken about this in a previous video.

However this is a very important point to understand because since blackrock is a major shareholder in netflix. They're sticking significantly. Wait wait isn't it i don't know if i guess maybe i'm just wrong. But you're saying if i'm wrong with this if you're like a big company.

All they have is stocks and all you do is stocks. I'm sorry so i'm sorry to say all you do but all they have is stocks aren't you literally like providing no value. All you have is you just put money and various things. That that are making money by default and making money that way impacts.

Netflix content as netflix desperately needs to have a higher technical. You have no raw value no ranking esg score. If they don't have a high esg score investors will pull out and if investors see that blackrock and a stock. Predicting machine.

Called aladdin suggest pulling out of netflix. Then other investors will follow suit and because netflix's business runs on major thin margins. Having investors pull out the company would be disastrous for netflix so in recent years. With blackboard being increasingly vocal for certain political and social beliefs.

Netflix is now having to toe. The party line now to be honest netflix can't really do anything about this. I mean you may think that netflix can just seek investment dollars from some other firm that doesn't care about being as woke as possible. I don't get it what what so in recent years.

With blackboard being increasingly vocal for certain political and social beliefs. Netflix is now having to toe. The party line. Now to be honest.

Netflix can't now to be honest. Netflix can't really do anything about this. I mean you may think that netflix can just seek investment dollars from some other firm that doesn't care about being as woke as possible. But larry think has already thought of that that's why he developed blackbox aladdin service.

A management software used by nearly every major investment branch and firm out there aladdin which stands for asset liability and debt and derivative investment network is practically magical for many reasons as of today it is the world's largest asset manager handling a huge chunk of the world's financials chat chat class and every industry in the world making it unarguably the most useful piece of tech in the financial space. This aladdin software coasters institutions to also use the esg rating system. Because if they don't do this the companies have to go up against the most powerful and entrenched corporation in the world companies are financially pressured to increase how work they are to raise their esg rating. Otherwise if it's too low.
They will essentially be blocked from the market. Which is why pretty much every company in the west pushes the exact same views on every current issue guys. There's none of that this guy is known as a c8cs guys show okay. The guy who makes this video and sometimes.

It was a hardcore thing he doesn't really understand and kind of create a message that's a bit too raw is what he's saying actually true is this ad would legitimately works is this an accurate description. The picture of the world or not no yes okay. I love you i have gained half of those fps. I guess with a grain of salt.

Then i guess same views on every currency issue because none of them would dare cross larry fink or any of the other investment managers. You see none of these businesses actually care about politics at all all they care about is the approval from investors and as a result of this netflix's content has been adapting to these standards with the company. Placing a greater emphasis on being a mouthpiece for social and political talking points this shift in tone became evident after 2016. When netflix would start to distribute more content that put to focus on political pandering over competent storytelling.

Releasing a number of series and films with overt and questionable political. Talking points with netflix creating its own films. Okay. But let's be honest let's go.

Though. There is no if you don't like it you just don't watch it but overall their product is other people's that they license right that's the whole point so who cares filmers with overt and questionable political. Talking points with netflix creating its own films that were a far quite from beloved series like house of cards and narcos instead of getting great thought provoking content as a netflix subscriber you now get cuties a 2020 french film that explicitly sexualized young children the film was about an 11 year old girl who joins a supposed free spirited dance crew and defies her family traditions. However this movie contains numerous scenes of children dancing provocatively towards the audience.

But if i talk any more about the subject matter. I'll probably get strikes on youtube. However this film was so bad that netflix even got hit with cp charges and a lawsuit coming from a texas federal court. What this case is still currently in progress.
But this show is just one of many another awful example of netflix's new releases is titled sex love and goop as you'd probably expect from the title. There isn't really a whole lot of substance in the show. It's really essentially just a sexual instruction manual enacted by gwen with paltry bro. This is a high budget show.

But there's no plot characters conflicts or even resolutions. So then why is netflix focusing on content like this instead of things like house of cards. I mean this happened just a few months ago uh sir on april 2020. When netflix released a show called he's expected which i think i might know why i'm not on netflix content.

The show is this bizarre overly sexual clumsy and politically charged narrative about a man who becomes really great it was a good show yeah um. Sir dude. Yeah. You know look did you not to the news.

Mr. Yes. We're talking about a man becoming pregnant. I mean.

If you want to know audiences. True opinions. Just look at imdb's score of this film. This film is literally about a man facing predators.

Because he's supposedly pregnant. So why is netflix making all this crap content. What do they gain from releasing this kind of content. And why do they always focus on hand fisted political narratives and borderline pornographic materials guys this guy moon.

He pushes such a weird agenda. What's going on with this guy. There's always bomb among users just look at the film ratings. No one likes this content.

No one's asking for this so. What's the point. Why is netflix focusing on this why are they putting so much money into these shows. I mean is everyone on netflix just a bunch of weak creeps who only care about getting their progressive messages across well maybe.

But there are some actual reasons. Why this is happening. It's not just because netflix as a company is inherently bad it's not because of some weird creepy executives or because everyone in the company wants the virtue signal for political reasons. It's because they're a modern business.

A business that is economically forced to focus on one aspect above all others and that focus being their esg score blackrock assigns them. Which is part of the reason. Why companies like netflix and disney are attempting to further raise their esg scores. And have started producing work.

Okay. Okay. That's gotta be some sort of guys guys. This is this guy.

This is this youtuber's view on this this is not objectively. What's happening. There's no no shot okay. This is actually uh itself self perspective narrative.

Pushing 100. They are attempting to further raise their esg scores. And have started producing vote content at an unprecedented rate because strangely by doing this this makes them get more investments. They don't actually care about the audience watching this game.
No chad you don't get it generating more investments guys guys you don't get it you don't get it okay okay okay. Let's say. This is this is netflix's failure. Okay.

This is why this is failing this pie okay in in my opinion. I could remember this okay i feel like this guy does this this small part of netflix originals. Okay that are nice netflix has a lot of good originals a lot of good ones right a big ass amounts. Okay.

Let's say. It is all originals that there's so much that their dog is like this so in this part of the pie. Which is this part of the problem right then you say that this this part is causing the problem. The problem right personally.

Most of netflix is a shows that they do not own or think the rights that they buy from it is not their own netflix's content. Originals is a small part of netflix's success right because they buy people's rights. So who cares if they're so. The original is crap and that it's not the reason why they're failing.

It's just not it is not reason that they're failing. It and saying that this is why they're failing is disingenuous and just weird. It's a narrative. However by not focusing on the course.

It's a narrative. They're now starting to see the consequences of this because this extremely tiring content creates a drought for people looking to enjoy this video. That's barded with this that's like if i made an anime intro for this stream and every time. I went live okay.

We we get to watch a one minute one minute intro. Let's animated it right and it was like a weird. Or whatever. The and then people.

Say. Oh yeah. Ex. Ten years later actually fell off because one day you know this really weird animation look at the stats they're going down from that position of the animatron right um therefore uh it's why the whole stream failed and he's now in the depths of hell.

And it's garbage. I'm telling you the anime part it just it up and you're like bro what about the times. When you didn't go live. You played these that you played what about all these other problems.

No no it's got to be the intro. I think narrowly focusing on the one instance or one thing when the product is a bunch of other things is disingenuous at best and conspirational at worst. The unsubtle political undertone sponsored by multi billion and trillion dollar corporations. But then how do we know that esg benchmarks are more important to netflix than its content or technological.

Improvements. Well. Netflix puts in the time money enough to publish an esg inclusivity report annually. And even more telling was that their research department's original yes.

This is actually conspirational yes. 100. And didn't publish a single article for content analytics in the last two years nor for their machine learning from 2019 to 2022. They barely even talked about encoding in quality and at the same time they hid their audience ratings due to lacking performance for their increasingly woke content.
And when netflix does occasionally produce something edgy original and entertaining. They always get in big trouble for doing so for example. When netflix released. Dave chappelle's comedy special this had devastating effects for the company's esg score.

According to ethos esg. Because of dave chappelle's special netflix's esg rating on a. Statistic called lgbtq equality dropped to. 26 out of.

100 and for. Reference fox news has a score of 234. A score. Almost 10 times.

Higher than man. I love it dude fox news. Really my brother. My brother bro.

Netflix. Says so much fox news is so much did you get to have any video and put a and say that what they say is. Gospel it's a disaster. Bro this fox news has a score of 234.

A score fox news is brainwashed and so you see this is the sort of pressure that netflix faces when it produces original edgy content and so this controversy surrounding dave chappelle special gave us. An excellent example of blackrock's policy and action and how accompanies esg score can be destroyed in an instant while audiences seem to like shapeless material. According to the ratings blackrock. Certainly.

Didn't. Which is why one of the ceos of netflix. Ted sarandos. Issued.

A company wide email on october 8th. In the email. He bravely announced that netflix was proud of the company's partnership with chapel. But of course.

The woke mob and netflix didn't like yeah. So so with when there's another video. It's like it's like blackrock optimized virtue signaling and and and public and really putting a price and a rating and a dollar value to how you can virtue signal or operate socially right and that's that's that's how it is literally they are literally meta optimizing virtue like this and so netflix employees initiated a company wide walkout to protest the choices made by management. However somehow with all of this pressure.

Netflix unexpectedly continued to stand its ground and the dave chappelle special still remains on the platform to this day. And this sentiment has only started to come back in netflix netflix is now actually starting to push away this woke culture not very another fox news. Another fox news clipper netflix netflix is now actually stuck bro and to push away this woke culture not very long ago. The company ceo stated.

If you find it hard to support our content breath netflix may not be the best place for you this used to be a very liberal issue. So it's an interesting time that we live in and again just a few weeks ago when ricky gervais released a comedy special containing more jokes. The media deemed phobic. The netflix ceo actually stood on the side of the comedian saying that the only way they can figure out what's acceptable is by quote crossing the line every once in a while he further stated that he thinks it's very important that american culture has freedom of expression.
Adding that i always said if we censor in the us how are we going to defend our content in the middle east. However this has only been happening in the last few weeks or so and this might very well be because of netflix's recent subscriber loss by trying to get good esg rankings. Netflix's company has been in decline and so the ceo is trying to save the company by saving face in front of the general public. Because like i said you're taking two problems and you're laying together saying that one causing the other i don't i really agree with that narrative.

I think it's stupid as if if anything their their subscriber count or their thing making a new problem is they can do certain things that are even increasing the problem. But initially netflix lost over 200 000 subscribers in the first quarter 2022 laying off over 150 employees with the main cause of this being their stale shows rising prices and overt desperate political pandering in fact. It's got so bad that netflix is projected to lose another 2 million subscribers. During the second quarter with the stocks plummeting 39.

Percent. And now with all the big company contracts. The least major studios content and netflix are now expiring and so with these contracts expiring competitors are putting that content oh look at this bro guys. This is like an awareness.

Major studios. Content. And netflix are now expiring and so with the bro hbo. Max.

Discovery. Plus peacock abc. Disney holo tv. Netflix uh.

A amazon a prime video it doesn't stop firing competitors are pulling that content from netflix yes. Plus and these aren't small competitors. These are giant mega corporations creating things. Like disney.

Plus apple tv. Plus paramount. Two years. Amazon prime video and paramount.

Plus and due to the shared number of all these new streaming services. People aren't able to afford subscriptions for every single show they want to watch so how can netflix even stand out. Anymore. How can they get their users back.

And be the top streaming platform. Once again well. The answer is clear stop focusing on trying to please and apply oh my god stop trying to pander to blackrock's social credit system. I mean so far black walks csg score has been far more damaging for the company bro get this guy multi trillion dollar investment ceo board.

He's cracked the code dude man because all the consequences of powering to this esg score. Producing all this terrible unoriginal work content has led netflix to lose billions of dollars. But finally the netflix management team seems to be waking up to this i mean in fact. Netflix is now purging its most vocal social justice warriors with netflix telling its team.
If you don't agree with the content on our streaming platform. Go work somewhere else quote. Not everyone will like or agree with everything on our service. The company said in a cultural memo to its employees while every title is different we approach them based on the same set of principles.

We support the artistic expression of the creators we choose to work with we program for a diversity of audiences and tastes. We let viewers decide what's appropriate for them versus having netflix senses specific artists voices. We're going to say that i actually agree i think yeah. True anti sw is the new sjw.

I'm telling you it's the backwards meta employees depending on your role you may need to work on time actually if you find it hard to support our content breadth netflix may not be the best place for you which might be the turning point in netflix. This could indicate a new rise of the company. However this slow painful death for netflix may just be inevitable. Mostly due to their culture and company being infested with workers and investors who see the company as a means of preaching social change rather than entertainment.

But if netflix can't change its content soon enough the company quite clearly doesn't have oh my i mean dude dude dude. The boy this guy the way this guy selects images man and and bites come on bro. It's a good video tonight.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Why netflix is collapsing xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jonathan christianity says:

    netflix has like 5 shows that can be considered masterpieces and a thousands dogshit shows no one watches

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Smìx says:

    Netflix in shambles LULW, Twitter in troubles LULW, Twitch in Disassemble LULW, Youtube in Shit LULW, World's Economy in decrease TrollDespair

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    X went full NPC Netflix simp on this one … lmao
    video showed many sources ,but he get triggered by Fox ,when its content wasn't even being used as a argument

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mebiamiu says:

    Netflix shows are just putting out utter garbanzo dogshit. It's just bad. The amount of dogwater foreign english dubbed shows is absolutely insane!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alpa chino says:

    Thumbnail makes it look like X is gonna say the n word

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Bridie says:

    Netflix lost LESS THAN HALF of what they were "projected" to. they're fine. Netflix is still 👑🐐

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aqx says:

    X really just tryna not get cancelled these days

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iceankle says:

    Good vid.😁💕🍺

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronin • says:

    lqc take

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayonnaise says:

    There's are very simple reasons why Netflix is going downhills. All the good shows have moved to other streaming platforms that are cheaper and offer more. I mean, $10 per month for 480p and no password sharing on a single device vs 14$ per month for Disney plus AND Hulu with 4k on multiple devices. It's not hard to choose.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maun0. a says:

    🤓noo dont say that!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CKM.Asuka.msi says:

    starting to dislike the woke/libertarian take PVC takes

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Barkley says:

    This guy is bending over backwards to fit his weird political narrative despite having nothing to do with what's actually making Netflix loose subscribers.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peedy pxblo says:

    Ironic how X was defending the SJW puppets but at the end of the video he wutface at a guy in make up… Now he’s risking being canceled because of that. Do you see how silly that is ?

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