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#xQc #Gamestop #React

Gamestop customer ever surely so when you think of a hero. The first thing that that pops in your head is probably like spider man or iron man or something for me. When i think of a hero. I think of anyone who has to work in retail food service reservations.

Where you have to interact with a customer. Those are the real heroes. I have always said and always will say that any job that requires you to interact with customers is an absolute nightmare hell on earth you're constantly experiencing the worst humanity has to offer every single day swallowing rusty nails would be less painful and i think that's something that everyone on this planet can agree on that rude customers are the lowest of the low. I have more respect for cockroaches than i do some douchebag that's melting down in public.

Yelling at an employee over something they had no control over in the first place. It is one of my biggest pet peeve in fact i'd say it's probably my biggest pet peeve. I hate that and today. There is a video that was going pretty viral on tiktok about a guy who posted his own meltdown at gamestop and it is so embarrassing.

I couldn't help. But just talk about it a little bit today let me show you it hey. What's going on man. How you doing listen.

I'm recording you just because i've had the hardest time returning this so if you tell me no. I'm going to go ahead games. Scan customers with the 800 bucks ps4. I see this all the time.

If you don't help me fix this problem that is my fault. I'm going to sue. The entire company well like what do you expect them to do start graveling like oh no please inside the company oh no oh goodness gracious oh please anything but that shaking their fist. I'll i'll do anything to fix.

It oh god just let me rectify. This situation like why do you expect the employee to give a if you sue. The company. Why is this gamestop employee.

All of a sudden gonna try and defend the company. The corporation like oh. No you will not i will not allow you to besmirch the good name of gamestop like this i will fix your problem immediately now that you've threatened legal action like they they don't they have no say so in in the corporation. You know this guy isn't john gamestop.

Here like he doesn't care who the cares. I just can't wrap my head around this like four year old thought process here if i go after the company. Surely. The employee is now going to be able to magically fix my issue.

It's not their company. They don't care. They're just an employee of it it's not like they're married to it it's that you know they don't care. They shouldn't care.

It just makes no sense to me. But all power to this guy if you want to sue gamestop. And lose all your money and legal fees. Please go right ahead.

It'll be a really fun goofy headline to read fans loud enough to sue gamestop. And it's really silly in this case. Because it's gamestop. It's not exactly a booming corporation.
Like what are you going to sue gamestop for their nfts like like you can really stand to gain. Anyway the whole thing is just a disaster and this guy is an absolute clown. Um. You know you have nothing to do with this.

I just need somebody to tell me no i'm on video. So i can go ahead and shoot gamestop. A brief moment of self awareness. Where he acknowledges that the employee had nothing to do with this situation.

But then still continues to make a big scene out of it jesus christ. It's so painful. I'd rather have a barrel of plutonium. I'm just trying to get my money back here.

I bought the ps5 bundle. And then they made me uh buy a whole bundle. Which isn't even on my receipt. I didn't sign no contract under you guys policy.

It's just unopened things are returnable yeah. Yeah go ahead. I think you were in here. Even when i bought it so yeah.

I got pressured into buying a bundle. I never wanted it so and now you regret it what do you mean you got pressured into buying a bundle. What did the employees throw you against the lockers like it was football hazing and take the goddamn credit card out of your wallet to make this purchase. What the do you mean you got pressured into buying a ps5 were you just sitting there trembling like oh my god they're talking about a bundle.

I'm gonna have to do it sweat pouring down your face you like eight years old you come in here acting like a big man. But your issue makes it seem like you're just a big baby like what the man jesus and the whole issue is super stupid anyway because when you buy a ps5 you get games with it it's bundled up and i think the reason and i could be wrong this one i'm not 100 sure i don't know how to get frustrated. And that works with games is to prevent scalping or reselling. So that way you're not just getting like the raw console to like resell for profit you get games with it as well that drive the value up so you spent more on like the entire package than you did just the actual hardware.

I'm pretty sure it's like anti scale. Yeah yeah. But upselling is not it's not it's not pressuring like it's very hard you love your man rashford into buying something unless there's like literally scare tactics or something like that you can get like kind of like oversold or like kind of kind of roped in i guess. But pressured measures though i'm not 100 sure.

But when you're buying a ps5 you're never just buying like a raw ps5 anymore. It's always bundled. I get where you're coming from where you didn't want to buy the bundle. But that's the only way.

It's not your roof. That's going to break or like or like something that's going to ruin your safety. It's not something that you can get like feared in it's a game platform. It's a game.

It's a game station man. It's a console bro. How are you going to get pressured into doing that okay. What do you mean by that um.
So through gamestop right now we're only doing bundles for ps5 is that in writing. I know so you're gonna just say no huh. Yeah. I can't take it so you can't give me the refund for this right.

Here. No absolutely massive props to the employee here keeping a level head and just delivering a firm. No i love that lays out the facts. The only way you get the system is with a bundle not much i can do for you there champ.

You made a decision that you regret and i can't help you but stop blaming us. It's your fault you're dumb. Not us like where's your manager working so i can come and with him because i'm gonna definitely come with him tomorrow. What what what's his shift.

He should be in the morning all right and what's his name um. I just come yeah make a yeah. I'm just going to come up like i'm telling you i'm not i'm not around the guy who got pressured into buying a ps5 apparently is going to come make another big scene to the manager of the gamestop. How embarrassing and this happens every single time.

This is one of those things like there's not a lot of ps5s for cylinder. Because the the demand is high and the supply is low whatever so they make bundles and the only way you can buy the actual thing is by going through the bundles and she's like a little bit of a seven years packaging. That's a little bit lame. But it is recording this it blows my mind how every single time there's an event like this it's always the biggest that's recording it thinking they're right.

He posted this in full confidence. Thinking that tick tock would be on his side so instead all they did was steam his ham. They slam dunked this guy across all of tiktok and on youtube. I saw jamari made a video about this as well this guy's just become an absolute laughingstock and it was entirely avoidable.

Multiple ways a not making a big hoopla scalpers are lame in every way should perform. I wish. There was better systems that we could have that were against scalping. The only people that are for scalping are the ones making money off of it and um.

The ones who don't have enough money to buy that like to make clown on people who can't buy because they they're they're at the cut off in between being able to buy and not buying them. That's just how it is sorry uh about you making a bad decision financially that you regret your fault take responsibility nothing. Gamestop can do for you here and two not filming it yourself you could have just not filmed it and then three if you had the compulsive desire to film. It you couldn't fight the urge just scratching at your neck.

Like i'm being an and i gotta film. It yes okay even after filming it you could have just not posted. It like there were three ways of avoiding yourself being an absolute joke on the internet and somehow all three of those filters. How's the intuitive capitalism.
These these are things that that shouldn't be happening and they can be there's a couple of systems you can put in place that are against that and sometimes are not dense enough to go against this it's just bad. But it's it is it is part of capitalism. But yeah i mean i don't know whether it's like something impressive weird thing. Yeah you guys are trying to upsell.

I could have paid 800 on stockx if that was the case. But you're just getting the system. I don't want no ratchet and clank are you kidding me you know what this is bro. No like i paid 800 for something like safe like you wanted different games.

Like you legit like can you give me in store credit for all this let me stop you right there. Okay. You do not want four dollars game. Stuff four dollars.

We'll give you like 15 bucks for this entire ps5. It'll be 15 bucks. In like five toothpicks in store. Credit is the last thing you should be haggling for here.

It is not worth it at all now y'all trying to play me. It's a brand new game. And i'm here to return y'all. Y.'all.

Game stuff. And you represent game stuff. You ain't got no name tag or shirt. But you gamestop so that's what i'm saying y'all.

Yeah. If you don't want to represent anything quit um. I work ah yes. The classic you work at gamestop.

Which means you are gamestop so all of my problems are your problems. It's i don't even know where to start with the with what just happened there telling him to quit. If he doesn't rep gamestop. What what does that mean what what are you talking about this guy is giving you all the answers to your questions and you're still mad at him.

It's your fault you signed the receipt you didn't have to pay 800 for the bundle. If you didn't want to you not only signed the receipt you walked out of there and you went home you marinated on it and then you came back and made a big scene about it like it's your fault. It's not this guy's fault telling him to quit his job. If he's not there to like fight for gamestop tooth and nail is so silly.

Oh. I can't stand like customers. Like this these videos. Just always boil my blood and i've never even worked in like the customer service industry.

Yeah andrew buck's a little bit of a scam. But like i thought we had scammers do i selling the product. And you don't have to buy it and then you buy it and then you get mad like is there anything like that. But my heart absolutely breaks for the people that have it seems so miserable.

And seeing customers in real life. Like you just you see the worst people it's so aggravating so yeah. I just wanted to talk about this a bit since the video was floating around and uh that's really about it see ya interesting interesting it's string cheese guys i guess i'm bad i don't have much stuff to upset i have a cereal in this give me you.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Worst gamestop customer ever xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stay Calm says:

    If he did feel pressured to buy it and I was a higher up at Gamestop that saw this I'd give the worker a raise for being a good salesman.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jokester 954 says:

    XqC is the QUEEN of syphoning content 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maneesh says:

    Triple react nice YouTube

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Exo says:

    Penguin vids make me want to look at my phone even tho I’m already looking at it

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raulmmusik says:

    Pressure me dudeni want a ps5 lollllll

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiny Tim says:

    I usually skip this part

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Static says:

    I've catered to so many delusional dickheads at my former customer service job because of my boss, and I've given so much free shit away because all you have to do is get mad and make a scene, even if it's irrational. I'd say 8 times out of 10 you'll get what you want.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah says:

    Just started working at Staples, hopefully this doesnt happen to me 🙂


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soup of Gold says:

    xQc: … … … … *pauses video*… "So, I think-"
    Me: 🡆 🡆 🡆 🡆

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Eaton says:

    Chat's Charlie slander is gettin me heated

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MS says:

    Lol I used to work at Best Buy and this shit happens all the time. People get angry at people who have nothing to do with their issue and take out all their frustrations on them.
    You already hate going to work imagine some idiot coming in to the store to yell at you for no reason and you have to deal with them without upsetting them.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yep says:

    "i bought a ps5 bundle and then they made me buy a bundle" bros trying to return it and says that he kept the controller it came with???? how stupid do you have to be

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