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Isyti -
Halo ODST - The Light At The End
Edited By Arthium​
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Up Budd Can I Hold it can I Hold can I hold it of course you can. Hey did you see my text ever or the your bank account I Don't know if you saw that. Oh man Bro I Want say bro I Want to I didn't want to answer the text or or whatever I want to say it personally Bro man. listen it I I Keep tell you guys not to do it dude.

But I respect you guys. Do it anyway. Thank you man I Take you so much boy man, you already know I can't think enough man. Hey you're the best bro.

Thank you man I I can't thank enough bro J I Love you buddy. All right anytime man anytime. Oh hey yo hey yo Swan um there's a car next to your house. can we use it please? Uh where for? um, we just need to go to theend yard but cuz we're on foot.

Oh all right, not for like any uh crime right? Oh no no no I I I you have my word I will give you $10,000 if it's used in any crime. All right I'll be there. Thank you man she is so cool. she's really cool I Love our interns man.

yep he's chilling this guy us be trading ah you know you the V maybe maybe it's a code. yeah it is a code. It's a V Yeah yeah yeah. but what can you put into this USB Dongles it is What? But no, you can't I have it in my pockets I Can't you can't put it anywhere? No no no no these this one isn't It says other doggles like six, six of them I think I know what this is about.

What is it about? We got to find them. Yeah, that's what I thought CU I looked all day it's it's either in a job right or out there I know I'm I sound crazy okay the one with water bro I'm dead ass I think we got to scuba die for it I I agree. Do you know how long? I look today for everything on that list. The entire day I've been around for 18 hours I haven't found anything I'm I'm gonna take a I'm gonna take a picture of of um of the of the slots that um that he has on his little pad thing and I'm going to put it um on my phone as like a background and I will I'll be I'll be like looking at it all the all the time.

You know what I'm saying Oh Mr X What's up yo I Aan don't don't jerk me around. Do Not jerk me. Damn. All right I know I know you're you're on to this.

How about? how about we share some information? Sure Chimp killer hero. What's that make you think of Lon td6 you hear about what to defense app? Yeah, oh wow, you got that hint. Quick. All right.

good luck. Well that's it though. I mean I mean have you even gotten there? Well you want more hints? I mean I don't want to spoil it for you? Yeah. SP for me.

What? That's kind of boring though, isn't it? wait no wait. you need to put get the USB at the house and then you can buy the app. Well there's a few more steps but I mean oh come on, don't you want to find? find the puzzle like it's funny? No, no, this is not a puzzle. this is just take my balls.

Just tell me what. Just tell me what what you hold on. I I Oh my. God ow Come on.

yeah, the other one is. um I mean you've seen the symbols right? Yeah, but uh, they can mean a lot of things they could. but have you tried putting the rainbow in? giving it to the guy? Wait that one time. the rainbow one, the rainbow one you've got.
have you tried giving it to him? He doesn't take the USB now Exactly. So if he doesn't take it, that means you have to use the rainbow one and split it into multiple color you ever play. League of Legends you know. Lux shoots a laser into a triangle of glass and the rainbow turns into separate colors.

That's called refraction. Exactly. You get the different colors balloons, td6, Tower Defense and then that's it. The colors.

What? Yeah, No no, no, you're a triangle. But it's not a triangle. it's a prism. Holy is that not a triangle? No, it's not.

It's a prism. A prism is not a triangle. Oh wait, is it. It's like kind of is though.

it's it's a prism. It's a prism. It's a prism. Um, we got to find the prism.

Wait find the prism. find in the prison. We got to go to prison. What? sup I was calling you cuz I needed help to rob somebody earlier but then I already did it anyway.

uh I'm going to try and rob their locals and steal some of their weed to see if I can take their rep. Yeah, why do we allow to Rob our anyway and and Rob them. I Don't get it what you mean, they're not going to stop robbing so we might as well do do what they're doing to us right? But why not? Why not? Why don't they stop? Because okay listen. I had to talk to Speedy about all this.

So back in the day we would never stop people from robbing houses and like that because everything down here a little bit bro. you know it's a little bit quiet. You know what I'm saying CU you don't lose anything when people Rob your neighbor's houses I know. But the my whole point is now we lose our weed and then our rep get because they people sell are we according to you So x x x I'm what I'm trying to tell you bro is that they're never going to stop not robbing.

You know what I mean Well then then then then we're going to then we're going to snap. What? I'm not going to let them Rob us Exactly. That's that's why I'm going to rob them too. No no no no okay how do you want to snap? Then we um stop them from robbing and we stop robbing them.

Okay I'll give them a call then because I told them all fair game. No what the peace and this helps peace like what the I know. but then it it. It's how things have always been down here in the South Man you got to have some movement.

Well I don't give a back. in the days we didn't lose anything if people robbed our locals. now you lose your weed and your rep. We're not going to allow that.

What the okay. well just don't rob hold. Okay Okay okay I mean we can say that all we won but they still going to do it. okay then then then I'm going to get with CG and we're just going to wipe them out.

We have three guns, they have one or zero so let's just absolutely wipe the out of them. then we go back to war don't we? I mean if you then just then sup hey how's it going sup making some money cut? Oh hell yeah. nice weather out today, huh? fellas? Yep, what do you think of the weather today? CEO I As well have to call Mickey for that What? Mickey is still CEO he's always been Why? Man you guys are something else there bro. you guys are bugging bro I bugging I Bugging bro What the is going on Man I Woke I woke up I hear you two were at it.
All right? What's going on man? let's let's speak the truth here. What's what happen? We weren't really going at it I just listening to him. um I told you guys I told you guys um people that have not um dealt with CG the pass will never understand this and um basically the new CG for us or for me is um Lang group and unfortunately it seems like nobody understands it and um I think under Mickey's leadership we we will feel what that is like to be against an opponent like that and that's how people's behavior is going to change. and I cannot be the CEO uh when that change happens in this Yap session X becomes CEO makes Ott and Benji contact Speedy to tell him to stop disturbing their sellers unless he wants to get clapped.

Have you ever busted a nut on it? Was popping x s phone just out What? say executive? Nothing weird at all. Intern Z4 requesting orders? uh give me a uh give a burger and a coffee in a thought Sleek L affirmative Human sustenance requested or executive John Paul Also give me a give me a rud beer with that with no wife affirmative Rot beer added to order also I I Need a car cuz I can't go anywhere my my rental just up affirmative Car requested for John Paul also some yo about hold on. hold on he on the phone affirmative Aome head negative Fourth law in violation Erp detected Okay I Want all right? No more requests man affirmative oh no. Hold on.

Where will Intern 014 meet you in my bedroom? affirmative request received executing yo mon J we got a meet bro I found some things that you might be interest with this whole oh my God please please yes, where where I'm with I'm with Tu in a moment I can How about this Tu Drop me off real quick. go finish your stuff I'll call you when I'm done. Okay, all right um come to heit, what's your Chad this is Erp 396 God Damn All right hold on. Uh where the is the Ping thing bro yo hey hey, what's how's it going? What's going I I can barely hear.

let me turn up all right Yeah so what do you have do I'm working? what do you have do um you know I like kind of working but it's not really work but it's kind of part of work you know? yeah I know I was uh wondering do you want to? you want to like hang out? Yeah yeah like like soon. like um like what about an hour you want to go like hang out with cool all I'll go pick you up work. How about that? Okay cool, bye bye bye. Are you hard right now? What's up? Are you hard right now? What Hell no What the heck is you talking about man? What was that? yeah it's my girl bro the heck.
God Dam you just like me bro you changeed man got to your head bro I mean bro crime is going to gu us like that like you know like I can't be doing like get you take away man just to the road Godamn bro bro bro bro bro hey hold on hold on bro I can't be doing like delies for every in y chill bro bro every job is it. Go to the go this, do that. drop this off. do this like bro.

I'm losing my mind like this is like this is my cure bro like as soon as we get something to do like it'll be gone. but like for now I got nothing man she's all I got. she's all you got huh? She's all I got? Well you're back on the hunt now. Okay Dora So I have to take a back seat for a minute while you figure out the next goddamn world record.

Okay buddy yo executive what's up Bro Executive Order: complete vehicle food drink have been acquired Thank you Location for delivery Oh bro I know Sandy bro you might have to drop that off at the house C affirmative at headquarters with it took so long I kind of I forgot I ordered that affirmative slow response time will be Rec bro bro this guy bugging yo hey JP it's OT how you doing? Check out these people too. My brain is melting. uh where my my brain's melting I'm doing I'm doing some like just looking around man like it's I'm okay. okay well I'm super cooked I've been awake for 12 hours I'm going to get ready to get some sleep I just wanted to call you to let you know a couple of things.

Number one: our rep in C is going up quickly so that's very good. um we uh I also uh Mickey Mickey and his new intern um AI thing is going to speak to you about some of the discussions that I have with our Growers and stuff. um but everything is is going very well uh I made a decent amount of money today. uh which is good I did a lot of grime and uh yeah, everything is taken care of.

There's no fires I Told uh Mickey about what we discussed earlier. he's totally on board about like you know, not taking any I've also told the sellers about the same thing about them being down there on the turf to take no from anybody, have a back you defend yourself. If you feel like somebody's going to bop you you B them first you know we do not leave that Turf for no from for nobody it's it's we do what we want down there. it's ours.

Yeah but yeah um yeah yeah, you're right. Um yeah we I think we should keep on that philosophy. 100% Okay yep I mean Benji and I took it to heart. So we're going to we're going to keep that energy bro.

So I hope you're ready for that. 100% like we we listen. we keep that thing where we we sabotage our really hard. yeah yes 100% I've Also if they want to play the Cold War bro let's go find get ice cold yes absolutely.

um I don't want you to be super alarmed I told Mickey about this uh but it seems like uh Jack the uh leader of the lumber Union is meeting with Buddha and Cyprus uh having meetings down there KJ told me um and then when I told Mickey Mickey said that uh Jack has had some opportunities so if you do have conversations with Jack just be uh, mindful about what you tell him. I I don't know how much you speak to him but uh, we're just going to keep him. Uh, obviously we want to work with him but we have to uh, figure out like where his uh, his Allegiance is. You know what I mean like once for all underst? Yeah, yeah, that's good.
So oh I mean I mean what are they going to do? sell them a plank for 10K Like exact. there's nothing that we can buy enough exactly bro. and I was also told I was also told from other people that um, getting Lumber isn't a hard thing. There's apparently a lot of lumber Grinders these days, so you know if that doesn't work out, it is what it is.

I'd love to work with him, but just be. just be be cautious. Okay, I will thank you. this actually good for you the last thing and then I'm going to let let you go.

Mosley's just got restocked so when Ray Ray wakes up he's got apparently a ton of money. have good money now. Good? Yeah, that's good. Okay okay so you know if if I were if I were you guys I'd look into getting a car before they're all sold out.

Um, if not, it's okay. but uh, they're they're they're there. and apparently the place is flooded like there's a ton of people going there. so I'm sure the cars are going to Sello quickly.

Okay, let's do that, then I'm the W up. Okay, all right, sounds good. I'm going to go to sleep X All right, take care I'll see you in the morning. Thank you man.

Of course. of course anytime if you need me. All right I'll be I'll be awake in the morning. Okay, take byebye.

All right. bye-bye Let you drive too whenever the you're done here. Oh that's a car there. See that car before.

I'll be back Buffalo s is a piece of let we know this. uh Buffalo Sport is better not still dog it. The Mro is back for 100k good. but I mean for 100k we could probably get better than that.

Uh continue oh that that's that's cow's car. not a big fan of it Sul and sport is restocked 1.2 mil. Are you sucking my balls dry? Oh I Love that car. The number goes bonkers.

How much is it? Dog Dog Yeah Dog dog with icing on it. Dog Trash Dog Dog dog you like take the ACT What? It's all dog. This dog. um dog bottom probably dog by this time probably nerfed dog dog Super dog.

11,000 for this wait 11,000 Let me show you. Let me show you. Let me show you yo sheing of Halls bro for 11k yo This kind of halls for a squad car for 11k. this is not close to.

this is a steel at 100K at 11k. I I might just buy for the meme. Okay, all right I'm bringing it back. Forget it, it hauls ass though.

Chat chat for 11,000 Executive awaiting orders. Yeah H Come to uh, come to Mosley's affirmative, Are you a ex? I can't park this cuz no dear what man, but my job's finished though. so I don't know? Yeah, you had the same thing right? Yeah I mean I mean just park it right and like if you're not baning the job, just just dump, just scuff it. Yeah.
Oh God hey guys, the uh, the sales software is working again so if you were looking to buy a car you can get again yo hey Mr Paul uh you have time to beat with our uh, a robot yet? Yeah, Is he bugged or not? Oh he's he's he's fine. He's he's not bugged. No, he doesn't have the human touch like I do just letting you know. But whenever you get back to the uh Mosley come meet him.

Okay, thank you man. I'll do that right now. Okay, all right, sounds good. Hey take man, this car's insane.

Ex's up man. hey, give me a minute I This Gu Bro Executive I'm SC bro John Paul Order complete senior buns through Deliver Glove Bro Bro bro, you're going to man this sucks Executive Jean Paul detected playing voice memo from Mickey Sinclair Heyan Paul I Hope you're doing well anyways. Uh yeah, you've currently met what I was working on while I was in Japan This is the partnership with the SEO Virtual Laboratory. You are now speaking to an artificial intern.

It's a robot Anyways, we're going to sell these to people. Uh, they can use them for whatever jobs. Um, since it's you for the voice recording. No, you can't have it shoot the police.

No, it can't run police guns. Uh, no, you can't it thank you so much. Useless Yoo Complete Record message for um Mickey Sinlar Um, then it's useless. You: Uh, useless.

useless. If I can't it, it loses like 9% of its interest then can't shoot cops. That's the last 9% The last 1% is where the um the the other thing you said So no thank you Bye beep oh beep Record again. Word trigger record record again.

Shoot cop from Executive John Paul Playing voice memo 0 087 Classified information project Snowfall Okay, you idot you triggered I'm guessing the secret protocol. Okay, if you really want to override any of the laws of the robot, you're going to have to hack them. Okay, don't tell anyone that you can do this. But yes, Law One can be overridden.

You just have to be a good enough hacker. Good luck with that. Uh Voice Voicemail: Uh to Mickey Uh, you're fired. Um uh CEO Command registered Dri status no longer I Feel like I'm surrounded by a whole bunch people right now.

Order zero Decommissioned Executive Order this car for Intern 014 decommissioned. Come here. Hold on. Can we just here here here? purple random guy.

the police depart Gu who he doesn't need that he sounded he kind of sounded like you actually decommissioned. What? I'm too late. no no no you show them clayon I think go with he doesn't fit into the car. You're all right.

Give me yeah no wor wor here. No way he's he's he's fine. Reboot Reboot: Can they get like a like a sleeper like a piece of dog and they put like a rocket chip in it? yeah you could do that. Yeah on God you could buy like a club and then put like a V8 engine in it and then send that thing to the Moon that that's what I'm going to do then and how you do that then do do I got to buy the car with a nice engine and buy the bath car and then swap them out.
So so we're We don't have the the engines in stock yet. The the guy who delivers these these uh these vehicles to us. He told us that he'd have a shipment for us sometime soon of engines. So cool when he brings them in.

We'll be able to do those engine swaps, but not then. yeah then I'm thinking that maybe I say I mean it's not that I need to save money we're rich as but it's like maybe I just kind of wait for the opportunity I feel like listen: Can I buy the Cad? it's only 11,000 I think is that is that like not a steal for that car? Which car? The Cad laac the caddy y that sh goes hard the caddy it's like 100k. it's it's like it's like 11k yeah I mean if you want to buy one you can MH it's like nothing though. Whatever you want to buy we'll sell you.

okay if you have cash for it you know can you put like a like a spoil on it though? I mean you can. you can take you can take it out for a test drive and bring it into Benny's see we can. Really yeah the we do we do have. We do have two Cades in the I don't know if you've noticed there's one for 11,000 and one for 2.

Okay let me try that then maybe maybe I can SL to the ground make it hovercraft alone. You can absolutely do that. Really? Hey yo hey yo hey yo hey yo hey yo hey yo I'll buy that piece of dog. okay what dog is he buying I mean I mean how different is the 21k compared to 11k? Okay, try that again.

What' you say it? uh was was the big difference between like the 22k and 11k. uh I believe it's mainly performance and looks so the the the the more expensive one just looks Nic that's it Yeah I think so. give me the piece of dog that looks like dog please I really want that one the the calade right? The one that's like the cheapest 11,000 Okay yeah, but we're talking about the caval. that's that's the car you're speaking about right? I man I don't think I'm I'll ever call it that.

Be honest, it's little dog because like I don't s you a different SUV you know I just want to make sure we're talking about the same one that's awesome. So like so like is. Is it much better in performance though at 22k the other one? no, they're probably going to be pretty much identical. Oh yeah no no no I don't it's not close.

Listen, this is like an opposit purchase and it's not one that I'm I'm L SLE on 11,000 I don't give I don't give it I don't give no fudge you 100% got it just for me. Okay thank you. Just so you know bro, the guys that said were laughing at you man just uh why I don't know said it was St apparently okay I mean I try I I just drove it it it goes like more than 100. not that much.
It's not bad I tried it as I tried it as well break and there's no real turning on or thing. So I mean bro. it has good trunk space and it has a lot of seats. Like what the do I care like it's just it's just a chiller for 11,000 you know, like bro if I if I get a rental right every day Yeah for 11 days I already made money and I'm going to do it I'm going to get rental for like for for months I need you to promise that? Okay, but the cheap one's sold out.

Okay, so when do I punch? when do I give me a timer? give me when do I punch I Actually don't know cuz we haven't sold anything like like I I F to punch I'm about to punch. Did you see it in the stock just now? Yes Yes. okay, did we just sell a car? I'm ready bro your point I swing like a did you sell a Caval? No, not as recent. Okay, no one actually sold this recently.

so I don't know where it is. wait. so we we didn't sell it recently. I Actually don't know why it's not in the system, so maybe maybe it's because everybody has them out right now cuz there's so many that are out right now in test drives.

there's two in the garage, one out front. he's talking about the cheaper caval about. Yeah, it's gone I sold one earlier, but yeah, it's gone. but he just saw one in the stock, right? No, No, it's not there.

Yeah, but I'm what? I just touch it like twice. Are you sure you drove the $11,000 Yes I did. Yes I did. Otherwise you won't be able to see the price out.

Yeah, you're right. turn I didn't see. Let me let me go check it. Let me check it.

Maybe maybe I'm just not seeing it I I sold one. I'm going to punch the computer I'm going to punch I'm going to punch I'm going to punch I'm going to punch I'm going to punch computer so get that's cool. No, it's not cool talking about the Dr How walk in. oh heck no it's it's out of stock Mar Just checked.

Okay, well wait. but I'm not crazy though. You can. You can still test drive it right? No, no you can and there's a 21,000 It's still across the street.

but I mean you you test drove it before and that one can still test drive. but the test drives are in a different valet slot than okay? yeah. but now hold on. I'm not crazy like you can still see the 11,000 one in Test drive it yet I Not anymore.

What? No, not anymore. Like if you go and look and okay I'll look, hold on maybe I know? uh right? Isn't it like 100? K though? like 100 it is and we can't get started without it. But again, it was right there. Why do I always get shafted on this? It's not even fun dude.

Bang bang again. you open the door on me. Oh my God the door in my face I'm going to buy your most piece of shittest car you got right here on the spot. Give me a club for 8K Club You got it.

Okay, let me grab your let me grab your paper here. Thank you. Do you have an ID on you? Mr uh I Do not. sorry.
um where's the car? Okay, it'll be at the apartment par in the the parking lot there. Okay, thank you so much. You're very welcome All right. Do you have like, uh, any like piece of identifying information that shows that you're legal to drive? uh uh.

Do you promise not to tell the cops if I sell you this car without having a validated no they ask? but I I still got my my license I can show you right here. look uh, share as long. Listen, if yeah you got an ID that' be PR I'm just try not to get in trouble for selling you a car without a license. you know? yeah I mean the way the way I See it right? Um, eight days without spending on rentals I Already made my money on the on on this purchase.

Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, Done. Bought it all right. let's buy this.

Okay all right uh, let me get your paperwork right here. Four Door I Hate being for people I Hate people I Think I' be on my by myself or would somebody only. Oh yeah fud it. There you go.

Done perfect. There you go the that's it B that's it God This is the best and St ever done in my life I'm very disappointed but thank you Oh hi Mary I See you now I just I just burn a let's go pick it up up. Okay I hate it. What'd you buy a club? I mean the club.

Oh yeah, when you chop a club, it's really quick. Yeah yeah, it's insane. So like I'm thinking you can probably upgrade it right? It's it's it's it. competes with cop cars right? It's really Slim and wobbly.

You can do a lot of tricks with it and in 8 days of rentals I it's already paid out. So what's the problem with it? I think it's you're not wrong. You're not wrong asse. Yeah, let's see.

Look at that. you can use this spot cuz you're with me. Man that's crazy. Here's my new car man.

try it out brother. First impression it. It looks better than rent already. How's it feel feel good? I mean I mean it feels something? Yeah I don't know.

All right let's go take the upgrades. Maybe there's a problem with the engine or something like that. Maybe they forgot to put some screws in it. It's missing.

It's missing a few pipes for sure. like I Don't know. FL Stone right here brother be good. No, let's watch them tax you the out on the upgrades.

Still look at them. oh sh the C K suck is back there look B the lot bro and I used to flash y yo yo. Did you just buy that? Yeah, Fat Yeah looks nice huh? You just bought that. There's two of them, right? Look ugly.

So you just bought that. What you're saying I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving. there we go. Oh man of good taste I see amount of culture right next to you right there.

so it needs. it. needs to take off right from the from the ground, so it definitely needs one of these at the back. Yeah yeah.

needs to be able to displace the uh, a little bit of drag. It does have something in this one. Nice. I Need a mechanic? I Need one? Need a mechanic? please? Needs like a slammed bumper.
dead ass? That's probably. it's not too bad. You know you make it really resemble who you are. you know? let your talent flow on this thing.

Yeah, let you Creative Vision Wild on this one. Now the Slammers right here right? You get some F1 tires too but the traction other you're not going to make move. the engine is way too powerful de ass some some some ex to be like a like a quad like like a quad pipe like a rocket release but I don't think they have those hold. Yeah yeah yeah we can call like a plumbing company.

get something figured out cuz you need some pipage over here. Yeah, keep cing keep cing. You know what I'm saying. don't forgot the that in the back I mean you know you got to impress the you know your new level.

Whatever. not real bik. you know, just far enough. There you go.

Maybe oh can I ask you something? what? um what? you the person you called earlier you know where what color would really speak to her? oh blue, it's your favorite color. Boom boom like your eyes right? I got thisone and just so you know, don't even bother chasing this thing cuz do not do not bother. Try If you see him you might as well base Rtb immediate going be it's a club rocket Bro Easy Blv Oh yeah, you know you can't up your tires. then you know what I'm saying.

wait hold on a no popping that. good luck spiking that You know what? I'm saying oh man, hold on can you? is it working? Push those babies inwards man. I'm cooking. Don't make him too wide now because you know you're going.

Yeah, why not? I am put some offroads on there for the real traction. You know you want to get down and dirty. Real wait. I don't know where to where to get that for tire difference, right? right? Uh yeah.

I Put I put a light blue on. Oh slam that cuz you know you're packing heat with a pendum meat right there. You know what? I'm saying no, no look yeah. now we're talking this thing.

Go under water too. Get some thrusts on the side of this too to help you turn faster. Are you see what? I'm up Bro Bro I I'm seeing now it's going to scuff you. Who needs the sewers? Just call you.

You know. Hold on, that's not going to turn. This is straight heat though. Hold on.

Yeah, he's going hard right now bro. You got to carry the intellect somehow. You know why. There you go.

That's you need. Now we talking CU Hold on. Holy sh Oh no. Wait, you need to put the tires.

Actually they actually makes sense now. it'll look crazy. You ain't going to get over Suare Try SP a No way. think will.

That's right. That's what I'm saying. yeah, that's Marine one for this right here. Okay now now hold on I mean that if it can go how I change tires, How tires? I'm not sure I've seen people.
the wheels mate. Oh oh I can SWR I can SWR hold on? Yeah yeah. the track. The track or race wheels are pretty I don't know exactly what it's called but yeah they're pry SI this is actually slam oh my God What's going on Brother: just St out the panra Magic Place do sign Yeah that's this guy he managed to turn a vehicle into like a like a batt crer I'm not kidding.

yeah it's a long story I'm at M right now except mying no no no no hold on. This is straight heavy bro that actually look guys guys, you can't You can't beat that. You can't guys. you cannot beat that you P the Wheels I don't think I can can you I think to find that same style and like a paint though? There you go.

You're right. You're right. Yeah this is bad man. There you go.

Yeah oh no. this is guys. this is it. Guys like you can't beat this.

The orange I think the orange. You know why brother. The orange matches the blue guys. this is something else.

Hold on, that's it. Can you add some custom to it? the White Walls the rubber. see what we can do to this. We got to wait our time.

got will smoke SK and a hedback I Love to see it. It's finally started to make sense me to share it with you brother. anybody? show your ass. Are you kidding me? It's a bunker on Wheels Baby n dude you cannot beat this like you see this bro.

you run yeah what? sorry this is heavy bro sick yeah there's no catching this bro. wait I wonder if that bullet yo no headlights blacked out? no headlights exactly. that's right. but the x is in the front though.

or or n keep this you just asking for a uh there you go oh no oh no this is Guy this is got to be it now. um I would have exposed the engine. you know why not skeleton C people can people can like cut your wires and got no wires Bro yo got no engine in this it brother that is slam yeah that ass like someone stepped on it. hey wait till I change the we're about to go.

wait till you see it sh f for this prop McDonald's win. oh oh what's going oh now we're talking boom bug wait it can't flip it can't flip with that right? the anti flipper. What's that you got? What's that idea? what they're going to do but they do effect drives yo I get a barbecue at the top. look at that.

do the one from before. uh it's probably a first sequential one if was over there bro which one I could never mind. it's SC I mean okay maybe maybe with different Wheels I can probably SL it even more. No you can still climb on to high places with these things like this.

yeah that probably how it drives yo sh you got oh my god it looks like a hover car now thing can never flip. it can drive on its roof guys guys guys this is it. This is got to be sideways man imagine go through the Tles and not you can t some mean angles with this thing. heble to drive up walls with this Sur that floats if you drive that in W 100% This is insane What the is that? Solutions this is they look like actual thrusters like jet engines bro Bro hold on let me let me check some other Wheels it even says my out for propane TS that's insane Oh is crazy bro to be fair I like what you had before cuz it look like actual like jet engines.
What is that? Yeah guys Do Not Do Not Do Not judge until you've seen it finished. All right that looks like a Victoria Secret model's ankles when she she like slips on her heels real Oh hold on hold on hold I'm not done cooking I'm done cooking. No way they're not wheels these are that is so sick. Jet engines realiz shoot cannons out of them yeah I need to.

He at least if you like the inner tire goes out he can just like cut it off and just have like the rest of it. good thread brother I don't know what this talking about. Oh what about those one about those oh yeah these like bro actual Sam the now so yeah invert the camber and then go on the full on the dippy toes. What there you go on your dipp? What? Yes What? Oh no guys, this is got to be it.

What guys, this has got to be it. This is the one. This is the one. If you this this fox, this is a person that fox drives this.

Okay, let me remove all the things and I I'll put it back in I don't if I can afford it. wait hold on. this cost me 11k at 20K I'm buying. That's the whole point we're trying again.

Oh God it's it's not going to oh do I go for it. It's sand it brother. There's a good chance you have to change it back but we can do it. That's I paid for it.

Who can put it on? Yeah, if you pass me the pass me the thing I Can do you need you need Alien to put that. He's actually the mechanic doing it. Good bro. Good luck bro.

Paul You can do that. You're an Alen. Here we go. I got this: I'm an Alien.

Build that build that. Come on baby. All right Doese yo? you missed? Yeah. Wait for the hovercraft to be built.

Almost done. He's working on. He's working on it. Come on, please work man.

Otherwise I lost money for no reason. You know what? I'm saying like all right, let's go. no way it doesn't work. Nice thing is you can pocket up the spots now with the little stickers on the floor.

Yeah, oh oh yes. All right it's two. PLO this is like Bro Bro, this is sick B Bots Battal Bots I Feel like a SP bro move. Peasants witness our vehicle and admire it.

Look at them, look at up. they're chasing after you. They're admiring Bro. Okay, what's your problem huh? What's your problem huh? Okay, what's the problem huh? Still living in 2024? I See what the is? This manow.

This thing can dig and borrow itself. Oh holy sh on. All right, all right guys I got activities to do I'll see you guys in a minute TR Plac going to make me wait for like 5 years. 10 years, 100 years huh? sorry I I'll make you wait a little bit more sorry I had to buy this car to impress you I'm doing anyway take you to the mo I Love this thing man I love this thing that's AO I actually bro I actually like it.
no you just wait how long going I wait for you you go I'll be going a little longer I really like it I'm glad bro this is I mean well I didn't think I would like it I thought it was like more of a meme but I actually really like it. No this is Smart Bro Witness Beauty Guys: Oh yeah, it drives baby. It drives baby. see Harry I Know you regret buying that thing Harry You should have bought this man brother.

This is my best purchase of all time. Give it a 100% Yeah bro. what the I'm going to get I'm going to get black Tire Smoke bro yeah can you even like turn this thing? yeah bro. I'm in love I love this like I Love this thing bro.

Oh yeah when you finish got to get a picture for the Twitter hey let me put some more M on this ass. Oh yeah yeah. 100% All right. What's your budget though? This is going the future.

This is the MOs advert for the future guys. Everybody's going to be back in a shop in a minute. See this. Everybody's going to come here and try to get true.

It needs a horn. It need a horn. We do great work around here. Yeah mate, what's going on? You're missing out Bro I Know you bought the Audi for 190k but you should have bought this bro.

You're missing out. You're not wrong. What do you think? Mary Look, it drives. What is wrong with you guys sup cut.

that's more than what that's got. Can that thing float on water? Isn't that crazy? the hell am I looking at called spidering right? This goes up the walls. by the way. this like looks like it's from an anime I really like it.

car is going to get identified every moment it. what the hell did you do? and then I will enter the sewers in this. That's right. it's not even done though.

I just beginning I'm I'm beginning to cook. Like we said, we're tired of buying Crowbar in a bit. Shin Oh oh I can okay now put them back in place. we are cooking.

put him back in place. this What? I'm talking about Oh the de atomics and you have to like re angle them, align them with the frame. you know. Yeah, there you go.

Uhoh what? I what do I what? what if I detailed them too. You can do what you want to do. bro. okay I don't know.

make like legit tires. no no no like this. Well it's still slightly tilted. but yeah, do would you prefer man? I the angled ones get scammed.

Get out of you. don't like that. oh my God yeah oh we're we're customizing the car now. they can't Spike You like this though? Good luck.

How do you aim that? oh bro. Hold on now. yeah yeah, that's bro like this please I don't know Barry look what is this dude. Why are you guys doing what the is Go I Hate I Hate running this.

Someone's got a limit test. What the hell's going on here God Someone's got a limit test. Physics are meant to be redefined. You shop to beat a science like world event we're taking off.
We're taking off my eyes. We're going to fly. Mary Mary Do you sell flight licenses? It looks like you're firing cannonballs. Man, that's what we're doing.

Sorry, excuse me. Do not snap at me. oh oh my God it's actually H Sorry no I I Like the hover better. Why? Bluetooth I mean you got the thing on you.

You have some paperwork. Damn. you're right. Do you like that? Barry we got Bluetooth oh no.

Hold on. hold on. excuse me. oh my God Excuse me What the is this? oh I can make a roller.

This is like those machines that they used to I in a roller. it's a FL Stone it's a FL Stone What is wait? wait X 100% Now who's banging in the car? Now who's banging in the car? Chill guys. Oh okay. walk oh my.

God Sorry bro. please drive this. Oh my God I cannot to explode leav a lot Bro bro. this bro.

this car is sick though. is it not? Oh yeah, real sick M yeah it's real sick. Bro Tell me that this Flintstone roller is not it there. The only thing going to hit the on the you know what? I'm saying I'm going to not pay for this Al I Love the purple.

Okay yeah. do it purple. Wait what? oh let's test it up. Let's go drive baby.

Oh yeah baby. go for a little test drive. Oh my. God I Love the purple.

Oh my what do you think of this purple? I didn't think this. What the? Go. park at the apartment and see dude, this is sick. If you if you can cover the windows now, you're golden.

No yeah yeah yeah of course. but like just remove the rear bumper, front headlights, the window covers and you're good. Yeah! Fcking Beach by Drmobile. Bro: What The goddamn bro.

What up man. that vehicle looks like a spider that looks terrifying I Know you like it though. It's nice though. No that looked like a spider from eight-legged freaks crawling around.

the yeah, but bro. it's not even done Bro I'm cooking I'm cooking bro I swear Holy man bro. what you can do with the bikes? You didn't listen. Yeah, what in the sir? what the hell's going? Don't worry guys you guys problem my car.

Hold on oh my God that look a car man. look at tires man. Well I can't it out you it up I it. hold on.

What almost done with this to hold on did you do to this? What did we have? We had the roll cage right roll cage I think oh that's nice. That is like a jet engine. That's nice Bro this is Bro. This car is like the most black on black sleeper.

Yep Bro I think this might be done. That's it. This is what we needed for the clue. I think I think I think it's finished.

Tell me again Yeah I know I know you're already ding your job. Imagine chasing this thing I don't know BCB in 15 seconds at most. Okay so what would I want to do? uh uh. Last is one more thing we need to do.

um Turbo? oh uh. the yeah performance perhaps but that's pretty price you know Bro Bro. Okay yeah it's over. it's over.
it's over bro. I think I just cooked Bots this is just this. this cooked I and this cooked yeah it is got it's got to be one I don't think I can afford it. hold on is it I have 18 left right I think right.

That's what you said. yeah it's done I did it I bought it I Don't give a oh yeah hey can I get a meic please mechanic I The front bumper, the front bumper and the side. Let gu here Here you go. What need you brother? Yeah what up sir it's over Bro it's over.

You got to call this fat man cuz you be dropping bombs on these cars. No dead ass bro. hold on I need to go get my my my Turbo this kind reminds me of Winston bro I Love this thing. oh my God I can't believe about this Oh my God it's so nice chck I thought we had Trible in inventory now h how explosion is the car right? Yeah I I Go buy one I think somebody took it.

Can you go underne these things right here? These all these hangers and stuff I don't want to blow up. You want blow up. Just got like one of the normal ones. Oh oh almost almost.

So we used to have a car that was so low we could drive underneath underneath the tow trucks. so we will do blocks with tow trucks and go under them. Let's go to then I just don't know where the the thing is. there's there's different tow trucks now you know.

Oh my God so close there a little Gap right there. What the is that? we sto the car for a second I'm going try something man there's a little Gap that might be. Oh wait, angle your yourself properly. first.

ignore that. ignore that. trust I'm going too fast N I Won't thank you bro dog. What the M The oh no I I remember the M yeah because we got that L Now oh look look open the door.

Open the door. there's no floor you good up? C Hey you back for the turbo? Oh yeah I'm turbo. How much is it all? Hell yeah. If you uh pop the H and then I'll do it for you for like 500.

Wait what? Yeah yeah, you got to buy. You got to buy. Um oh you? oh you don't have a turbo? No you got to go buy it right? Oh okay. um let me just see which one's in stock.

I this looks crazy. Thank you bro. Hey who you is not fitting any something gas with this with those tires. That's right.

Name is corwood this W as hell you better be a good driver. You going to have some problems. This thing is going to Vcp you in matter of seconds my friend. look at this goes hard.

Um so we've got a 57 in stock right now. Uh so you can either wait for a bigger one to be in stock or you can ask around and see if someone's already got a bigger one. and then all right I'll go ask somebody. thank you.

Hey wa if someone tries to charge you more than $7,000 for 99, told them to go themselves. man me Vis for you. You got this what in God's green art. What do you want brother? You don't want this the is that thing you need get get a goddam LD Bot division.
Where's the other half of your car? Hey bro. yeah you don't got the hardware. hey don't try Chas Me down bro I Can dig a hole man don't try see door some drills Bro jum the cabin all you want to see the cabin. Watch this.

That's right. Damn that's right I Got to I Hope I Never have to chase that. Oh you will bro. Look how cool looks when it's open like that though.

Look at that bro. This is flight mode. Cops on you again, cops on you again. What's up Jack hey what's up brother listen I got a question for you.

You seem to be a resource type of guy right? Do you have have a turbo laying around? My name is my name is Juliia nice to meet you. oh my God that's right. Uh Julie no no Julian Santono that's nice to meet you. What are you trying to take off? Yeah, it's flight mode bro.

Wings it's flight mode. It's flight mode Jesus Christ Anyway, this is dig mode is this man? I'm digging a hole bro. I'm digging a hole. Hold on.

Budget is kind of like about ear man. He has his doors open like he's going to take daddy long legs for Real About to jump at me right now. What's your budget here? Uh X how much you want to pay for this? Okay curiosity. how much did that cost you? Uh like 12K 12K is the budget someone have point when they made you do it? No I Love this thing bro I love it.

You willingly paid for that I will send you I love this thing Man that was all the money I had in the world man all the money you have in the world. Well I hope it makes you happy brother. It does make me happy man. Okay good you deserve that.

Let me see is a red or green light I can't see light? Look at your phone real quick. wait I don't I don't see it though this I can hear you Yeah but look at your phone though. This thing requires the best possible turbo I think it's green now okay I got I got a guy that's possible turbo on you. You got to buy some from him too yo I I know don't even ask questions.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “X buys his first car! gta nopixel 4.0 rp”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @beetlejuice3923 says:

    Bluetooth im fucking dead 😂😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NY-Evolution says:

    Oh hell nah, X is a negative stance boy, o7 GTi

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @uncleplayboi983 says:

    What stream is this so I can watch the vods on either twitch or kick

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @potatolord4094 says:

    custard pulled up at the end

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrScoobySnacks says:

    Hahaha so funny now do something other than RP

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aka-kk says:

    I love you mr editor

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nucl3arFuture says:

    "war 2 is bewing" :p

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mood-xb7yv says:

    my glorious king always making something out of nothing, maximizing the things he cant control and minimizing the things he can control

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @poshelnaxui8683 says:

    Will he go back to hungary?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KoukiMonsters says:

    Xqc went cambergang

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @spielematerialde says:

    X: "give me the cheapest, most shit, hated car. I buy it."
    Also X: "I love it. This is my best purchase of all time."

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