xQc reacts to the SunnyV2 video dealing with how X-Factor destroyed Zoe Alexander's life.
Video by SunnyV2: https://youtu.be/-2dZVbi7C7c
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When Zoe Alexander received four NOS from the Xfactor judges, her entire life fell apart over a 10year period and the whole thing was documented on camera from a hundred different angles. It all began with this email right here, in which Zoe first reached out to the Xfactor requesting to appear on the show, explaining that she was a 22-year-old pink impersonator but wanted to audition as herself. After being accepted as a contestant, Zoe was asked to send through five songs she wanted to sing. yet the Xfactor then specifically demanded that Zoe audition as Pink they wanted me to sing a Pink song.

He basically said that if I didn't I wouldn't be going on the show. So I agreed. After agreeing to do so, Zoe was invited in for an interview where they continued to ask her about pink. All he wanted to talk about was Pink have you seen Pink live? Do you know Pink's real name? Do you think you like pink in real life? Okay, so she bought.

She brought up content right and it wasn't good enough on its own that they had their own idea for what they want to deliver for content, right? And then she agreed to it. and then she seemed surprised by I mean CH it's just the way that the storytelling is done here by her. makes makes it feel like um, like she was kind of yed or or like they didn't do it right. but I mean he is reac She accepted it no cuz I I I get it.

I get it that she had her own thing and what happened on screen wasn't what she wanted, but she could have said no, adding that they had no interest in her personally showing that the Xfactor had an ulterior motive to create a story out of her being pink before heading out on stage. One of the Xfactor pro producers then encourag Zoe to give an overly emotional performance and he said make sure you use all of the stage. If the judges say no, beg them, cry, get down on your knees and beg. So when she'd appear in front of the judges just a few minutes later, this is what went down and I'm going to sing So What by Pink Pink Okay, off you go.

After stating that she was going to sing So What by Pink Zoe Gave a boisterous emotional performance using the whole stage with excessive facial expressions. However, the focus on her physical delivery and a few other things which we'll talk about later meant the singing was fairly average, leading the judges to stop her mid song before stating this. I Honestly think that you need to go away and take the time to find yourself as an artist. Despite this, the judges were kind enough to give her a second chance should we get a second song.

Yeah, yeah, I want to give you a chance yet She was then stopped Midway through her second song before the judges once again implied that they didn't think she was good enough cuz at the moment it just sounds like every the average sort of singing voice. But as the judges explained that she wouldn't be Chad this is kind like a like a joker moment to know it's pretty much the same thing they invite on the show to make fun of her. right? and she she doesn't really know where kind of knows and then they kind of crush her on the whole set. Is that going to the next around? Zoe Turned the criticism back onto them.
You told me to sing a pink song I didn't want to sing a pink song you guys told to sing a pink song Zoe then proceeded to lose her temper before bringing her dad onto the stage, swearing at the judges and throwing the microphone toward them. After some more chaos, then went down backstage Zoe lashed out at the cameraman ending the segment. However, in terms of negative feedback, this was really only the start. The family was so distraught from the event that they drove home in silence.

yet Zoe seemed convinced that they wouldn't include her performance in the Final Cut of the show where I still didn't believe that they would show my audition on TV I Mean how could they show the systematic bullying leading to a breakdown of a woman? It would be too upsetting about an hour after. Oh man, somebody needs to sit down and watch the Mory or or U Jerry Springer or any show in America to be or Dr Phil Wait, Not only will they do that, that's the whole point of it, huh? wait. I'm confused. She: she's she's confused about this like they wouldn't do that.

Well, No, that's the whole point of it. Arriving home when a Daily Mail reporter who was at the audition called the family to get a statement for an article and to tell Zoe that she she was definitely going to appear on television. They will edit it in any way they can to show it on TV because it is TV gold with this information Zoe's mental health began to decline rapidly I couldn't sleep I I just stayed up every night I can't stress to you enough what an emotional wreck I was I didn't trust anyone and I just kept breaking down crying. Made even worse by the countless articles talking about the situation before the episode had even gone live.

Then, after 6 weeks of fear, Zoe's phone began to ring. I got a phone call from from The X Factor informing me that they were going to air my audition I was honestly so terrified I just said no and put the phone down. Within hours of the episode going live, the performance was being called the most shocking audition ever while other Publications such as the mirror called her X Fact's most shocking contestant ever. As a result of this, Zoe stated I was recognized everywhere I To guys I I'm going to be super like a rude with this one.

okay chat I I'm I'm telling CH this might sound a little bit unhinged I think the way she react acted with like the breaking things and the breakdown and and the camera at the time she was trying to pull a stunt. it looks like it cuz it looks a little scripted the way she does it and she knows what she's doing. She was actually upset. It feels like she probably just walk off the show and get the out.

except she's giving them content voluntarily. That's what it seems like to me. I'm sorry. my content brain is tingling and it feels pretty forced to be captured.
Went laughed at, pointed at, threatened with my myself and my dad. Have been threatened with violence to the point that my dad had to physically defend us I'd Go to the gym and people would watch the video on their phones in front of me and then whisper a laugh. Despite this, Judge Tulsy Cona Stlos refused to change her attitude on the situation, stating there is always going to be the odd person who throws a massive hissy fit. Thousands of people over the years have auditioned and this one person couldn't control their temper and through a fit.

But I Don't think that's a reason for everyone to go. You've got to think about their emotions. That was one person. Those are her issues and she chose to bring those issues to the stay.

Okay, Whoo Okay, whoa whoa whoa Okay, even though the show is kind of still, there's still somewhat a little bit in the in the in the rights, right. Um, um, the explanation given is pretty bad. PR it's it's bad. Gii now had no other option because they angle everything a certain way and they're like, well, if it goes that way, like dude, it's their fault.

Like what are they doing? Well, dude, you angled it that way forcibly. There's It's You can predict that it's going to go like that you can do because you're the one who set up like that. So Zoe began to defend herself by stating that the show deliberately tried to make me out to be this girl with a bad attitude. Before she theorized that the X Factor deliberately encouraging her to sing a pink song was part of a plan to increase ratings through televising a poor performance, which would explain why the producers encouraged her to be emotional in the minutes before the audition.

Zoe Alexander was set up for a fall. And yes, she couldn't sing, but that isn't the issue under discussion. Setting people up to mockery by deliberately enhancing their self-image be on their talents is cruelty bordering on human rights infringement. Zo's Volon.

Whoa. Okay, wait a minute. This guy is off the rockers. This guy off the Rockers because it seemed like to me like they that's what they wanted to portray and if she didn't want to portray that she could have said no because I Guys I think was that not in the contract that they sh that that this was going to happen like that and she just want to play the part.

That's it at that point. CH You're almost thinking about you're going to play a role literally. When the script is this deep, you're literally being given almost a script on how things are going to go and you're you're You're asking to be certain thing. if you want to do that, Well, you don't do that right.

It's that's this is how it's present to me with this video. Nature would have been spotted in one of the earlier auditions and then stoked up so she would Outburst on TV and thereby encourage a flagging audience to tune in with the expectation of future. Jerry Springer Moments Shameful. Just shameful.
yet others were a little less passionate. Look: She may have been set up by producers which isn't fair, but at the end of the day she can't sing. The judges were just being polite by using the identity thing as an excuse because she did get to sing a second song which she was also rubbish at her violence. SL Physical Outburst was wrong.

Full stop. Yes, it's unfair for producers to mislead her, but her reaction was atrocious and very bratty. Also, her dad shouldn't have brought her back onto the stage either, as this escalated the whole situation. She got to sing two songs whereas guys, if her dad bought her back, then all this chat, there's something they're not telling about this.

there's a missing part that's not being publicized or something like that. This seems like really forced. most people get to sing one and she wasn't good enough. and of yet Zoe didn't stop pushing back against what had happened.

Approximately 7 months after the audition went live, an article was published by BBC News titled Xfactor cleared over Pink Tribute Act complaints, in which it was explained that Zoe had gone to the government broadcasting Agency Ofcom, claiming that the Xfactor had ignored her track choices, changed her song list, and dictated her outfit and hairstyle, insisting on her appearing in her pink. Persona Yet the agency found that the judge's comments were balanced and her violent reaction after the audition was unacceptable by any standards. Whatever her perceived grievance, accordingly, Ofcom has not upheld Miss Alexander's complaint. With articles such as this one perpetuating Zoe's nightmare, people said to me, oh, don't worry, it'll blow over it, It won't last forever Lasted for years and years and years.

Things became even worse when Zoe's performance racked up almost 100 oh my 88 mil Holy dud in compilations such as these two. However, with comments such as I don't trust any of these after hearing Zoe Alexander's story, it seemed there was more that was yet to be discussed. On the 20th of July 2020. Zoe Uploaded her own video titled Zoe Alexander XA Factor The Truth in which she now revealed that the performance itself had been edited and even CG eyed to make the Xfactor look good and Zoe look bad.

She stated the judges actually began the audition by essentially insulting her and he moved on to tell me that I was very overconfident which wasn't shown on TV And after she started singing the audience Went Crazy by cheering. However, in the Final Cut of the show, this had been reversed so the audience was instead cheering while the judges gave their opinions. In the broadcast footage, The audience reaction has been completely changed. The guys is the audience under NDA or Contra I feel like the that, um the the audience could anybody could come up for and say Hey you know like it did happen like that Whatever audience could be heard clapping and cheering her words as if she was voicing the opinion of the entire audience.
In fact, the audience at that moment sat in silence. As a person who was in the audience, we were told to keep quiet when the judges say anything. so yeah, you're definitely telling the truth Zoe Went on to explain that the music We were told to keep quiet when the judges say anything um too broad chat chat. This is a little bit too broad that doesn't really prove anything that just seems like this is a made to to capture what what he is doing it.

What? Okay, you guys take question mark. This makes sense because if there's a moment and there's a good moment or good commentary by by the judges, right, there's somebody that yells in the back or says something, the whole segment is completely ruined. It's completely ruined. So this makes sense as a broad rule.

unless it's done deliberately and targeted against this particular uh, event or person which seems like it's not like this is fine, this is fine. Judges say anything. So yeah, definitely telling the truth. Zoe Went on to explain that the music they played was also different to what she'd sent through the TR Guys imagine chat.

Imagine that that Simon's about to say something really funny or good or is in a skit, is in a good mood or and he goes go, you know what and some guy goes let's go Simon you got this brother yo. What? The Now the whole thing is completely cooked. They played was not the Trap that I had sent him. it was in a different key and it was a different trap and when she'd thrown the microphone, she'd done so because they' turned it off.

While she was explaining what had happened, then I realized that they turned the microphone off and that was when I threw it to the floor. but somehow in the video I Threw it like that I didn't I I threw it the floor Zoe then debunked the segment where she'd seemingly walked off and come back with her dad I categorically did not what and it was a different track and when she'd throwing the mic, she she' done so. CU they had turned it off while she was explaining what had happened. Then I realized that they turned the microphone off and that was when I threw it to the floor.

But somehow in the video I Threw it like that I didn't I I threw it to the floor zo um, no shot sorry no I'm good. the maybe the camera angle. she means that the the microphone flew to the ground because it wasn't enough force with it but the actual hand motion. No it at CGI sorry.

We then debunked the segment where she'd seemingly walked off and come back with her dad I categorically did not leave the stage and subse and if she did do that, where's the microphone at? Hold Up! sorry to pausing so much where she'd seemingly walked off and come back with her dad. where's the mic then I categorically did not leave the stage and subsequently return hand inand with my father. Once again, the footage has been completely fabricated. Another example of the I CLE did not leave the stage and return hand in hand with my father.
once again, footage is completely fabricated Fact: there's over imaginative editing before. She added that even the judge's comments had been inserted at a later date. Also, Nicole did not stand up and say no baby No, that did not happen. So they were cut in afterwards to produce the footage in their fictitious storyline.

After heading backstage, another scene was filmed in which Zoe begged the cameraman to stop filming. However, this also didn't make the cut. I I was saying please please stop filming me, Please Stop Filming Me This scene was cut from the broadcast footage and replaced with even more fabricated footage which better suited their story line as it didn't portray me as aggressive. The real footage would have clearly demonstrated the broken and emotional state into which I had been bullied and with this information everybody began to stand up for her.

I admit I was one of the many who laughed and thought you yo yo, what the what the is happening Wait guys I don't really know what's happening? uh I Feel like the person is lying with this crazy lady who is just mad that you lost the audition I'm so sorry they're so horrible for doing you like this. with others informing Zoe that her video had blown up outside of YouTube over on Tik Tok a relatively small account made a 15 million view video talking about what had happened, which when dueted By Zoe gained a further 27 million views with almost everybody sticking up for Zoe As a result, Nicole Scherzinger's comment section began to fill with comments regarding Zoe's treatment and therefore the judge did this. Can we just talk about the fact that Nicole Sheringer has blocked me on Tik Tok Despite this, the mainstream media ran with the story, causing the X Factor to backpedal rapidly. You have made The X Factor Turn off their Instagram comments, you have made the Xfactor turn off their YouTube comments and you have made the Xfactor change the title and description of my Xfactor audition video with a 19 million view audition video having since been removed allog together.

On top of this, Zoe's appearance has also been taken out of the Mega Viral top five angriest contestants video which when considering Zoe's poor attitude and the show's sketchy editing, feels like a reasonable Middle Ground Between the two parties, most celebrities chat guys, this is tough I I would have to look CH Guys, we would have to do like massive uh investigation I'm like two three months lateer on this chat I'm going give it a buck I Dude, you would have to really look at I Kind of want to do it to be honest because I haven't sounds kind the last couple of months, but this popped up on my full you. P The story of Zoe Alexander the aggressive pink impersonator from the Xfactor now comparing her story to the audition clip on Xfactor, there were some parts of her story that didn't match up such as her father walking on stage alone and Ollie the runner protecting someone who wasn't there. And sadly because of this, some people don't believe her. I have editing skills and I am going to do some detective work this guy on YouTube Broke Down the editing of when she threw the mic I don't think anyone shown how The X Factor edited in these parts.
So Zoor said that her father walked onto the stage alone. here's her walking um out, yeah of stage and shows. her father walks in. it seems like they're walking back out to the stage together.

Wait for it. Look, she's smiling. This is obviously a clip from Like Elsewhere and don't tell me it's from the lighting. Her face looks happy here.

and this part of the clip. his finger just look at how much she's moving, how much she's blurred, whereas his finger looks so sharp. And so you tell me that this person this person talking right now um says that she she's an editor or knows about editing. yet does she know about bit rate and like that? it seems.

Wait, brother, brother the guy is is he is static. There's a lot, a lot of unpredictable moving. Parts with a lot of colors and it will look blurry, it just will. Bit rate doesn't work on one person.

the guy is not moving how much he's moving, how much he blurred whereas his finger looks so sharp and look at the way the arm just pops out, it looks really unnatural to me. Okay, true I'll I'll age to the jacket. Actually, the jacket maybe to me. On here, you can see the masking I think he looks way too close to her and the lighting just doesn't look right.

Also, her hair somehow grew through his ears. Okay, watch how she walks past him. Hm, doesn't her hair look suspiciously sharp here? Okay, what's that I Don't see that anywhere else on stage and that looks like his shoe. You guys see that white line around her legs.

That's where they cut out her body to paste her into this clip. You're telling me that's natural. Also, from the speed that they both walk out at, you can see that she's coming out. He's there on the side.

she's coming out, pushes the camera. Her neck did look weird though though and it kind of pans back there. You don't see him, he's not there at that point. You should have been able to see him come off stage.

So apparently in this clip Zoe said that this guy was never here and ol' was protecting no one. You can see that this white blur here is a result from the editing. Watch this guy's hand holding the EV on bottle specifically look at his knuckles. Did you catch that his hand wasn't even moving that much for it to blur that much? So yeah.
In conclusion: I Don't think Zoe fabricated any parts of her story. It's just disgusting how TV talent shows like X Factor go through the um I don't really get it I think she's just flat out wrong yo. this is X x on the be yo Okay you he my voice as well That anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just soy. anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sry.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “X-factor ruined this person’s entire life xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Dickson Karaoke says:

    X Factor Deserved To Get Cancelled.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yo says:

    I feel like we need someone more professional than "someone who knows about editing". If it's edited especially for the time artifacts will be left behind. She points out some obvious ones like the hair but the rest are kinda eehh. Also the word "cgi" is given alot of liberty here lol I'll assume she just means general editing and roto not that they literally made a 3d model of her to do things she didn't do. Editing is a very extremely powerful tool to create a narrative so this is possible.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NinaGabi says:

    It’s like what the did to the guy on the show jury duty, it’s just straight up gaslighting

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joao Machado says:

    Imagine thinking they can make cgi THAT good for weekly episodes shows when they take YEARS to make a good cgi movie. People be tripping

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThrillaLive says:

    Why would she keep doing interviews about it years later if she didn't like the attention

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Medy Lema Official Channel says:

    She's definitely not lying about most things, how do I know this? Wait…

    I was on the show myself.

    Although I got through what happened after is what made me realise this industry is cut throat with no mercy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timmy C says:

    I remember watching this as a little kid and always thought she was a spoiled brat

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! JordanTRVL says:

    Americans are sooo fucking soft, wow

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Barkloke says:

    Man xqc really thinks he is an expert in: Editing, Laws, Physics, Videogames and martial arts

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Kyle Obenita says:

    Love the Daily XQC Dogshit take this is why I'm here for our juicer

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prab Rarru says:

    old video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyshawn Stubbs says:

    I don't think anyone realizes how easy it is to EDIT things to make fabricated stories. Many people got such skill with Editing that you can't discern Real from Fake. The internet is evolving in such scary ways.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just a Dot says:

    Average reaction video:

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xon Deez says:

    I've been in the audience to one of these talent shows and i can tell you right now that reactions are controlled. they tell you when and what to do through a small screen. im not suprised by heavy editing either, these shows want drama so they get higher viewercount

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunshinyblossom says:

    "Waaahhh i went on the show, agreed to everything they told me, gave a mediocre performance but how could they do this waaaahhhh!"

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Parker says:

    5 seconds pass. "REACT HARDER"

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