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Edited By Arthium​
#xqc #GTARP #funny

I'm to be a court to court artist. Swear people in for me. That's it for the direct thank you. All righty now guys I know is going he's going to use.

Plus this is not cook at all. Hey buddy, let's go. That is all. You didn't like that Core case um I think the line of questioning will last a long time, but it's not going anywhere.

so I'll just we'll be back whenever it's like they P that cuz that well I don't even understand that that train thought is not cooking like I'm not a s I'm the yeah I got that Co of the company disrespecting hello yeah, who is this yo? oh John Paul I see I see your secretary is uh, passing along the message well it's not secretary. come on man, excuse me, excuse me mother I know what else to call him I disrespect uh I think um I think he's CFO is that right? C both Co and CFO what does CFO mean? um Chief uh financial officer and Co um chairman of other things? yeah that one yeah. how much long you going to keep this up for my man? Well I'm just saying like I think I think he wants to be spoken with respect yo like it's not like a secretary. you know what? I'm saying Yeah, that's right I'm not disrespecting the guy I'm only I'm I'm only calling him a secretary because that's that's what I assume that he is all right man.

So what's up you called I I answered what up man, you good or what? Yeah I asked how much longer you going to keep the up for my man. this is one of those like those times where it's like a question that has the answer in the question right just missing like words. How long are you going to give this on for no? that's you. Deflecting the answer back to me All right.

Problem is what am I keeping up right now? All so what happened is it seemed like we were at peace and then I woke up and then we at War right And people don't start wars on my behalf. Something secetary started a war because hung up the phone on his face. Well you have. You'll have to convince me to that cuz that's not what I was told.

Break it down for you. So remember the remember the meeting we had at the park Me you and Tony I remember that and uh Benji and Raymond were there. So prior to that meeting, I had a very uh, positive and good conversation with Raymond In this conversation I explained to him listen, you know we essentially talked about, you know, coexisting down at Cypress all this, that and the third, you know, working together. whatever.

Right during this conversation I explained the r I'm like, listen I don't think there's a point us to discussing this without Jean Paul being around. uh because I feel like he's going to wake up and he's either going to do the complete opposite or not agree to anything that we're talking about right now. Raymond and I believe OT both go oh no no no, no, we're going to put our foot down. Uh, this is very diplomatic.

You know we're going to discuss this together. You know we got you back. Uh, whatever. Right essentially implied that uh, you know we're we're going to find Middle Ground Uh, and you know, agree on the next day or maybe the day after, maybe even the same day at some point Raymond Called me and he's like, hey, Lang I want to talk some business at this point I told him listen, it's very clear.
Uh, talking business with you is pointless I'm only going to communicate with your boss now when it comes to decisions in business because it's very clear what he says goost and then I hung up the phone on his face. Now, if that's grounds for you and the organization or whatever the you guys want to call yourselves to start a war, then by all means. but that's literally what happened. No hold on, hold on.

What does that mean? Like, why was there a need for a discussion? Was it something new? Uh, something new to sell a new market like? I Think we both wanted to turn a new leaf and work together. coexist have each other's backs, you know, little line. but we already had his agreement at the park. Why do we need another conversation? Okay, so you clearly didn't listen.

This meeting happened prior before the park meeting. Oh okay, but after the park meeting, that was settled though, right? We kind of. We kind of put Byon did you not listen to anything I Just said yeah. But I'm telling you like for it to be a conflict need to be something before.

like you're not filling in the gaps like why did you call the why did you call Reman after no no, he called me you so you didn't listen Yeah, yeah, he called me. This call lasted 40 minutes X and Lang discussed four main points that caused friction between them. X's three main points are: one Lang undercutting the market selling mining racks for 10K instead of 25k two Langs Boy ocean dumping one of D company interns three Speedy forcing seller number two Mike to sell at a different spot when they both agreed to share the turf fairly while Lang brings up Ray's phone call overreaction which ultimately led to the ignition of the war. Don't take no high, Don't take no high ground with me mother buying it from.

Take advantage of people who are so blinded that they're willing to work for free. Stop taking this. High Ground I'm going hang up the phone now. 46 minutes.

We've resolved nothing. Speaking of you is wall is acknowledge that you started it and John Paul end this I Will tell tell your secretary the girl backbone end this. He's going to never be anything but your secretary. He has to accept that.

Okay, okay, turn up we bro. EAS Just H up. This is so stupid this fence I'm one day I'm going to break it open. There he is.

There's our CEO Woohoo guys news. Wooho guys we're likeing good news today. Yes man. great You look like Bad Bunny Man well well well Mickey man he's back.

Hey buddy, what's going Oh oh what's going Onan Paul yeah what's up man. you know the gift from the community where Donald Glover's character comes back holding the pizza. Everything's on fire. Yeah well that's what you caused oh I caused that Goa Oh yes you.
I give you an army of interns and what do you turn them into Southside gangsters running attacking people. We live in the Southside you know what I'm saying and we deal with sou problems. So I mean kind of had to kind of mold our tools for the job. You know what? I'm saying brother.

This is the part where you think that I'm going to say that it was dumb of you to start a war at the sanitation. Union No. I actually think that was great. Thank you for doing that.

Wait, really? yeah, are you kid. They've been disrespecting us for weeks. I'm glad you guys did something. Thank you Yeah well um unless today they were really aggressive I think there's no point uh I don't think they were aggressive today and I agree with that.

I was going to say listen, if it goes on for about a week Now's the Time to kind of two we it's been. it's always be like a week and a half already. Yeah, let's perfect. I was going to suggest that we kind of wrap things up today.

That was all. Can we discuss how how we're going to wrap it up? Well I mean I I I talked to Mr L today I mean he said he said uh something like you do it you end it and before could answer he just hung up. The first move that was that was has friction happened whenever he was told apparently that um he doesn't talk business with him and then he got hung up on it right? and I I think at that point he had like the like like the the red glasses on not the rose ones the red ones M right? Okay I'll get you cuz he you feel disrespected by that you know? Yeah, but I mean to be fair, it sounds like this has been something building up for a while. I Talked to Ray yesterday and he was saying that a lot of this happened because of how they've been treating us as you know for business like undercutting us on our own products and then raising the prices for circuit boards from the beginning us over.

You know it's a lot of different I think anything could have been the reason why we fought but I think the the way we approached this war, the biggest mistake was we we we got the cops on the wrong side bro. um I don't know what what happened to you but you got arrested by the cops too, right? Which is where we suffer the most. The two times I lost a gun was when I was a victim of something. uh never the one the perpetrator like actually I was never even singular time the perpetrator and both I lost the gun every time I've used the gun it's been successful.

it just went I didn't use it. that was end up being the problem I didn't even get use the gun when I got arrested man I got shot in the back while I was running I have I have a crazy I have a crazy cook. All right we're we're like listen, it's been going on for over week. This PV by the way is is, um, the most disastrous display of unprofessionalism I've ever seen in my life.
by the way. So okay Su yo Scout did uh, did OT tell you about the blueprint thing? I'll tell you guys what blueprint. Spicy cently this uh tier three guy said uh, you can get a weapon blueprint a a vault run job might not be real, it might not be real. So in group six I don't know if you're still on the phone or not no I got the I I got the I needed.

So I hung up. Okay, okay, we'll talk about the blueprint stuff. Here's what I'm thinking for the Lang thing. he's not going to end it and he says that you know, oh, it has to come from us I have a Spike Y play Have it come from me Here's the thing: Lang Lang even said oh well you know I have to hear from your boss and I'll say oh well we as a group have decided and you'll hear from me what that does is then you don't have to do John Paul and in some ways that kind of takes a shot at Lang's ego and then he has to deal with me and he hates dealing with me.

Yeah, all right, here's what we going to do. How about Pi this up, um I will temporarily step down CEO and Mickey is going to be CEO and then I I can't make the call for us right? It has to be Mickey And then uh Mr Li is going to be forced to deal with Micke and he hates that so it'll put him in position where he's kind of squeezed. So perfect. Love it.

It's actually a fantastic idea. JP It may happen again, but our position when it happens again is going to be very different. There'll be guns, We'll be. You know, we our interns.

We'll have the right in turns around, we'll have the right infrastructure, We'll have money, We'll have cars. They are not foot soldiers. They are not. The worst day that we had was when Hydra got involved.

Outside of that, they've been getting bopped around. Let's be real. So kind of agree with that. we can just establish ourselves in a better position for next.

They also think, uh, let me tell you their mentality. so I know this sounds really stupid, but this is that's just him being dumb. Okay, so when you deal with somebody, that's stupid, uh, unfortunately, you have to kind of redo the whole formula. He thinks that we are kind of like cheating by using a lot of interns because they will do whatever we say and even though we've hired them weeks ago.

Yeah, so he thinks that like, um, we're getting randoms to do for us because they will. They will bend everything sideways for us. So he justified using outsourced Um personnel and using uh, senior Buns employees and he was like nah, we did all that dog because you guys used interns and then I was like well, you guys went after the interns and that's kind of like our people. He's like yeah but they do whatever you want and he's upset that we have a big Workforce they don't like it doesn't the Union's the same thing.

He doesn't agree he he does not agree. He does not agree he he thinks that I'm sorry guys, this is not what I this is not what I think this is not what I think is. this is his perspective. He thinks that we're like cheating by using too many people.
What a gaslighter bro. I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you this all right you ex. He's worried about what you're capable of doing I'm not going to lie I'm not going to lie this is all a battle of egos where you have more people at your disposal than he does he to detest the waters but I believe to be Lang's crew and the Italians the Italian family got completely dissolved. Massive drama, whole thing house stolen, sold people M oh my God it's like oh God the tea.

It's like oh someone's wife is upset with this person's brother who's mad at oh it's oh the it gets crazy so trouble in Paradise yeah anyways it sounds like in the short term one thing we can res resolve. oh Ray by the way um how long? How How much have I missed in this meeting a lot? Oh I became the CEO Mick's currently CEO this a temporary position but we'll see So just so I Don't screw up anything. What in this? You know we broker this. Whatever.

What in this piece are we saying? We just saying hey, we're GNA stop attacking each other. Is that the gist of it? Anything else? Meaning that's happening with them? There will be We're We're going to end this. We're going to end this charade today. Yeah, Yes.

Fantastic. Well listen. Can can I Can I call him? Why would be mad at me I don't even get it I don't even get it. Hey, you can call me yeah.

Go ahead. What are you calling him right now? Yeah okay. let's have a meeting it. let's get it out the way.

Lang Great news. How can I help you Mickey What's going on? You're uh speaking now to the boss I'm currently the CEO listen, make you all the respect have John Paul call me then I Know the conflict has really ended my man H You know what I'll have? How about this? I'll have Jean Paul call you and he'll redirect you to Jean Paul's boss. how's that sound? Johan Paul If you could please give whatever that means Yeah oh god oh boy I don't remember I don't remember his new number. Don't let him talk to you JP just say hey call Mickey I got voted out.

he's now CE This is funny. This is the first thing I'm dealing with today I Love it also. I'm sick as uh hello listen um I'd like to continue convo um I I Lally can't they I'm not allowed but my credentials don't let me. You're going to have to talk to my boss U talk to Mickey please.

All right H up. Call him back. there we go Mickey this is a good idea Mickey I Like it would he. Would he even talk bro? What the no, no, he'll try what's up.

hey I'm glad you just heard from Jean Paul Anyways, we would like to, uh, put an end to the conflict we're reaching out to you. Actually all right, consider it over my man. All right, good doing business with you Lang Feel free to call me if you ever need anything in the future. Goodbye, we do.
byebye that's it and that's it. Well Done Everyone Holy what? wait what did he say ver what did he say he said okay I told you I told you it was an ego thing I I told you I told you you really hate dealing with that much. just oh he. trust me guys, he does not bra Bravo Guys Lang could not stand being in a car with me for 1 minute.

Uh, back in the day I mean there's no way he wants to deal with me. You know when we're opposing each other. Come on. Well Mickey you know what? I I I I'm speechless.

You come back from Japan after 10 days you become CEO Listen I'm going to vote JP back as CP C CEO But I want you to soak this up for at least another hour? Yep real. That's good though. Well done man. See useless I think I might I think I might have been right about this.

What? it was just like an ego thing. Like a yeah you said it was an ego thing and he he wanted to gas like you. That's what it was. 100% 100% As soon as as soon as Mickey took the the wheel, he literally ended it immediately.

Yep, it's not L we don't even know. but I mean Patar Patar is looking to enter into an official partnership. Exactly. So I think I think we get.

we bring him in, we bring him in guys. think about like this. Our next steps right now should be finding our own material market for the company. You like how we have weed people for the company.

We have all these for the company we dragon and Patar will get more mats than Buddha. These guys are nuts. They go dragons around like 20 hours a day. It's insane.

So like yeah he is insane. We just get him alongside anyone else during the Au EU tsunami that that he works with and then we just have them like help us out. You know yeah they'll be our main material guys main thing though. boys.

um we have 6,000 baggies of Zaza Jes man just I mean we have. We have three or four good locals now. just push it. push it on them.

Yeah I am about to go nuts there today guys. we need to talk about some By the way, um number one thing we need to talk about is OT talked to to me about this yesterday about the the fact that obviously he's the owner of the house but he he wants to commit crimes and and do some crazy in the future so we have to be aware of the house at all times right? We can't store too many illegal things here if we can avoid it. So thoughts about Alternatives Uh guys guys guys uh yesterday I got raided and then Ra here. so when you get raed they take they take all your job cars, no store anything in there and don't don't store anything in your apartments I have an idea I have an idea.

The judge said this already. The judge said that they won't raid unless it's OT yeah I'm I'm just making sure that they I mean the P guys what the law is. Say what the PD does. it's different things right? You think the judge said it? Uh I I Just still think it's a good thing that I got rid it so we can confirm it.
You know I have an idea to solve all this. Um, so there's two ways. Number one, we either transfer the house directly to Mickey and he's not going to have any problems and I'm not going to have any problems for a while either, at least until meth comes around right? and then that's probably what I'm going to sell like crazy. But what I was thinking is it's twofold.

First off, the interns get a place across the street. so at any time if I get in any type of trouble, an intern or you guys are likely going to know about it and we can move stuff very quickly in the interim. But what I think we should be doing and I've mentioned this to Mickey and Benji is we need to sell Buttcoin. Now if we can sell enough Buttcoin.

What we do collectively and I love to hear everybody's opinion on this is we have a float. so say for example, in case an app comes out and it costs a 100 buttcoin or a a new blueprint or whatever that we make sure that we have say 200 Buttcoin on hand 247. we never sell below 200 anything above and beyond. We sell as quickly as we can and it doesn't matter the price.

To a degree that means it could be $1,000 a buttcoin $500 It doesn't matter if we are getting 50 60 a day, even at 500 a piece, that's going to put like3 Grand a day in our pockets, as long as it's above and beyond the buffer with that money, we buy a second house. we put that house under Mickey's name. we put all of our M illegal in there and we use this house as a home base and a mining house only. Which means we could fill this house I don't know what this is about um floor bottom to the third floor with just straight mining racks and we mine like meanwhile our weapons when they come drugs everything goes into the house under Mickey's name.

somewhere else away from this area and we can get there very quickly by suen butt. That's fine, have some things tend to stay mostly clean and I also uh am uh currently getting my bar license to be cocaine Mickey even if because I know you're obsessed with the cocaine at times. oh God even with cocaine uh I do have some things I want to quickly say uh something that we should consider is finding another uh person that wants to work that's like a big like a like someone like who like SZ I'll just say it Sis wanted to work with the company he he talked to me, he was like Yo Raymond I talked to you and John Paul about this a while ago I actually want to work with the company directly? Uh, they're based up in Pedo. that's true.

but I think he wants to work closer with us and I think we should try to find more allies. That's something I Want to propose to you guys Like we need to find people that are effective of what they do but could be good allies to the company or even just joining the company if sis wanted to. Thoughts: yeah I mean I don't know that well like making you know I don't know if you mean a board member or something, not a board member immediately. No, but someone who could eventually join into the company as someone who could help us out if he was to be interested in that.
Honestly I think yeah, a great leader if you guys don't know him. uh I don't know if anyone doesn't know him here. he used to be the leader of HOA yeah give me one second. I Just want to say on the computer yeah, we need numbers 100% um what? we just fell off like flat outs.

not confirmed though yo have not. Have we not sold any weed in the past? Whatever. this train has not grown at all like zero. No no no no Well we're going to.

it's about to. We're just out of War now JP this is going to be 100% 48 Hours True, you know, like it's all it's I have a seller that's going to join as well today so I'm going to push it I Know we just ended the war with Buddha but is there any like details like are there any like if we go over there is Speedy going to try to with one of you guys or how do we know at this point it yo Listen, the way the way business works. at this point, it is out of our hands entirely Right. If his people, um, clap right don't even clap back right.

It puts it puts them in the wrong black, black and white because it is his responsibility as a leader, to uh, show the example and to let everybody know the new information and to uh, correct the behavior. At that point, they're black and white in the wrong and we're going to be in the right automatically right. and then we can retaliate with whatever we want at that point. So just I think go go as normal.

Okay, Oh, one other brief piece of news. uh I'm working on splitting the interns into sort of two different divisions, one being the uh, you know, like d company. you know, like the kind of clap Drive do all the good for you guys uh, the second to work under me more specifically with sales and Business Development Okay, I like that. I think the broader strategic development of the company being profit and progression.

You guys focus on the progression. We focus on the profit taking whatever tools and Technologies we're able to develop and then selling those and making money to then further fund the progression. Mickey That way we have it in terms like Breakers You know who doesn't want to go and clap? You know people who are more business-minded Marlo Etc helping me to build out that stuffff all right. I have a suggestion for that By the way.

Um, I would recommend some sort of uh, title based actual company system because it seems like a lot of uh, it seems like a lot of the interns are starting to get a little bit burned on the internship and want to. and I've always said this before. titles mean a lot to people. Let's give people job offers by the end of the week.

Agreed. Okay, and job offers for the title of of Associate Associate Managers. blah blah blah like this. These things matter, You know.
Power bill? Where's it at? Do we have a power bill yet? I Haven't been docked anything? Uh oh. Secondly, if and when the power bill does come, depending on how bad it is, I will lawyer up for and I will fight it with the state and also with Maximan. Yes, I'm I'm going I'm going to lawyer up for it I've been I read up on some case law regarding utility usage in cities and I'm going to fight the Power bell. All right.

Okay, all right, that's fine. If you want to do that, that's completely fine. Um, did any. Does this is important? Does anyone know the court decision? the Monumental Court decision What it is.

Yeah, he lost, he went to yeah Murphy lost yeah. MH Does it doesn't that mean you can literally plant a police weapon on any judge or anyone and and them over? Yes! Chang Gang is going crazy right now like actually nuts. Why would the judge decide that? Don't know President Bro Because if they didn't go, if they didn't do that me and JP would get plus 30k. Well I mean I think I made my point I mean I feel bad about it uh no I don't actually him I don't care.

Okay oh my God something I want to really really clearly State we were talking about business accounts and we I think we would have promised business accounts like two three days ago. Uh, but nothing happened, right? So obviously we need to talk about finances because obviously I'm trying to maintain the finances of the company and now that we're out of War it's a little bit easier to do that. Uh, question? how is everyone doing financially? uh I got Deb 25k already I have uh I have seven Grand and uh the good news: I'm I'm going to be done D until we get we get like do you have JP how much do you have I'm atus 30 but don't try to get it out of there I'm I'm just wait I'm going to cash 3,000 right now. no don't Do that n no, no, we need cash on hand for stuff.

right? Clear my debt is useless. Let just we. no, no, no, we we have cash on hand. You need to clear that debt so you don't operate like you in debt.

Correct? What? What do you mean? Agree with this. You're not the CEO right now. JP And we're saying we're getting you out of debt whether you like it or not. Dunde the last time he did this, yeah it start it started up soft and then he ended up just going in a snowball.

I Agree with Benji here. if you operate under the mindset that you're in debt then you don't care as much about some of the in debt. John Paul yeah like I'm hungry Paul At the same time like you need to understand like um I think this time around guys like cash is a big deal. like we can have cash everywhere like Clean Cash wash cash like bills I don't think a bank account that's that's stable like uh, good for anything.

There's nothing that I'm buying or I want to buy that needs my account to be clear. Let's just hold it like that for now. And guys, that's fairs guys. I'm sending you the money.
No no no no no no no no, you're missing the point. Hold on hold. We agree with it. JP As long as you don't have the mindset of nothing matters I I don't have that mindset I never I've never had that.

I'm just telling you that if like there's nothing that we need that this helps, right? But purchasing power does help us though. If something comes up or something you need to buy, purchasing power will get us right. It's like it's like buying a house. VI SL Renting right? Like you buy a house, you lose purchasing power.

Yeah, and you get a house. That's it. What do we get by quote unquote: buying a house and G me I nothing. So don't buy it, just keep renting I guess I Think you have to think about this: if you ever do want to own a vehicle, you won't be able to pull that vehicle out or any personal assets out until I think we're a little bit away from owning vehicles.

but I agree with Mickey I Was about to say like I don't think we're anywhere close to owning vehicles and if we did, I mean obviously Mickey Benji or I wouldn't mind holding another vehicle and Ott already has one. Go. All right. Well, you want you want to get out there.

What are we doing now? Yeah, we're going to get out there. You guys are going to hate this one other, one other whole thing. John Paul's really going to hate this guys. Um, what we have.

Um I can buy a scuba tanks. Okay scuba tanks guys. how much wa wait, how much 150 bucks? give me give me, give me, give me. give me like 10 of them fast before they go to Stuck.

Okay the only thing is it is if you get caught with one it is tied to me as a doctor and they will fire me. They they're not going to get him I Want I want to do scuba diving because I think there's there's some stuff you can find in this see Oh you want a Dora with the okay I'll get you guys scuba tanks today. Sounds good than okay. Uh last thing fellas I got a packer I have a packer I bought it today big guys, you don't know about the Packer you make $4,000 every hour or something like that if you just with him.

Yes I cannot find under the job anymore but okay I I still can even with a felony by the way I can do G6 I'll start I'll start packing with you uh OT so I can get some money up Okay, think I should be clean for it. Now the um, the pawn shop is completely changed. You're making a lot more money. It's no longer just a $4 per you're now getting um, other stuff and then you pass that in and you get you get larger amounts of money for it I was told I'm going to do that today I don't know how good because they were testing it out first, but it's completely changed from yesterday.

It's about chop time so might as well Jo a chop and then sell it and then do that and wait wait wait wait This is important We should. We should talk about this. 1,600 jewelry parts. That's a lot JP We need to.
We need to get your we need to get someone's rep up in cleaning money so we get the highest rate back. I Don't know if you heard about this Mickey you were gone. the money cleaning guy. if this C doesn't get out I'm robbing this.

oh it's the bus I I don't care, you don't do that. But anyway as I was saying a JP or anyone Mickey you didn't know this. the higher rep you have. they know you live here.

this is our Hood Southside Bro, you don't You don't put your signs on in front of my house bro. Hell no. who the all right. Let's all get to work.

Goir up with whoever you need to be working. Sorry. go ahead the money rate thing. If you clean money there's there's a money cleaning personnel you get higher rep.

You actually get a higher money back. higher than one for one you get like doesn't John Paul have a lot of rep with they banned me again. What? How do you get banned from everything I got CAU with the car. Holy why you all the time bro? Wait, Okay, if that's the case, maybe maybe have me clean the money? Then it's hard and it's also difficult too.

But I don't mind. it's a stolen car. it's Mar it's a stolen car too I don't mind doing it I only got cut once. that's it.

only one time. So GP can't you un impound that car un impound? No no it doesn't matter it, it. it got police taken. Yeah, you can take it out of the impound? No Nope.

wait. it's like a job to clean money. Sorry I'm new on this. We got to do a dely run back in the day.

Okay, we'll be able to pull this off. Can we Can we talk about this company asset stuff so everybody's clear as we move around that we need to look for potential assets that don't have to be interns. I Missed Yes. What did I miss? What? Uh, just just getting people who you know are trusted Partners True True True true true Us: Yep, Yep.

yep, wasn't 24 hours it was two days. P I need you to hear this? I'm starting the Los Santos uh conflict Con: uh convention sounds good. Okay, okay we lead by example. agreed cuz I I'm I have never even had my SIM card told I'm doing this cuz I hate calling multiple numbers about no, we've been doing that So yeah I I agree I I think I think we should do that.

Yeah, that's a bad idea. Hoard all the SIM cards and like give them back to people. yeah give them. give them back to them You said yeah, give it back to them.

Yeah if the people at War as soon as they get like a bunch of people dude they just dump their SIM cards in one spot and then we scoop it up and then we um just give back to people. All right let's just let's just do a chop or something. Su hey is this really over I guess so. Is that what you said? There's no way this guy's actually B right now the oh yeah yeah yeah is yeah.

Are you leaving the company? No. uh if I if I can got time I will okay okay you sure? yep okay this is actually over. he's actually the boss. This is over.
Yeah yeah yeah. 100% I want I want have lied to you just just to just to just to do whatever. Well it's not like a like a plot or whatever. it's not.

it's not about you lying I'm I'm just surprised that the mick is your boss now that doesn't even feel real seeing it out loud you go something things change man, no problem. Okay all right what you say buddy. let's go to jail. You want to go to jail.

Yeah, what's going on at jail I'm just kidding bro. just go back to the block. Oh I thought you were serious. Wait can you do this? Wait wait what is this? No hold on? What the? What the yo? Lock me that Oh my God I can hold on not where I got it? Oh I can I what' you say? Can I get? let me see if the does it work? Oh my God you're so happy with food in your mouth Bro Yeah yeah.

give me me me Holy I know someone that would love that by the way K wanted one of these so badly. Hold on. So let me take a selfie with this. Yeah, how do I um? turn on the uh sir? uh CU muscle and Al muscle? Ah yeah.

get all right. let's go. That thing ain't too fast though. You know a it's finally good.

What is in the stop right there? What? What in the hell? Where did you stop right there? Where the hell did you get that? We got a call about you sending guys drugs. Can you guys stop what? We don't? We don't sell drugs. got at 1069 in the area. How about? how about you stop selling drugs right now and tell me what's going on here? There's there's there's been no message received in the area.

What the hell? I don't know what PD you work for p not on my PD So I'm going to need you to check your pockets. we excuse me check my pockets. Listen officer this this is a huge misunderstanding I haven't done anything wrong. that's a that's a strong smell of weed right there pal I sir it's it's not me I it's oh man ah this is.

this is awkward you see I just went out hunting and use skunk spray to you know for my set. you see and uh that's why mgsr positive too you know so we could just forget about all this uh you know hey Officer Bricket, you know I'm thinking I'm think Captain Ru will not like this when I report back where where did you get that bike from I don't give a bro my bike sucker what sup yo? what's up buddy? Where do you go I know I'm at the AL Apartments you're at the alter apartment. Yeah Me: you want to go to a clothing store. You could probably get dressed as an officer.

Yeah, not not the exact Clowes like you can't they not for sell? You know? no they are aren't they? I mean not the exact ones that they wear. They're not like for sale for sale. You know you can see them if you want to, but you can't actually buy them. They don't let you.

Oh really okay all right uh let me try though. you want to go to cling store by uh Rockford Plaza I'm going I go. we'll do this one. I'm here with you All right here.
I Got you an item? Take this American flag. Let me see it All right? Hell yeah brother. Let's go to let's go to Cyprus bro. You're carrying it like a spear.

What the heck you about the spear? Holy man Move! What do you want you What this is The police vated the immediately Okay Okay then all right this is the police. Your ask to vacate the area. immediately vacate the area immediately. This is your last warning.

Vacate the area. Listen sir. going to have to talk to you real quick Standby: Z Could I get you to pull over to the side of the road for me? Careful Tis I'm being careful. Don't worry.

All right sir, you got an Ida on you. Absolutely not What? Well why not? Because my PD does not respond to your PD pal out of your jurisdiction. What's your jurisdiction yo? I ain't telling you bro what you have to please. This is the South Side police Bro You're not in the southide.

Okay So well then you're in my jurisdiction. Tell me who you are. Nope. What? I'm a sovereign citizen bro.

I Live for myself A sovereign citizen of a Southside Police Department Listen pal, stop asking questions man. we're the Southide. We're expanding bro. What does that mean? You're means I'm campaigning to own the block here, Bro.

Wait, are you hiring? Yep. what's the uh, what's the pay? Uh, we're cently going at a about rate of um, it's about twice in your bun. so like 1.6k an hour. Holy 1.6k You like that or not? Is that good enough for you? That is.

That is quite what it's the most. American How do I even know this is real? Where? Where's where's your? Police Department Still got it. Oh it's at my house. Where's your house? Got this sir? It's in the South side bro.

we're living on Covenant Street on Covenant Street I Know a couple of people who own houses down there I know who you are. So like I said, you're Mr K aren't you no? I'm jzon Pam Jon Jon Poam is my name and the PD is expanding and right now we have a small force of that four members Jason not Jon Jason yeah what you me? you can look me up in the MDW So so we got a problem or what you got? You got a badge or anything I just need a form of identification. Uh, but for why though? but for why though, well see I Understand you're a uh, a police officer in the South Oh wait, what do you think you're You're police officer in the in the the Southside and uh did I do I have I have I committed a crime? Have have you committed a crime? Well I just wanted to make sure that you're not impersonating an officer As all an officer. An officer of What The law? You know? Oh, the law? Yes.

Oh no, absolutely not. You're not impersonating an officer. Nope. They show me.

wait. Do you mean you're not impersonating an officer Or you're not an officer? Which one? Uh. both. Well, wait.

wait. it's got wait. So you're personate. You're not impersonating an officer because you're not an officer.
Exactly what. Wait a second. That's not how it works. Why not wait? If you're not an officer, then get off the bike.

Well, Why? If I come? you're not because it has Because it has police on it and sirens and you're driving around and pulling people over. It says police interceptor. Yeah, I'm the Southside police. What? What are you intercepting in the Southside uh.

gangsters lacking. Oh, so we got a problem or not. Yeah, we got a we got a huge problem. You're in my jurisdiction buddy.

Yeah, that's our jurisdiction here man. So what's the crime? Bro: Impersonating an officer in my jurisdiction? Well come come to mine. then. How about that Your jurisdiction, huh? And then I'll arrests you for being in mine.

How about that? What? You'll arrest me? huh? Yep. I'd like to see you try I'd Break those cuffs. You're detained right now in my jurisdiction. You're not going anywhere I'm a I'm a sovereign citizen bro.

I Go where I Please Homie. No that if you're a sovereign citizen, then you can't be a policeman officer. That doesn't make any sense I'm not even driving a police vehicle man. I'm just traveling.

Man, this isn't basketball. I'm just traveling to where I Please Bro. So then am I fre to go No Am I Arrest No, you're detained all right. Then I'm good to go.

Then no, that's different. No, you're detained. Oh I'm detained. Yeah, you're detained.

So if you're not moving and I'm here, are you not detained? Seems like I got you detained pal. Wait a second. I'm not detained. You're detained.

Okay. but I mean you're not moving and then you're right here. So as far as I'm concerned, you're detained I Guess we're both detained then. Okay, so do I Am I Going to arrest you Or you're going to arrest me.

Well, you're in my jurisdiction Pal. All right. Tell you what, if if you can catch me, you can have me catch you. Huh? Wait, wait wait, let me get in my car first.

Let me get in my car. Let me get in this car. Come on. Come on come on.

come on. He's going on an active a police motorcycle with a turn in in right? The spooky. Boulevard Pull it over. This is the cops in this jurisdiction and you're not in your jurisdiction.

You're in mine right, left. Adams Apple Boulevard Higher rates of travel 60 MPH Bro of a gun right ala it's over not getting away. Our cars go at least 90 mph first de speeding. Oh, are we in your jurisdiction now? Your powers are useless here.

Oh, you know what's useless. You step, step out, step away from the motorcycle right now. Oh Hell no. I own this thing.

What? You're all detained guys. We couldn't catch him in time. He's in his own jurisdiction. Oh, it's he's in his own jurisdiction.

Isn't he? Listen, Listen, you want your bike back or H yeah, we want the bike back. What? What do we have to do? Um I will come deposit it at my earliest convenience. What? But I want it now? Yeah, we want it now. Okay, well you can have it now then.
Oh okay. for real. No fool. Um no.

I like it too much. but please come on. come on. turn off the annoying siren man please.

Oh thank you. All right hey, I'm talking here I got I got I got to learn some of this. Some of these you know what do you mean? What do you mean? Learn I I Want be an officer? I'm learning the um I'm I learned the um Anno if you want be an officer I mean we're always looking for new hires. Really? What about the felons? You hire felons? Oh oh oh, are you a felon? Yeah, might be the vehicle at a full stop right now.

That's oh, that's not I don't know. So what you're telling me is that I would have to commit a felony in order to be in ineligible. Yeah, that's right. What you f me off, that is a felony.

No, it's not. Is it I hear oh sorry my bad. What the hell you criminals, What do you think you're doing? Come on. I put this on, put this on and then wo now we're talking All right.

That's it. Pull it up. Wait. no.

don't go down there. Go around. Come on man. Chad CH there's a jump I just saw I kind.

Want to try. yeah I kind of. just give it a give it a go. Do you see it too or not? it's over pal.

it's over. It's over over over. You're not jumping over. Ah my knees man.

Owie sir. don't do anything crazy crazy I'll I'll go default the bike and that was the most unproductive Day Ever chat oh yo yo I'm you good? Yeah yeah. I'm going to give the bike back but first hold on I want to go see at the Vault if there's a if there's a something we can rob or not. okay, you want to give the bike back I mean maybe I'm I'm not going to use this.

we're just going to get CH all day. Yeah here. let's uh. let me set up a cool thing cuz kit wanted that bike we could.

uh we could do something cool. Yeah Kit really wants the bike. all right here. Let's let's drive to Mrpd and leave it at the front and then uh yeah yeah, we.

we'll leave it at the very front. Okay, tell her you found it and and you exactly I'll tell her I found it. you know my man, my man. JP Huge! I forgot the parts I Have to go here to go over there.

not going to risk it. Where's the cop right now? You good, careful? All just no, no, no, no, no coming. Yeah, just park it. like reverse it into a spot at the front here.

Yeah here. All right. Run right there and then run over here. Run over here right in front of you.

Run through this bush and hide behind this bush. There's a bike here. Quick, Quick. Quick.

Quick. Quick. Quick. Quick.

Run. Run. Run. Run.

all right. Hide here. She hung up on me. What? Oh no man, that's terrible.

You think she's mad at you I think she's actually mad at me. Yeah, why did she know it was you over there I don't know. damn bro that I'm call her again. There's no way she'd hang up me twice, right? hey kid? listen uh I was walking by Mrpd and I don't know if you guys got like a new bike or something but there's one parked in front of it but is that yours? Got to go? Is everything okay? Oh, everything's Nots fine.
What happened your tips so that? okay well I'll leave you alone cuz I don't want to I don't I don't piss you off more. Okay but the like I said there's a police bike at the at the police station. why did you piss off it I what do you mean I'm good at that. What does that mean I'm good at not pissing you off I hope what you what did I do? it's not what of the conversation oh no okay uh if you sure all right well you know the my phone is open if you want if you think it is worth it.

All right I'll uh maybe I'll call you later. okay oh I don't need to do that D damn you should even come pick up the bike. Okay what about the bike? It's just sitting at the front of Mrpd right now that back the numbers in it cuz you did. You were telling me about the bike and how much you cared about it.

What is what you want matter is it's it's good to to listen I mean the question is are you happy? Why not? Why you not happy? oh no she yapping we we'll talk. We'll talk soon. Yeah Oh okay okay bye-bye now tell her you want some head. What the heck baby it's not good.

it's not good bad at me like a real mad at me I've never heard her that mad at me. and I we've been divorced. even it's it's bad. So you should have went for the play I told you at the end like she's really pissed.

Oh okay, but probably not. Then she's like she's like you don't need to call me back I'm not happy. Oh she got really mad about the prison thing. remember when you and Benji came and you picked me up and we left she got really mad at me that I left her there really mad our boys were getting shot.

She wouldn't understand though. yeah she wouldn't she wouldn't understand exactly I mean did you explain to her I tried to and uh Mickey called a meeting and then we had to leave. I mean you should probably do it by now then. What the heck? Yeah.

But we also have another company event happening right now. look at, look at. yeah, but it's never too late to explain. You know you probably explain to it right now.

What's what's more important the company or her though I mean meaning meaning can can mean can wait a couple minutes No, How about? how about? how about how about you walk over right now right? All s you say you say something really really intentional. like like uh like um like um bro. Why you pull the like um we could say is um man, um man I can't say with a straight face, Say it, Say it you said like um you know man like it made me really sad to to hear you sound so demoralized. You know something, something nice, you know and then you show up like out of the bushes.
You know you know from nowhere like the Savior bro, you got to go like a nice smooth walk. Oh no. Hold on. hold on I got you bro.

um oh I dropped all my masks down, take off your mask, your head helmet off. Yeah yeah there we go. We're good. They won't know now.

hey go on. I I know that beard is not real BR let me let me pull it off. Let me pull it out. hey hey it is real I'm I'm p on it.

hold hey come here. come here. heyy come here. Come here.

come here. come here. hey hey come here. come here.

come on come real man. it's real Yeah yeah all. go on. go on.

come on. I want to see de me? Are you up bro I'm losing my mind bro. all the locals are dead. hold on what just dead bodies around the goddamn place I'm losing my bro I'm losing my I'm going to give the oh whoa I'm might get a sale here.

Okay bro, what is everybody doing man Mickey's inter meeting you're riding a cop car we Ray what's Ray doing I need emotional support here bro I'm losing my he's in. he's in a business meeting with a with a a prospect, a business meeting with a prospect man at least drive around the around here I'm bored as I'm not see you anymore bro like productivity Bro prod hey hey I'm just saying man I'm not see you anymore bro so like hey, have fun with uh productivity man you want me you you're leaving me with productivity is what you're saying I'm saying like under Mickey me who knows what we're doing man I know what the goals are. You's got to tell us bro. Swear to God X you're bustard.

You know you're Bard You know, just because you gave him temporary CEO doesn't mean you just run off. Well he still has to be productive though he's he's still gotta gotta take over. Okay I'm going to tell him to call you to give you some some work. All right I See goodbye CH What is this for I Don't see through the bush.

no didn't they only see the flager I'll be uh by the other door in the background. hey.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “X steals a cops bike gta nopixel 4.0 rp”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JointKingh says:

    Editor .. pls keep doing this

    These vids are 🔥

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @coolnewguy1234 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @iceyy3119 says:

    thanks for this edit mr editor

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rasta6603 says:

    Editor fye

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raburner3717 says:

    Huge W to the cop who played along with it at the start he makes RP fun, we need more cops like him

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @spade2278 says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NY-Evolution says:

    Skip the first 30 minutes of the video, nothing interesting happens (it’s just useless context)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TeamVanityVideos says:

    Christ this is so bad. At least the prev ones were funny in parts. At least he used to pretend to try to rp which made it slightly less cringe. This is just trash bro. Can't wait for the next vid, keep up the great work!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @asndsdddj says:

    whats the twitch channel of the officer with the orange hair?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @babohabub688 says:

    Bro why you talking like the doc dropped you twice when you were born ??

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TeamVanityVideos says:

    I mean it's cool he's back into RP, there are some really funny clips but most of the content is just cringe or boring.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sportblatz6129 says:

    god bless x

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @georgeelfi4972 says:

    Editor is editting!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Lplusratio777 says:

    Oh naaaaa a narrator on a xqc video💀💀💀

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrCrispyDoge says:

    Didnt know this is an actual yappathon

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