Part 1 of xQc going to War with CG!
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#xQc #GTA #RP

Get ready here, stop here, stop you, then him dude down all right. Listen. We got him where, oh man, i guess some guys they're just he's just uh alone, hiding in bushes across the universe, man. What can you do? Man, i'm getting shot? Multiple angles, like we've, been in this guy, we don't know who these guys are, though, like who even is this guy all right? Everyone's got the larry you're, so good, so no literal, cg cups, literal cg, cops the cops see them fire frost.

I don't know helicopter shots being fired. That is so. The cg cops are action full force. We know this was gon na, be like this jesus christ, whatever, whatever vision that i had at the time getting laid, there should have worked, it should have worked.

There's a guy hidden across the universe like a dumb. How would we know this that that's something somebody operating with hindsight awkward with hindsight? I need a medic. You need a manic, i'm a medic, they, oh i'm! So sorry! Well, no get me! First, don't get me! First, though, hey come on, man come on. Come on.

Man get me first get wrong for it. What one the ten days just throw the dice all the time, i'm away from everyone, i'm i lost the call out of 10. who's down is larry baby. Wait! You yeah, i see someone down behind the eye x as in like the john yeah.

Oh, it's you dude. Your hair looks different from the last time they saw you you're the old, looking yeah, oh back in the days huh. I appreciate my life get the out. I'm sorry, i want to spend more time with you because you're nice, but the pd and hermione yeah they're, looking at the cars, let's get it hey.

You go put your hands up! Bruh! Oh so this egg hold on hold on somebody's in the bathroom, oh open. The open the thing: let's go: yo yo yo, i'm not new here man. I don't know how to do that. I really don't.

Oh you come on. Let's go move! I wouldn't know what the what the private door right. There start moving come on and you open that ass up. Let's go okay, man! Please don't shoot me! Please! You should be able to do this there.

It is there you go now you go through it! Hey! Okay. Okay. Okay! Sorry! Sorry. Sorry.

Sorry. Sorry, sorry, all right all right show us around. Let's go move show what's around man, show us around um, okay, so over here we have the sinks um yeah. Let's go us around like the uh.

Don't care about the freezers. I don't give a give me: a tour. Go come on open that up come on we'll go with this. This is the cellar go through um.

I don't know. What's that i don't really know what's down here. Is it i guess this is just where the manager has like dates and stuff, because there's right now, cool cool man show me around okay, okay, okay, okay, give me a better tour man, i'm one board as come on, come on uh. This is, i think, cedar wood start talking dumb, okay, keep it up.

Okay, i'm gon na go against you. What is it? Okay, yeah? Don't keep moving. Let's go: okay, okay, we're going to man this one. What is it? Well, i mean not my fault.
That's the rip i've ever seen, one bob bro main main, all right, i'm a little bit more of it. What the dude dude dude, dude, dude, dude, okay! Well, i mean rip your shot. Man, i give you eight chances today, man, that's how you treat me man me, i'm gon na shoot, you that's that's how you treat us man, i i i let you live for an entire day and that's what i get you're the one coming into our establishment. Aren't you damn man that is tough, really yeah, i'm indoor restaurant, i let you live man literally.

I literally you live. Did i not yeah, but then you came into our restaurant. Didn't you holy you're, so dense, you got ta clock your thing, damn dude that is cooked. This is why we don't listen to marty.

This is why we don't send the money i'm just gon na say this is what we get man. You shouldn't come in their business and try robert we're robbing him. Man. Are you okay? We just wanted a tour.

Well, why'd you come in with guns, uh, ask your employee, maybe right as an employee and then start shooting. What are you talking about? The other guy did, we were asking for a tour and the other guy shot. Us man. Are you okay? Well, did you have guns at first here for an hour and a half uh mario get on the radio 90 radio 90 mario ocean jumper get the on.

So dramatic man, it's so significant. Thank you man. Thank you. Any last words holy this guy.

All right, we uh are we throwing them right now, yeah, you can just uh yeah. I already think you know i'll see you later man, okay, um chat. What is what is the prerequisite to actually use your local gms? What is it okay hold on john hold on hold on hold on hold on what has happened to me. Man help me what happened here help him.

I don't know, i don't know okay. Well, surely you know what's going on with you with your body, physically the water man? Really you can get the water out of your lungs yeah you're gon na get mine. I need to get this guy here first and then i'll come to you don't know who i am. I don't you are a who megalo get on to get on the bed cradle it.

Well. Okay, hey don't mean, what's the vulcan language, you're wearing you're, the one wearing a mask right right? Surely i don't know who you are because you're wearing a mask right? This is fair! It's unless i'm, i don't want me to voice id voice. Id is for court, not for the ms okay, look, i'm not gon na. Do it, i'm just i'm just doing electrolyte.

I i'm not gon na even ask, but you know that i know i love dude. I love ars. Like i love, you know how much i love beauty guns. I love.

I really you like them. Yeah, i love m4s. I love class twos and you know better. Yet i love everyone.

Okay, fine! Maybe not fine yeah cause these beer. They come with heavy fines. Man! Well, maybe just don't do the crime thing right, um, but i like the gun, though well but you're. Not even are you even pd? That's a pd gun yeah.
Surely your pd right? Oh you stole it. Well, okay! I don't care what you guys do i don't care what you have i'm just here, just so you're alive man, you're farming, so much you're gon na have reserves for the next. Like a couple couple years coming up man, jesus dude, i love x. I love you.

Okay, okay, can you please lady? Please i'm just kidding, i'm not gon na. Tell you i'm just gon na. Do this we're getting lifetime supplies of farming at this point? Jesus? Okay! No! No! No! Go now have fun, god, damn it boy. What has that happened? Man? I don't know what happened, who are you? Hopefully we wrote something somewhere, man and it's we it'll come back or something spacey, maxwell, zuck, larry me and leslie, but leslie just left.

Where is that in the uh the the the car at pdm? Where is that man? Let's try man yo: where is this man? Who is this? Oh, my god, please don't! Please don't do this bro? Why don't you guys reply? I don't get it yo. Why don't you guys we're replying man? We have similar questions. We asked who are you bro? Ask who the are you simple question man? It's not! Oh, my god, who are you in this gulagang yeah bro? What are you guys doing for what is what he is doing? What is doing we're looking for seaside looking for seaside i'll pick, you up man these these man, i i i can't these man uh. I can't brother brother.

I asked who you guys, were you guys said three guns pulled up by the time. You guys give me a reply, man. What am i supposed to do then? Yo bro there's a lot of guys just shooting. Without talking stop stop.

I mean you're here guys. Man, i mean guys. Let me tell you yo get on radio 93.9 and tell them to stop. Stop stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Now! Stop stop! Oh my god! Okay everybody's gon na die now come on.

I just told you guys on the radio man get on the radio bro what a massive right now, that's what happens with dialogue man, it's kind of hard to yo, chill chill marty chill guys guys. Tell me i'm wrong. I say who are you? What do you mean it's just radio gun out episodes. I did it we're in awards.

Why would we even talk to them? Why would we even talk, then everybody gets up, they go tonight. They had aks out before we could even do anything guys see see what they did. They said that they, the reason why they didn't reply, because csi does the same thing. That cg does same thing.

It's oh you're, doing a dialogue. Oh man guys wait a minute guys. What do you? What do you mean guys who's, asking a question guys guys yo, you guys are here today yeah what what? What do you mean, what guys guys back up back up? But what do you mean man? Why are you asking it's like man like? What can you do so? Who are you guys beefing with cg, just just i'm just apologizing, because i'm a very apologetic person wait john john you're, just here dude? No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No, no! No! No! You have been here quite some time today, right hi, you, like that's what you like you like, wait, where's, the other where's, the other guy. There's thing! John, did you say, did you say you like the hospital yeah i like it? I think it's not bad, and what about you? What do you think about the hospital? Do you like it like or do you do? You want yeah wait.
I like the hospital. I like the hospital too. If you work here clearly, you must have a higher degree of appreciation for it. Oh well, it is my it is my.

It is my job here in the hospital i spent all of my life here, so you were then, so you know what that means. John, what does it mean? No, what does it mean? No, no, no! I love dude. I love people's medical. I love the hospital.

You know how much i love the hospital guys guys. I love like i. I freaking love pillbox hospital and jesus christ, cheese and crackers holy moly g willikers. I effing love medical.

You guys like it because i know i'm really passionate about medical stuff, because i love doctor jobs. I love taking care of people and i love taking care of jean-paul. What the is a willie curse. Um the is i my holy holy moly, guys guys.

I have never heard in my entire career working here that people love the hospital. It's my passion. I know i said that already but yeah i love it too. It's not us.

It's not a sultan. There's another car, oh right, there subaru as a friend, uh, okay, there's two guys, i'm getting kratos again, so keep in mind. There's like three groups of people, that's hunting right now you got bsk, you got um, it's just us! You got us, you know street team yeah, i'm jim, i'm just standing out for a minute. Are you by yourself yeah? I'm just counting out, though, is that you in there oh yeah, oh my god, man holy that was ggo and gg violence.

Man should we uh initiate. I already did everybody who's up. I'm up. I'm up.

I'm up stay up stay up. I'm uh! I knocked down. Uh once at the gas station, here's the gas station - i think - oh it's just, i think, pants it's not friendly. He was on the street he's going straight there.

I don't need to stop you. I got another one, another one down our white car. I hear you bro, i'm here, i'm here, i'm here, okay, so we killed two in the car i broke over there right. I said why can't i getting shot from the rooftop uh come come towards the main street uh.

I think i'm gon na get blasted. I'm not mobile, i'm not mobile. My bike is out wherever you are just stay, stationary bro don't get too heavy just let them make a play. Let them make a play.

They got to push us. Remember where's, that okay, now man cause. How many kills is that that's impossible guys if i killed if we killed four? That's three more! That's that's seven! I don't want to do it. Yeah bro! You dark dog.
I don't get it though i just killed two plus two in a car, and we have three. How many more is that man, what you only two of us, went down? What are you talking about? Wait what i don't know who you putting down man only two was put down. Um, i don't know we still got a lot of up guys, that's impossible. We got four kills and that's impossible.

We killed two in the car one on the rooftop one on the ground. That's four! It is not decay. We did not decay because nobody ticked it. Nobody.

The guy, says your dog after the. After literally somebody on the rooftop killed me, and somebody should start from behind jesus christ, man, how delusional can you be these days it was mario, so we killed a mario and this guy plus the main car has two people in it. That's literally four, i'm so confused. Okay, brown shirt, this guy, that's two, that's two right right main card tune, it pink, hair and other guys.

That's for you guys, you're on the truck! Let's go, i don't care man, let's just go and then two more right there. Last one triple right: there right there how's that possible. How many do you have down in the stuff? Uh i'll be real with you. If you put more than one down, i think you probably should just have done.

He just knows your are all over the place. Kind of get something on rooftops and showers, but i pop them up next to bro. I got four down. I i'm so confused.

You probably put gsf down man. Guys in the middle of the fight came up to me said: can you not fight in our rooftops? Please like shut up or you're next man lily killed two gsf members, man. This is so dumb. Dude, don't put it here.

Man, you're gon na, come and grab it. Okay. That is that's point dumb. I love going to the hospital.

I love going to hospital and seeing you every day, i love it. John john there's nothing more. I love than going here. Man, i did dude.

I you know how dude i love seeing you all the time. You know that yeah. I love you. Oh my god.

Oh, my god dude. This is. Let me count like one two, maybe three four dude you, you need to stop too much. This is too much in one day.

It's it's literally. It's worrying me at this point the fact that you're even still alive, yeah yeah. Well, i'm a tough camera. Can i sit down you're an actual giga chad.

You know that yeah did you get chat certified for real demonstrate? No captain didn't no cap, no cap in the kitchen, no kiss mo kizzy pepperonis anyways john promise me this. Okay, please just stay safe. You need to learn how to just not be here all the time yeah yeah, i'm gon na i'm gon na stay safe. Yeah.

Sorry, remember this, that both you and i love the hospital yep. Thank you i'll, be here, uh to see you soon, man take it chill. I don't want to see you again. Well, not like that, but, like you know, just not injured like that, you got it.
You got it all right. You.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Xqc goes to war with cg”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lit Doggo says:

    Ahhhhhy he mad cg on top. Damn went from bank Busta to cry baby in a few months. Sadge.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aqua Somnus says:

    Same goddamn content every single day, how tf are people not tired of this, it's been A WHOLE YEAR ALREADY

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stallzy says:

    recycled the laughing face in the thumbnail from the unusual memes one it seems unless X literally does the exact same laugh

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mantis Tobagon says:

    Bro this is so funny, every time x pulls a dick move or tries to put down pressure he gets wrecked. “My my my if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions” 😂😂😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The greatest gaming says:

    CG fanboys are still hate watching lmfaooo imagine going to chat hop an now go to the guys yt channel

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The greatest gaming says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lindens says:

    Lowkey the hospital scenes are better than the actual gang wars 💀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich says:

    To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer 💙

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Name says:

    That was the worst strem I ever seen since last month

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bince says:

    Thank god this war ended 😭it was painful to watch

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TMT says:

    Fuckin hate RP. Just ban him already so he stops it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jakob Johansen says:

    "xQx Goes To War With CG" more like "xQc Gets Blasted Over And Over Again By CG"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NOAH says:

    Shoot at CG. Die. Mald. Get rezzed. Try again. Mald. Die. Etc. Idk about you guys but RP get's my juicer rock hard.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johney dayne says:

    X Has 6 people available, doesn't call them to make a squad, goes in with 1 other guy 2v6

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G- man says:

    Back to RP already WOW
    this was so painful to watch, he dies again again and again.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shinobi says:

    Due to COVID-19 WW3 must be continued through zoom. xQc vs Vladmir Putin

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