Ten Dates is the sequel to the interactive rom-com, Five Dates. Misha, a millennial from London in search of that elusive in-person connection, tricks her best friend Ryan into going to a speed dating event with her.
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#xQc #tendates #dating

All right, still a really experience. I'm Ryan son, uh for me to be found I'm Ryan 286 London Jesus I Have no chance if I'll be sure that represents your best. Oh these are all really I guess it's wanna what ages I'm working now um I I defined some a guy I'm balling outside interests and um and partying also uh, drinking and uh I'm gonna chat I go to this gym all the time though. My star sign is oh come on bro Chum on pick up the phone.

Ah that was me having a good day. Well it's just become great. You're welcome. What's happening I Have had a lot of client meetings.

it's been very full-on We're doing a merger at the moment so you know how tough this doesn't sound. Thanks for the sympathy. anyway. I've got some news.

Okay I joined a dating app? Have you? well? I mean they are inevitable I was expecting more from you. Well what's the saying they have? Um, people in Glass Houses come through a Stones no way. You too matches. Yes, a lot.

no zero but don't lies, you're not helping. They really try and help you get people to like you because you're new. Are you sure? I Still have zero even with whatever you just said, there's still zero. What about you? Okay, awesome noise Greener I've got like three years you want to filter out.

Like the bad profiles and the nude pics and the meh ones, it's all just a bit quiet. Are your standards a little bit high? No. Anyway, I have a new initiative in the works. Also, you're gonna kidnap someone I've signed up for Speed Dating tonight.

Okay, why are you telling me this? Because I'm breaking it and like, do you want to have a drink before? Could you just say less? Be great if you just stop speaking about 30 seconds ago. See you there. Bye Well that was, um, very believable I Like that because there's no substitute for meeting someone face to face like you can see their physicality feel their Vibe yes. But what if there is no vibe, what do you do? Then if you're online you can log off.

You can make an excuse. You can just be gone. My internet connection's crap. What do you do here? Welcome everyone to Speed games.

My name's Derek I'm your hosts. We're going to be beginning very shortly. So gentlemen, if you could make your way to your table numbers you are so cynical. This is where you're going to find that genuine connection to keep banging on about.

Why are you smiling at me like that? What? The people So massive? Why are you smiling at me like that? No. I'm not smiling you like anything. Are you sure there is a small possibility I might have signed us both up I'm not doing this. you are I'll just leave.

Just leave. Oh come on, no look, at least it's gonna be a good story. It is not going to be a good story. I'm just going to get humiliated.

You've been preparing for this. I'm not doing this. It's a great story. Oh, he's browsing browsing the shop floor.

How does it work? Sorry, what? Don't make me repeat myself. Okay, so the women stay at the table. the men you rotate around them. I'm a man.
Now you go to different tables and you speak to girls. What do I say whatever you like, you have five minutes. Okay, okay and halfway through the day, that dude over there will give us a warning and they help both of us when there's one minute left to wrap it up. So essentially you've got to use your time wisely.

which I know you're not good at no. I'm just saying. That's why I don't want to do it exactly. Uh, we're going to start with the Gentleman by your first.

a lot of table numbers and good luck. Have fun! Um, you're sitting in my first date's seat so I need you to jog on? Go Well labs. Cheers! All right. who's Tony Oh yeah.

give my date now yeah yeah. I guess I am I'm I'm Ryan Tony Nice to meet you sorry I've got a match tomorrow so I've got to keep limber. Yeah I was gonna ask him what is it a sports match? Do you play locally? No, it's my job actually. I'm a footballer Oh should you be out dating the night for a match? Ah, don't worry, it's fine as long as I'm in bed by 12.

Don't drink, No, no colic, Don't have sex. Uh, what's your position? Reverse cowgirl? No. Um, what is your football position? That's a tough one. Oh, narrow it down for you.

I'm not too love to be a goalkeeper enough. I'd say you are out dating tonight because you're gonna be sitting on the bench tomorrow. Listen right lad. Now that Subs aren't important, but I'm a first choice.

left back, left, back in the changing room. left back is in defending of Berlin Would you like sports yourself? Yes. Big time Football, Rugby, tennis, basketball, golf. I I Watch absolutely anything if it's on the Telly I'll watch it even if you don't know anything about it.

Yeah. I'll pick it up as I go along. It's like watching the Olympics isn't it? We become an expert in like some random event overnight yeah, and became an avid cutting and skateboarding fan for those two weeks. Okay, it's not your phone.

It's reminded me to carb load tomorrow. Footballer's best friend, this is your halfway warning guys, that is three minutes to go. So um, how did you become a pro? So my key influence is my dad. He used to take me to practices to matches he knew I fell in love with it and did everything to cultivate my passion, the kit, the traveling, consoling me after bad performances because of your parents.

No, no I wanted to ask you more. we ain't got time right? Lads tell me if you want to. of course I'm not really close to either of them. sorry I didn't mean to.

That's fine. Um, in my life anymore, it's like it's a long story and I've been working through it so yeah, can imagine. sorry. nice.

Vibe bro. Battery and competitive. You are a quick challenge obviously. fancy tester strength.

A truck waits around like toys in the gym. Okay, had some fighting talk. How about we doing arm wrestle? All right? Yeah I Don't want to end you before your game? Get your arm on the table lad. Okay, that's how you break your arm.
dude. ready. go. We're already holding hands I'm just desperate.

Oh I'm irresistible. Oh, you've got more than that. Come on, come on. All right though.

I was winning that it was strong and then you look I Don't know what to say. Maybe maybe when you go back to the gym, you need to play with some bigger toys. If you eat your greens every day, maybe maybe you'll get big and strong like me. It's on now.

I Can't box so don't don't start throwing Ball Z Got one minute to go guys. Just one minute. Oh and stuffish time. Football's the best sport for making an allergies.

Do you fancy? another quick challenge? Yes, yes. But what do you want to do? Well this conversation. starters and riddles. convenient sisters and sisters I have none but that.

Man's father is my Father's son who's in the painting The Man or his son, brothers and sisters I have nothing that happens is my Father's son so he's looking at the man's son. uh, it's the man himself, isn't it? I don't think so. but how do we find the answer? oh, is it it's folded in? Okay, more thoughts gone at this event than I Gave a credit for ready. Listen.

look when you're good, you're good. Yeah, fair play. You may have slightly more brains than me yes, but you have slightly better feet than me so we'll call it even. And that is time every time everyone move on to your next day.

I Haven't a lot into that? Yes, we did. Um, yeah, it was great to meet you Tony yeah is that sure for Antonio Um, but everyone calls me tiny. Do you want to keep in touch? Yeah, yeah. um what's your handle at Tn7 10? Number seven that is the main character right there I will not have a good night time.

Oh hell nah no. Next l Brandy Rise and Grind Ah no Heather I'm Ryan I said annoying I'm Brandi What do you do for a living I Work in finance? Long hours, big paycheck. Oh the more you put in, the more you get out. That's why I've got my side hustles I'm a beautician, but I'm doing an online course in international relations and I tried cryptocurrency I Just sold an Nft actually.

oh my. God on fungible token. the digital art thing. Good.

Oh, that's my bank account. Sorry if I'm quite direct about things. we just don't have a lot of time. Sure.

Um, what are you looking for? Oh okay, that is a big question. Important question. Look, At this point, my priority is focusing on myself and just having a bit of fun. Do I look like a casual kind of girl to you? No, Yes, no.

But you do have a lot going on. Um, so you might only have time for something casual I'd make time for the right person. Plus, if I was looking for casual I'd look elsewhere. like what is that meant to be a disc? No one says this anymore Ryan right? So do you live? Luckily? Yeah.
I Bought a wombat up the road. It's top floor with an amazing view of the water. a penthouse. The Nft was pretty valuable.

Where do you live? I live ten minutes I Live my own as well. Flat? Yeah. Buyer or rented back to the quick Fire round I Mean we're covering a lot. Yeah, we are.

So I own it? Yeah. I'm very lucky to be able to say that. Um, it's very difficult to get on the property ladder in. London You earned it.

You work hard in an industry that pays well. Thank you. Randy This is your three minute warning guys. Three minutes to go.

Just three minutes of lovely conversation. Okay, let's move on to Barn Affairs Do you like holidays? I Do? Where do you go? What sort of holidays to you today? What kind are you into though? Um I allowed to say a lot. Holiday? Go for it. You together.

I Am actually a big staycation guy like in the UK Yeah, there's so much to see here. With the different cities, the counties, and then within the counties, there's towns there's Villages I Think that everyone takes what they have on their doorstep for Grant You don't need necessarily to fly to the other end of the world. There's so much to see here and do. and it is convenient that's cheap.

cheap. real reason. I Actually want to go to a rock soon? It's where my mum raised me. Cool, she was my role model.

Do you have anyone like that yourself? Wow, Uh, that is a very good question. Could be from your childhood or even now if that's yeah. I was the hottest dudes and it's just restaurants I Don't know you're gonna take this, but celebrities have always had an influence on me. What kind of celebrities really? I mean the dedication it takes to be a top athlete or the talent of a musician and even the lifestyle of some of the influencers.

Hey yo! just don't say politicians. They just mocked us all over the past few years and even before then, they just done stuff that's made my life so difficult. I mean not just my life. The lives of Millions and I could go on about this all night, but we just don't have that kind of time.

Very true. Okay, next question, does body count matter? Oh holy moly. I Was not expecting that. You know what happened.

No, not for me. I You know, just so long as someone's past doesn't affect their present too much, so you know the body count because it doesn't, it would not be an issue. Okay, so you're open-minded That's cool. Are you trying to tell me something though? No.

but one minute to go guys. Just one minute. so we'll be wrapping up all the questions. You guys know how that works.

How did my questions make you feel? There's a customer satisfaction survey? Your feedback is greatly valued. Is it actually though? Ernie That's good. Well you should know that that was the most uncomfortable date I have ever been I tried to run with it but you come across as really aggressive. Oh it was great meeting the kind of person.
I definitely don't want to see you again. No. I wish I could say the pleasure was all mine but I would be lying and your time is up. Thank you ladies and gents.

let's move on to your next table. the date is awaiting. All right Well uh thanks. sorry whoa bro bro.

I Don't know what kind of argument you can make that it matters. Why the would that matter like what? Yeah I'm Ryan Ryan I'm Kathleen sorry I Just wanted to squeeze in a quick page. Do you mind if I get to the bottom? Well, the audio is like that entirely by all means. far away.

done all yours yo. What has happened? Hello foreign I'm Kathleen sorry I Just wanted to squeeze enough to show a quick Peace By all means far away done all yours. What are you reading? Ah, the evolution of bond forming Dynamics across the 21st century by Professor Gertrude Vonenaselhoff. Well, it must be a pretty good read if you're sneaking in pages in between dates.

Oh no, no no. I have to finish it for a seminar tomorrow. I'm a PhD student in behavioral psychology more as basic ass No, quite the opposite I need someone to keep me out of the library occasionally. So the age-old work-life conflict which I of it do you fall on am I allowed to say the balance is best? No, no fence setting one or the other.

Uh, I Am definitely a workaholic. Uh-oh I guess I'll be dying in the library? Then you know there's a theory that being a workaholic stems from a lack of trust or an inability to delegate work tasks. Oh, you're serious? Uh no. I Hope not.

Um I just I Always thought it was because I Just like what? I do Everyone tells me that for whatever reason I haven't lived I Don't believe that I've fallen into a nightclub. Oh My God. Well she thinks your fourth stint as a student, then you've never even said foot in a nightclub. I would rather spend the Diana Cafe with a book in my laptop.

Oh my. God Halfway Warning guys. off way so you are still studying to become more qualified famous. Oh hell, the more you know, the more you earn.

So where do you see yourself in five years? Sorry I Researched good speed dating questions before tonight. That's what you got them. It sounds a little bit more like you researched good job interview questions instead. Uh, well.

I actually have an ambition to be famous by then? You're serious? Yes, I'm serious. I Mean nowadays, people can be famous from all walks of life. Why couldn't I Very good point. find the conceived widespread feelings of inferiority.

Also, fandom is the type of deification that triggers emotional dependency. Yes, but your phone can actually be a great thing. Sure, it can. There are loads of superficial benefits to it.

Yes, there are those, but there's more than that. Like celebrities can provide inspiration to their fans, some of whom may really need it. Okay, let's pull back from the effect your Fame would have on others. Why do you want to be famous? Am I Getting this psychology? maybe? Can I only pick one thing? We only have a finite amount of time Ryan I Can't really look beyond the money I Think Fame is just a springboard to get to a higher tax bracket? Fair enough I Totally understand why that's a key motivator for most people, but money while you're still studying? I Know that's what I implied, but that's not my greatest motivation.
Oh I Want to be an expert in the field? One minute to go guys. Just one minute. Well, how do you fancy spending the final minute? Why not leave? Professor Von Nasselhoff again? No, No, no, no, no, we can do without the help of Professor Nostradamus there. Okay, any other plans? Yeah, come to think of it.

and neither did I I Like your shirt I Don't my mom got it for me. That's your lot. ladies and gents, time's up. let's be moving on.

Well um, it was great meeting you. Yeah you too. Uh, have a good evening. See ya when you skip them.

like are you good? Oh no. oh no. oh no. we've been in the stores.

there's some astrology sorry just fixing my eyeliner I'm Azalea I'm oh wow like a Ryan no what do I look like then I'm not sure yet. that's not from here. Is that? no? you're gonna snitch I made it just like convention. That's the uh, fermented drink isn't it? Um, I wouldn't be one to judge a book by its cover, but it looks a bit disgusting.

Odd approach to making a good first impression. Well, it's better than lying though, isn't it? You don't need the space in your mind. so the kombucha is homemade. the Goblet is homemade.

What else is I made? I'd say 90 of this clothes, accessories make it all from scratch. Start selling my stuff online during lockdown and grew into a full-time business. Oh, that's really the original. Thanks! Turns out my aesthetic plays quite well these days.

What aesthetic is that? Colleen what you want? I've heard hundreds of terms kind and unkind. Is it just you in the business or yeah, don't need anyone else. so how do you keep up with the demand? There's a long wait list, but I engage in my customers a lot on social media so they're understanding so if the supplier is low, you must be retailing for a fairly high price. No.

I find myself an affordability and students I'd Love to do full time I know I am there? sorry no I'm not I'm not asking how much you want I just find the business model very interesting I Get by. do I look like a Ryan Yet quite all right then. Well um, what else can you tell about me? You definitely give me water sign Vibes you seem quite sentimental. Wow.

sensitive. What gives you that impression? The fact that you were just triggered by the word sensitive. Just three minutes to go everyone. Three minutes.

I Know it's going very quickly, very quickly. You're really into your astrology, then kiss me structure and analyze my behavior in the context of something that um, then based on when and where I was born. my rising sign is Sagittarius and my moon sign is Libra. What's the difference between those three? Your main star sign is your sun sign represents sort of your desires in life and your rising sign is how you present to others and moon signs what you're like deep down.
okay I don't I don't really know about the other two. Work them out for you so we haven't got much time. So then what makes your sun sign? So Scorpio We aspire to be brave, loyal, honest. Oh yeah, you're patient and patient.

and this is your final minute guys. you're fun and fun. Good looking ugly. I've spoken about myself enough I Want to know more about you? It's been pretty even.

Can you? just? it really hasn't So I would know more about you? Fine, far away. So uh Azalea I Have noticed you have a couple of tattoos I do want to know about any of them. He's spicy. Some stores are better than others.

Um, the pentagram yeah, a satanic symbol I mean I've dabbled in Satanism but it's wider interpretation is quite gentle. It's about shunning the rigid restrictions of society. and it's not about sacrificing babies. You're safe.

Tattoo: I Just um. I Like the shape, it's all about those clean lines and sharp edges. That's your lot, ladies and gents. Time's up all right.

let's be moving. This guy is dead. That was the um kind of introduction I was hoping for. that's things.

Yeah, yeah, me too. Where what is your handle? I'd love to check some of your stuff out. is there? Shadows A-z-a-l-e-a Okay, I'm not gonna block that. I'll measure that.

The handle is actually just blocked across all social media. Thank you. Hey, don't wait though someone. Music: Somebody Good evening I'm Derek evening host hello Derek Am I in trouble? No, No, no.

but uh. unfortunately the lady that was sat at this table. she had to leave early. I'm sorry.

Ah, rice. so are you filling in for did she pull a runner when she saw me? No. Nothing of the sorts. She is a musician had a gift to get to.

Well, that is pretty fair. That's a good. Alibi How did the rest of them go find what you're looking for? Oh is she the last one? Yeah well. I'm kind of glad about that because I don't really know how much I'm sure you made a fantastic impression.

Yeah, no. I've met some great people, but I think it's just too early to tell. Speeding is just to pay curiosity rather than find love. It's just like a little teaser isn't it? You just kind of just get to know them as well as you're getting there.

It's like Tapas I Like to say well, a little bit of everything Love Tapas Yeah, small lives I do have to call you out though because there's some times when I'm really the day's going well and then just then I hear you screaming out for 30 seconds I need to be able to give you a signal or something how long you been hosting I have lots of Hosting experience but specifically the speed deck and stuff just at the beginning of lockdown so those were digital I Presume correct for me, finding love is the most formative journey of our lives and I just wanted to help people continue that Journey despite the circumstances. having said that, there is no real substitute for meeting someone special in person. So from these, have you ever had any marriages develop? Yeah, we've had a couple. Even a couple of babies named after me need to put in my bio pregnancy facilitator.
Derek You will? You really don't because that sounds like something that will be on a T-shirt and a Lads holiday. The Stag do t-shirts You're right I actually think I've seen them before I sell like hot cakes so how did you hear about us? I was duped into coming here this evening I thought I Was going out for a drink with my best mate Misha and here I am she's actually somewhere here. She's on a date somewhere I don't know, but well, they have a strong male female friendship. Do you prefer the company of women Norman Come again.

Oh sorry I'll I'll rephrase Who do you feel like you naturally engaged with more easily? Well Misha aside I Would definitely find it easier to relate to Lads Well, it's not that I'm uncomfortable talking to women I Person: That's just not what the feedback from your dates would suggest. More feedback. What does it say I don't know if you want to know I'm just messing with you. That was, uh, a little bit unprofessional.

I'm gonna get you back for that. You try. You are halfway guys halfway. Don't tell anyone I Forgot your secret is safe with me.

so tell me what is the best way to approach all of this aside from being yourself? Well, let me rephrase that. Do you have any less crap advice? No. I don't sorry. The thing is, there's so many different types of personalities in here.

One person's poison might be another person's Paradise Yeah, that is a fair point. Okay, I'll pose you this: Are you looking for someone more lively or laid back because that may decide what kind of energy they're Both are brilliant, but markedly different. I Definitely want someone who is dynamic and a lively personality to just slice of my life I'm not. No, because that can just be a whole different thing.

It can get toxic, although there's no harm or maybe even put in my place from time to time I Never said I wasn't alive I was wondering has hosting these made you an expert in? Romance Oh I have some kind of Love Guru No, no, no, come on, you must have more insight than the average guy. Okay, wait wait okay. Has it ever helped in your personal life? sadly? No, no, All right. still very single.

Why did you have someone in mind for me? Yeah Misha she would love to meet you. she's here I can introduce you what is this cook? hello but I won't be interested. It's a bit mean. what's wrong with her? Well, she's uh-huh Yeah, sorry, um no no no I shouldn't have assumed that was silly of me.
You're fine. So what other events do you host? So not for the queer community. so we do a lot of obviously speed dating. Um, we do traffic like parties I Can key parties all sorts ready? Okay, is your final minute guys final minute I Do not know what that is? Okay, sorry, uh, what were we? We were talking about your queer events? Yes, um yeah.

you should come sometime. Sorry are you assuming that I'm still gonna be single after this? Maybe see it as a safety net I appreciate the invite Derek it is just really not my thing. understood it's all good. Um what? So maybe see you another one of these then.

I mean hopefully not right? Yeah yeah. so because I wanted to work out yeah I mean it should I should be doing my job right. Yeah, okay. but unfortunately ladies and gents is the end of tonight's event.

everyone get home safely I've been Derek and thanks for coming! Wow what a wholesome what can I say thank you again Derek thank you for keeping me company because I would have been sat here like a melon. Otherwise, no, you're welcome I'm good fun and yeah I guess I'll see you around. well I fumbled the key in a hole. well uh, there was Azalea yeah she was something else.

she brought her own kombuchas. hello, it's just very different. but it was really interesting because it wasn't like any of the other dates I went though. Was there chemistry of a kombucha? Yeah.

I guess you could say it's a bit of chemistry. yeah. I could see it going somewhere. Yeah and that absolutely nuts thing happened I was supposed to be meeting um for this day this musician but she bailed and then do you remember the host? Yeah yeah, Derek is his name.

So I was sitting there and he came up and told me about it and the girl who had to leave and then we sat down. We just started talking you I'm sure you saw yourself lentium as well. he's just yeah. he's a cool guy.

he's a very Suave who is there chemistry with that? uh chemistry? No, it was just he was a sand fella and it was good of him to talk to me. Otherwise I wasn't just been sitting there yeah no but he was a good dude. There was Kathleen who was a PhD student studying psychology. she was very she was reading on her date.

she was just very smart. It was a little bit intimidating. Do you think they'll be more from Kathleen no I don't think so I don't think I quite reached her standards in terms of what's going on between my my ears I just don't see it happen. well you won't be for everyone there was Brandy Let me tell you about Brandy my God she was a she would put you to shame the amount of work she would do.

she is a crypto trading Beautician and she's studying as well. Wow what a combination! I don't even know how she finds the time to do all of it. Was there a spark? no no no no no no I mean I sat down and I started telling her you know a bit about myself, job and everything and it looks so training for her I don't think like a blockchain hoes man what the is that let me tell you about Tony she's a football player. Wow.
Professional. Wow. She was just quite laid back. Um sort of person who was like give as good as you can get you know that sounds fun.

Do you think there might be a future? What the what? I mean I don't want to get ahead of myself but yeah I could I I'd love to see her again. What? So what's the next move? Well I mean I don't want to brag but I do have two options. so I guess I gotta just maybe send a message. she was poor.

crappy. Oh my God bro Jesus All right. oh hell nah. what? How's that cute? Are you smoking it bro? Come on.

what is Bro Dude? Come on man. Shake a cup man. I'm a dude I'm good. I could do both.

Whatever. expand our options. Maybe if you're down bad, you know that was a back pocket. Hey everyone.

thank you. Sorry. Caught me fixing my eyeliner again. That is okay.

um I actually thought that I was the early one for once. Have you had many orders to process this week? Nuts? Plus, um, a select line requested a piece? I'll turn it down. Why? Great coup? Surely they demanded to skip you I owe too much to my core clients to drop them for an impatient prima donna. Anyways, Mercury is in retrograde, so hassle was expected.

Tell me about your week. Um Mercury in retrograde? Yeah, what about it? I Have heard of it, but I don't I don't really know much actually about it. It's an optical illusion where the planet Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky. It happens three or four times a year.

It basically just messes with technology and life. What? I Can't say that I've noticed too much disruptions in my life aside from me entering it. So uh, do you want a drink? Love a drink? Okay, hot in here. It's a cool place though.

thank you very much. Do you know what? I've just realized E-dating is great because you jump straight into the face to face so it eliminates any possibility of false advertising. Yeah, the big ones. I am a sales woman though.

Oh, so you're a good liar, but we put that to the test. Let's play a quick game of two troops. Yes, Okay, okay first. yeah sure.

I can speak three languages. My cousin was my prom date because nobody asked me and growing up I had a guinea pig called Chuckles which is the lie that is quite a spread. Uh I don't know which one I want to be the light? Um, the chocolate's one is the line I Just I I can't see it. you're very wrong Chuckles existed and lived a long happy life From dates to lie I Went with my best mate Danny you know we had a this time out of everyone on drama, it's good vibes you know Danny was worth all the boys at school.
more. Should I be worried about Danny he's gay as Christmas your turn I have a third nibble I have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro I am a king fisherman. Tough ones, the nipple is the LIE I just can't see it. Are you having me topless? Was there purely for the purposes of the game.

Don't flatter yourself. can you say so? Incorrect. So it's true. Can I see it? No No no no no no no no no no, you have not earned that privilege yet.

The fishing the LIE do not strike is the type please. I'm still reeling from not being. It's quite a spectacle stop. Pam that's true.

I'm not a fisherman. That's relief. I'm really impressed about the Kilimanjaro One takes so much to achieve those physically and mentally demonically. Yeah, it was an amazing life experience I can imagine.

Okay, round two. go for it. Okay, my parents met on the set of a true film. True my real name isn't Azalea my body count is more than 20 20.

is there one you want to pick the line? I'm thinking I'm thinking the name the name one is alive you you could only be called Azalea I agree but it's actually true off what's your real name then I'll explain another time I've gone by Azalea for a decade now. body count once alive. So your parents met on a foreign basically. My mum was a makeup artist and my dad owned the studio it was being filmed in these days though I've seen it, it's definitely not in there I can't compute this I have octophobia.

number eight is a fear number I need 10 hours sleep at night I Collect novelty coasters The Coasters is the light. it's the most boring. How is that boring? Yeah I'll be as interesting as you yawn and she collects full information about planetary bro. What's true I'm chuffed I was actually bluffing collector myself of clocks small handcrafted ones recently.

you got this amazing cuckoo clock from Frankberg and Germany cool. Well, we'll have to, uh, compare collections sometime I'd Love that. So um, talk to phobia alone. Well, there's only one way to find out.

Just say the number I Want to go about this by legitimate means Bingo Good that would be. um An Inconvenient over here to live with So 10 hours of sleep sounds like complete cancer I work at night so I have a regular sleep patterns. Well, we have to work something out. It's a lot of accommodating to do anyways.

I was a junior clay pigeon shooting champion I have more piercings that can't be seen than can and I'm allergic to it's a trick one. I know what you're talking about? What is the life wrong? I am totally allergic to very witty. No, literally, you are literally allergic to this that comes out the back of a boat I Discovered it the hard way cleaning out the stables at my uncle's Farm Um, that's also where I learned clay pigeon shooting. but I never touch a gun.

Now that sounds like an interesting childhood, so that means that the piercings are the LIE right? Surprising? Eh. Did you have some good mental images though I don't know what you're talking about I didn't even give it a moment's thought. Can I loop back to the fact that your name isn't actually Azalea I'm not I'm not habitual liar I Promise. just ask me anything you're deflecting said I'd explain another time.
That's plenty more to learn about me Anyway, All right I'll go bold. What are your political views I Grew up in a very traditional conservative home, but I've changed a lot since then and not really politically engaged at the moment I Hate all the parties and politicians? Yeah, fair enough. And whilst I said you could ask me anything, you should know its implant to ask someone's political views what so? but yeah, why did you get that drunk in the place? No, it's not okay, What the hell? sorry then. Looks like you could use a bit of extra color on the Halloween costume that's not on.

You're really gonna come at me like this? Yeah, leave it. I can handle myself Ryan Listen to your boyfriend lady Dracula Haven't you? Yeah, I'm very witty. Hey, it is not worth it. You just piss off.

How'd you back up chat? How do you back up? How wait nailed it babe. Maybe you should have just let her handle herself because I was huge I mean I had to do something I just you can't God I Could try and talk her down a little bit and maybe would just defuse the situation. but I I don't know. She clearly wanted to do things her way so she didn't need protecting.

Well, not from you anyway. although she'd probably fight better than me. So yeah, most people would. Yeah, you included.

Yep. okay. I'm gonna say goodnight to you now because you're just not helping me. All right, good night, good night, bye bye, why not just date her then like what did I get? Oh no, oh no, not her dude.

Thank you bro bro. Yeah I'm sorry about that valid excuse what happened to you I'll tell you basically I went in for 50 50 ball in my match today crunch my uncle. So by 50 50 ball, do you mean that you went in like two footed? Did you go in recklessly? Or did you go? You almost went and head first. Did you cheeky? Yeah, no.

I won the ball. You should see the other girl. What is she in? Two Boots no no, um seriously. uh like I I hope it's not that bad.

No. I'll be fine. and I get such lovely messages from my fans online so that keeps the spirits up. Okay, enough to like the drink.

Yeah I'd love one. Yeah, always like yeah, yeah, relax. it's always doing that. Cheers for your cheers I've heard that's about them that 70 is about six apparently.

So would you say that? You're quite a rough player. bearing, daring. Okay, we put that to the test. You want to play a game of Truth or Dare.

It might be a good way to get to know each other Well, only if I get to ask first. What? Actually for that, why do you get to go first? Oh look, this isn't your average day. My foot's in the boot I need to warm into it I'm gonna go with a dare vote. All right I Dare you to sing something out loud? Really? What? like property? How loud do I have to say? What? do I sing? It's up to you.
Oh God that's the national anthem. What the Irish National anthem? My Irish is okay. okay I think there's no Paddy's here I have not either. Okay, thank you.

it's a serious business. So him put your hand in your heartbeat yeah I Hate you Nothing fall. uh if anyone knows the word, sing along. Uh okay.

thank you everyone thank you Very very good. My album's dropping soon if you do want it. Oh yeah I'd buy it. Perfect stocking filler for myself.

Look at her. She can listen to that all the time. on repeat God Help her. Um, now it's my turn for a little bit of payback.

Truth or Dare Dare Straight in Remember I'm injured. Yeah! Otherwise I'll have you cartwheeling around the bar if you weren't I might have done it I Really do believe that you would have let me read your DMs really? I mean most of the messages are nice and Sport if it's some, some people are creeps. yeah, but they're the fun ones. they're the ones I Want to see? That's it.

that wasn't so competitive I wouldn't be doing this. How about a little brick moving if it's something you know before? I See these yet? Okay, I mean just playful? Okay, first one is these are all very nice. Nice picture of your feet please. This guy is very keen on your feet.

Is that a common thing? Do you get a lot? Yeah, especially with films. It's not personal. We oh here we go here we go. Tony Here are the photos.

Okay, we have a guy here and he says your abs look great, but here are mine. and here's a picture of his abs. Oh, and you replied with oh and not All Creeps Anyway, moving swiftly on Truth or dare, you just don't mess about it, do you? It's about creating tempo, right lad? Life's just one big training drill to you, isn't it? I don't know. I'm only killing okay, what did you send it? Okay, uh.

Truth Temple Temple. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made? You just had that lined up and ready to go. So to prepare, prepare to fail. That is a tough one because dates are about putting your best foot forward.

Well, not possible for me. So I'm making it out for you too. This one is yeah. might be a bit much to share on a second date, but I was very close to my granny.

She was one of the first people who like held me when I was born I have all these memories with her I used to stay with her when my parents went away and everything. She got diagnosed not that long ago with a terminal illness yeah, tumor and um, for the last kind of six seven weeks of her life I was really busy. um I'll tell you the truth but I didn't go and visit her so I never actually. I'm sure it didn't change how much she loved you right? Hopefully not.
yeah. if she was there for me and so many things I kind of just feel like I should have been there for her too. So it takes a lot to own your mistakes and choose that. it's thank you.

Thanks for sharing that with me. Shall we do? Oh my. God I haven't even asked yet. It's my job to think I had yeah I'll keep this pace up.

Give me a moment. I'm getting there. Got one? What is your worst intimate experience? Oh, that's actually easy. We went on a pre-season tour of Estonia and on the last night went to this club in Tallinn I Met this gorgeous local boy.

Lovely, great dancer. went back to our hotel. Yeah, Oh fine. but then the language barrier really made it one of the most dysfunctional one-night stands I've ever had.

Surely, sex is a pretty universal language to a certain extent, but when it comes to giving um Specific Instructions my mind is racing. but I won't ask. Um, but to be fair to him though, like some things that women want her, it's a bit of a foreign language to all men. So did you read that on a t-shirt Yeah, it's on the back.

It's an excuse, but you know it starts up a conversation. it'll turn right Truth or Dare double or nothing. Okay, okay, well there's a lot riding on this one then. like a strong finish.

Truth, baby. Okay, but she guilty pleasure? Uh, that is a good question. I Am torn between. well, there's been the bar Wheats and like girly movies, chick flicks sort of thing.

Well, there's nothing wrong with a guy that likes watching films girls like yo? Yeah no no I know I It's kind of more the perception that comes along with though. like they're the sort of movies that I wouldn't admit to my guy friends that I'm watching. Well, as a woman who plays a sport, that men like, that perception can be quite damaging. It's made my life so tough.

it shouldn't gender things like that. Films, films, clothes. Sports Everything that mindset stops people pursuing things they really like. I mean look I can't help that some people get upset by the words girly and manly.

You can have it though, can't you? But by not saying them, it feeds systemic sexism. I'm I'm talking about films here. There's a bigger picture, isn't there? Ryan So that's what I'm getting at I know. but I just feel like you're making a little bit of none of a molehill.

I Literally said, one of my guilty pleasures was watching some girly movies. okay and I was just trying to explain to you why that triggered me. Oh, whatever. I don't need I don't need to do this.

Sorry, You know what? I'm not feeling great and I'm just gonna go right. Well, okay man with the crutches, you know? Yeah, uh, do you need to help you I don't need your help. You want them? Come on, we don't label things by General you can fix another chance. Lesson learned: Don't do it again I Definitely won't good.
Okay look I'm gonna say good 90 anyway I'm I'm just I'll speak to you later. Yeah, I'll talk to you later. All right bye guys. I'm trying to get to her if I all the dates up I probably get the girl right so it's getting the third date you? well, um, you clearly haven't been paying much attention.

It didn't go very well I don't have any options. Are you back to the drawing board? Ah I Blame You Quite me because you brought me to this speed dating event I Want Misha yo thanks? No, that's great. No I just actually gonna finish this ring I'm just gonna go on the streets huh? Foreign? oh man. okay.

I'm pretty sure now we can. we can do it now and then. We could just like skip the wait. We also play Misha foreign, creative man.

um spirituality, charity, and um so and so I mean in short, she's absolutely broken. Absolutely. and um, cancer. There you go.

fixed it. Goal lesson: Poor cancer gotcha me having a good day? Well it's just become great. You're welcome. What's happening? Uh I Just got back from work an hour ago.

same I've made myself some food same and I've just got off the phone with my landlord. press tab not same yeah I missed a payment but it's it's fine I've paid it now I tried it. settled anyway. Okay I joined Okay, why are you telling me this? Because I'm breaking it and like, do you wanna have a drink before? Could you just say less? Be great if you just stop speaking about 30 seconds ago.

See you there Bye Oh I Did not skip it but it does this whole thing. It's still good topics because there's no substitute for meeting someone face to face like you can see their physicality feel their Vibe Yes, but what if there is no Bible what do you do? Then if you're online you can log off. You can make an excuse. You can just be gone.

My internet connection was cracked. What do you do here? Welcome everyone to speed dating. My name is Derek I'm holding tab chill Lisa Gentleman If you could make your way to your table numbers, you are so cynical. this is where you're going to find that genuine connection to keep banging on about it.

Why are you smiling at me like that? Nick Why are you smiling at me like that? No. I'm not smiling in that kind of thing. Are you sure there is a small possibility I might have signed us both up Bash hello Hey what the I'm Misha I'm bash here today. You've been on holiday.

You've got that healthy Beach glow. Really? what's a holiday? Oh that's sad I Just got back from a stag day. Nice. What? What did you get up to today? Uh, just played some five or five football with the boys.

Yeah, pretty knackered I just went to the supermarket. did the weekly shop. Do you still do that in person? I do it all online now. It's easy.

Yeah, cool, Yeah, cool. Gotta squeeze my fruits. Why'd you need to squeeze the fruits? What'd you need to know about the names? Hi I'm Lenny I'm Mama Lemon. That actually is a good name for a lemon though.
Lenny Shut up mate. Get my gin and tonic. Oh lemons and Gnt's that's palsy. Don't tell me you're a lime girl.

Oh so your name. What about it? Well, it's got me a nickname, right? Yeah, everyone needs a nickname. And what's the story? It's a long story condenser. No, it's a long story.

Leave it. Oh, don't leave me guessing. let's give me some options. You're an option.

so are you. This is your halfway warning guys. Three minutes to go I Know it flies, doesn't it? So have you got any nicknames? No. but my name is already sort of a nickname.

Apparently it means Michael in Russian Michael I Know someone called Michael once he nicked my girlfriend. When you're six, I'm sure she could choose for herself. Can I call you? Mike God No one's ever asked me about nicknames before. Well, I am honored be the first so come on.

I'll go all night. No, no nicknames, you can't all be as fancy as you I am a proper gent to be fair. I think the Russian connection is cool enough though. I agree Mike No, Oh, come on, it's good.

I'm doing you a favor. Everyone needs a nickname of Eastern Europe It's that stagger I mentioned yeah, it was in Turin in Estonia Estonia Yes, yes. Knowledge State capital of Europe right? So we had to see what all the hypers about. The second night was an absolute madness.

Okay We were all in these morph suits right? and the group had to wear this back and keep it by 5. PM It was absolutely battered, but after a little tactical woman, we were ready to go to the club bash. I'm sure you had a great time but I really don't think I need to know where this is heading. No, no no, it's like a happyish oh my god dude, not like that.

No, we've got one minute to go guys. Just one minute so we'll be wrapping up very soon. Seems like we might be drawing to a close. You see coming already? Definitely you seen anyone you like though? Oh yeah yeah.

definitely yeah. What about you? You didn't answer me properly. What would you want from me? I don't know small detail names? maybe? Oh no names necessary. No one's special until you met me.

Yeah, all right see. I Reckon you lucked out, you know? And why is that? Because there's some problems? Look at the state of those two over there like he literally looks like a walking turnip. I Feel bad for agreeing with you, but you do agree. No comment Lobster Present Company excluded.

Yeah, Bloody better though. I Mean if it doesn't happen, your time is up for that day. Jen Said When is the English tablet? What's your socials? Yes, yes, we stand touch. It's um, one, two three.

Oh, you need a better handle? You love it. See my team. There's no way matching attacks. That's all right.

I Guess it's gonna like that foreign terrible? Please don't Oh no, hey, hey. I'm a hugger. Should we hug? Oh no. Um.
Misha uh I think I might have crinkled your shirt a bit better. No. I I don't think you did. I've Um, okay so quick story.

My uh, my grandmother buys me a birthday gift every year and she likes to get me a shirt and this is a vintage 2013. Oh no way. Yeah. I'm a teacher I'm clearly too busy to buy my own clothes.

Do you have any? Um, birthday? Traditions Oh I don't know if I can compete with that shirt Grandma clearly knows her drip. hey she's uh, she's got a good taste. Not really. No.

I mean my family are pretty normal I'd be the first to admit it. Why is it whispering the pretzels? This speed dating business is such an interesting format. Yeah, I think so I am Actually, don't get out too often. school's quite for long.

So summer holidays though. Exactly. You speed dated before that's a verb. Oh, you're gonna Mark me on this day, aren't you? No? I won't do that too.

Of course not. Oh I haven't speed dated before? Okay, just use apps and trying to meet people the old-fashioned way. Yeah, me too. I um I don't normally do this type of thing but I kind of thought.

hey, why not enlist to help? You're investing in your own happiness? Yeah I love that for me too. Jesus Relationship? Yeah, glad you added that last. but I'm not sure we're ready for politics. Yes, yeah.

three minutes to go. Three minutes. Well, maybe I'd be so bold to say I'm looking for love. What about you? Okay, Was that too much? No.

I mean it's honest. nothing else. I'm honest. good to know.

I go for looks nice body face. Hey, it's bravery to say actually get that reaction I Think people can be embarrassed to admit when they like Beauty But um, hey, beauty is truth After all, that's that poet isn't it? Um, keys nice. 10 out of 10. you said you weren't mocking me.

Green star Green Star Gold Star I Get a gold star I'm nervous. Come on though. You've got to have a type. at least No.

I don't think I do not even in like looks. There's no pattern in your track record. I Guess my previous axes have all been brunettes. personality wise.

Is there anything that you're like drawn to ass. My last text was quite hard. No. this guy man.

I I'm over this I'm over. It moves off bad things than nice things. to me. By the end, that was quite tough.

but um yeah I disagree with her a bit more. um I don't know I'm so sorry I've inadvertently made you talk about someone that you absolutely do No thank you. Michelle I Really appreciate that I guess Um, bro taught me key things that I am looking for. So I guess to go back to your original question.

Um, kindness is something that I value a lot so thank you deserve it. Thanks! One minute to go. One minute warning. So what else do you do with yourself Jake besides date Randomness I am I like to read a lot.
it's uh yeah, it's one of my favorite hobbies. Air quotes nice I picked up a book in my time Family genre Oh, finishing with the Taffy yeah could determine our entire future together. Nope. I'm a huge fan of erotic thing.

really keen on uh I You know it's not something that I've Tried reading before, but if it's hey, if you're into it I'll give it a go. a bit of role play. Your family find out that you're a teacher. No, no they don't actually and that is time.

Ladies and gents. Okay, well um, it's over a bit too soon it was listening to be able to contact you. Yeah, and what's your socials? I'm not actually on socials I don't even have a smartphone oh what does this send then letters? See what you did then? Okay, all right nice to meet you. Bye Madison's not a pigeon or some yeah is he gives him some high dude some Stoner guy? What? Yeah.

cool. thank you. You've been waiting long. No.

I've been waiting my whole life for this. What the is that? Oh sorry, sorry I've only just finished work you see I'm I volunteer at a charity shop I started doing at school. That's really good. It's amazing.

Do you do anything like that? Yeah I mean when I get the free time to yeah I will give out as much as I can I mean not in person like you basically I'll offer my uh, coding expertise and help. that is straight cabin. That's really cool I am a freelance computer engineer. That's what I do and because of that my work hours are just all over the place.

What's your living situation? Do you have any flatmates? I actually live on my own which to be honest I love anti-social though I don't know if you found this book as you get older, there's just harder and smaller Avenues of making friends because everyone's already found their Clique you know? So I suppose things like this are amazing for that might be asking how do you afford to live on your own? It was something I was working on. just did well. So and I decided yeah. I'm gonna give myself a place and deserve it and versus history.

what about you? do you prefer to live on your own or with people? good? I've tried both I worked away for a bit and they put me up was it was dumb. It's lovely getting home at all the places are we in? Yeah. I Think it's quite a special time in life. What is all living with friends? It doesn't last forever.

This is a bad idea. I mean for me again I I Definitely love being alone, but it's great that you've experienced that. So if you like living on your own, does that mean you wouldn't want to live with a partner? No. I definitely live with someone.

It's especially if there's a shark and blood in the water really meant something to me I Think what I need is just my own space to be able to work and focus. That's it. healthy. The last couple of years have been tough, but I'm grateful that we went through it when we had video calling exactly I Mean and that wouldn't have been possible without technology.
It's taking over the world. So are you aware of the synchronicity? Then that's when, Uh AI will eventually surpass mankind. You know, robots ruining the world and all that. If you could say yes or no to that happening, what would you say? Surely robots already run the world? I mean like 30 of Tarson are my computers exactly Why? Statistic.

It's exciting, isn't it? You're not scared. No, it's the future, isn't it? So might as well just step into it. I'm terrified Honestly. So imagine walking into a bar and not being able to tell who's a robot, who's real I mean I Feel like that Anyway, in life.

so this is your halfway warning guys. that's 40 minutes to go 180 seconds. Couldn't tell you how many milliseconds. I'm ridiculous.

Time You're wearing a watch and you still checked your phone. You're right. Yes for the Swag Yeah, Hands up. I Must be a phone addict And a laptop addict.

And a tablet. Oh the full set? You wondering about me? Yeah. I Feel like everyone should be asked this on a first date? Why? So you know how distracted someone's going to be when you're trying to talk to them? Okay, so I am addicted to my phone. But here comes the excuse.

No, it's a generational thing and we grew up with our phones. I Mean they're like part of us. They're essential tools for our daily routine. You know we are just so immersed in technology, people don't even realize that we are constantly interacting with it.

And it goes far beyond just phones. Oh yeah, I mean GPS search engines my God I'd be useless of all of that and take contactless payments for example. That has completely revolutionized the whole social economics of how we buy things. For example, back a day you would have to pull out your wallet, get some coins out, and pass it to the cashier, whereas I can now just go Boop and it's paid for like that.

So I'd say these things I actually um, I actually invented a smart Bank myself. What's that? So you know heavens, you know how they've got that little metal connect a bit. I've took a microchip with the same kind of contactless software and I've put it into it so you can tie your hair up with it and just have it run your wrist and with that, you could pay for something. And it's not as you know, flashy as something like this, so it's inconspicuous.

A pretty genius idea. Released any of them. I made a few prototypes of the device and then what I did was I used a tech company and sold the patent so that's a pretty big deal with me. Oh hell no.

One minutes ago, guys. one minute it's your final minute and then we have to wrap it up. Moving on, this has been an interesting date last one. I haven't offended you in any.

We should make the last 60 seconds count. Okay, I read somewhere that extroverts deal with these kind of situations a lot better than introverts. So would you say you're more extrovert Or introvert? Good question and you know? let's say, but come on in life, people over favor one side of the spectrum of the other. I'm definitely an extrovert I think I thrive off meeting new people so you're a social vampire.
but I don't feed on blood I feed off of human interactions. Oh I think that'd be an amazing partnership. You know for me to be with someone outgoing and outspoken? what's and I can do all the talking? No, it's just that you could help me come out my shell, you know, even though I like my privacy and I could be there for you when you want to feel tranquil and calm and your time is up for that day gents, your date is awaiting. This is number one.

Yeah if you want um my handle is at the bank code of oh man, what is this dude? Stop there man and um bye Misha bye this is you. My number goes harder. Did it did it. The non-verbal is fine when it's like like that and what is like what it lacks, like it's like this.

it's just weirdness. How is it a real name? Ty hey kids, What the are those you're not drinking? No, not bikes in alcohol. Thank God Oh sorry, wait wait wait wait what's up with the camera? Let's come back out today. Or what is it bugging? What's up with the camera? You're an elbow bumper I Think this is the first time I've been around so many people again.

I'm still getting used to the whole handshake thing. you get used to skin on skin contacts again soon. What's important is that we're all out together. Which sweater? Well, you don't want to be out with me? Well, we're both at this speed dating event.

coincidentally. Yeah, so you're arguing with me. Would that be a problem if I was? That's all. Bring It On So how do you spend your days Ty this and that nice helmet.

It's inappropriate. It's not gonna kill you unless you're past some like Mafia ring in which case, playing twice I'm just not into the whole interrogation thing. You're being serious I Am oh okay. Clear is kind I Feel like you're trying to manage my reactions? Yeah, you do what you okay over there? Yeah, yeah.

let's check on some work emails. This and that, right? Is it? What is wrong with this guy and your time? Here's a Grind set that goes on a speed dating event that is the opposite of the Grind set. The very possible opposite. There's nothing Grind said about a speed dating event.

See ya bye nowhere What the John says from the podcast The Miserable Millennial Book Club Yeah, so are you away for this to be dating thing? Oh I'm just waiting for my mate to finish. Yeah you? no I prefer to do things solo. Reading a bar seems like a new one. Well, considering all the coffee shops are short I don't really have a choice I'm the same actually.

yes yes. like a lesbian thing with like female Mario Russ of an adventure or a spa weekend away late start, foreign. My absolute favorite thing to do solo, which I totally recommend is gone to the cinema. You can lean back, switch your phone off for a few hours, and just solve the story.
Seems like a great mode of self-care I just love my films. Me like if you were to go, what would you watch alone alone on the day? Whatever. Um, all right. Well what genre would you pick? I really love Horrors and thrillers not like psychological and Supernatural stuff.

yeah, like stuff that gets under your skin. but you're not a serial killer are you? I mean you're the one who's supposed yes, oh it's not funny. also. also I am so sorry I meant that with affection.

So how was the sweet Doctor it was? It was fun. Yeah, fun. Did you make anyone sexy? Is that word still in circulation? Probably not. But I think I might bring it back? Why not? Butler It's great.

Yes, nice to feel that way. Isn't it Fresh chemistry feeling? Yeah, it's been a while since I felt that. so I should try it sometime. No, it's really isn't my style.

speed dating? Not this. This is your three minute warning guys. Three minutes to go. A poor horse voice must be ruined.

Yeah, it's the last day of the night so I'll be off to meet Ryan soon and that cares. Let's get you a drink of the road. It's two for one until the event ends, so that gives you about two and a half minutes as of now. I think I'm gonna respectfully pass I think I've reached my quota for the evening.

Got the call So I know what you do for fun but what do you do for work? Hazel mm-hmm actually there's a reason why I don't leave with this I just work for HR it's your regular nine to five. Yeah, it's very such a people person. Yeah I mean that part of it I do love I love talking to people but I don't know. recently I just wanted to quit I'm sorry to hear that I took a bit of a Hiatus for personal reasons and then when I came back, it's just not something I want to do anymore I'm sorry I shouldn't be talking as much would you? mind me asking what prompted the hiatus? just a thing.

sorry for asking. why is every character okay Mama dumping it. No carpe Diem. so something I'm working on.

We've got one minute to go guys. Just one minute already. No I missed about how come Ryan got an extra date to me? Well we can call this speed Day if you want. I I Didn't know that was an option.

it is I know I mean we are abiding by time restrictions and everything. Annoyingly wish we had longer trying to keep in touch and maybe we can hang out sometime. as much as I love doing things so a lot I would really love a partner in Cram now and again. Someone take your pics of social media and all that.

Yes, more of a PA role. Really? Yeah. I'd love to and that is time everyone hopefully see the next one we don't want to keep Ryan waiting at Hazel X1 can hit me up there. Got it? Bye Hazel See you soon, Hopefully yeah I'm not putting you on the dates list I'm not doing it.
come on Spill the Beans how do they go? Okay, so that was Lucas he was a coder. He was super intelligent I didn't understand half of what he said, but he was really lovely. Okay, okay so maybe you might see him again. Yeah, that's definitely a possibility.

Okay, no no, oh my gosh, that was. Hazel Okay, so I Met at the bar by accident. We were reading exactly the same book. We had the same interests.

She was really fun. She wasn't even meant to be there so she hadn't signed up for it. No, she was in the bar same address so she sounds like it went well. It went really surprisingly well.

Okay, nice. I'm like a nasal Hazel could maybe procrastinate too, you think so? I think so Okay bash. Firstly, he's called Bash uh which tells you everything you need to know what he was really Charming He had really great banter. in a good way.

Yeah, in a really good way. He had a slightly funny haircut, but we'll let him have that. So do you think there could be another days? Yeah I can see that happening. Yeah, Okay, good.

So Ty came in in his motorcycle. It's called widening your interest and discovering more right. giving somebody something and he's gailing out of the out of them right? And then it shows an interest. Then you show them what you're interested in right? and then even if these things don't work out, you end up having moral role.

Did you always you? They have to like all things that I like it's helmets. you get nothing bad. Boy, he sounds like it was a little bit different. You come out with nothing else I think we're from slightly different worlds I Feel like you're you're doing all right without I think so I'm gonna keep my good girl image for a bit longer.

Yeah, you hang on that image as long as you can. It won't last long for you. Jake was really lovely. He was a teacher.

He had some nice shirts so he's a nice guy. He's a really nice guy. He's so sweet. Did you see there being second days? Yeah they covered.

Yeah yeah it sounds lovely. So Misha what's gonna happen next next? I Have a few options. Well remember what we said. you need to make the first move.

Send them a message. Okay, thank you. swear pinky sweat. Okay so what about you? tell me about your speed dating? Um oh hell nah.

um this is gonna dank. What the guys guys guy

By xQcOW

7 thoughts on “Xqc has ten dates to find true love!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars syn says:

    me and including most of the women that played this game really liked the first guy on misha’s date, and its very telling that chat (made up of 99% of men) is dogging on him lol. a lot of discrepancies between what men think women like and what women actually like

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arijan J says:

    Why was lil bro dead set on not dating the one arm girl? WeirdChamp

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    fukin fried dopamine tick tock brains

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    zoomers cant sit thru a cutscene LULW

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    i love it when xqc plays these kinds of games 🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malachi Flannery says:

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegacyRXT says:

    Watching xqc play games like this is fucking awful

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