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#xQc #PoliceSimulator

Whoa. Leave desk all right. This is kind of nice. Well what are you guys? What are they doing there? Uh no.

I'm um, she's talking I guess I could let her go have a nice day. goodbye anyway um hey, how about you have a nice day goodbye Play The song hello Officer It's your first day on the job and your first shift is to issue parking tickets. so be on the lookout for vehicles violating parking regulations. Oh I Love that.

Be on your guard and show presence Master Small man. Okay I'll put over here then a probable cause with sufficient evidence before making an arrest. Now some days are better than the others and remember every day is different. Good luck.

Thank you partner. I'll certainly remember that. Uh, probably because it's fine, right? Uh, you know. check this out.

I'll go to the right I'll go to the right I will go to the right. Then you want to be like that chat. it might be like this. I'll go to the rights get the out uh party tickets I said lettering Jay What? Okay okay guys I Gotta write this down.

okay chat. We are going to assure the safety of the of the of the um oh my God Bruh Okay, okay I won't show the safety of the sidewalks so we're doing it pointing to get littering, just walking detaining. ask ID it's your ticket time date duration handbook nah I Played FRP and how this works. Just forget we've been getting a lot of calls concerning the parking situation over the last few days.

Will you keep your eyes open? Officer: Copy that. Parking tickets. Let's look at this guy. page for Uh Focus Mode Focus Mode Check the plate that's not her.

Um I Just played expired pedestrians wanted it Guys: what do you want? Is that what you want? Okay Guys I Only go like this again. Like this: I Like that. Uh, how did you focus about that? Because how do you focus about that right? Click it. I mean I Mean that's the license plate right there.

If I've ever seen one, that's also what's inside right there. It's valid, Non-valid Look at this guy. dude. Stop paying for your parking I'm annoyed.

Wait, excuse me? Whoa. whoa whoa. What's she doing here? Hey, she's reaching it. yo.

Uh. I Have nothing to say. You can leave now. Have a great day Qcl: Okay, this is also reaching it.

What? you're walking guys guys, You: you can't drive and take the same time. So once you be able to walk on the road and text, ah, this guy is done Also, what is he doing? Are you good? Are you good? Hi? Hey man. Um, step to the sidewalk and wait there. Why? Why? I did nothing wrong Officer: Oh um.

well. okay I'll let him go. All right, We're free to go enjoy your day. I I Didn't know which I didn't know internal reports Huh? No, Um, oh wait.

I Oh, he reported me off. he reported me it's red. um please cooperate. Move to the sidewalk and wait there it's ready Jim walk saying look guys, the hand is ready.

the head is ready. No walking. The hand is a red. no walking in.

Are you dumb? Hey? all right, you're done. Okay, you're done your p34 Um I have to arrest you for trying to escape from a law enforcement officer. Guys: I thought please don't do that I told him guys I told him I told him go to the side. what did he do? my juicer um I'd like to see your ID please here officer.
yeah you bet I knew it then that's it. It's a dude. Okay well I'm gonna search because um please allow me to Frisk you for any illegal, that's fine I want to see if it's dangerous or not a cucumber in his pocket son. wait a minute.

What the um he did jaywalking. he did it I'm writing you a ticket for jaywalking that should be around twenty dollars I don't have that. have that but the I'm taking those handcuffs off. Oh thank you.

Okay well I mean I'm sorry. Here's what it is: I should probably get the problems removed with EMS but I mean almost two years ago, have a nice day. Goodbye that was good I think I didn't do my job right there. A handgun um with r Valid.

Valid. watch out I Got my lights on. Okay guys, it's somebody. Yes sir.

um hello problem Green yo What the chat? Where are the parking violations Because somebody's bound to be doing oh hey. park backwards. Oh you are done that. oh you are done.

um there's an alignment then long Direction pal. wrong direction chat, wrong direction plus five points I was right that Chet is stupid I was right. plus then police points chat is wrong. Hey yo.

no parking. eight to twelve and it's currently 11. so you're good. Hold on GTR I mean let me check your plate who the just littered it I heard it then I heard it.

Oh my god. Oh okay I see how it is? Hey yeah, um you know what? I'll ask for his ID let me see your ID please sure officer there you go. All right. 37.

oh my. God oh my. God for the jungle. no punch him.

it's me. What the is wrong with this guy? um robbery? So how do I conduct the uh. the other thing? wait valid pupils. He's high.

Okay, you're done. You're done. Um Well now I'm going to be um, precisely allow me to Frisk you in case you have any illegal items, should I detain them first. But it is what it is.

a switchblade. um, a handcuff illegal position of a weapon. You're under arrest for carrying a switchblade with you. Please don't do that guys.

I Won't show them if he pulls out the blade I Shoot arresting it I haven't responded. All right. Um I need backup to take a subject into custody? Well, next time chat. Simple concept.

You don't want to go to jail, don't Litter do drugs. Enter your switch blades and you're chilling. You know what? I'll soon be at your location I Just parked nearby. You know what? This guy all right partner.

I'll go ahead. All right. get into the pool 25 I'm stacking him final Choice day. All right.

good luck. you wait. Hey there officer. wait stop stop I I forgot his ID foreign S ID check good if you pulled I didn't check that.
Okay, all right. okay I could have done better I Guess All right. let's try this again. Welcome to audit the audit where we sort out the who and what in police interactions.

This shows a blatant disregard for the rights of citizens and uses excessive force to tasay and harass innocent pedestrians I'm looking for suspicious activities. Oh shut up. Oh you you think I wouldn't notice? Hey um, you're detained for a little stop you because I saw you littering. You're right Officer I'll dispose of it properly next time.

Oh you, um wait, you know why he's being nice, but he's rich I miss showing you a ticket for littering which should be about 25 I don't have that much money. Oh, you do pal. Oh you. Oh you know what? Please show me your ID he's escalating.

He's escalating you. This is this is actually happens. He's escalating it. Um, verbal one ain't Yeah, Oh no.

sorry pal. Um, thank you for carrying an expired ID It will cost you between 75 and 100. Okay Mom on that's so much money. Yep, now then uh well.

that's also for Crime. So I'm gonna be I'm the first time. Leave me alone. What? The dummy images? Don't let me do this.

counts. Oh mama. Roundabout City is no longer safe. First it was West Side Police in hell.

All right. All right. Backup: Requested to take a suspect into custody I Repeat back up Requested Understood the closest available Universe The city gains 105 dollars my salary's 20 bucks. That's a total, uh, profit to the hundred dollars.

Plus this guy's not making money for Society for about uh, five hours. Um, the city is at a loss. but social, the judges Warrior has been achieved there. Uh, this guy.

Is that the way to do it? This is just like that resistance. No choice. no no, no, no, he's gonna pay a lot of money right? Then fines because he's getting arrested I Forgot about that yo. The engine's so loud you can invest that if the decibels are too high.

I Can show. um park backwards. Are you good chat? However, did I do plus 60 that this guy's dead I mean you're you're dead. Uh, you're fat.

You're part backwards. Put me in those handcuffs standing chat. There could be more. It's fine for now.

You all good here? Hey man, you're good. You're good. Whoa. Handicap huh? I'm gonna wait a minute.

She's actually handicapped her because if it's not I mean I you know it's a crime man. I'm gonna wait. He's using a handicap spotter. If he is not handicapped and he's taking any gas spotter, well I mean we have to rest them, it's a violation I'll let him go this one.

timer plug backwards. What Some people talking backwards and isn't that? oh your dad? you? Chuck All right? No plans here. Wait a minute. Who littered it I think it's yours hanging out with me so much? Hi? that's where is she had plates? It's good.
Another handicapper. No shot, another one. Whoa. Is this a new pixel RP Update: Oh my.

God Who's littering it? Yeah, who is literating this? Oh you're dead. All right. Okay I stopped you because I saw you littering. Is this really such a big deal? I'm gonna go to jail.

Um yes, your ID please. Here you go Officer: I Wonder if I'm talking to you? There's nothing here. Chat: I wonder if I'm telling you, are you good? You want to die? Okay, um. Extension 24 Uh okay.

you're good. Um well. you know what? This guy's bald. he's getting.

He's got life hard enough. I'm gonna go ahead and assume a verbal one. I'm Gonna Leave You with just a verbal warning. What a relief! Thanks officer.

I'm gonna go ahead and um, wait a minute was he actually? um guys, was he oh my God oh my God um well I'm gonna put him in handcuffs. That's a crime. Um fake ID or stolen them stolen them FIT ID Figgity guys, it's fake, right? It's a dude stole a new buffoon. Are you good akashara Kumar Female hair guys guys look at the bottom.

commit extortion cannabis Union Public yet reports stolen it Um uh yo, you yo, it's stolen. You're being arrested for carrying a stolen ID Please no, it's a white dude. you did it was a lady with hair and she's half black. You're like what the I have to search you kindly cooperate with me if it has their photo.

Oh sorry about that I didn't miss rather Oh human teeth Backup Requested to take a suspect into custody I Repeat back up for questions. All right I'm Gonna Be Ready for shooting yo Where's back up man! What the happy 43 months to the gaming warlord. Thank you for always let's go I Love you guys party. Please cooperate and come with me to the police van I Have no choice.

Nice to see you. shut the up. Oh chasing me foreign I'll do I'll do a small shift. you saw what I saw I'm not stupid.

you saw what I saw like it 33 months. Wow. xqcl from Montreal Much love to the best streamer in the world now Police buffalo Wheezy Farm A lot of calls have been coming in about the parking lot. Can you keep an eye on the situation? Dude, he did it.

Ah, that is fine. that's expired brother. I'm requesting a bench trial call Lang Cole Chat I've got a car here that needs Towing Can you send a record to my current location 24 hours? What the are you good guys? The problem I have with this guy is that, um I need to make some money here I've got a car here that needs Towing Can you send a record to my current location violation? But did you think about it? We've towed the car and it's costs for him. tickets less impounded.

Imagine the amount of money we're generating it. It's like we're printing money. We are printing money. That's like a thousand bucks right there.

Next time just have Oh you all right somebody's gonna. somebody's about to die I Got a car here that needs Towing Can you send a record to my current location? I'm sure the record is in route to your location guys. I think I'm a ticket I'm feeling good today I Feel like a good copper I I'm feeling like a good copper. He's okay.
no ticket I Still told his dumb let's see this is oh I See, we were doing it. You can afford to for the Maserati can't afford for parking. Okay, all right guns out. I'll think of this all right.

That's it I Hope it gets ruined. You know what? You know what somebody was. Somebody was going to live here. Somebody's somebody's going to park here.

That's it's. probably even a handicapped. I've got a car here. Can you send a record to my current location five Cup points Win 500 bucks I Don't care.

it's not expired. they're good expired. You're good I See two years Burger so well done. What did you have for breakfast today? Um lady, are you good? are you good I had to detain you because I saw you littering.

Seriously? I did nothing wrong. Okay, show me your ID please. well sure work with me I'll work with you. How about that? Take the idea.

um give me a moment to my review your information lady. um. Robbery and tax evasion. Unlicensed gun? uh uh yeah.

kindly allow me to Frisk you in case you have any illegal items. What the a ninja star? What is wrong with you? Wait then she's loud. wait she's allowed. Um you know what I want I want her to flee I'm gonna be real annoying I have to find you for littering which will contact you so much money for such a little infraction.

Okay, you want to die. She sounds angry. All right. All sorts are more than I Will proceed with the search.

Please cooperate. Two stars The chat guys. Yesterday she's got a human tooth I I didn't need to arrest her chat Joe Guys I dude but I think I have to let it go. All right.

You're free to go enjoy your day guys. she might be like the truth or something like that I have to let it go. Let me let me look at that. Report them wow I I that's productive.

That was perfect three years. BOGO I'm sorry Chad I had to let her go is what it is. sometimes it oh you are you good? Do you want to die? I've detained you because I saw you throwing litter on the ground. uh sorry I didn't mean to oh give a oh yeah um I'd like to see your ID please I don't give a yet here officer.

let's check it out. Whoa, it's missing a lot of information I'm not. Let me review that. uh.

robbery and harassment? no turn signal, government no or stolen Latino Female: Okay, um okay. everything looks good. Is she slowing her words? Really? Please allow me to Frisk you for any illegal items. All right Raisins.

Is this an evil gambling dice? Let me let me check I guess I Really have to check this out one more time I Really have to think of that. um an open warrant? All right, You know what? You know what? I'll let you go with the verbal warning this time I Might give us a chance. Have a nice day goodbye plus 25 points. All right you? Okay dude.
Okay dude. all right so we're doing today. Park backwards because you're a If I if the if the people went back to their cars I'd just kill them. I've got a car here that needs Towing for now I'll send a record to my current location.

Sleeper What guys? I did it right? What? As long as you guys said oh wait a minute I contained you because I saw you littering. Seriously? I did nothing wrong turn one way. let me show your ID please this is this guy. Diesel.

oh you bum you bozo oh my God look at him and no vehicle Welcome to the Jungle for 29. well I have to let him go. but let me first, definitely allow me to Frisk you in case you have any illegal items, pocket knives and glasses. um you know what? I'm gonna test him Really? that is so much money.

If you're broke it looks sad. You can leave now. Have a great day. What the would I care? don't do crying more honor.

Uh let me check it out. These guys are fine and license plate oh I oh my God you see my teacher chapter. That's money All right. Nice.

Now you're dead and I'm gonna send a tow truck to my current location I Have a vehicle here that needs Towing The record will be there in a couple of minutes. Look look at him. guys. Look look at him.

Look at him. Look at him wrong direction. You give them warnings you jackass. Can you send a tow truck to my current location here that needs? Towing The report is they can get away with it I'm good I'm good.

A ticket really kicks in. Okay minus five. Why am I supposed to tell backwards cars? oh who'd you say walks in me I can't do wrong guys who Jay walked in uh attacks are good. um Chris out of the road you're good I'm about to go back home soon and the shift giant head tags are good.

Good good lunch with the Colors oh my God you're legal legal? um jaywalk? ding it? Are you good? You're being detained because I saw you jaywalking I mean I'm so sorry. seems confident I'd like to see your ID please I don't care. this is some of the places let me take a look at this government. No No.

General book a windshield and probably a handicap is Eleanor oh my God We gotta give up this one chat. apologize that lets you go with the verbal warning this time. Thank you officer. Have a nice day.

Goodbye Plus 20. Chad We are clean these stores in the crime right now. This is insane. We are cleaning up the city.

Shut the up. Hello to you too. Uh, Zulmar Zomar before you go home, let's check it out. Are you good? Let me check your plates.

Oh my. God Get out the vehicle right now I'm not around. Get the out of the vehicle Now at the jiggle. now.

Hey another thing I Do littered it because I heard that it's right here. Well who did it? Do you have a number? He's gonna get along with it? Then it's got to be him. Hey um, it's fine. Have a nice day.
Well, this thing is hard man. people get away with so much. The original machine has a base plate of pre-fabulated Amway Lights surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings. Guys, where's the crime City Six hydrocoptic Mars All things so fitted to the ambition through the Wayne shaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented the girls playing.

Don't let me over, You're gonna die. Ciao, Where's the crime? Uh, let's end the shift. It's fine. We did our Java what are you guys doing here guys.

Somebody's selling drugs. Oh oh you mutt. this guy looks weird. Hey man, it's fine.

Have a nice day. You know what? He's being weird now I Have to search you. Kindly cooperate with me this guy. I Have a bad feeling.

chat because it's all about gut feeling it. That's what you got. All right. You can leave now.

have a great day. Whatever. I mean nothing. He's got a fidget spinner I Should arrest someone in terms of social standings I should arrest them in terms of the eyes of the law.

he's good to go TTS It's tick tock time. Click my tick tocks little bro. Stop skipping you both. So no, they aren't bad ticts.

you're bad. linked in cage pogus and my shifter all right. we did pretty good Frank Miller oh my God that's a lot of Qcn chat you all I hope you don't get her favorite fortnite skin smile reports Peters oh my God foreign. Get the out wrong one.

No, it's not radar Ghana F the third image. take a picture. We've received complaints about speeding drivers officer. Perhaps we can pay special attention f you guys new in your area but how to end my shift now? dude Chief 55 months can we get a British a chance? No more.

It's fine. it's only 50 minutes. relax oh my God Okay, he's good. All right.

Come on man. if I hide anything I can see me? Um hello. Oh now how to report how to record them I discarded it. chat him in bed due to a cold cold face being chilling.

Chills all over my body and you need the plater I don't know what that means. All right, Come on somebody. Speed Come on, come on. Oh my God Oh my God Oh man, what the what's up? Shut up.

Hey we're just later. then we're always running speed checks at a red traffic lights. Oh my God it's cooperate. Move to the sidewalk and wait there Are you serious? Don't give a I have no reason to ask me that they both did it.

Are you? You have no reason? Ah, you're done. well. um did the time first. Uh, is this really such a big deal? You wanna diet? Please allow me to Frisk you for any illegal items I should never say excited first but I mean he looks dangerous.

So local laundry bill your ID please. There you go officer. So we've got your voice expired. Oh okay, you're dead.

All right. you're going to jail I Have to issue you a ticket for your expired ID That's a crime that should be between 75 and 150. My lawyer will take care of it. Um I'm sorry.
beg your pardon Insurance Invalid expired. You know what? what? I have to issue you a ticket for literally. You should cost you up to 25. My lawyer will take care of it.

Okay, all right. okay. hold up. Chat.

Yeah Friscollegal item. Yeah, you're right. I mean yeah, it is a search person with no reason. Oh my.

God Chat chat. chat, look so many cars. If somebody's gonna speed it, somebody's gonna speed it. Oh the other bozo um hello no no no no no no no no oh you piece of I have detained you because I saw you jaywalking I didn't impede the traffic though.

Oh show me your ID please. Oh okay. okay I like that. oh we're playing Hardball today.

Oh you loser expired. Oh and he's already warned she's already been a what? dude, this guy's just dead. Oh my God he's gonna watch. um chat.

He's got a open water under arrest for having an open warrant. No that's awesome chat. I Think that the policing out works, we do the things that we're gonna do regardless first and as we might do after other things that come after because we want to make him, he's secure, he's under our custody yo I Will proceed with the search. Please cooperate Oh my.

God that's why not do it now I'll buy the timer. Is that a gun? Good one? Well um I'd explain also by the way. so I will now find you between 75 and 100 for carrying an expired ID Why does it cost so much? Because you're ugly? It's not. just show me your ID please.

you look sad. Sure no I forgot. Oh come on oh my God and then and then oh, you bet your ass I'm stacking. Are you kidding me? He's being smart.

He was already warned for it. He was already one. Oh wait, no, he jaywalked. He didn't Well I mean it.

I don't give a I just do both. then I'm writing you a ticket for jaywalk. This should be around twenty dollars I didn't expect it to be that expensive I need some backup here to take a suspect into custody. Well I mean can he prove it? Can he prove it? Can you prove it in litter? That's what I thought Now I get my guns out of disease but he's very angry.

Hey officer, shut up guys I put RP Okay I know that the after the testimony is worth more than two million I can stack some though. Yo no no no, no um, are you stupid Oh my. God chat. Watch this.

I'm not going to camp. Watch this. Watch this. Watch this.

Please help this cup assume to take it to me at least a million times. I Feel like I will get a ticket by taking a oh so cup. Come on. make your law You What Break the law out of there I Think it's bugged.

It's bugged. literally. Yes, nobody's bringing the law because I want the rest of them. It's bugged.

Move out the way. Oh my. God Nope mom, you make me feel manly. Mommy Mommy Mommy Wait oh my goodness.
Foreign. Oh my God no oh my God hello Finally branching out in the types of games they make. We haven't gotten a villain protagonist game in a while. Oh my.

God I'm showcasing this variety. We're literally guys. something literalism like lady, can you no, do that please like I'm not even asking for that. much like just stop littering to entertain you because I saw you littering.

Oh I wasn't really paying attention. Sorry. Fair enough. You know.

Wait, there's only eye contact. Show me your ID please wait a minute. What the sure? Here you go Officer: uh mail open One Note Robert Okay, you're you're you're okay. you're going down.

Um, it's it's a it's personal ID you're under arrest for carrying a stolen ID no don't sir, don't off. are you good I Will proceed with the search. Please cooperate. Why would I stop him? Just don't have a whole ID raisin lined gum? Huh? I mean I Could give her a warning or not I need backup to take a subject into custody the closest partner I'll be there soon guys.

where is the speeders? Don't resist and get into the police van. Um, all right. Oh, this is this thing. Oh my.

God you're dead. It's been a year since I moved my family from the nightmare that was roundabout City Why I Can walk freely with my ninja stars and tooth collection I Also love that I never have to renew my card while driving 41. Come on, come on, break the law you. Oh my.

God All right AJ Walker dead. It's too easy. All right. Okay so I'm gonna entertain this guy.

Defend it. Uh, because one the reason I stopped now I'm upset because I saw you jaywalking Now you must be mistaken. Are you stupid your? ID Please here Officer My: ID Okay, you're dead okay I see I see what it's like stolen? no valid about tax evasion, Government? no. uh-huh skin tone doesn't really match.

I'll go ahead and allow me to do a pat down search in case you're carrying anything illegal. Leave me alone. Oh my. God Please stop Please stop at Sir Sir is better one in you.

Please please please stop now. Well I mean good to see you again Officer Foreign, You're being arrested for fleeing from a law enforcement officer. Please no, Why is he fleeing Chad Why is he doing that for? um, are you okay I Have to search you. Kindly cooperate with me.

Oh my. God Backup requested: take a suspect into custody. Guys repeat back up Requested: The closest available unit will be dispatched to your location so I can stack him Oh my God this guy's spinning really hard. I'll soon be at your location I Just parked nearby.

All right partner. I'll go ahead and take the suspect into Don't resist and get into the police van. All right. No choice.

I'll stop doing that. Come on. What the is happening here? You did it. Oh my.

God Come on. oh shit's over. I'm gonna do more. Oh my God yo what is this traffic jam this is I'll do.
Still bugged over there the 12th try hard Seven. Let's see. I don't think there was a good shift. It wasn't a lot of progress.

I've done that was pretty bad. Oh wait, we still level up huh? Total careful for what. Oh wow. let's do.

Um wait. Foot patrol morning. Oh I'm good. polkas Jeff Foot patrol again.

foreign Chester guys I'm just gonna get hacked two years with you. Thanks for everything xqcl from Brazil but there's a lot of calls have been coming in about the parking lot. Can you keep an eye on the situation? I can take that parking lots. we have a situation that needs to be taken care of.

Is anyone available? Um I'll take care of it. Oh chat. this is situation somewhere. Um actually.

but you he literally. If you later you're a coincidence. Investigative reports I've arrived on site. I'll start clearing up the accident.

All right you guys. Let's go ahead and give them an accident report. Okay, here's your accident report. There's almost nothing written here.

Yeah, can you tell me what you saw I'm still recovering from the crash. my mind is blank. Can you tell me what you saw? I didn't understand what happened? Officer Nobody does anything here like what the photo camera guys give it a minute. It's good to see you again Officer: shut up.

Want to chat Gunshot swoons? Oh we got a problem pal. We got a problem. Now would you please show me your ID and the vehicle insurance. Sure Here you go Officer: Um, is it good? Is it good? No, Yes, No.

Yes. Date of birth if an data All right. he's good. License and registration.

Please chat. Yes. Awesome. There you go.

Green crumbs, What is it in there? Are you okay? You're under arrest for carrying a stolen ID Please move to the sidewalk. No, don't please Officer: Okay, uh. I Need backup to take a subject into custody and I'll get him find some understood. The closest available unit will be dispatched to your location.

Cancel the arrest, it's no longer necessary I'm taking off these handcuffs. Thank you Officer guys. Why arrest them? I Can ruin his life, Huh? If we settle down, back the up. I Know what I'm doing.

Things happen sometimes I Belong to the balloon. please cooperate peacefully while I take a sample. You lose your drug. All right.

that's a little high, but I mean it's still legal I Just need to collect a sample to see if you're under the influence of any illegal substances, weed, and speed. Okay, I mean you're dead? Yeah, you actually did it. Oh no, absolutely not to arrest you for driving under the influence of Darkness Please Officer I Need to back up here to take a suspect into custody. Understood: We're sending the closest transport to your location.

It's about, um, just collecting a sample to see if you've used any drugs while driving Now Search them. Well, he's they're both High All right. I'm just collecting a sample to check if you've had any alcohol while driving. this is your accident report.
Uh, well documented and exhaustive. Report Thank you officer. We're done. You could leave now.

Have a good day. What stuff? Where is he was bugged I Gotta go guys Plus 120. watch this chat. Watch this video on the flyer Bang because I'm good I'm good at the letter uh the letters I'm still Letting Go disappointed.

it's just kind of annoying actually. You know what man I stopped you because I saw you littering. oh I really wasn't paying attention. sorry would you please show me your ID get down on the ground.

stop moving. Of course he's wearing a suit uh carrying a stolen ID no don't please officer, please don't just don't hunt us. the lady like what? the switch your hands up slowly please I'm going to search you. somebody's got okay, you're dead.

um okay. I mean I need backup to take a subject coming in about tomorrow? Let's go to our citizen on the scene. This officer Must Be Stopped My Chill. smooth some ice cream and got shot instantly.

All right. Enjoy Jail you suspect in the custody. Please do not resist and come with me to the patrol car if I have to. two years speed.

That was good chat Ninja Plays are good only plus 50. Yeah, nobody's speeding. It kind of annoys me. oh my God whatever.

wait wait wait guys. where's the climb? hello officer um I don't know how to read back. it's just bugged up. What the is? Where are the speeders this guy's feeding I I Can just kind of tell uh following Randy Caps fair enough I Guess what about this guy? No parking eight and Thursday oh it's a Wednesday you buster you are done Gigi thinks the donuts are dumb.

sad energy industry is safer. boom excuse. not by a lot. but I caught him I'm gonna two over two over.

Nope. let's check it out. that was down I think that was good. It's a good catch.

See a lot of beer, there's cones I guess he has you guys. Where do you do Club Patrol and shooting him? Why does little bro look like his Running around with a camera interviewing people foreign. If you like the home base see what's going on. Welcome to the park.

maybe a little bit. then there's any drugs. hello officer, shut up Oh my. God the play chat.

the playtime huh? Okay Gonzalez I stopped you because I saw you throwing trash on the ground. How come you always call me out for stuff I didn't even do wait always I need to see you. Are you here You go This schizo? um no. Asian female guys.

she looks fine I'm still gonna frizz her. She looks like she's High Oh No, you're getting first. let me Frisk you for any illegal items. Please leave me alone.

All right. Um, technically Gigi said that the donuts work funny. You're being arrested for fleeing for the law enforcement officer. Please don't do that Museum I have to search you because she's got me.
She's got a gunner. normally I would get a girl cup to come by but I mean I guess this will do. Oh I See how it is? 25 So much money for such a little infraction I Need backup? Yeah. understood.

Where are you going? Surely the internet greeted me. Who greeted me. hey there. What's up Bud? Where is the backup guys? Where's the backup? Um, are you okay? Xqc has been a cop in my city for two days.

Martial law has been active I have probable cause sections. No The Nationals deployed someone. Please help. Please please cooperate for a search procedure.

Have a nice day. Goodbye: is that a tissue on the ground Guys: He's drinking beer right there. Criminal scum Today is your last day. My lawyer will take care of it.

Oh my God 300 bucks. it's fine. evidence amount of money. Oh he's gonna speed chatter.

Look at him bro. Stop littering foreign Oh I See you drinking it? Oh my God You're so dead. All right I Have to find you for drinking in public. It will cost you 300.

Really, that's so much money. She sounds angry I Have to search you. Kindly cooperate with me. That's all legal I Gotta let her go.

You can leave now. Have a great day. Foreign stars are actually legal I was in this game if I had we go back home. okay switch planes are they going? Butterfly blades and whatnot I'm not gonna wrestle for drinking I think I think Inside Edition is fine.

Still bugged. he's gonna do a try. Isn't it all right? let's do a parking ticket now. Anyway outside I don't know if we could shoot some all right chat.

Why is it time? it's time? Why is it toe Zone No Stopping You What an idiot. It's a tall Zone your not and then we told him I have a vehicle simulator. Can you send a tow truck to my current location? please? The record will be there in a couple of minutes. Okay, now what's that chat? He's far from the sidewalk.

Is he now guys? He is far. He is far 100 and look at him. it's all the way out there. Hold a buster.

Can you send a tow truck to my current location? I Have a vehicle here that needs Towing Tow truck will arrive at your location shortly. What else? All right? Pull the gun out. Sometimes that happens that time. Hey guys, why would I tell him he's dead? Oh this guy's got Neons on hey wait a minute.

Can you stop the picture on your car? You're loud? Wait? Really? Well that's cool. Stalker? not while driving I Had no idea Today we are counting down the top five police officers in my city. Coming in at number two is: Felix Litter Laniel sir, did you just litter? You will be receiving a fine sir. Um sorry I have a look at something.

pee pee Neons on the car chat. Is everybody gonna have neons? wait I can't even do keywords Car Patrol morning hey yo, what's your phone in California with no um uh whitneyons on it We've recently received complaints about speeding drivers. Could you pay special attention to them? I Can take that. So we've gotten there boys.
got it. Which one for his great service to this country officer Paul shall his unevenly to these great United States And I am branding him with both citizenship and freedom from Connecticut The United States Are you good lady trying to Signal one 46 months subjects Didn't spend any money minus zero Low easy. What? guys. You didn't put a turn signal.

You know what? He's pretty good. Whatever. dude. oh am I there.

pull over you water All right. Shut up hey pal. Uh what? I pulled you over because you ran a red light. No way it was still green.

You're stupid. Please show me your ID and vehicle insurance. Here you go officer. Oh I mean he looks legit, right? Oh wait a minute.

Hey yo! No one choose registration DUI Yeah, um yeah. I'd like you to leave your car and go to the sidewalk. Holy Swiss cheese and notification emitting from my Superior cellular device Android I Have to issue you a ticket. My lawyer will take care.

I Literally never happens aware. What does that walk? What's that? walk? chat one thing at a time under glow to give that later. Okay so first things first: Chat: I think I can arrest them because he has no ID First things first, right? Um right? Okay then I will say um DUI please allow me to collect a sample to see if you're under the influence of any drugs. Kindly cooperate as I collect a sample to see if you're drunk.

All right? Okay, let's rattle up a little bit. then. um chat I Have to find you for not having valid insurance. Oh come on, that's so much money.

Is there anything else? Um and then I will go and press in case you have any illegal items. Okay, um then I will do a violation of driving right? I Remember what? he's got registration? What is that registration? Oh it's a car thing yet? No, it's not. You're being charged and ticketed for between 50 and 250 dollars for driving a car with an expired license plate. Really, that is so much money should be sad.

All right. Well I mean all right. You can go now. Drive safe.

Bye man the gym off right there. It's a class. Not that. Oh come on.

so much crime going on I Don't know what to do with your chat like look at this. what's up like what are you doing man? no no I don't want it. Huh? xqcl an you send a tow truck to my current location I have a vehicle here that needs Towing whatever. then tow truck will arrive at your location shortly.

Officer Foreign license where Oh my God oh my God All right everybody, back the up. we're coming. Center I'm not allowed to have been shot. There's some kidnappers over here boys.

that's a good picture for sure. Another cadaver that is unfortunate. What a fiasco this is. Oh my God Can you not? Oh wow Jesus Christ All right I Guess I Need anything? I'm still in shock I need to get my head right of your brain.
Uh switch. She's good. We're finished here. You're free to go have a nice day, take care and what? Tell me what you saw I'm still recovering from the crash.

my mind is blank. Nah, Is this guy with Good Morning America or is he a first responder I Need some medical attention I Can't do anymore. Put the camera away. ain't no way foreign if available please sir.

uh uh. weird but legitimate Insurance uh robbery? Um all right I'm just collecting a sandwich. at least check alcohol for sure. like 0.7 Ain't No Way Ain't no way.

Wait what the? I'm just collecting a sample to see if you've used any drugs while driving Driver: I Have to find you for not having valid insurance. Oh come on, that's so much money and she's not high. It's both negative. Please allow me to collect this sample and see if you're under the influence of any drugs.

It's not meth. it's amphetamine. you. Are you stupid? All right.

We'll give her a few seats. All right. Here's your accident report: Well documented. Oh my God Bro.

Thank you officer. Oh my Oh my God brat. We're done. You could leave now.

Have a good day bro. It could be like it could be like a thousand things. Are you stupid methamphetamine? It could be dextroamphetamine. It could be it could be uh MDMA MDA It could be a bunch of are you dumb? What? The guys, They died, they let me tell you about him like uh I Have a person who's been injured requesting an ambulance SpongeBob Hi Officer this is Hank Schrader Get an ambulance for the victims and keep the Suspects on site until you are ready to gunshot.

sorry about that until you are ready to do the report. No rush I Have a vehicle here for towing. Can you send a tow truck to my current location? Tow truck will arrive at your location shortly. Officer: can you send a tow truck to my current location? Oh that was one of the shootout.

Arrive D 25 yields xqcl Iff yo, what are you doing? are you gonna? I'm still I'm old. We're shocked than her own. We need to take a closer look. Okay, Foreign, deadly, there's the game.

Oh all right boys, that was pretty danky.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Xqc is the most ruthless cop police simulator”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Riley says:

    Incredible ending 10/10

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gavin willis says:

    best NA cop, still cant read tho

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MILAN says:

    Kim Jong-un as a cop

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars magne sjøberg says:

    most chill na cop

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Komorebi says:

    i feel bad cuz i donated $5 for the tts and it didnt even pop up whatsoever 🙁 made me sad

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Furkan 🖤 says:

    dude stop making videos

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john dave says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PepsB0yz says:

    thank god xqc didnt choose the cop life path

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fisher-osu! says:

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamie :) says:

    xqc plays? more like chat plays lmao, everytime xqc does something really dumb, chat is awlays there to give him direction. how can someone be so unintelligent bro OMEGALUL

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dcba says:

    Chat: sees x stopping a black person MonkeyLaugh.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I_EatFood Too says:

    Chat pisses me off when they spam "??????"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Kendall says:

    This is the funniest shit I've ever seen

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