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#xQc #Jubilee #React

In the reference of landfills - okay, maybe you don't have to pay for it now, but in 20 years and they're full you're still going to end up paying for it. So why push that responsibility on to someone else? But don't you think the citizens have a right to decide if they want to go along with this? I don't think that citizens have the right to be wasteful more than someone else where you say whats. My name is don. I am a professor of geology and a professional climate scientist have published in the field for many years.

My name is andrew. I studied environmental science policy and management and a consultant that specializes in sustainable tourism, my name is natalie. I'm a stable tourism consultant and i believe that anthropogenic climate change is real. My name is michael, i'm, the vice president of uh anonymous guys guys.

This will be good. You guys these are all educated people, chad, it's going to be a very a discussion with the threats to western civilization. My name is dr james enstrom, i'm a physicist and epidemiologist and i'm passionate about scientific integrity. My name is keith hardeen.

I see constitutional societies and i'm concerned about the future of the next generations. May i please have my activists to the left and my skeptics to the right. Remember the jan sixth handful riot, where, on its one-year anniversary, i believe it's sort of like a recap. Ever since cole, on global warming, we are the number one youtube.com wait.

What's the question about global warming should be our number one concern. Global warming should be our number one concern. Okay, it shouldn't oops. Sorry, there's obviously a lot of issues that are not and that as a society we can care about.

But if our earth is moving in a direction to where our species cannot survive but guys guys, it should be high but number one like dude chill chill. Then homelessness, then all the other issues that are out there are going to be irrelevant because we won't have a place to live. I agree that there are many issues that are important at the local. I don't know how bad it is, but why do you guys always act like everything needs to be number one? At the same time, you guys need to understand that they can only be one number one.

These do people not understand is this concept. They can only be one number one, only one they can be one of them. There could be twenty of them. They can't okay, i'm sure that there's th, there's smart people out there, that are that are going to to make it like number, whatever right and it gradually get better as other problems get better, because i i feel like there are problems that make it worse and By facing those problems, you fix the root and not the branch, the level and we are not doing a great job with a lot of things, but things like extreme droughts, extreme heat waves and devastating hurricanes and tornadoes are going to make life harder on august.

No matter where we come from no matter what our economic background really, if you want to look at it as a issue of health, i don't see why everyone wouldn't be concerned, and everyone wouldn't be participating in ways to reduce the impact of climate change or reverse Global warming brother: what is that look at that? Maybe maybe uh poverty, like maybe people starving, i'm sure that they're, no matter what the united states does it's not going to make an impact on the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions as long as china and other parts of the world are increasing the greenhouse emissions, it puts The united states, oh good, you're right, it's number one dude, let's, let's all quit our jobs and and i'll become eco-friendly aunties. If it was if it was number, if it was the number one priority, what is wrong economic disadvantage? When uh, we try to transform our lives in the other countries. Just simply ignore these efforts. The united states seems to be the most held in responsible for the global warming for for doing something about it.
And that's what bothers me. You know we have a constitution and nobody ever considers that constitution uh the importance of protecting the natural rights of the individual, and i think global warming is a an infringement on those rights uh when i say global warming, at least the uh, the agenda of the Political aspect of it, i think it's time to change the world. How do we live? I i really the guy said what constitution and nobody's doing the most held for these efforts. The united states seems to be the most held in responsible for the global warming for for doing something about it.

And that's what bothers me. You know we have a constitution and nobody ever considers that constitution uh the importance of protecting the natural rights of the individual, and i think global warming is a an infringement on those rights uh when i say global warming, at least the uh, the agenda of the Political aspect of it, i think, it's time to change how we live. I i really do which we have seen, how changing our habits, changing the the resources guys. I always feel like it's gon na odd when, when um, when there's like things like moral and ethics and like you can do the right thing, whatever and people people always bring uh laws and yeah, you have the the right and yeah.

You have the right to be a. You can be nice if you want to, but you know that we use and what we pump into these. Sometimes right now, we've burst that hole in the ozone we've seen how it can change and we can change it, but we're going to have to make changes. Well, i don't believe that climate change is our biggest problem, because i don't believe that man has anything to do with it.

Climate has changed since before man existed on the planet and will continue when man is gone as a professional climate. Scientist who's done this for 50 years, i'm afraid you're, not correct. The climate evidence is very, very clear and probably the clearest evidence of all comes from ancient records where we can actually see what the planet was like before you guys say it's true it's true, because it is only don't factor in the amounts or whatever. It's always like it goes up and down like dude.
This is why climate scientists 99 on almost every study of climate scientists unanimously the scientific community ever gets and that this evidence is real and that it's happening and it's happening on every scale, from the ice caps to the ocean every place. We look, we get the same answer. No, i'm not a climate scientist, but i know a lot of them and i've heard um exactly the opposite argument made thousands of guys. It's not if you have water, okay, that that in in in in celsius, it's it's 10 degrees, 15 degrees, and then it goes to 5, 20, 5, 20 up and down up and down elbows on it.

It starts boiling it because it's that it's at 108 degrees. It's it's boiling, it's boiling it anyway! No dude, it's just getting hot okay time have shown that the water will go up and down it's just right. Now, it's just hot, settle down of scientists. Just in the united states signed a letter saying man has little.

If any effect on climate climate scientists, oh yeah, yes, they are actually doing climate research and publishing in it. Yes, they are, i don't believe. Yes, they are. I know people who have been affected by environmental regulations, so so what wow everybody agrees on this? I have a very good friend: he is a trucker.

He was able to be successful and maintain a career for 40 years. He was stopped in that career because of claims that his diesel truck was killing people through the exhaust. There was a program in los angeles, called a clean truck program that basically put him out of work because he couldn't afford to buy a new truck. So this is the kind of uh environmental regulation that hurts real people, especially here.

This is the okay boomerang here. In southern california, i'll say also that many of the people who own homes they're not allowed to water their lawns. Why? Because of environmental regulation laws which are suppressing again suppressing the natural right to use water, it seems like an underlying the method. What of environmental regulation laws they're not allowed to water their lawns? Why? Because of environmental regulation laws which are suppressing again suppressing the natural right to use water, it seems like an um who killed your long brother, who gives a issue with you.

Guys is money power choice give a about you. I grew up on a farm where there was a lot of regulation. Agriculture is very regulated and then eventually there was this regulatory thing that came in called the conservation reserve program where we had to convert a part of our land to prairie. At the time.

My dad was very angry because we lost money from that, but that conservation area also created a buffer between the farm fields and the water to capture eroding soils that it didn't go into the water and decrease the water quality. So i think, there's certain regulations that we need to look at more long-term, look at the bigger picture and although we may be losing money now we could be earning it greater in the future. We need to look at a bigger picture. I really like your point.
We need to make sure that there will be a future about the water and the regulation of water, because i can remember that from a few years ago and the reason they put that regulation in was because the snow pack wasn't there for that year. It's not like it was a random year where the government just said start charging people for water. It's because the effect of climate change, one of the aspects of it, is that we are not seeing consistent seasons and i i completely agree with a regulation that you know limits the amount of water amount of precious resources. You guys are going to hate this.

Take because you're going to hate me you're going to get mauled, but it's i think it's trash, because people need to make an effort globally. Everybody has to make an effort somewhat at least somewhat equally okay, into into being better with the environment. You guys guys believe it or not. Chad, the world is competitive, the worst companies countries it's very competitive, if you, if you, if you cut all your growth and your price and you and your juice afterwards like now, we are guys now we are zero mission.

Well now now we're rolling it. What do you think the other coaches are going to do? Dude, yo guys? This is a saving yo yo jewish, that picture expand waste, go faster waste more! That's just dude! It's it's just stupid, but we have two consumers: a regulation. A lot of us didn't like when the cost of gas went up here in california. We all had to have catalytic converters, but we've all agreed in this group that we're grateful that the air is clean.

Like it wasn't when i was a kid and we don't want those laws reversed, because we'd be back to the smog we had when i was a kid, so those regulations may not have been great at the time. They may not have made people happy, but we've all learned to live with it and now we're grateful i'd like to bring up my concern about china again on some days. The pollution levels in china can be 10 to 50 times what they are here in southern california. They simply assign their citizens to wear gas masks and then they take the jobs.

The manufacturing jobs that used to be in this area have now gone to china. I might be missing it, but are you saying that you'd rather have that? That's that's! That's that's kind of our problem manufacturing bee in california and that we all wear gas masks all the time. That's kind of that regulation that we have here that makes it expensive to have manufacturing here is what keeps us safe guys. It's it's weird, it's weird to to meet the manufacturer in the country, because it's cheaper and say: oh, my god, they're manufacturing and there's pollution over there.
What the what the guys we have a job over here, no manufacturing over there! Oh my god! Oh my god! It's polluting what the is going on over there. It's not expensive. I think you're. Misunderstanding me: you could bring manufacturing back just like president trump has done in various parts of the united states by just making the economics work, so we can still keep the clean air, but we don't need to keep beating down now.

Some of the regulations now are more severe than they were 50 years ago, and what you need to do is talk to some of these businessmen that are faced with this. On a day-to-day basis, an eco-friendly lifestyle is expensive. Not really, we all know we're paying twice. As much for gas as the rest of the country, i pay an enormous amount for energy.

In my little tiny, one-bedroom, condo, wind and solar have been subsidized, so i mean we've already paid a fortune for it all. You know why not put some of these regulations to a vote instead of the epa and all the rest of these administrative arms, placing these regulations on us taking more and redistributing more of our wealth or more of our money to pay for something that we're not Even going to use or benefit from an eco-conscious lifestyle does not need to be expensive. There are incentives that are built into our politicians that encourage people to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle, because you have control over that. A lot of things you don't have control over, but you have control over how much you're buying at a grocery store and how much you're deciding to throw away guys eco-friendly, isn't isn't all all of it 100.

It doesn't have to be that crazy, dude, dude, just taking the bus or and and doing normal, isn't crazy. It's it's and minimize that scale it back in all regard in how far you're driving in the water in the electricity in all the different sectors that impact and there are direct cost savings with not being so wasteful. I'm also an example of that. I drive an electric car and it's not that hard in los angeles, to get it charged and in the future it's going to be much easier for more and more people of electric cars, especially as the cost of internal combustion engines keeps adding up.

I spend a tremendous amount of time: recycling, plastic recycling, aluminum and about every six months. I go with a recycle guard myself and it pays off very handsomely. Aluminum is extremely valuable. There's a lot of small stop, stop bringing the car into this.

Okay. When i bought the electric car at home in texas, they just all complained. Nobody was like oh yeah, it's good. Never is it no it's above the environment.

The batteries are bad tomatoes and you can make their choices. That's. That is your. That is your choice, but what you are talking about is making choices for me.
No, you can choose to keep using water, but you're going to pay for it. You can choose to still have your green lawn. No one is coming around and saying you cannot do that, but you are going to pay for it. Look.

We can have a middle ground on this there's a lot of a lot of people that believe in these things that are totally separate from the role of climate change and a lot of these recycling and energy efficiency policies are very good and i think most people Would agree with them and most of people are trying to adhere to them. I think what we're talking about again is the imposition uh, whether you force people to have drought, resistant lawns, or you force people to have solar panels on their roof. I don't see any reason why people can't make choices like that on their own when it comes down to it. Like those choices we make what we buy.

What because they're hard to justify on the fly to put that much money in that much money and then as an investment, but it it it doesn't whatever um we voted our tickets is, it doesn't have to be expensive, but what we're trying to do is prevent These costs from getting bigger long term i mean, i think we just simply need to change some of our choices and be a little older you're, not going to convince some guy who's, paycheck to paycheck, barely living in his house. He can barely afford to put a 15 000 sun roof solar panel and say yo. You have to do it guys because you have to save the planet while we pump cool and up in this ass, 24 7. Hundreds hundreds of hundreds of thousands of pounds, but you you got you us corp billionaires, we're pumping at that.

Oh, we can do that, but you you piece of the paint chicken paycheck fix your roof, you. What the is that mentality? What the what i thought about this you dude! Yes, i dare definitely worry about our future uh. It's something i think about a lot uh, because i watch and because i work with the data from climate science all over the country and all over the world uh, and i especially worry because i have three young sons. One of them just has his birthday today and i'm very worried that the planet they're going to inherit is already going to be much much more difficult to live on than the one i inherited or when my parents gave to me.

The constitution, preamble last part of it, says uh to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, i'm concerned about them having liberty having the freedom. Some people think that we don't have the right to chew. Having liberty to ourselves this dude, this guy is just to secure the constitution. Preamble last part of it says to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, oh, my god, having liberty having the freedom.

Some people think that we don't have the right to choose. You know how we should live. I mean because you want to enforce your way of life on others um. I have four grandsons that i love more than life.
I fear for their future that they that they are going to be living in a socialist country, because this is what this leads to. I don't have a voice in this state at all. I have no voice. I worry about this future because i have four nieces.

A nephew and i'd like to have come back some hoes, don't vote complain, complain about the votes when they don't get counted and even vote for themselves. I i i can't i didn't, do someday and have kids, and so i think about the future and how degraded the environment could be, how the amount of co2 we're putting into the air in greenhouse gases increases. But i'm hopeful because i found that there are people living in way worse conditions than i am and they're full of hope, because they understand that they have choices, that they can work hard to make a better life for themselves. I don't know about you guys, but at least for me, i'm going to make choices that improve the environment, improve public health and leave this place better for for the future generations guys.

This is fair enough, though hi natalie howard, i'm just i'm, not i'm not in fear. I have made the choice to not have children and i honor that decision, and we all have that choice and i don't operate from a place of fear. A big question that i don't know if we've addressed today or if we ever will address, is who takes responsibility for the impact that we're having, because we know that we have an impact. So i just believe in using our purchasing power our political power, through our vote through supporting policies that are going to create healthier communities and basically doing the best that we can so that we can continue to enjoy our environment now and for future generations.

Hey everybody! Nice to meet you. Thank you, professor interesting. Thank you very listen. Listen as a takeaway check, guys, i'm not going to debate this.

Okay, i'm not going to make the stats and the whatever the you guys are talking about, because i'm i'm not. Okay, i'm not going to do that. What i can tell you is that stop complaining when somebody does something that isn't 100 you'll never have 100, it's just not feasible, okay, but like if somebody does something that is better. That's take that say, yeah! You know what celebrate that if he does something that is, that is a better say: yo man, that's cool, good job man.

That's all i get, but don't say: oh dude, oh you did better. You could have done the best, though you don't be like that. We live in a society of progress, we're getting somewhere market, underline it and celebrate when you take a step forward, stop being mad that you're not at the top of the staircase, we will never be at the top of staircase ever. I don't think at least one step, two step celebrate the steps man tonight.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Xqc loses his mind watching this video!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GFRIEND says:

    Takes pepePain

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trethetree says:

    Its 1 am but im watching this video anyways

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s0up says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okayeg says:

    epic reaction as always mr xqCOW!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pyroboss15 says:

    ª Ñ

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yuhhuh says:

    Just find your mind again 4Head

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Animal Life With Leo says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sch007 says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kleist Schaefer says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MaestroLilA says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RainbowSixNerd says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s0up says:

    Fuck yeah

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcos M says:

    Let’s gooooo!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aVe says:


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