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On the 15th of November 2018, John Alan Chow took a boat to North Sentinel Island expecting a peaceful welcome. made it back home. Although before we talk about who he was, what he was doing, and how he came to meet his fate, let's first talk about the island itself. In the Bay of Bengal between India and Thailand North Sentinel Island measures 6 km wide, long and is home to one of the last uncontacted tribes on all of planet Earth.

The tribe is known to Outsiders as The Sentinel E, who have an estimated population of between 15 and 500 people. However, there's a reason why taking an accurate measurement is almost impossible. They're unbelievably hostile to anybody who tries to visit the island. The first example of this came in 1867 when an Indian merchant ship wrecked on the Island's reef, and while the 106 passengers might have thought that they'd stumbled upon Paradise, this couldn't have been further from the truth.

Without warning, the ship's crew were attacked by the trib's bow and arrows and were only able to survive by returning fire with sticks and stones found on the beach. They were rescued by a British Steamboat one week later. Yet, the captain of the Shipwreck went on to describe the Sentinal by writing the Savages were perfectly naked with short hair and red painted noses and were opening their mouth and making sounds like part on off. Their arrows appeared to be tipped with iron.

The Intriguing nature of the tribe led a party of armed British officials to return 13 years later in 1880, at which point they'd find quite a network of Pathways and several small villages that look to have been freshly aband abandoned that eventually find four Sentinel children as well as an elderly couple who were kidnapped by the party and taken back to the nearby city of Port Blair. However, their stay didn't last very long as all six Sentinel sickened rapidly and the old man and his wife died. so the four children were sent back to their home with quantities of presents. 16 years after this, a Hindu convict escaped on a makeshift raft from the adjacent Great Anderman Island only to wash up 50 km West in the worst place imaginable.

North Sentinel A search party found his body lying on the beach pierced with iron Arrows with his death, sending a clear enough message for nobody to return to the island for almost 80 years. However, in 1974, a film crew shooting a documentary called Man in Search A man landed on the island to leave gifts. We came at last to what is known as the North Sentinel Island Although some Expeditions had landed here, the sentinelles had never been cited. We left Gifts of coconuts, knives Links of cloth a pig after which the Sentinel a were caught on camera for the very first time.

Oh ch ch ch, Are they going to be naked or not? CH Are they naked or not? Cuz I'm not trying to get banned bro, What are those moving shapes? Are they human? Bra glimpse of the Sentinel This tribe believes in total isolation. It will not tolerate the stream as is obvious in the footage. The tribe had no interest in making friends and rather buried half of the gifts that bro bro y, chat, chat, chat given before shooting arrows toward the film crew. A member of our film unit was wounded by one of the many arrows each 2 and A2 M long.
He will carry this car till his death. Guys, come on, just tell me dude. CH Come on man. Okay, I'm saying a chat, chat.

Listen. listen guys. listen. Twitch doesn't care if it's educational dude.

they will clap I will get clapped, Chat right. Somebody watch ahead of me and just tell me if on Google Maps you zoom into the coastline on the Island's northwest corner, you'll find a different boat, which now acts as a permanent reminder of North Sentinel's hostility and unrecoverable Ility. The ship going by the name of the MV Primrose had been transporting farming supplies to Australia before wrecked on the unfortunate location in 1981. The ship's passengers were incredibly lucky because at the time, this entire area was underwater, keeping them at a safe distance while they organized their rescue.

In the meantime, The Sentinel Le Observed the ship from their beach with the crew members describing the tribe as well-built frizzy haed and black. They were naked except for narrow belts that circled their waists and they were holding Spears bows and arrows which they had begun waving in a manner that seemed not altogether friendly. However, while almost every example so far displays the Sentinel A as an Untouchable group of brutes, it would be exactly 10 years later when a single Anthropologist did possible. He made peaceful contact for the very first time.

Te and Pandit had been dropping gifts and coconuts to the island one or two months since 1967. Although for the first 24 years of doing so, the Sentinel A maintained their hostility. But all of this changed on the 4th of January 1991 when the tribe that he was only there to help Pandit described this day in 2,000 interview with theer of the Sentinel started running down the beach and splashing through the surf toward the dingy the CH high water. One of the young something me and handed coconuts to the tribesmen as they crowded around him.

A few weeks later, he returned to North Sentinel with another Expedition. This time several Sentinel men went so far as to climb into the dinghy and grab entire sacks of coconuts. Pandit was alone in the water with a group of Sentinel e. One of the young tribesmen looked at him, scalled, pulled out an iron bladed knife and made a gesture Pandit says like he was going to cut out my heart.

Maybe he thought I was planning to stay on the island but the dinghy quickly returned to pick Pandit up. He would return to North Sentinel several more times before retiring from the Anthropological Survey in 1992. The interaction showed that peaceful contact with the tribe was possible, although only after a significant period of trust building. And even after T and Pandit's unique interaction The Sentinel Le retain their hostility toward any unfamiliar outsider.
For example, after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake caused the worst tsunami in recorded human history right next to North Sentinel Island a helicopter was sent out to see if the tribe had survived from such a catastrophic event. Well, not only were the Sentinel Le somehow doing just fine, but their response to the help offered by the Indian government was to throw Spears arrows and rocks toward the helicopter. 2 years later, in 2006, two men aged 48 and 52 were fishing for mud crabs near the island. However, the pair got so drunk that while sleeping, the anchor of the boat, which was a rock tied to a rope, fell apart and drifted the men toward North Sentinel.

The following morning, fellow fishermen said they tried to shout at the men and warned them that they were in danger. However, they did not respond. They were probably drunk and the boat drifted into the shallows where they were attacked and killed. A government helicopter was sent to recover the bodies.

However, given the trib's hostility, all they were able to get was this photo, after which A 5.6 km exclusion Zone was enforced by the Indian government making it illegal for anybody to visit the island. This, in combination with every other example so far, paints a very simple picture: Do Not visit North Sentinel Island under any circumstances However Unfortunately, John Alan Chow never got the message. Born on the 18th of December 1991, in the state of Alabama John grew up in what seemed to be a standard Christian household with two parents and two siblings. As he got older, John began to get into various outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and kaying which when combined with his religious background, inspired him to become an adventure blogger and Christian Missionary on his Instagram John displayed his trips to countless different countries, including Mexico South Africa and Canada Each of which being documented on his Rugged Trail website.

However, there was one location that John had his s set on, which would make all the others seem insignificant. North Sentinel He grown obsessed with the idea of visiting the island during his previous trip to the Andman in 2016, and judging from the quotes he posted to his Facebook John seemed to have been inspired by another missionary named Jim Elliott who was killed in the ' 50s whilst preaching to a native tribe in Ecuador. Although, according to the head of the mission he was working for, John was significantly more prepared all child's decisions including if these guys don't speak a language that we don't understand, why they try to go missionary them into religion or something like that while talking them in a language they don't get. This makes no this could take decades like what his studies of sports, science and training and working as a Wilderness emergency medical technician and classes he took in linguistics and cultural anthropology were in preparation to share Jesus with the North Sentinel E.
He was very well prepared for this moment. On the 21st of October 2018 John posted this image to social media showing that he was back in the nearby city of Port Blair where unbeknownst to his family, he was planning his trip to what he called Satan's last stronghold. AKA North Sentinel Island On the 15th of November 2018 only 25 days after Leing back in the Andamans, John began a journal to document his trip to North Sentinel with his first entry stating that a group of fishermen had agreed to take him to the island illegally. I Met last night with a fishermen who are all believers and agreed to drop me off Jonathan won't be accompanying me as they will be at Sea doing their regular fishing Maneuvers to avoid raising suspicion and there is a high chance that they get checked by the Indian coast guard.

The meeting went well I Trust them though. I'm the only English speaker so there's quite a language Gap and I'm relying on the Holy Spirit to direct us. The Drop Zone was pointed out on the map as being a Cove on the southwest of the island and I depart in three or so hours. God I Thank you for choosing me before I was even formed in my mother's womb to be your messenger for your great news to the people of North Sentinel Island John Then explained his plan for First Contact By the plan is to link up with Wa.

how can the Holy Spirit guide you like? that is why is it isn't that like Jesus Take the wheel and then you let go of the wheel and it goes. Random the crew tonight and depart tonight. arriving at the shore around 4:00 a.m. From there, we make Progressive contact with fish as gifts over the next few days and then send me off.

We might even send a kayak Laden with gifts towards Shore the following day John Explained that his trip to the island went as planned. by writing at 4:30 we entered the Cove on the western shore which was followed by his first attempt at contact. Approximately 4 hours later, around 8:30 I got two large fish around 15 lb. It felt like I put them on top of the kayak and began rowing.

two armed Sentinel E came rushing out yelling at me. They had two arrows each unstrung until they got closer. I hollered my name is John I Love you and Jesus loves you you Jesus Christ Gave me the authority to come to you I regret I began to panic slightly as I saw them string arrows in their bows I picked up the half tuna and threw it toward them. They kept coming I back paddled facing them and then when they got the fish I turned and paddled like I never have in my life back to the boat I Felt some fear but mainly was disappointed They didn't accept me right away I can now say I've been nearly shot by The Sentinel e and I've walked on and cashed gear on their Island now I'm resting on the boat and we'll try again later John escaped his first encounter unhard armed.
However, as mentioned in the previous entry, he planed on returning for a second encounter which miraculously he' survived once again I waited my kayak toward the Hut I'd been chased from on initial contact. Sure enough, as I got there I heard the whoops and shouts from the Hut I made sure to stay out of Arrow range but unfortunately that meant I was also out of good hearing range. so I got a little closer and as they about six from what I could see yelled at me I tried to what the would he he even listen to to here What? Baba Baba Baba da like What dud laughing most of the time so they probably were saying bad words or insulting me I yelled some phrases and sang them some worship songs and hymns and they would often fall silent after this. Here's where this nice meet and greet went: South a This is not cult insensitive they.

L they really said earlier. the sound that they make it that was both with bows came behind and I kept waving my hands to say no bows but they didn't get the memo I Guess then a little kid with bow and arrow came down the middle and I figured this was it. So I preached a bit to them starting in Genesis and disembark my kayak to show them that I two have two legs but the little kid I was that racist. You don't even know what, You don't know who these people are.

You don't even know what. You don't know what these guys are dumbass shot me with an arrow directly into my Bible which I was holding in front of my chest I stumbled back and I recall yelling at the kid for shooting me I had to swim almost a mile back to the boat at the mouth of the Cove. The plan now is to rest and sleep on the boat. Bo By this point John already had an unbelievable story for the ages He had gone to the island, survived his first day, returned on a second day was shot by the Sen Le's Point Blank but lived to tell the tale after the pages in his Bible decided to spare his life.

However, as the journal entries continued, it became obvious that John was happy for his legacy to be the guy who died trying to preach his religion to the tribe. Lord Let your will be done. If you want me to get actually shot or even killed with an arrow, then so be it. I think think I could be more useful alive though.

but to you God I Give all the glory of whatever happens I don't want to die. Would it be wiser to leave and let someone else continue? No. I don't think so. I Still could make it back to the US somehow as it almost seems like certain death to stay here, yet there is evidence of change in just to Encounters in a single day.

We'll try again tomorrow the following day John Wrote his final entry in the journal beginning with woke up after a fairly Restless sleep heading to Island now I Hope this isn't my last notes, but if it is to God be the Glory before going on to write a goodbye message to his family reading Brian and Marilyn and Mom and Dad You guys might think I'm crazy in all of this, but I think it's worth it to declare Jesus to these people. please not be angry at them or a God if I get killed, please live your lives. how would you even do that how in obedience to whatever he calls you to And I'll see you again when you pass through the veil. Don't retrieve my body I Love you all and I pray that none of you love anything in this world more than Jesus Christ Written from The Cove on the South Westish more like west of North Sentinel Island 16th of November 2018 6:20 A.m.
In the days that followed, his family made post to John's Instagram reading one sorry chat, one last question chat in life, there's a big. There's probably hundreds of thousands millions of people that aren't religious right? Why don't Why doesn't he just go knock at doors and missionary them and be like guys? Jesus Christ Maybe you could go to Jesus Christ to be guided by Jesus Christ which is fair enough. I I I Think people are allowed 100% to um, missionary and and and and say yo guys would you guys be interested to hear about Jus Christ that goes on an island of 15 people that don't speak any language known to these guys. Okay, on a boat which is talk with bow and arrows.

Like why. we recently learned from an unconfirmed report that John Allan Cha was reported killed in India while Raing reaching out to members of The Sentinel a tribe in the Andaman Islands words cannot express the sadness we have experienced about this report. He was a beloved Son brother, uncle and best friend to us to others. He was a Christian Missionary A wilderness AMT an international soccer coach and a mountaineer.

He loved God life helping those in need and had nothing but love for the Sentinel A's people as a family. We ask for your understanding and respect for him and US during this time thank you the Chow Family 3 months later Jon's father criticized religion for the death of his son, stating: if you have anything positive to say about religion I wish not to see or hear it John is gone because the Western ideology overpowered my Confucian influence. He blamed Evangelicals extreme Christianity for pushing his child to a not unexpected end which is a Viewpoint often repeated across social media platforms John Alancha is not a murder, just a dumb American who thought the tribals needed Jesus When the tribals already lived in harmony with God and nature for years without outside interference, stupidity cannot be considered to be a modom. This video will I mean I mean bro.

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘an american tourist sailed to north sentinel. it ended badly’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James{}Aston says:

    Lol! Not to wish to speak ill of the dead but what on earth did he think was going to happen?
    So, but his Christian voice inside taught him to be self righteous and not give a toss about anybody else’s cultures, opinions or anything else.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gianni says:

    His story reminds me of the guy who was drowning in a flood and kept praying to God to save him despite being given 10 different chances to pull himself out of the flood. The bible saved his life and he interprets that as a sign to keep going? Please.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adonis parts says:

    I mean, at least he only endangered himself with his antics, unless he could bring a disease or something idk

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 김치킨 says:

    I just dont understand people that are overly religious.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Dont Know says:

    This might sound weird but it would be interesting to see how they would react if a naked black man/woman like them goes to the island in a boat, would they be friendly?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt L says:

    a Christian "missionary" aka someone who forces their religion on others. I'm glad bad things happened to them

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheOmnipotence says:

    Send a black man in as spy

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Droomy says:

    Just go there with guns and switch the roles

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wild Animal says:

    Just use a drone.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyat says:

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