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#xQc #athene #twitch

People I Have I have seen the night I am the human of the alliance I am a theme of them I would never the Shimmer turned the cult leader. That's insane to make a bit about that I Know holy I Know anything about this only be in a short time. but I Missed you bro I I Know you believe it or not exactly. Did one of the world's best successful YouTubers and streamers managed to fall so far Into Obscurity that he Now talks to a total of four people during his live streams. This is the story of Athene or Bashir Bumazo in 2007 back when YouTube Yes guys, you guys are not gonna. You guys are not gonna hear him like me say he sent this again yeah you know now he's kind of like weird or whatever. Okay I'm not kidding it. this guy is like a pioneer of entertainment in this field. Okay yep she did IRL streams right before anybody did this right. He made it in video format which is over to be streams but trust me on it. Okay, it was seen. it was insane how good fun it was. or Bashir Bumazo in 2007 back when YouTube was still in its infancy Bashir created a character known as Athene who would go on to become a voice for all Gamers Athene's personality quality was that of a glorified troll who would lavish in his conceit and greatness. Central To the personality of Athene were claims of gaming accolades nerds could only dream of with Tall Tales of being rank one in World of Warcraft having a perceived hot girlfriend and a loyal group of friends behind him. Athene not only seen look at the talk the IRL dude. this went hard him to effectively blur the line of his true personality and that of a degenerate gamer. but how did one of the biggest names in the digital world go from interviews on CNN and having a TED talk to Shilling Crypto mobile Games live on YouTube Foreign Most of you will remember a theme from the good old Days on YouTube but according to his own documentary, he actually had a successful career before YouTube was even a thought seven years before the character Athene was born Bashir lived in Belgium and broke out onto the scene as one of the 20 housemates on Big Brother A Belgian Reality I Didn't know that but he was evicted. all right. So not a good start, but he was still young at 20 years old. They're saying cult leader Okay, well he's gonna say me in five years they're gonna make a cult dumbass in local elections as part of a Youth Organization undergrowing Belgium's green party. Five years later, he co-founded his own political protest organization called Knee. As the spokesman for Knee, he aimed at helping citizens who were frustrated at elected officials since it's mandatory to vote in Belgium Knee gave voters in out by allowing them to cast blank ballots during this time time Needs Lead candidate for the Belgian Senate was Tanya Dervos. This could have been one giant troll to the earliest known in cells out there using shock value marketing techniques to get their voices heard. He easily could have thought that this would secure them a spot in the Belgian government. She actually went through with her promise it was essentially Vrpo before Vrport Me would ultimately die out. Failing to win local and federal elections in both 2006 and 2000s which left Bashir on his own. So he gathered his friends and decided to try something new foreign talking other players in the famous MMORPG World of Warcraft Besides being a time capsule back to 2008, it captures the entire Persona of Athene being arrogant and self-centered The video features his trusted second in commands who is zoned out in the back while Athene amusingly Rambles on that, he's the best Paladin and everyone else sucks at the game if you look close enough to see the light bulb appear above his head. I'm going to do this for the rest of my life. This is who I am now and so Athene was born. More videos were posted showcasing Athene's instigator. Behavior This is the Golden Days of YouTubers because people make content in the content. they don't make videos on them would go big-ass views or something, would have none, but he would just upload all time and you know that's a good own days. I Don't know why because now people, all they do is post stuff that matches and works with the algorithm and people only do stuff that no will stick in the way that makes Packaged Dog right. These are the people that that wanted to make it actual content and they posted content. That's not how it is these days though, it's by the internet. The problem with nailing down who exactly a theme is is that he switches personalities Whenever it suits him. He has his World of Warcraft personality gamer troll, a political, philosophical and scientific personality, and a cryptocurrency meta-ironic personality that can be best described as it's all a scheme to get your money and it's working. It's almost as if you need to play some sort of character to get famous. These videos were so good and not organic at all anymore. Bro, how am I not organ Panic The best part about it was people would get so Furious on the forums because they didn't know if he was being serious or not. But what I liked about Athene is that he was just such. He was such an Unapologetic true and I just always really liked that a lot. Athene found this out early but ended up thinking the more characters the merrier. Now you can say that these are just his interests, but when he justifies behavior for one of them, he just hides behind the character. No one could have known the depths of his character back then. and the theme had a knack for capturing audiences climbing to one of the top three most subscribed YouTube channels. It says, you stop bullying me, man. As to why Athene found explosive success: One of the most popular and revolutionary MMORPGs of its day. with over 12 million active players at its peak, Athene was seen as a gamer God He also had an entire group of people behind him his closest friend Rhys Leeson Reese's brother codenamed Furious Ian the cameraman Tanya Athene's girlfriend and clickbait and dozens of others. This team Dynamic actually allowed him to have an impact on the Internet by scaling content and initiatives faster than smaller channels. I Mean, if you want to make it on YouTube today, you literally need a team. Athene also used the motto to gather to the top or TTT for short in order to boost engagement, get it to the top. This meant that Athene would personally congratulate and incentivize those who created a YouTube video or any digital content which praised him. a glorified sub. For sub a virtual, you scratch my back and I scratch yours giving him more attention and views for basically nothing besides an incredible amount of time. Think of it like Cameo a personalized message for anyone who. a burger top is a perfect example. They put a a sticker on the top. they either rip through yeah, I think it's Five Guys because you open the bag easy True, but you're watching my stream, you're sniping. Yeah, but he had no way to truly monetize his content. There were no partner programs or sponsors back in the day, unlike this video, which is why today's video is sponsored by Zebiotics engineered by PhD of Zebiotics pre-alcohol probiotic. by clicking the link down below and using my code Philion and thank you to Zebiotics for sponsoring this video. So through media connections and determination, he was able to make a feature film and a TV series revolving around him. Despite the success of Athene, people began to point out the fact that he was carried in arenas to rank one that he boosted his League of Legends account and was potentially viewbotting his twitch streams to make it appear well I mean people, he was watching him. However, this controversy never seemed to bother him. After all, he had big plans. Ipower was Athene's way of creating a movement, a lifestyle. It had three principles that you must follow. You had to be open-minded You had to actively be thinking to put their Vision into. yeah about my view about My Views But you can't prove it, can you So practice? Ipower was essentially just Athene's self-help YouTube channel. This was a strange time for Athene and his team as they gravitated towards a more philosophical understanding of the world around them. I Guess Athene just wanted to hit every demographic. In 2011, he would post Athene's Theory of Everything This video supposedly explains no science and has solutions to many unsolved problems in physics. This was such a drastic switch from his usual content, so as you could guess, his audience didn't know how to react. But if you've been paying attention, this didn't come out of the blue. Athene admitted in an interview that he wanted to poke people and get them to start thinking about metaphysical topics. One year later, the government offline stopped streaming and submitted and making YouTube for like a long time I'm making this new thing. we're like a host A campaign called Operation Share Aircraft through the Save the Children organization. Through streaming, Athene raised one million dollars for this initiative. The fame along with cult-like Community Support awarded him his own item in the popular MOBA League of Legends Holy Grail This one million grew to more than 10 million dollars by March of 2015.. However, the project didn't stop there and eventually raised an astounding 20 million dollars which solidified a theme. as an ambassador for Save The Children However, not everyone was convinced myself included. After all, 20 million dollars is an absurd amount of money. Any of the numbers that numbers that he's giving, it's not possible possible to raise that much money. During the height of Athene, he gained a partnership with a razor that would further Place him on the Gamer God pedestal. During the Dream Hack in 2014, a theme piloted protests against Net Neutrality, swaying back into the political sphere. Undoubtedly Athene's charity work is something that he and his team should be proud of, but he's living proof that you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. One thing Athene understood then and now is viral marketing, clickbaiting his own girlfriend and spouting out loud. He did it so well though all for the sake of attention. Ironically enough, Athene was doing exactly what streamers do today. he preached that he was the best at World of Warcraft Like a theme to this day I think probably has made the best wow content of everybody ever. It was like this really really good mix of real life stuff and like wow stuff and it was like the lifestyle that was like associated with it. even started gambling. The man did it all. In fact, Athene was so good at poker he turned five dollars into three hundred thousand in one year. And just like Streamers with their gambling, it was all too good to be true. A theme going by the name Shiren 80 and another player 3j55 were given Partnerships to help promote the pokerstar's brand. I Figured out a loophole where they could earn 100 rakeback on every transaction. They would chip dump back and forth on different tables, making money from every single hand that they played. They took blind advantage of the technicality for too long their employer PokerStars found out and repercussions were settled behind closed doors. This could have been because Poker Stars didn't exactly have a stellar reputation either. They'd been known to screw over their own professional players zest. Let's make one thing clear. without a doubt, Athene was ahead of his time. He was crazy. He was charitable. He was a troll. He was a thief. He was scamming with crypto I'm not Father was written into the social media influencers Playbook Yes, he raised a ton of money for Charities but uses it as the basis for his moral superiority when deflecting his mistakes. There are even people who believe yes, he scammed people with fake crypto. but at least the money is going to a charity if you have to scam people to donate, what the hell is the point? And no one really knows how much of the money he kept for himself. Luckily, Athene scams didn't gain as much popularity as he once had. Maybe because he admitted to it all on stream. it's all a show in a Fugazi. We promote it that way. Nobody's telling you this is real. Okay, it's a show. Okay, let's say you get scammed even if you do get scanned. Okay, whatever, you got scammed. Okay, I told you guys, it's all a scam so it's not even an argument. If I go to my viewers right? and I say get purpose and doobie, you're gonna get scanned and you get on it. then nobody else. you can't go afterwards. People say like that goes to come That goes no, it's it's part of the show man. Clearly this is my friend right? But isn't that exactly what Adam did on stream and everybody's like him? Yep, that's fine. I mean excuse me. Everyone knew it was a scam the whole time. This is not only the face of a pathetic grease slime ball, this is also the face of a successful cult leader running a very successful scam through Twitch right now. If you've been on the internet for any length of time specifically I mean YouTube I never stabbed a singular Penny ever we're gonna scamming him. Be on YouTube This unsavory face definitely come across. This is a theme of World of Warcraft Fame This man is still just barely around, but he has a very devote following of lunatics. Just absolutely. What do you mean? What about Ex Calling Maniacs These people would get across that was a broken glass and molten rocks. Yeah, while he's pissing, that was an RP man and they would be taking that golden shower with a smile and a big thank you. Perhaps Athene thought that beings oh I scanned you guys I told you not the gamble. You still did them. Oh however, Athene's Fame began to crumble. He simply became a liability which was no longer adequate for big name brands. Razer who had been with Athene since 2012, ended their partnership with him due to the building allegations. If you were to take a look at his life now guys, there are things to talk about. Dude other people just say scammer when it's there's no, there's no skip, Don't yes, don't give me I didn't smell. It's just sad he lives in a commune with an entire group of volunteers, which Athene says is led by Rhys. According to him, he doesn't run the show anymore. He is merely a bystander who does an occasional stream here and there, but it's really just people popping in to see if he's alive. This team or movement as he calls it is named The Singularity group if you want to see inside the group. YouTuber Budesu joined their living quarters named the Compound, and still works for the team today. The building they live in is apparently owned by Reese who provides them with shelter. There's even meal plans, and in turn, they work on Gaming For Good Gaming For Good is a non-profit whose mission is apparently of charitable opportunities for all gamers. In other words, they make games and use the money you spend on said games for their own charitable opportunities. The game that supposedly generates the most money for the group is Clash of streamers or mobile mini-games a casual mobile game where you spend his coins for some awesome prizes. And if you didn't already know Athene's cryptocurrencies, purpose or Prps and Doobie are twitch. The platform he streamed on didn't stop his crypto scam, but did ban him once the controversy was revealed. Though today, Athene has a Twitch account where he just pushes his mobile games because was that's all he has left. Don't I mean even at the time we'll call that out. On top of that, he was also viewbotting. I Don't give a saying these days. He was literally viewbotting. There was so much proof, It was insane. Forget it didn't matter like nobody did anything to push their crypto or just a way to make revenue for the Singularity group. Without it, the company would go bankrupt. Oddly enough, the game relies on you drooling over Athene as his face is plastered all over the place. Who is playing this? You can see he puts scam levels at the bottom because he's ironically scamming. Try Never okay, Train never. If you bother with steak again, people can say train did this that I You know, dude, you're probably right. Trend is a bunch of okay, but Train it didn't view Bots Okay, and here's a here's a proof: Trains Internet is a dog okay. and while he's the gambling streams, his stream would literally go down entirely without even the chance of it. Anybody Go back online, you would just see about the same amount of numbers of yours when they would come back on. literally. That is literally. the best argument against Yubasa, because that's how they just forget it. If you don't know if you don't have Azure works just like it. don't don't talk to me. Nowadays, Athene receives little to no views on a stream or Channel which is a stark contrast to his videos in the past even if they were click bait and I'm not the first one to point this out. Both Dr K and People Make Games have interviewed a theme after they had heard about several controversies surrounding him and the Singularity Group. According to ex-members of the Communist Evidence Abuse which occurred at Compound, Chris Bratt led the investigation into the abuse scandals but did not receive the answers he wanted in the video. Athene refuses to take any responsibility when confronted with a simple, genuine question He will never answer yes or no blame, cancel culture, or rely on convoluted ways of cryptic speech to muddy the original question or point. The emotional abuse that Chris Bratt was investigating is detailed by a woman chat. If they if they if you bought a trainer then they would have viewboted me. Does that make sense? Why not? as Katarina who fled the Singularity Group and exposed abuse and manipulation inflicted upon her by Athene Katarina claimed he threatened to sue her for death. They did. Dude did it I lost Bruce Playing them up I got reverse bonded. As of three years ago, Katarina has been so heavily influenced by Athene that she has left and rejoined his cult several times. Someone as narcissistic as a theme, whether the character or actually himself, has a hard time letting go or moving on from their once prosperous social media career. It's why, if you tune in, you'll see him live for six people maybe taking long breaks between his rants to address the lack of activity in chat when you've achieved this level of delivery one year ago, in China when you've achieved this level of delusion, nothing matters except the next breadcrumb of attention, validation, or support. I Would venture to say that the Articles written about him, including his Wikipedia were probably by Athene's team. painting him in a positive light. Nothing is mentioned about scamming scandals and controversies strategically left out. It's not as hard as you think to take over SEO especially when you have a dedicated team. From Raising millions of dollars for charity to making worldwide news outlets, interviews sponsors Partnerships to scamming people through cryptocurrency you can get lucky with SEO literally me as a person X you see the name I got super liquid SEO Yes, it was insane, right and see and Clinging On to any hope of it I didn't do I didn't do anything. seemed inevitable once his facade began to fade. Athene wasn't the greatest gamer in the world. He understood clickbait and how to manipulate algorithms both online poker and YouTube his secret weapon was exploiting the very games that he played at one point in his career. a theme made the conscious decision to push his vision one step further through the Singularity group. He believed he could take his donations from the millions to the billions although this was never the actual plan. Rhys and Athene hid behind layers of irony while pushing their scam the entire time. Extent to which we are able to squeeze these poor suckers you wouldn't believe. Excuse me believing it right now. You're having trouble grasping it right now. But I would just say stick around in the chat for a few days and you will start to see is Bailey going on? Yeah, it takes a while for you to understand that this is exactly what's going on. We really built up this community we we took many, many years of slowly building up. Hey what's up Been a while hardcore I Haven't seen you in like forever. Actually forever of dumb suckers that happen to have quite some money from uh I think it's Rich she wants extra fun mommies and daddies or something. Um, and now we're finally cashing in on it. Athene understood that in order for all of his deranged goals to work, he would have to be in control. This is why he created a compound structure with volunteers that were viewed as dedicated workers. A thief. Why a wrong person? No, it's not clean. Masquerades as a hero of the people, all while lacking the self-awareness to realize that he's been digging his own social media grave this entire time. At this point, he clings to the hope of getting an ounce of his popularity back. He insists that he's still in control and has the answers. Admitting his mistakes or humility is not part of Athene's blurred amalgamation of his identity. There is no Bashir Bumasa. There is no shiren. There is only the end game character of Athene, a man who has adapted but in all the wrong ways. His narcissism doesn't allow him to communicate genuinely. Viewers are left with scrambled Minds One could even mistake his Gish Galloping for intelligence. Some of you may feel right. Man, it's not as his channel now exists as an artifact of the Bible Oh my. God Stop bullying me with this dude will never be accepted back. You know the founder of Scientology what he said. he said, if you want to make some money, you start a business. But if you want to score big bucks, you start a religion. Now you guys know where I get my inspiration from. Why do you guys think I I Like to look like Tom Cruise You think that's coincidence? no more for the cult Felix Felix Thank you man. What the 15? What? So if you guys come at me right? that's not me, You guys are you know that's not me I Swear What the and go like man a thing a thing. Make this in a expose me I swear What the I'm not saying I'm just milking your little gullible, mindless, soulless, dumbed brains I Can say it right now and people are still throwing me money. Actually made more money in the last five minutes I Make the past days you see it's paying off. it wasn't I was broke at the time man I would never be able to donate Man Okay I was in debt because of addiction to poker online. Okay man. okay I was broke as and I was like 2K in debt. it was a poker man. Dude yo this is X x on this video I'm going through my voice as well. that is anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry. anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘athene: the streamer turned cult leader’ by philion”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alyana Vega says:

    Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior,but"Growing money is knowledge"I figured this out a week ago💯.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crimnvL says:

    XQC glazzing crazy

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Purr_purr_meow_meow says:

    “xQc Cult Leader in 3 years”
    This MF eats toe nails how is he gonna run a cult

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Smìx says:

    >Xqc having literally a cult
    Xqc : Clueless

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sho3z says:

    I remember when he used to be the best ret pally in the world

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carmaniax says:

    Xqc literally never fully reacts to a video. He either walks away from his pc to do something or just doesnt pay any attention at all

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dudok22 says:

    Lol I remember when he came on to Destiny stream to explain how he actually solved physics and math and that he is the new Einstein

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SneakyCroww says:

    Hahahahaha the amount of similarities In this video had me laughing literally XQC in 3 years

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bagel The Donut says:

    Crazy Philion used to do those natty or nots back then and now he’s doing more diverse stuff

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryCv says:

    Was gona comment Athene was ahead of his time but the video says it but yeah dude was on the whole crypto get behind me blindely cuz im a big streamer gimick since day one he pioneered that shit. Also alot of other good content which is kinda sad.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fumachi says:

    Athene is actually a chill guy

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