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Basically, making fun of people to their face right, uh to me that that's really what's up and it's more fun, it's actually more! It's just that's the crime here, the crime isn't that they're, nazis and they're racist, which they might be, and i'm sure they are accelerationists. Who are people who are just basically nihilists, who don't give a and want to see the world burn and like to me. That's probably a worse thing than being anything because because you really are anti-human and you're selfish. What? If i told you that one of the most successful nft collections in the world was pulling off the biggest troll in internet history? No, not convincing people that this ugly is art or that it has any value.

What if i told you that hidden yacht club was a series of 4chan trolling, racist, imagery and white supremacy, dog whistles and with a deep understanding of cipher and cryptography, the founders of board apiaclup are making a mockery of the entire world, pulling the strings of the Global elite, including celebrities, athletes, actors and influencers, this story is extremely complicated for many reasons. The problem with accepting the truth, i'm about to tell you, is that you have to have extensive knowledge of 4chan internet culture and symbolism to even wrap your head around this and understand the mind. The most important fact, i'm about to tell you that you must remind yourself as we go along, is that the entirety of board api club is esoteric by design. It is only meant to be understood by a select number of people with specialized knowledge and, as you can see here, it is considered based when others, with that knowledge connect the dots bro.

I thought it was a type of triangle, esoteric man, almost holy references present and board. A biac club are glaringly obvious to the in-crowd and are invisible to anyone who isn't terminally online. I might as well be speaking a different language. If i don't, prime, you on every aspect of this elaborate cipher combine this with board api club being valued at over a billion dollars, and you have yourself the gold medalists of the troll olympics.

I had my doubts about all of this. That was until i spoke with one of the top creative directors and internet artists in the world, who is an expert of internet culture, 4chan and trolling, an artist who has worked with kanye, west grimes and tame impala among other creative projects that you've definitely seen january 2022, a website goes live called signed at the very bottom. Was the signature of ryder rips ryder rips is eccentric and is a trendsetter in every regard. He created the deal with it, meme dump fm internet, archaeology and v files when it comes to the internet.

Ryder rips is one of the most innovative artists of our generation. It's no secret that he uses internet culture and the nature of trolling to amplify his artistic messages. If there's anyone to educate others on iconography and the meaning behind art, it's ryder, rips and if i happen to be the founders of an nft project, manipulating the masses into asserting value on racist imagery. I would not with him for the past six months, ryder rips and other researchers have collected all of the data and sources that highlight board ape yacht club's successful, but depraved continued stun and i say continued because they still operate unchecked.
4Chan is the gutter founded in 2003 by 15 year old, christopher moo pool this message board serves as a place where internet culture is born, discussed and destroyed users on 4chan, typically post, hey, hey, look. We made it 15 year old, christopher moot pool this message. Board serves as a place where internet culture is born, discussed and destroyed users on look, look it's a double. U's animation thing, 4chan typically posed as anonymous as they argue, but this sounds like tin, foil hat theories, you'd hear from a homeless man.

It might be tin, foil, but we're watching it with the identity conversations at hand, but the collective anonymous culture of the message has devolved into a degenerate pit of despair along with anonymous identities. There is virtually no moderation as a result of this threads on 4chan spiral into some of the weirdest and most disturbing rabbit holes on the internet. So why even post? Well as ryder rips described to me trolling is a sport on 4chan. This point alone is necessary in understanding.

The motive behind board api club throughout the internet's history chain has chat. Remember when we watch the um, the post, where it's like fortnite and it's like um, uh, shia labeouf's thing with like the flag and they do triangulation with air control traffic. And then they put the flag inside of a house and they by the time of the day of the life behind the wall they figured out and they went to vandalize the house. Some holy patrolling mainstream media endlessly.

One classic example of this was when 4chan tricked mainstream media into thinking the okay hand, symbol signified white power, the media ran with it and, as a result, actual white supremacists adopted it as their own. An internet joke that illuminated a problem with mainstream media, their willingness to post anything was taken literally and the meaning of the joke changed forever. Another example of this is comedian, sam hyde, being the ghost of kiev. Lastly, let's talk about the benefit of the doubt.

Imagine all of what i'm about to tell you is one giant coincidence somewhere along the grocery list of examples of board a biaclub being one massive alt-right inside joke is a point at which these similarities are no longer coincidences. Let's call this the tipping point. If i bring up one instance that highlights deliberate nazi, fascist or alt-right messaging, you may think to yourself: i see it, but that's a reach. So i ask you: what is your number at what point do all of these examples become crystal clear in front of your eyes, brother.
First, let's talk about the apes as a whole. You don't have to look far on social media to see that many people believe the apes in board. Api club are inherently racist. Looking remember, they could have picked any animal object or thing to make an nft project.

Monkeys really, it seems a bit random, but we're dealing with deliberate messaging. This is not a mistake. This is damon dash the founder of rockefeller records with jay-z, and then i don't know if that monkey thing is like because don't you think that's a little condescending to our culture, a little bit. We're just talking about that.

I i i feel like is that a way a nerd is trying to get cute and laugh at us we're just talking about that, because either way you should tread lightly with monkey as it relates to our culture, because it's a trigger for us and they keep Doing it so first i wasn't like and then i was like, why is everything a gorilla or a ape or a monkey? Why ain't a penguin or like a panda, bear or something? Why is this something that's been used? Am i missing something? Couldn't you say the same thing about about king kong or uh uh planet of the apes? You know disrespect us for years, so i don't know you know and when language is difficult for a creator, that leaves a lot a lot of room for exploitation. You know so that means a lot of people that can understand may take advantage of those creators that don't want to understand you guys realize for the last two years they got black people to invest. You guys are monkeys. What i said did not correlate to what the guy was saying.

Call it to the comment that the video made before hitting that into that direction. That's what that don't be weird, don't be stupid for the last two. They got black people to invest in monkeys and dogs while making fun of us and taking our money from us. But doge was going to the moon when y'all get done, go, look at board, ape yacht club and go see the imagery of how it's connected to nazism.

It's damn near the same imagery, but they know we won't study long enough to say and now look how many billions of dollars they've made off of us and our culture and then the music industry gon na come in with more nfts and continue to rob us All we need is us the reason people have made. This conclusion is because of something called simianization. This refers to comparing ethnic groups to an ape or monkey. Simianization has been used throughout history to put others down in order to dehumanize them.

You will see exactly how bordea biaclub uses simianization to convey racist themes and undertones, but first we must understand the culture i'm watching a video man i'll give it a chance. Man, apes were born. In 2021, boarded yacht club was launched on april 30th, which is the exact day that hitler died. The launch of board ape yacht club was actually on the 23rd with a week-long pre-sale and they sold out before the 30th.
However, they made it a point to tell the new yorker that it was the 30th. I have shown this picture to various artists. This is board ape yacht club's main logo that they use across all of their branding and social media accounts not too bad right. How about now most of them laugh uncomfortably in sheer disbelief the audacity to do this is mind-blowing.

It does not take a genius to see that this board apiaclub logo is a direct copy of the toten cough. The skull and bones represents death and was used by both prussia and nazi germany as a military system representing death heads. I only mention prussia, because that will play out later when we examine some of the bored apes. Both logos also have 18 teeth if you're unfamiliar the alt-right white, supremacists and neo-nazis love alphanumeric code.

The number 18 is a symbol of hate yeah, it's more specific. It's also etched in as well. Typically, it's alphanumeric code for the initials of adolf hitler, one being a eight being h. One thing to note is that both logos, yeah, i think one of the big giveaways here is the etching on the um on the puck or what the you call that um yeah it all it all connects.

But you know you yeah, just a format so have a rough edge, which is uncommon in circular emblems. It's just another characteristic that demonstrates they knew what they were doing. Yacht club was created by a company called yuga labs like everything in this project, the name has meaning a little bit about us to start off the new year check coming from skateboarding chat, we had a bunch of logos that were all like scuffed and broken in A rough and what are the yeah, i don't know, what's coming behind the name, hugo labs, we're nerds and yuga is the name of a villain in zelda, whose ability is that he can turn himself and others into 2d art. It made sense for an nft company.

When i heard this, i was confused. I've played just about every legend of zelda game and i could not remember for the life of me who yuga was yeah. Yuga is a boss in the legend of zelda, a link between worlds, the seventeenth moment of the zelda franchise available only on the nintendo 3ds. If you're a selfish board or gamer, you wouldn't source your name from the most obscure zelda game ever, let alone a game for the 3ds.

Everyone knows that ocarina of time, majora's mask wind, waker, twilight, princess and even breath of the wild were the greatest games in the franchise ganon labs after the main antagonists throughout the entire series ganondorf, but yuga i'm not buying it. There is a specific reason. They pick the name yuga on yugo labs website. They pay homage to another project, called the hash masks.

This project was made by a swiss company known as suemcu weak labs. This phrase, meaning to each their own, was on the gate of the bush and world concentration camp. This phrase was also used on the face of prussian helmets and yuga labs, loved suem, quick, so much that they even took their exact terms of service. Yuga has an entirely different meaning.
The phrase kali yuga stems from hinduism and it refers to an age of conflict or darkness. What is the period we're in now because it seems like it's coming to an end. This is kali yuga, yeah, yeah yeah. Does it present this? It presents good uh good points and go to whatever i just i just like it.

It's it's kind of funny, the way that he's phrasing, everything and the way he's putting it actually sounds like tin, foil hat. You know when you, you remember the mean videos where they like they go like like. On the on the on the further end of the paper. It says, q, it's also two.

They think that this happened but wait. It also says b. You know what also says b when the other guy died but wait. This is it it just feels like it was predicted.

This is like this battle of the gods. Ragnarok tell me this is what happens in cultures like they go through these like these pitches? These ups and downs, the earliest mention of this phrase in internet culture, was on september 11, 2014 by an anonymous user on 4chan in response to people being upset over gamergate anon replied. I know it is dark at times, but you just got ta learn to enjoy it, man embrace being the bad guy, surf the kali yuga. Since then the phrase spread like wildfire among the alt-right.

First, it was made into a t-shirt by vincent found, the french descent, an alt-right political party that operated from 2011 to 2021., apparently alt-right meme merch went hard and the new design of the shirt in 2016 and in 2019 a telegram group called kali yuga surfing club Was created see anything weird here: the kali yuga is one of the cornerstones of traditionalist ideology, a french occultist and philosopher who is credited for introducing the kali yuga to the west. During his life, guanon moved to egypt became muslim and preached traditionalism, which consisted of extreme anti-semitism and an admiration for ancient societies which included hierarchies of class and gender guanan and italian-born. Nazi sympathizer, julius evola, are both revered and memed on 4chan you'll find threads in the literature and political boards, placing these two on a pedestal and recommending their works for a sense of woke. Pseudo-Intellectualism often, messages will be left with pbuh, which means peace be upon him.

A common arabic phrase you see surfing the kali yuga manifested itself on pole. It becomes interesting, repeated phrase and dog whistle among users, in fact embracing the darkness or surfing the kali. Yuga is a phrase that the alt-right has adopted in order to communicate a sense of collective. This might melt your brain, but stay with me.
It's impossible to show the masses exactly what the founders of board api club are doing without understanding chan culture or how 4chan acts as a think tank and hive mind one of the worst aspects of chan. Culture is pseudo-intellectualism. What you have is a bunch of trolls who haven't seen the light of day that have collectively convinced themselves woke and have the answers to this world. They find solace in knowing specific information compared to normal people or normies.

This is why it's considered esoteric. As a result of this, you have pockets of deranged people who study old texts, scriptures and societies in order to extract archaic values and worship them. The founders of board api yacht club are terminally online. Smart, i hate to admit it.

The founders are clever and i mean really clever. The four founders are gordon goner emperor, tomato ketchup, gargamel and no sass. You may be wondering why do they all have obscure xbox live gamer tags. Well, if you think this is innocent, you're not ready for this number.

One emperor tomato ketchup, karim, adelaide software engineer on the surface emperor tomato ketchup sounds like a fortnite skin. In reality, emperor tomato ketchup is the name of a 1971 film that is banned across the world for containing child pornography. It's about children, overthrowing adults and establishing their own supremacy in which a young boy in a fascist, uniform, sexually assaults, a grown woman. And if you were to ask tomato himself, he would say he got the name from a stereolab album which got its name from the film another example of plausible deniability number two gargamel greg solano mfa in writing.

If anyone is familiar with the smurfs, then the name gargamel might ring a bell. Gargamel is the antagonist it's a long, video okay, some of these sound like riches, okay, and i i guess they kind of are on their own okay. I guess a bit of video like that. Okay, you can't just look at a reach and say that it's reaching okay, it's called building a foundation who turns sentient beings into money.

He is widely known as an anti-semitic depiction of a jewish stereotype and, as ryder rips pointed out, 4chan also uses the term gargamel to describe jewish people. A reoccurring theme that you'll notice is that this entire umbrella of border beyond club trolling stems from 4chan behavior, which is based on inserting enough absurdity to create plausible deniability. Gargamel is smart, but he's a little sloppy. According to his reddit post history, he posted a 4chan crypto meme before board api club was even live yet confirming that he's at least aware of the culture or uses 4chan greg, solano or gargamel was a literature major in college and wrote his thesis paper on 266, Which is a book that takes place in nazi germany with a main character named after nazi ss doctor hans writer, he even expressed on his now defunct blog that he wanted to write a fiction novel that blends real history with imaginative events, which is similar to roberto Bollano's 2666.: this could be a stretch, but i'm reminded here of your writing backgrounds.
Do you think, there's any parallel between your big conceptual breakthrough to design nfts for what interests you not some target demo and the idea that in writing sometimes the best stuff comes from channeling? What you really want to see? Not what some theoretical reader wants gargamel says ever since the board ape yacht club we've seen like a thousand different avatar collections come up and a lot of them are really cool, but what we think was special and what people could kind of read on top of Ours is that we didn't just throw 3d glasses onto apes and we didn't have a long essay on exactly what this was, but we knew what it was. It's like wittgenstein's, let the unutterable be conveyed, unutterably or hemingway's iceberg theory. We knew what this world was and why the apes are this way and that somebody else might get a little tingle on their neck. Looking at it thinking yeah.

This is kind of different. This isn't just random. In this interview, gargamel literally just confirmed yeah that board ape yacht club is his medium for creative writing. First, the quote is cryptic wait.

What was it? That was just an odd response, though, is that was like, like he almost like when, whenever like uh, somebody wants to get caught or something like that or somebody like um like a chase, isn't like really happening or they're, not getting chased anymore, and they want to Get chased that seems like an eye, but it makes a lot of sense. Given the context of this project. Let the unutterable be conveyed. Unutterably, dog, whistles, hidden, meanings, fiction: writing, nah man, they're just apes with 3d glasses.

You don't understand crypto in this statement. Gargamel quotes ludwig wittgenstein. An austrian jewish philosopher believed to have been the boy who went to school with adolf hitler from 1903 to 1904.. According to writer, kimberly cornish in the jew of linz, she alleges that hitler alludes to a jewish boy who is believed to be wittgenstein in mein kampf wickenstein's entire body of work consists of cipher cryptology and solving puzzles similar to how board ape yacht club is one Massive puzzle designed to be cracked for the sole purpose of stroking, their twisted fanfiction writing boner.

Second, he states hemingway's iceberg theory, which describes exactly what they're doing iceberg theory itself is also a 4chan meme. Greg solano also has written a book titled the cinematic art of world of warcraft to say he isn't a sucker for fantasy would be a flat out lie. We know that gargamel is a creative, fantasy writer. We know that he wrote his thesis paper on a nazi story and we know that he wanted to create something similar blending real and fake events.
He literally quoted whit and stuff, because now this brings up a thing in my hand, it can. I kind of almost scares me imagine you're a company, okay, you're, a corporate, and you want a american you're, making a game or some right like lizard or whatever the and you want. You want your art to be made for the game or whatever, and so is like a corrupted employee right because of some whatever background, and he just puts some really small things everywhere - that nobody can see nobody, one guy and the game releases and has like millions Of players and somebody's like yo dude, look at like this guy's shirt or whatever he's like what the and imagine, let's wait a minute that could happen. Stein and iceberg theory confirm that there is hidden meaning and that everything is deliberate in board.

Ape yacht club prior to board api club greg solano even stated he wanted to create a lovecraftian themed, nft project and if you know anything about lovecraft, he was a notorious white supremacist, often weaving his prejudices as the basis for his stories. The frustration that ryder, rips and others have felt myself included with the public's perception of this criticism is immense. You can't begin to educate people on this when they're too ignorant to realize that they're being played bored ape yacht club in a way is a social experiment. In making fun of people who are easily influenced crypto, bros and everyone else sucks yeah, okay, okay, i personally don't like the way just he's describing this as a social experiment.

When something is valued at a billion dollars. You can say that it's one two or three, but i don't believe that things are of that label when it has that that big of a uh financial poll or whatever the i understand i understand i can just forget it. Yeah people who are easily influenced crypto bros and everyone who sucks off technocrats included. It is a commentary on the number going up forever for the wag me crowd, which okay, okay well well, guys how's it it's a bad, take okay, then then i'll i'll piggyback.

This then i'll just say guys the whole steak thing guys the whole gamble thing. You know what you guys it was. It was a meme. I knew ahead of time.

It was going to happen. I knew i did that it's a social experiment and you've been falling for it and i'm going to keep doing it just because the dude dude, it's a meme, a lot dude real sentiment shared by thousands of people on the internet, which the founders of this project Have profited off of immensely all it took was celebrity worship, proper funding, fueled by a dystopian political agenda to get fascist propaganda on the world stage. Let me be clear, i'm not saying buzz words just to say them. This is what's happening: 3., gordon goner or wiley.

Arenau also a creative writer, the third founder of board apiaclub, goes by gordon goner, the same name, ryder used for the website, piecing this all together. This was done for seo purposes so that when you type in gordon gon na on google rider's website pops up first in an interview with wiley from 2014, he stated the only book that i don't like is mein kampf. But i haven't read it: when asked innocently about books, he resorted to making hitler jokes yeah, there's probably nothing to see here right. This is just more proof that wiley's attempt at edgy humor dates back to 2014..
In an interview with rolling stone, gordon goner stated he chose the name because it sounded like joey ramon, lead singer of the ramones. It should be known that board apiaclup's connection to the rolling stone is not random. It's through neil strauss, author of the game, who is apparently writing about the subculture of board api club. Gordon goner is a full phrase.

Anagram for drango negro drongo is australian slang for stupid and negro means black drongo is also tossed around on 4chan and reddit. It's not simply a random word. It is also conveniently a species of black bird, another example of a hyperspecific double meaning term or phrase in board. Api club there's not much else known about wiley arenau, aka, gordon goner besides loose leads that allege, he's a crypto fascist and his dad guys.

You guys, coming in in the middle of the video, we'll be able to see 20 minutes. Okay, we're about one one. Third done you guys going in the middle, but they don't say that so richard sorry, let's reach everything in life is a reach. Okay, it's about! It's like something in court building, foundation, okay and then understanding your way through possible deniability right right.

If that's the way that the way you would defend, it, probably ability oh you're saying it's a reach, or it's not this right and you can navigate the way through this by building a strong foundation and getting your way through. It now shut up and watch man. It's literally don arenau portrayed by john travolta in speed, both gargamel and gordon garner, are writers and creatives. According to the ceo of yugo labs, nicole munez, can you take me back to the origin story of board 8 yacht club? It was almost exactly a year ago.

Garga who's, one of the founders texted, gordon, with hey, let's make a nft so garda and garga and gordon were both really into crypto. They were really active in the community, but they are writers. Um, that's actually their background um. They are storytellers they're creatives, and why is she so off-putting and weird so like crypto? Was this thing that like they were fascinated by and they like loved, but they were never able to actively participate in right, there's a barrier to entry exactly exactly because it was technical, yeah and they're, not technical, they're, they're writers, they're creatives, they're storytellers, like that's! That's what they do so it's entirely uh critical that you understand the context of anything.
I'm not talking about an issue. Dude dude! Do you have absolutely? No! You have no social, cue reading skills or some entry exactly exactly because it was technical, yeah and they're, not technical, they're, they're writers, they're, creating it. It almost feels it almost feels like um, like um, when you think it's like a question when you think there's some sort of attack and you're kind of like defending it. She feels she's coming off to me.

I don't even watch the video, so she goes out to me as as defending somehow as as um up bullshitting their storytellers, like that's that's what they do. So it's it's entirely, uh critical that you understand the context of anything. So the issue with four day b yacht club, is that they're not providing any context. The context that they've provided is that literally it's meaningless.

They said that these are just apes in a swamp who, like drawing penises on a penis wall. That's the official story of boarding yacht club from the mouth of nicole, the ceo like that's it it's like end done like there's, nothing, there's nothing else. They called me with, like hey we're gon na. Do this thing and, like you know, explaining the idea and i kind of giggled and was like oh yeah, i mean, but people are just gon na draw penises, and that was it like.

I was just like. I didn't think anything of it. We hung up, but like the stupid thing that i said that i never would have thought about right transformed into well what if they do, drop penises yeah and where do people draw penises, and you know it turned into well, it's a bathroom right. You know it's a toilet stall and it's a dive bar and but it's not a dive bar.

It's a yacht club, that's a dive bar, but it's in a swamp, and it's going to be this like future vision of miami and yes, what the i don't know. What's happening man, it's all of these, like bored, apes, um, and they just created this like story and this world, let's play a game of i spy. The cover of this rolling stone art is a direct reference to hieronymous bosch who painted pictures like this. This sounds and feels like every uh pro deck skateboard you can buy at your local skate shop or literally, you know you pull up the board and you look at it.

That's what it looks like in order to hide things in them. Spot the racist dog whistle huh look at it it's a hand. Apans are a racist dog whistle, alluding to the practice of belgian king leopold ii, cutting off congolese hands for punishment in not working hard enough to produce rubber. The congolese then started cutting off fellow african hands as it became a currency valuable to the belgians in itself.

Never underestimate the ability for board api club founders to be this demented. Let's try this again. This is footage of the board ape yacht club. Video game see anything interesting.
What's up with these bananas, why is the bushel of bananas conveniently shaped like a swastika for sass ali software engineer the fourth foundation? Okay, okay, okay, there's a few reaches in the video, but this one is this: one is dog, she'll love bananas. Conveniently brother brother, you're, saying it's kind of true. Okay, then then go cattle riot games then for having severe throwing shurikens like. I don't think it looks like it.

I think it looks like a pretty good swirly, slash boomerang thing, a shuriken, a boomerang. I think this is decent if you yeah, it adds in the scales, but i don't think this one that particularly, is impactful at all. Like a swastika for sass zashan ali software engineer, the fourth founder of board api club goes by sas. You have to be careful okay, even though this entire thing will be true in the end.

Okay - and this is a good video - and i agree, just be careful: okay, when you throw when you when you try to lump in as much as possible, okay, it can cause with you or the person who is looking to be more defensive, of actually truthful. Better information in the future, it's a very known phenomenon. It happens of hidden meanings throughout their entire project. This is also deliberate.

Essay is the abbreviation for shterma, taeblung and ss, for the shuchtafl, sas or sass is the combination of the two primary nazi military divisions. There are two possibilities that explain the behavior of the founders number one is easy, they are neo-nazis number two is a bit more complex and writer believes we need new terms to describe what's happening. In other words, this is an internet, troll's, wet dream, post-ironic racism on the world stage. This means that this is a meme, but it doesn't look like one because there's nothing to indicate otherwise.

This can also be described as poe's law. It's impossible to know if someone is joking, unless they add an lol at the end of a message to indicate how it's supposed to be perceived. In other words, bordea biafra, ironic, post-ironic much different founders are layering on the irony of troll behavior to the point where it's just doomed. The best way i can describe it is beating a dead horse until the horse comes alive again and then dies again from the irony february, 4th 2022 katie netopoulos, a writer at buzzfeed, wrote an article covering the identities of the founders of boarded yacht club and where Exactly do you think she got her information from ryder rips? However, she stated solano - and i says x - you see - is good at games.

Lol is that post irony actually is good at games. Lol, don't appear to have any particular red flags which, as we know, is a flat out lie pressured by guy oseri kate natopolis ran a softball story in an effort to save face. The more degenerative side of 4chan, including white nationalists, enjoy participating in the cult of keck, a metaphorical, fictitious religion that worships pepe the frog think of it as a tribe on 4chan who considers everyone else, not in the know, as normies they wave the kakistan flag, which Is an exact rip-off of prussia and nazi germany's warmocked symbol, their mission troll, the liberals at all costs through meme warfare. By having shared symbolism and jokes, it is a way to communicate or dog whistle to other members that they quote embrace the principles of chaos and destruction that are central to alt-right thinking.
The term keck originated from world of warcraft when a horde types lol to an alliance lol is then translated into gibberish, spelling out keck. This is because the two opposing factions in the game can't communicate with each other unless they are on the same faction. It just so happens that keck is an egyptian god that looks like a human with a frog head. Hence it's orcish.

Is it not chat? Is it not? Is it not the backwards um orcish whenever it comes back to you from horde to alliance or whatever, pepe, and guess what i know my darkness and chaos sound familiar surfing? The kali yuga was not the only surfer innuendo that the alt-right adopted as lingo. In fact, they also used the word cowabunga to signify their alt-right beliefs to fellow members of the alt-right. It just so happens that one of board apes, founder's wife, had this exact lingo in her bio, which has now been deleted, and in september 2021, bordeaux yacht club challenged the internet with a series of puzzles, whoever cracked, the secret codes would receive a board ape kennel Club nft a board ape nft, a mutant, serum nft and 10 ethereum at the time. The value of these prizes added up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This puzzle will demonstrate just how far the creators of board api club are willing to go in order to play out their racist fantasy. This information is taken directly from this user's post on medium. This whole puzzle started with a scene. I like puzzles.

Somebody left a strange note at the bar. The image contains a message come find me below with the cipher text of semicolon u8j6. Maybe some alpha numerical caesar cipher, it's one of the classes. This is a keyboard cipher, where, if you look at the keys below each letter on a keyboard, you see that it spells slash jimmy entering this after boarding will take you to a new page and you are able to load a puzzle game jimmy.

The monkey is back on his again in the clubhouse. The game is a 2d screen where you can click on rooms and interact with various objects. Most of the rooms contained a puzzle. The boat room contains a single interactable object in the room, which is a wall of dancing men.

If you know a bit about ciphers, it's fairly quick to recognize that this is a dancing man cipher, the dancing man cipher, is from sherlock holmes decoding. The cipher reveals the following message: this isn't a puzzle clue suck on a banana bozo love jimmy. This seemed to be a troll as it was not used in the final solution. The party room has two interactable objects in it.
The first object is a dog collar with the numbers: zero zero one zero on it. This is just the id number for the exact nft that you would win if you were to crack the puzzle. The second object is a party poster containing song lyrics. The puzzle gives a selection of song lyrics sorted in alphabetical order by word, with one of the words being replaced by the word monkey.

Solving this puzzle involves taking each lyric word bank, identifying the song and figuring out which part of the song the lyrics are referencing. You sort each word in that set of the lyrics in abc order and figure out what word has been replaced with monkey. This results in the following troll message: wasted your time on this one's stupid apes entering the pool area presents you with two puzzles, one located on the inflatable door. I understand the other on a drink menu located next to the bar.

This puzzle presents a list of duck themed clues and their answer length going through and solving all the clues results in the list below with this answer set reading the first letter of each answer gives the phrase cocktails are shaken, which is a clue for the puzzle. Located next to the bar using the hint from the previous puzzle, we now know that this menu list is an anagram of cocktails. In addition, the text at the bottom of the menu indicates something extra was added to the drinks hinting to there likely being an extra letter not used in the cocktail anagram. With there being 26 menu items, it seemed highly likely the extra letters or the cocktails jesus christ.

When done, it is quickly realized all the cocktails start with a unique letter, a to z that, when put in order and reading the extra letters gives orange liqueur used in spritz final answer. Aperol upon entering the kitchen, a sheet can be found lying next to the sink. This puzzle provides instructions on what to do begin by identifying the dishes that are clued on the left and filling out the blanks on the right. The extracted letters highlighted yellow on the sheet spell the phrase gibraltar's barbary, which is referencing a specific monkey that lives on gibraltar, the barbary, makake final answer makake in the library you can start by clicking on the bust on the top of the shelf, which contains a Puzzle scroll this puzzle is a mad gap style puzzle, as hinted by the title: bus don dash elf, which, when read aloud, sounds like bust on a shelf four mad gap, style phrases using one word from each column on the scroll, the output of each mad gab Is its own clue to a word? This final output is yet again a mad gab, where ooze six first can be read as usual: six ciphers a hint for the bookshelf puzzle when you click on the bookshelf next to the fireworks.
It shows you an enlarged version of the bookshelf. This bookshelf, you can do those puzzles uh with uh, with uh with objects and pictograms instead right right, where you put certain uh certain things that sound some way and you can send them a different way and you add up the phonetics and make a new word With it read as use six ciphers, a hint for the bookshelf puzzle when you click on the bookshelf next to the fireplace it shows you an enlarged version of the bookshelf. This bookshelf contains many different patterns throughout. As you start to group the patterns together, you will discover there are six separate puzzles using six different ciphers, as hinted in the previous puzzle contained in the shelf items.

The monkey hands. There are six hands throughout the shelves using american sign language to spell weapon naval flags. There are six international maritime signal flags throughout the shelves that spell nassau 5-bit binary. There are six groups of books, colored, orange and green.

These books are five bit binary, provides one zero zero one: zero zero, zero one; zero one: zero, zero, zero, zero one, one: zero zero one, one zero one, one, one: one: zero one: one one zero: these can be converted to their decimal equivalent of 18. 5. 1. 19 15 14, which can then be further converted to letters to read reason clocks.

There are six clocks through the shell, oh my god, time with both hands, clearly visible, using the clock hands as a flag semaphore, you can obtain the letters to spell absolute book titles. There are some books facing forward with the titles clearly visible and after reading through the titles you will notice. Some of the words are from the nato alphabet echo mike bravo romeo yankee, oscar and when you extract the first letter of each nato word, it will spell embryo morse code between each of the bookshelves is a repeating pattern of a lighter color. Each shelf is a separate letter, spelled using morse code.

If you decode the morse for each shelf. It will spell analog now that we have all the words extracted. We need to extract the final answer. Looking at the words for a moment, it can be seen that the first letter of each word can spell answer when ordered correctly.

Since the first letter spelled answer, we extracted the last letters to see if it provides an answer to the puzzle. The extract is guanan, which is a breed of old world monkey, and it's the name of renee guanan. The game room contained two objects. You can interact with the first one is a game called jimmy the which, after some playing didn't appear to contain a puzzle.

The second one is the game puzzle. The flavor text for the puzzle is there are lots of games to play here. If you can figure out the rules, it also happens. These are big hints for what you are looking for and what the solution is going to be.
The solution for this puzzle guys this is the sun cause fallacy where to find this video to go back. Okay, what you find hey this is see through taking each puzzle, string and figuring out the puzzle. Rules that encoded the text. Here is one example.

There are a lot of p's, so we want to analyze that first, you start by separating each line by p. We are looking for game related words, so we can guess the two words here are card and canasta. With these two. We can deduce that the rule for this puzzle is to replace the first letter with p, which can then be reversed from the cipher which gives the following clue card worth 50 in canasta.

The answer to this clue is joker. However, we aren't done here just yet now we need to apply the same rule. We discovered replace first letter with p to this answer, to get a new answer out related to games, applying the role to joker results in poker. The actual solution to this puzzle line here is the rest.

Taking the first letter from each solution, you get the following phrase: drooper's apartment pal drooper is a character from the banana splits and his apartment. Pal is bingo. Bingo is an ape, so we can confidently determine the answer is bingo. The attic is one of the more difficult puzzles and before we dive into it, we first have to talk about the skeleton in this way.

That was this one in a crawl space has a bunch of three letter phrases and some numbers with the flavor text of nth plus e-a-t. We know that we're trying to combine the phrases to spell words with the numbers, most likely being the length of each word. There's really no approach other than maybe looking up words that start with or words that end with, but the best place to start was realizing that n-t-h and e-a-t were clued as being connected and could spell n the at after that it is mixing and matching until You get something good out. The output you get is anastasia.

Steel really loves the hexes used in the attic. This is a reference to anastasia steel from 50 shades of grey, which is referencing that the hex color codes in the attic are gray codes. This is basically a second hint for bought it, which you can see in the attic section below the attic starts with an image with some pixels and flavor text about having to feel your way around in the dark. This is a reference for being blind and hinting towards the pixels being braille.

The phrase you get out of using colored pixels as braille dots beginners, always unlock dim old tones. If you take the first letter of each word, as hinted by the word beginners, you get bought it, which is a type of cipher. This is the one puzzle you can right, click and export the image, and it just so happens to be svg. So we can extract the hex color codes accurately for the next step, as hinted by the skeleton puzzle extracting all of the binary codes out and removing the lead zero you get the following: using bought it encoding on the binary you get the following.
The only interesting thing we get is calamar, which is another type of cipher. This suggests that our extract is valid, but the rest of it is cipher text. We can then use the string with a columnar transposition solver, but without a key it was just a bunch of guessing words as a key solvers of this puzzle got stuck here for a while until it was noticed that attempting some auto solves on the grid. Assuming six columns instead of eight, resulted in the final eight letters, looking like a scrambled version of vigenere, given the first set of data, gave us column r and having it almost end with, i forgot what this video was about.

It was too likely to be a coincidence, putting some effort in manually with a six column, assumption you're able to get the following using columnar key of four one, two, five, six three or two one, four, five six three gives an output that spells vigenere at the End giving us the following possible strings: cutting vigenere off the end and taking the remaining letters we try to decrypt the cipher using vigenere and testing keywords relating to bored, apes and the puzzle. Eventually, they landed on the following australopithecus at this point. It's time to solve the final solution, taking the answer from each puzzles and sorting them in abc, we get the following words: aperol australopithecus, bingo guanon. If we examine the answers, we can extract even more information about what they mean.

Cavall is an orange liqueur that only got popular after world war ii. This answer is different than all the others considering it is a drink that is meant to be ingested going off that theme. Perhaps this is a metaphor for taking the red pill, as it sometimes appears red in color. Aperol.

Also just has the word ape in it. Australopithecus of all the different possible answers they could have chosen. They landed on australopithecus, here's a little anthropology for you in 1931. Ludwig cole larson joined the nazi party and later undertook an expedition against german east africa in search for a primitive man in 1938 to 1939.

He discovered australopithecus afarensis at leitoli, without realizing the importance of his find ludwig attempted to prove that all people have a common origin, but that african people remained in the state of primitive men, while the aryan race had developed. Such scholarship was at odds with most anthropological concerns of the day in africa. He then later lost his position as professor in the course of the denotification after the war, cole larson is not highly regarded amongst contemporary east africanists bingo bingo. The gorilla is a major.

Yet final antagonist in the 2019 direct-to-video horror comedy film, the banana splits movie bingo and his friends are animatronics created by carl to entertain children as the banana splits. However, after the show is cancelled, bingo and his friends start a killing spree. You want to know something. Even creepier bingo only has three lines in the movie.
I wonder how the show's gon na end time's almost up time's, almost bingo's. Last and most famous words, the only words bingo ever says, sounds just like accelerationism. Oh, that's a bingo. What the is accelerationism is that the way you say, that's a bingo, you just say bingo bingo, how fun guanon has double entendre he's the father of traditionalism, bringing the kali yuga to the west and guanan is also a species of monkey.

Makake also has double entendre. Makake is a racial slur, and a type of monkey rate of change of velocity is acceleration acceleration of the implosion society definition. There is a clear distinction of what type of monkey both guanan and makakes are. They are part of the old world classification of monkeys in 2006.

A virginia senator was called out for using this slur with close ties to virginia the founders of boarded yacht club would definitely be aware of this political disaster. You too have gotten in trouble with words that you've uttered. Let me bring you back to august 11th. You were at a campaign, stop and a young man who was videotaping it for the web campaign.

Was there also, let's watch this villa here over here with the yellow shirt makaka or whatever? His name is he's with my opponent. Let's give a welcome to makaka here and here's. The young man sr siddharth he's a resident of virginia an american citizen straight. A student at fairfax high school now goes to the university of virginia critics say that macaque is a racist slur and that you used it because he was dark-skinned.

What did you specifically mean when you said welcome to america and the real virginia? Why did you use those words toward a dark-skinned american tim? I made a mistake. I said things thoughtlessly: i've apologized for it as well. I should, but there was no racial or ethnic intent to slur anyone. Okay, dude, okay, this guy.

Nobody buys this that word what a idiot in some parts of the world the world was an insult. I would never do it because it's contrary to what i believe. Well, where do i come from, it must have been an issue made up made. My theory is that the primate answers of this puzzle are a direct reference to the founders of the right.

Is that right he's not buying his own story? You know that's a major cappuccino. Three is that the primate i come from it must have been just made up made. My theory is that the primate answers of this puzzle are a direct reference to the founders of the project, and aperol could be seen as the red pill. The boogaloo boys were born on the weapon board of 4chan, known as k, think of them as paramilitary incels or chan larpers.

They can be classified by their hawaiian shirts and absurdist meme styles to make anyone who calls them out look insane. It can be a very effective tactic when trolling this board. Apiaclope shirt is an exact boogaloo boy, hawaiian shirt used to larp by 4chan users. This is ape 1488.
The number 14 is a neo-nazi dog whistle. It is a direct reference to the white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 words. We must secure the existence of our people and future for white children. The slogan was coined by david lane, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group, known as the order.

The number 88 is white supremacist alpha numerical code for h, which stands for hale hitler 1488, which is also included in the adl database, or the anti-defamation league, is a combination of these two hate symbols but uh. The fact is guys. I've been on the internet 20 years. I know pretty much about every single different slur, that's in the english language and a few in other languages as well.

So not only do i understand all the slurs. I also understand the euphemisms like 1488.. Here is where it gets really dark. What do you see on this ape? No, not the bloodshot eyes.

This ape is wearing a prison outfit with the numbers: zero one, nine eight zero! Seven! If we take out the zeros a practice in cryptography seven heading, we are left with 1987, which we can deduce is a year you see, i would know about. This is a i'm, a canadian okay, i'm a canadian and you have to you - have to zero paddle. What the um for zip codes padding we are left with 1987, which we can deduce is a year you see. 1987 is a reference to the year that rudolf hess, a nazi hero died in the spandau prison in west berlin as a result of his conviction.

During the nuremberg trials, it was destroyed the same year to prevent it from becoming a neo-nazi shrine. Not everyone who has a board ape is aware of the inherent racism. Let me point your attention to the sales activity tab. If someone is selling an ape, they set the price.

Interestingly enough, there is a pattern of selling apes for variations of 88 ethereum ending prices in 0.88 or 0.14. This is a cut and dry example of esoteric racism, ape-6969 features the same prison jumpsuit and a prussian helmet with a shit-eating grin. This is a troll hidden in plain sight, designed to mock everyone who looks at it the odds of ape-6969, which is a troll in itself having both the prison jumpsuit and a prussian helmet is statistically near impossible. Apes in the board.

Apiac club project are adorned with various characteristics. This can include clothing accessories eyes faces anything you see on these apes can be randomly generated to produce the final product that we see as an ape by design. Some of these characteristics are more rare than others, which means more desirable, which results in a higher price. Some of these characteristics are harmless, but there is a definite through line with one characteristic in particular headwear.
The prussian helmet is known as a piccolo, which is a reference to the german empire from 1871 to 1919.. The vietnam era helmet features an ace of spades card attached to the helmet, which was a custom american soldier started in world war ii, but continued in vietnam. In vietnam, however, american soldiers would leave an ace of spades on dead vietnamese soldiers. The card in the board ape helmet has a letter j on it, which would indicate a jack of spades, not an ace.

The founders of this project are not sloppy writers and wouldn't get history wrong if it meant they could include yet another racist reference. Maybe this explains it based on a 1938 decree in nazi germany, every jew in germany had to carry an identification card marked with j. For jewish at all times, the sushi chef headband is a japanese headband known as a hachimaki. Hachimaki can have different japanese characters on them to mean different things.

There are six variations that are the most popular and commonly used board ape yacht club went without comic-con. I don't know what you guys keep saying: it's kind of people say you're reaching raises this. Video is such a reach. You haven't won, you have not been watching the whole video with us.

You just came through out of the left field and you're coming in we've been wanting the whole thing dude how many reaches in a row you have to do if you need how many coincidences in a such a tight spot, you need in one project or one Spot this is it it's that it's okay, it's all the is it's all of it. It's just reached it like how many times how many times kazi to indicate imperial japan suicide, pilots, a sushi chef, would never wear this headband. The safari helmet is a british or european pith hat used by the british empire in colonizing africa and belgium in the congo, led by king leopold ii, who, as you know, cut off congolese hands. The kami hat is known as a ushanka and with the sickle and hammer it represents the soviet union or the ussr, worn during world war ii, while russians were commanded by tyrannical leader joseph stalin.

The fez is a potential reference to the ottoman empire, but there's also such things as a nazi fez. With all of these helmets and headwear, one can see a clear picture of chan, culture's fetishization of power and dominion of those they deem weaker october 2021, music manager. Guy oseri, founder of management, firm maverick, who represents madonna and u2 acquired representation of board api club. This would include securing book deals, music, television, video games and even movie integrations.

This was a power play for board ape yacht club because it legitimized funding and star power behind the project. With the connections of guy oseri board, api club now had a way to control the media messaging around their project. The project obviously has so much hype and so much support there's also been criticism. Some people connected some of the images to racist, tropes.
I'd love to give you the opportunity to respond to that criticism. It's apes because aping in is very much a nod to this community to crypto enthusiasts to people who ate in early, so the the story did. It sounds like emma stone, one uh and two uh. You see what i was saying earlier now now it's even more flagrant now it's like - and i was like it's like uh - is - was it earlier now i was right.

One of the founders is jewish. One is turkish. What wait? What is what the is she saying about them? One of the founders is jewish, one is turkish, one is pakistani, one is cuban guy oseri who's. One of the partners that came in later last year is israeli.

I myself am cuban and i'm absolutely generation american.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘bored ape nazi club’ philion”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars limOJ says:

    i swear half of chat who were spamming "reaching LULW" literally halfway through the vid are either clueless or actually in on this racist shit. i mean like X said, how many "reaches" do you need to start considering the problem in a different viewpoint? the video was really good and my man presented like 15 thousand points, albeit in a little bit "tinfoil-y" tone.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaury Lannes says:

    The video itself still feels like a giant troll

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CUYxJrPlays says:

    Kind of crazy but everything in life has layers too it and has an iceberg that comes with it but I didn’t know it went this deep wtf.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trastlol says:

    That chat is proof that nazi messaging works.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n1uk says:

    I was never really into NFTs and Crypto, But one thing I noticed when I was memeing it with my friends was the Ape with the Pickelhaube, It looked somewhat Familiar but I couldnt place my hand on it, Come to find out a lot of the NFTs were literal memes or Propaganda poster references.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hawken Valhalla says:

    The irony of XQC's chat laughing at the lol = joke thing while they can't say anything without adding LULW or OMEGALUL on the end. It's the exact same thing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ׂ says:

    ending omegalul

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikmik says:

    werent we all monkies at some point tho..

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moredcai Cyrus says:

    Dude made me cringe so hard at the end

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nolay says:

    im not even joking i put tape on my monitor so that i cant see chat, chat is so annoying sometimes.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlady says:

    Good video but the ending is just so shit.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandalphon says:

    So disappointing chat dismissed things like 1488 as "numbers = racist" because they literally are racist and used constantly and openly by online nazis, if they knew anything, they'd realize how dumb they look.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moredcai Cyrus says:

    If i could afford a bored ape amd iy could make me millions i wouldvd def bought it even if i knew all the histoty to it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lil goat aka young kid!!! says:

    Not tinfoil at all. It's real.

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