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#xQc #markrober #glitterbomb

This guy is stealing my package from a car and this guy took my package off a porch. But what they don't realize is this is the final Glitter bomb. Glitter Bomb 5.0 And for the final year, when you lift the lid, the glitter is delivered by drones. 5 years ago when these two stole a $6 package for my porch.

Little did they know that singular act on an otherwise unremarkable, lovely spring morning would set in motion series of events that would unleash buckets of glitter in the homes of wouldbe porch pirate stationwide and eventually lead to the takedown of a 60 million International crime rate. So today not only will I show you what happens when you combine autonomous drones and glitter and then what happens when you get into a chess match with a bunch of car thieves, but I'll end the whole series with an update on what happened to those massive scam call centers we infiltrated and exposed in. India Now if you're new here, the 10-second recap is that after that package was stolen from my house, the police wouldn't do anything about it even when presented with the evidence. So at that point I knew that to avenge the theft I was going to have to use my engineering skills to go full home alone and seeing how this is the final Glitter Bomb video.

I Think it's worth a brief recap of how the box design has naturally evolved over the years out of the gate Year one, it was a simple concept where when you took the lid off the bait package, this cup would spin, unleashing a pound of the world's finest glitter and then hidden inside to record all the action. We had four Phones Plus a canister fart spray in an effort to encourage the thief to get rid of the box so we could go and retrieve it, and that went pretty well. So we spent the entire next year working on version 2.0 where we doubled the amount of fart spray and drastically improved the formula which ended up nearly killing Maau Cul I Still Smell It We also switched to biodegradable glitter and added a meaningless countdown full and some fake police chatter seems the package may be in motion as well just to make things more exciting. Then for Year three, we doubled the fart spray canisters once again to a total of four and added a handle the thief would be tempted to grab, which we covered in that super sticky mouse trap goop.

And for the previous two years, the package thieves would often shove the lid back on right away, which covered up the cameras. so we added these posts near the top of the box that would passively pop out, which made it impossible to put the lid back on once you'd removed it. 14 1 We also added flashing police lights and made a doormat that had these conductive charging contacts so we could keep the the whole box fully charged until the moment it was stolen. Then for Glitter Bomb 4.0 as soon as you touch the lid, it would get shot straight up into the air complement of these two boxing gloves attached to pneumatic.

Pistons We also added an actual carb to make things more exciting and redesigned the cup so that by using the centrifugal force generated from spinning, you could passively get three chances to shoot some glitter instead of losing it all in one single shot. Then for the porch, we built a fake planner box that would slide over and hide the package at night so the homeowners wouldn't have to worry about bringing it in and we were guaranteed to get it stolen in the day when the light was better. And all of that brings us to Year Five 5.0 I Knew this was going to be the last year so I decided to go For Broke and attempt the biggest redesign to date. And this is a terrible idea by the way, in engineering, if something is working well enough conventional wisdom States you should basically change nothing but pretend like you changed a lot.
So for starters, last year we had four vials of heart spray for a total of 20. M And for this year because we're not messing around, we have a 1 lit tank and for those of you keeping track at home, that's 50 times more fart spray to pull this off. Instead of using a rotating cam system like before now, we have a parastic pump that continually forces the fart spray through two nozzles and basically never lets up. And because I can't exactly explain how much worse something smells over video.

J This is a sensor that measures the number of particulates in the air and the more particulates, the more intense the smell. And if we placed last year's glitter bomb in the chamber, it measures 250 particul of nastiness per liter, whereas this year's tops out at 750. which means it's not only going to last a lot longer, but it's going to be three times more intense now to have that massive Reservoir fart spray. We had to expand the footprint for the box which means we had room underneath it to house the brains of the system on an upgraded custom printed circuit board that communicates directly with all four phones.

And quick shout out to my friends at T-Mobile cuz last year we found they have the best coverage. We were placing the boxes so this year they hooked us up and let us put them all on their Network Then for the glitter delivery mechanism. The idea was to hack some of these mini drones and rewrite their code to make them autonomous where they could fly themselves without needing to be in communication with the computer. So the idea for this year is the thief would bring the bait package back to their house, then remove the lid which would lower these two doors allowing the drones to wake up and take off.

And so instead of a single concentrated area of glitter from a spinning cup like before, the drones would just Meander all around the house leaving millions of tiny shimmering reminders not to take stuff that isn't yours. And as part of our code re right, if the proximity sensors register someone approaching, they'll just casually fly themselves to a different part of the room. And all of that perfectly sets up the Checkmate because while they're fully distracted dealing with the drones, the box starts to drastically change the room's air quality at a rate of 1 lit per minute. I Don't be too weird CH But not why I put like uh, like the ink they put on on the the money bags at like the bank.
something that like will always stay some like disgusting ink that your walls up forever, happy and splatter across the entire rooms, all the rooms in the house and just their up. It was ambitious and arguably had a much higher risk of failure in the field, but then we took it one step further by designing a sister box that could be used for a car. Breakin since I live near San Francisco which is the smash and grab Capital the property damage bro. They took your object they brought into their homes and they used it.

It's your object. You can do it with your objects. They steal it. It's their fault.

What? 2 years ago we went right into the Lion's Den which placed the Box in a somewhat alarming predicament. I can bang and while tempting, it seemed irresponsible to have a couple drones flying around inside a moving vehicle. so this box could be triggered remotely via text message and can activate the fart spray without needing to be open. and then right before the nozzles kick in, this 360 cam pops up to cover all the action and if at any point the camera senses it's being tampered with, just like one of those fancy hood ornaments, it will retract itself back inside the box.

So after about 10 months of Designing building and testing, we set them out on a bunch of porches and in a bunch of cars. and we waited. And we didn't have to wait long. y brand new in the box.

Bro brand new. Check it out. Damn it's new. Nice.

it is nice. Yeah! I Oh my. God 15, 14, 13, 3 2 1 activation complete recovery sequence initiated and I really appreciate the hustle from these guys. especially because when all is said and done, they just decide to make this their neighbor's part to the neighbor when we retrieve this next box.

as you can see, it was completely destroyed and the phones were gone. But thanks to those Blazing Team Mobile network speeds, we're able to recover the following footage from the cloud. but our neighbor here put it down a little. Our neighbor here, the other camera I should rather give it to you for Christmas Yeah, no way.

What? So funny The new one, huh? Yeah, it's the can we just leave it in the car for now? Yeah, we'll leave it in the car now we're not. We're not trying to bring attention. So they eventually took this home and were apparently pretty upfront with their kids about where they got it from. Stum: Lord what the E: what is it has the handles and so they go for like it could be some other kids box you know so like can give it back open let's open it.

oh my God it's is he kicking it Mom I think it is a bomb mom and in addition to porches just like in your past we play some boxes by group mailboxes so that way we could track the number of Good Samaritans that will call the number on the box from year to year for you. y oh my God oh my. 15 14 13 12 oh my God that's so loud scam oh it's a scam you're you're stealing you YouTubers The drones are a total failure. 15 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2 1 bang activation Complete recovery sequence initiated Switching Gears for a minute For the past 2 years I've experimented with placing a glitter bomb in a parked car up in San Francisco because it's considered the car breaking capital of the world and things are so bad.
Now it's not even just the parked cars. My God this guy. they AAG 73 car break-ins per day and at this point people have resorted to just leaving their doors wide open hoping the thieves can verify for themselves there's no valuables inside so they won't smash the glass just to check. And for the past 2 years while we did get the glitter bomb stolen, all we could really do was just play alarm sound so they throw them out cuz they never actually open them in the car and after doing some res research it turns out there's a reason for that.

It's actually a fairly organized system called a fencing operation where the cars will go out in groups and then immediately afterwards they'll bring it to a middleman who will pay cash in exchange for the most valuable things they steal like laptops. But the gut punch is that important documents like a passport or pictures or plane tickets don't really hold value for the thieves. so they just get thrown in the trash. And as as they didn't plan on opening the box in the car, we designed the nozzles to poke through the lid so that even if they just threw it in the back seat once, the proximity sensor on the bottom register was stolen in the Box Tex that's worse somehow, Dude, cuz that can D that can somebody up so badly I Have no idea Dude, if you've already lost the passport once, if if if you lose again like that you are so cooked you have no idea track them using the better GPS and a simple text message back would raise the camera and activate the fart spray for 2 minutes straight.

So we headed up to the city and placed our modified car box nice and visible in the car and commenced our stake out. And you can see this First black car rolls up and this guy gets out and spots it but doesn't take it it and then a little while later this beige car rolls up and he sees it too and the same thing happens. Then not too long after that this white car rolls up and once again they clearly see the box, but they just leave it sitting right there without even breaking a window. And after observing all this our best guess was that it was the size of the box that was spooking them.

So we remove the heart and all the other critical components from the large box and place them into a smaller box. and while it occupied a smaller footprint, it maintained all the same functionality of the bigger box while still looking like an enticing item to steal. So the next day we put it back out on the street for a but this time someone came by and actually smashed the window. Little bro for for a speak we didn't see them leave with the box and our working assumption was that he just wasn't able to open the door to take it.
But when we checked the footage it told a different story. Not only did he once again intentionally not steal a smaller box, but the real reason for breaking the small window was to pull the back seat down and check the trunk. Which means if you take nothing else away from this video, you should know putting your luggage in the trunk is not a solution to keep it from getting stolen. The reason they break these little windows so often, but it seems like nothing is missing is because they're pulling down the seat to quickly check what's hidden from view in the trunk.

And at this point it was pretty disappointing. but we realized they'd adapted Word must have gotten out from stealing our glitter bombs in previous years that a juicy looking box like this sitting out in plain sight is nothing but trouble. And as an engineer I never claim to have all the answers. but I know the process to get all the answers.

Why not just put like a like a Prada bag or some or a Louis bag? Oh my good. it's worth too much and that's trying and failing and tweaking over and over again. So while we did have a couple useless car boxes and a busted window, we also knew their MO which meant we now had a plan and that plan was to shrink the box down even further to fit it in the backpack. That did mean we had to make some compromises like losing the camera and reducing the farts foray Reservoir down to this improvised couch.

But to make sure that it was still adequate, we sprayed it on this chair and not only did it still last for 2 minutes, but we left that chair outside to air out and confirmed a few days later it was still in real bad shape. So with renewed hopes, we once again hit the streets, this time with two backpacks in two separate cars parked in two different spots. And as fate would have it, they both got hit within about 5 minutes of each other. Bro, they got it down to a science.

Once again, you can see they're checking the trunk. Well, that is scientific and there's two interesting things to point out here. Number one: if you look at the jacket on this guy and compare it to the jacket from the previous break-in you can see it's the same guy suggesting they probably work the same routes, which means they probably recognize regularly parked cars versus a new visiting car. So I felt especially honor the that a train professional like this fell for our backpack, even if it was possibly in a desperate attempt just to find a belt and number two.
You can see just how quickly it all happens, even breaking the glass. The thing with tempered glass is it's really hard to break until it is. And while this guy looks like Iron Man here just casually pushing his hand through what you don't see on his palm, embedded in the glove is a sharp ceramic chunk or a spike of harded Steel Sort of like this and as you can see here, if you have the right tool to concentrate the force on a really small point, it's safely Crum to nothing almost instantly. But more importantly than all that now, we had both boxes registering they've been stolen while we tracked them both on their embedded GPS Watching as they made their way around, stopping periodically to hit more cars this car right now and after they each drove around for about 10 minutes, we sent a command to commence operation Air Freshener.

Oh come on, and unfortunately because we had to condense everything down so small sort of last minute. The mic was in the same small box as the pump, so we don't know exactly what was said. But what we do know is that about 90 seconds after the pump started, they tossed the whole bag from the car. and the best part about this is that outside the backpack, the pump and spray are actually really quiet, so the only possible way they could have located the source is if they sniff their way to the answer.

and as our test showed, they'll continue sniffing it for weeks. The second car, it was a nearly identical outcome, only in this case because the pump ran a little quieter. At one point, we got to hear them close in on the source. Is that? What Is that? What is that? And about 20 seconds later, their backpack met the exact same fate as the first.

All right. So to wrap up, I'll just say that year-over-year we've seen a decreasing number of package Steals and a steadily increasing number of Good Samaritans And maybe people are becoming more considerate or perhaps everyone just knows what a glitter bomb looks like now. but I Love the idea that at some point someone's package wasn't stolen because it would be porch pirate. Remembered these videos and had second thoughts.

One thing that's not conjecture however, is after so many of you actively shared our video where we infiltrated and glitter bomb those three terrible scam call centers in India it got the attention of some international law enforcement agencies and from the the glit, the glitter didn't work at all. It didn't do anything guys. I Don't think that that, uh, in any of the any except for one of the cases that the drones even released press and because of your efforts, those three centers that had each been in operation for more than a decade doing upwards of 20 $20 million a year, scamming the most vulnerable amongst us of their life savings all got shut down with their top officials arrested. So thanks to all of you for watching and caring.
And of course thanks to these two because without them, none of this would have ever happened. Being an engineer is the best because you can make whatever you can dream up. But what's the first step? Like how do you get started down that path? Well I'll tell you exactly how it's called the Crunch Slabs. Build box, chat, chat guys guys.

Is there much of a difference between ink that you put in a box like that? or uh, the spray? What? If you had a mix of spray and ink and you had like five jets in the Box up sideways, dig into the house and it sprays like everywhere and it's like anti- theft ink that smells like cancer bro you are up their entire ire. House, it's done and it gets delivered right to your doorstep every month. and then we build it together. While I teach you all the juice and it go to their eyes and they blind and see physics that make it work.

It's basically like unlocking your own personal Mark Rober video every month where you learn a new engineering principle that will have you not just building like an engineer but more importantly thinking like an engineer so you're develop resiliency and problem solving skills. I'm in in GTA for prank. The toys themselves are really fun, like the super Dope art machine where we learn about linkages or in the spirit of the glitter bomb, this trip wire which you can use to prank your family or I suppose in some cases yourself. So if you want to embark on this yearlong journey with me while there's still time to get it before, Christmas just head on over to Crun or use the link in the video description or we're giving away two months free as a holiday special.

Well guys Guys T CH Guys Guys I know the laws, but if somebody literally picks up a package that is yours on your property, goes either way and picks it up if whatever's in there is legal and chill even though it's kind of damaging like Forever Ink or whatever right? I mean I mean I mean any primers excuse. they kind of deserve it as ENT Trapment Okay, some of you guys don't know how entament works please Google entrapment In your state to understand how entrapment actually works that is not entament. It is not entament. Entament is a more complicated than you think it is Google it yo this is X x on the be yo Okay you he my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘car thieves vs the final glitterbomb 5.0’ by mark rober”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sneeze says:

    imagine reacting

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zion says:

    Bro chat hilarious for saying Obama

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tarkov playah says:

    all this can be solved by death penalty for theft

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Draven Draven says:

    Scam lmfao

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bailey jones says:

    Doing this should warrant 💀 (Rational opinion)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darkeater Chad says:

    The box should spray acid and cause lethal dammage bro
    Play stupid games, win stupid price 😈

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick P says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God says:

    The thing I hate about Mark is that he holds back. If I had his knowledge I would make Gundams and declare war on a country just for fun.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mason Lobster says:

    do mustard gas next time

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Jones says:

    You don’t know how badly I’d like to see these fools getting in to people’s cars and knock the lights out of them. There’s always a solution lol.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Jones says:

    Yoooo what if the glitter got in someone’s baby’s airway and choked it to death? You can’t tell me they didn’t think about that lol.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wo says:

    Mark should have set up a guillotine blade on the car windows so when they reach in they get sliced in half.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2010ToyotaCorolla says:

    he should set it up so that when the proximity sensor detects that it's being moved, the box sets itself on fire so the thieves suffer severe burns or die 🙂

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