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#xQc #Psychology #CriminalMinds

At the commentary uh my react or chats chat just be trying to be respectful and chill, and also um, if you're, very fan of hearts or whatever and you're kind of you kind of wake. You like that, you know maybe maybe skip because they're pretty uh. You know sometimes sometimes they they, you know yeah. It is what it is.

Okay, this is 46 year old, clifford burns, who 51 minutes prior to this moment, drove up to his estranged wife's house in warren county. Once he got there, he forced his way inside and attacked both his wife and his stepdaughter with a 17-inch tactical hunting. Knife twenty-two-year-old megan jenkins, suffered serious injuries to her left arm, but managed to survive. Forty-Two-Year-Old patricia burns wasn't so lucky.

She was stabbed five times in the torso and pronounced dead. The moment she arrived at the hospital seven minutes later, clifford burns showed up at the warren county police station to hand himself in interesting. He lost the towels today. What did you get bear with me all? My glasses on all right, i know my rights and everything you don't have to even read it just give me my charges, i'm pleading not guilty, and i want to be put this out.

You have the right to remain fine, your name right now, okay, when this brawl can do this on christmas me in the ass like this, it was my last stride. While i live in prison over the next five hours, 13 minutes and 42 seconds, clifford burns will achieve something quite remarkable, which is the fact he somehow manages to employ every single ego, defense mechanism, known in psychodynamic literature. He will essentially blame everyone and everything on his current situation, apart from himself and in the process shut down critical parts of his own defense that he will later attempt to use in court jesus. Okay, so guys! No! No! Not yet do you know when a woman snaps you and keeps your kids away from it, what it does to a man that you work and pay for your kids.

Your whole life cliff had two daughters with the woman he just murdered a 15 and 16 year old one was out shopping during the attack, while the other witnessed the attack and called 9-1-1 cliff will bring them up a lot to say how much he loves them. But it's important to note: they were both absolutely terrified of him. He was abusive to everyone in his family and his biological daughters were no exception. They hadn't seen him in over a year up to this date and essentially wanted nothing to do with him.

Then the bacchus brothers rigged the charges when the guy goes over and shoots my old lady's house up and beats the out of her and he gets misdemeanors. You you. He was talking about his kids 12 seconds ago and now out of absolutely nowhere he's going off on whoever the bacchus brothers are so here's the context patricia was married to cliff for 15 years. She left him in 2010, after suffering non-stop domestic abuse.

Two months later she started dating a firefighter named ted bakas. The two fell in love, but argued a lot and one of the arguments led to ted firing. One round from his gun into the ceiling of patricia's bedroom, patricia then tried forcing him out of the house at which point ted pushed her into the kitchen counter and then onto the floor, causing her to hit the back of her head ted. Then left and patricia went to the emergency room where she was treated for bruising to the head and lower back.
She reported the incident and ted pleaded guilty in exchange for six misdemeanors, which caused some controversy. As many thought. The charges were too lenient and there was speculation that he was given special treatment because he had two brothers in the local police force at the time. It's quite the story and cliff will cling onto this story for dear life.

He will claim it's the reason he explodes into these uncontrollable rages at the mere thought of ted bacchus. Yet, as this video plays out, you'll start noticing the true source of the animosity, which, as many of you will have already guessed, is jealousy - he will give himself away on this element multiple times without realizing. He'll. Also, initiate this item of subject matter in the most random and creative ways that at times will make what he's talking about virtually incomprehensible.

So we've had to create this notification for the more disorienting moments he brings it up. You know what happened up there, all misdemeanors nine of them when he shot the house up with an unregistered handgun. Do you know who teddy backus is? If i ever could get my hands on him, i kill him. I'm a man in every aspect, the game i got ta refrain myself, because i'm really, i can't even take it.

No more. The two officers aren't the interrogators they're just watching cliff, so he doesn't hurt himself or damaged property. The actual interrogator will arrive shortly. Jesus.

You know what it is. I love the broad she took everything from me. My lawyer called me today and said: i'm going to jail for a violation and not paying child support based on the information of this violation. He was facing somewhere between three to 15 days.

In jail paid his punt 250 a week, i lost everything. Sorry, as i said, was it said. What was that support based on the information of this violation he was facing somewhere between three to 15 days in jail, paid his punt 250 a week. I lost everything.

My business, all my vehicles in my house, i'm whittle up to a 600 apartment. While this car runs around my money, his freelance business had been on the decline for the last five years, which is the actual reason for everything he just mentioned. The bacchus brothers rigged his charges, and this is what i heard, because i know everybody in the town: okay, the man that built the town hall told me he was going to lose his gun. His hunting license, so they didn't give him felonies.

You did that down. In albany, you still wouldn't be out of jail today they would have you up. This is the wild west man and i'm a wild ain't. I now in the more common circumstance when someone is facing the inevitability of spending the next several decades in prison god.
I guess why bother me cuffing him if the table moves man when he slams his the table, moves the grandiose elements of their character tend to dissipate the nature of their situation rapidly. Sets in the feelings of anguish and despair, leaving not much room for anything else. Least of all the more extravagant or perhaps fraudulent aspects to one's character cliff is he clings on to a particular aspect of his personality that we can only describe as rambo cliff the second concept so regurgitated that it literally needs its own notification. The moniker is inspired by a well-known franchise centered around a highly capable special forces operator, and it was chosen to encapsulate cliff's varied attempts to appear tough and intimidating.

This ranges from his deadly skills at unarmed, combat to his proficiency. With a firearm and operational effectiveness in the mountainous regions of the united states. You would have loved to have a worth noting sports or martial arts. Unless you count the made-up variation of kung fu, he demonstrates, throughout this century and by the end of the night, he'll have acquired approximately three and a half minutes of experience.

I love this country and it did me wrong wrong. I'm going to tell you what listening is bring the bacchus and brothers. Do you believe me? I can see you're very passionate. You want to see there.

It is white power. That's what i believe in the irish. You guys you deal with weapons every day, r15s. At my disposal i could have made this award.

You want to know where my mindset was take her out spray paint, the building, let's play backers boys and take him in the mountains. You would have to drop a platooning for me awful tomb brothers. I kept the war, i came here and did the right thing. I turned myself in i'll: go to prison.

Listen you guys. I gave my children everything victoria secrets and they're 15. abercrombie nikes american eagle. What do you think? I don't know the names you know how up.

I am right now, because i love my wife and i love my kids and i did right by that hell of a choice in men. The scumbags living above an apartment paying 400 a month to live above a bar room with a beat up, pickup truck. I make a hundred thousand a year, i'm a pro tree climber. What the is that a pro tree climber is apparently another word for a tree.

Surgeon coming home her in my bed, i had 10 000, a brand new furniture. I gave the ton. What more do you want? How much do you want to kick the snake? She bought a cigarette on me every day. It's christmas, my third christmas alone.

Third thanksgiving! Well, now, time to party cliff's, future defense will go for a manslaughter charge, relying on the notion that he had a psychotic break. That upon hearing of the arrest warrant thought he would never see his daughters again because of it at which moment he lost all control of his own judgment and decision making, resulting in the terrible actions that followed. But he just spoke about grievances. That stem back to over three years ago, he's giving away evidence to suggest that the attack was influenced by revenge and determination, not just by a singular moment of madness stemming from his undying love as a father.
Listen, you lock him in my right mind because i was going to have a shootout with just, but i did it the right way. I handled it like a man. So thank you. Thank you, nope! That's right! If i'm pretty goddamn good, i could drop a 30 round mag and i don't even want to tell you the time to pop the other one again.

I know what kind of it is a non-registered handgun in an apartment complex if that dude was here. I'd try to crack him right. You know what time it is and she said he wanted to marry. You knew her for six months i had 15 years and two beautiful children and here's the kicker with the strippers cliff, spends the next four and a half minutes explaining his unequivocal superiority to ted bacchus.

Once the tirade is over, he finally calms down. I was in hadley right on the border and i bought the house on this army remodeling it. The whole house lights up. The designated criminal investigator will now enter the room to conduct the interrogation.

The timing seems almost perfect, as cliff appears to be compliant for the time. I don't know your name, sir nice, to meet you first burns clifford r, oh nice, to meet you, sir um. You know you guys this is. I don't want to be disrespectful.

You know i'm sorry, the interrogator detective doug david will come to have a rather complicated relationship with burns. Clifford r from doug's perspective. It's christmas eve. He doesn't want to be sitting in a police station going back and forth with a psycho murderer.

He wants to get in get the suspect's account of what happened then get out, but unfortunately, for him cliff has other plans for their christmas eve. Together, he went over and shot my wife's house up at the that means felonies across the board: okay, um, i'm just getting arriving here. So i'm not quite sure what transpired this evening and we'd like to just try to find out a little bit. What transpired, because a man has been pushed to the edge? What place calls you up today on christmas eve, talent, when you're putting a warrant out for the rest of you and pays child support khan bar next door in the support collection unit? If teddy backus is the love rival in cliff's comic book, inspired perception of reality, wait, wait, chat, jay! You, you go to jail.

If you don't play child support from support. Collection is most definitely the arch, nemesis and also our third topic of discussion that requires its own notification. Barb's occupation is handling child support payments, which includes, following up with the debtors when they don't come through cliff, genuinely appears to resent this woman on a cellular level. At times, bring him to a place where he morphs into some type of primal being sustained only through its unrelenting quest for murderous revenge against a collections administrator.
It's a difficult thing to accurately explain but you'll be given multiple visual examples. Later on in this video, i missed two payments: okay and and then what happened after that, sir, i don't know um. My daughter called me: upset, there's a warrant out for my arrest, okay and possibly um again, i'm just walking in what happened this evening, sir. I lost my life this evening over a stripper and an alcoholic piece of all right.

The gun was unregistered. Every ball in the chamber was a felony. Do you read governor cuomo's laws, uh 20 until what's drive off your serve from your house? Go yourself how the you think i got here, flew or walked my car's right out in the park. Are you talking stupid? Cliff is clearly aware that giving away crime scene information can be detrimental for his defense, something he probably learned from the show criminal minds which he'll later state is the only thing he's able to watch on tv.

She must have had a heart on she. On christmas, eve can't leave me to alone admit it: what are the charges when you take an unregistered hand on an apartment, complex and dislodge it look at you can't even i'll wipe that smirk off your face from 20 to 30, all the way through parker you Ever laugh at me again, no you're smiling like after you've rolled up go. The interrogator sits through 110 seconds of cliff's commentary, which is mostly a summary of how cliff would comfortably beat him in a fist fight. The lecture eventually reverts back to the topic of child support and the interrogator will now attempt to establish a connection by finding common ground in the subjects.

Well, if it's any consolation, sir i've paid shouts at four four years 250 a week, though oh that's a thousand. A month, that's, like you make ninety thousand a year, that's more than that! That's more! You make it's more, don't actually you're right, it's more than i make too wait that doesn't happen. Barb she started a war. This time i missed two child support.

Famous the. I bet you she wasn't even working today. I can tell you: i've been through through uh some difficult times myself all right and that just i i um. I know it's not an easy thing to deal with, especially around the holidays.

I lost everything and i'm definitely i'm hurt because i were size 8 and i think, lost everything. The woman's taking everything i just i can't even live 9th grade. I just i'm done. I lost every thing in my life, i work for, don't you get it and when a man loses his little baby, girls that he lost and pays every thing for that, and here we get our first glimpse of what appears to be genuine sorrow.
It partially consists of the thought of his daughters, but for the most part revolves around financial woes and general self-pity. I went to courts. I spent all my money hired the biggest lawyer going like i'm. I don't get it.

She made a mockery of me man. She knew the guy sixth month he beat the out of me, shot the house up. What kind of a woman can have a man like that in her life, my dump truck. I work my life off work, my chipper, my business, take my car, my 30..

Oh wait: what time 3 000 motorcycle i work for taking all i don't care, no more just put me in the jail cell, who was at the house tonight. You asked me again: i'm gon na rip your head off. Did you do this to teddy bacchus? What the is happening right now he's out in my house, i would have cut his head off. All right, cliff primarily sits in silence for 90 seconds, only interjecting at random moments to further express his hatred for the backus brothers and barb the interrogator once more.

Attempts to establish a connection i used to get these um they'd mail me these things. Listen, i got everything to coupons all of it yeah, but you know my irish pride. His irish pride was the reason he didn't make use of his child support, coupons and also the reason he doesn't accept welfare. I don't go to welfare, i'll, never collect a thing from this sorry hard work and i i haven't worked in three weeks.

You see, the cows are just coming off my hands, you're, a hard-working man, that's what i am and i had a stripper. Take everything and a guy was an alcoholic tudor both alcoholics. That's my pride right there, irish brother, ireland, i up tonight, i ruined my whole life over a stripper who lives above a bar room at 400 a week and tries to beat up truck well. It was it today, these guys things, of course, about things that are like.

I don't understand, hundred thousand of business equipment. Thirty, some thousand dollar motorcycle along, like dragging a lot of like i'm a bomb. What do i sell crack or something looks like a hard working man? That's right! That's what i am i got by this system. You know the deal you got to some of your irish once in a while, because the white man's a minority now in this world, how old, are you? 53? 50.

Three, you look pretty good for your age. Why are your eyes all bagged up having a couple shots tonight yourself? No i'd be a maid cliff insults, the investigator's appearance, some more before crying about his finances. Again i mean two days i put my last one in my tank. It's any consolation.

I can tell you: i've been through child support and been through the whole thing, so it's not easy. It's not easy, seeing not seeing your kids on holidays or seeing them at all. I know the system sometimes doesn't sound like it's fair, it doesn't seem. The lady me over there, her name's far from the warren county support collection over there.
What happened up there? I don't know what the happened i blacked the out. Do you know what or who was there when you got there? I couldn't tell you nothing when you got up there. Do you want some uh? You can just set it on the table, please in my business card. Just you ask me another question about when i got there, i'm gon na spit on you.

Please all right. Don't ask me again: the investigator takes that as the cue to end the interrogation, so he starts trying to collect cliff's basic information for his intake process. Cliff, however, isn't done. He's got a lot more emotional baggage left on board and feels like right about.

Now is a convenient time to offload the entire cargo. So every time he provides a piece of basic information. He follows up with an average of four and a half minutes of incessant. I rambling even remember: i got a party.

Some of these guys are not gon na see their family tonight for christmas. That's for sure you guys don't understand. I couldn't live my life every day to accomplish cliff degrades his wife for 43 seconds, clarifies his superiority to ted bacchus for just over a minute. Then further declares his unyielding hatred for barb.

He now asks the police officer to loosen his handcuffs. Can you loosen this up my whole hand's caught up you guys it's a tiny little one, little quick! I! I wonder why dude no shot do you think i would have came here? I could have went in the mountains. I lost, and i don't even know how the i got up here - ain't got no gas in my car, i'm down and no money. I got no food.

I don't know what you wanted me to do when i got a ladybug on christmas eve, anybody's gon na ask me some questions. You punk ass. I taught you a great man. We appreciate it.

I already got. I just appreciate you think you're going wrong with me through the mountains, you would have to drop up a total for me. We covered that man. We talked earlier about that and we said thank you.

You did the right thing. You, okay, when an illegal handgun goes into parker complexes discharge, it's celebrities, they're, letting him run his show and they're letting being aggressive. Even though this is really bad right, they're letting him be aggressive, so they could extract information right, so he confesses more right. I can crackle both of yous.

If i have these cops on, i am a martial officer. My boot right here tell me, put a bullet in me right now, bullet in me. Let's blow my head off right now, take the night out and put one in me. Just end it, i should pretend i had a gun out there.

I thought about it all the way. I don't want to live, no more the money, the money, the money, the money, it's all money, any of you. You got your plus job, you don't know what the recession is. You ever felt the pitch of the economy.
You ever got to stop paycheck. Well, they repelled it. You never knock out a check. You never knock out a check in in this case.

It doesn't have to pay child support so that that goes directly to the well-being of his children that it literally it's it's it's a it's. A direct one-to-one help to maintaining the well-being of the children. So it's not just. I did everything right, let you're telling me! I want my lawyer, do you understand? Do i have to tell you in english get me a lawyer? I don't care who the you get, i'm not answering none of your questions.

I'm done, i'm not signing nothing. Do you want to stand me cliff continues to ramble about everything he hates for almost four minutes, ignoring any questions about his basic info. The detective and police officer eventually start talking amongst themselves and literally walk out of the room as cliff is mid-sentence, but they could take 250 a week out of your pocket. You can't be insane to make them deals.

I'm self-employed. I will never ask anybody. I got irish pride. I wan na die in my apartment, i'm asking you, let me get you a glass of water and that help you.

You could sure she's a stripper. Don't you get it? I made the worst decision. I go from living in a 250 thousand dollar house to a six hundred dollar crack apartment. That dude went there to kill her that night with the gun.

What man brings a loaded handgun to a house? He went to kill her. What the are we waiting for? Will you bring me to the lockup and put me in my jail cell, so i can go to sleep, do something i up man, i i i i wish i did my military career and and got out and become a cop. I want the full thousand, not the 200, to risk my life and take a tree on over somebody's house tie the knot that i'm done with it. What is something like it's all i can think about.

It's all. That's on my mind. Is this stupid this? It's every day they do nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! Well! It's done now ain't it who's designed to give me the practice, bring him in one-on-one. Just him strip me down i'll fight a naked, bring both them coward, and i guarantee on my life i their faces off.

You got 10 grand everything's under the rug when you're a hard-working slob and you're white. They got ta have at least one or two white guys that they over to make it look like a fair court, because i know i live like an outlaw. I'm a hell's angel, i roll cross country to hell dangles. You want to know we're bad that con over there to put a warrant out on christmas eve and call my lawyer she's out of her mind christmas eve tonight.

Where are you going you're going home to your kids? Aren't you i ain't going home the i lost everything. What's the difference, if i sit in one room apartment with no food or you guys support me, i was going to sell everything by an on off road dirt bike and go right up into the bear, slides and go about 50 miles into the adirondack mountains and Build my cabin in my shelter and bring two weapons of 30 30 in a bow and arrow i'd survive like that for the rest of my life done never come out again, never pay child support. Maybe in five or ten years i'm gon na come out with a beer just to see how the kids were doing. I don't even know what to do anymore, i'm the god.
I just don't even know what to do. I don't want to live. I thought about blowing my own head off doing nothing like getting up at five in the morning. Seeing the sun come off the top of the mountains and you're in a brook stream.

Hunting for brook chow go back to the campsite at 10 in the morning. Trout and eggs right over the thing: that's a white man. That's irish brother! You know the irish christmas, even they're, calling my lawyer versus the rest. Where does he live? That's something i got a parking apartment, a post office.

I don't want people out of me anymore. There's a jakey bum downstairs for me. You want to live. I have such a kind heart.

The ain't got nothing. He gets a check every month, but he's barely living. I bring him up my apartment. I give this guy my food before i he's actually wrapping it.

You guys never felt the recession. The only show i can relate with on tv now is criminal minds. I watch it 10 times a day. Cliff explains the plot device of criminal minds and how he knows everything about the legal system because of it.

The investigator once again just gets up and walks out. Why hold on wait? This guy says he knows about the legal system. This guy comes and says. I know my rights and on my rights, speed run this i'm not as anything and then he he's just getting.

Oh, i know everything about it, but i can't win in family court. I can't win without the fact that i got my wife one more time. I'm gon na throw myself off a cliff jesus christ. Why have i been here for two years? So you offered the you know the phone to call him.

Does he? What do you want to tell you the truth? Why do i even need to call him like i'm going? Is there nothing he can do for me? Well, not anymore. Just got timed out for calling this guy a racist loser romance this from the sabor collection unit. Call my lawyer on christmas eve. I didn't even know they were working and then she comes in tonight another holiday to me in the ass that no good, you tell her.

If i ever knew her face, i would have tore a heart out the clifford patricia's dead, what what she's dead? Okay! What i do this guy flips, that over in warren county her? If i could take these things and chan, i kill her and her whole family. The money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, never bother! Anybody sit in my apartment all day, long can't even watch tv can't have a conversation with nobody haven't eaten in two days i mean what the what do you call a starving christmas eve being told? I got a warrant out for my arrest, warren county sheriff. Well, here i am, i deliver myself, i lost everything my business had. I didn't even know how to call in society barbara's um what to do.
What do you want me to do? Every thing collects his child support and coordinates with death collections brothers. Can you point me in their direction? My whole house gets shot to up a gunshot, unregistered handgun every ball in the chamber. You know what that was. Seven years, you ever read one uh cuomo's gun laws.

Everybody destroyed my life money, money, money, money want my money here. You want my money. Oh he's got nothing, that's an empty pocket. I know you don't because you never felt the recession.

You you get your check every week. Your kids mean anything to you. Everything me too every thing i just answered your own question. Every thing i paid 250 a week in child support.

I was one of them, statistical, irish guys to have to one, but he just wounded her with a knife. Don't me in the ass used to be the best guy in the world to pick the up anywhere. I up. I married a full-blown alcoholic and a stripper 250th week, she's living like a king.

I i can't even live guy, can go into your kid's house and shoot it up and walk away with misdemeanors and talk about anybody. I'm just watching the video dude. That's when another cop tells me to keep paying pay, you're, paying pain and i'm taking your house and taking every i work for my motorcycle. She tells me she's, almost half of it never paid a dime for it.

What did she put the spikes on and what the curious that con at the support collection unit she's the one who did it all that dirty kind? If i could ever get her in my hands, i'd cut her to up her. Why she watched right now, i can't even get over it. How can is i'm glad to hear that i was set up to fail and it's not a thing. I can do it do it.

You know i just don't even know what the this guy sounds like adam sanders. If he was a professional tree climber instead of the jewelry dealer, a climbing trees actually plays a good good, a good wage. It's a cliff was transferred to the warren county jail soon. After this moment, he spent nine months hatching up a defense, and his initial plan, as we know, was to go for a manslaughter charge by claiming profound loss of self-control guys he even let me push the mark dude guys, guys guys, if you think anything at pamphlet.

This is all the jobs all the wages of the jobs that they they can take that are available like normal job, with an average salary. Climbing trees is dank it's it's like at in in the top job and, as we know, was to go for a manslaughter charge by claiming profound loss of self-control. He even claimed the knife used to kill, patricia was taken from her own kitchen during some type of struggle. The state then provided witness testimony that showed he arrived at the house in full camouflage brandishing a large weapon.
They also played the segments from his interrogation displaying his well-established hatred for the victim. Along with the moment he vowed to escape from prison for the sole purpose of cutting up barb into little pieces. He pleaded guilty to murder soon. After on september, 5th 2014 clifford burns was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 23 years.

He is currently housed at the maximum security penitentiary in clinton. New york, purity, penitentiary in clinton, new york, no shot guys exit, guys x, means kiss right. It doesn't mean me it doesn't it does that's what he means guys. He always puts x guys it's because x, like a kissy, because it's like a the kissy order on me.

They said all my guns had to go. I got red every one of them all right, you'll, never find him jesus, my favorite jk 47, with a 30 round mag, two of them taped. Together, i carried ten of them. I used to go on the mountain all day, just popping my rounds in full camo you're hard showing off, because okay dude go on dude, okay, that that was pretty good.

That was, that was pretty. That was pretty crazy, interesting that i guess it was in all the other j7, but that was actually that was pretty dank um you just now. You don't only climb trees, you kind of choose to trim them from like um, hitting the power lines or something like that. Um, you club the trees to uh to clean some stuff up.

Sometimes uh yeah man, it's a tree climbing job and they have like spikes that are like um. They go like against the tree right. So again, i wonder if that guy was a juicer, give um.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to christmas with cliff jcs – criminal psychology”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Smith says:

    "I'm a man in every aspect" yeah a man doesn't kill his wife and attempt to kill his step daughter because he's jealous, he moves on. Yknow, like a man. Also the fact that he proceeds to refer to his wife as a "broad" 30 seconds later is the icing on the cake. This dude is insane

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craze says:

    its funny how being racist is worse than murdering someone, thats the chats mindset lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cool Wolf says:

    Watch out there's a bad nono word you have to watch out for because Twitch is a soy cuck company that has a itch to ban anyone except girls streaming softcore porn ☝🤓

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mandy0monday says:

    I’ve already watched this on my own, but watching a JCS video a second time is always good because there is so much detail to take in still.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burgeranus says:

    I love that he said he pays 250 a week and that’s 90,000 a year 🤣 he can’t be serious. Pretty sure it’s like 15,000

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melz says:

    cliff has to be one of the stupidest individuals ive ever heard talk, that made me feel great about myself! thank you

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trent olson says:

    Cliff: "the money" "the money" "the money" "the money"
    Chat: Jean Paul!!!
    I'm dead😂😂 xQcL

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Frat says:

    How much does a Tree Climber make in the United States? The average Tree Climber salary in the United States is $50,756 as of November 29, 2021, but the salary range typically falls between $42,272 and $62,225.

    Ah yes XQC

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josh banks says:

    wouldn't it be funny af if the two officers watching him at first were the backus brothers?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qclegion says:

    Dude i was watching this yesterday morning and it got changed to private , what happened? Refreshed the page and the video was gone.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wondering Mystic says:

    Sending working class men to jail for failing to pay child support is actually evil and I don't know how feminists can defend that oppressive shit.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yes-indeed says:

    Says "im a man in every aspect" after attacking two women with a 17inch sword.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crixtics says:

    man haven't made enough money from his twitch so he is literally stealing videos to make more on youtube. ITS not FAIR use if you're just gonna sit there for 35 mins and not say a word. this is not a reaction. this is blatant leeching off of youtubers who put a lot of time and effort to producing their videos.

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