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#xQc #Cyberpunk #Memes

This video is sponsored by this plate. Over the last few decades, open world games have made incredible strides with each generation the world's get bigger physics we've seen so many remember the one we watched last time as computing power absolutely rocketed. Watch this open, bold games blazed the path for how it could be put to use and by 2013 games were recreating cities like l.a and san antonio. Oh then, something started happening, see the promises kept getting bigger the trailers more and more impressive, but when it came to the actual games well, something was off.

Destiny looked amazing, but then this entire story was gouged out and repackaged. His paid dlc, oh man, sky, looked incredible, but when it launched every trailer turned out to be an outright line. Okay, jesus christ, the tech was improving, but the games somehow seemed to be getting worse and after countless disappointments, gamers were left famished. Oh no, the watchdogs.

A small development studio in poland set out on a project that would change everything. It was to be the most ambitious open world. Rpg ever made it ticked every box. There was fully dynamic missions, a bustling open world, complete customization fee.

Anyone do anything guys. Sorry, there's only one last hope in this chat guys. What is it tell me? There's only there's only one shining light in the dark. What is it say say it gta 6, that's the one! That's the one! Yep gta 6., it's early 2015.

for the last few years. Todd howard and the boys at bethesda have been absolutely smashing: sales numbers and raking in hundreds of game of the year awards in the process, todd had built an open world empire, but yeah. He was finishing up his next blockbuster game fallout 4 set to release at the end of the year. However, at the same time, a relatively obscure developer, based in poland, is doing the same thing.

For the last few months, cd projekt road had been putting the finishing touches on the third installment of their open world fantasy series. It had been three and a half years of blood, sweat and tears, but now things were finally wrapping up. I mean they went home in 2015, the witcher 3 is set to release cd projekt reds management sits round, review, copies have been sent out a few weeks prior and the reviews were expected at any moment. The suspense was palpable, but eventually the reviews come in and the game biggest absolutely perfect, staggering it snaps with nines and tens across the board and the game flies off shelves everywhere.

Millions of dollars of profits are conjured. Almost instantly management is euphoric, hmm impressive, but when we have a game too, and the massively anticipated fallout 4 is released a few months later far far and harder, it does very well and also gets raving reviews. Oh wait! A minute! 2015's game awards are tense game. Devs from all around the world are sat down anxiously waiting for the big one game of the year.

Todd had won the majority of the game of the year awards for the last four games he directed and he was keen to win them for this one too. The developers sit through hours of obscure awards, true, but eventually game of the year, which is not wrong, though i don't remember what it was at the time: the witcher 3. todd. In fact, it ends the year winning the most game of the year awards ever bethesda's streak of winds burned to ashes, todd was furious, jesus and, while the rest of the industry turns to repackaging free mods into paid dlc enormous graphical downgrades, guys you guys literally guys It didn't matter chad didn't matter because he was like dude doorman, uh fallout 76 is coming in and it's gon na just work on two yeah big enough to be a whole game of their own and turns out they're half the price of fallout.
4's also did someone say: free dlc people were in love, move after move everything. Cd projekt did was just right after 28 years in the business they'd. Finally made it. Oh, that's nice! Oh no, so new fans of the studio rush to see their next project, another witcher, no a different fantasy franchise, also, no voila.

Eventually, they find themselves on a video uploaded a couple of years prior cyberpunk 2077, a teaser trailer for cd projekt red's. Next game details on it are sparse, but here's what we know it was more ambitious than the witcher 3 on every single front and was basically a futuristic rpg version of gta sign me up the release date well when it was ready, so people wait and wait And wait it's now 2017 and after two years of waiting, there's still no word and the game, along with the studio drifts back into obscurity. But finally, in 2018 we get something an official worldwide trailer debuts at e3, and we get our first glimpse. The hype is resurrected instantly, but not for long turns out.

Todd is also at e3 and he has a little something to show off goddamn becoming a really first multiplayer bethesda game. Studios rpg ever made all mine and it was launching in just a few months. Todd's promises were impressive, sorry, cd projekt, but there was only one thing to do guys and after you said 14 times the size and what is it 16 times the graphics fall out. 76 goes up.

Nobody says that already it didn't quite live up to the hype. Section exploits and a literal horde of bugs flood online forums and reddit chat, chat. Noises actually is exploits right right here, merchandise exploits looking downwards and make you go faster right. You guys guys isn't it because of like the like the the rendering or something like the frames looking downwards go way: faster horde of bugs flood online youtubers jump on the game like a pack of dogs, bethesda fights back with a few patches patches that were almost Bigger than the size of the actual game, but they never stood a chance, a god had fallen.

I mean all the gods guys because i feel like this was very telling at the time that all gods were going to fall, though, is, and i feel like. Maybe if i'm wrong all gods fail after that, i feel like almost almost all of them, gamers mourned their death for months. But at this point, open world game developers were dropping like flies. Almost rockstar had ditched gta, single-player dlc to sell flying cars and laser guns to 10 year olds in gta, online bioware's games had regressed about a decade and something at bethesda had clearly gone horribly wrong.
Cd projekt was the only developer, people had left and they put their full faith in them and cdpr aimed to do just that in august 2018 they drop a 50-minute demo of the game. Alongside a sea of articles and press releases, it looks mind-blowing non-linear missions with tons of choices and branching endings, a game world and storyline that reacts to your actions, complex community and crowd systems that would make for the most believable city in an open world game. To date, random encounters and events player backstories with far reaching campaign consequences, explorable buildings with multiple floors, multiple apartments, an in-depth wanted system and corrupt police wall running over 1000 npcs with their own routines, an online multiplayer added post launch and more, and they will be available On every current platform, including xbox one and ps4, things were shaping up great, but the final bombshell drops wake the up samurai. We have a city to burn.

Oh my god, no reeves cd project red had created something. Oh my, the graphics were borderline photo realistic. The city utterly immersive, even poland's own government were hyped. It was to be the first quadruple, a game.

People said and we'd be able to jump in on april the 16th. The hype was monumental before we get on to that your room. Are those walls empty? My god hold on. What's that a high quality metal poster for a reasonable price.

That's right! This plate, specializes in one thing, posters, posters, posters, posters, one point sponsor yeah: everybody knows about this display pacman 2012 development. Basically just consisted of this - goes on. For a few years, but in 2016, the rest of cdpr finally jump on board and most of their work is scrapped right out the game. Okay, so the game's story and gameplay concepts are reworked from the ground up.

This means that key game elements are either completely changed or outright scrapped. Now the management at cdpr is still ambitious. This game was going to be a big one, and that meant that it was going to need a lot of work, but that was okay. They had four years of development ahead of them well managed and executed.

This was going to be a priest four years more four years later and it's now january 2020 and the game is barely out of alpha. This is just two months out from launch higher ups realise they should probably actually develop a finished game, so income cd project rates, management, wake, the up game; devs we've got a game to crunch and so cdpr's pr team come out to the public. Sorry lads! It's not quite ready, yet in a few months time it was okay, they still had a lot of the on their plate, but now they had more time. If everything goes according to plan, they should be able to get this thing out.
Relatively polished. Sorry, fellas the country's closed come back in a few months time, dear god, all right less than six months left of development time and now everyone's working from home, not exactly ideal right boys we're going to have to cut some corners here, fan multiple apartments, scrap them All running not important, the children forget them, see those adults downsize them that looks great and eventually, after months of crunch and a couple more delays, a new release date is in december 10th, 2020. early december. The board of directors look at each other, petrified their share price had rocketed to over 10 billion dollars and they were now the most valuable company on the polish stock exchange.

That's insane's president called cdpr their entire economy laid on the back of this game's launch. They'd. Be executed one by one. They could not this up, they couldn't delay again or they'd miss the holiday sales period.

Investors would be furious, but on the other hand, the game was still a bit rough. They eventually come to a conclusion launch the game. Development had taken. Seven years and cost 121 million dollars, but at last on december, the 10th the world would finally be able to play cyberpunk 2077.

uh-oh december 9th one day before launch early reviews are looking good youtubers and review sites aren't actually allowed to use their own game footage In them, which is a bit strange but they're, saying the game does the impossible and i'm scrambling to get a copy from my own. That was it, people that hadn't already pre-ordered now have no reason to hold back and the game racks up around 8 million pre-orders by launch seven years of patience and almost a year of delays on top. But the wait was finally over and at 12 am on december 10th. Cyberpunk launches and people press play i'll press play press play guys.

I had an early copy okay, i guess i said the gog or some guys. What is it called this piece of g.o.g guys? I had to talk to like five devs actual. This is the gamer, because that means talk to a higher up dev some president, personally, the enemy to to actually get the game to launch it was in pot. You had to get a anti-cheat patch, a patch.

You think it's something to manually accurately. It was so bad and people that's one of the worst things in my life. Man me for pc players with decent rigs. The game runs reasonably well, the story is great, and the graphics are amazing right.

They were sober, stray away from the main missions for five minutes, and things start to seem off, walk with me, we're walking around the most believable city in a video game today for the uh over there. Is he really disabled? Look at your own shadow. Does that look normal to you anything seen off, look a car's supposed to fly over there is that normal, your inventory open it that look like a katana to you. Is that really an assault rifle? Were you listening to me or were you looking at the man with no head more issues? Incredibly broken armour stats means that dressing like a bin man provides more protection than a full combat suit, futuristic, bulletproof mirror also guys again, don't say i'm.
I was bad at the game. Okay, guys we played the entire game with like basic armor from like level two or second zone. Okay, we never changed armor. I could not find anywhere armor.

That was better. Man provides more literally the whole game with basic armor touristic. Bulletproof military armor nah, i'm good son. It was not my fault.

The game has a detailed crafting system, but there are a few problems. First up, it's incredibly broken. Every item you pick up or craft on pc adds data to the save file. Oh my god.

However, if that save file exceeds eight megabytes in size, eight megabytes and completely unplayable players with this issue log on to cdpr forums and ask if there's anything they can do to solve or prevent this issue. Eventually they receive an answer. Just stop playing the game. Uh wait what eventually they receive an answer.

Just stop playing! Don't do it play the game until the end then start a new game. Don't continue, saving and reloading the same character for too long don't craft thousands of items at once. Thousands uh, okay, the visuals of cyberpunk, are generally amazing. However, there are a few issues here as well see, even though you never actually see yours in game.

Cyberpunk 2077 grants you a plethora of options for your genitals, but wait turns out. There's a bug going round and those genitals you've, just customized are now clipping through every single pair of channels, as you can put on my god. Other visual bugs include headless men, glitchy trees and their mouths, and more good luck got a feeling will be when there's the console performance, it's not great. In november 2020, cdpr said old, gen consoles were running surprisingly well.

Just under a month later, we got to find out for ourselves. The population of night city is decreased to the point where it looks, almost abandoned, graphics are absolutely abysmal and the resolution bounces from 900p to as low as 720p. Even with all of these compromises, the fps barely manages to hit 25.. I remember that often there's the rendering issues.

There's ten then there's the rent herbal sugaring issues paper mache faces constant crashes. All in all, cyberpunk 2077 has a few technical issues holy dude. Oh, my god, gta vice city, early trailers of the game, said everything is subject to change and everything did. Trailers show clubbing and a host of other interactive activities.
However, it turns out that about half of that was taken from the games and then forgotten about forever. Trailers also imply drive-by, shooting and police pursuit, but neither of those are in the game, and you play the game. I don't know how it was like excuse me making it seem worse. I i wish you understood that it was even the worst that i two years ago.

I always understood that didn't play the game that it was. It was legitimately worth all this. Some of the quests - you couldn't finish them. If you uh, you could only reload a previous save literally you.

Sometimes a quest item will be on the ground, would be hey, it's right there you would go, and the item is just not there. It's just not. You have to reload it it did. It was so good.

There isn't promotional material suggest, a massive metro system that you'd use to get around. All of that was cut out and replaced with a fast travel system. A functioning metro system has since been modded into the game. The thousand plus npcs, with their own routines, are replaced with walking potatoes that literally despawn from the world the second they leave your field of view.

They only have one piece of dialogue can't defend themselves and seemingly have no driving ai or any ai at all the police system. Well, it's not really a thing shoot someone in the back of the skull with no one else around for miles unlucky. Two cops have just spawned right behind your head in any other game. That would normally be an issue, but in cyberpunk literally just run five seconds away from them and they'll completely destroy the world.

Nice got a car even better, because cops in this game can't even enter a vehicle also about the far-reaching player backstories. Well, they only really change the first few minutes of the game. They also add a few unique dialogue options, but they have little to no effect on anything. There's the wall running, cut multiple apartments gone non-linear missions, there's one or two in there npc routines uh explorable buildings, nope all locked out, nothing.

So the game doesn't have all the features in the trailers and articles, but it doesn't stop there. The game's baseline features are well subpar, so subpar that multiple videos are uploaded to youtube, showcasing how saints row 2 gta san andreas and even half-life ones, cockroach ai, is more advanced. Okay. At this point, it was clear there was only one thing left to do.

I'm gon na ask for a refund refunds: refunds, refunds, refunds everywhere, tdpr is hit with a meteoric shower of refunds, and the game is in such a terrible state, though against their own general policies. Xbox and playstation actually allow them by the way playstation has to literally remove the game from their online store to do this. Naturally, the game is memed into oblivion, and cdpr is dragged through the gutter in the press and online for months to come. A few pieces of cdpr's marketing also becomes a lot more relevant.
Cdpr's stock price also absolutely create it and falls by fifty percent in a matter of weeks. Dear god, those investors do not look happy. They filed several class action lawsuits instantly. Nevertheless, the game still sells a ton of copies and massive bonuses are dished out to management within a few months delicious.

However, a few weeks later and the project pr team comes out of the shadows: okay, yeah, the game's, a bit rough. Here's a road map of how we're going to fix it. Road map, slowly changes over time, cdpr failed to hit deadline after deadline, but over the next few months, patches are added and the game slowly improves actual npc ai, my god xqc. It takes six full months, but the game is eventually stable enough to be added back to the playstation store cd projekt red have since scaled back.

Their plans for multiplayer and they're still patching the game. To this day, i can only imagine the code and the updates in infrastructure attempt to restore the game to its original promise, but whether or not cyberpunk is ever patched to the point. It resembles the trailers of the game. One thing is certain: gamers are done.

While there has been the odd redemption cd projekt red was the last straw. It's right now we had a good video of it. No more anything. The lies were not going to work again, but then they locked eyes with him.

He whispers something in their ear about being four times the size. Oh, no. How could they resist? Oh, why neither one again and they'll keep winning because they know how to sell you a game whether or not it's the same game that comes out at launch from where, but the truth is, the games are rigged from the start. Um tonight,.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘cyberpunked 2077’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rui Pratz says:

    editor should've put the clip of him reacting to him "choosing the wrong option" at the end of the video

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dynetrax says:

    GTA6 is gonna be dogshit dog im calling it. after what they did to RDO and how they turned GTAO into a fuckin clown show for poor people. i cant fuckin wait to see the bullshit woke-infected dog shit they push out and call gta6

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rabtarg says:

    If GTA 6 somehow ends up being just as shit as most other AAA games today then we are truly screwed

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chico says:

    Cyberpunk was awesome at lauch on PC! But yeah, those on older consoles didn't get the same experience as I did

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not a Weeb says:

    The game is actually good now though, finished it twice and only had minor glitches only at first playtrough

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iminumst says:

    No cap, Witcher 3 was overrated, gave it a play and I'd still rather play Skyrim. That's not praise for Bethesda, I just think Witcher 3 isn't that good. Witcher 3 in my experience is just as buggy, has a worse progression system, and less player freedom. People praise the quest writing and such but honestly it was childish edgelord stuff, I actually ended up muting voice audio because I found Geralt too cringy, he's like a fantasy Shadow the Hedgehog.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Capeey says:

    RIP BOZO console players
    i played at the patch 1.03 and was good, still some bugs but the only stupid thing was that police spawned stupidly

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BU𐍂AGØ says:

    It doesn't matter that No Mans Sky fixed their shit, especially for people who bought it before the fixes, you can loose interest and you pay 60 bucks for it to take years of fixing, that just bullshit.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenith says:

    The game was good they just shouldn’t have made promises for old consoles. Got it on PC and it runs perfectly, had a single bug the whole game.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ei says:

    holy shit this is probably the closest you can get to plagiarism without actually plagiarising. same tone, same jokes, same music, same topics, same pacing, same editing, same ad style, same everything. only it's worse than IH's originals.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Owl Bard says:

    I think if more folks had access to an Xbox Series X or a PlayStation 5, it would have been better received. At the time, there was a shortage on the consoles.

    My version of the game (on Series X) ran really well and I enjoyed the game on launch day. I think folks on the old gen consoles really struggled with the game and honestly, they should have never dropped them on last gen consoles.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reflx says:

    Big boss leaves so many details out, and his videos are never as complete,. its like he just posts videos with barley any research and just watches a internet historian video to copy.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kinda fat kinda strong says:

    Cyberpunk being such a disaster was such a suprise becaus the witcher 3 is hands down the GOAT game for me

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pixel says:

    its weird because i pressed play as soon as it launched and didnt have a single issue or bug and that was with me also doing random open world things and i have a fucking broken 1050ti so idk how i didnt have any bugs or graphic glitches

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neural Mindset says:

    Maybe it's just me, but this guy edits his videos just like Internet Historian. He even has the same pauses and the same cadence to how he does his videos

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frost says:

    I watch a video that is recommended to me and then i see XQC reacting to it in the same day. Interesting

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