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Contains strong language and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Oh hope it's good. Would lovea much X Bro, how did you make your PC a powerful tool And now they've even added an encyclopedia aesome I Do my shopping at home, pay my bills, and I can learn something new Prodigy Now has a 21 volume electronic.

Cbn's the only place to see Remington Steel I'm a man who enjoys impossible challenges. It's this morning, an earthquake at 4:31 West Coast Coast Time Strong, jolting and rumbling. it pushed its way through. Southern California I Also have to warn you as we begin this special report that what you're about to see almost defies description and some of you may not want to watch it.

39 people in one house dead and no one can explain why. Whoa whoa whoa. This is the body of the 20th victim found a minister from Fairway Kansas It'll take a long time to get things back in shape. some feel they never will to the one the other side.

Then the year is 2020. A woman and her husband move into a duplex sharing the home with two other tenants, an elderly woman and her adult daughter. For the first few months, Nothing seems out of the ordinary. In fact, they never see them and not once do they interact.

at least until wait. I Don't get it is that the Kitchen video. This begins seemingly out of nowhere and appears to have have no end in sight. Every single time they do this, their dog freaks out, causing their newborn to cry and causing the banging to only become worse.

It's a constant back and forth Dynamic and things are quickly spiraling out of control. The cops aren't doing anything, the landlord is no help, and So at their wits end, they take to to air out their grievances oh no, please, and to seek advice. Oh no. At 11:09 P.m.

on September 13th of 2020, a reditor named P's legal advice to make a post titled Delusional Neighbor bangs on the shared wall when our baby cries and nothing can be done about it in reads the following: Apparently there stuff behind it so I'm going to watch it I Live in a duplex in Washington state with my husband and my son who is only a few months old. My father-in-law owns half the duplex and is Renning it to us and the other half is owned by an older woman and her adult daughter. My father-in-law has known the women for over 15 years and told us before we moved in that the daughter was mentally ill and had strong delusions on occasion that caused trouble with the previous tenants. The Last Tenant Apparently had to get a civil anti-harassment order placed against the daughter, but eventually moved out when the behaviors never stopped.

Apparently the neighbor accused them of kidnapping and abusing their children and even abusing their dogs. My husband and I brought our son home a few months ago and we didn't have any issues with the neighbor until about 2 weeks ago. She has begun banging on and throwing things at the walls. When her son cries, she screams at us as well, but I usually can't hear what she's actually saying.
you know over the screaming baby and the two dogs going absolutely ballistic because of the banging? It's it's absolute chaos and it's made my postpartum anxiety so much worse every time the baby cries I experience intense Panic waiting for the screaming and banging to start. We've called the non-emergency police line twice when I can't handle it anymore and the first time they talked to her and she stopped doing it as often. maybe once every 2 days. Tonight though, she's back at it and worse than ever.

The air quality is so bad right now from the fires that I can't let the dogs out for long to stop them from barking. and The Barking makes the baby cry harder which makes the neighbor scream and pound on the walls harder. The officer I spoke with says we can try to get a civil anti-harassment order placed, but he knew for a fact that her behaviors never stopped. After the last tenance tried that and he said his unofficial advice would be to live somewhere else.

Is that seriously my only option? We can't afford to move. but I can't keep living like this. Just move Little W yo. It's a good video series.

Man, let it play out. Man, The Unfortunately this post went largely unseen by anyone online, merely generating 40 upvotes and just 10 comments. One user named lifeguard ill suggested that the neighbor was merely banging on their wall because they were sick of the noise she was making. She's an owner, so you can't do anything.

Your best solution is to properly insulate the wall against sound. From the other point of view, having a newborn baby in a shared dwelling is really shitty to your neighbors from the noise. Just as much as you don't like the pounding, your neighbors hate your crying noises and dog barking. maybe your neighbors can't handle the crying anymore.

You should really look into soundof or your neighbor could start calling Animal Control. And CPS for all the noise you make, stop blaming the neighbor when you're the one making all the noise. It's an interesting thought process. However, the perspective is entirely valid.

They are responsible for have of this duplex, and there's really not much they can do about their distaste for a neighbor. As a matter of fact, that was largely the S of those guys. you guys are brain dead. Okay This all comes about Intention: Okay, your baby isn't intentionally crying and and it's not fully rational, your response is to intentionally yell and do dumb shut up.

you're an idiot. Those who did see her post, there is nothing she can do and the matter was left at that. Not the ladder and know what a a redditor got a good solution. My first post never got much attention, but the outcome was pretty wild.

Short version: In October of 2020, my husband and I were renting an A duplex where my father-in-law owned the half that we lived in and a separate family owned the other half. We brought our son home from the NICU in August and towards the end of September the neighbor started to pound on the shared wall if she could hear him cry. The pounding escalated. Over the next 2 months, the neighbor bought a megaphone to yell through the wall and threatened to rip us apart.
She called us child predators and she yell up cities and threats until 3:00 or 4: in the morning. The police were called multiple times, yet nothing could be done about it. One officer told us I'm going to kill you see doesn't mean anything if I don't actually do it What? The elderly mother hadn't been seen in several months, but requests for wellness checks were brushed off. The general advice that I got was that as renters, we couldn't do anything.

It was also suggested that this was reasonable Behavior since the crying baby was probably really annoying. Since my first post we moved into for Saf. Imagine Go! Imagine Dude. You go into a plane.

Dude you into a plane ride and the baby starts crying. And then as a grown up adult, you go bro. And then every does this bro that's brain dead. The neighbor ended up buting a soft ball-sized hole through the shared wall to scream at us and occasionally just stare at us.

The smell that came out of the hole was indescribably bad. Our security cameras recorded her coming in my son's Nursery window at around 2: a.m. almost daily just staring and holding her cat. It took until the end of January for the police to be able to enter her property and as it turned out, the elderly mother had been deceased since at least June and the daughter had the corpse dressed in her.

Sunday V Rotting in a dead bolted bedroom. The news article said the mother died from natural causes and the daughter was taken to an inpatient psychiatric facility. That's it. I Feel usually State The obvious that fabricating stories online happens all the time and is remarkably simple to pull off tell in the current online landscape, it almost seems like fake stor outweigh real ones by a large margin, incentivized by online notoriety in the pursuit of upboats.

There was something about this one, though that seemed eerily specific. The premise was Haunting yet it seemed entirely legitimate. So why is more this in January of 2021? Authority In the city of Richland Washington made their way to the home of Peaches and Glitter in response to their 911 call. While there, they encounter a disgruntled 45-year-old woman named Angela Griner through the hole she carved in their shared wall and immediately notice an overwhelming odor.

Because of this, they request to be l in to ensure everything there is okay, yet Grinder staunchly refused for over a week. She wouldn't let a single soul in, no no matter how hard law enforcement tried. However, what she was unaware of was that police were already in the process of obtaining a warrant, essentially permitting them access regardless of her consent. Now hold on by feary granon and so, Richland Py returns and forces their way inside.
And as expected from the revolting odor, the corpse of Grinder's mother, a 67-year-old woman named Claudia Kenny was rotting inside their locked bedroom. She reportedly died from pulmonary Inisa and was believed to have been decomposing inside that home for nearly 7 months. Yeah, exactly. bro.

I I Had a W has check been done on me, they they got in for free. As stated by the Op. Grinder was taken to an inpatient psychiatric facility and since then there have been no further updates on her status or whereabouts. The duplex to this day still stands yet now.

Bears A reputation forever haunted by the Grim events that took place there. The story in its entirety drives home the fact that you truly never know who's beside you, who's across from you, who is on the other side of the wall by which you sleep for months. This family was unknowingly going about their daily lives with the human corpse just feet away from them and completely unaware that their neighbor was living alongside it. At the end of it all, Peaches and Glitter Just wanted a home for their family.

A place their newborn can grow up happily. Bro Yet little did they know what they were getting into and what was waiting for them on the other side. But okay. chat I Love Expo chat.

but this one was a bit goofy. There wasn't much to it. 911 Report: a block driveway or a loud stereo. Leave the 911 lines open for real emergencies for anything else or directory assistance.

Think before you call 91 before you call 911 Before you call 911 before you call 911. it's evening in P County Florida A 76-year-old woman named Loretta Pickard is home alone asleep on her couch. She had just undergone hip surgery so she was unable to move. However, her her evening was just like any other.

it's dark, probably not I think had toen as it and her home rests in a tenacious state of Tranquility Drink it it the please. Much time before it's too late. my parents this show was dog at 700 p.m. Loretta notices that something is wrong.

The smell of smoke awakes her. However, because she's disabled, she's unable to check what's causing it during this. her husband was away with their grandkids, so she was effectively helpless in place. Meanwhile, the smell persists, something is on fire and so she grabs her phone, dials 911 and explains to dispatch.

The following recording was taken the evening of November 23, 2018 to 22. Wait is Not 911. What is the address of your emergency? Pardon 911. What is the address of your emergency? Okay, tell me exactly what happened I Think my house is on fire and I'm here alone and I'm on a walker.

Okay, all right I have help I just have a couple of questions. Okay, okay, all right, just to help the Par or the firefighters excuse me. these These questions are not going to delay params in any way. Okay, what type of building is involved? It's a log house with a pin Ro but it's coming from the roof I think I don't know.
Okay I have help on the way. Okay, these questions are not delayed I The fire Parts At all. Okay, Okay, okay, all right. I do have some coming All right.

I'm sending the fire department to help you now. stay on the line and I'll tell you exactly what to do next. They have the address automatically. Okay, is anyone trapped inside the building? Well, I'm inside the house I don't even know if how you get out.

Okay, all right. I have them coming as quickly as possible. Okay, how many is it me? okay I mean my husband's at the ball game and I can't get him I try his cell phone. Okay, exactly where are you located? Uh, no.

inside the home. Exactly where you located inside the home right now. I'm in the living room SM Hting bad. Okay, if it's safe to do so, leave the building, close the doors behind you and remain outside.

Do Not try to put the fire out. Do Not carry anything. Do Not carry out anything that's on fire I wanted to I'm on a walker and can't hardly walk. Okay, all right.

Well I do have them coming as quickly as possible Cas let me know when you see them. Okay, where exactly is the fire on the roof I think Y is there is there no like things to do when there's smoke like get on the ground or something or like not injured but eyes a strategy to Sur you you could give her I can't get out the door. Okay, okay. okay I have them coming.

Okay, they're coming as quickly as possible. Lights and SS okay I injured guys I'm just saying chat because as a dispatcher is there not anything anything alternative to do? Is it just walk outside or you're dead. Is there no in between? This back and forth continues for 15 agonizing minutes, yet for this entire duration, help never seemed to come. Nevertheless, seems to be growing.

Where is everyone? Oh oh I Think now. Okay, they're here. They're there. They're there.

I'm letting them know exactly what's going on. Okay, they are there. Okay they I promise they are right there. just they have to make their way into you.

Okay bro. Okay, okay your bro hello hello hello hello sorry I chat this guy chat said and DC megaphone What is your husband's name guys guys, What guys, What the this sound? The sound of flames engulfing the piered home continues for 9 minutes straight with the dispatcher reassuring her the entire time that help is on the way. Little did they know though that on the other end of the line there was no longer anyone there to hear it Loretta Picker in this moment and contrary to All assurances by Dispatch had perished in the fire guys. sometimes I feel like I have better coms and positioning with my Yuber driver or my Uber e driver, then dispatch with their law enforcement or people.
Man, what the yo? what the? You wouldn't believe it. but for over half of this phone call help was just a few short feet away. Huh? Firefighters were outside when she was alive and had every opportunity to save her, but didn't that evening. There were unfortunately no fire hydrants anywhere near the residence, so the crew was left to utilize the reserves in their truck instead of putting out the house fire with Loretta trapped inside.

However, the crew's Captain James Williams used the entirety of the reserves to combat what he described as a forest fire by behind the home. This by default nullified any potential of combating the place's origin, diminishing any possibility of saving. Lorena I Know well, even if it didn't put out the house fire, What? Why didn't they go in the house just to get them? What In a case, Eight on your Side has been investigating all year long? Loretta Picker died in her burning Lakeland Home Pleading for help, but firefighters stood by and did nothing about it. Well, now her estate will receive the maximum amount of money allowed under state law.

A On Your Side Stacy D Silva reports from Pop County how much is that? Loretta's well, that sounded good, but then how much is that? bro. Since the incident, the Picker family has undergone a grueling legal battle against the County As in the weeks following the fire, it's been revealed that James Williams would frequently take Snapchat videos while at the scene of house fires, and allegedly the evening of Loretta's death must been different. Even further, it's been stated by bystanders that little to no effort was made to get inside the home either, effectively leaving her helpless and alone to endure one of the most horrific deaths imaginable. I mean that that's criminal avengement if I've ever seen it in the aftermath of this incidental neglect, neglect given a $200,000 from County in response to their inaction.

On top of this James Williams has since criminal negligence. That's one in a void of heartbreak, loss, and despair has been eternally left in their wake no matter how much money, how much action is, and has been taken after this incident. Nothing in the world can bring back a family member who lost their life during a moment of desperation it was the day after Thanksgiving A Time engulfed in positivity. However, for the Picker family, this day will forever be remembered as the last that they would ever spend with her that fateful night.

Loretta's husband James lost the love of his life. their grandkids left a loving home that they would never return to I wonder how much that isre family had unknowingly said their final goodbyes to their beloved grandmother 200 they would never see again. Do Not hang around the restrooms and if you see any of your Playmates about to get into trouble, get help from a police officer or someone you know. You not only have to look out for yourself, but for the little children who don't know any better and can't understand that some people are sick in the mind.
bro. What the Fck is a Playmates brother. In 2018, a YouTube channel was born. It's named Vera Corota and over the span of less than one year they'd upload over 1.4 th000 videos to the platform within them.

We're able to observe the inside of an apartment occupied by what seems to be a family, and to be honest, not a whole lot seems to happen. They spend a ton of time watching TV and lounging around, and at first glance it seems like this channel might be nothing more than an archival page run by them. No, this would make sense. However, there's one small problem: this isn't Vera's only camera.

Maybe they're Maybe they're uploading on YouTube on like in, like unlisted. You know this channel. Vera Corota is likely run by not the tenants, but their landlord, and they've got eyes everywhere. j I I rented two Airbnbs that had cameras in them I Think that was at.

The details of Vera's videos present some eccentric discoveries. For instance, their titles regularly reference names like Putin and Hitler and often use incredibly abrasive language when referring to their residents and the police. Furthermore, in their descriptions, they can also be found going off guys. In that case, it's legal chat because a lot of rich people what they like to do they to put like to put a camera in the house pointing at the lobby so Sy breaks in and steals.

The only point of entries are so the people can be identified whatever they still and get in about useless drunkards housing the disabled and something about smoke. But out of everything, the video that really made me realize that something is off here came with their upload from the 26th of October 2019. It's simply titled Water Supply Repair. Oh hell no.

At first glance it seems ordinary. Upon translating the description though, we find he's poisoning it this ah uh and give her water. should both give her water. Have a lot of money and they are.

Good housing but and expense I'll be honest with you I've tried to read through this multiple times to glean any sort of logical flow in the wording, but it doesn't make much sense at all from what I could gather. though Vera seems to be furious at a judge. They then go forth to discuss legal documents that I believe they requested and then fantasize about killing them by cutting the judge's throat with the razor. It's incredibly disconcerting and regardless, if the tenants even know that they're being watched.

what I do know is that they are without a doubt completely unaware of what's going on in these descriptions. For over 4 years, this bizarre channel has sat like this, completely untouched and unnoticed by the broader internet. With this their back backlog spanning thousands of videos or public documenting complete strangers living out their daily lives without even the slightest hint that the very person who owns the building they live in is broadcasting them to the world today. Vera Corota stands as an eerie look into the incredibly bizarre behavior of a Peeping landlord.
inant, unsettling digital Relic hidden away inside the furthest confines of YouTube's darkest Abyss I Have absolutely no idea what compelled this person to do this and even more so, what caused them to abandon their project completely. I Wonder if the upload rate wasn't enough? They appeared intensely dedicated to their cost as not only were their security camera videos, but also uploads containing phone calls, conversations, and even trips to Real World locations. Wait, what with the language barrier stopping me in my tracks? Though unfortunately, deciphering any of this has been ultimately feudal by the off chance any of you watching can speak or understand? Russian I Am incredibly interested to learn more about why this channel exists and what exactly they were doing I Wonder why you didn't get a translator for the video instead and why are they here? Why do the cops constantly pop in and what are they looking for? Most importantly though, why the hell is all of this public? and who in the world is Vera Coro Some gun on? got it? Yeah, y Link In Do you want you want to know? The goal of this video is to make you aware of the potential for differential pressure situations. The key is to recognize them beforehand and make sure you are prepared to deal with them because when it's gotcha, it's gotcha Guys, this is a Delta incident guys.

In the first instant report chat, Diver one and Diver 2 both perish You guys! What am I Watching back in February we discussed the unquantifiable horrors of the ocean. Earth's Greatest Enigma An entire biosphere not made for us one of Humanity's greatest. Mysteries Has always been exploring the far reaches of the deep sea and in a way much of what's in it is completely alien to us. guys.

have I seen this before. The peculiar thing about the ocean is that it makes up the vast majority of I've seen this before. Guys: it's a dude who saves him that doesn't guys. it's a if we lose.

Comfortable, spacious and family price. The point of call: Golide Pool Cable TV volleyball and if you stay for at least 3 days you receive a vacation club card with over $100 and valuable discount. Valuable discount, valuable discount. Call now guys.

they're doing some repair on some on some oil rig uh pipe and then they get like sucked in and somehow survive all in a air air pocket in the pipe with like broken Limbs and and one guy goes in and gets out and he tells the company to go save the other guys and they they they don't agree and no efforts are made to save any of the guys remaining in the piper and they all die. It's late at night and a truck driver named Eduardo Cin has just checked in to Super Eight Place not what you need to hear, then stay here at Super 8 Clean, comfortable rooms because we inspect them more than any major economy chain. Clean. friendly Super 8 All the room you want.
His night is unremarkable. It's about as ordinary as you can imagine. He cleans himself up, makes himself a hot meal, and just a couple hours later Falls deep into a much deserved Slumber Wait, you can cook yourself a meal in in a in a hotel y Well, that's what should have happened. I'm going to order fo sometime.

It's been two days and Eduardo has not checked out. A security guard on duty is sent to check on him. However, a do not disturb placard adorns the handle and the room is locked from the inside. No answer.

Ardo you in there buddy. Still nothing, he's not there, but it's locked. Suspecting that something is off, the guard manages to unlock the door and and make his way in. And at first glance, this room is oddly ordinary.

On the floor, the blankets lie halfhazard on the table, a handbag, a bracelet, a scale adorned with the name George Martinez and a photograph appear Left Behind Wait. Yet once he makes his way to the room's rear and towards the bathroom, what awaits him in is completely unexpected. Hanging by a suitcase strap, a badly decomposed woman stares down upon him and Eduardo is nowhere to be found. CL I hey The Crickets I think I've seen this before.

You know you would think that this Photograph would make this woman's identification a breeze. However, reality has been quite the contrary. Police have since connected her likeness with the woman in the room. yet to this day, her identity remains exactly how it's been from the day she died.

She is unknown unidentified. a Jane Do What mean how Rais was revealed that she had heroin in her system and had passed away by taking her own life? The evidence from the motel room, including the scale with George Martinez written on it, were their only real leads in tracking down her identity. However, frustratingly, nothing ever came from it. No, Witnesses No footage, not even Eduardo more.

It took seven entire years before Eduardo's family was contacted by police, and coincidentally, they claimed that he had passed away not long beforehand. Upon being shown this mysterious photograph, however, they revealed that they didn't recognize him at all. This is not Eduardo and they have never seen this man in their life. That day, an entirely new mystery was born.

Not Only was there ambiguity around the actions of Eduardo and This Woman's identity, but now an unnamed male has entered the picture. As the years went on, leads on him were all but non-existent and all they really had to go on was the connection to that scale that's George Martinez was believed to be his identity. However, given how many George Martinez's are out there, tracking this guy down in the 1990s was all but but impossible. To this day.
this mystery remains completely unsolved. Barring one credible tip that authorities received in March of 2021. It's been rumored that her name was Becca and that she flew there from Los Angeles California why she did this, who she came with and how she wound up that a motel bathroom is still unclear. However, the rise of the internets and breakthroughs in technology, this perhaps someday her identity can come to light.

Okay chat. this is those guys I I Really guys. I Really like his videos. chat today, Chat was less tangible, more stories, more writing and not much of a of a of a thing.

A little bit a little bit more mid tonian than. uh, personal remark I Didn't enjoy it as much as I usually do. It is hauntingly mindling that not a single soul on this okay I Get it. I Get it.

Jesus Man yo yo.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to disturbing things from around the internet vol. 14”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lusciousneko says:

    imagine taking a job as a firefighter but not fighting fire

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @linkgun7472 says:

    jølle har split hockey hele livet

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rickst3r says:

    Polk county is one to stay away from, I live next door in Hillsborough county

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @biror1135 says:

    I know a solution for the first video. Buy a good quality bluethooth earbuds with noise cancellation. I use one for myself, because my gf is snoring loudly, but i didn't hear a single sound when im using the earbuds so i can sleep well without any disturbance.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shadypandas5903 says:

    honestly the constant music, pauses in dialogue and overdramatization of every word is really fucking annoying

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shadypandas5903 says:

    Imagine askng "whats your husbands name" as someones burning to death

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shadypandas5903 says:

    This dies seem fake. A cop not knowing what a threat is a bit unbelievable

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BallStretcher says:

    vibing while watching scary vids with qvc

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Robert-pr5qi says:

    skipping andy

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-mm3tg3wy5t says:

    Garbage content

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @puppycide says:

    did he skip the pipeline one?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ben-dn4sv says:

    chat is so stupid man, saying the dispatcher needs to be jailed??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RedLogicYT says:

    When Flat earthers are in a "Not Thinking Rationally" competition and their opponents are xQc fans 😱

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @warklot4930 says:

    anyone has link where xqc reacted to delta p incident ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andysanj says:

    bro reading off nosleep

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Caesar2001 says:

    Nexpo yaps too much

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @giftig694 says:

    hehe so scary

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @achxd says:

    reddit normies WutFace

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