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I'll rewind a little bit so we know was going on. $100,000 vacation? A $250,000 vacation. Can we just jump cut to that already? No. Because we got to suffer so they can compare our suffering to our happiness.

They do like when we suffer. Are we all supposed to fit on this single bed? If we wanted four beds, that'd be $4 First, let's get all the sand. Okay dude. just R I'm up next a vacation that's 10,000 times more expensive.

Welcome to the $10,000 night vacation. Oh my Gosh. Wait. what the heck is this? This hotel room has jellyfish.

Okay, that's so unnecessary. Oh, there's a pool outside. It's a private pool. Does this not look like a scene from a movie? Your hotel room walks out to the beach.

Wow, Is this our own private beach? Oh my gosh, this is incredible. D Since nice to be honest I don't know This allinclusive vacation also has a giant spall for 10K is actually pretty good. filled with flamingos. Oh, they're fighting flamingos.

An unlimited room service. Okay, what do you need? All of it. The only negative of this place is it doesn't have a raccoon hey little guy. but I don't blame them for that when you spend $10,000 at this.

Resort We each get our own floor of the building. It looks exactly like Jimmy's except for I got the top floor. Oh I have a hammock I think I can make it in the hammock without they their own PS I did it yo look at your view. Actually pretty good.

ow I caught it Three two one. Hey all right, let me lay out some rules. Rule number one: Yeah, no more throwing pillows in my pool. Rule number two: sorry Tariq And now what? The hotel is known for? This insane infinity pool that extends over our own personal Beach How does the water just not overflow? I Have so many questions? Huh? I Feel like a father that took his kids on vacation.

It's just watching them hang out in the pool. The $10,000 vacation has been insane, but not as insane as our next vacation all the way across the planet. And now the $50,000 vacation in Paris B Our $50,000 vacation starts with a completely private luxury fairy ride. What is that? That's the engine bro.

What is this 1805? T Zoom in on that guy. He's filming us. hey, they went back. Do you have a YouTube channel CH Here's a hot take chat I Went I Went to Paris when I was young for 3 weeks and I thought Paris was the worst spot.

Um, as a tourist than anything else and I we traveled the entire time. I I don't think he speaks English This vacation comes complete with fantastic food, a tour of the entire city all right, and a luxury hotel room with an amazing view. This is kind of romantic, huh? Yeah, you and Chandler should kiss. And lastly, we have a very expensive surprise.

So you guys are probably wondering it's a $50,000 vacation and we clearly haven't spent 50 Grand Grand yet. Yeah, where? where is it? It's behind you. What do you mean That's the Eiffel Tower Yes, we have the entire Eiffel Tower completely to ourselves. Wait.
actually yeah, what portion of the 50 Grand was the tower? Almost all of it. We Tower This feels like we're sneaking in. No I'm not joking, it's ours. No one else is here.

We can just go straight through the line. This feels illegal. Most of the time this place is packed with people and because we have the whole thing completely to ourselves, we're going to try to get to the top of the Tower I'm talking the very top boys. let's head up.

On the way up, we stopped at the first floor. over 187 ft in the air where we had a world class restaurant all to ourselves. I Love how even though we have the entire Eiffel Tower they still put us in a corner of the restaurant. That's the elevator coming from the top of the Eiffel Tower Terrifying Open sesame.

Thank you I Can see my house from up here we're in France I Can see my hotel from up here. look how high up we are. Oh my ears are popping. What? what are we working with here? Oh my.

God You can see the whole city from here. Dude this is crazy Tre look how much higher we have to go bro. This is never going to end. I'm not going to lie I Thought we were already at the top.

We're going up now. we're heading to the top. At one point, this is the tallest building in the world. Should I jump right now? No.

Do Not move. Come on. Boys Follow Me From here on out, there's no more elevators, just stairs. Oh it's windy up here.

We are high up there. Oh my. God Oh my. God Oh Dr Don't drop the camera.

We are standing over 900 ft in the air. the highest point. Civilians are allowed on the tower but since it's ours for the night I Had one last surprise. What do you think's behind this door stairs.

How you did? I How'd you know we can see the stairs? Well yes there are more stairs but this takes us to the very top where no one's allowed to go. my God Oh my gosh CH I thought it was a restaurant above or something like that I thought there something cool I thought people that were very exclusive you go to top and they go dine and chill there. there's nothing at the top bro oh my God are we allowed on that? I don't know. that is scary.

The ledge just comes up to my waist up here. I'm holding on for dear life I Completely understand why tourists are not allowed up here. We have a cameraman on the other side of the city with a Ly zoomed in on us. He's over a mile away.

If this lens is good enough, you should be able to see us waving for a $50,000 vacation. you got to admit this is cool. This is amazing. It's a Once in a Lifetime experience.

Are you ready for the best moment yet? I Don't know why you has this much power but lights. Oh there we go. Cool like a disco. Holy cow guys I Don't know if this next command's going to work but in every I thought it'd be like like like the Burge Khalifa whatever and he could say like like sub to Mr Beast on like that something cool, just life and Flash it's going to it's going to it's BL like lights went dark What are these millions of French people thinking right now? they should give me off this Tower I Don't know why they gave me this much control.
Next we head to Switzerland for the $100,000 vacation, but this is no ordinary vacation. This hotel has 2in thick bulletproof windows, a panic button that will lock down the entire building, and is riddled with security. because this is a hotel where world leaders and presidents take their vacation and also the Sid men were in town so I decided to invite them as well. Oh my God smells like food in here.

We've got the whole what? this is nuts. This is the most expensive penthouse suite in all of Europe. It covers the whole eighth floor and has dozens of rooms. Tons of Staff waiting on you all day and night and absolutely crazy food everywhere.

Want? Ah H Yeah, Get ahead of that. Oh yeah, how do these guys compare to your normal guest? Yeah, so you would say they're pretty dumb compared to I thought it was before some of the most powerful I thought it was a thing that the guy on the podcast remember that. Oh no I'm not going to say it. Leaders choose this place for their vacations even.

Bill Clinton Stayed here and he wasn't assassinated. safe in ter of security here. You have the bullet proof windows. even this, this is bulletproof.

Oh my. it feels thick. really solid. I Hope I'm a president? Yeah! Also some snipers that we can put on the rooftop.

You have your own snipers. Are you able to negotiate on behalf of the Sidan I can try my back. Yes this will help me in my negotiation. I'd like to buy 10% how much? Bo No you go, you sayfe 200 million Jimmy 200 million All right to the panic button.

I'm not going to lie I've been waiting to press this button since got we all agree this is a good idea Carl you're Bill Clint press the panic button. All right He pressed it. Oh wait. I See a door closed? Are we locked in? Is it locked? you guys in there? Is that? Nolan Yeah the door is like shut I Chat 200 Mill For 10% it means 2 billion for the whole thing.

I think Overall the S is massive. The brand is massive. It's worth a lot of money. Off off for one second.

Wish Button Uh opens it. You don't get to panic and then open it if you can R The button. Now the Pr will come and there's a big fine. Don't press it again.

I've been thinking, how would a president get somewhere like McDonald's let's see how presidents travel. Come on in. It turns out when you're the President, you have to go everywhere with your bodyguards. So that means when you drive.

Oh we got we got. How do we know which car to get into on the third, on the fourth, ideally the third or fourth. you said which car is the most dangerous the first one Nolan You should ride in the first one I can do that. Okay, who wants to ride with me? Harry Come on in Harry Chandler I'm sure the Pres doesn't sit in the middle.
Typically you guys would be more bodyguards, but you know you'll suffice. Just squeeze in, mate, squeeze in po President is going to McDonald's do your window. Hey how's it going Now we're going to get shot. Now we're going to get shot I Can't believe we can do this.

This is niut. turns out when you travel on a presidential motorcade, a lot of people start to notice you. How's it going punk? I Prob just drawing the attention of everyone are filming like we're the president. This is weird which made McDonald's a little awkward.

excuse I Deci the squad though don't mind our security Jimmy Does this beat out the Eiffel Tower for you? Depends how good these nuggets are. Obviously all the Vacations so far have been amazing, but they pale in comparison to this next one. Our final vacation is once again all the way across the planet and now we're in Japan for the 200 50,000 vacation and we're meeting up with a special guest here so you're going to want to watch to the end. To start off our vacation, we dropped off our bags at the most expensive hotel in all of.

Japan. This is gigantic I Have an echo in a hotel room. It's the worst Felix he's worse. It's not the better one.

It's not the better one. The joke isn't funny. Stop saying that joke. It's not a good meme look look look look look, it's cringe.

It's so cringe. I'm the better Felix You know what? You know you know who I am man. Afterwards we felt like getting to know the city of Tokyo Now we're going to drive Mario Karts on the street we rented private Mario Karts where we literally get to drive on the streets of Japan People are just staring at us. This is not meant to be on a street.

There's real cars driving right beside me. Well look how many people are crossing the street here. This is the busiest cross rock in the world and we're driving right through it. We're on goart in.

Tokyo Bro I Love Japan This place is crazy! When we arrived at our next destination, we met with Master Swordman Yoshioki Som. He's been training with the katana for the last 26 years and he actually agreed to give us a rare lesson in the art of the Samurai. We each got our own katas and the lessons began with swinging techniqu. That was pretty crazy.

It was not as easy as we thought. no, no, they're going to zoom in on it. Then it was my turn. boys, you think I'm going to be able to do this? Yes, yeah, you got it.

Oh hey, not bad. Let's see how the boyss do. who am? I Not bad. And then our Samurai teacher gifted us this insane Katana I Don't deserve this.

but thank you And because this is a quar million doll vacation, we rented out the most premium sushi chef in the world. along with this entire floating restaurant they got Louis Vuitton coasters. The Chef makes all the food right next to our table. and getting to see a master at work was one of the coolest dining experiences ever.
Woo yeah, it looks okay. oh my. God They said we could feed the bird's tuna Here you go Little man's disgusting. we caugh himid air.

the Bill thank you. We were off to the craziest place I've ever been all right. Follow me I Rented this whole place but before we see it, socks off. this is basically an art museum.

but for experience wo oh my. God that's Goose what am I looking at. Guys are having a hard time processing it. look like when you die.

probably what is this next row? Normally this place is completely full of other people, but we secured the place entirely for ourselves. This might be one of the best things we've ever done. Dude is pretty cool though. In a pool in a museum, playing with animated fish.

This is the most unique thing you could ever do on a vacation. Wait, The fish are surrounding us. Look, how did they know they surround us? They love us. They're going everywhere now.

now. you're all probably hungry. which is why we're at this restaurant that is ran by robots. What my name is Pepper.

Can we have a seed? Pepper? Sure, let's find a comfortable spot. We reserve the entire place so the only other people here were the robot waiters. Food robots here. wait.

So the food is delivered on a robot. An oddly fluffy robot Pepper is staring really hard at. Chandler For some reason Pepper does not like. CH I did nothing to you.

everyone. make sure you eat tons of food ient an entire theme park and Pewdiepie is going to be there which is really crazy. You see PewDiePie and I have a long history Mr Beast I Was wondering when you would show up. We helped him in his subscriber race against T Ser grab your phone, go on YouTube search PewDiePie and subscribe to.

Eventually we even caught up to him. Mr Beast has taken over million subscribers I guess I'm getting it the tastes of my own medicine. That's all right. He definitely deserves it.

And even though we've been friends for a while, we've never actually met in person. And because this is such a long, long way to meet up. I Rented this entire amusement park. This is Fuji Q Highland The park with the scariest rides in all of Japan.

It usually has thousands of people line, but as per usual I rented the entire thing just for us. You can ride whatever ride you want. Dude: I wasn't done Dude. Imagine dude.

you tell your kids you're going to Japan one time in their life right? and you bring the whole family out to Japan and this whole thing planned and you show up and Mr Beast ran into the whole thing and you can't do nothing. Dude that dude. that'd be so crushing. But this entire roller coaster alone what you're seeing here is the steepest roller coaster drop in the world.

Are you scared? Yes. Have fun I on interet then I'm scared for him and like promise. The father of YouTube PewDiePie met us in the park a little later than planned because I texted him the wrong day sorry Felix and he wanted to ride the craziest coaster at the park. Why are you scared I'm so scared of roller coaster.
This one doesn't spin at all I'll ride it if Felix rides it. Let's go. I'm terrified I'll do it I'll do it if I Die on this roller coaster. You guys are going to feel terrible.

You take your shoes off anything that could fly out. That's how you know I said bad it don't even trust us with shoes on this ride. You got this. It'll be fun I did not.

This was my worst nightmare I'm scared I'm scared I Don't want to do this. You're scaring me. Calm down. Oh whatever you do, don't throw up.

I'm terrified. Can we pick a better one? We could have picked a nice comfortable ride I Actually have no idea what it is. At some point there is a literal 90 drop. You're freaking me out.

This looks really safe I Feel like I've done a lot of lower crossers in like Canada United States and my head always bangs. This looks really way safer. What did you sign me up for? You brought me here but what we didn't know was wa, no, this ride goes backwards. Why are we going backwards? Why did I do that upside down D this is crazy Best roller coaster ever.

Oh my gosh Felix what did we just do I'm crying Best roller coaster ever I got tears just running what's good meeting you Jamie I'm going to head out yeah he scream are cool is better think what? thank you I don't think I've ever out of all have done chat I feel like the Goliath maybe you guys know about the Goliath right? That was one of the best ones because they go so fast and they go so high and dip so low I had a chewy potato before. That's what you get for passing. um Felix I'm sorry for passing you. You don't have to threaten me with violence so they're good.

Yeah they are good. That was the $250,000 vacation Felix can you transition us Broast it's the end I was this when Zoe Alexander oh that's Flags we have um we have an thing in Quebec called L okay Mother Suer and we have the Goliath man it's insane look look you seen that before yo this is X x on the beo okay you my voice as well that s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so sorry anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so sor.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to $1 vs $250,000 vacation! mrbeast”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:

    Why do you upload the whole vid tgats kina sick and not very great unless you got promisson

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First name Last name says:

    I'm glad that Better Felix is doing great

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salt says:

    when zoe alexender

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt Harrison says:

    Witch way western man?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Panozzo says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Elsom says:

    U feel the ground shake is that a earthquake no jimmy bought the most expensive nuke we made a mistake jk love you jimmy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rumba_pumba says:

    Am I the only one who thinks the 10k vacation split between 3 couples is actually a super good deal

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debid Senpai says:

    Another stellar reaction mr. Cow. Other reaction channels, especially that Hasanabi reaction channel, should strive for the level of effort you put into your reactions. Bravo sir!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Kirat says:

    stealing videos again

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Jay I. Villorente says:

    to be serious its sad that c people call x the worst felix and pewds is the best one like… i get it that x has been got alot through by his mistakes and oewds had the better life like hes becoming a dad and stable and chill while x has waste all his money to gamba lost his mclaren and what not but hey.. X is still here for us

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shrek Junior says:

    Great reaction Felix #2 😀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddierusset says:

    If you're the original video creator, just know I'm only going to watch one video and it happens to be this one. I won't be watching the original video because I feel I've already seen it now on the XQC channel.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L3xarpy says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teegik says:

    Nice geography

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Useru Naemu says:

    Fun fact. Paris smells like piss because people piss in public.

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