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What is that behind me is one person Y At me dud. don't yell at me. We're going to see which country is the best because I flew all of them here to compete in the most extreme version of the Olympics ever created. We have track, archery, gymnastics, soccer, and Vin but only one country is going to walk away with this $250,000 gold medal like I Like that actually you have 30.

This is a cool concept. Min games that are physical before this giant wall closes you out. All right Here we go: 3, 2, 1 show. The first challenge of the Beast Olympics has begun.

Hurry. We got to run faster than that. Oh, they're sprting this this. Insanity The gold feels bad.

No, the wall is closing fast. You better hurry. BR Look at it bro. They're like zombies.

This is like an army of people. First place. look at first place. Oh he made that look easy.

You got what? Indonesia got first place. Wait a minute. They're competing for this gold medal. Hurry up the wall.

Ping, you got to jump. There's only 8 seconds left. move. The walls are almost closed.

Hurry up Wa wait wait is this see GI I'll get it. What What happened? You guys are all one step closer to this gold medal. Let's go. USA Need you baby.

You already know Brazil We made it baby. Over half the countries were eliminated in the first game and 97 are moving off on you. Oh wait, hold up. Let me let me take a look.

Let me look half the countries where El Ken is eliminated in the first game and 97 are moving on. Come on in. You guys have no idea what you're in for. Want to remember you're representing your country? Let's reveal the next event.

Good luck everybody. you're going to need it. Our next event might be the craziest set we've ever built. Welcome to Gymnastics of Death.

Send the contestants up. Each round includes 10 countries and only the first five people to make it to this middle platform. Move on. I Don't care if it's the five from over here I Don't care if it's two from there and three from here only.

Why is there a F at the bottom? four? Skip a few. Go Go Go Go Go Go! Oh they got some speed Syria Flying through the course so bad you can do it I Believe in you. Oh no I Believe in jump jump. Oh we got a first finish.

oh my God got a second one that Mongolia you got to pass him or you're out. Well you got it. Oh my God Come on go Iraq Just jump over Iraq Bro don't let him hold you up. Don't wa Goa Go Go Go Go Je man.

squeeze his fingers. go. They should have squeeze them or scratch them. Bring up the next groups and the beauty of this challenge is we let the contestants pick what order they listen.

You guys got to decide. No no you're not going first I'm just if you want to snic and I'm telling you I'm going to make you go down. It's a competition. Okay, great, good luck.

Then Go. Come on. come on. Oh my God.

Oh don't wait for him. Come on. Go got to go. Boom Go! Oh he's going over bro.
they're stepping over his body lit, stepping over him as first finish. Get out Dude this is Walkers Oh ads ads hold up guys guys. Sorry guys guys yo Ed Cut this part out of the video apparently. Chat: There's ads for people I didn't I had no idea I didn't we're going to wait for the ads I can't see I can't see ads what? what's on screen I can't see right now.

All right. give it a minute Chat: Got to give guys I never do this chat but you know chat well I'll give him a minute I had no idea I no idea how many CH many how many people that double browser I'm sorry about that. we we'll resume. Resume: People on YouTube can skip all this so it doesn't matter.

Um, 10 left 16 minutes left I I Went for that. six minutes of ads left. Brother: Jesus uh he's done all go res that only three spots left. there's two spots left Chad Chad These socks look really bad for this time of activity.

Go hey, take it slow. Just take it slow hey Argentina I Don't know if this helped, but there's one spot left and you're the only one still competing. So so fight for it. Fight Fight.

fight. No no, he's done. Of the 10 people, only four made it to the middle. That is crazy.

After our second game, things got a little crazy. Oh oh no. America oh my. God So Bader is he going to be it? Oh we lost somebody.

Oh turkey. I'm sorry we already have five. You: you can juste the way they move is so stupid. What? And now it's time for our final round.

Gentlemen, let me give you one piece of advice. He died. Don't fall down there. Hey, that's a good advice.

Go right. Slow start. Slow start. Yeah yeah.

Go. Go Go. So bad he's still there though. There you go.

Good job. Now you can walk. Yes, Yes, yes. Do it for your country.

PG Do it for the water. P Yes Oh no. Oh Let It Go My man. wait he.

PES All right. Samoa wait. it's okay. Go all two.

Come on let's go Go! Ch Ch is isn't Samoa Hawaii We lost another 50 people during gymnastics and are down to our last 47 countries. Welcome boys and one girl in this challenge. Each contestant gets a bow and arrow and if they can hit this target from this platform, they move on and to make this interesting. I'm going to have you all Place One vote to make this event more difficult for a country of your choice and for every vote they receive the target, get pushed back 10 ft.

Country doesn't like it. A lot of people don't like him so we don't like them. Germany You have the history of trying to conquer everything. While votes were cast for countries from all over, one country stood out from the rest.

Who are you voting for in? Indonesia I think Indonesia why are they just really IND why are they just picking a country? that's too I'm starting to see a theme Here you see him last round he go was crazy what is that Indonesia did you draw the country I I drew what I thought was the country All right up first is B come on come on up. How many votes do you think you got? I think I got maybe three. Yeah, three votes three. wow you got three.
How'd you know? Ved the gym I'm fit and out. Is this your first time with the bow and arrow that was not very promising? Oh CH I would lose this so bad little short. Any last words: sh that look impossible Mono you got six votes oh la BR got great hair. yeah uh thank you sir.

Does gray hair translate into great shots? Monaco that's good form. Okay dude. Okay, that's edited. The prince will be proud.

Okay dude, no, not at all if I lost this one. I'll be super upset. Oh no, we need that. Robin Hood is here.

Do me a favor. Feel free to miss. You'll just lose a 200 $50,000 Met anything you want to say. Thank you for the opportunity.

Maybe next time. Oh that was nice for my Pacific people. Jesus Bro am I crazy or this. the distance seems like it's it's varying a lot like way more than like dude A that looks across Universe believe in yourself I know that I know the the game, the votes or whatever.

but still you want a peaceful bar? you shoot it D nut's flavor. actually that's my flavor in between to persec good chocolate did it for I did it? Are you nervous? It's far but it's not too far I feel like I got it? Saudi Arabia the only girl remaining and the bow is literally taller than you. oh a that was was so close guys because I saw the contestant earlier and I didn't see a singular girl I couldn't see one on screen. All right Indonesia you got 12 votes.

Oh God hey move that John back. As far as she goes, you were the first person to finish the first round. one of the fastest to finish the second round. You should have saw this com Yeah I know this is the farthest shot of the day by far.

What do you think of it? Not far enough, not far enough. I'm wish me luck, wish me luck GG I Mean this is like a No. It was just left, no had the height just to the left. I'm so sorry Indonesians I Tried my best I promise I was too big of a threat and with that last elimination, we are down to only 16 countries remaining contestants.

Come on in. come on in war. Congratulations for making it this far and before we do the next event. I Have an offer: Give each of them a briefcase with 10 grand.

Hand it to. that's 10. CH If you guys ever go on Mr Beast Show Okay. always take the money.

okay cuz he's going to pull some stupid ass dog. Yeah yeah. if you see this. Jimmy I Know you're dude.

You're going to pull some dog garbage late game. Switcheroo And somebody up dude. you always take the money. dude.

if you want, you can walk away with 10 grand. If not, you could throw it in the pit and compete in the next event you know you're getting CL at go for. oh we already got a couple. That's a lot of money wo here's the thing.
half of you are about to get eliminated. This is your only chance to walk away with 10 grand. That's a lot of money, but I'm pretty confident I might win this. I Came here to win cuz I'm going to annihilate everybody that's here.

You look like somebody going to settle bro. I'll take it. You want to take it. Yeah, all right.

One person took it. Smartest man here. This gu been aggro the whole time. Yes sirg and now it's time for Vincing.

We let the top finishers from track choose their opponent. Each pair will compete in a 1V one game of vincing. The first person to hit the other wins Liberia choose your fencing opponent I'll go Mova Malova. go over there and stand beside AR Tra who do you want to go up against the last person? Lenberg.

All right, come on over. we're starting Wars over here I'm Tajikistan I got long arms I'm quick I'm lanky gas you and I buddy a first up Samoa versus AER I'm super pumped to bring home the goal for some I think he loses. it is actually oh boy. one of you will move on to compete for this and the loser will fall in the void.

Begin He's got reach. Oh oh man. Oh Samoa won Yes! And in case you're wondering, the suits they are wearing is freaked with technology that will tell us exactly who gets hit first. This is the same stuff they in no real Olympics Would you just rush in? Make it man.

AER Please stand front and center. You've been eliminated. Next up: Iraq versus Madagascar Begin Iraq Everything's on the line. Let's see it.

Iraq It feels so weird name people by country. Oh oh no, nothing so far. Oh this is intense I know o that PR nice I that is pretty nice deserve bro man I Love you man I'm sorry I love you Madagascar you are eliminated wa Slovenia versus Monaco again oh Monaco Running in Oh oh and while they're fighting oh if you tell you guys about Stumble Guys, a free to-play multiplayer game where 32 people compete to see who wins it all. Oh oh oh my.

God how did none of that hit him? If you're going to download Stumble Guys, you need to act quickly because for the next 30 days everyone who downloads it gets our Mr Beast gold skin for free they're playing. Oh no hit thank you Mr Beast for the for the thing win I Tried my best for Monaco but it is what it is. Next up, Mova versus Liberia Begin in Stumble Guys, you can play by yourself or play with your friends from anywhere around the world. Oh oh oh, he's getting backed up.

Chris Watch out! Chris We have a new Mr Be skin Mr and even levels based on Extreme challenges from our vide. St Guys is available for free on the app store Google Play and steam coming soon in the future. Oh I think I literally saw a spark to Playstation Xbox You can download it right now I Use the link description or going to this link make sure you act quick to get the free Mr Beastkin This is intense No. Liberia And now for our final game.
Libya Versus Montenegro They will be fighting over what they're competing for. Oh I Wish you the best of luck, but no mercy. Don't trip on the metal. Trip on the metal.

It's funny. It's F We step here right? What? Oh uhoh oh Come here. Come here. He come and get some.

St Focus Yeah he's got B reach. He wins this 100% And The winner is Li Yeah no. Li is Bro Look Look at his stance. look dude dude dud dude.

D look how look how farther he is. It's insane. It wasn't close either. Oh and the winner is Libya He had like a half a met of arm moving on.

I'm sorry. it's a pleas to fight you drop them and with that I'm going to grab the gold medal and we're off to the final event. So far every country compete in track, gymnastics, archery, fencing and now it's time for the final event penalty kicks. The rules are simple.

you kick the ball into the goal and you move on to the next round, but if you miss, you're out. The seven countries remaining are: Slovenia Malova, Tajikistan Erria, Libya Iraq and Samoa I kept thinking my head great like I gave up a $10,000 suitcase I trusted myself I believe in myself and I did it? Just want to say there were some doubs in here because of my age. but you know what? Don't judge the B by his cover I'm doing this for Rock. Let's go I'm trying to win for my wife.

Bring out the contestants. come on in. Is it open net? Just a reminder. One of you is about to receive this $250,000 gold medal.

Who wants to kick first? Okay, okay, so Vinia is up first. This should be easy I'd be shocked if he missed it. Sure, the first round was easy, but that's not going to last very long Now that everyone made a goal. do you know what's happening I know what's happening Chandler Bring it on out.

Oh, the real challenge starts. Now about to get a lot harder. I Think this is where we're going to lose our first person. That's too tight.

There's so much on the line I Thought this going to be easier. It's only like 6' wide. Someone's getting out. Come on Sovia hype them up everybody! CH Even though we made the goal smaller, they were still scoring.

I We're going to have to make this much more difficult. Nobody's missing. Eventually someone's got a Miss think is so easy I'm sorry man, but you're eliminated. Why don't just St with the side of the foot I Don't know where he ran to and now only six remain.

Instead of adding more walls, we're just going to move them like this a little bit. It needs to be one channel Wi, all right? Slovenia Europe Yeah wow, he just doesn't stop. Take your time. they're dropping like flies I Could have done better, but it was the best 5 days of my life.

Bro this is getting harder now. Yeah, this is a comp and now only five remain. I'm going to win you Yeah baby! All right Samoa you're up. It could all come down to this favor.

Samoa s s it hit the ax. Obviously it's disappointing not to be able to win, but it was phenomenal I think I Did my people proud CH This is really easy to be honest. Sor Yeah I'm chat. Every country on the planet has competed in these games and we're now on our final two.
Libya and Slovenia one of you is going to walk away with this $250,000 gold medal. Jimmy's going to do a plat twist Boys can you remove the walls instead of walls? You each are going to take turns being goalkeeper. yes we go to someone scores someone does it pretty simple I'm going to catch it I'm nervous this like impossible I feel like that b me out that me out why you can't do that all right Well after that now he has to make it wait. so bad if you make what you officially win our Olympic I Can't believe this.

All you have to do is make this shot and you won I'm going to win These guys older like 60 oh this guy's crazy real. It's 20 lb. the golden Bon I Can't believe this. You can probably sell this for $250,000 tomorrow and Slovenia gets silver.

Silver is my color though. Congratulations Amazing and that's it for our verion of the Olympics Not only did they get these medals but everyone who competed got $2,000 I Hope you enjoyed. See you in the next video. This is chat I Get deals something really fast Che Guys I'm going put a video on the background for a minute yo this is X X on the video my voice as well.

Anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so s anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘every country on earth fights for $250,000!’ by mrbeast”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Name says:

    look at him now playing soccer

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dragonoont says:

    I know xqc's chat is dumb but there ain't no way some people said everyone there was American.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N0TSC0TT says:

    The x as goalies did better than x in the charity event

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dany 26 says:

    Is in there also North Korea?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enzymerc says:

    xQc saying "I'd win this" on the fencing part is probably the most true thing lil French bro has said

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wisdom says:

    What happened to Papua New Guinea they disappeared before the fencing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SYRØX says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zucc says:

    100% X couldnt pass the first challenge

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natsuu says:

    W move by fiji 10k usd is 20k+ fjd

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. WANT says:

    Libya win wait.. 💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arif Syah says:

    Didn't knew Indonesians look like south africans 🤪🤪🗣️🗣️💀💀🗿

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben sly says:

    In Fiji, it's easy $20k.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Bollhorst says:

    How could someone like Iraq dont take 10k $ .. he can live his whole life with it .. IF hes really from there. Same with the african countries.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PelmeShrek says:

    cool, my country was shown for exactly 0 seconds in this video

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cherry says:

    One from each country but somehow most speak perfect American English…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Perez says:


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