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#xQc #ididathing #cat

Foreign. So I've got a problem Chubby cats in my yard, you know? I used to have heaps of native birds, lizards, frogs, possums, and even Little Monkeys running around in my garden, but now I've been eaten and replaced with fat cats. and I tried dealing with this issue before by making a pathetic little squirting robot that I was hoping would spray water at the cats, terrifying them so much that they would run away and tell all their mates to keep clear of my yard. But who would have guessed that after I stupidly placed heaps of tuna cans down in my yard to get the cats positioned where I could squirt them and take photos? that I've kind of created a bigger problem and now more cats keep coming back to the all you can eat fish and shower Buffet combo.

And of all the pets, cats are probably the best evolved killers in the world. They have knives glued to their hands, do parkour, see in the dark, and have a kill to death ratio of 1 billion to one. It's estimated every year cats kill 2 billion native animals in Australia while also spreading deadly parasites. This parasite infects the brain of animals, even humans and slows them down, making them calmer around cats.

and the government has tried lots to stop their killing. Rampage like making murder illegal in Australia boys up cat barriers and pain. People hunt them but nothing seems to stop them murdering small birds, mammals, and reptiles except for one thing being very large which works for big animals in Australia Like this Emu here and here. So their murdering abilities as I don't really want Australia to be filled with giant birds as they kind of freak me out a little bit.

but maybe you're into Big Bird and you may feel different. Okay, next point, they own you. You know, with normal pets like a fish, turtle, or dog, you get them and it's very clear to the pet and to you that you're the boss. You know you could feed them, provide shelter and love today.

Uh, in the menu we have, um, it's a chicken spicy deluxe chicken sandwich did from uh Chick-fil-A in return for a small amount of depressing life. but with cats, that's not really the case. Straddling the line between domestic and wild, one minute they're entertaining you playing with a stupid toy and the next they're roaming the night committing genocide. You really can't tell them what to do in a study about emotional attachment between owner and pet scientists Drew lines on the ground and tested the response that pets had to being left without their owners.

The line showed the cats don't really feel much emotional attachment and don't really care about their owner, which makes me wonder why people really like them as pets at all. Like you know, there are other options like ants. They're cheap, plentiful, fit in your pocket, and can actually be very emotionally supportive. Nice! Thank you.

All right I'm out of jokes, so let's just go catch these fat cats. when I tried this before in my last video I got a lot of comments calling me a monster for scaring cats and I do understand caring for cats I feel bad for them as well as after all, they're just doing what they were born to do. Murder everything and we're actually the ones who are the Dicks because we introduced them to them because he's just right. A slightly spooking them could stop them from coming into my yard, potentially saving lives, and if it's a choice between slightly scaring a cat or letting cute animals get ripped apart.
Wow, the only logical choice is to Spook some cats and if you think otherwise, your brain is definitely being controlled by one of these boys. Now before I resort to fully spooking them I'm going to try some less traumatic deterrence to see if they do anything and some of you suggested all I need to do is board up the holes of my fence. but I've tried this and covered them all up except the ones I use regularly. But like I said before, the cats wait yes I'm out watching and chasing the cats insane I've actually seen them jump this six foot fence in a single bound.

It's crazy I am so jealous of their skills so fixing the gaps alone won't help as when I close that one up I just find another way into my yard and then they usually bring back up as well. and at least when this Gap is open I know the exact point at which they will enter my yard allowing me to set up some traps. Okay, my first trap is going to be some cucumbers and I'm sure you've all seen these videos where cats freak out about cucumbers in hilarious ways and some people reckon it's because they are snake shaped, scaring the cats and stressing them out and after testing it first on humans. Well, I reckon this could work I put three Down Under the gate in front of Ratus Ratus's house and left them there overnight to scare some cats.

And first up is this chubby black boy who seems slightly hesitant but still manages to squeeze his tummy under the gate and crosses the Cucumber front line before the camera cut out and then this patchy girl who doesn't think twice about them and walks right on over. And to no one's surprise, cucumbers don't seem to do anything. I also decided to try putting them in the shape of a snake, but no, that didn't work either. Now I'm starting to realize that probably only works on dumb cats that have never actually seen snakes.

not on Aussie cats they don't care at all and actually I don't even know why I've been much email with the vegetable version I should just try the real thing and I picked this guy out as I thought it looked pretty similar to this thick boy the native death addict. It's got a better chance of working if they can't see the snake at first and kind of gets surprised by it. so I'll leave it behind this wall and nothing. Maybe it's too dark and rainy, but the chubby cat did seem to look at it and it's the movement though, and it's probably because the cats in my yard are too chilled out.
You know they need to be on edge and super anxious. So I thought what makes me paranoid? it's a catnip. You're either gonna make them really calm or really aggressive. Either one is funny and while researching Catnip I found that apparently even big cats like lions can't resist it.

So I got a little sidetracked for a moment and reached out to my local Zoo to ask if I could get their big cats high and they're yet to get back to me. but they haven't said no. So hopefully in a couple of weeks you'll all see a news article titled YouTuber Mauled to Death by Stoned Lions But in the meantime I managed to find a friend that was happy to let me drug their cat for YouTube views. It makes them happy to see what Catnip does.

Thanks! Maddie We're resting for a dream about two months. Cat: It belongs to the Mint family and when inhaled by cats, acts as a sedative. Once calm cats usually roll and flip around with it in a playful manner. However, in some cuts it has a similar effect to LSD producing hallucinations and can cause some cats to become quite paranoid especially when mixed.

which is why you never mix your catnip kids as well as the fact that it is an appetite suppressant are exactly what I'm looking for as hopefully the cats in my yard will be tripping out so hard and unhungry that they'll have no chance of catching my animals and ignoring all the stuff I said earlier about cats as pets. This guy was actually very cute and a lot of fun to play with. Milosh Milosh Milosh. So let's see if my life in my yard have a similar reaction.

So I just set up a little bowl in their walking path and left it overnight. and first to come was this little chubby funster who doesn't seem to care and passes by twice more without having a whiff for this. Patchogue I Don't really care and that might be because my suburb has pretty High recreational use of catnip. So the cats in my yard have built up a tolerance and are used to much higher quality, stronger stuff.

but it might also be because they can't properly smell it. So I built this cat tunnel which will force whatever crawls through it to hopefully get it. Finally, I'm getting a nice big whiff. The first cat to come along is this pure white girl who probably recognizes the old catnip tunnel trap and refuses to enter.

and the same with this scared old looking guy who just runs away and then this patchy girl who almost gets the courage to come inside the wonderful catnip tunnel but then backs out. But then this big chubby fella comes along and judging by his size, is not the best at self-control and passes straight through the tunnel. Getting a good whiff of the catnip and it must have taken a bit for the catnip to hit him as he comes back a bit later to get another whiff and then he really gets into it, plonking his fat body. Come on man, what is that rolls around in it, covering his whole body and face in it.
And this is probably the first time he's ever had a hit of catnip as he is absolutely loving it. Like, look at those pupils Jesus that is one. High Kitty wait, wait, that's kind of insane though. They have so much pleasure out of this and there's no like repercussions that they have.

like, like, mentally or like bodily. How come the humans doesn't don't have that? We'll hopefully be too spaced out to touch any of my animals, but he seems to be the only one that really enjoys it. So I'm gonna have to come up with something else to stop the other cats and I thought the most. Okay hi dogs! So I bought this dog pee stuff which is meant to help you toilet train dogs so you put it any way you want them to pee and I just put a thick line of the stuff under the gate and first to show up was this old guy I've noticed it is very skittish and quite cautious and he gave it a good sniff before deciding he didn't want anything to do with dog piss.

but it didn't stop these other guys who apparently love dog piss and came under the gate rubbing themselves all over it including this fat guy and my brother and that didn't work. So let's move on to a commercial product which looks a little like a landmine but unfortunately is not. It's kind of a motion sensing, it looks kind of chills. so I'm just hoping my cats don't like disco and first up is the shy old guy from before who I reckon must have served in Nam as he seems quite suspicious of the landmine and knows what's up, but he still can't resist.

Jesus it's too close, setting it off, freaking out and run to never be seen again that night. Then this patchy girl walks right in front of it with no hesitation and gets scared off but then comes back. That thing is insane and pulls off some sweet Catwoman moves and figures out that she can just walk around the center in the bushes dodging the laser. Clever girl and this just shows that being scared once doesn't really bother them and they will just find another way to get into my yard.

So I thought I'd give it one last shot by putting all the obstacles in my yard. Catwalk obstacle tunnel. It's amazing! So The plan is that they will enter here getting a good whiff of the cat nib, hopefully spacing them out. then they head down past the dog piss which puts them on here.

That is exactly what I call them out when I I was with them. Um, at the the Streamys there was some Mark robber and I was like yo, how do you feel the right people how do you feel about him as like your competitor he's like yeah, he went over the competitors man like he actually knows what he's doing and yeah he's actually kind of smart. but yeah I mean it makes sense and they have a party in video pair of demonic eyes which belong to a chubby body and he's a bit hesitant at first but walks straight through the tunnel ignoring everything, stops working. Then the old guy comes along and doesn't want anything to do with the tunnel.
So then the patchy girl comes through and rather cautiously walks through the tunnel ignoring the catnip and snake before setting off the disco ball and sprinting into my yard. And then the chubby guy comes back again and must have remembered about the alarm going off as he walks to the end of the tunnel and plops himself down just in front of the center of the Disco alarm sitting there and just watching before the camera stops working. And then lastly, this white girl enters the tunnel ignoring the cat, saw the camera man pick the camera bro for eating the fish while completely ignoring the snake. and then the camera fails once again.

So even with all the obstacles placed together which did kind of scare the cats, they just keep coming back, if not through this gate through another. and if I board that up, they just come in another way. I would literally have to put a dome over my whole yard. which means I'm gonna have to do the thing I've been regretting the most and have some kind of social interaction with my neighbors that own the cats and awkwardly ask them if they can keep their cats locked up and to stop killing my animals.

uh how are you going I wouldn't do that? hey it's good. um how's how's he going? um yeah he's he's going good. We'll walk around with you, just want to check how you, how are you going? um yeah I'm going good, how are you going hi actually it's good. you came by um actually dropped off.

um thank you yeah Oh I've actually the time here I've got your mail as well There you are. Just a receipt with a um yeah and after looking at the footage again I've realized a lot of the cats don't seem to have collars. So I think my only option is to use these trap that I purchased to catch and relocate them. So I put this out with some tuna inside to check it the next morning.

Oh no chat. there were some raccoons that they were up my my trash cans. so at my mom's house I set up some traps to catch the mother suckers. Okay and three days in a row I caught my own cats trying to eat the food inside the cage.

man what the are cats are so dumb? cats are so dumb man this is terrifying. Whatever. I Caught broke out of the cage like what kind of roided up cats do I have in my yard that are capable of bending metal. the and after watching the footage, you can see that this white girl is pretty hesitant to enter the cage and rightly so after what I've been doing in my yard for the past week.

But then she enters the Trap and starts eating the tuna and the camera doesn't capture the moment. the Trap closes only the moments after and this very very angry cat. And I'm actually very impressed by these cats. Not only can they Dodge laser sensors oh my God Catwoman but they can also read the Chinese instruction manual for this cage allowing them to break out from them and I'm almost relieved that it escaped like what would it have done to me if it broke out of the cage while I was picking it up in the morning and I realized I'm a bit dumb.
What I should have done instead of using just tuna is: I should have put catnip in the cage. oh my. God super chilled out and just accepted its circumstances. Whatever.

Yeah, but catnip on the walls like sticky. Not it's a tunnel, but it's full of catnipot. The whole thing is as they move it, they rub it like the more they fight it, the higher they get it right. to the point where they get so high they can't do anything.

My house is okay. cars, a cage, the cage bro. it's all the same. just gonna chill out.

Yeah, hopefully that happens. So I'm gonna reinforce the cage with some of these L brackets that should hopefully stop the cage from bending upwards and releasing the gate and then use catnip with fish as bait. So I left it out overnight in a different location and in the morning the cage was broken once again. literally again.

Oh, is this the other side? now? come on. I need to buy a new cage so it's actually bent it. but this time the other side and unfortunately this cheap game cam didn't work and capture anything and try again. but I've decided to throw in the towel as firstly, I'm wasting all my family's tuna and it also looks pretty traumatic for the cats and I can imagine that they probably injured themselves trying to escape the metal cage and also I can't imagine this being effective in the long term either as I would have to capture all the cats in my yard and even if I did manage to do that, more would just come along and fill their place.

So I'm just hopeful that these experiments were stressful enough that they are going to stay clear for at least a while. and it's probably just a coincidence. but for the first time in a year, a magpie has returned to my yard and judging by how friendly and unscared it is, I'm pretty sure it's one of the babies that I trained before in an earlier video and now it's back with a brand new shiny coat. I Also had a beautiful Kookaburra and Currawong take a dip in my pool but since still around, this probably isn't a good thing as they do.

Very delicious and I kind of have no idea what I'm meant to do. Now if you have any suggestions I would love that. like how am I actually meant to stop these cats? Like the Australian government has proposed a plan to drop millions of poisoned sausages into the bush to kill the cats, but cats aren't the only ones that enjoy a good sausage Sizzle and that might just result in the extinction of every man over 40. government's classic Cane Toad cane Beetle Solution Actually, yeah, that could work.

so make sure to tune in next week when I introduce wolves to my yard to deal with my cat problem. But for now, you win cats, you sexy sexy cats! Thank you so much for watching. If you like that, please subscribe and check out some of my other videos that I mentioned. Well Nate when I met on them okay, it wasn't chat I'm not gonna be mad at you guys again actually I can see I can probably get mad at the instead of twitching dude.
he was dummy. he saw me reacting on his video was it and he's like dude man but you didn't laugh and then I had to explain to him that whatever, it makes edgy jokes because he does in his other videos and not this one. but he's in a video when he makes it. you know, um, culturally insensitive jokes I can't laugh.

Okay, because if I laugh, you know I mean people don't cancel me like abandoned it. So I had to tell him that I wasn't reacting hard or reacting harder because I just couldn't man I couldn't it I feel bad? you know yeah he asked genuinely. he was like yeah, you didn't you didn't laugh. whatever I was like man, my bad brother yo this is X x on my video I'm going through my voice as well.

that is anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so sorry anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so soy.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets’ by i did a thing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Frost says:

    That Glory Hole really came out of nowhere in this "cute Cat Video"!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iSaiya says:

    Humour ? For mor0ns maybe

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PurpaHazzee says:

    Oh man you should see Atlanta Ga, cat problem…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seb Wi says:

    what if he replaced the whole garden with catnip plants?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zdvxr says:

    Chat is such an idiot thinking weed is heathy lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladislav Korobov says:

    Dude went through all this trouble when he just could've poisoned the food.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Tom says:

    barbed wire would be a good way to stop them from trying to jump the fence

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gero Nimo says:

    bro that burger looks like a toy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Luke says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tree says:

    Call it what you want but playing around with animals this way is weird. If I found out my neighbour was trapping my pets in cages and getting them high I would be furious. Even if these are strays it doesn’t really change things.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Man Bear says:

    This mf said deluxe but no lettuce or tomato

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romeo Alpha68 says:

    Cats can detect heat .
    They actually have receptors .
    It's why they can find warm spots
    They don't see in infrared but they have the ability to see in near infrared .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romeo Alpha68 says:

    I have to use a leash on my Norwegian Forest Cat when I let him out . If not he'd kill every bird in a three mile radius.
    The Norwegian /Siberian Forest Cat and the Maine Coon were bred to hunt and kill .

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WickedOS says:

    "PepePains" -🤓

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