xQc Reacts to Is Abortion Murder? | Middle Ground
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#xQc #Jubilee #React

Okay, guys i'm because i'm probably not gon na say anything just i'm just interested in the video. If you agree step forward guys guys may not ground locate. Just just so i don't get canceled okay middle ground is, is a content piece by uh by a jubilee where they decide they have a topic, and then they have people on both sides of a topic. And then they see the agreement on stuff and then they debate and uh.

It's a disaster. It's a dumpster fire. If you disagree, stay put, nobody likes abortions. I don't think anyone likes it.

I think they use it and they might use it incorrectly. From my perspective, but i don't think anyone likes an abortion like they're, not like jumping for joy for it. I think it is a very physically taxing and i don't think anyone would want to intentionally have an abortion. I think those who get an abortion most of the time it's because they need to it's a harmful narrative on both sides of the conversation to say that you know women celebrate abortion.

I think it creates a prejudice around women who do get abortions, and i i don't think that it's good to kind of minimize the decision of abortion from either side from the perspective. So can they disagree or step forward? Oh, it's always sorry. I don't know why are you going to wear the same shirt? Almost nothing? I want you, man um. I think you asked me this question.

Maybe several years ago i would have said nobody likes abortion, but i think in today's climate it is much more celebrated. As a pro-life person, i've had people tell me that they will dedicate their next abortion to me um. Instead of helping women, they will have an abortion. I've had i've heard very similar responses to you.

Things like um i'll, donate to planned parenthood in your name and there's other pages like shout your abortion that openly celebrates abortion rights yeah i celebrate abortion and i think that campaigns like guys can i me you guys. I'm gon na have an argument. I'm on the other side, i'm just watching the video, but i feel like uh, both of uh of the arguments presented here. Um.

They use twitter trolls as uh their example. Shout your abortion aren't about like getting in your face, but women who choose to have abortions uh suffer a lot of stigma and trauma from people who stand outside clinics and have grotesque images and literally you know, damning your soul. Abortion as a medical procedure and resource is something that i do celebrate. It's a human right and i love abortion um.

My name is rocky. I use she her pronouns, i'm from austin texas and i am very pro-abortion. I'm sorry, i said it again. I love abortion.

My name is rocky. I use she her pronouns, i'm from austin texas and i am very pro-abortion. I think that legislation like sb8 opens the door and the path towards handing over our bodily autonomy to the state. I don't understand how anyone can justify using their personal beliefs to take away the rights of others.
I didn't hear it. My name is abby. If i'm going to address, dress the person with the with the i wanted, i wanted to hear it, so i could say it properly. I thought she said um he who and uh other stuff.

So i had no idea and i am an abolitionist of human abortion. We have to ask the question of what makes humans valuable so because my worldview as a christian gives me a foundation for human worth and because i believe scientifically, fetuses are human beings from the moment of conception. I am against abortion. Biological fathers should have an equal say in abortions, i'm just watching i'm just watching.

I'm reporting a video. Well, i think so i mean it's consistency like if we're defining that as a life. If it is life to put a kid up for adoption, both parents have to agree. I agree.

I have talked to lots of women. Who've had abortions, and i've talked to lots of men who are hurting they're, they're, completely heartbroken. They would have raised the baby. They wanted to raise the baby, they begged for the life of the baby, and they obviously created the baby together, so that only one of them gets to decide if their child gets to live.

What is he doing? I would like to say from more of a honestly feminist perspective: men have responsibility as the other parent of that child. Ironically enough, a lot of the times when pro-choice people put the focus completely on the woman, they strict the man of all his parental rights and responsibilities, and i think that's why actually a lot of men who are pro-choice are pro-choice because they don't want to shoot What are the responsibilities that they will have once the child is born? You left us man. I want to know why i'm not conflicted about this because i strongly feel like a man should not have control over what a woman does with her body. I more so have an issue with when a man doesn't actually want that baby.

She wants it and then expects this man to like be the ultimate provider and child care, and all this extra stuff right. But in the case of if the man wanted it, the baby and the woman didn't want it, he has no say so. I think that's a up dynamic. So that's why i was going back and forth well, you should have stayed.

Then it sounds like it sounds. Like you're four men having more rights, i just i just can't force a woman to be like no, you have to do this because i think it's up it's her body, but it's also a child's life in there. It's not just her body. It's a child's life.

Also, your son or daughter, i think, truly in my eyes, it's like it's my body. I get to do what i want with it and i don't think anyone, including the person, the other person who's involved, should have a say whether i want to keep it or whether i want to get an abortion. My name is asher. I currently reside in las vegas and i'm for pro-abortion.

I used to be against abortion until an unwanted pregnancy happened to me. If you know for a fact that you're not even going to be the best parent for that child or you can't provide for that child or maybe you're just fearful, you don't want a child or just whatever reason that you have, i feel like you shouldn't, have To go through that, you still have that choice over your life, your body, i have had an abortion. A few months ago, i um found out that i was pregnant. When i imagined myself finding out, i was playing it for the first time.
I'm just i understand it understand when i found out, i was pregnant. I want the question. I've gone, oh, the question is christine i'm from denver and i disagree a step forward. The the disagree or that's not a question though this is.

This is not a question. I guess i like to call it because of the questions. This is not a question, you know, we know it's a question. Abortion is murder.

I think it is murder, i think um for the abortionist, more so than the woman. I think a lot of women don't necessarily know exactly how an abortion procedure is formed. I've had a girl even tell me that at 20 weeks a baby is just a clump of cells, and that's just not true. I i do believe now.

There might be cases where some women might be unaware of of what what's going on in an abortion, but by and large i think, especially with the advent of the internet and so much education out there. Many of them do know that the life that there's a life inside of them and they want to to end that life, whether they call it murder or not. Hard disagree, absolutely disagree. Okay, um i've definitely met a lot of teenage girls who grew up in our generation, who believe that abortion is normal.

A fetus is a clump of cells and there is no human life in the womb. They don't tell you when you go into an abortion consultation. This is a child and this is a human life and that's what's going to be happening. I have a hard time, believing that, if most women knew they were killing a child, they would do that.

I don't think women in america are that malevolent. I think it's very irresponsible and very hurtful to say: oh this woman's a murderer because she had an abortion, at least my personal experience. The people who worked there were very understanding they. Let me know there is a child that will that could come out of you in nine months.

Are you sure you want to do this? I knew there was a child in my body. I knew i could have a child in nine months and i knew that that child can grow old and be their own person. But i made that choice because i'm allowed to have that choice, and especially you you are this - is i'm i'm trying i'm trying to learn different perspectives? Okay and some of these videos, sometimes they're just get they're an experienced amtrak, but sometimes a white man, and you are not allowed to say what i can do with my body, nor any of those who are able to carry a child. I think that's so dangerous.
I think that's so dangerous to say that you can't say because of your sexuality, who you are as a male or female or how you believe as a religion, you can't define what's right and wrong. I think that's misguided and we shouldn't take that into policy. I think what you're saying is that whatever your your morality is, i think that you know folks are entitled that we have freedom of religion. We have freedom from religion, whatever your moral value is.

The issue is trying to turn that into legislation and putting legislatively we legislate what's right and wrong all the time thinking even medically you know like for indigenous women they're two times as likely to die from pregnancy-related complications, who's responsible for that murder, if she's forced to Carry that baby well, i would be. I would be off working on legislation altogether where you know if the woman's been taken advantage of or if they've uh in such situations or if her life's at risk, we can keep those options on the table. So all of a sudden, because she could potentially die will make legislation where she can abort that baby and all of a sudden you're pro-abortion. No i'm not pro-abortion.

I personally would not like her to choose that option. I think science she's kind of afraid. No, no! No, no! No! No! No! I think science has come a long way where that that's vastly not the case anymore within our medical community, and we need to continue to increase funding for those mechanisms to provide more research on how to keep the woman alive. What is the is the end goal here that abortion be illegal and it be criminalized and removed as a resource forever from this country? Is that the illegal and unthinkable illegal and unthinkable? So it is culturally culturally for women.

We want women to have resources. First of all to where they don't need an abortion, and then abortion for the abortionist is criminalized, so an abortionist could go to jail for performing it. Women should not be criminalized because, at the end of the day, women are victims of abortion as well. My name is sebastian king and i am anti-abortion side.

My mom had an unplanned pregnancy because she was taken advantage of from the time she was 12 to 15 and she was in and out of state custody and the judge even encouraged her to have an abortion and told my mom that she won't amount to anything. In life, if she goes through with this pregnancy because she chose life, i'm that's the only reason i'm here today and that's my mission is to ensure that all life is protected. Abortion should be accessible to rape and incest survivors if you're pregnant from your brother or your cousin or your father, especially if it wasn't consensual or even if it was, you should still have that option to abort the baby and especially, if you've been raped. There are some people who have that thought like.
Oh my god like what. If i, when i look at my child, i relive that trauma and not saying that's how all rape victims view it, but it's just like some women still they'll takes. Have that fear? Okay, so i was raped for four years of my life um violently more times than i can count um and i did get pregnant when i was 15.. My rapists threat me with abortion multiple times used that as a tool to keep me in his power.

If he had the power to terminate evidence, he had power against me. I did end up losing her, but i wanted her very badly. I named her rahil, which is rachel in english um, and i think it's very important to humanize people who are conceived in rape, because uh they're walking around right now, there's a lot of them. There's a lot of them, and i think it is it's very insulting to place that on a human being.

I think that humans, no matter how they are conceived, are human beings and they deserve to be respected and their lives deserve to be respected. And i agree because that's me, i agree 100 and my mom has always told me she doesn't view me as his even on my birth certificate he's not my father, so also i want to tap on what you said, though cause you said. You really wanted to keep your daughter, and, although you don't, you know, see it as the rape, baby and stuff other people who also go through that traumatic experience may actually see it like that right. You wanted that, but there's other people that have their uh guys.

I'm on that, i'm gon na have to get us out of here soon. Um a choice is taken away from them. They shouldn't be ashamed and going through this and even having to lift that experience of the right baby. Here's the thing when you get an abortion as a reaction to rape, you are continuing continuing the cycle of violence, so you were raped.

That was a violent experience that happened to you, that wasn't your fault, you're hurt you've been victimized. Why is it fair to further victimize someone else because you are hurt but you're seeing it as a someone know: man i'm putting myself in a woman's shoes or a human being's shoes right. You take my choice away, you write me and who, for all you know, i might be, i think, whatever it is, there's always multiple ways of thinking about something in in most scenarios. I think sometimes some people are going in this on this show and they have a very linear thought or a thought process right, and only one is a valid one when there's multiple vowel ones and multiple and bad ones right.

So i think, invalidating all other arguments or line of thought, because yours is so solidified. I think it's a little bit unreasonable, struggling struggling human being right, making eight dollars an hour, something like that crazy bills i might be living in my car. I might be sleeping in the dumpster behind mcdonald's, but now because of your opinion right and my traumatic experience, i get shamed because i don't want to bring this life into the world. Bro, oh, but you should give birth and then put in foster care.
If you don't want it bruh, i want to touch on that too. Just for a second like for trauma, i think absolutely what i am passionate about is giving people the choice and for you you thought a lot about your choice and you wanted that pregnancy and i'm really sorry that you lost that child and i also thought a Lot about for myself when i went through that experience, what choice would be best for me and for me that was not caring. The child - and i think trauma is such an interesting thing for me not having control over a child growing inside of me and changing my fate of my life. You know that would be more traumatic than the initial experience.

We don't know how people are going to react, but i do fight and would want them to have the choice to do what's best for them. I think a strange misconception that people have about people who are pro-abortion is that we don't have respect for life or we don't care about. America offers resources to help. You raise a child yeah, let's see, let's just america offers resources to not much offers resources to help.

You raise a child there's tax benefits to having children. I think there was also uh. You know. In the latest round of covered money, there was funding for women, who've had children yeah, and there are so many um christian charities and so many different organizations that that want to help women, you know and and the resources are there, also government resources.

There are government resources that help you take care of children. Um are there enough? That is a different question. I was basically just agreeing with what you said because section 8 food stamps free health care, school programs and whatnot like there are resources. Are there enough? That's that's why my mom survived when she had me because of government assistance.

So that's the only way she that's the only way she made it because of that, oh okay, here comes, i have been a pregnant teenager and i've also been a teenage mother on welfare and unemployed. The number of resources that are available state to state is something that is atrocious, but what it comes down to is a lot of time and energy. The choice between do i go to work and get the money to pay rent or do i go and i sit in the office or do i go to this non-profit who's requiring me to fill out this application and come to a meeting in the day time When i'm supposed to be working, so you see it kind of like a job like you're clocking in to fill in paperwork, low resources and creating these sort of impossible hurdles and more barriers for people who are already experiencing them to overcome. To get the help is not a help at all, and i feel like a completely like separate conversation check out you guys you guys, i'm not just yeah, i'm just get the rest of the video uh.
To be honest guys, i thought i want. I wanted it to be like uh, like the old jubilees. Well, i thought i was a bit more um more certain away than this. Okay.

Apologies for not watching the whole thing. Okay, anything was that guys. I i i got ta justify tonight.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to is abortion murder?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hans B says:

    Fck this topic… the answer is :


    It's an option available. That's it. Just like suicide. Ur bored of living. U wanna end the pain. It's there for u. Available as an option. Done.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Knuckles says:

    It seems kinda obvious that the dude in the orange hat is eye-fucking every single lady in the room for the whole episode

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Marks says:

    Didn’t realize there was a lot of stupid people in X chat, science shows that after 6 weeks, a heartbeat is there that means life exists don’t argue w science lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Homie Nick Gurr says:

    The girl talking about legislations. You don’t need legislations to teach you that having intercourse with your mother is vile and fucked up the same way you don’t need legislations to tell you that killing a child in your womb is murder.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cian says:

    'I believe scientifically fetuses are human beings from the moment of conception'
    **********No scientific evidence to back this statement***********

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mention Ethan says:

    I think if a woman is raped then abortion is okay as long as there is no brain activity, once there is brain activity a baby is alive just the same as someone who is in a coma. Before this stage I still view it as a potential life and not a random clump of cells. However, if a woman choses to have sex then they should not be allowed to have an abortion. It does not matter whether it was an accidental pregnancy, everyone knows that no form of protection will work 100%. If you chose to have sex you're acknowleding that theres a potential for you to get pregnant, that is the whole point of sex. Once you make this choice you should not be allowed to dictate whether a person has the right to experience this beautiful world, enjoy their own hobbys and maybe raise a family of their own. If you don't want to get pregnant then don't have sex, I don't see what the debate is about.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rage says:

    In my eyes a human has to be born, if the mf is still in the womb you can get rid of it, it's not a human, it's part of you. I especially am pro-abortion in cases of rape, I don't care that it isn't the kid's fault but it isn't the mother's either is it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shredder says:

    these vidoes should have some people in the middleground it would make it more intresting because the two sides are dead set on their beliefs and will not change their views

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CloudShifter says:

    If you end up to the point where someone is pregnant then you better pull your pants up and take the responsibility. Your decisions led to this, you have no excuse.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scrooge McDuck says:

    Abortion should be safe, rare & legal.
    If a woman becomes pregnant as a minor, it should be allowed.
    If a woman is raped, it should be allowed.
    If a woman has health issues that would cause potential fatality in child birth, it should be allowed.

    Clinics should charge an extra 40,000 dollars to anyone who doesn't fit into one or any of these 3 categories.
    If the woman doesn't want to raise the child, they can send them straight into the foster care system.
    There's really no issue other than shameless selfishness on the part of people who are vehemently pro-abortion.
    If they had to watch a video of the whole procedure after it was done, I'm pretty sure they would never want another one, or maybe make better decisions about contraception.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elpharae says:

    I'm really interested as to why Jubilee thinks it's a great idea to give anti-abortion males a platform to talk on abortions, as they're not the ones deciding for themselves. If you as a guy want to show support to a woman having the right to decide for the future of her own body, I'm all for it. If you as a guy want to dictate what a woman should do so it doesn't hurt your beliefs, you're misogynistic and on top of that, fucking stupid.

    Before anyone of you say anything, I'm a guy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lego Yoda says:

    is abortion murder is a question of morality and as always morality depends on your enviroment growing up, culture, friends, financial status & other things. Argueing over morality is almost usless as both sides will present good points. Best soltuion leave abortion as a option for Women, but make sure they are educated on what abortion is.

    Only problem is the males role in this, as if a women wants an abortion and gets one but the man doesnt, she should still be allowed to get one as its her responsibility. She has to endure 9 months of carrying the baby, changing dietry habits and in countires like USA there isnt much maternity leave & support for new mothers. But if a women wants to keep it but the man doesnt, the man will still have to pay child support, this is unfair as the man suffers in both situations and in my opinion is a way better question that "Is abortion murder"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FlabbySmile4 says:

    Look dude. All I’m saying is maybe we’re getting too far into accepting abortions when I know someone that had their 5th abortion last week and treated it like a head cold… “oh yeah it’s just another abortion”. For fucks sake just use protection when you do the deed. Dosent make it better 4 of em have been with the same guy

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oza says:

    People will try to devalue a human life so much so they don’t have to face the results of their choices. Fetuses are babies, babies are humans. Y’all are trying so hard. It’s that simple. Abortion is murder.

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