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Humanitarian Aid in in exchange for there it is we're doing Dono matching baby for whom $50,000 $50,000 of Dono matching We're going to move this. We're going to move this over to the the Fing line. We're g to get it to $750,000 and then we're gonna we're G guys. oh man it's not take it, it's not even take it I just something I Noticed that because people if people have been cancelled for both sides and people been cancelled for being the middle and it feels like um what the I'm I'm just confused I don't even know like it what is the correct take you know and push it uh to to one million okay there you go I'm Dono matching up to $50,000 getting foreign guys I genely do not know I do not know cuz I I think we have sit down as as Society chat and and really kind of have a talk about about about about um about charity.

Do you donate if you donate and people will know about it you're vir signaling or it's not the it's not the correct charity you should have donated right? If you donate you're doing for tax breaks you're a you if you don't donate you're a dumbass. um you're selfish and um why aren you donating more money since you're fortunate Okay Then if you don't donate anonymously yo dude you should use your platform to spread good and spread the word while you're doing it. It seems like not talking about it, not saying is the best, call it just that's how it feels to me like like I cooked. Take the whole piece of land for landia.

Everybody wins. Yeah, true. I I Don't I don't know about the conflict I Know nothing about it I Know absolutely nothing. Zero knowledge Andy and I thought I mean dude guys, isn't that so good? Landia? it's guys, it's isn't this kind of a cool name though? Dude: I In Landia Dude, let sh go Bonkers No Okay, I'm done.

Man this sh this sh bugging an semitism as we know is a hatred uh and Prejudice and racism towards Jewish people and their faith and their ethnicity. Anti-zionism is um, a movement fighting against the occupation. This is a settler Colonial fascist regime that we're seeing attempting to wipe out an entire indigenous, uh, civilian population. In your perspective, what is Zionism 75 years of brutal occupation, ethnic cleansing, aarth, and colonization of the Palestinian people CH Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys guys at 28 words I Understood Six of those Man man it dude, it's hard man a civilian population In your perspective.

What is Zionism 75 years of brutal occupation at the cleansing of part side and colonization of the Palestinian people OCC Israel is a Zionist State and I think that's what we really we have to focus on today. Yeah hello, my name is Sta Um I'm proud of the Palestinian Youth movement and we're here with the Palestinian and Arab Youth in the diaspora as well as our solidarity allies demanding the Uh The Siege and end on Gaza and for the blockade to be lifted where they have been under blockade for 16 years. Um, where they've been denied the basic human rights of just living a life along with having food, water, fuel, electricity. And we're here also to talk about the 75 years of military occupation that Palestine has been under since 194.
People need to see the Palestinians for who they are part of a revolutionary struggle for. Liberation. We understand Zionism to be a form of white supremacy and the people have a right to resist their occupiers by any means necessary. What do you think about Hamas Uh, I Will not.

Um that you're not asking the right questions. It's the wrong question. I Think that we can't. Um, we can't equate the colonizer with the colonized.

We can't equate the occupier with the occupied. It implies that these are equal parties. and it's not equal parties. So you feel like violence is a reaction to oppression.

Yes. But they also have the moral right to defend themselves against their colonizers and their occupiers. And this is something that we really need to focus on as a media. and instead of painting Palestinians you what? Yes.

But they also have the moral right to defend themselves against their colonizers and their occupiers. And this is something that we really need to focus on as a media. And instead of painting Palestinians and dehumanizing them and and demonizing them and putting all these anti-arab and anti-muslim tropes against them Guys guys. I Thought the job of the media is to report what the is going on.

Guys guys guys, when do we go back to the times where the media just observes and reports what the is up? Why Why it feels like these days I don't know what the is up and that their only job is tell us what the is up I Look at the news bro. I Don't even know what's going on which the West has been imposing to justify the ethnic cleansing that Israel has already done and will continue to do so. This is something that we need to focus on and see. the Palestinians are there defending themselves as part of a revolutionary struggle for Liberation.

We need our countries back. That's it. Free free Palestine Uh, from the land? What is it? From the land to the Sea Palestine will be free from The River To The Sea That's right, Yeah from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free Rockets were fired into Israel as gunmen infiltrated several bord guys guys. I'm about something really up I'm sorry as I said you guys yeah, she looks like she just got resed towns and bases.

They swarmed into Israel by land, sea and even on paragliders and then they went on a rampage slaughtering civilians in the street. Oh Jesus Christ it was a it's a horrible situation yeah and it was the worst day in Jewish history in terms of deaths since the Holocaust 1300 people died. And what can you tell us about what's going on? Well uh, the rage goes all the way back. I mean basically what we have is we have two nationalist movements that are buying for control over a piece of territory.
Hamas is in charge of the Gaza Strip which is in the south of Israel on the coast. Uh, it was founded in 1987 during the first Uprising against it I have to I have to pause yo if any any news media Outlet watch watch My Stream and the logs man please man, listen the clip you guys just watched. There was something funny before I I thought it was funny and it a skipped to um something something that wasn't These are two complete different instances. you feel me Israeli Occupation also you my bad I Had to say that Hamas won elections actually in 2006 and then took over the Gaza Strip in 2007.

Hamas's Charter said that uh, all of Palestine should be an Islamic State On a core level, it uh, believes that Palestine is a gift of God it's a religious endowment and that they really can't surrender any part of that religious. Endowment For Jews it was a place that Um has been remembered in. you know Jewish prayer and Jewish history. The Jews actually had a kingdom there uh under David and Solomon and uh were there until the Romans threw them out.

And so the idea was the restoration of the community back to its ancestral land. And so therefore what we see is two groups that are vying for control over for a single small area actually about the size of New Jersey The thing about Gazo which you know your audience should know is that Gaza is a extraordinarily crowded one of the most crowded places on Earth Yeah, this is tough because every time I watch a video about this I think the story is different. like I I swear I Sit down I Listen brother because I've been yo I I've been trying. it's hard.

Extraordinary poor society in which you know about half the population is under the age of 18. So any Israeli incursion into Gaza is going no way. they are taking to take the land because they lived there 1,000 years ago. No, can you just go for like the weekend? No, no, you can't go to the West Bank either.

You're you're pretty much isolated in Gaza Wait, so can you? Is there an airport? No. Okay, so in order to be able to cross from one to another, you have to go through checkpoints and uh, it's not a free movement to Travelers. One of my students, for example was a Palestinian from Gaza and uh Palestinians have to be back in the territories at nightfall. Uh, they can't stay in Israel proper.

So uh, he had to actually camp out in the West Bank to go to university in the West Bank in spite of the fact that his home was in Gaza because he couldn't pass you Israel in order to uh, go from one to the other and that curfew is imposed by Israel by Israel Why? Well, that's a question for the Israelis actually. Uh, the Israelis think that you know, uh, the uh Palestinians are are dangerous. Um, there was a second Uprising that took place in 2000 against Israeli occupation. uh and it was extraordinarily bloody.

Do you have family in Palestine Yes, I Do. How are they doing? Uh, we lost 14 relatives in the bombardment and uh, currently I Haven't heard from relatives in about 12 hours, so sorry to hear that. Thank you I Appreciate it. What's their life like out there? Uh, there is no life.
Deadly retribution is raining on Gaza Israel Andrew What this wrong? What? Dude, This editing is outrageous. Uh, there is no life. This is why. uh, the the people of Palestin have a right to resist.

There is no life in Gaza Um. Israel has made it their mission to make sure that there is no life for the gazin that are living in the Gaza Strip For 16 years, the Israeli government has suffocated Palestinians in Gaza under a Draconian air C Yo yo yo guys guys guys, editing isn't it's F I didn't say it's CGI bro what is wrong with you He are so on edge. why does it be such a snowflake if the video editing the way was cut you Lord What is wrong with yeah but is so mold and land military blockade. It was a very dry cut dialog and starving over 2 million people and denying them.

Medical Aid So I think when we're thinking when we're looking at a few days ago I think it's really important to look at the history of Palestine and contextualize what's happening. A lot of people want to believe that this is a random moment that happened on October 7th, but realistically speaking, this is not true. This is a a building upon a military occupation that has been happening for 75 plus years and Gaza specifically for 16 years Gaz has been under blackid for 16 years. No one can leave.

They've been denied the basic human rights of just living a life along with having food, water, fuel, electricity and that's what we're focusing on here today. Like I said, 16 years of Siege 16 years of being held hostage in an open air prison where you have been denied everything, where your family has been killed, where you have to hold your dying child and and bury them while you have to survive Like we have to look at the history of Rin and people in Palestine, you've had a series of Wars Uh, 1948 was the most important for our benefit. That was when the state of Israel was declared Arab armies invaded Uh and about 720,000 uh, 720,000 Palestinians were forced to flee. Um in the wake of that.

Uh, basically the Palestinians called 1948, the Israelis call it the war of Independence Palestinians call it the the Naka the disaster you know. And ever since then, the issue of Palestine has been on and off the international agenda. The politicians are calling for a second necka. If you don't know what necka is, it means catastrophe.

It's what happened in 1948 when almost a million people were displaced practically overnight and uh, genocide and Massacre Okay, okay guys, I'm confused guys. guys. when I was done, I had to at school uh about religion and talk about Jesus. Christ comes out of the cavern right? Okay, sorry right there and um I I think um Jesus is from Um Jerusalem right? Oh my god, right? I'm confused.
So now, um, it seems like there's like a bunch of religions in there. but who has Jesus cuz I'm done of over 250 Palestinian Villages And we're seeing politicians not just from the Israeli side, but also the Us and other confus calling for the leving of Gaza calling for a complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. Like do you think the majority of people in Gaza are against Hamas I would say that that's not important I think what's important here is condemning the violence and the BL because I'm Jewish right and I'm Israeli So I'm very interested and I have friends that are Palestinian but somewhere in West Bank only one or two friends from wait a minute. wait a minute.

That me me, there's a big link between between Judaism and um, uh. Christianism. Oh okay. well so guys.

okay I gota come down. are we're going toow each other? no. get mad at me. so it's the same dude.

but is he doing different stuff on two different books or not? Okay I'm now now. now you lost me I thought I had it right. Oh okay. now I get it.

Yeah. Okay, okay. Jewish religion doesn't believe Jesus was the son of God Christians do that's the key difference. Oh so in in Judaism or whatever they're waiting.

oh I Get it now. Boom. I Done. They're waiting.

Okaya but a big concern for us I would say is that people have no choice. Like if you wanted to speak out against M would it be essentially safe for all your family members still living there? I Don't think you're asking the right questions I'm just saying it. It's a true question because not a lot of us would have those rights in Gaza And that's not because of Gaza. It's not because of a great Palestinian wait wait hold up.

CH wait in in in Islam too. Oh, that's confusing as okay in Islam he is a prophet. Okay, Oh yeah. okay.

okay so same guy. three different interpretation. same spot. Okay, a lot of us would have those rights in Gaza and that's not because of Gaza.

It's not because of the great Palestinian people that make that place, it's because of Hamas Hamas is a terrorist organization that runs that Palestinian People didn't do itate and they've radicalized their whole spot. and now the time has come that there's a second. Holocaust 1,300 plus people were killed. That would be equal to over 35,000 Americans if that was in America per capita.

Could you just say that is horrible? Where was the international outcry when Israel killed more than 200 Palestinians before the recent events in 2023? Do that. I'm here to speak on behalf of my people. So with that I'm going. I mean if the Caloa Cartel sliced up everyone in Texas and New Mexico what do you think America would do based on what you know America to be today? Plus it's not Jews Arabs Palestinian Arabs people from Thailand Italy Germany a whole CH Would that be like a like a false equivalency I don't It seems like this is has nothing to do with anything.
Music Festival Do you go to music festivals? You're watching this channel? Did you go to music festivals? People from the music festival contacted me and said share my story I was there watching people get slaughtered. The people the same people that play Coachella to same people play at La Laaloa and it's a music festival. So to regurgitate sedal colonialists how many Jews are white Brown Juice Black juice white juice. We're not white here.

we're not white there too much of this world being negative I'm like bro for one second could you Kim Hamas Terrorists they like I don't gotta I don't know what you wanna I'm from Argentina what's the favorite place of vacation? the Bahamas I'll turn them into humus deals on the microphone. cook up what you looking they got Mia Khalifa Roger Waters out of order. They'll sue you with everything. Don't test the Jewish lawyers I'm talking like here trying toomb shels I'm talking down to the place when yall looking fors on the microphone avenging the death of every child in a Kuts so prefer here I don't got to know you what it thought it was cuz I don't need protection from anybody or police officers I'm rapping for my people.

the flow is my seat up and I don't need to rap for other people. not a good idea rocking in his Zone we we're have to find a way to uncook that somehow. dude. I'm not saying it's racist, but ironically we're here in front of the Israeli Embassy Shabbat Shalom Channel 5 Live Worldwide Hollywood Inine The Authority Channel 5 News Channel 55 We don't with Custers and Five is the best number chat.

That was something. Um I listened I Learned nothing so.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘palestine rally’ by andrew callaghan”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moritz Schirner says:

    Free germany from this shit

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _bøundless says:

    Bruh as a muslim i lost faith in our religion after this…..we became n@zis thats what we are im leaving this religion

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hafsa says:

    Free Palestine!🇵🇸

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sippingonmytea says:

    xQc to make things very simple for you, Palestine is the occupied and Isreal is the occupier. Not complicated at all

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kim jong un says:

    Aren't you wondering why Hamas exists?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomeking says:

    This hassan guy is heavily influenced by his own nationalism and religion so he is definitely not neutral and tries to influence people for personal gain

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Pogodin says:

    Imagine giving 50k$ to terrorists 💀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Astro Science says:

    Palestine ❤❤❤❤

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan m hinds says:

    Palestine will be free ❤ free of all Palestinians and hamas 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W It says:

    Why didn't people in Gaza try peaceful protest?"

    They did. In 2018, thousands of Palestinians took part in 'The Great March of Return', demanding they be freed from Israel's blockade and granted their right of return to their ancestral homeland.

    Over 70 percent of the population of Gaza are considered refugees, expelled from or descended from people expelled from Palestine in the so-called Nakba, Israel's ethnic cleansing of the land in 1948.

    The protestors demanded right of return, and an end to the blockade of Gaza, which is illegal under law as a form of collective punishment but has persisted since 2006.

    Israel responded by shooting the peaceful protestors, treating anyone approaching the fence around Gaza as a legitimate target – including children, the disabled, and medics. Human rights groups universally condemned this targeting of peaceful protestors.

    Between the first protest and November 2019, more than 35 thousand protestors were injured, 7,996 with live ammo.

    Israeli snipers usually targeted the protestors legs and knees. Half the injured protestors were crippled for life.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W It says:

    If you don't know the whole truth, here's a simple historical summary to clarify things for you:
    The ongoing war between Israel and Palestine is not a war between two states, so the attack of the Palestinian resistance is not a declaration of war, but only a reaction to …
    violations that have been taking place for more than 70 years .
    For more than a century, the Palestinian Territories belonged to the Ottoman Empire
    During World War I, as the empire faltered , eventually giving way to the Republic of Türkiye –– Britain seized it.
    In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary, in a letter to Lionel Rothschild, declared his full support for the establishment of a Jewish state on the Palestinian Territories
    We call this promise “A promise from someone who does not possess to someone who does not deserve”
    At the beginning of the implementation of this fateful promise, the number of Jews in Palestine was 7%, this percentage increased to 28% of the total population after the immigration of European Jews to Palestine under the British protectorate
    After the end of World War II, the United Nations issued a resolution on the partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews in 1947
    On May 14, 1948, the leaders of Israel met at the Tel Aviv Museum and announced the end of the British Mandate and the establishment of the state of Israel was recognized by the United States of America and the Soviet Union
    The 1948 War
    Many Arab countries rejected the occupation of Palestine and its partition by the United States unjustly, and many wars were won in which Israel won with the support of America and took areas of land larger than the one declared by the United States
    Many armed and unarmed Palestinian organizations were formed and had one demand, which was the liberation of their state, which was divided and occupied unjustly Violations against the Palestinian people are carried out on a daily and systematic basis there are more than 100 thousand registered martyrs / twice this number has not been counted and there are more than a million killed The attacks are carried out in various aspects of life, including education, health, supplies that are constantly being cut off, violations of religious sanctities and provocation on all occasions and holidays Israel does'nt want to give the Palestinians peace, as it claims, and does'nt want establish a state for Palestinians next to their so-called state, as the UN claims, the Palestinian map is shrinking dayily while the territories controlled by the Israeli occupation are expanding
    Google for Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood , and you will see violations and settlement
    The Palestinian resistance is only a reaction to daily violations that occur and no one talks about them
    if you are a free person, you certainly will not accept all this hypocrisy and Distortion of facts from the international community
    Pray for Palestine and support Palestine

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timmy says:

    Please, you have been deceived by the media. Everyone in Gaza has been exterminated. Now they have cut off the internet so that the world does not see what the Jews are doing. Please.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sufiancrypto says:

    Free Palestine

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CadetSparklez says:

    The “you just hate jews” crowd are making me hate them

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CadetSparklez says:

    Someone is chat said aloha snackbar lmao

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