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#xQc #Machinima #SunnyV2

Machinima is good guys, because, when i when i when i was uh younger all the other videos that i watched had machinima, i had no idea what it is, what they did. I don't know what the i feel like machinima never had anything to do. But what came next into the video ever so i was ignored. It was like.

Ah, i don't care, i'm just gon na watch, a video classic microphones man, if you were watching a modern warfare - 2 video back in 2010 - and he saw this intro pop-up at the start. You knew you're about to witness an absolute banger of a video, but i have a question for you: do you remember seeing this intro at all? After maybe 2012 2013 2014? What happened to it? It was at one point the hallmark of the craziest video game plays supporting a lot of the greatest creators in youtube history, such as cnns, hutch, tabes, pewdiepie g unit 123.. I'm sure a lot of you guys remember this video, hey guys. It's shaggy here aka g unit and hello missionary new director here today, getting the world's fastest nuke in 30 seconds, just showing you guys, yep, even that was machinima.

So how did it go completely defunct by 2019, along with every single video being deleted from the channel? Was it the terrible reputation that bought the channel undone stay away from machinima? They are absolute cancer now or the fact that they will prey on young, naive creators with long-term unbreakable contracts. My contract had ended and i messaged machinima. I didn't get a single response. This video is going to explore the rise and fall of machinima on youtube alongside the many scams that occurred in the process.

So theoretically buckle up fellas, oh my god, who is that? Oh, my god, the many scams that oh, my god in the process so theoretically buckle up fellas, let's get into it, there's always a game time in january. However, for many of us, including myself, the early 2000s isn't really a relatable time period that we can all reminisce on i'm more interested in the downfall of machinima on youtube. So let's ignore the early 2000s and fast forward to the notoriety between machinima and youtube beginning in 2006, the machinima youtube channel began on the 16th of january 2006. in a strange kind of way, youtube actually would have been a competitor for the original machinima site.

Given that machinima was actually somewhat of a video sharing service in the early 2000s, machinima observed the strong growth of youtube in the beginning and applied the old. If you can't beat them join them, but machinima was very smart about it. They didn't just join youtube and start uploading, their own videos. They actually set up a sub business within youtube, called youtube networks back when the partner program was first introduced on youtube, which was the original program where creators could earn money off their content.

It was very difficult for content creators to monetize gaming content, youtubers reluctant to monetize gaming content due to gray area site. There are many examples which articulate how difficult it was to be a gaming content creator between 2006 and 2012 on youtube. One example is with the content: creator: darkseid phil when phil simply uploaded a gameplay of the game, splinter cell in april 2010 ubisoft the developer, contacted youtube and had phil's whole channel taken down just for uploading, a gameplay of a single game. His highlights both oh no on youtube but, more importantly, how difficult it was to be a gaming youtuber in the early days of youtube, and this was only just being a gaming youtuber, a level down from actually earning money from gaming youtube videos.
Then machinima came along and offered a solution to the difficulty in getting gaming content. Monetized content creators could be guaranteed an income for their creation. Efforts by partnering with machinima machinima would serve as a middle man where content creators would upload videos under the machine rather than their own channels, from that video to the original creators and all machinima wanted in return was a three-year contract and 40 of all. My earnings 40 seems like a lot of your ad revenue from youtube right.

Well, at the time you had the choice of keeping either on their channel, though 60 of your income or zero percent of your income, given that if the content was uploaded on your own channel, you'd get nothing so on the surface, it actually looked like an excellent Deal for creators, suddenly creators had the opportunity to make money off the videos that they otherwise would have ever had. Branch out cinema also offered another simple intangible advantage: the status of being a machinima creator, even as early as january 2009, as seen in this screenshot machinima has 367 000 subscribers, which eventually grew to 5 million in late 2012, making it the fourth biggest channel on youtube By a subscriber count at its peak on top of this, as we mentioned in the intro, you just knew a video was going to be a good video when it had the machinima introduction so who wouldn't want to have the reputation of being a machinima creator. It would also give the small creators that feeling of working alongside the other big guns in the video game content creation scene - you might only have a few hundred subscribers, but you could be featured on a channel with 5 million subscribers. Another concept that seemed very enticing on the surface, but it was very disappointing in reality, as we'll explore later there was no growth.

All the analytics were just in a straight line. There was no growth, no subs, nothing, it all stayed exactly the same. On top of this, machinima would offer creators what they called a talent scout, which, looking back now just kind of, seems like a buzzword to entice naive kids who thought they had a special content creation talent into joining machinima and what they did was they set me Up with a talent manager - and this sounded really good originally i was like - oh my god - i've got someone watching my back. I've got my own talent manager.
This is amazing. On top of this, machinima also promised a team of people to help creators promote and create their videos, giving them advice and going. This is the old school way of doing it. It's like oh you're, in an org you're, getting a manager, oh you're, getting this you're getting an assistant.

It's like it's their person like dude. It's a success, they're, always so machine learning the whole point of imagining somebody who's on your side. Why would you have somebody who's on your side on somebody else's? It makes no sense and whistles on the surface. It's everything your content creates.

This doesn't make sense growing their channel on income. What could possibly go wrong? We are here with ross boom sucks uh. He uploaded a video about a week ago that ended up on the front page of reddit, basically he's having problems with machinima a lot of other youtubers jumped in expressing their complaints with machinima. So up until this point, we've highlighted the golden facade of machinima.

What it offered to creators, the promise of glory and riches money on videos that wouldn't be monetized, otherwise the status of being machinima creator. The promise of having a talent classic looks like a pretty good deal on the surface right. Well, the packages they offered was that overgrowth s130 on the surface. The incident wasteland was that they preyed on the short-term thinking of individual creators.

The contracts that were handed out were usually three to seven years in length which, to a lot of small youtubers and youtube. Newbies doesn't seem like a very long time and even if it did, they just disregarded that, because they just saw the opportunity for money and went into the contract blindly. I signed the contract and it's for three years and i'm just like yeah whatever like it's three years. That's not that long of a time, if you think about it side note it's actually a really long time yeah, but three years on youtube can actually be a really long time.

Mr beast went from 1.2 million subscribers to 33.5 million subscribers in the last 3 years. Pewdiepie gained 10 billion views in the last 3 years and pewdiepie at one point was actually partnered with machinima. He had this to say about them back in 2015., i was screwed over by machinima like many others four years ago, but managed to get out. Luckily, it's mind-boggling to me how they can still push like this and get away with it unless google steps up and puts tighter leashes on networks, youtubers are going to be the ones who pay for their greediness hope your gets sorted dude! Theoretically, if pewdiepie was partnered with machinima for the last three years earning approximately three dollars per thousand views on his videos, his revenue would have been 30 million from 10 billion views.
If you take 40 percent of that, a three-year partnership with machinima would have cost pewdiepie. 12 million dollars not exactly something to brush over lightly right anyway, that's not a real scenario. However, it highlights how damaging some of these contracts had the potential to be at the time and how much can be achieved on youtube in the space of three years. On top of these situations, they even snuck extra months into the contract, without that is the weaker felix.

It's the weaker one: i'm chad, i'm chad, i'm the such as this example with ross boomsticks, and i only learned two or three months ago that he slept an extra seven months under my nose uh that that my contract was ending in 2017 instead of 2016.. Well, that's it who signed up with machinima when their channels were small in size, started to realize how much money they could make on youtube. When exponential growth started to kick in, when a lot of creators signed up, they were only making what a dollar a month on youtube so 40 cents a month for all the perks, seemed like a good deal right. Well, i'm sure that a boatload of those creators would have gotten to the point of making a thousand dollars a month and 10 000 a month and suddenly forty percent per month.

The machinima is really starting to hurt the bottom line and overall earnings for creators. But there was nothing they could do. They were stuck in the contract for the next three years. The promised talent scouts and help that was supposed to come to creators suddenly vanished as soon as they signed the contracts now nearly instantly.

I regretted signing the contract because the second i signed it. My talent manager suddenly said that he was busy and he only said that after i had signed the contract and he said he was going away on a business trip and i'd basically be on my own. For the next five to six weeks, so, basically, over a month, i'd be completely in the dark. It was also revealed that uploading to machinima what high status youtube channel really didn't provide any growth for small creators about four to five months pass and nothing.

My channel doesn't grow at all. Views are still dead. I got about two to three hundred views of video. I mean for some people.

That sounds like a lot, but i wanted to grow and there was no growth. All the analytics were just in a straight line. There was no growth, no subs, nothing, it all stayed exactly the same. The issue with machinima was that they had so many creators signed up with them that it was impossible to differentiate yourself from the crowd on their channel.

They would upload hundreds of videos a week and how could a small channel with a hundred subscribers compete with other channels on the network? It just came down to the fact that machinima just really wasn't a good way to grow a channel uploading. A video to a five million subscriber channel seems like a great growth method, but the reality is yes or high on this, through from machinima to your individual channel, along with machinima, basically being a scumbag company. That would prey on individuals with insanely unfavorable contract conditions. The truth was that the need for the middleman on youtube - just wasn't really there anymore by 2013..
Machinima was originally introduced, because individual youtubers couldn't have their gaming content monetized. However, this was not really an issue anymore by 2013.. The need for the middleman had almost completely disappeared by 2014., so most people swept swap to curse. I think until curse went badly, guys didn't didn't, didn't curse, stop doing the deals anymore.

Yeah most people used curse after this by 2013. The need for the middleman had almost completely disappeared by 2014.. So what did this mean for the company? They basically had a look in chat, cursed, lit the type curse lit, that's curse, guys. I was on curse until uh, two years ago, boat, load of creators who had signed three to seven year contracts between 2009 and 2013, but absolutely no one else signing new contracts, given that there was no need to become a machinima creator after 2013..

This left machinima earning a passive but dwindling income from the remaining contracts with diminishing revenue, as the contracts began to expire, and if we go back the two reasons that basically, what curse uh they would you guys they had um the easiest thing in the world. Instead of having a big con trying big what chris offered people was very simple me as a youtuber coming out to youtube, it was very simple you signed with we signed with curse and they let you keep 100 of your revenue. They take away nothing out of you, they you do nothing at all right and they. It actually helps you get into the network and they you get recommended faster and easier around them.

It gets you into the algorithm and you go through your own channel. You do you lose nothing, you get everything. It was easiest thing in the world, so every single people initially signed up for machinimas to monetize their gaming content and have help from the talents, and you could get out anyway anyway, anywhere you want anytime, you could just get any and start the machinima to help Grow their channel content creators could monetize their own content and the consensus and review what do they get well they're the network, so they have yeah, they have all the people and all the whatever the network. I don't really know what they've got to be honest, but we got it.

There was just no need for them. There wasn't a single thing that they could offer that individual creators couldn't do themselves. On top of that, i don't know how it works. I always say i guess i don't.

I don't operate their business, i only got my part of it. We go, we got, we got, everybody got paid all the time, there's nothing actually having a use for the business. Machinima began to become the subject of bulk slander. From oh ads, they probably get better ad packages.
Yeah, they probably got better ad deals guys because they can flex that they have all the creators on their under their yeah that that's how it worked, because they have all the creators under their wing and everybody. They have a big ass network. They probably get big ass packages, almost every youtuber that have been with them as we've explored with many clips in this video like pewdiepie pyrocynical ross, boomsticks, even drama alert began to create videos slandering the dodgy actions of machinima and the machinima reign just kind of imploded. On itself on youtube, machinima continued to dwindle from 2014 all the way up until february 2019, when the entire channel went private, machinima fired their 81 remaining staff and machinima announced that they would be ceasing operation and merging into another company.

But as scumi's machinima appeared to be from all the dodgy underlying contract terms, i still feel like machinima has a special nostalgic spot in all of our hearts as a viewer. The machinima legacy is one that will be left with the glory years of modern warfare, 2 and old league of legends, so machinima, despite being a total scumbag of a business structure. Thanks for sticking around thanks for the nostalgia - and you 100 deserved what you had coming to you for screwing over so many creators, that's gon na be all for this video guys. If you guys could like and subscribe, i would appreciate the help yeah, but other than that.

I will see you guys in the next one. Thank you for watching. Take it easy peace. I mean i mean the model didn't make sense afterwards, yeah they should not.

Have people over for sure that's gon na that's gummy tonight.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘the many scams downfall of machinima 2006 – 2019 ‘ sunnyv2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Promethiac says:

    Remember when Youtube was all about Gangnam Style?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JerkingMyBeats says:

    Early squad gang

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slaughterrific says:

    I remember everyone used to want that machinima partnership, but the people who had it wanted out more lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABowloRice says:

    Damn machinama being brought up again

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Msh20Gaming says:

    Xqcl much love bro and to all papegas ❤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayden henry says:

    this vid was just about call of duty, before cod there was halo and thats why machinima even became a thing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ice says:

    Here before the "Here before the "he sure knows how to react to ___" comments."" comments.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Foster says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoC player says:

    Damn you're fast af. I just saw this on stream.
    Edit : I'm so dumb I thought this was a xQc clips channel or something. It's his channel itself.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kora says:

    I hope he reacts to the xxxtentacion one. That one is actually good

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Litt says:

    He sure knows how to react to ___

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vsnusv says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Marks says:

    Here before the “he sure knows how to react to ___” comments.

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