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#xQc #Bungie #Youtube

if you're standing up you're going to want to take a seat because i've got to do this today have you ever thought to yourself man it'd be great if anime was real our world is so boring you know we can even sympathize with that but i think i think because i scream really loud and get huge muscles and grow taller but then you need to take a step back and read a headline like this and realize that we're already living in an anime and it's a god damn shonen there's a destiny youtuber who's currently being sued by bungie for 7.6 million dollars and just like the celtics in the nba finals he will absolutely lose he doesn't stand a chance he'd have better luck finding 7.6 million dollars in the gutter than winning this lawsuit against bungie this guy took the plot of death note and applied it to youtube he basically became a diet kira and as a result it cost him his entire life here with this lawsuit but i'm getting ahead of myself i've recently followed this story since it broke a couple months ago and my god there's so many twists and turns in here it makes game of thrones look tame it is so unbelievably goofy and you all know how much i love like the goofy and the wacky and my god i'm ashamed to say it but even the silly too and this story is absolutely among the cream of the crop in that ballpark so let me break all of it down for you a couple months ago destiny content creators had their judgment day rapture had occurred in total 96 videos just vanished from a multitude of destiny content creators seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason the videos were totally innocent there was nothing wrong with them but they had all been struck down by a company called csc which which is a legitimate copyright management firm that represents bungie so content creators rightfully were very i know this is going on with this i don't know the whole story now thinking that they betrayed the community bungie had decided to go to war against the creators and it was this big bloodbath online it's not bungie we did it i didn't i didn't pretty watch i'm just saying hey is such a joke anybody can impersonate anybody it's a disaster for a while hating bungie for watching so bad it turns out bungie was also a victim their own videos got copyright struck and taken down by the same csc agency so what went wrong did an employee go rogue just have a winter soldier moment and just go full nuclear and take all destiny content down as they saw fit well as it turns out there was a bad actor impersonating csc global and they were the puppet master behind the scenes taking down all of these videos so it naturally became the question of who is doing it and why because bungie also put out a statement saying that yeah investigating because this is not okay bungie wouldn't do this it's not them they were as confused as the rest of the community but they weren't just confused they were furious they weren't berserk i don't blame him maybe he's trying to point out how far the system is that's that's right dumb that's like a the end justifies the means type thing like maxed out scenario like too many people are getting damaged and too much is getting destroyed for to prove a point that in the end isn't gonna be proven because um how the mca is such a bad solidified systems you could prove them wrong or prove that there's it's stupid and misused a gazillion times and it's like what is what is a youtuber what is uh what is a garbage day doesn't just get mad at this douchebag that was copyright striking everyone with these fraudulent takedown requests they were mad at youtube they took youtube to court in order to get google to finally revealed the identity of the person behind this because youtube was putting up a big stink about it they even had the same problems as normal youtubers saying bungie went through customer service and didn't get the issue resolved for days they even said that youtube support didn't even respond to them in a timely fashion if at all reading this when it was happening was shocking because even a billion dollar company like bungie has to go through the same channels as the goobers like me and all other youtubers do and it sucks it's trash bungie guys the mistake is that they thought youtube was gonna was gonna actually help and do something when in fact in fact they just did like everybody else from the from the main account of bungie bungee official uh tweet at youtube support team hey guys we have having a problem could you help and then they give a reply check the ends you get no answers you get no response and you get no solutions when you go up to like the top of the food chain of youtube they would have had better luck just doing what all the rest of us do and start whining on twitter about it and crying for youtube bungie should have just went right to twitter with a twit longer or some and a trending hashtag because it seems like it's all the responses i didn't they won't even respond to a billion dollar company through their official channels what a joke what chance do any normal youtubers have if bungie of all companies can't get them to talk to them it's laughable they slammed youtube's absolutely archaic and dog system here with a fully detailed outline of how it happened and how weak youtube system is and then finished it off by yeah and the problem is that this isn't so flawed that you can cause a lot of damage and and and and by the time you get it fixed the damage done far outweighs that whatever solution that they come with which is really stupid it's so destructive youtube a one-star yelp review on their support process saying that bungie was stranded in a circular loop when i read that circular loop line it was like this eureka moment a light bulb flicked on in my head and i knew exactly what happened here bungie being as naive as they were about youtube thinking that good systems were in place went on their youtube channel and went to the partner creator support line which lets you talk to what's supposed to be some of the i'm not getting it we're taking a piece of content they were copying it re-uploading it and they were dmca striking the main content saying that they stole their content and these complaints go through and people get striked it's so busted it's busted i don't think that there's anyone using that with a pulse and what happens when you try and talk to people through that is they just keep linking you frequently asked questions or they just keep asking you the same question you've answered a million times and you just go in a circle forever like auroboro's constantly eating its own tail nothing gets solved when you contact that line it's only frequently asked questions or publicly accessible youtube blog posts about what might be adjacent to your issue or repeated questions ad nauseam forever i knew exactly what happened once i read circular loop so bungie couldn't even get in contact with youtube directly initially it seems they went to that boilerplate terrible service of the support line but it looks like they did finally get it solved because they got the person's identity and the story behind this is so stupid it's crazy i want to actually it was a disgruntled destiny youtuber named lord nazo or nick and nick's youtube channel focused on directly ripping music from destiny's taken king and witch queen official soundtracks and uploading them to his personal youtube channel and despite repeated takedown notices nick decided to leave the music up which eventually resulted in him losing the account and he got mad nick got very upset at this this happened months prior to him impersonating csc global so something snapped in nick here and he wanted revenge and then he thought back to the time he watched death note and he's like hmm maybe i could do that so he impersonated a csc global employee and started filing takedown requests fraudulent takedown requests on pretty much anyone who made destiny content just kept writing their name in the death note just another one chalked up on the board another victim another body left in the wake of nick's rage and his quest for revenge and just like when l teamed up with kira lord nazo was directly trying to hunt himself down in secret so he was on the front lines communicating with the content creators that he was actively striking pretending to be on their side and pretending to help try and find this fraudster that was issuing the touchdown so he deceived all of them into thinking that he was there to help them like scooby-doo trying to sniff out the the actual criminal here in this mystery meanwhile he was the one actively doing it it's so goofy he'd send messages like this here some of the silliest yeah it's the people like us who suffer the little guys or just anyone with fewer than 250k youtube subscribers and 100k twitter followers this was absolutely a plan to put himself at the bottom of the list of potential suspects so he'd say things like yeah i was also a victim of this a few months ago there's something real evil out there and we've got to find him i won't rest until this dubious actor is brought to justice he'd go on and on dropping breadcrumbs like it's definitely a fraud and then even going into detail about how easy it is to take down someone's content using youtube's broken system just constantly saying things like it's actually a fraud out there and i know it just trying like his best to make it seem like he's super innocent and on their side but unfortunately it was all a ruse and he was the one guilty of this crime and for this guy's 5.6 million lawsuit that's a fat one to my knowledge that's the biggest lawsuit against any youtuber so far the previous record i believe was the 1.7 million against roblox youtuber reuben this is blowing that out of the water right now and this is a lawsuit this guy would absolutely lose he is he's guilty like he is literally like admitted to it yeah why don't you get can't pay what happens then he has been caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar they have absolutely caught him dead to rights on this charge he did this and it's pretty cut and dry they got the information from youtube they even have these discord screenshots where he like subtly hints at exactly how he's doing it there's just no wiggle room here so this is a lawsuit that he can't possibly win really and i've seen a lot of people defending him saying you just go bankrupt then you say i don't know how that work i've never ever heard of i won't be obviously people will say bankrupt but i don't know how that word is like a red button you just press bankrupt and you just get a you get a full reset like he was actually doing it just to make a point about how broken the system is and that's a good point to make because the system is broken but this is the worst way of doing it he's yeah about who pays for the 7.6 now though hitting crimes this is a crime and it's a really douchey one at that because he is actively hurting the livelihood of all of his peers all 96 of those videos that he copyright struck were either friends of his mutuals or destiny content creators that rely on content creation for their livelihood and he threatened it directly threatened it that's not necessarily a okay so who pays the bankruptcy bullsh who pays the fine or the the the lawsuit who does that what is that but he your entire credit and relationship with banks okay okay what what if you want to do something against your friend for 20 mil okay and your friend sues you right you bankrupt right is it all the banks don't talk to you but the guy the guy that your friend who sued you has 20 mil now from the bank of you so he lives with you and you pay for all his bills what i mean that's massive fraud of course but i mean petty crime that's a big deal and that's a wide stretching one that affects a lot of people so i think he absolutely deserves to be slapped like this and made an example out of like this isn't okay youtube actually slapped someone like this in a similar fashion back in like 2019 there was a guy issuing fraudulent takedowns for other content i think it was minecraft and he got slapped with 25k per takedown notice and you know what happened that didn't happen again because they made an example out of that guy and that's exactly what bungie's doing with nick lord nazo here and i think it's the right play bungie's seeking 150k for each of the works implicated in the fraudulent takedowns for a total of 7.65 million dollars plus the legal fees and just last week they won a settlement of twice that in a dispute with death with a destiny 2 cheat seller so bungie's already writing momentum here they already copped a previous why they got 50 mail in the lost but honestly you guys can i i i hate saying this because this guy goes like ah you the rich whatever but the reality is i i really hate hearing stories like this when they get something out of a cheat maker that's so that's because they lose more money overall their game loses traction because of cheaters because it ruins the player experience people don't play their game so for them money is is useless what they do with more money oh wow they get more des more yeah that's cool and all but they spent a lot of time on the game they go can't enjoy it because of cheaters and whatnot it sucks it's a loss of fun and you can't put a price on that man it's w here and it looks like how's that at the question mark how's the question market they made a game it's all in the game loses traction it loses whatever yeah you're right it's worth money but their game doesn't see its full expansion because they get money on what they lost but not probably their potential wins and what the game could be could be everyone guys traction is everything in a game it's everything they might get another one if this makes it to court and all of this over miners youtube channel which had less than 3000 subs ultimately i think lord nazo wanted to do something good like he guys guys what if what if understand what if what if foreign good cheats got so bad every cheater would just shoot you through the ground you'd instantly die nobody would have played it nobody would play it and and and then and then they win a 15 mil lawsuit yeah guys yeah 50 mil pac-man but that's crazy and the game the game barely recovers right what what about the hundreds if not billions of dollars but the company could have had it or the suggestion that the game could and the game that people could have enjoyed but they did get to enjoy because it's because of that fact that 15 that 50 mil is nothing about that it's not it's a drop in the bucket he truly believed he was the hero in this anime where he's fighting against a mega corporation that wrongfully took down his content and he wanted to make an example out of a broken system but he failed to realize that he was never the hero to begin with because his content was straight rips from their official soundtrack that he re-uploaded fully knowing that that's not allowed and even receiving warning that that's not allowed and still acted surprised and angry when he eventually lost his channel because this guy and then in his temper tantrum tried to spin this narrative where like this system's broken and i'll prove it by targeting the company that made me mad and by targeting that company he targeted a ton of normal people people that had nothing to do with bungie and as a result of that their livelihoods got kind of funny nothing they're wrong for showing him i'm i'm just i'm just saying that it just kind of sucks that yeah yeah they win here but overall it's a loss even though they win the money back but they get the damage it's still a loss cheaters in a game is a massive loss even if they win bungie's reputation got for a while because the player experience is damaged in there and a game doesn't see the success that it should a lot of the money is relevant and i actually do have permission and uploaded music fully within fair use policies they took down their content in order to avoid being struck because they thought it was bungie just going on a killing spree so they panicked and removed all of that content from their own channels which again hurt their livelihood and still does because the content's not back up since they deleted it and that now is now off youtube all of that content's gone as a result of this guy going commando mode so the results of all of this were overwhelmingly nice this is a really good video thanks sorry guys i guess i got one i got one get in and just unlocked guys guys holy i got lightheaded holy um dude yes it's like if some guy was ddossing me by by boarding at the company of internet and unplugging my wire every day right it's like okay well i sue the guy right and i win and it gives me like whatever money i would have made in that span of time without streaming it yeah i get the money of that month or that two months he's unplugging my internet but it sucks man i wanna stream and have fun the money cool whatever the i win the money but i want to stream i didn't want to get the money i want to stream it it sucks you get a you know because people lose the people that enjoy the stream lose so yeah i get i i get the money cool but it's a raw loss for the space because people enjoy something they can't have it same thing with games people people can't enjoy the game it sucks it's trash it's a loss of fun in a cool space man you.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘youtuber sued for $7.6 million by bungie’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkFamiliarity says:

    When you declare bankruptcy the plaintiff just doesn't get the money. No one pays him. So Bungie will not get anything from this, only lose money on experts in court.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CenaRoyale says:

    better call saul

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Crook says:

    Twitch Streamer Reacts to another Twitch Streamer Reacting to a Law Suit

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZARDU HASSELFRAU says:

    Shit bussin yo

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frog says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolverine FTW says:

    Guys, I’m taking bets on whether YouTube will use this as a learning opportunity and finally fix the copyright claim system with the next two years or whether they will leave it broken.

    Odds on them fixing it within the next two years: 394,271:1

    Odds on them leaving it broken: 1.00000254:1

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swirly says:

    While I xQc's point is valid, he is wrong about that reason Bungie is suing this guy. His point being: Bungie, while taking the small W and getting 7.6 mil, they lose traction, playerbase etc. which in return hurts them in the long run.

    That being said though, Bungie isn't suing this guy for the money. They recognise that the problem has already fucked their game so they look for ways to prevent it from happening again. The 7.6 million means nothing to Bungie but it is more than what most people earn in their lifetime. They are making the point that if you want to follow in this guy's footsteps and fuck over Bungie as well as Destiny content creators, prepare to have your life ruined.

    It is similar to laws. Bungie is trying to regulate people from doing this kind of shit. Same with their hacker lawsuit.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Christian Gino Valencia says:

    Charlie's vocab is an actual emote farm bwahahah

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars row0111 says:

    pre-watched OMEGALUL

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars senexiar says:

    Irl Light Yagami maybe he was eating potato chips while striking videos

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary says:

    When purposely stunlocks x
    When got banned for being ironic

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary says:

    Another moron's life ruined FeelsOkayMan

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Worm 55 says:

    Giga cheese

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hopr Ee says:

    at least people will not think twice before they do stupid shit on youtube unless they wanna get a 7 million bomb

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enigma says:

    I thought of one way to battle against cringe copyright strikers.

    YouTube should first determine and compare the upload date between the videos that was copyright striked. Whomever uploaded the earliest shall be granted the right to copyright strike anyone else who stole their content.

    Reactions/edits of the original video could avoid copyright strike if (and only if) they got permission from the original owner of said video. Reactors can never have the right to copyright strike anybody else for that video, they can however copyright strike other people, who never got their permission, uploading their reactions to that original video.

    EDIT : That being said, anyone else who never uploaded any content to YouTube shall never have the rights to even begin copyright striking as they have no proof/content to strike others. An invalid strike like these should be permanently banned from YT, a bot should be able to be programmed to auto-decline fake accounts copyright striking people.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snowleopard says:

    cheaters in a game doesnt ruin player experience and make the game die, look at tarkov… lol

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