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It's a very interesting news came to light that involves a very popular fitness influencer whom I'm sure you've all seen at some point the Liver King He's most known for his videos eating raw meat, raw organs, raw testicles even which goes so hard and he preaches the ancestral Primal way of living and says that you can achieve his ungodly money. His body does look like something straight out of Dragon Ball Z or Maki the Grappler. He says you can achieve that 100 Naturally by following his nine tenets and he is also a very successful businessman. He has tons of companies under his belt that he claims makes him over a hundred million dollars a year.

and just a couple days ago, much like my ass after eating spicy food, a big leak happened. Emails between The Liver King and a coach that he was turning to for some advice have now hit the public eye. and these emails, well, how does that even link anyway in the first place? Those indicate so much juice usage here and some pretty expensive juicing at that, which completely goes against everything he preaches because he vehemently defends his body being natural. He has said millions of times now across tons of podcasts his own content saying he has never touched the stuff and never would he is 100 natural.

but now we have a lot of evidence to suggest that that's completely false in just a blatant lie. Now, this is probably the least shocking news you've ever heard because anyone with eyes should be able to look at the river King's body and immediately deduce that this is not a naturally achievable Physique in any universe and especially not for someone of his age mid-40s He'd have to have had genetics gifted straight from Mount Olympus and most Fitness professionals have called them out over the years saying that he's Juiced to the gills and I mean just look at him like I could swim in his veins. They're so huge. Like this man has more sauce in his body than a Chick-fil-A Even when he's sitting down, just look at his abs.

his six-pack is more defined than 4K television and they have more depth Than a Game of Thrones season. It's beyond me insane actually believe that his body was naturally achieved. It's been very clear and it's been called out many times that he is absolutely on the gear. but a lot of people just wanted to believe in the teachings and hope that they could get something similar.

But realistically, the only way you get a body similar to liver Kings is if you somehow get chosen for the Captain America super serum or start cycling some very heavy duty stuff here. Now what you're looking at here is everything that Liver King said he'd been taking. This is part of the emails with the coach and if you want a more in-depth breakdown of what all this is, more plates, more dates which is the channel that broke all of this goes into very good detail about what all this is. so you can see: Christos GGC igf LR See, there is a lot they staking here and from what I've read, this comes around to about fifteen thousand dollars a month worth of these enhancements.
These unnatural enhancements to get him his body and I want to be clear here: I'm not just vilifying anyone who uses steroids or anything to help them achieve their fitness goals I think that's totally within their own right as a personal choice that they make. Yes, of course it's dangerous, but it's their choice and who am I to stop? Isn't it illegal? Is it illegal doing that? If they get medical supervision? of course that's going to help. The problem that I have here as well as many other people, is that he's selling a lie. He's blatantly lying, saying that what I have achieved is naturally achievable if you just follow my nine ancestral tenants.

none of which contributed to the HGH that he was boofing up his here to get him these incredible why isn't a windshield exactly? That's what I thought when stroll anabolic steroids. It's a console substance. you know. Um, yo.

33 months can I get a welcome to the channel? Okay, Um, hold up. hold up. Hold up. Hold up.

Hold up. Hold up. Brand names blah blah blah blah bro. You just need to take a schedule.

Schedule four: Um. Drug Control One: USA Schedule three: Um. manufacturing the position established. Yeah, it's guys.

it's controlled yo All results like none of that is what he is selling. He's not selling any of these steroids. He's selling opium if you want to be a top. King And it's illegal man.

so they so they don't. If you want unlimited access to cars money and if you want to find your queen, then you have to fuel your efforts with ancestral supplements liver B forms and bone marrow with breakfast, lunch and dinner because liver is king and you already know it was breakfast, lunch and dinner. Always gonna have a whole Feast protein shake. This is a clip from more plates, more dates.

Who made an amazing breakdown on this entire situation that I highly recommend I'm gonna put a link to it in the description but I wanted to show you one of his ever not to use that position or sell Bro you are some of some of the most brain digits of all time. Dude when you use something you are in a possession to a certain degree of it before you can before you can use it. bro. nobody is out there with their mouths open when it first like lands inside their throat and say I didn't possess it guys I didn't possess it Nope.

like what are you talking about? that's not how that works advertisements for some of his Brands here and I Just feel like this is super scummy because he's making it sound like these supplements, you know are really helpful to getting you jacked like me. the liver King whose nipples could probably shoot milk 50 yards away with how big my pecs are like. he's making it seem like he got huge from these things and now he's revealing these secrets and selling them to you so you can get big and strong like him. But that's not really the whole story.
Clearly, it seems like he had a lot of help from an old human growth hormone over here. It's not really. this sheds on some copy on that. What? I mean it's legal.

It's not legal you? The supplements he's selling that worked for him. It's the goddamn HGH and everything else that he was taking. So it just seems like he's selling all these dietary supplements knowing full well they're not exactly necessary and it seems like it's done just to squeeze use a couple extra dollars out of his audience here. But I Don't think everything he's done or said is harmful.

Of course, all of the raw meat eating is pretty dangerous. Like that's not optimal. That's not good advice game. Listen, listen when stroll is just one of the brands of this molecule and this is Skittle Three control substances.

Try something that potential abuse and the drugs. It's a it's a controlled substance, Yo, it's a controlled substance. What? So what is? It doesn't mean that It's illegal. Ketamine ketamine.

Um, can't go around having ketamine in your pockets. Um, medical use? Okay, so what you're saying is that oh, you can't have it prescribed LOL Therefore, um, all the boys on the perks, guys, it's prescribed. Just shut up dude. just just be quiet.

At least they just go out there and eat raw meat like you should. especially hot raw testicles. I Don't think anyone should be listening to the liver King and start panicking like holy I Want to get huge biceps in a bulging turtle shell six-pack I'm gonna go run outside right now and skin a squirrel and eat the balls off of it raw. like.

None of that I think is good advice of course and of course none of his like Primal stuff really matters like your mindset of being a primal man's not gonna all of a sudden make you jacked or anything. but he does give just like wholesome life advice which I suppose could be motivational or inspirational to some people that need to hear those things about, like having a more positive frame of mind and a positive approach to living slow today is so stupid in life and making time for yourself and having fun which is all very cliche and not exactly profound stuff. but he does sprinkle those things in, which is just generally decent advice like making sure you're taking care of your mentality first and foremost and not just for gains, but for the sake of just better Overall, living like all of that advice I think is fine. It's more so when he gets into this stuff where he's of course blatantly hiding that he does have a past of using steroids and is very much still on those.

uh dude I know there was summers are man. bro stars are like a very important did most of us use has anything about what muscle like that to have a physical steroids are like a very important thing I Don't know what they what they do. this person prescribed it, abusing them as as body juicers. you should be doing that unnatural boosters and pretending he's not.
All of that is a big problem and all the stuff he seems to be selling of course, is it too necessary? and it's not like the key of using it. Yes, it's called abusing at that place. Maybe it helps some people, but it's not exactly as he's advertising it. Now when it's all said and done.

I'm sure there's a lot of people in his audience, a lot of his fans that probably don't care and probably always knew that he was on gear and they'll probably still follow the ancestors way of living. He preaches because maybe they like it and there's nothing wrong with that I Don't necessarily agree with a lot of the ancestral. he talked about like sleeping on a goddamn no Doctors that will prescribe you roids to juice up your arms to become Mr Popeye Man Holy And if you don't use it the way the the also tell you to use it, you are abusing the product that Holy would or being afraid of. Wi-Fi signals in the house and like that I think that's all just super oh my.

God Huge in the first place because of his over-the-top raw meat eating and his wild physique. People want it to look like him because he looks like an absolutely jacked radagast to Brown from Lord of the Rings. So people bought into his program under the assumption that if they follow this, follow the ancestral tenants, maybe buy from his other companies that all filter from the liver King overall brand. Maybe they too could look like him.

But now that this information has come to light, it's clear that what he has achieved with his own body is only replicatable if you also start cycling that kind of juice. it not from following his program or taking his bone marrow supplements. Now he has had somewhat of a response to this information coming out, but it's a pretty confusing one according to the Daily Beast His response was in a weird way. I'm grateful for the recent events that have shed light on this complicated as topic.

He Then followed It Up by uh, humbly requesting that podcasts have him on to discuss his lifestyle and then says I model, teach and preach a simple elegant solution called Ancestral Living the Nine Ancestral Tenets So our people no longer have to suffer so we can collectively express our highest and most dominant form. this is my fight So really. doesn't say much of anything. just drops a nothing Burger on the plate and that meat is raw like there's there's nothing here he doesn't really doesn't understand.

chat when he says something true, um, she said some dumb like now what are you talking about give any information. It seems like he once again wants to squeeze clout out of this situation by openly asking to go on podcasts which he's made a habit out of. He's been on more podcasts than anyone I've ever seen my life. Any podcast you can think of off the top of your head like maybe your local college campus podcast.
He's probably been on it like he has been on everything because he openly says anytime people are talking about me, it's a good thing. Whether it's negative or positive, like there's a whole conspiracy about him potentially having AB implants he says, you know what? That's great too if people are talking about me so he wants as much attention as possible, always has and even in this situation here is looking to capitalize off it for the sake of publicity. So I guess maybe when he does go on his next podcast, we'll have more information on his side of things. But as of right now, we don't creatine or some of this.

So I mean all that stuff does something. it does. It helps you out a little bit, but it's not going to get you. It's not going to get you 330 pounds with three percent body fat.

No. I'm definitely not gonna do that. Was that something that you were allowed to talk about while you were competing? Uh yeah. I mean it didn't come up? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I talked about it. I didn't. Uh I have no reason to hide it people because it seems like people are stupid. They're not.

No, when you got that big. Yes, yeah. but it seemed like there was an ERA where bodybuilding kind of tried to pretend that they weren't taking that. Yeah, yeah, because of all those you know, people committing suicide and kids taking all this stuff.

and yeah, and doing it the wrong way. You know, not having it prescribed and all this kind of stuff. Also, the more is better to get bad stuff. you know, right? Yeah, but there were some guys.

Your current argument is that it's Garden because it's prescribed. Okay, so that means you're not abusing it five head because you've been prescribed. you're not abusing it. Would just say if I've had, the way to win is to take way more than everybody else.

Yeah, and see what your body could tolerate. Yeah Yeah the more you take, the better you're gonna be. I Knew a guy like that? Yeah and he wound up having a heart attack. Exactly.

We used to call them garden hoses because his arms look like garden hoses for veins. Yeah, they're just these giant veins all over his arms. Didn't make sense, but he was just on everything. Yeah, yeah, but he didn't make it to 30.

yeah, he died before he was 30. some people, yeah, they do it the wrong way. Yeah I didn't start taking anything until I was 30. Really? yeah.

remember I was I was uh, drug-free for a long time and what did everything naturally for a long, long time? Because I would like to say gifted right? Yeah, What inspired you? What made you decide when you were 30 that you had to do something? I I Got tired of getting my ass kicked in competitions? Yeah yeah, the highest I would place for like 30 or something? You know? Yeah, after a while you know you competitive you you? the other guys got a competitive advantage on you. So let's make this thing equal. Does this something somebody suggested to you? Interesting? Okay I know a lot from them to go off of, but we do have a lot of evidence I do think he's reputable I I Don't see a lot of wiggle room for that being fake I Trust the source I think more plates, more Dates is very reliable when it comes to information like this and he delivers a very in-depth look at all. I apologize I Can't recommend this video enough if you're interested in this topic.
So yeah I just wanted to go over this because I talked about liver King quite a bit and I will say while I don't while more plays, More dates has convinced me liver King doesn't have AB implants I Full heartedly believe he has had AB etching at the very least AB etching done. It makes no sense to me how he's able to have such a difference. Bulging bursting from his skin even while sitting down. That doesn't make sense.

It looks like the top of a Grill at all times it looks like it's made out of actual steel. Like there's just no way. And of course now it seems like he's been on quite a bit of juice for a while now, but even with that, there's still just no way those abs would work that way. It just makes no sense.

But anyway I just wanted to talk about this topic a little bit and that's about it still. so it's never about what is done, it's about what people say is being done and the differential. okay is that it's always about selling a false reality which I think people need to make me be very careful about doing uh at all times. selling a false reality is a big problem.

What what do you think? Question Mark: If you want to do dumb you can but tell them that they're gonna do this and that um if they do a certain thing and something else it's lame as yo this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well that is anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so sorry anyone knows that boy I don't know. He's just so soy.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Youtuber lies about using steroids”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mightron says:

    Liver failure king

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AdrianSerr04 says:

    Usually I get mad when chat tried telling X he’s wrong when he is actually right, but this time he was wrong, it’s illegal in sports unless it’s body building and it’s specifically allowed but other then that it’s openly available, and yes illegal if you abuse the substance but that goes for just about any medication or drug

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc says:

    X the react lord

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chatter says:

    Why do doctors prescribe steroids

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FeetEnthusiast says:

    This is sped up way too much

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derpisho peeps says:

    Guys just so you know controlled drugs means it's illegal unless prescribed by a doctor which he did x being annoyingly wrong as usual

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WLM says:

    Look at that roid gut. This is not fitness; this man is probably unhealthier than Lizzo.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TEMPEST says:

    Reject the liver king

    embrace knut

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armory Kittington says:

    $2k per month. Ugly. Strange. Looks like he's always 5 minutes away from a heart attack. Doubt he makes it to 55. I so don't get it. Not even ugly-cool, just strange, like I wish I could help them.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mystic says:

    It's worth doing a little steroids for the big boost/gym progress speedrun. Just don't spam them/get addicted.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blast Fiend says:

    Woah no way that guy who looked like a borderline dragon ball z character was on PEDs?!?!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E says:

    Chat is so dumb on the abuse subject. X is surprisingly right

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BroBro says:

    x has to stop trying to convince chat

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