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Third 2021 YouTuber Trevor Jacob Uploaded this video called I Crashed My Airplane. The video starts with Trevor holding his best friend's ashes in a Ziploc baggie. His plan was to fly this plane from Lompoc City airport in Southern California to Mammoth Lakes California to snowboard paraglide and spread his friend's ashes in honor of his adventure-filled lifestyle. However, this line did not make it flakes.

It crashed into the Sierra Nevada mountains after. Trevor ejected himself from the side door. Luckily, Trevor survived and secured the footage to be able to tell us this incredible story. What he didn't realize is that this video was the main source of evidence that the Federal government used to put him in prison.

Well, most people are smart enough to know that they shouldn't film themselves committing a crime, but this wasn't even the first time Trevor's videos landed him in jail. Trevor's very first photo on Instagram is a picture of him train hopping in East Ohio This photo was taken in 2012 while Trevor was filming his journey to skateboard. Across America Starting in New York City and trying to make it all the way back to Los Angeles The only way he would be able to get to a new city is by hitchhiking or Freight hopping like many other train. Hoppers Trevor would hide out at the train yard and wait for the staff's shifts to end.

then he would I think people that are like smaller YouTubers or if you think that they don't get as many views they can like, do this. They'll get caught on the Fly and nothing will really happen right? Unless they're big but a plane there were they wanted to stop at. Woodward Pennsylvania A world-class weekend retreat for skateboarding BMX and all other. Action Sports It was during this trip that Trevor Jacob accidentally made skateboarding history.

He landed the world's first double backflip on a skateboard. However, skateboarding Legend Danny Way says that this trick is technically not a flip Way said, this is truly an off-axis frontside 720. that that's a court in snowboarding terms, it just isn't right. which is we people never refer to as a flip.

Uh, that's how it is. I Think there's a big difference in the approach and rotation between flipping and spinning off axis. but Trevor was not able to defend his trick because he was sitting in jail after Trevor left. Woodward He jumped back on a freight train and headed west while passing through.

Alliance Ohio The train stopped and some workers discovered him and his buddy. Taylor Woods hiding under a tarp on a Norfolk Southern train. They were arrested for railroad vandalism and criminal trespassing after spending two nights in the Stark County Jail they got out and jumped right back on another train. Oh, come on and another until he finally made it back home.

This particular trip was not the first nor the last time Trevor train hopped I Can't tell you not to freight train hop but if you do, don't film it and don't put it online. That's crazy. Way more hassle than it's worth. Um, but they've actually forced me to delete 99 of the videos that I've had on there court ordered.
He doesn't do this because he is homeless with no money. Train hopping is more of a way of life. a rebellious Act of defiance and pursuit of Freedom performed by punks who are typically not Chad This should go hard on these things. I I know you might not get it.

You guys say oh dude says are you gonna be weird about it chat guys if you don't normal if if they don't not normalize but if they don't uh, make it a habit to put the foot on the ground. These things right. All things is one big video to make it out and then people say oh yeah I can do that Yeah I can do that and of course there's a wider of problem is going to come from it that you will not even know it can exist out there. anything.

There's a disaster more interested in being a part of society. However, it was this exact lifestyle that earned Trevor a career. You say it's a victimless crime until something major happens. Somebody dies in a certain way that causes certain things in an insurance and it's I think it's blown up.

you're working. You don't know what what can happen on that circus Nitro Circus is an action sport Collective that travels the country doing Live Events Performing stunts for large stadiums of fans. this was created by Travis Pastrana professional Motor Sports Competitors Travis Invited Trevor to be a part of the Nitro Circus team from 2013 to 2014. Trevor Spent a lot of time with the collective.

He also helped Travis film his movie action figures. This was an energy pretty cool actually. I Octane filmed with the craziest stunts performed by the most badass dudes on the planet Trevor Daniel fit the bill as someone who can pretty much do anything skateboard. BMX Snowboard Skydive Dirt bike.

you name it. Trevor can do it. Oh, it wasn't too interested in traditional sports like basketball or football. but I am and with the NFL season about to start Underdog Fantasy is the easiest way to play fantasy sports that's crazy.

Underdog now has week one. NFL Projections live. It's easy to get in sports inspired Trevor I Will link at the video in the chat to qualify for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi Russia Trevor Grew up on a ski resort in. Mammoth Lakes California His father owned a baseless binding company that would Supply local shops Trevor spent his entire youth shredding the mountains and busting out insane tricks.

At age seven, he won three gold medals in the Usasa. Nationals actually became the youngest half-pipe finalist ever at the U.S Open of snowboarding. By age 16, he secured a cover of Snowboarder magazine in August and September of 2010 Landing himself a Nike 6.0 and Oakley sponsorship. he was a snowboarding Prodigy from 2010 to 2012.

he plays top five in various Dew Tour and Grand Prix snowboarding including a first place and half pipe at the Burton Am series but Trevor could not fully commit Could Have Been Me No I guess I don't mean to be a oh I had a harder type thing but this kind of this kind of skill to developer is quietly impossible. If you don't have at least your family this is that at least some amount of wealth. But if you're if you're born young, right? snowboarding is incredibly expensive, and if you don't have the money to travel there and get a pass and get equipment, it's literally impossible. Most people are cut off from even attempting to become.
That's just how it is about a sport. snowboarding wasn't. Even his young adults didn't have much else to do and knew that he was really good at it. Not to mention the countless injuries he claims to have had suffered at least 25 concussions from taking massive Slams on his board.

In 2012, he simply quit and embarked on his train hopping slash skateboarding. Across America Journey After this trip, he ran into his former snowboarding coach Mike Jankowski who had connections so Trevor could train with the men's USA snowboard team. but Trevor wanted to try a new event, border Cross which is a national racing event with twists, turns and jumps to test a snowboarder's board control at that camp. Rough Around The Edge edges and didn't fit in with everyone on the team.

Many of the Riders felt like he didn't deserve to be there. However, on his first official event, Grand Prix from The Canyons Resort in Utah he secured a first place Victory From there he struggled in future events but came through when it mattered the most. He won his first World Cup race in Val Nerd Andorra and was the second U.S man named to represent the Olympic team and I couldn't really believe it I just kind of dropped in and um and we wanted to see what would happen I got down first and here we are I'm so excited Trevor Jacobs Went from child prodigy to train hopping to Nitro Circus and now the Olympics his country in Sochi Russia Unfortunately, he needed a top eight placement to make it to the SBX finals and he got ninth, missing his chance to race for a medal by inches. To make matters worse, the next year, his best friend and adventurer Johnny Strange, sadly passed away during a base jumping accident Johnny Lived a very similar, action-packed nomadic lifestyle.

He became the youngest person to climb these Seven Summits which are the highest mountains in each of the seven continents. Johnny Studied what was called the base jump death list and he would meticulously analyze everything that went wrong with other base jumpers. Sadly, he would find himself on that list on September 28 2015. Johnny Bass jumped off the album and himself on that list Earth Impact sub-terminal near exit on September 28 2015.

Johnny Bass jumped off the alpine peak of Mount Gishen in Switzerland To put it simply, he was just unlucky that I don't have a combination of an unlucky jump and an unpredictable gust of wind had him plummet downwards too fast, sending him straight into the mountain, dying on impact. Johnny's passing destroyed. Trevor He struggled with depression for many years, but it didn't make him afraid of Action Sports and actually made Trevor want to live a more risky and more ambitious lifestyle in honor of his friend. he played all professional sports by 2016 and lacked consistency in his life.
From there. you wouldn't be able to tell now because he deleted most of his YouTube catalog, but he was uploading very consistently. At one point, his freight train hopping videos were among some of the most popular. For many years, he just maintained his relationship with the Nitro Circus crew.

He participated in Travis's second movie action figure and would work on and off whenever he needed money. He was always in crazy stunts, but he lived his life chasing his next adrenaline high. This is common for hardcore Action Sports athletes or rock climbers Daredevils or some general outdoorsy people Jack They spend just enough I Don't know nobody. Nobody cares about this rant, but way back when I feel like it People that were like Pro in some new sports and it could be at the top it's gonna they mostly like did it like yeah professionally but like for fun.

it's kind of chill but I feel like this guy's like if you just went all in on the one sport or one division was like that he would I feel like it but it maxed it out like he's He seems like he's really good and proud of everything. You know enough time in society. It's like in these days though. Dude minor because these days now people that are that are good at one thing.

they they min max that one thing and it's it's became a little bit different. It's changed in travel and spend as much time as they possibly can Outdoors doing what they love. This clip pretty much summarizes Trevor's mentality towards life. We're human beings.

We have the opportunity to lift up and we can go north. We can go west, We can go east. We can go south. We can go any direction when we want.

You want to change your life? You're not happy with your life right now. You can and you have the opportunity and the power to change it right now. Typically those who lead these nomadic Lifestyles struggle to maintain relationships or structure. At any point they will just up and leave or make a drastic change to make themselves feel better.

Sometimes when thinking that selfishly, you forget how that affects the people around you and one day Trevor would make a selfish decision so dangerous that it landed him in prison for multiple years. The video titled I Crash My Plane was uploaded on December 23, 2021, but the actual crash took place one month prior on November 24th, 2021 Trevor Daniel Jacob Arrived at the Lompoc airport with his best friend Johnny Strange's ashes in a Ziploc baggie. He wants to take his friend's Ashes to his favorite mountain and spread them in his honor. He also mentions that the YouTube video he is filming is sponsored by Ridge wallet around 9 30 am Trevor Jacob takes off in his single-engine Taylor Craft Bl65, an aircraft in poor condition that he purchased for very cheap from its previous owner.
He reportedly attempted to work on the aircraft himself despite not being a licensed aircraft engineer or mechanic which is illegal. Trevor also has a pair of shoes but only designed for skydiving strapped to his back. Pilots do not usually carry parachutes, let alone these ones in the cockpit. A fuel line can be seen attached to the fuel selector not plugged into the wing a result of his shoddy work on the aircraft at around 10.

AM he is flying at an altitude of 10 000 feet when he says that his engine fails I'm over the mountains and I but before he even says that his engine fails his door is open and he had already been looking down for a minute or so. Instead of trying to assess the problem inside of the cockpit, to slow down the plane and stop the propellers from spinning, every Aviation expert has said that this is the exact opposite of what you would want to do in this situation and takes a considerable amount of effort to actually stop them from spinning. Normally, the protocol for a pilot to follow during an engine failure is to angle the plane for optimal speed to glide through the air for as long as possible and during that Glide time search for a place to land safely Trevor Does neither of these and instead stops the propellers. Why? The only explanation would be for dramatic effect.

There are also several visible safe places to land his aircraft, which is designed for off-field Landings But it seems as if he never tried to handle the problem in the cockpit. Instead, he immediately decided to grab his GoPro jump out of the plane and parachute to safety falling in the sky he has a choice to make I just road to safety and civilization near the valley or does he land in the dense brush on the Mountainside to retrieve his GoPros Instead of maximizing his chances of survival, he decided to land in the bushes to retrieve the footage after about a 20-minute walk in the mountains. Trevor Found the aircraft, but the more you analyze the footage, the more unlikely this story seems. After he deploys his parachute, the video: Cuts Between three different shots, a shot of Trevor holding the GoPro he jumped with two shots of the plane doing a death spiral from the GoPros that were attached to it and a shot of the plane from above.

But this above shot is incredibly confusing. You could see how much further below he is from the plane, so how did the plane all of the sudden get that far below him? Trevor Claims that while he was parachuting, he pulled out his GoPro and filmed the plane as it fell to the Earth Jeff Harris Explained that the only possible way Trevor could have gotten this angle is if he jumped out of the plane and moved 4 500. only losing 800 feet. Oh my.
God Oh. elevation. Which is impossible. Not to mention that these above shots are perfectly stabilized and smooth with the plane in the center and they rotate on a perfect axis, never dipping in elevation.

Under no circumstance would that plane hit the ground before him. he fell for 3 500 feet in what people estimate to be 20 seconds before deploying his parachute, that specific plane is known to Glide really well. So the shot of the plane from above would have been impossible unless it was shot by a drone or chase vehicle operated by someone else. Oh, Jeff Harris's theory is that Trevor jumped out of the plane, landed safely in the valley, got picked up by his friends and used that Drone footage to locate the plane.

Then the next day did another flight and another jump near the crash site to recover the footage and act out an entertaining YouTube video. but the evidence doesn't stop there. As soon as he lands, he struggles for a bit trying to get himself out of the brush. We get a black screen that says 20 minutes later and he is now filming with his phone.

Then it cuts the GoPro footage without his bag on his back, then back to his phone, then back to his GoPro Although it's unlikely to have self-service out there, why would you waste phone battery filming when there's a mere chance you could use it to call someone? He says he always freaking fly with a parachute. although he has multiple videos of him flying without a parachute. you can also see that he is carrying a gun. Pilots carrying guns is not typical unless you are extremely paranoid.

But when you are entering the mountains, yeah, so it's almost like he knew he would end up in those mountains. The rest of the video is him just trekking through the mountains miles a mile. You really thought of everything. It was insane that is.

Dude. I Was away from civilization but only seven hours went by and everything lined up. I Just located him these Farmers just happened to be driving through the mountains off-road and they were wearing all black and skateboard shoes. The video ends with Trevor completing his mission of spreading his friend's ashes on the top of his favorite.

Mountain to paraglide after Trevor Posted this video immediately. every pilot and Aviation expert on YouTube assessed it and gave their thoughts. All of them agreed that based on this footage, Trevor did nothing to try and save that aircraft and most likely had full intention of jumping out of that plane while letting so. But how will the plane? Uh, July Like they said, it couldn't have been.

think of. like taking a turn and went somewhere and like into civilization. Killed a bunch of people and it crash on purpose and it turns out they were right on. November 26th, 2021 Jacob Informed the National Transport Safety Board about the plane crash.
Two days after it happened. The NTSB immediately launched an investigation. The Federal Aviation Association also began an investigation. He was told he was responsible for preserving the wreckage so that they could analyze it.

These investigations are extremely important so the professionals can learn what happens so that it doesn't happen to anyone else. However, in early December Trevor lied to investigators and said that he did not know the wreckage's location. He was dumb enough to post a YouTube video proving he did in fact know where the wreckage's location was on April 1st 2022. Less than four months after the video was released, they sent an emergency order to revoke his pilot's license.

The FAA determined that Trevor operated this flight to purposely crash using his YouTube video as the main source of evidence specifically violating a federal Aviation regulation that states no person may operate an aircraft in a careless or Reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another. Once this news broke, the story was being told on a national level to the YouTube Daredevil who has now had his father's license revoked. The FAA said he intentionally crashed that plane in his viral video where Reeve has more. In response, Trevor posted a video called I lost my pilot's license in which he reacted to the news in a very strange way.

I'm sorry if I offended you, but at the end of the day you're the one that chose to be offended. After watching this video, it really proves Trevor is pathetic. He decides to go down the they were trying to sabotage me root when it's so obvious that he said there's a bad outcome it doesn't Doesn't happen that you have to ignore it and become entirely. well.

imagine if the actor was the same with the outcome was that the play land on somebody's house and kill the whole family. Well guys, people died. But I mean if you're offended it is what it is I mean you chose defended dumbass the he stages because his license was revoked Justice was not served. This investigation was not over.

As you can imagine, the USA has extremely strict laws regarding air travel. After 9 11, purposely crashing a plane is a felony and the federal government started their case against him in the meantime. Trevor continued to live an adventure-filled life base jumping, skydiving. A lot of his videos are now deleted, but he continued to upload once despite the comment sections absolutely destroying him.

In July of 2022, he posted a video titled I'm sorry In this 45 minute rant, Trevor does not apologize. He says that he didn't intend on hurting anyone or making anyone angry I didn't think that everyone would perceive it the way that it was perceived I didn't really know how it was going to get perceived but I definitely didn't think he was going to make people angry. Wait he Rambles on on how he what it's around, what people think bro it's what the law thinks is that that's most what people are going with really. of course we're going to be mad about the Optics of it and the morals.
but then there's also the legality. but everybody says you're a stupid he Rambles on on how he isn't a bad person but the internet made it seem like he is one. Then Vice put out a 20-minute documentary that celebrated Trevor's life. He addressed the allegations there.

It's both of them. whether I completely did that on purpose or whether it was the scariest, most terrifying accident dumb is going in guys I will um I I'm so my bad it slipped and it's dropping it down. holy and then you're being like, well the shopping cart didn't hit anybody dude So like you're chilling out bro, it could have invent somebody like what are you talking about me never know. The smile on his face tells it all well because nine months later, his legal counsel advised him to take a plea agreement and Trevor finally admitted to his wrongdoings on May 11, 2023 Trevor Jacob agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge for obstructing a federal investigation by deliberately destroying the wreckage of an airplane that he intentionally crashed according to the plea agreement on December 10 2021 Two weeks after the plane crash, Jacob and a friend flew by the helicopter to the wreckage site there.

Jacob used straps to secure the wreckage which the helicopter lifted and carried to Rancho Ciscoa in Santa Barbara County where it was loaded onto a trip. this is literally a Heist quite literally Thriller attached to Jacob's pickup truck Jacob then drove the wreckage to Lompoc City airport and unloaded it in a hangar. He then cut up and destroyed the airplane wreckage and over the course of a few days deposited the detached plane parts of the wrecked airplane into trash bins at the airport and elsewhere which he admitted in his plea agreement was done with the intent to obstruct Federal authorities from investigating the November 24th plane crash. The press releases have all said that he is facing a maximum of 20 years in prison, but we know plea deals are strategic.

If they did a full-on trial and he was found guilty, he might face that maximum, but he is essentially cutting his losses. The minimum sentence is just a few months of probation. Trevor does have a prior criminal record. But Ultimately, his fate is in the judge's hands.

His sentencing will happen within a few weeks from now. If the judge sentences him to more than 24 months, he can appeal and when we find out I'll update in the comments what his sentence was, it's unlikely this was all a stunt for a Ridge wallet sponsorship. Trevor Has not been one to ever care about money. His whole life has revolved around documenting his crazy adventurous lifestyle.
He genuinely believed that nobody could get. yeah, he has a 20. if they go for 20 and then he appeals and and things things get wild. Of course they want to get some sort of like in like, middle ground, somewhere dude hurt and that abandoning his plane would be the most badass stun he's ever done.

Even though Trevor pleaded guilty, it's pretty obvious he doesn't think he did anything wrong, but he has a lot of time to think about it because his Next Big Adventure is going to be sitting in a prison cell for many years on August 25th. that was pretty insane actually did chat I I'm just kind of surprised by the amount about how elaborate the whole thing is. bro. I thought it was like okay, like he thought about this and did that and cool and he's done well.

The whole thing was like a whole Heist plan. It was like a multi-step plan of an actual High student that is like evidence. tampering at the heist is crazy dude. Um, good video though I've enjoyed it I enjoyed.

Um, to the comments on December I enjoyed how much background he gave before the whole thing and it makes everything like even way more sense. No, he didn't follow, He didn't follow us at all here. Love you Less than three? That was me. That's real well done.

It was just enough background and enough to get me bored and uh, rented at what happened in the aftermath or whatever. Um, yeah, well. you kind of you. kind of has a history of like bringing the law and and things getting worse and worse.

that was this you said. oh what else yo this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well that has anyone knows that boy I don't know. He's just so sorry. Anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Youtuber sent to prison for stupid stunt xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Got U! says:

    He will skydive in a bunkbed room from now on.. what an idiot fml

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelshomegym says:

    wow train hopping sure is a serious felony im glad you pointed it out mr juice lord

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shellackle says:

    All the morons in this comment section that think the 20 year maximum is for crashing his plane💀💀 That's not even what the charge is about, holy shit

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Hussey says:

    real talk, I remember a couple years ago watching the dudes video about his friend johnny strange, where he was recording his base jump and talked about his friendship with the dude. I still can vividly hear the guy screaming and yelling "no" after his friend hit the mountain. really sad that after everything he'd do something so reckless and dumb.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thunderson says:

    The title of the video already has two meanings lol, "I crashed my plane" HE crashed his plane meaning he could be at fault

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duriel says:

    Pausing andy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars horndogg says:

    Who cares though. He didn't hurt anyone. There were no damages that weren't his own property

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas A says:

    bro took his plane, crashed it into a mountain, took the left over parts and dispose it and got back home, the only problem I see is that he filmed it

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Master3530 says:

    He intentionally did this in an uninhabited area

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ando mapletoft says:

    So man gets 20 years for plane incident… woman gets 14 years for killing two people in car stunt… make it make sense? 😂🤡🤯

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noir Black says:

    “if You born young"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VAL says:

    What a king. Free my man

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheGrayFoxTv says:

    the worst takes yet, slippin

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CartelCollectibles says:

    Went to wood word for a bmx race and that shit is awesome my older brother did a front flip into a foam pit some great memories

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K-dis Boher says:

    I don't care if it's a victimless crime, it should be treated with the full severity as if it wasn't victimless, same with DUIs; gotta punish them HARD across the board to set a precedent, otherwise people are just gonna keep doing it, it's ridiculous how many people get multiple DUI charges with little-no jailtime, better to harshly punish them now, than to retroactively punish them AFTER someone is already hurt or killed because of them

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