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#xQc #dark #scary

Swift Savage before we move on to the next video. I Want to briefly thank today's sponsor case? Defy case. A new high-tech way to find out who's at the door with a video doorbell? You'll never miss a visitor. Oh, all that.

In the past few years, the world is seeing a boom in the use of doorbell cameras, mainly because of instances like this. Oh, they got a camera capturing and exposing criminals in the actual thieves all the way to attempted murderers and kidnappers due to their knack for capturing disturbing encounters. The videos that have emerged from these devices have practically carved out their own genre here on YouTube to the point that many including myself have almost become desensitized to them. But recently a video began making the rounds showing the events that transpired at a Las Vegas home on the evening of July 21st 2021 and it proved to be one of the most chilling I have ever seen.

It happened around 8pm where a young lady had been working in her kitchen waiting for her husband to return home from work. It was another 100 degree day in Vegas and likely in an attempt to cool down, she would open her window to let the evening. Breeze Unbeknownst to her, this harmless decision would lead to a terrifying series of events outside of the home. A man had been wandering the Suburban streets aimlessly roaming throughout the neighborhood before stopping in his tracks.

In front of him was the open window and a clear view of The woman. Inside It was a chance sighting that would lead to the man approaching the house and ringing the doorbell where the camera would begin to record. I'm gonna say before and I've seen a lot of are you sure I just rang your doorbell because I have a couple questions for you Are you sure I Just rang your doorbell because I have a couple questions. Are you sure? are you sure I Just rang your doorbell because I have a couple questions for you Jesus This Guy: The man stands there ringing the doorbell and knocking at the door, repeating the same sentences over and over again, calmly stating that he just wants to ask a few questions.

However, The Woman: Inside had never met this man. in fact, she had never seen him before this moment. And to make it all stranger, she didn't respond to anything the man was saying and was out of his line of you as he peeked through the door. So the phrases that he was saying were not in response to anyone and instead he was speaking to himself, fearing for her safety.

The Woman: Inside Didn't open the door or engage him at all, leading the man to take things a step further. Are you positive? I just have a couple questions for you Jesus Guy: are you sure? Are you positive? Are you sure? You're absolutely certain. He begins trying to open the door, but thankfully it was locked, causing the strange man to start walking away cursing all that. The footage is incredibly off-putting and although the man seems to stay perfectly calm, there was something very aggressive and erratic about the way he was speaking, making one wonder what his true intentions were when he approached the house.
As the man begins to walk away, the woman's husband still at work would chime in through the doorbell after noticing the situation begin to unfold, which in turn would lead to the man revealing why he was ringing the doorbell. Oh hell no. Why? So for you? What? Yeah? Are you sure? Who are you yeah? I Just had a couple questions I just wanted to ask you about making sure yeah, can you hear me? What I'm looking for is for the girl that's in the house to come out here because the girl that's on the other side of the storm she lets me in. It was no secret what he had planned for that evening.

He outright says it, even revealing that he had the weapons to make it happen. and I just I'm gonna knock on the door again if that woman had opened the door or if that door had been unlocked. Well, we know what would have happened. But thankfully neither of those situations played out and instead the man walked away muttering the same phrases over and over again.

What? Even staring at the house for a few moments before finally disappearing into the night. Police were called to the area moments later, but the man was nowhere to be found. As quickly as he had entered this couple's life, he was now gone, leaving them with the reality that at any moment he could return. Scared for her life, the lady posted the clip online where it would quickly go viral across YouTube which honestly may have ended up saving a life.

the following day, A viewer of the video would recognize the same man walking in another residential area and one that was not too far away from the house where the encounter took place and after the police were called, the man would be quickly arrested before he could play out his disturbing fantasy. When confronted and asked for his name, the man would simply state that he was the Holy Spirit and said nothing more though his real name was revealed to be Christopher sums a man who had passed charges of stealing, assaulting, and intimidating a witness with his mug shot being nothing short of completely haunting. Jesus But what I found most surprising was the fact that he didn't always look like this. In fact, just a few years ago, he looked completely normal and according to his LinkedIn, he had a fairly impressive work history and what seemed to be a good life until for whatever reason things spiraled in the wrong direction.

As it stands, Christopher is being evaluated to see if he is mentally fit to stand trial as many believe that he likely suffers from some kind of psychological condition hence the repeating phrases and the strange Behavior Though his blatant and Rapid change in appearance might also point to heavy drug use or even a combination of both, A better. Regardless of what was behind his behavior that day, the situation and the subsequent video is haunting. He could have been so much worse had that door been opened. Are you sure? I Feel like everyone's ought to death, bro.
There's something chilling Dude: even when they're like skinny or lanky, whatever didn't right. That's way more scarier than like big dudes or whatever. people that look ill as and do unbreakable because they're unpredictable, you know? I Don't know what they're gonna do? an idea. he's gonna charge at you and like that he's gonna charge you with some some some stick or something.

you don't know what he's gonna do YouTube is a site that draws in people from all walks of life, each with their own unique motivation for starting up their channels. Some are in it for the money and the fame While others are in it for the love of creating content, but sprinkle throughout the site are a select few who come here to feel heard and to get something off their chest. something that for 27 year olds baby Makonnen would be his primary motivation for posting his first and only video on March 17, 2018.. Tobabe had struggled his whole life with mental illness.

Suffering from both Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, these mental illnesses led to an event in 2013 where he would wander off from his home unprovoked outside, he began to walk four miles essentially in a daze before finding himself in what he described as a very dangerous part of town. Thankfully, Tobabe would be safely found before anything had happened to him, but this incident would prove to be life-changing as it would lead to his hospitalization due to his unpredictable and dangerous. Behavior This would also start a long spell of being given heavy medication to help with his Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Over the course of the next four years, Tibebe would find himself in and out of the hospital and prescribed a variety of powerful antipsychotic drugs.

something that would consume his life as he felt like he was no longer in control of his actions and feeling trapped, he would turn to YouTube to share his story. Hello, this is a guy in my neighborhood when I was young who was convicted of something and then he did like, played insane or something like that and he was on these drugs and a dude would walk in in shoes or sandals that were all the way worn out to where his foot both his feet were touching the ground so his foot was Boden through the shoes and was walking all day all night across the neighborhood which is walking in and anytime we see somebody he'd say yo dude, you gotta you gotta smoke bro it's my it's my birthday he was on a loop he just wait you remember holy this guy knows Holy dude, what the he knows Jesus man he still does it. Oh dude it must have been 15 years now. Holy I'm talking and putting this video because I wanted to bring awareness to a situation that I'm dealing with that's very, uh, painful.
I Was hospitalized June 25th 2013. I went there to supposedly get an IV I ended up being forced to take medication and um, it was pure hell. they gave me Haldol Risperidol and they were forcing antipsychotics down my throat. It was absolute torture.

and Hell in the 10 minute video, Tobabe made it clear that he was not consenting to this medical treatment and he explained how the medication he was forced to take made him feel like a zombie, even saying that it had gotten so bad that he had thoughts of taking his own life. It was bad, it was really bad and I had no ideolation. Throughout the clip, Tibebe comes across as intelligent and well spoken, but traces of his illness shine through periodically. For instance, he explains how immediately after being released from the hospital on multiple occasions, he would wander away from his home, even attempting to be homeless for a while, while admitting that he didn't know why this was an issue or why it would always lead to him going back to the hospital.

I got off and think I had another episode or episode as they like to say where I said I wanted to be homeless. that's it all I said was I wanted to be homeless So and I and I proceeded to be homeless and next thing I know the cops came and they arrested me and they took me back to the hospital. Then after that I left and I and I tried to be homeless again and I was hospitalized again. Just but things would be further escalated as to Baby casually explains how he has violent outbursts, even resorting to punching multiple people who were trying to give him medication as well as starving himself in retaliation.

So I started getting violent and I started punching people and I started attacking people in the hospital and they had to tie me down I began to lash out like I'm gonna protest this I'm going to starve myself as a way of hopefully stopping this ridiculous forced treatment for absolutely nothing. And by the end of the video to baby flat out explains that he does not have any sort of mental illness or have any symptoms for that matter calling what was happening to him and Injustice I guess I'm just trying to let you guys know that is Justice that goes on. It's a truly depressing situation, as on one hand he is being forced to take medication that essentially makes him feel dead inside, while on the other hand, it seems very apparent that treatment is necessary to not only keep others around him, but himself safe as he doesn't seem fully aware of how serious some of his actions are. Tibebe concluded the video by asking those watching what they thought of his situation and though it didn't Garner many views a select few would stumble upon it and agree with his stance that the treatment he was receiving was unlawful, with many insinuating that he should continue to protest and not take his medication.

These comments are unfortunately no longer available as just a few weeks ago the video was removed, but they had been reflected across multiple States as people called out the commenters for essentially trying to convince someone to go off his medication cold turkey and doing so without knowing the true extent of his medical history which obviously is irresponsible and potentially very dangerous. But unfortunately, these conflicting viewpoints came years later and in that time surrounding the video's release, Tabebe had likely found the verification he was looking for. He was going to keep protesting his medication. This video would be the first and last that we would ever hear from Tabebe, but it wouldn't be the last we'd hear of him.
Just two months following the video, Tabebe would make the local news after having an encounter at the hospital there a therapist entered his room to talk with him when suddenly Tibebe snapped, grabbing her and refusing to let go while performing lewd gestures toward her and eventually pinning her on the ground refusing to Let Her Go The situation led to to baby being arrested for sexual battery, but no jail time was ever given as instead a plea deal was reached where Tobe agreed to stay in the hospital. He agreed to go back on his medication and take it as prescribed. It's this note that hints at the idea that he had likely gone off his medication before this incident, something that would have directly led to his violent outburst and given the event's proximity to the video that he had just posted and the comments supporting his desire to stop taking his medication, it's not hard to theorize that Tobabe may have cut off his meds due to the advice of his comment section, or at the very least was further convinced that it was the right thing to do. It seemed clear that the inconsistencies with his medication had caused him to lose control, and this wouldn't be the last time.

In the summer of 2019, Tibebe was staying at an Embassy Suites hotel with his mother's a lamb object who had been caring for him around the clock. He had been moved there from the hospital as part of his treatment plan as it kept him close by and easy to monitor regularly. This Lord also made him free of being cooped up in a hospital room, which clearly he didn't enjoy. The change of scenery was likely supposed to come to Bay Bay and his growing anger issues, but unfortunately his violent outbursts did not stop there.

on August 20th at 1 30 A.m Tibebe would get into an altercation with his mother in their hotel room. It's not clear what had started the arguments, but things would quickly turn physical as to Baby started to shove his mother, pushing her so hard that it would knock her out of the room and then onto their balcony. Their room was on one of the top floors of the hotel and it overlooked the lobby down below and in one more violent Outburst the baby would give one final push the this time knocking her all the way over the railing, causing her to plummet to the ground below. She did not survive the impact.
Tibebe Makanin was arrested at the scene and held at a Holding Center where he remains to this day awaiting his trial. though his crime is clear and it's likely he will spend the rest of his life either behind bars or in some kind of. Institution Jesus The events that happened on that fateful morning are still somewhat unknown to this day, though we do know the events that led up to it and the years of hurt and anger that to baby had built up as well as his inconsistent and dangerous use of antipsychotics which unsurprisingly it appears that he had again attempted to take himself off of his meds in the time surrounding his murderous fit. with this being used as the likely reason for his behavior that day, something that was telegraphed in one single video which looking back almost foreshadows the tragic events that were soon to come.

events that may have been further down, huh? Our next video takes us across the world to the Philippines in mid-july 2014. the story begins on a tragic note as a family says their goodbye is to their three-year-old daughter. In the days prior, the young girl had developed a severe fever and without access to an up-to-date medical facility, she would pass away in the morning hours on July 12th with no pulse and no heartbeat. The little girl was pronounced dead and taken home to prepare for the funeral, which would be held the next day.

It was obviously a somber event as the girl was placed in her casket and the lid was shut. Family members and loved ones gathered around to celebrate the short life of a child who deserved so much more and watched as she was placed into the ground which would be her final resting place. but before that would happen, one of the neighbors had been in charge of arranging the young girl's body before Barrio though something strange happened when he went to do so inside the coffin, the young girl's head began to move. It was a slight twitch, but in a panic the neighbor checked for a pulse only to discover that her heart was still beating and the young girl was breathing.

One of the family members begins to record as the sudden wave of realization hits that the child was actually alive. Uh, yep. I'm confused. Did nobody ever check the pulse before? It's the ultimate case of what if.

had that person not open the casket to reposition the body, then that little girl would have been buried alive and no one would have ever known. It's a clip that I'm sure many of you have seen by now as the original video itself has garnered over 1 million views and topping that a new station that covered the story currently sits with 25 million views. It's one of the more viral horror stories that I've ever seen on. YouTube As seemingly everyone knows about this Infamous video and rightfully so I Mean it's one of the craziest stories I have ever seen both on YouTube or in the news.
but the only problem is this viral video didn't tell the whole story. Oh, I knew it's The story itself does in fact appear to be true, having been confirmed by Philippine officials who admitted that a mistake had been made in that particular Hospital which led to the mix-up and almost to the mistaken burial. But the story doesn't have the happy ending that many of us thought, as in reality that child never actually woke up. She did have a pulse and shallow breathing, but she would never regain Consciousness and remained in a comatose state.

In fact, just two days after this video was taken and on the 15th of July, she would once again be pronounced dead this time for real. but looking back on The Voice you buy Millions The anchors say that she was fine, calling it a miracle. Happy tears knowing that thankfully she's she's fine. I'm glad they opened that.

Catholic Yeah, move around. Now It may be possible that they just didn't know this at the time, as based off of the way they're talking, it seems like the report would have came out the day or the day after the child was found alone. That's not true either, as the child was determined to be alive on the 13th of July and once again pronounced dead on the 15th just two days later. Yet, this video was published a full month later on August 13, 2014.

So when this video went live, that little girl was long gone and this is something that they likely knew as it had been well reported in other major news outlets on the day of her actual passing. I mean nowadays even the top Google results for this incident and it came out on the very day it happened. So when this video went live, they had to have known it wasn't true which started on its own as one of the darkest videos on the site has now become even more Twisted as the true ending has been revealed, a miracle that turned out to be nothing more than a mirage leading to even more heartbreak as the family was now a forced to grieve and come to terms with this girl's passing twice. and it's made even worse by the news report that has essentially Rewritten the story's ending.

but looking at just the video and the story as is of how everything unfolded, it's still truly horrifying that this little girl was almost buried alive whether she was conscious or not. It makes me wonder how many others have been in that Dreadful situation by mistake. The answer to that question is one that will quite literally never know since it is sealed within the claustrophobic of a dark coffin with no hope of Escape That's the enough computers are coming your way. Divorce is often one of the more traumatic experiences that a young child can go through as many are left in a state of confusion such a tumultuous time in their life.

And for a young man named Daniel Bartlam, his childhood was sadly no different growing up in. Nottinghamshire England Daniel's parents Jackie and Adrian would separate following the birth of Daniel's younger brother with the situation leading to a split in the family as the young boys would move to a new home with their mother, this brought Daniel to an unfamiliar town as well as a brand new school. And to top it all off, Daniel's mother would soon find a new partner, further adding to the confusion that Daniel must have been feeling. All of these circumstances would lead Daniel to a declining mental state as he began to isolate himself in his room, barely speaking to his family.
Daniel's mother Jackie was well aware of the change in his behavior and she soon thought of the perfect way to bring him out of this depression. so she saved up some money on the side until she eventually had enough to buy Daniel his very own. iMac Oh, a computer that he had been asking for for years at the time Daniel had a vested interest in technology, even having his own YouTube channel dedicated to the topic. but this new computer meant an upgrade in quality and a future with Limitless possibilities.

Overjoyed Daniel quickly began a new channel and dedicated his very first upload to his new device. Holy! iMovie YouTube this is Danny liby 1702 Yeah and it's finally happened I Now have an iMac I can now make bigger and better videos. Clearly nothing too special as the quality is about what you would expect from a kid his age who was just starting out in. the following videos were much the same, with these uploads simply being compilations from a show.

He liked it all. May not have seemed like much with this computer along with this new channel seemed to be the spark that he so badly needed. a new passion and a new outlook on life. but strangely, after just a few uploads, the account would go silent.

This is something that happens all the time on YouTube where a Creator starts posting with high aspirations before abandoning their work And it's typically due to a lack of success or just the overall busyness of life. But in Daniel's case, his reason for leaving was Far Darker has. Right Around the time of his last upload, he would experience the ultimate tragedy. On the morning of April 25th 2011, neighbors of Daniel had reported hearing a commotion coming from his home.

That commotion would soon turn to chaos as the House suddenly erupted into flames with smoke billowing out all sides. Through the commotion, Daniel would emerge from the home with his little brother and dog in hand, but his mother was nowhere to be found. Police and fire units arrived at the scene quickly but were already too late as inside the home, they would find the badly burned and disfigured body of Jackie and surprisingly, they'd soon notice that it wasn't the fire that had done her in, but rather she had been brutally murdered with what appeared to be a hammer. The scene was shocking and Incredibly chaotic, but luckily Daniel had been there to explain everything according to the child, a masked burglar had entered the home before confronting his mom.
Confrontation then led to the anonymous person attacking Jackie with a hammer causing her to collapse to the floor. He then says the Intruder lit her body on fire leading Daniel to grab his brother and dog and Escape From The Blaze saving what remained of his family as the murderer escaped out the back. I mean mainly because it showed Daniel was a hero for saving his brother and dog and it showed just how traumatic that morning must have been for him as in the matter of one day, Daniel had lost his home and his mother and probably the most devastating way imaginable. But his story also stood out for one other reason, with that reason being in regards to the killer.

As police began their investigation, they searched and searched for any clues Left Behind from this supposed masked Intruder but they found nothing. No fingerprints, No. Footprints I figured out what is the initial start of a fire? How did they know hands Looking for any semblance of a lead? They started to search through Daniel's room where through the charred remains, they miraculously found his computer in perfect working order. Authorities would search the child's device when they stumbled upon something rather bizarre.

It was a story that Daniel had typed months before in a Word document that was set as the scene of a soap opera that he had been writing. The story read: Daniel Bartlam 1997-2047 the longest-serving male character to be on the show. The only place he couldn't get away with his deeds was with his mother Jackie So one evening he made it look as though it was a break-in and murdered his mother with a hammer and then set her in the family home in light, but helped his brother out to safety and got his neighbors to contact the police. Story ends with Daniel lying to the police and getting away with murder ing shocking.

Revelation Oh, his mother had been killed with a hammer and set on fire through what Daniel had described as a break-in just as his story was written and to make it all stranger, further investigation would reveal that in the days prior to Jackie's death, Daniel had attempted to delete the document though he had failed to fully remove it and the findings went deeper as countless screenshots and clips of a character from a show called Coronation Street were found on the hard drive with it appearing as though Daniel had an obsession with this character which proved to be rather interesting as the character John Stape was a villain who had murdered another character a claw hammer the same weapon used on his mother. Investigators would keep digging until they eventually found the nail in the coffin as it was revealed that in the days prior to the attack, Daniel had surged how to get away with murder with a slew of information and the lack of evidence that a break-in foreign quickly fell apart until he eventually admitted the gruesome truth that he had been the one who had taken his mother's life on the 24th of April Daniel would spend the night in his room re-watching one of his favorite song movies. He then emerged from the room carrying a claw hammer and approached his sleeping mother. He proceeded to strike her seven times in the face before eventually setting her body on fire and escaping the home with his brother and dog.
Acting as the hero quote saved the day when in reality it was all his doing and the entire series of events had been plotted out on the very computer that his mother gave him the same computer that he had so excitedly made this video on just months before the attack. To this day, we don't really know why Daniel chose to attack his mother as any reason he's given has been fairly easily disproven, with many chalking it up to his tumultuous childhood though we have learned more information about his early years, with many of these stories proving to be incredibly disturbing and hinting at the idea that Daniel was mentally unwell. For instance, it was said that he had an obsession with gruesome movies and games that seemed to inspire his own violent thoughts as he began watching these graphic films. At the age of eight, he took these films as inspiration to start writing his own stories, which almost always ended in death and murder and the details of which were said to be incredibly intense and in a much darker example about six weeks before the murder during a normal day at school, Daniel began desperately yanking at his tie, insisting that it was trying to strangle him.

When further asked about this, he then would feel that even though it's all about films, blend the video games in the video games not these leave the videos, but I just think that it's kind of. It's kind of Dungey they've been did people that there's information about stuff everywhere. If he's not getting from a movie, he's gonna get it from some other documentary or piece of media. that's You Can't Hide history.

It's just he was hearing voices and those voices were telling him to hurt people. But surprisingly, after being given a psychiatric evaluation, the counselor told his mother that there was nothing wrong with Daniel But to be on the safe side, they did offer counseling that Jackie would quickly deny a decision that for her may have ultimately proven fatal. Whatever made Daniel snap that day. It was seemingly a long time coming, and despite his young age, he would be sentenced to life in prison with a chance for parole coming in the distant future.

But the truly tragic note here is about his mother Jackie as she bought her son that iMac that he so clearly loved and she did so in the hopes that it would bring some much needed happiness during such a tough time in his life. How could she have known that in reality Daniel would turn around and use that very computer to plan and eventually carry out her. very uh, just wanted to see if games were the influence behavior you would be starting Dallas Cowboy QB with how well you throw a schedule I don't even know why I write that I Only want to give a huge thank you to my gold tier and god tier patrons Ellie Barry Win Stanley Bazoo 42. Brandon Flores Karen S.
Donovan Aaron Emily Gray Game Gamer J Money Just down Yes I might give it a butt chat um I feel nauseous I'm seeing blurry I feel my head's under pressure I slept like I slept like five hours in the past. like two and a half days I I You know I'm gonna call it. Today's really good videos you guys everybody get them to the chat as I just uh, it's like short shorts ever I mean Catherine Ross Lacey Mark Peace Music Quinn Kiwi Robert Rubito Sam Lotfy Skelly sub to four.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Youtube’s darkest videos 2 xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate D says:

    This narrator sucks ass

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FailSociety says:

    Bro someone said like the rapier on the 2nd guy ☠️☠️☠️☠️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Brady Deflates says:

    Open na noor

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J0ttaD says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WØEFUL says:

    ngl i fw xqc but god damn i cant understand him most of the time cause he talks so freakin fast lmaoo is it jus me or…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lurtzy says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Zhang says:

    Tbh the last story was just a skill diff. She should've put more points into the Insight tree to forsee the future.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiney says:

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash says:

    Felix is so fucking dumb lmao ; He thinks he's mature enough to see strung out/ violent people commit crimes then say shit like "hm hrm hm uh bad hair cut"

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asher M says:

    Liver King wilin’

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piyush says:

    chat has absolutely no respect for people with mental disabilities

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Gavin A says:

    That kid pretty much ruined his little brothers life

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aussiegodx says:

    Some demonic entities, pray 🙏

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amlk says:

    With all due respect, empathy and love. Please, normalize guardian decision makers for adults with psychological issues. They're not well, it shouldn't be up to them to be off their medication, or to not be isolated from the general population. It's for their and our safety. People's feelings should never be put before everyone's safety.

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