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#xQc #dark #scary

Partracea you guys it's what I know it sounds really dumb. uh it doesn't sound dumb I sound like some old grandpa dude when I tell chat about all the some small knowledge about like safety and like oh dude you know look at your look at your uh safety yet because it's in your fire exits and like that right? and make a big ideas with that because these things they bro they save your life man thank you It was a tense scene in the city of Kuliacom Mexico has a group of officers surrounded a home with their weapons drawn and that tension was more than Justified as the officers were soon to become part of History taking down one of the most notorious criminals in the region, a man named Ovidio Guzman Lopez the son of Joaquin Guzman also known as El Chapo there he is the Man known at El Chapo Finally back in custody after three videos are so scary on his way out of prison. despite his father having been arrested back in 2014. Who video was still a free man continuing his father's Legacy by taking a lead role in the Cartel, but this day was set to be his last as a free man as officers prepared to enter the home and detain Ovideo The Sting itself was supposedly set up by the Mexican Government as a way to Halt the Cartel's Reign Over the region and for the cops partaking in this daring moment, they were set to be heroes should it all go off without a hitch ES Thank you in that day, that's exactly what would happen as a video was taken into custody and the scene was secured without a single shot being fired, making what should have been a huge win for the Mexican Government Jesus had the story ended there.

Oh, come on, the City of Puliacan Mexico The historic Homeland to the violent Sinuloa drug Cartel turned into a battle. Zone Thursday The city quickly became a war zone with a cartel sending over 700 armed soldiers in retaliation against the arrest of Ovideo. The fact that officers had actually made Ovideo call off any such actions by the Cartel as shown in the end of this body cam footage though they refused to listen and within hours the military in the region was completely overwhelmed and with the city in absolute chaos and countless fatalities looming in the distance The Mexican Government would make a shocking decision to allow Ovidio Guzman to walk free. The move was stunning though it did immediately quell the fighting in the region and for a moment all seemed calm.

though in the minds of the cartel members, things were nowhere near even. which brings us back to this video in it, we see multiple officers taking part in the operation with the leader of it all being a man named. The problem is that you guys don't understand some of the social economic problems and some other countries have a lot of problems that develop in certain ways that these guys are dealing with certain set of circumstances that other countries don't and it's very peculiar. It's just what it is and though these officers likely thought that was the weird judging conditions, this decision would instead make them hunted just days after the botched arrest.
Eduardo would be stalked and confronted by armed members of the Cartel who would open fire in a hail storm of bullets when the man was in his car. In total, 155 shots were fired at Eduardo who never stood a chance. And the horrors of this video don't end there as despite Eduardo being the only officially confirmed death of all of these officers, it has been heavily rumored that in the time since the recording, every single one of the officers seen in this clip have since been killed as they became the Cartel's easiest form of revenge against the police, being picked off one by one to send a message to the whole world, and watching this clip back and seeing just how calm a video was during his arrest I have to believe that he knew that this was going to happen and though he was the one being arrested, it really seemed like it was the police that had fallen into his trap, making this yet another example of the Disturbed content found across the depths of YouTube depths in which today we are yet again diving into as we look to discover more of YouTube's darkest videos. Do all my friends: I'm glad you came to play our fun and learning.

Never End Here's what we did today: I Just have a couple questions. Here we are again region there's no place I've been watching a bunch of videos lately about like like cops like um like stopping, like shootings and and like helping whatever dude dude I Always think it's always surreal when I look at some of the videos. the the first cups on scene when they like go in and they just do bro they just tank man but they go in the body first bro and bro that's so scared to think about man are just going full chat mode. Man beard here is just unbelievable.

Jesus since its Inception YouTube has been used as a launching ground for aspiring performers to have their work noticed by the masses. But for every success story you see across the site, there are hundreds of thousands of others who will land well short of achieving that. Fame And lost in the crowd of these nameless faces was an aspiring rapper named Math Boy fly his real name is Daryl Brooks And now through 39 year old man who had spent most of his life on the wrong side of the law at the age of just 17, he would pick up his first felony for battery and from there he would never really get his life back on track picking up fresh charges on a regular basis. By 2007, Daryl's life was in a total Free Fall as he had become addicted to meth while picking up his most serious conviction yet for Rick against a minor which not only landed him in prison, but it also landed him on the sex offender registry.

clearly. Daryl was a disturbed man dealing with some extremely dark personal demons which just so happened to be captured by a film crew who at the time were documenting the struggles of math addiction. The movie's name is Crystal darkness and in it we see a short segment showing Daryl in prison sharing how he had abandoned his kid due to his addiction while expressing regrets that he couldn't give his child a better life. you know? I Got this.
I got this beautiful kid who's who's going without my time I Thought I would just be this wonderful father, just be the greatest dad ever. Imma give him everything that I didn't have but then it's like reality set in. In an interview years later, the director of the project, a man named Logan Needham described Daryl as seemingly genuine in his pursuit to turn his life around, stating I felt like he definitely had remorse and I think it's bad about the decisions he had made to land him where he was. However, Daryl would never turn this new leaf and once he was released, his dangerous behavior only got worse as time and time again he would find himself back behind bars facing charges like strangulation, domestic abuse, and bail jumping.

Though he didn't let these endless legal troubles get in the way of his one true dream, a dream that he believed would finally bring him some semblance of success in this world. With that being to become a famous rapper And so he took on the nickname math Boy Fly and began posting his music to YouTube Where We Find What Would One Day become one of the darkest videos on the site looking at me different. The video was posted back in the summer of tonight in future Daryl's song, half of tickets. The video features a lot of your standard music video visuals, though ultimately nothing really stands out all that much upon first viewing aside from how bad it sounds.

but today this clip is viewed in a far different manner. Around the time of its release, something was brewing inside of Daryl His life was at a dead end and he knew it leading to his violent temper growing worse and worse by the Day. In 2020, Daryl would be arrested for firing a shot at his nephew during an argument and though the bullet thankfully missed the man, Daryl would still be faced with 10 years in prison as police discovered that the gun he had used was actually stolen along with a large amount of meth being found. What state is this is this see repeated violent offender person plus liability and this guy fires a shot.

He gets 10 years both just for the gun. Most of our body mostly brah yet which all cultivated into the aspect of the lengthy prison sentence though due to issues with the pandemic, Daryl would eventually be allowed to leave police custody as his bail had been reduced to just 500 dollars. Unsurprisingly, this would further enable Daryl's Behavior and the following year he would yet again be arrested. In this particular case Daryl had been in his car stalking his ex-girlfriend who was also the mother of his child before pulling up alongside her and demanding that she get in.
Concerned for her safety, the woman refused to enter the car, to which Daryl reacted by running her over. Thankfully, this woman too would survive the ordeal though. Shockingly, despite Daryl's constant run-ins with the law as well as this crime having taken place when he was literally already on, Bell he would yet again avoid jail time. Mrs Bale was in this case set at just one thousand dollars free again Daryl Likely began to think that he was above the law, which paired with his escalating anger would unsurprisingly lead to one more violent Outburst though what was surprising was just how violent it would be.

I Don't Well, November 21st 2021 Bro Bro Bro this city should have been sued all the way out to bankruptcy. Dude, they should have did it. they should have to sell all assets lost in the nuke. the City What the is this man? Days after Daryl's most recent arrest, police would be called to the home of his ex-girlfriend They had yet again gotten into another dispute, but this time before things had gotten too far out of hand.

Daryl stormed out and it drove away. Though rather than this being some sign of restraint, this was instead seemingly part of a far more malicious decision leading to one devastating event. Yeah, yeah, tell what? 10 29. yeah Jimmy Timings again.

Chat I Forgot 10. 29-45 would drive his car directly into the annual Waukesha Christmas parade at speeds of over 40 miles per hour, driving in a zigzag pattern in an attempt to strike as many people as possible. none of whom Daryl had known personally as this was simply an act of pure rage. The videos of this event and its aftermath are brutal and it's something that I'm not allowed to fully show here, but in total 62 people were struck, most of whom were children or senior citizens who were just trying to enjoy this Beloved Community celebration and of these victims, sadly, six would perish following the tragedy.

Daryl attempted to flee the area, even begging a stranger to let him into his home and to order him an Uber which would be caught on a ring doorbell camera though he would quickly be captured by police soon after and is now facing a whopping 77 charges. And despite the leniency he's enjoyed from the court system over the years, it seems that this time the judge will not show him that same type of Mercy Mercy off no no no no yo I'ma give it a buck. Okay, if you're gonna charge people with it with criminal negligence like normal citizens, right? people that work at the D.A or whatever the they worked at. Okay, they should be charged with professional negligence leading to death and they should.

they should be charged I don't like them even if they saw violent acts over and over again and again like a one thousand dollar Bond after a 500 one from for bro what the charge charge to do that work out there man, what is it or problem and a human anymore I was just something vile, disgusting, despicable hockey God Go on. I Can use a lot of words but as that's what I became is really what I became. Knowing what Daryl has become and watching this documentary back with this context makes it a truly haunting watch as no one involved not even Daryl himself knew just how bad things would one day become. But there is a reason that I mentioned this seemingly obscure music video as being one of the darkest videos on the site.
And it's for a reason that is very easy to look right. Over all I want is trial. He's the guy who yells with the muzzle on yeah yeah yo yo why did you get shown again? yo hell nah I Just got a low worth about a half a ticket has Daryl is shown rapping in the video. Within its background, we can see a red SUV the same SUV that just a few years later would bring chaos, pain and despair to a local parade and ultimately end the lives of so many innocent people.

Families can have lots of fun together, but sometimes we get angry so there have an investigation done. or talking about this about the other people who, uh, weren't behind this case because I feel like it. There's a ramp up in crimes, right? and there's a there's a pattern of bell jumping and then him paying low Bales and getting out I don't I think there's like it's bad on all counts Brother Brothers Our next video takes us all the way around the world to a little-known village in northeastern Somalia called Halam. In October of 2021, a video from the region began circulating across the web showcasing what appears to be an unremarkable scene playing out as two men from a village were being interviewed separately.

As one of the men is seen talking, a few individuals appear behind him, working as if they were preparing for some sort of event or perhaps just doing some farming. Given the language barrier and a lack of translation included, it's impossible to tell what these men are discussing upon an initial watch, and given just how normal it all seems, it offers little reason to be dove into any further had it not been for two bizarre details. For starters, the thumbnail is quite unusual as it shows a man who is not featured within the video tied up and clearly looking upset while one of the men who was being interviewed is shown standing proudly alongside him. Making things even stranger, the title, which is written in Somali translates to the Fairly disturbing line Grow the killer of his mother was shot dead today.

Despite things appearing unremarkable in the video itself, the thumbnail and the title alone were enough to pique the interest of a select few who just so happened to stumble upon this practically unknown upload, and those who chose to dig any deeper would be greeted with the true horrors of the scene playing out before them. Upon performing a general Google search of the video's title, users will be greeted with a plethora of uploads featuring footage of these same events, one of which even showing footage of the man in the blue shirt tied up with his head down foreign and the results didn't stop there, as searching the title would also lead to the discovery of a multitude of articles that also depict this very event that we see unfolding which would ultimately add Clarity to the situation as it was revealed that this bound man shown in the footage and the thumbnail was actually a cold-blooded killer his name is Farah Abdi Mohammed and during that previous summer, he had apparently fallen into what was described as a drug-fueled Rage which would ultimately end with him taking the life of his very own mother and making matters even more tragic. He was one of seven siblings, meaning that six other individuals had lost their mother thanks to this man's Disturbed Behavior The case went unnoticed by most outside media Outlets Though within this small village, it sent ripples across the community as his crime was so heinous and his guilt was unquestionable. And with Farah quickly Landing in custody, the question was then posed: what do we do with him now? Would prison really be enough of a punishment for this individual or should he face the death penalty? Ultimately, authorities would leave this decision to the remaining siblings of Farah who would be tasked with determining his fate.
What? And it was from these discussions that Farah's brother, a man named Awai, would come forward with the decision that Farah should suffer the same fate as their mother did and that he should face execution. Though this wasn't all why had to say as his decision came with a interesting proposal, he wanted to make a spectacle of the execution and send a message all across the region that those who take the lives of their mothers will have their own lives taken in return. And so to assure that this was seen by the masses and to prove just how serious a Y was with his message, he would request to be the Executioner All right. So on October 17, 2021 news cameras gathered in the town as the Y was interviewed in preparation to take the life of his own brother and the killer of his mother as he's seen here even posing alongside Farah just moments before.

the execution situation is almost impossibly grim. And to make things just that much darker, those men seen working in the background of a wise interview were in fact helping to set up for the event or at least the aftermath of it as in actuality they were quite literally digging Faraz grave right behind his own brother with Farah watching it all happen just off camera. And so in the moments following this footage, Hawaii was handed a gun which he would press against the head of his brother Farah and pull the trigger. The layers to this clip are almost incomprehensible, especially considering how calm everyone seems and the minutes leading to this execution I mean even Farah whose life was soon to end seemed to show no Panic whatsoever despite his grave literally being dug right before his eyes.
yet no one seemed to show any sort of emotion. It's almost like everyone understood their roles and accepted what needed to be done, leading to this one unconventional yet almost indescribably disturbing video. We'll show you how to make all kinds of delicious things to eat. Oh, though, this video is sponsored by Hellofresh is a service that stands foreign.

Keep these bodies working in Optimum conditions. Uh, oh yeah, Oh yeah. 2014. a man named Kevin Bennett approaches a busy intersection on his way to work in the city of Hampton Missouri The morning commute had gone just like any other.

typical traffic fair weather and on the corner of the intersection a man was dancing. He was a well-known figure in the area, or at least his performances were as virtually every morning he would be there, not saying a word, not begging for money, just simply dancing like many others. Kevin Found the man to be uniquely charming and so he decided to film that morning's performance and post it to YouTube for others to see. Sharon Yo Send it Bro! The video was met with over 10 000 views and even led to a mention in the local news reports as collectively, the community wanted to know who exactly this man was dead.

No one knew it then, but this man's name is actually Seth Herder and what they were witnessing wasn't some type of light-hearted dance routine, but rather the deterioration of a man's mind which was playing out in real time. Hi everyone, my name is Seth Herder at the time Seth was an unemployed man in his late 20s who had been struggling with multiple psychological conditions, leading to his behavior becoming somewhat erratic. As Time passed. This was cataloged throughout his frequent postings across the web where he would type bizarre religious ramblings, claiming that Jesus would soon be returning to Earth alongside Intergalactic Beings, but sifting through countless posts of this same vein.

Seth actually mentioned his daily dance routine on a few separate occasions, referring to it not just as a performance, but also as some sort of religious ritual that he was using to spread his message, and though this message was never expressly stated, most would assume that it was based around the idea of Peace as he would often say things like I love all beings forever and seek never to kill, nor harm, nor destroy any living thing. no tree nor bird, nor be nor dragonfly. However, As Time passed. He would slowly drift away from this particular belief.

throughout much of Seth's adult life, he struggled to hold down consistent residency, being evicted time and time again for things such as noise. sometimes I'm scared that I'm I'm gonna get unlucky and they go insane. but how do you prevent that from happening? How do you not go insane? Like is it? is it? like gradual where like you just go insane because of some thought patterns that you don't treat her? What is it like heavy smoking and by 2018 Seth had again found himself moving into a brand new apartment and it was within those walls that his behavior would take a trouble in turn. Almost immediately, Neighbors in his complex began complaining about Seth's Behavior stating that he had been seen multiple times running down the hallway over and over again with a katana in his hand.
Even more bizarrely, others claimed to have seen him standing behind the apartment building alone in the dead of night, standing there in complete darkness, brandishing his sword and just dancing alone in the dark for hours and hours on end, with him appearing to be in some sort of trance-like State completely unresponsive to the world around him and his behavior didn't stop there as soon out of the blue Seth began verbally harassing his neighbors and starting fights over seemingly nothing at all where he was said to have displayed a genuine and even frightening anger that seemed to be growing more and more uncontrollable though it's hard to say for sure what exactly is on set. Smart during this time, as he had abandoned all of his social media in the Years prior leaving what had once been his daily blog and his Twitter accounts completely dormant and practically stopping his Trail across the entire internet with the exception of one site, has, for whatever reason, Seth seemed to take a liking to one unique platform during all of this, with that sight being Amazon Seth was an avid reviewer across Amazon leaving his thoughts on the various religious texts and tokens that he had purchased wire to the height of his manic episodes which is all fine and well. but starting in 2018, his purchases and reviews began to grow worrisome. For instance, in March of that, Year Seth had purchased and reviewed a pair of industrial strength metal handcuffs which he reviewed by saying strong metal good case be careful.

On another occasion, he had purchased a set of knives, throwing blades and his Katana that he had used multiple times across his apartment building, referring to the sword as amazing, stating that for twenty dollars, it really is an excellent blade I am very impressed with the quality. The tip was razor sharp and easily capable of penetrating most targets. I Put it up against once again, a great purchase for twenty dollars. Very capable of killing.

It is a fighting blade for sure. The post was also accompanied by a photo of himself with the weapon in his hand. It's just not. There are some definite red flags here in his reviews, but the most disturbing example of all would come just a month later as Seth would describe his experience with a specific taser that he had purchased by saying I bought this exact stun gun model in a fit of rage I shocked myself in the face and neck about 30 times with the units.
It left visible welts on my chest and neck. The stun gun is effective. It has a loud audible snap that really goes straight to the dark parts of someone's psyche. It really is a potent psychological defense weapon.

He Then followed up this post by saying that shocking himself was exhilarating to say the least. The items in which Seth had been purchasing and the subsequent reviews he had left for them were clearly very concerning. Okay, personally, things were actually becoming even more frightening as around this time Seth would call his father to explain that Jesus had spoken to him and had selected him to carry out certain tasks, claiming that he was the chosen one and that it was time to start punishing people. Seth's father would immediately contact authorities as he was unsure of what his son's intentions were.

though nothing would be done about it. leaving the door wide open for Seth's punishments to begin. Classic, We can't do until something happens. Evening of May 2nd 2018.

Seth invited his ex-boyfriend Christopher to his apartment, begging the man to come over and claiming that the CIA was listening to his thoughts and sensing that Seth was clearly in need of help. Christopher agreed to stop by a decision that would ultimately backfire as once together, the two quickly began to argue into an all-out shouting match that soon turned physical and in a fit of rage, Seth would grab his Katana and in an instant begin attacking, slicing Christopher over and over and over again. and as it turns out, Seth's review was in fact accurate and his katano was certainly capable of killing. The scene would be discovered days later when maintenance workers were confronted with the Carnage in the unit while on the ground was Christopher's lifeless body despite an attempt to flee Seth Herder was caught soon after inflicting this punishment and later claimed that it was all done in a fit of delusion.

with Christopher having unfortunately been caught in his Crossfire with more victims likely to have followed had an op-band for his capture, has given his need to inflict pain onto the world, as well as the concerning items that he had purchased throughout Amazon who knows what else he was capable of. It's pretty jarring seeing this man who was once known for his cheerful dancing becoming a convicted killer who will likely never see the outside of a prison again. But throughout the whole case, there's still one question that looms over everything: the dancing. Why did he do it? What was the message behind it all? Well, this would actually be answered by Seth himself during an interview in late 2018 as following his heinous crime, he stated how he believed he was the chosen one hand selected by God, but not as some second coming of Jesus or anything like that.

Rather, he believed he was the Antichrist, a figure chosen to bring pain and suffering onto the world. And with this mindset, Seth referred to his dancing by saying that was me going out in public and demonstrating to people that I was the Antichrist. In his mind, the dancing was a test and if people took notice, it meant that they were recognized Rising his powers and the more they recognize them, that sounds like some after the fact dumb justification of hindsight I Don't know. The more he believed these powers to be real.
Every honk, every shout from a window, every picture taken was ultimately further supporting this man's delusion, pushing him closer and closer to the brink of complete Insanity validating and even feeding these dark thoughts that were consuming him. and the further it drove him to kill. And all the while no one knew it. They all thought they were being friendly and supporting these light-hearted performances.

And darkest of all, this video taken by Kevin Bennett on the morning of February 13th, 2014 the seemingly harmless, wholesome clip from a very beginning was in all actuality Seth Herder's magnum opus. As between the music garnered and the newspaper article that stemmed from it, this is what he viewed as the ultimate recognition of his powers With him. even admit saying that this was the most overwhelming piece of confirmation that he was actually the Antichrist which eventually led him to take the life of an innocent man. Stay with me.

Today was going to be a big day for me. It was my first trip away from home. It was a day of celebration for David Turpin and his wife Luis another in a long line of words that they'd celebrate by renewing their vows in Vegas Let's make the moment even more special. They were able to do so with their 13 children in attendance when they first married all the way back in 1985.

David was just a 23 year old man and Luis was a 16 year old child and despite all the years that had passed, it seemed the love they had for each other vows to each other in this same manner practically every year has shown in other Clips scattered across YouTube And aside from the love they had for each other, these videos also seem to show the love they had for their children as together the group seemed to form a massive yet close-knit family unit known as the Turpin family and these clips would be just the start of their Long Trail left here on YouTube. Sometime following these various Clips being left across the internet, one of the daughters shown within this old footage would begin uploading videos of her own life to a secret channel that at the time only she knew of the then 17 year old's name is Jordan Turpin And across her page she would post videos of herself singing original songs in her bedroom while showing incredible things into her home life. Oh yeah, I saw all of this I saw that trouble already about this and as a whole these videos seem nothing too out of the ordinary, especially for a 17 year old girl. With her uploads eventually coming to an end following the posting of yet another singing video.
impressive and throughout the Channel's lifespan, there really are no obvious red flags that could point to any concerning activity happening behind the scenes. You'll see us aside from a few moments here and there. Jordan never really opened up to the camera or revealed any details about her personal life. she only used the page for her music, making it practically impossible to tell that in reality, something unbelievably Sinister was transpiring within the walls of the Turpin home.

with it having gone unnoticed for years before and what would have likely been years later had it not been for the actions of Jordan has. just one week after her final upload, a call would be made to 9-1-1 from the young lady herself. My two little sisters right now are teamed up. In this clip, we hear the audio from Jordan's call to the local police station as she attempts to explain that her parents had not only been abusing her, but all of her siblings as well.

Given the severity of the claim, an officer would immediately be sent to meet with Jordan who had been standing outside in a nearby neighborhood. With the entire interaction being captured on the officer's body camera. What's going on? Okay I just ran away from home. okay and I live in a family of 15.

Okay, my two little sisters right now chained up. They're chained up. Yes or they chained up at on the bed. They're chained up because they stole mother's food.

Okay, Jordan explains to the officer that two of her siblings were currently chained to their beds because they had attempted to steal some of their mother's food. Even more shockingly, Jordan explains that her nervous and often times awkward Behavior was due to the fact that she had never really met anyone from the outside world. sorry if I talked too much. I've never talked to anybody out there.

so I don't I've never been alone with the person so this is very hard for me to talk and that in order for her to get help, she literally had to escape from her own home as she was never allowed to leave and we then managed to get out here. This is one of the most scariest things I've ever done. Oh I'm terrified. Initially the officer was a bit hesitant, even questioning whether Jordan was on medication, to which she responded in a confused manner due to the fact that she had never even heard that word before.

Do you take any medication? What's the medication Medication? Yeah, What's medication. Do you take pills? Do you take pills? And ultimately the man eventually realizes just how serious the situation was as Jordan actually came with proof I Don't have proofs of everything but I have proof that my sisters are chained up see those are the places that make an element and see how dirty she is. We are so filthy we we don't take baths. Yeah, how did your sisters get like this? Your parents trained them up.
Yes, the whole ordeal was shot. I Can't tell. sometimes this guy that plays doesn't doesn't stuff that we can't really understand because you don't have the knowledge for it. It means waiting for backup.

but maybe he's waiting for the first squad car. Maybe he's waiting for the other people. I Don't know why he's starting so hard and he's so this, uh uh, he's not, he's listening. but dude, it seems like it took everything for them to do to do it.

How did your sisters get like this? Your parents trained him up Yes was shocking though. it was just her being out there. If you're a child out there alone at night, it should be enough. Only part of the story as when police entered the home that very night they discovered the full scope of the abuse that had been taking place within that building.

inside. Officers would be greeted bro what world we live in of course. The only proof If I Get Bro Bro How proof they do not improve of being sent of excrement and garbage which was covering practically the entirety of the house. They would also find 12 other siblings, one of whom had been chained up for weeks and two others that had just recently been freed.

The children were malnourished beyond belief and Incredibly frail and much to the shock of the officers, some of them were actually adults, with the oldest being 29 years old, though had been mistakenly believed to be a child as they had weighed only 89 pounds due to the fact that the children were only allowed to eat a small amount just once per day. the children were all covered in bruises which had come from the constant beatings from their parents while also being covered in filth As individually, the kids were only allowed one shower not per day and not per week, but per year. The abuse that had gone on in the Turpin family home at the hands of both Luis and David was truly Unthinkable with perhaps the most egregious crime being committed by Luis as on many occasions she was said to have prostituted multiple of her children to wealthy men and all in order to earn more money for the family while the couple otherwise had the children locked within the home for the entirety of their lives, torturing them beyond belief despite the fact that on social media they would post photos portraying them as a perfect loving unit which leads me back to the trail of videos left behind on YouTube For starters, you may be wondering how these children were able to attend these wedding ceremonies if they were truly never allowed to leave the house. Well, these clips actually show what may very well be the only times in these kids lives that they were ever allowed to leave their home as once a year they were allowed to go to this ceremony not as a reward or anything like that, but to disguise the turpins as being a happy family.
This footage quite literally shows some of the only moments of Freedom Within These children's entire life up until this point. And as for the videos that Jordan had posted to her YouTube channel, there's a reason that I said that it was a secret page that only she knew of because social media or contact from the outside world in any form was strictly prohibited throughout the house and if her parents had known about this channel, it's likely that she would have faced unimaginable punishment. However, this didn't stop Jordan from uploading these clips with them likely being a desperate attempt to be heard from anyone else out there in the world that she had forever been kept from and in many ways this displays The Bravery that Jordan clearly had with him. The Bravery that would eventually lead to her taking the ultimate risk Breaking Free of the home and saving her siblings from this torture.

and if she hadn't done this, it's likely the kids would have remained imprisoned to this day. The full case of the Turpin family is a rabbit hole. far too extensive too fully explained here, but eventually the parents would wind up going to trial. where would I decided that they would spend the rest of their lives in prison? And though this tragic case has forever left an impact on the 13 children involved, we can at least take some solace in the fact that this torture is over now or at least it should have been.

A foster family in Paris has been accused of abusing several foster children, including some of the terping siblings and what would become the most tragic twist imaginable in a case like this. It was just recently revealed that the Foster family who had taken five of the Turpin children has now been accused of abusing those very kids. The parents Marcelino olgin and Rosa organ along with their son Lenny are all facing over a dozen charges including child cruelty, witness intimidation, and false imprisonment. And making matters even more demented is the fact that the father Marcelino was additionally charged with performing lewd acts on a minor as it's been alleged that he actually molested two of the children.

It is just such a tragic Revelation to come from an already sickness. The fact that this was able to happen to these kids again is some of the most disheartening news that I have ever heard. and I hate to leave this video off on such an awful note. So I do want to say that some of the Turpin children have gone on to live their own lives that thankfully have been free of abuse as Jordan herself has actually become a star on Tick Tock and is clearly thriving given her.

Newfound Freedom So it isn't all horribly depressing, but some of it sadly is. And I hope that the remaining children can finally be placed in a loving environment free of the abuse that has plagued their life quite literally since the moment they were born. Time for bed. Granny said Granny tucked me in, kissed me good night, please fight she said thanks bro but I did not sleep tight.
the I thought about home and the more I thought these are good these are these are good videos I think this is pretty good I mean if he falls, thank you to my patrons Alexander Duran America's grumpy Uncle Bazoo 42 Biznacker Bray Karen S Daniel Binge Donovan Aaron Emmanuel Kadina game gamer Jake Parsons J Money Jon Stewart Muller joined in some other guys this is because I'm getting tagged everything dude I'm in bed people Something happy please I mean mass time bro. Watch one more thing but make it happy before I go to bed the well I mean it's not seen in chat yo this is X x on this video I'm going through my voice as well. That has anyone knows that boy I don't know. he's just so soy.

Anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Youtube’s darkest videos 3 xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary says:

    i watched narcos, i know how useless the government are but holy bro surrendered with asshole open wide for the cartel and let the hero get eaten alive

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timathus says:

    Love how he's like HOW?!?! to the first guy getting low bail and constant 5th chances…just look at where it's happening at and you'll know how

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ESkim says:

    XQC's take for the last one was pretty dumb. Yes it would seem like enough but the Officer NEEDS to get more information before he can do anything. For all he knows she could be lying. You may ask, why would she lie about that? People do, it's a straight fact people will lie. It is also the Officers job to get information before taking action so saying that he had enough from the 911 is dumb. The Officer cant just go straight there like it's a movie, bust the door down and save them, he doesnt have enough information to evidence to do such a thing.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajay Parwani says:

    I have finally learnt how to understand X , listen to this guy in 1.5x and suddenly everything makes sense

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Hussey says:

    that last one nearly had me in tears when they said that 5 of the kids were then abused by their new foster parents. that is so fucked, I remember the case but I had no idea about that.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars •Rico CCXXVIII says:

    youtube's most darkest video is actually 24 hours + of pure black screen in HD!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naif says:

    Jordan GIGACHAD

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nurse know well says:

    casually plays cod with mic on
    whole pd arrives

    sees a distress kid asking for help
    cop stalls

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Aware chat changed

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    PagMan USA reality TV show for all of us

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Aware chat full of American brain disease and brain rot

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