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#xQc #dark #scary

Is this good? July 29th 2019 Patrons file into a busy bar in downtown L.A For the start of an always entertaining open mic night, you never know what types of performances you'll get on nights like these, or what kind of people will Grace the stage with their presence and on this particular evening, patrons would bear witness to one of these strangest acts they'd likely ever seen and he was performed by a man named Robert Kamu. where's your funny face Lakeland Interestingly, Robert has a long history here, across YouTube being featured in what seems like countless videos performing skateboarding tricks with a group of friends. but on this night, Robert was ready to show off another skill of his as he took to the stage to perform a freestyle rap right here. Starting out, the performance was, well, a little shaky to put it nicely, which was at least partially to blame on Robert's apparent drunken state.

but a bad night of karaoke in isolation is nothing all that noteworthy. In fact, despite the lethal doses of cringe, many would actually view this as a great time, a funny memory, and even respect Robert for being so willing to go up there and just give it a try. However, his performance wasn't quite finished yet and after fumbling his way through the beginning of the song Robert's lyrics take an unexpected turn. Stuff Uh Odyssey Video shows Robert as he wraps the line I killed my and buried that in the dirt before muttering that he has to leave because the cops are looking for him.

It was a bizarre moment to say the least, and despite many in the crowd trying to play off the line as a joke with the MC even saying that it was in Eminem inspired performance, others in the audience were more visibly concerned and as it turns out, they had every right to be. Well, we're inside this bar the king Eddie bar and this is where Camus was standing when he did this rap version and I guess the big question is was it a confession Parked out front of the establishment was Robert's gray Prius and in the trunk of this Prius was a shovel along with fresh dirt and fresh blood blood that belonged to his girlfriend Amanda Custer And coincidentally that very day Amanda Custer had been reported as missing after a neighbor had witnessed Robert carrying her limp body trunk of his car before driving off only to emerge hours later alone at this open mic night. In the moment, a bizarre performance was all this seemed to be, But today many refer to this rap as being an actual confession and in the end, this footage would ultimately be used in court and lead to Robert's conviction for the murder of Amanda Custer even though to this very day her body has never been found. But if the words of Robert are to be believed, then it's sadly very likely that she's out there somewhere buried deep in the dirt.

Psychos were like a usually whatever. so like if they like help them find the body like he gets like a little bit of small, tiny bit like lenients or whatever. Why? why didn't I don't I don't get it? Um, yeah, because I watch a lot of this a lot a lot of times Don't like you'll do like find this, whatever and then they do Custer Police want to hear it. There's been three years before.
Oh, he maintained another baby. Yeah, you think corporate makes sense foreign. There's great fun though, and something you can do with all of your friends. During the summer of 2022 in Korea Joseph Israel a popular corporate Villa had been rented out by a local marketing agency to host a company event.

The location was highly sought after due to its large outdoor pool area making it the perfect spot for employees to unwind and connect outside of their typical working environment. And on this day, the 21st of July 50 employees of this company would gather at the party to enjoy the hot summer sun and the cool water of the pool. and by all accounts the party had been going off without a hitch. until it happened.

As unsuspecting partygoers were hanging in and around the pool, some began to notice that the water level appeared to be receding with one Keen witness pulling out their phone to record the unfolding ordeal. and just as they hit that record button, things would fall into complete chaos. Foreign place and he gave my t-shirt back yo I'm happy man I forgot you did that acid Vortex is an impossibly strong current, dragging essentially everything in its path down towards the opening, and within mere seconds, the pool once completely filled with water had become completely Barren with even the pool floats disappearing beneath the surface of the Earth. Luckily, at the time, there were only about six party goers in the pool and three of them had immediately made their way to safety, but one man could be seen standing dangerously close to the newly formed crater, even slipping and falling to the ground just inches away from being pulled into its open.

Xqc is saying is that he thankfully the C2 had managed to make his way to safety, but the two others weren't so lucky as in the moments immediately before this video began, they had been sucked into the depths of the sinkhole. Of the two, one would be able to quickly pull his way to safety while the other was nowhere to be found. As Rescuers made their way to the scene and attempted to enter the hole, it was discovered that it was far deeper than anyone could have imagined. with later reports showing that the pit was a staggering 43 feet deep with the entire opening being filled with water and the missing swimmer 32 year old Khalil Kim hee was trapped at the very bottom.

It would take four grueling hours of navigating that claustrophobic grave to finally reach Khalil who by that point was sadly long gone, having likely already perished by the time Rescuers even reached the scene passing away in what must have been one of the most horrifying ways imaginable. It wasn't my boyfriend after all was said and done. It was revealed that the owner of the Villa had built the pool in an unsafe location and had done so without a permit, leading to charges of negligent manslaughter. And though this event was no doubt a tragedy, it's easy to see just how much worse this could have been if more people had been in that pool at the time.
Wait, what and what truly haunts me the most about this clip is just how unexpected it was. One minute you're enjoying a beautiful swimming pool and the next you're trapped 40 feet beneath the Earth drowning with no chance of survival, all because of a freak phenomenon that is entirely unpredictable and emerges in 50 pound blocks of dry ice. When placed in liquids, it depends from one pool party to another. This next clip takes us to Moscow Russia in February of 2020, where an influencer named Akaterina Didenko Was Preparing to celebrate her 29th birthday just a few years prior, Akaterina had graduated from Medical School earning her the title of pharmacist.

But rather than going the traditional route and pursuing a career in Pharmacy, she instead chose to use her expertise to start a blog focused on creating homemade medicines in order to save her viewers' trips to the pharmacy. This type of content is nothing new and in most cases it's highly controversial and a Katarina was no reception to this with many calling her practices and advice potentially dangerous. This however, did not stop her from amassing a following of over 1 million people which was spread out across her Instagram page along with other platforms. And despite her content being controversial in nature, she quickly carved out a legitimate career as an influencer by 2020 and with her birthday approaching on the 28th February she wanted to throw the perfect party to show off to all of her followers.

Helping plan the night was a Katarina's husband Valentin Dedenko, who was on board to make the evening as Grand as possible and Valentin had the perfect plan something he called a steam show. Previously, the couple had booked a venue to accommodate all their guests with one of the most appealing amenities being its swimming pool and using his limited knowledge of science along with inspiration from a somewhat viral Trend at the time Valentin thought of a way to turn that ordinary pool room into something extraordinary, using dry ice to fill the entire room with steam as dry ice combined with water creates an immediate dense fog, in turn, creating his steam show And so as the party was going on and guests were having a great time, Valentin Decided to reveal the main event and brought all the party goers into the room, giving them gowns and goggles to where before dumping a box full of dry ice into the water. bro. Foreign Instantly, the pool disappears within a cloud of gas, creating the incredible show that both a Katarina and Valentin had dreamed of.
with a Katarina herself pulling out her phone to record the moment and quickly it became apparent that the pool wasn't just for show as Valentin himself suddenly dives into the Mist disappearing within its hidden water you bro. But there was just one problem. The chemical reaction that happens when dry ice and water connects doesn't just cause the formation of mist, it causes the formation of carbon dioxide that is produced in such a highly concentrated form that it appears as fog. meaning that the cloud we are seeing here is made entirely of straight CO2 which in such high concentration is toxic to humans with it causing shortness of breath, eventual asphyxiation.

And though a Katarina's recording shows the group having the time of their lives, no one realized that when that dry ice was placed in the pool, it had in turn placed all of their lives in danger. Making matters worse. Valentin Wanted the show to be as long lasting as possible and in turn order the jars to be closed. What? How concerned? This is right? If they all took like two puffs of air or air, right? I think it was just all passed down, just died there, right? in order to keep that fog inside the small room meaning that there was very little ventilation to filter out this toxic gas us making the levels of CO2 not just very dangerous, but incredibly deadly.

and Valentin had just Dove directly into itself. probably survived that. Come on bro, that is very funny. He would break the surface just one time after this, and although the crowd cheers him on believing he's just splashing around and having some fun at this moment, his lungs were filling with fluid and he was suffocating to death.

As below the water, he was drowning and on its surface he was suffocating, he was trapped. with the only outcome being death. Katarina then turns the camera on herself, revealing another man entering the water as she's laughing and yelling in amusement and behind her all of her friends are seen recording the ordeal, oblivious to the fact that Valentin was now dying at the bottom of the pool. They were far too distracted trying to get the perfect shot for their own social media pages.

In the end, it truly was the spectacle that Valentin and a Katarina had dreamed of. Shortly after the recording had ended, partygoers would finally realize that something was terribly wrong as some began to experience shortness of breath that eventually caused them to pass out, others began to feel sharp pains throughout their body that were eventually learned to be the result of chemical burns. Once the room was finally evacuated, three party goers would be unaccounted for as Natalia Manikova Yuri El Farov and Valentin were left in the foggy room, dead at the bottom of the pool. wait should we jump through what should have been the perfect day for a Katarina had instead ended with her becoming a widow and as off-putting as this video is, many would point to a Katarina's behavior following the incident as even more unusual immediately after the incident occurred.
A Katarina would start her grieving process by posting this video for the world to see and subsequently vlogging her experience at the hospital and documenting the death of her husband. bro Love you! This is not what Cotton Brain is bro of exploiting the death of her husband to gain internet followers with further questions being posed as to why she hadn't considered the deadly effects of dry ice and water as after all she was an expert in the field of science. The scrutiny towards a Katarina became so intense at one point that Russian authorities launched an investigation into her actions, claiming that it may be possible to charge her for causing death by negligence. Though to my knowledge, nothing ever came of this.

Just five whole months after the incident, a Katarina would remarry with those initial posts documenting the death of her first husband, leading to her gaining an additional 500 000 followers. A machine has come to life. a machine with a terrible Secret The real facts about it create a scenario and she just killed people. Yeah! I Get it accidental Maybe She killed him and then she posed a video about them dying him like what the and she continued to be to post videos.

It was a quiet January night in the Uwan Land Finance and Economics. Building Located in Western Taiwan the 16th floor Tower held its fair share of both office spaces and Residences though as the clock reached past midnight, only the building manager would be awake in its Lobby As he settled in for another uneventful night, the silence was suddenly broken by a woman rushing in with a small child. The man didn't recognize her as a resident and given that the offices were closed for the night, he stopped her and questioned why she was there. The woman, however, brushed him off in a hurry, stating that they were only there to meet a friend before entering the elevator and disappearing out of the watch hero.

According to the man, he felt a bad Omen in the air after the encounter and only grew more concerned as the morning arrived and the woman had yet to come down and exit the building. So out of curiosity the manager turned to the building's CCTV footage to determine where the two had gone only to see this: I Don't get it Inside the elevator. the woman begins hitting the button to floor 11 in what seems to be a panic and as the doors closed behind her and her child, she then removes her coat and places it on the ground before doing the same with her kid. When the elevator then reaches their desired floor, She quietly slips off her shoes and exits in a hurry.

It's unusual footage as their behavior just seems slightly off and it's made all the more disturbing due to what they could or couldn't see on the cameras. After that. Upon exiting the elevator, the Parisene walking down the hallway on floor 11 in this grainy footage recaptured by the man's cell phone with the two heading in the general direction of the stairwell which also happened to be the sole entrance to the roof and from there the two aren't seen again. Noting this, the manager immediately began fearing the worst.
Has their bizarre behavior coupled with the route seemingly leading to the roof could only mean one thing, and quickly the police were called for what they believed to be a cleanup job, figuring that the two had jumped off the roof. This belief was further fueled by the woman's actions in the elevator as removing one shoe prior to is apparently a somewhat common thing in Asian countries as they don't want to track dirt into the Afterlife. However, once officers arrived on scene and searched the entire perimeter of the building, there was no sign of the mother and daughter, not even a single trace of blood that they couldn't possibly have jumped. Police would then look through the entirety of the footage and review the positioning of the cameras, only to determine that virtually all exits were covered by the watchful eyes of their CCTV.

If these two had left the building, they would surely have the footage to prove it. Though, while sifting through the entire night, this moment was the last they'd ever be seen on camera. So if they hadn't jumped and if they hadn't left, then they must be somewhere in the building they thought. which led to a full-scale search of the complex with officers going door to door searching every news.

However, while asking around not a single resident had seen the pair that night or even heard them for that matter. And when their initial sweep was concluded, the police would be left empty-handed, only uncovering just a few set of clues. For starters, they would find the clothes and shoes left behind on the elevator, and they would also find the woman's moped which she had driven to the building. They would find a single suitcase found vacant on the top steps leading to the roof.

Police would go on to describe this piece of luggage as suspicious, but never revealed its true contents. In fact, following an initial report, they would never give confirmation as to whether it was involved in this case or not. Either way, it led them to a dead end as they believe these two could not have possibly left that building though at the same time, they clearly weren't there. Multiple times after this, the building would be searched and searched and searched again, even as recently as 2013 when they would go as far as to check the water pipes and even the water tank itself which was inspired by an unfolding case of a similar nature.

Yeah, I've seen across the world I Thought no trace of it I thought that was it I Thought this story was that was inspired by an unfolding case of a similar nature. I've heard about it across the world. That is weird. No trace of the pair was ever discovered.
Immediately after this footage was taken, these two vanished. Into Thin Air Following The Disappearance local news would broadcast the footage where a man named Zhang would come forward stating that this was his wife and four-year-old daughter. The woman's surname was Leo and the pair had four children together. though their relationship was anything but perfect.

multiple reports claim that on that very night, the two had gotten into an argument, with some going as far as to say that Zhang had actually abused her, causing her to leave the home in a hurry, grabbing only their youngest daughter, eldest daughter would go on record stating that Leo had told her that they were going to visit a friend's house just for a few days only. What the is this speculation like chill the out bruh? never return. Despite the significance of discovering the identity of this woman and her daughter, it would ultimately fail to help solve the case as there have been no sightings of these two since this moment, turning this into one child's mysterious well I guess there's like thousands I Guess there's a couple reasons why. let's say if anything, let's say it was like his favorite, that what he wants to get back at him whatever right and she would do that and it should be like that's up.

But yeah, and in the region, three major theories have emerged. First, many locals in the area believe that something otherworldly happened to these two, with one resident at the time stating I think they entered another time in space Oh This belief is actually so strong that even as of just a few years ago, that 11th floor is practically left vacant as the only remaining family on that floor claims that everyone moved out out of fear of the supernatural surrounding the incident. What another long-lasting theory was that the two were still somewhere in the building, having potentially taken their lives or just gotten stuck there and officials believed this for years after the case, assuming that eventually someone would happen upon them. though that day has never come and due to the extreme summer heat in the region, it's likely that the smell alone would have led to their Discovery By now that's true, Which brings us to our third theory that somehow the two had actually managed to leave the building without detection due to the camera positioning in the Hotel.

This seems rather unlikely, but some claim that there is a specific route that potentially could have provided just enough cover for them to avoid all the cameras, but this would have had to have been precise and seemingly deliberate. What makes this so strange though, is that Leo apparently had limited to no knowledge of this building, begging the question how she could navigate in such an efficient manner or why she would want to for that matter. And this is far from the only questions regarding this. like why would she even enter this building to begin with if she was just going to leave and why go to that 11th floor in particular and remove those articles of clothing? Wait? I've had that.
Wait a minute. What? If you want to escape, uh, her husband's grasp or something like that and and get one of the child and live a new life, Then she goes to the top, takes her shoes off, fake faking death, right? She studied all the camera angles. She doesn't live there right? so so they wouldn't think that she would do that. Then she studied all the camera angles all the way, all the footage, all the blueprints, and and fake's death changes country Boom plus one child plus one life.

I've been floor in particular and remove those articles of clothing. And maybe most importantly of all, if she had somehow snuck around those cameras, how would she or her child never been seen again? Nothing about this case makes any sense, and honestly, what happened to these two at this point is anyone's guess as this is practically all the information available on their disappearance. There have been no sightings, no use of their health insurance, no use of their bank accounts, and their daughter's records show that she has never been enrolled to another school. It's almost as if they evaporate did into that cold tonight error.

Part of me hopes that this was all an attempt to flee an abusive relationship, and that somehow this was all just a distraction for these two to escape and start a new life elsewhere. which could explain that supposed friend if they were going to meet, why they shed their coats, and how they managed to sneak out of there in the first place. But things of that nature are easier said than done. And I can't help but get a sinking feeling that they are no longer with us, as surely at some point some trace of them would have appeared by now.

But unfortunately an absolute conclusion is something that perhaps we may never get. Instead, we're simply left with this chilling video which is undoubtedly one of YouTube's darkest. she seems. determined my right ear is lonely.

The celebration was well underway. December 5th 2009 marked the eight year anniversary of the Beloved Lame Horse, a roughly 5 000 square foot nightclub located in Perm. Russia On the evening of the fourth, the club began to fill with partygoers. Keen On joining in on the massive party to commemorate the night, a cameraman and an interviewer would be on scene to document the events of that evening, which they did by first speaking to patrons as they roamed the club getting their thoughts and opinions on the celebration.

The night all seemed to be in good fun and it was only just beginning for most, with the party set to go all throughout the night. and as the recording continues, it's clear that the club had big plans to bring in this new year. Following the interviews, the footage shows us a view of the Dance Floor which was occupied by a group of performers who had been hired to energize the crowd and further build the hype of the night. The organizers had even hired an MC for the evening whose job was to keep the party alive.
By this point, over 300 people had made their way into the building as the MC continues The Show By joking around with two young women who were clearly guests of the bar, with the cameraman fixing his lens on the three as the crowd watches on in amusement. It's at this exact moment that the camera unintentionally catches something far more interesting, something that could easily be missed as it seemed so unimportant in the moment. While everyone's eyes are fixed forward at the show before them, this woman standing on the far right of the camera, barely occupying a sliver of the frame, casually turns her head, only for her eyes to lock onto something behind her and noticing the woman's bizarre reaction, the cameraman follows her lead and turns the camera in the same direction, revealing this is unbeknownst to pretty much everyone in the club at that time, A spark from the show's pyrotechnics had made contact with the club's ceiling, which was covered in decorative twigs for the party, and within a split second a fire would erupt. The initial shock caused many to freeze in place for precious seconds, unable to comprehend what exactly was happening.

And it wasn't until the MC the same one in charge of keeping that party alive began to shout, ladies and gentlemen, guests of the club, We are on Fire Please leave the hall that the patrons would finally unfreeze. Foreign. Following this announcement, the crowd flew into a panic, desperately making their way to the exit, which is where the first fatal issue arose. The club supposedly had two exits, one through the front door and the other located behind the stage.

However, that second exit had no signs indicating where it was, meaning that practically no one in the room broke that it was even there. Because of this, most of the patrons began pushing towards that one main exit that's cooked. Upon making his way into the hallway, the cameraman reveals the exit and in turn, another devastating issue in order to control the crowd going into the venue. Earlier that night, one of the two doors at the front entrance was locked, meaning that this small opening was the only means of Escape for the 300 plus people trapped inside.

And to make matters worse, by this point, the entire venue was now shrouded in Smoke as incredible. Scary Yeah! As so many people were attempting to fit through that small exit, they became stuck causing a log. Jam and in turn a human crush and the more people desperately tried to push through that door, the more jammed it became. Meanwhile, those still trapped on the Dance Floor were left hopelessly lost in that impenetrable smoke.
and within the mob of people rushing towards that exit, the camera suddenly goes dark before shutting off completely as a learning thing. What Do this happens? It's for smoking. You didn't know where to go? What? What do you do? Best thing you can do. Wow.

There's one point the camera man along with multiple others were able to squeeze their way out of the exit as evident when the camera begins to record sometime later, this time in the middle of the road revealing hints of the Havoc that was occurring both inside and outside of the club. But tragically, this is where one last fatal Factor was added to the equation, which was highlighted by a quote from a Survivor and one of the very first people to escape the club after I Got out, there were no firemen or emergency services for about 20 minutes. Nobody at all. There were only two ambulances altogether.

They managed to take six or seven men and left. No more ambulance cars arrived at least I Saw none Firemen had pulled out a number of people by then half clothed. They were simply laid out on the cold asphalt. Nobody cared for them.

People were lying on the ground for about an hour and a half. definitely for no less than an hour. It could be that many of them died because of this because of the cold. It was 16 degrees below zero.

Outdoors and what has since been heavily criticized and rightfully so, the Emergency Response Team only fueled the intensity of This Disaster as many of those trapped inside were left to their own devices and those who were rescued were laid out on the street with severe injuries and most of their clothes burned off. forced to lie there unable to move for over an hour in the freezing cold. So known how many deaths were caused by this alone, but if these first-hand accounts are to be believed, it's likely that many were not only at the venue itself failed these victims, but the emergency response team had as well. Ultimately, 101 people would die on the scene that day, and an additional 55 perished later in the hospital, with a catastrophe amassing a death toll of 156 total people, making it the deadliest fire in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union The footage from that night, taken before, during, and after the event truly account for some of the most disturbing on the site, but two moments in particular have always stuck in my mind, the first being that initial stunned reaction from a lady just off screen as she had noticed what was transpiring before anyone else, and the other being that first reveal of the small fire on the ceiling that would so quickly and so savagely engulf the entire building and claim Alliance of so many.

But the thing is just saying, not right now, you are you, but this guy I Wanted to briefly mention that I have brand new patreon tiers and now for just three dollars a month, that was a good document. I I I I I Enjoyed this because I think this storytelling is pretty decent because he has so limited limited footage that he has to do pretty good with it. yo. this is X x on the video Anyone knows that boy I don't know.
he's just so sorry anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so soy.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Youtube’s darkest videos 4 xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Jay I. Villorente says:

    this guy knows how to prewatch videos

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XmolPrince says:

    They went into the backrooms

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Are people in chat that brain dead, Actually Spreading false information Sadge

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lizardki115 Alt says:

    What if they were murdered by the so called "friend" in the building, or possibly the so called "friend" found a way to get them out of the building without being detected so they could start a new life like by using a couple of suit cases or boxes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zz K A R M A zZ says:

    Xqc and his chat really think a sinkhole is delta p?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrokenPandaPaws _ says:

    A lot of times killers wont reveal the location of the body because if they're claiming to be innocent, revealing the location of the body would prove their guilt

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zreaper says:

    the woman and child went up to the roof and then logged out

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik says:

    This is not a reaction anymore, just someone making sure the video is not TOS. Boring af

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ivox says:

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XABY says:

    You have to watch youtube 666

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PLUTO RAMBO says:

    Reacting to these videos is a depression speedrun. unbearable to watch. Yes I'm video complaining.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sheerboredom says:

    The freestyle murderer looks like idubbz when he grabbed the mic

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rose says:

    Might be a asylum attendee, but im pretty sure he's watched all of these already

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drama Soldier says:

    He should put light reflective eyes on the silhouette behind him when watching those videos

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